ww w. What does a Lotka-Volterra model of mutualism predict will happen to the population sizes ofox two species interacting mutualistically? Assume there is no strong intraspecific or interspecific dia .c competition, predation, or diminishing returns to mutualism as these populations grow. om A. Both populations will stop growing when they reach their carrying capacities B. Both populations will decline to zero C. Only one species will persist at equilibrium D. Both populations will keep growing larger forever Darwin’s orchid, Angraecum sesquipedale, has a very long nectar spur, which is a kind of floral tube that contains sugar-rich nectar. This orchid is pollinated by a moth, Xanthopan morganii praedicta, with a very long proboscis, or sucking mouthpart. If, over time, the moth’s proboscis Do increases in length, while the orchid’s nectar spur stays the wnsame length, what would happen to lo orchid pollination in this system? ad e A. The moth would be a better pollinator for the orchid rID B. The moth would be a worse pollinator for the orchid 440 01 C. There would be no change in the quality of the moth as a pollinator for the orchid D. The orchid would receive more pollination from other insects The following figure shows the Theory of Island Biogeography. The solid line shows the rate at which new species colonize an island and the dashed line shows the rate at which new species go extinct from an island. Based on this figure, which of the following is TRUE when there are 75 species on the island? It em ID 25 45 9 A. New species are arriving on the island faster than species are going extinct on the island B. The number of species on the island is at equilibrium C. In situ speciation is adding new species to the island D. The number of species on the island will decline until it reaches the equilibrium number of species www.oxdia.com ww w. 59 254 Ite m ID: If the pikas at Andy Smith’s research site in Bodie, California could no longer disperse amongox di patches, over time, we would expect pika patch occupancy to: a. A. Increase slowly co m B. Increase quickly C. Decrease D. Stay the same It em ID : 25 45 9 Item Item The SimUText Population Growth chapter describes a meta-population of Tiger salamanders that live in small pools of water. If humans build roads that make it harder for the salamanders to move among pools, which of the following quantities in the Levins’ patch occupancy model would be affected? Do I. Overall extinction rate, eP wn l II. Overall colonization rate, cP(1-P) oad er III. Equilibrium patch occupancy, 1 - e/c ID 44 A. i, ii 00 1 B. ii only C. iii only D. ii, iii ID: 2545 9 Ite m ID: 254 59 Downloader ID: 44001 Dow nlo ade r ID: 440 Do wn lo ad er ID : 44 00 1 01 Which of the following is NOT an example of an indirect effect? A. The effect of lizards on seagrape shrubs on the Caribbean islands studied by Spiller and Schoener B. The effect of herbivorous beetles on seagrape shrubs on the Caribbean islands studied by Spiller and Schoener It em C. The effect of parasitoids on plants in the parasitoid-herbivore-plant network from ID Costa Rica 25 D. Scramble competition 459 Do wn lo ad er ID : 44 00 1 Imagine you are studying a simple artificial ecological community in the lab that has three trophic levels: plants, aphids that eat plant sap, and ladybugs that eat aphids. If you add more aphids to the community and observe that the number of ladybugs increases, this is an example of: A. Top-down control B. Bottom-up control C. The Green World Hypothesis D. A trophic cascade 44001 ader ID: Downlo www.oxdia.com ID: 25459 ww w. ox Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between trophic level (x-axis) and di the amount of biomass in a trophic level (y-axis)? a .c om Do wn A. B. C. D. Graph a Graph b Graph c Graph d lo ad e rI D 44 00 1 Downloader ID: 44001 If American pikas were better able to acclimate to warming temperatures, this would: A. Increase their risk of extinction B. Decrease their elevational range C. Help them persist at low elevations D. Improve their timing of coat colour change It em Which of the following environmental problems is less of a concern now than when the first ID 2 World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity was published in 1992? 