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Nursing Exam 1 Review: Hand Hygiene, Vitals, Assessment

Exam 1 Review
What hand hygiene would you use with a patient who has c.diff?
- Hand soap & water
How long will you wash your hands?
- 15 seconds lather & 15 seconds hand wash
60 % - 90 % ethanol is always preferable??
If hands are dirty, how will you wash them?
- Water & soap
What type of hand rub will you use when entering a patient’s room?
- Antiseptic hand rub when entering and before & after gloves
What are 2 patient identifiers?
- Name & DOB
What is a pulse pressure difference?
- Systolic – Diastolic = PP (30-50) is normal
What is a pulse deficit?
- It’s the difference between the radial and apical
When will you take a pulse deficit?
- Anytime there is an irregular heart rate on the radial, if your difference is 6+ = BAD
Why do we do a 2 step BP?
- To make sure what the true systolic # is & if it’s your first time checking their BP
How would you take someone’s BP if your concerned about orthostatic hypertension?
- Take when laying, sitting, and standing
What are the categories of hypertension?
- Hypertension stage 1 (130-139)
- Hypertension stage 2 (140 +)
- Crisis (180+)
What does systolic & diastolic mean?
- Systolic # means that the max pressure is felt on the artery during ventricle contraction
- Diastolic # means the ventricle is relaxed
Who would you not apply a BP cuff?
- A person who had a double mastectomy or a kidney shunt dialysis (you would want to use
wrist BP or check the thigh)
How do you check to see what size of BP cuff you need?
- Circumference of arm x .40 = width of cuff (40% rule)
Know the parts of the stethoscope!
- Bell (Low pitch sounds, ex. carotid arteries) & Diaphragm (High pitch sounds, ex.
Know what a sphygmomanometer is!
- The meter on the BP machine, only has even numbers because short lines are 2 and long
lines are 10
Know the 5 cardiac pulses?
- Aortic, Pulmonic, Erb’s Point, Tricuspid, Mitral aka Apical
What is a PMI?
- Point Max Impulse, it’s found in the mitral/apical & you would want to check for 1 full
minute and note if it’s regular or irregular
If you were going to give a cardiovascular medication, what site is preferred to check for bpm?
- Apical
Know the difference between tachy & bradycardia
- Tachycardia = FAST HR > 100
- Bradycardia = SLOW HR < 60
Know how to rate the strength of pulses
- 0 = no pulse
- 1+ = minimal pulse
- 2+ = normal pulse
- 3+ = increased pulse
- 4+ = bounding pulse
What is jugular vein distention (JVD)
- Right sided heart failure, you would want to raise the head of the bed at 45 degrees to
check for JVD
What is respiration rate?
- The rise & fall of the chest, you would check for 1 full minute & normal rate is 12-20
Know between tachy & bradypnea
- Tachypnea = FAST RR > 20 bpm
- Bradypnea = SLOW RR < 12 bpm
What is diaphragmatic excursion?
- The lungs expanding symmetrically
Know tactile fremitus
- Vibrations on the back when your patient says 99, 99, 99. Vibrations will be stronger on the
top then slowly go away
Where would you take a pulse for an adult & child?
- Adult patient would be on the radial but if unconscious do carotid
- Child patient would be on the brachial
When palpating the carotid arteries palpate one at a time and check for any thrills, when
auscultating with your bell check for any bruits
If someone has got done smoking or eating, wait about 20-30 minutes to check for temperature
Know that a temperature over 100.4 is considered Febril (-1 degree if its rectal) (+1 degree if its
Know how to figure out a patients BMI?
- (weight/ height sq inches x 703)
- Underweight < 18.5
- Normal is 18.5- 24.9
- Overweight 25 – 29.9
Know medical terminology?
- Apnea = cessation of respiration of airflow
- Hypoxia = when there is not enough oxygen to the tissue
- Dyspnea = difficult/ labored breathing
- Cyanosis = bluish discoloration on mouth/ fingers resulting in poor circulation
Carbon monoxide will result in cherry red lips on individuals
Know your cranial nerves!
- CN 3 (111) = PERRLA
- CN 4 (IV) = EOM x 6
- CN 6 (VI) = Accommodation
Know your body systems
- Starting in your right lower quadrant you have your ascending colon and appendix, right
upper quadrant has your transverse colon and liver, left upper quadrant has your spleen,
and left lower quadrant has your sigmoid colon
Know that all quadrants should have bowel sounds present but if not, there could be some
What is borborygmi?
- Hyperactive bowel gurgling sounds
What does alert & oriented x 4 mean?
- Patient knows their name, where they are, time/date & why they are there
Know what the Glasgow coma scale is
- Neuro exam that is based off your verbal, eye & mobility responses
- Normal number is 15, anything less than 7 is coma
Know your 6 pulses sites?
- Radial
- Brachial
- Femoral
- Popliteal
- Dorsal pedis
- Posterior tibial
What is the sound when percussing lungs?
What is the sound when auscultating lungs?
- VESICULAR SOUNDS , you do not want to hear crackles or bronchi sounds
What is the sounds when percussing abdomen?
Know your 9 lymph nodes
- Preauricular
- Postauricular
- Occipital
- Submandibular
- Submental
- Superficial cervical
- Deep cervical
- Supraclavicular