See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A PRIMER TO TRANSFORMERS AND COUPLED INDUCTORS MODELING Technical Report · March 2007 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17208.57600 CITATIONS READS 0 1,446 1 author: Claudio Adragna STMicroelectronics 64 PUBLICATIONS 776 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Claudio Adragna on 18 September 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. APPLICATION NOTE Preliminary A PRIMER TO TRANSFORMERS AND COUPLED INDUCTORS MODELING by C. Adragna This application note brushes up the basic concepts related to electrical modeling of transformers and coupled inductors. Measurement techniques, which are vital for a successful implementation of these magnetic devices, are reviewed as well. Coupled inductors and transformers A system of coupled inductors is a set of coils that share one or more common magnetic paths because of their proximity. In such systems, magnetic flux changes in any one coil will not only induce a voltage across that coil by self-induction, but also across the others by mutual induction. Accurate descriptions of coupled inductors use the reluctance model approach and its derivations, which closely represent the physical structure of the magnetic element. This approach is especially useful when dealing with complex magnetic structures, which is not our case. Hence, we will follow a simpler way based on the examination of the terminal equations describing the electrical behavior of the magnetic structure. From the electrical standpoint, a system of m coupled inductors, will be defined by m coefficients of selfinductance, which relate the voltage across any inductor to the rate of change of current through the same inductor, and m·(m-1) coefficients of mutual inductance, equal in two by two, relating the voltage induced across any inductor to the rate of change of current in each other inductor. In general, a system of m coupled inductors will be identified m·(m+1)/2 total coefficients. Considering the important practical case of coupled inductors wound on the same core of magnetic material, each inductor is commonly termed “winding”. Limiting our attention to the case m=2, a system of two coupled inductors (which will be designated as the primary and the secondary winding) is a linear, time-independent two-port circuit described by the following branch-constitutive equations, derived from Faraday’s law: v1(t) L M d i1(t) , = 1 v 2 (t) M L 2 dt i 2 (t) (1) where L1 is the self-inductance of the primary winding made up of N1 turns, L2 is the self-inductance of the secondary winding made up of N2 turns and M is their mutual inductance. Winding resistance is assumed to be negligible. Unlike L1 and L2, which are inherently positive, M can be either positive or negative, depending on the voltage polarity of the windings relative to one another: a positive rate of change of the current in one winding can induce a voltage either positive or negative in the other winding. As shown in figure 1, this is indicated by dot notation, which follows three important rules: 1. Voltages induced in any winding due to mutual flux changes have the same polarity at dotted terminals. 2. Positive currents flowing into the dotted terminals produce aiding magnetic fluxes. 3. If one winding is open-circuited and the current flowing into the dotted terminal of the other winding has a positive rate of change, the voltage induced in the open winding will be positive at the dotted terminal. Based on rule 1 and on the sign convention of the terminal voltages and currents of two-port circuits, it is easy to see that for the coupled inductors in figure 1 on the left-and side it is M>0, while for those on the right-and side it is M<0. The mutual inductance M cannot be assigned arbitrarily but must fulfill the inequality: M ≤ March 2007 L1 L 2 . 