54 59 A. Ozone depletion B. Global warming C. Deforestation D. Biodiversity loss Dow nlo r ID: ade 440 01 If there was greater phenotypic plasticity in the timing of snowshoe hare coat colour change, which of the following would increase? A. The number of snowshoe hares that are brown when there is snow on the ground B. The number of snowshoe hares eaten by predators C. The number of snowshoe hares that are white when there is no snow on the ground D. The geometric growth rate ( ) of snowshoe hares under global warming er ad wn lo Do : ID 1 00 44 www.oxdia.com It em 9 ww w. The main finding of the article by Rosenberg and colleagues entitled “Decline of the North American avifauna” (2019 in Science) is: A. Numerous North American bird species have gone extinct since 1970 B. Wetland birds have declined in abundance since 1970 C. Birds no longer migrate at night across the continental United States and Canada D. Hundreds of bird species have declined in population size since 1970 load er ID: 4400 1 ox di a .c om Item ID: 25459 59 m ID: 254 Ite Which of the following is NOT a feature of the study of macroevolution: A. Mechanisms of change within populations B. Relationships among species or groups of species C. Trends in extinction and speciation rates D D. Patterns of diversification in the fossil recordown lo ad e 1 00 : 44 ID er ad lo wn Do rI D em It Weeds often evolve resistance to the herbicides used to control them. 4Which of the following 40 01 mechanisms is LEAST LIKELY to contribute: A. Genetic variation in susceptibility to herbicides B. Mutations in the pathways targeted by herbicides C. Natural selection favoring resistant weeds D. Acclimation of individual plants to spraying which is acquired from the environment and is transmitted to their offspring : ID 9 45 25 ID : 9 45 25 em It 1 44 00 ID : Consider the phylogeny depicted below: Item ID: 2545 9 Item ID: 25459 25 45 9 It em ID : 25 45 9 It em ID : ID 45 25 9 Which of the following statements is FALSE about the relationships depicted? A. Node 2 is the common ancestor of Species C, D, and E B. The tree depicts at least four speciation events C. Fossils close in time to Node 3 will give us clues about the traits and features of the common ancestor to Species B, C, D, and E. D. Species A is more closely related to Species B than Species A is related to Species E. 01 r ID: 440 em It ade nlo Dow 9 45 25 : ID em It 1 : ID er ad lo wn em ID : 25 45 9 Do It 1 00 44 : ID er ad lo wn Do 440 01 www.oxdia.com ID: 59 er 254 lo ad m ID: wn Ite Do 25 45 Down ID : 44 00 ader ID: 44001 ww w. ox Lamarck argued that _____ is the causal mechanism of evolution, which was disproved by ____ di A. the simplest forms being continuously and constantly generated; Malthus a. B. the heritability of acquired characteristics; Weisman co m C. c) the use and disuse of traits resulting in phenotypic change; Lyell D. d) the great chain of being; Paley It em ID : 25 45 9 Which of the following is NOT an important feature of Darwinian evolution A. Individuals evolve and transmit these changes to their offspring B. Offspring resemble their parents C. The environment determines which individuals survive and reproduce the most D. Evolution does not achieve perfection, because it is limited to the variation available Do wn lo ad e Item ID: 25459 rI resistance, even though this A mutation is present in a bacterial population that confers antibiotic D 44 population has never been treated with antibiotics. Which of the following 00 statements are MOST 1 LIKELY to be INCORRECT about this situation: A. Mutations such as this are an inevitable consequence of errors in DNA replication B. If having this mutation decreases the survival of the individuals with it, we expect it to decline in frequency C. Mutations like this occur because they might be beneficial in the future, in case antibiotics are used D. This mutation is more likely to be in the first or second position of a codon wn Do er ad lo : ID : ID 44 1 00 www.oxdia.com : ID Do wn er ad lo 1 00 44 1 er ad Which of the following was NOT one of the lessons Darwin learned from his studies of domestication? A. Artificial selection could be used as an analogy for the action of natural selection B. Most species contained lots of phenotypic and genetic variation C. Selection could produce rapid and dramatic changes in the appearance of organisms D. Most domesticated species suffer from inbreeding depression 00 44 lo wn Do Which of the following is NOT part of the explanation for why we see vestigial traits? It ematrophy A. Lack of use and I B. Organs and featuresD are 25 costly to produce 45 features in environments where they are not needed, but C. Natural selection reduces 9 rarely eliminates them