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Math Lesson Plan: 2D & 3D Shapes

Lesson Plan
Date: 25TH Nov. 2019
Year Level:8 B
Subject: Mathematics
Unit:2D shapes & 3D
Teacher: Ms. Pooja
Standards Alignment
Standard(s): know the formulae to find out the area and volume of different shapes.
Apply the formulas to find out the surface area and volume of shapes like cubes, cuboid, prisms etc.
Find out volume of different prisms from area of the cross-section.
Lesson Objective(s): I can find out the surface area and volume of different 3D shapes.
Skills Development: Using methods of finding areas of 2D shapes in different 3D shapes.
- Interpreting and constructing 3D shapes from 2D.
Instruction (breakdown timings)
Questions for Critical Thinking:
1. Where would you use surface area in real life?
2. Where would you use volume in real life? What are the examples?
3. What household items are cylinders?
4. How does surface area and volume relate?
Introduction / Lesson Starter [ 15 min]
Introduction about the different 3D shapes and methods to find out their surface area and volume.
- Methods to create 3D shapes from different 2D shapes.
Main Activity
-student work related to finding area and volume 3D shapes in notebooks
- Discussion of critical thinking questions related to the topic
- Application of 2D in 3D
- Worksheet related to 3D shapes
Evidence of Differentiation:
Modifications (Low Readiness)
Extension (High Readiness)
Differentiation in product
Different worksheets for low-readiness
students. Will solve problems related to surface
High-readiness students will solve problems related
area and volume only for simple shapes.
to composite shapes also.
F – informal observation and discussion
- Students submit completed product for verification
Homework / Practice: Revise 2D and 3D shapes for unit test.