1/12 APPLICATION NOTE Figure 1. Coupled inductors. M M i1(t) v1(t) i1(t) i2(t) L1 L2 v2(t) v1(t) i2(t) L1 M>0 The case M = L2 v2(t) M<0 L1 L 2 is that of perfectly coupled inductors, that is when the magnetic flux generated by either winding is totally linked to the other. However, in real-world systems there is always some flux linking one winding but not the other or not completely linking the winding itself, e.g. because it “leaks” into the surrounding air; hence it is possible to write: M=k L1 L 2 ; (2) k, which lies in the range -1≤k≤1 is the so-called coupling coefficient. For simplicity, from now on we will neglect winding polarity and assume M>0 (and 0≤k≤1) always, being obvious the extension to the case M<0. The coupling coefficient is not a mere mathematical entity but is a measure of the degree of magnetic coupling between the windings. Consistently with the definition of self-inductance Lj of the j-th winding as the ratio of the magnetic flux Φj linked to all its Nj turns (flux linkage) to the current ij flowing in that winding: Lj = Nj ⋅Φ j ij , (j = 1,2) (3) the mutual inductance M of the two windings can be defined as: M= N 2 Φ 21 N1 Φ 12 = , i1 i2 (4) where Φ21 is the magnetic flux linking the secondary winding due to the current i1 of the primary winding and Φ12 is the magnetic flux linking the primary winding due to the current i2 of the secondary winding. These mutual fluxes can be expressed as: Φ 21 = k 1 Φ 1 Φ 12 = k 2 Φ 2 ; then k1 represents the portion of the flux generated by the first winding linking the secondary winding and k2 the portion of the flux generated by the second winding linking the first winding. Obviously, both k1 and k2 are less than unity but note that, in general, k1 ≠ k2: fluxes do not necessarily link windings symmetrically to one another. Based on the above definitions, it is possible to write: M= N1 Φ 12 N1 k 2 Φ 2 N 2 N1 k 2 Φ 2 N1 = = = k2 L2 i2 i2 N2 i2 N2 (5a) and similarly: M= N2 k 1 L1 ; N1 (5b) multiplication of these two relationships yields: M2 = k 1 k 2 L1 L 2 M= k1 k 2 L1 L 2 , By comparing this result with (2), it is possible to state that k is the geometric mean of k1 and k2: k= k 1 k 2 . (5c) 2/12 APPLICATION NOTE Additionally, equating (5a) and (5b): M= N1 N k 2 L 2 = 2 k 1 L1 N2 N1 2 k 1 N1 L 2 . (6) = k 2 N 2 L 1 In case of symmetrical magnetic coupling k1 = k2 = k, then k1/k2 = 1. Thereby, (6) can be used to determine experimentally the degree of symmetry of magnetic coupling in a system of coupled inductors. Transformers are composed of two (or more) windings that share a common magnetic path just like coupled inductors and, as physical objects, they look very much like coupled inductors. Additionally, since the same induction phenomena governed by Faraday’s law seen in coupled inductors take place in transformers as well, it is expected that they can be described from the electrical point of view by the same type of terminal equations (1). Despite this analogy, however, transformers and coupled inductors work in a substantially different way. To better understand differences and similarities, it is useful to start from the concept of “ideal transformer”. From the electrical standpoint it is a lossless device “transparent to power”, which means that the power it outputs equals the power entering its input port; just the output power parameters, voltage and current, may be different from those of the input. If v1(t) i1(t) are the input power parameters and v2(t) i2(t) the output power parameters, consistently with the sign convention of the terminal voltages and currents of two-port circuits, such a device can then be described by the fundamental relationship: v1(t) i1(t) = -v2(t) i2(t). (7) Equation (7), however, does not uniquely identify the device: in fact it does not provide information on how the parameters of power are changed when going from the input to the output. Introducing a real positive number n, equation (7) can be expanded in two equivalent equations: v 2 (t) =n v1(t) ; i 2 (t) 1 = , i1(t) n (8) which now completely identify the device (it would make no difference defining n = v1(t) / v2(t)). Assuming that n = N2/N1, the device described by (8) can be represented by the two coupled inductors shown in figure 2. Examining the properties of the ideal transformer it is possible to derive the characteristics of these coupled inductors that, as such, should be described by equations like (1). In such a device, if a voltage v1(t) is applied to the primary winding, a voltage v2(t) = N2/N1 v1(t) will appear on the secondary winding. If this is open, i.e. i2(t) = 0, the