entirely D. Common descent means that organisms inherit features that might have been useful to their ancestors, but are no longer useful ww w. This table from Coyne lists the species that tend to be native or missing from oceanic islands. Why is this pattern observed? .c om 45 25 : ID em 254 Ite m ID: It Do wn 9 ID: 44001 59 Downloader ox di a lo ad e A. Small insects, plants, and birds are more tolerant to the rIdifficult environment of D oceanic islands 44 00 B. Land mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and freshwater fish species 1 are more prone to extinction in general C. Plants and animals on oceanic islands are most similar to those on the nearest mainland. The missing species are less likely to be found in coastal areas D. Plant seeds, insects, and birds are more able to reach islands from the mainland than land mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and freshwater fish Do Which of the following is NOT a genetic force that leads to increased genetic variation? A. Independent assortment It B. Recombination em ID C. Germ line mutations 2 D. Somatic mutations 545 wn lo ad er ID : 44 00 1 9 Stinchcombe and Lecture TA Bianca Sacchi are having a disagreement over the genetics of plumage coloration in magical eagles. Your Lecture TA argues for complex, continuous genetic variation, while your professor is arguing for discrete, mendelian genetic variation. Which piece of data conclusively shows that your Lecture TA is correct and your professor is mistaken? A. An environmental, dietary influence on coloration B. Plumage coloration mutations being in the 1st position of codons C. Individuals heterozygous for plumage coloration genes transmit 50% dark alleles and 50% light alleles to their offspring D. Visible differences in plumage coloration that can be detected without DNA sequencing 9 Item ID: 2545 : 25 45 9 ID em It www.oxdia.com ww w. ox The graph below shows the distribution of fitness effects of mutations in yeast. Which statement di is LEAST supported by the data? a .c om ade nlo Dow Do r ID: wn There are very few mutations that lead to intermediate fitness values lo a The fitness effect of mutations in this experiment appears bimodal de rI Most mutations are mildly deleterious D 44 Beneficial mutations occur 30% of the time 00 1 Based on what you learned in Lab 1, what explains why these four insect orders – beetles (Coleoptera), true flies (Diptera), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), and bees, ants and wasps (Hymenoptera) – are the most diverse and abundant insect orders? A. These insects can all act as pollinators and co-evolve with plants. B. These insects exhibit incomplete metamorphosis, which requires less energy for growth and development than complete metamorphosis. C. These insects exhibit complete metamorphosis, which means their juvenile stages do notIcompete for the same resources as the adult stages. te mI complete metamorphosis, which means their juvenile and adult D. These insects exhibit D stages have different 2predators and therefore less predation overall. 5 45 9 In Lab 2, you measured the leaf thickness of Impatiens plants grown in the sun and shade. Imagine that you took these sun and shade Impatiens plants and grew them outdoors in a shady garden. Which of the following outcomes is MOST likely to occur? A. The offspring of the sun plants will have thick leaves and the offspring of the shade plants will have thin leaves. B. After four weeks in the shady garden, the sun plants will have thick leaves and the shade plants will have thin leaves. C. After four weeks in the shady garden, both the sun plants and the shade plants will have thin leaves. D. Only the shade plants will evolve thinner leaves. www.oxdia.com 01 440 A. B. C. D. 45 : ID em It 25 9 ww w. The Brandt and Mahsberg article looked at how the dustcoat and backpack affects predation onox a reduviid bug. They used three groups of bugs: bugs with a dustcoat only (dustcoat bugs), bugs dia .c with a dustcoat and backpack (backpack bugs), and bugs with neither a dust coat nor backpack om (naked bugs). They then placed individual bugs into an arena with a predator and measured the survival time of the bug. Which of the following results does NOT reject the null hypothesis of this experiment? I. Naked nymphs had longer survival time than dustcoat bugs and backpack bugs. II. There was no significant difference in survival time between the three groups of bugs. III. The backpack bugs had longer survival