primary current i1(t) will be zero as well. Since the terminal equations hold because of the magnetic flux linking the two windings, this means that there must be flux in the magnetic core even with no circulating current. It is possible to deduce from (3) and (4) that L1, L2 and M must tend to infinity to allow that. Therefore, it is possible to say that the two coupled inductors of figure are still represented by equations (1), although in a degenerate form. For L1, L2 and M to be infinite, the permeability of the magnetic material of the core must tend to infinity as well, so that the reluctance of the magnetic path is zero. Such a material is lossless and does not require energy to be magnetized; this is consistent with (7). Note also that the first of (8) requires that flux linkage be the same for both windings, i.e. that there is no leakage flux (it could not be otherwise with a material having infinite permeability). Then there is no energy stored in an ideal transformer. Figure 2. Ideal transformer. i1(t) N1 N2 i2(t) i1(t)⋅ N1 + i2(t)⋅ N2 = 0 v1(t) v2(t) v1(t) N1 = v2(t) N2 3/12 APPLICATION NOTE Before going any further, it is worthwhile reminding another interesting property of ideal transformers that will be useful for future considerations. Dividing side by side the two equations (8) it is possible to find: v1(t) 1 v 2 (t) = i1(t) n 2 i 2 (t) Then, if an impedance Z2 is connected across the secondary winding (which defines the ratio v2(t) / i2(t)), the impedance Z2 as seen from the primary side becomes Z1: Z1 = v 1( t ) 1 = Z 2 . (9) i1( t ) n 2 Of course, this property is symmetrical, i.e. (9) still applies and provides Z2 if Z1 is assigned. Impedances can be transferred from one side to the other of an ideal transformer multiplying or dividing their value by n2. Going to real-world transformers, the magnetic material used for the core has a finite permeability, the magnetic path has non-zero reluctance and some energy is required to magnetize the material. Consequently, (7) and the second of (8) are no longer true and some of the input current i1(t) is used to provide the energy necessary to magnetize the magnetic material. This component is called magnetizing current and flows on the primary side even with the secondary side open. To account for that, in the schematic of figure 2 we need to consider an inductor LM, called magnetizing inductance, in parallel to the primary winding of the ideal transformer. Additionally, the first of (8) is no longer true either: the finite permeability causes a non-zero leakage flux that develops in air and makes flux linkage different for the two windings. To account for that, in the schematic of figure 2 we need to consider two extra inductors Ll1, Ll2, called leakage inductances, connected in series to the ideal transformer. Additional energy is stored in these inductances. Note that, on the primary side, the leakage inductance Ll1 must be placed upstream the magnetizing inductance LM for consistency with the physical models. The resulting schematic of the “real transformer”, shown in figure 3, is often referred to as π-model. Its terminal equations will be again (1), where L1, L2 and M now have finite values; the relationships (2) to (6) as well as the related concepts will obviously apply too. Figure 3. Real transformer (losses are not considered). i1(t) Ll1 N1 N2 Ll2 i2(t) iM(t) v1(t) LM v2(t) ideal Finally, note that relationships (7) and (8) hold however vj (t) and ij(t) (j=1,2) change in time, then even if they do not change at all, i.e. they are dc quantities. An ideal transformer can then work also in dc, whereas a real transformer cannot. The magnetizing inductance of figure 3 accounts for that as well: as the frequency of v1(t) is reduced, the impedance of LM becomes lower and lower and tends to short out the ideal transformer and cut off the primary-to-secondary energy transfer. From the above discussion it is possible to state the fundamental difference between coupled inductors and transformers: while coupled inductors are energy storage devices (under magnetic field form), just like simple inductors or capacitors (under electrical field form), transformers are coupling devices assigned to transfer power instantaneously from a source to a load where energy storage is an unwanted side-effect, a nonideality that normally should be kept as limited as possible. In terms of parameter values, for the same winding current capability, in transformers the values of L1, L2 and M (infinite if the transformer was ideal) will typically be much higher than in coupled inductors. As previously said, coupled inductors and transformers look very much like to one another, to the point that it is sometimes impossible to understand by simple external inspection if a device is a coupled inductor or a transformer; however, their different functions and parameter values have a major impact on they way the two types of device are built. 4/12 APPLICATION NOTE The essential point is that in all magnetic materials the magnetic flux density, or induction, (B) increases proportionally to the magneto-motive force (i.e. to the magnetizing current) until it reaches a value called saturation flux density (Bsat); from that point on, any further increase in magnetizing current will not increase significantly the flux density any more. In the linear region, the ratio of flux density to the magnetizing current is proportional to the permeability µ of the material. This means that in high permeability materials the magnetizing current needed to reach the saturation flux density can be even very low. In terms of energy, it is possible to say there is a maximum energy level that can be stored in the magnetic core before the material saturates. Cores made of high permeability materials then have a limited energy storage capability. While this is not usually a problem in transformers, where energy storage is incidental, to make a coupled inductor capable of storing energy core’s storage capability must be considerably increased. To do so it is customary to add a small region of non-magnetic material, like air, in the magnetic path; non-magnetic materials do not saturate, have low permeability and then high energy storage capability. This region of nonmagnetic material is essentially the air gap that is usually introduced in all inductors to make them able to carry the desired current without saturating. The above mentioned differences between coupled inductors and transformers are reflected also in the core saturation mechanism: in both cases saturation will occur when the magnetic core is not able to store any more energy, however, while inductors saturate because their winding currents are too large, transformer saturate when the magnetizing current only (related to the volt·second across LM) is too large, and this is totally unrelated to the winding currents. Paradoxically, a transformer can saturate with the secondary open and be away from saturation with the secondary winding shorted. The model of figure 3 can give useful information on what happens in case the magnetic core saturates. The leakage inductances Ll1 and Ll2 are relevant to magnetic flux that is located mostly in air, hence they do not saturate and their value can be considered constant; the non linear element of the circuit is LM, which is associated to the magnetic flux that flows mostly through the magnetic core and thus is affected by the nonlinearity typical of magnetic materials. If the flux density exceeds the saturation level Bsat, LM will tend to a much lower value and shunt the ideal transformer, so that, essentially, only Ll1 and Ll2 will be visible from the terminals. Moreover, the input to the ideal transformer will be very small, thus the windings will be as nearly completely decoupled and energy transfer will be drastically limited. Electrical equivalent circuit models of two-winding coupled inductors and transformers We have seen that coupled inductors and transformers can be represented by the same branch-constitutive equations (1), although with parameter values that are considerably different. It is often useful to represent a system of coupled inductors with the same equivalent circuit seen for a real transformer. Considering a two-winding coupled inductor or transformer, this equivalent circuit is shown in figure 4 on the right-hand side. It is not difficult to show that the branch-constitutive equations of the circuit are the following: v1(t) Lµ + La a Lµ a Lµ a 2L µ + L b = v 2 (t) d dt i1(t) . (10) i 2 (t) Figure 4. Electrical equivalent circuit models of coupled inductors and transformers. M i1(t) i2(t) i1(t) La i1'(t) 1: a i2'(t) Lb i2(t) iµ (t) v1(t) L1 L2 v2(t) v1(t) Lµ v1'(t) v2'(t) v2(t) ideal Note that in figure 4 the ideal transformer has a turn ratio 1:a. It might be a:1 indifferently, in which case in all the following formulae the turn ratio should be replaced by its reciprocal, leaving everything else unchanged. 