time than the dustcoat bugs and the naked bugs. Do IV. The dustcoat bugs had longer survival wn time than the backpack bugs and lo the naked bugs. ad er A. ii only ID 44 B. i and ii 00 1 C. i, ii and iv D. ii and iv Downloa Ite m ID: 254 59 44001 der ID: em It : ID 45 25 9 lo wn Do ad er ID : Dow nlo ade r ID: 440 01 Ite m ID: 254 59 1 00 44 It em ID 25 45 9 254 59 Do wn lo ad er ID : 44 00 1 Ite m ID: www.oxdia.com ww w. Short Answer Questions ox di a Imagine you are an ecologist studying a new type of cleaner fish that has recently arrived at several reefs. You are unsure whether the new fish species is a cleaner fish, so you compare the number of gnathid parasites on client fish between reefs with and without this new fish species. (a) What result would be good evidence that this new cleaner fish benefits client fish? (b) If the new fish species is a cleaner fish, how would its arrival at a reef change the number of other fish species at the reef? Do wn lo ad er ID : 44 00 1 (a) 1 pt for explaining that good evidence that this new fish species benefits client fish would be finding that reefs without the new fish species have client fish with more parasites/gnathids than reefs with the new fish species Do (b) 1 pt for explaining that the arrival of a new cleaner wn fish should increase the species lo diversity of other fish species at the reef ad er ID 44 00 1 Prof. Frederickson showed you this food chain in lecture. (a) How would removing large sharks affect the abundance of copepods? (b) Is this an example of a direct or an indirect effect? Explain your answer (a) 1 pt for explaining that removing large sharks should increase the abundance of copepods It em (b) 0.5 pt for stating this is an example of an indirect effect ID 0.52pt for explaining why this is an indirect effect (any 1 one of 54 59 the following): If sharks ate copepods it would be a direct effect but they don’t so it is an indirect effect it involves more than 2 trophic levels interactions between 2 species affects a third species Do wn lo ad er ID : 44 00 1 9 45 25 : ID em It www.oxdia.com .c om ww w. ox di a (a) Why do plants make alkaloids like caffeine and nicotine? (b) According to the Green World Hypothesis, if plants did not make secondary compounds like caffeine and nicotine, would the world still be green? Briefly explain why or why not (a) 1 pt for explaining that plants evolved to make alkaloids like caffeine and nicotine as a defense against herbivores (b) 0.5 pt for stating that yes, according to the Green World Hypothesis, the world would still be green even if plants did not make secondary compounds like caffeine and nicotine 0.5 for saying the world would still be green because the Green World Hypothesis predicts that plant biomass is high because herbivores are kept in check by predators (not because plants are well defended against herbivores) Do wn l oa Malthus’s writings were heavily influential for Darwin and Wallace. de rI (a) Describe the key feature of Malthus’ argument D 44 by Malthus’ argument (b) Name the concept of Darwin and Wallace’s theory that was inspired 00 1 (a) Populations grow quickly (geometric or exponential growth) and resources grow less quickly (arithmetically) (0.5 point) As a consequence, more individuals are born than survive or reproduce/ there is a struggle for existence (0.5 point) (b) 1 point for naming: Natural selection/ Survival of the fitter (fittest) For your honours thesis, you make a cross between individuals of magical dragons of different colours. You find that colour in the F2 generation falls into three discrete categories. Name two things you can conclude about the genetics of dragon coloration. I em 1 point for stating it is a tMendelian/qualitative/discrete/discontinuous trait, or a trait ID controlled by one locus 25 45 1 point for stating it is co-dominant/partial dominance/incomplete dominance 9 For your PhD, you decide to study the fossil record of magical dragons by sampling many localities where they are predicted to occur. Name two predictions about the similarity and geographical distribution of dragon fossils that would be INCONSISTENT with Darwin’s idea of descent with modification. 1 point for: if fossils that are more similar to the current day dragons were found in older strata 1 point for: if the fossils of similar dragons were not found in the same localities or regions Note: all answers received 2 points for this question www.oxdia.com Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) .c om