5/12 APPLICATION NOTE By comparing (10) to (1) it is possible to find the following relationships: L1 = L µ + L a M = a Lµ L = a2L +L µ b 2 M L a = L1 − L µ L a = L1 − a M M Lµ = Lµ = a a 2 Lb = L 2 − a Lµ Lb = L 2 − a M . (11) It is important to notice that the model (10) and the resulting relationships (11) use four parameters (Lµ, La, Lb, a), but equations (1) show that three parameters only (L1, L2, M) are needed to completely define the circuit. This means that one of the four parameters in (10) – a is the obvious choice - can be arbitrarily fixed, thus leading to an infinite number of models (10) equivalent to (1). A good criterion for choosing a is that both La and Lb have a positive value: should they result otherwise, the terminal equations would still be represented correctly but a negative inductance does not make physical sense and leads to wrong results as far as energy considerations are concerned. Using the relationships (5) that relate M to the coupling coefficients k1 and k2, it is possible to express La and Lb as: 1 N2 L a = L 1 1 −k 1 a N1 L = L 1 −k a N1 2 2 b N 2 (12) It is apparent that, if a equals the secondary-to-primary turn ratio n=N2/N1, La and Lb will be both positive and the resulting circuit will be equal to that in figure 3. Moreover, it is possible to prove that this choice leads to the same model that can be obtained with the reluctance model approach; hence the model with a = n is the physical model of a coupled inductor or transformer. Lµ is associated to the mutual flux that links the primary and secondary winding mostly through the magnetic core, is called primary magnetizing inductance and is designated with LM. La is associated to the flux generated by the primary winding and not totally linked to itself or to the secondary winding, that is, the primary leakage flux: it is called therefore primary leakage inductance and is designated with Ll1: L l1 = L 1 ( 1 − k 1 ) . (12a) Similarly, on the secondary side the inductance Lb is associated to the secondary leakage flux, the flux generated by the secondary winding and not totally linked to itself or to the primary winding: it is called secondary leakage inductance and is designated with Ll2: L l 2 = L 2 ( 1− k 2 ) . (12b) Figure 5. Model of coupled inductors (transformers) with a = n (a=n model, the same as figure 3). i1(t) Ll1 Ll2 1: n i2(t) iM(t) v1(t) LM v2(t) ideal This choice for a is perhaps the most logical one, and is also very useful because it provides a clear physical meaning to each element of the equivalent circuit, shown in figure 5, but it is not the only one that makes sense. Another possible choice that leads to always positive values for La and Lb is: a= L2 . L1 (13) 6/12 APPLICATION NOTE This quantity, usually indicated with ne, is termed “equivalent turn ratio” and is conceptually and numerically different from the physical turn ratio n: ne = L l2 + n 2L M N 2 L2 = = L1 L l1 + L M N1 k1 k1 . =n k2 k2 (14) ne coincides with n if Ll2 = n2 Ll1 or, equivalently, if k1 = k2 (symmetrical magnetic structure); clearly, it is also ne = n if Ll1 = Ll2 = 0, that is, in case of perfect coupling (k = k1 = k2 = 1). The choice a = ne is particularly useful when the physical turn ratio n is unknown, so that it is possible to complete the model computing ne from L1 and L2, which are easily measurable. In this case, equations (11), considering (2), take the form: L a = ( 1 − k ) L 1 . L µ = k L 1 L = ( 1 − k ) L = n 2 L 2 e a b (15) The resulting model is shown in figure 6. It is noteworthy that Lb, reflected back to the primary side, equals La, as pointed out by the third one of (15). Note that this property is often erroneously attributed to the primary and secondary leakage inductances Ll1 and Ll2. It is worth stating once more that k represents an average coupling between the windings and that the coupling k1 of the primary winding to the secondary one is generally different from the coupling k2 of the secondary winding to the primary one, hence Ll2 ≠ n2 Ll1. It will be Ll2 = n2 Ll1 only in the special case of a winding geometry symmetrical in such a way that the reluctance of the leakage flux path is the same for both windings, resulting in symmetrical coupling between windings (k1 = k2). Figure 6. Model of coupled inductors (transformers) with a = ne (a = ne model). i1(t) v1(t) (1-k) L1 ne2 (1-k) L1 i2(t) 1: ne Lµ v2(t) ideal Figure 7. Model of coupled inductors (transformers) with a = 1 (a =1 or T model). L1 - M L2 - M i1(t) v1(t) i2(t) M v2(t) Another interesting and quite frequently used choice is a = 1. It results in a very simple model, illustrated in figure 7, useful for analyzing loosely coupled inductors, where L1-M and L2-M are both positive, which happens if: 7/12 APPLICATION NOTE Figure 8. Model of coupled inductors (transformers) with a = k ne (a = kne or ASR model). i1(t) L2 (1-k2 ) 1: k ne v1(t) L1 i2(t) v2(t) ideal k1 N2 N < 1 and k 2 1 < 1 . N1 N2 (16) This model is then definitely applicable when N1 = N2. When N1 ≠ N2, the larger their ratio is, the lower the magnetic coupling needs to be. Again, if both conditions (16) are not met and either L1-M or L2-M is negative (or both are), there is no issue for calculations and terminal relationships are still correctly maintained. Other possible choices of interest for a are a = aASR = M/L1 = k·ne = k1·n, which nulls La and puts all the elements related (logically, not physically!) to the leakage flux on the secondary side (see figure 8), thus originating the so-called ASR (All-Secondary-Referred) model, and a = aAPR = L2 /M = ne/k, = n/k2, which nulls Lb and puts all the elements related to the leakage flux on the primary side (see figure 9), thus originating the so-called APR (All-Primary-Referred) model. From inspection of figures 8 and 9 it is apparent that the quantity L2 (1-k2) is the inductance of the secondary winding measured with a shorted primary winding and that L1 (1-k2) is the inductance of the primary winding with the secondary shorted out. Figure 9. Model of coupled inductors (transformers) with a = ne/k (a = ne/k or APR model). 2 i1(t) v1(t) 1: ne k Ls = L1 (1-k ) i2(t) 2 v2(t) Lp = k L1 ideal The APR model is particularly useful for the analysis of some common switch-mode topologies, such as the flyback converter and the LLC resonant converter. It is convenient to provide another relationship between the physical turn ratio n and aAPR that involves the primary side quantities: a APR = n k1 L1 =n k2 L p k1 k2 1 + Ls = n Lp k1 L1 , k2 L1 − Ls which becomes: a APR = n L1 =n Lp 1+ Ls =n Lp L1 L1 − Ls in case of symmetrical coupling (k1 = k2). This expression can be found starting from aAPR = L2 /M and using (5c), (11), (12a), (12b). The usefulness of having different models available, which depend on the value attributed to a, is that it is possible to choose the one that best fits the specific problem under consideration, leading to a simpler solution or minimum mathematical manipulations. 8/12 APPLICATION NOTE An important assumption underlying the modeling techniques so far described is that the behavior of the magnetic circuit, represented by an equivalent linear electric circuit, is linear as well, that is the magnetic flux is proportional to the magneto-motive forces that excite the windings. This is true only if the flux density inside the core is well below the saturation limit of the material. Electrical equivalent circuit models of three-winding coupled inductors and transformers It has been stated that an m-winding coupled inductor or transformer is completely identified by m·(m+1)/2 coefficients. A three-winding coupled inductor or transformer will be then identified by six coefficients. Figure 10 shows the equivalent electrical circuit, derived as an extension of the two-winding equivalent model shown in figure 4 by adding a tertiary winding. Note that this model has six parameters as well: Lσ1, LM, n12, n13, Lσ2, Lσ3, which, therefore, will be uniquely related to the six coefficients of the branch constitutive equations expressed in terms of self- and mutual inductance coefficients: v1(t) L1 M12 M13 i1(t) d (17) v 2 (t) = M12 L 2 M23 i 2 (t) . dt v 3 (t) M13 M23 L 3 i 3 (t) Once more, it is possible to define coupling coefficients kij < 1 (i = 1 to 2, j = i+1 to 3) between the windings that relate the mutual inductance coefficients to the self-inductance of the windings: M12 = k 12 L1 L 2 ; M13 = k 13 L1 L 3 ; M23 = k 23 L 2 L 3 (18). The branch-constitutive equations of the model in figure 10 are the following: v1(t) v 2 (t) = v 3 (t) L µ + Lσ1 n12 L µ n13 L µ n12 L µ 2 n12 L µ + Lσ 2 n12 n 23 L µ n13 L µ n12 n 23 L µ 2 n13 Lµ + Lσ 3 i1(t) d i 2 (t) , dt i 3 (t) (19) and by comparing these to (17) it is possible to find the relationship between the two models: L 1 = L µ + Lσ 1 2 L 2 = n12 L µ + Lσ 2 L = n 2 L + Lσ 3 3 13 µ M12 = n12 L µ M = n L 13 µ 13 M23 = n12 n13 L µ M 23 n12 = M 13 n = M 23 13 M 12 L µ = M12 M13 M23 M M Lσ1 = L1 − 12 13 M23 M12 M23 Lσ 2 = L 2 − M13 M13 M23 Lσ 3 = L 3 − M12 . (20) Figure 10. Model of a three-winding coupled inductor or transformer. Lσ2 i1(t) Lσ1 i2(t) 1: n 12 v2(t) iM(t) v1(t) Lσ3 Lµ i3(t) v3(t) 1: n 13 ideal 9/12 APPLICATION NOTE It is possible to express the leakage elements Lσj (j=1 to 3) as a function of the coupling coefficients defined by (18). After some algebraic manipulations we arrive at: k 12 k 13 Lσ1 = L1 1 − k 23 k 12 k 23 . Lσ 2 = L 2 1 − k 13 k 13 k 23 Lσ 3 = L 3 1 − k 12 (21) It is interesting to notice that trying to improve the coupling between any pair of windings inevitably leads to increasing the leakage associated to the remaining winding. For example, if one wants to improve the coupling between the secondary and the tertiary winding (k23 increases), the primary leakage inductance Lσ1 will become larger. Coupled inductors or transformers with more than three windings cannot be modeled with the equivalent circuit considered so far. In fact, for example, a four-winding transformer is identified by ten coefficients while adding another winding to the model of figure 10 would result in a circuit with just eight parameter (n14 and Lσ4 would be added). The resulting system of equations relating the two models would be overdetermined, then with no solution. For higher number of windings different types of equivalent circuits need to be considered [1]. Measuring parameters of two-winding coupled inductors and transformers. From the practical point of view there is the need for measuring the parameters of coupled inductors (transformers) L1, L2 and M or, equivalently, k and derive those of the equivalent circuits. Needless to say that it is of particular interest to obtain the parameters of the “physical model” with a = n, LM, Ll1 and Ll2. L1 and L2 are directly measurable, while to determine M or k appropriate measurements need to be done. The best way to proceed is to use a Z-meter, taking the measurements at a low enough frequency that the parasitic capacitance of the windings can be neglected. There are two basic methods to completely characterize a coupled inductor or a transformer from the electrical point of view: the open/short-circuit inductance (OS) method and the series-aiding/opposing inductance (AO) method. According to the OS method, three measurements will be taken: 1. The primary inductance with the secondary open (L1). 2. The primary inductance with the secondary shorted (L1s). 3. The secondary inductance with the primary open (L2). From the inspection of figure 9 it is very easy to derive the coupling coefficient from the L1s measurement: ( L1s = L1 1 − k 2 ) k= 1− L1s . L1 (22) M is determined using (2): M=k L 1L 2 . Measuring L1s accurately might be an issue, thus this method is suitable when k is close to unity. It is not recommended when the winding resistance is not negligible. The AO method is based on the fact that connecting in series the two windings their combined inductance is given by L1 +L2 ± 2M, where the sign given to 2M depends on the way the windings are connected, as shown in figure 11. The difference of the two values is thereby equal to 4M. According to the AO method, four measurements will be taken: 1. The primary inductance with the secondary open (L1). 2. The secondary inductance with the primary open (L2). 3. The combined inductance with series-aiding connection (LA). 4. The combined inductance with series-opposing connection (LO). 10/12 APPLICATION NOTE Figure 11. Winding connections: aiding flux (left), opposing flux (right). L1 L1 M M L2 L2 LA= L1 + L 2 + 2M L O= L1 + L 2 - 2M It is always LA > LO, thus, as said before: M= L A − LO 4 k= L A − LO 4 L1 L 2 . (23) The advantage of this method is its low sensitivity to winding resistance and to the impedance of the wire used for connecting the windings. It is not recommended for low values of k because in that case it would be given by the difference of two similar quantities, and the error might be high. Whichever method has been used, the parameters of the equivalent circuit of figure 5 (a = n, assuming n is known) can be readily calculated from the third group of (11) with obvious symbolism change: M LM = n M L l1 = L1 − L M = L1 − n L l2 = L 2 − n2 LM = L 2 − n M . (24) The parameters of the equivalent circuit of figure 6 (a = ne, useful in case n is not known) are given by (15), here re-written for reader’s convenience: L a = ( 1 − k ) L1 , L µ = k L1 L = (1− k ) L 2 b with ne = L2 . L1 It is sometimes required to measure the degree of symmetry of the magnetic coupling between the windings of a transformer or coupled inductors, in other words to find the values of k1 and k2. From (22) and (5), reminding that k = k 1 k 2 , it is possible to derive: k1 = N1 1 N2 L1 L 2 ( L1 − L s ) k2 = N2 1 N1 L 2 L 2 ( L1 − L s ) . (25) Measuring parameters of three-winding coupled inductors and transformers. In case of three-winding transformers or coupled inductors, the same methodologies seen in the two-winding case can be applied to derive either the values of the inductance matrix in (17) or, equivalently, the parameters in (19) of the equivalent circuit of figure 10. Using the OS method, the following measurements will be taken: 1. The primary inductance with the other windings open (L1). 2. The secondary inductance with the other windings open (L2). 3. The tertiary inductance with the other windings open (L3). 4. The primary inductance with the secondary winding shorted and the tertiary winding open (L12). 5. The primary inductance with the tertiary winding shorted and the secondary winding open (L13) 6. The secondary inductance with the tertiary winding shorted and the primary winding open (L23). 11/12 APPLICATION NOTE By inspection of figure 10 and after some algebraic manipulations it is possible to find the following relationships: n12 = n = 13 L 2 − L 23 L1 − L13 L 3 L 2 − L 23 L 2 L1 − L12 L − L13 L µ = L 2 (L1 − L12 ) 1 L 2 − L 23 Lσ1 = L1 − L µ . 2 Lσ 2 = L 23 − n12 (L13 − Lσ1 ) L − Lσ 1 2 Lσ 3 = n13 L µ 13 L1 − L13 (26) Alternatively, applying the AO method, the following measurements will be taken: 1. The primary inductance with the other windings open (L1). 2. The secondary inductance with the other windings open (L2). 3. The tertiary inductance with the other windings open (L3) 4. The combined inductance of the primary and the secondary windings with series-aiding connection (L12A). 5. The combined inductance of the primary and the secondary windings with series-opposing connection (L12O). 6. The combined inductance of the primary and the tertiary windings with series-aiding connection (L13A). 7. The combined inductance of the primary and the tertiary windings with series-opposing connection (L13O). 8. The combined inductance of the secondary and the tertiary windings with series-aiding connection (L23A). 9. The combined inductance of the secondary and the tertiary windings with series-opposing connection (L23O). Then, the mutual inductance coefficients Mij and the coupling coefficient kij (i = 1 to 2, j = i+1 to 3) can be calculated from: Mij = L ijA − L ijO 4 k ij = L ijA − L ijO 4 Li L j i = 1, 2; j = i + 1L 3 . (27) and the parameters of the model of figure 10 will be derived from (20). Reference [1] R. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, "A Multiple-Winding Magnetics Model Having Directly Measurable Parameters," IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, May 1998, pp. 1472- 1478. PESC98 View publication stats 12/12