POL-UA 850 Introduction to Research Methods for Politics Spring Semester 2023 Monday, Wednesday, 9:30 –10:45 AM ET Prof. Anna Harvey anna.harvey@nyu.edu Virtual Office Hours: M 11:00 AM –12:00 PM ET (or by appointment) Virtual Office Hours signup: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/ofrop TA Email Mengfan Cheng Alejandro López Peceño Jimmy Graham mc8199@nyu.edu alp625@nyu.edu jimmy.graham@nyu.edu Overview Can we identify racially discriminatory policing practices? Does access to health insurance save lives? Does an increase in the minimum wage reduce employment? Do restrictions on abortion negatively affect women’s economic outcomes? In order to be able to answer these questions, it is useful to learn open-source programming for data visualization and analysis, the basics of probability and statistics, as well as the principles of causal inference. This class will introduce you to these three topics. You will learn to use the open-source programming language R for data visualization and analysis, to conduct simple statistical tests, and to apply the principles of experimental design to non-experimental data in order to make inferences about causality. No prior programming or statistics experience is required. Textbook We will use the following required textbook, which is accessible through the NYU Bookstore, Amazon, and multiple other outlets. Note that digital versions of the textbook can be rented through both Amazon and RedShelf. Imai, Kosuke, and Elena Llaudet. 2022. Data Analysis for Social Science: A Friendly Introduction. Princeton University Press (DSS). 1 Software We will be using R, an open-source programming language, to conduct data visualization and analysis. RStudio is an open-source graphical interface that is widely used to work with the R language. The link to access our class RStudio environment on JupyterHub using your NYU netid is below: https://polua-850-spring.rcnyu.org You can also install R and RStudio on your own computer using the links below. You can find numerous resources for R on the internet. If you’d like to learn a little R before the semester begins, you can take the free Introduction to R course in the DataCamp environment using the link below: R download: https://www.r-project.org RStudio download: https://www.rstudio.com DataCamp: https://app.datacamp.com/learn/courses/free-introduction-to-r The DSS textbook teaches R programming along with causal inference and introductory statistics. The best way to learn R is to practice writing and executing code as you read the text. The R scripts and datasets for DSS have been uploaded to our JupyterHub RStudio environment. As you work through the text and the homeworks, the best place to ask questions is on CampusWire.You can join our class site with the code 7975 at this link: https://campuswire.com/p/GCDE4369D We encourage you not only to ask questions on CampusWire, but also to answer them. Engagement on CampusWire will be factored into the course attendance/engagement grade (see below). Helping other students with their programming questions is not only a nice thing to do, it earns you extra engagement points. Course Logistics and Requirements This course consists of twice-weekly in-person lectures and a weekly in-person section. Because of the possibility of illness-related absences, we will be livestreaming lectures on Zoom (links on Brightspace) and also posting recorded lecture videos on Brightspace. Lecture and section slides will be uploaded to Brightspace/JupyterHub. Please note that Zoom lectures are intended to provide a temporary solution to quarantine/isolation issues. Based on our experience, you will do better in the class if you attend lectures in-person. We will be programming in both lecture and sections; you will want to bring a laptop to both. Grade: Your final grade will be based on a combination of: • Homeworks (50%). There will be four homeworks. The first two homeworks are slightly shorter and due within two weeks (both before the first midterm), and are each worth 10% 2 of the final grade. The second two homeworks are slightly longer and due within 3-4 weeks, and are each worth 15% of the final grade. The homeworks will be focused on programming for data analysis and will often involve real data. The homeworks *are not designed to be completed the day before they are due.* You may work on the homeworks with your classmates, though each student must write up and submit their answers individually. If you choose to work with classmates, please write the names of any individuals with whom you consulted at the top of your assignment. This disclosure will protect you in the event of any concerns about academic integrity. Submission instructions: All homeworks must be submitted remotely via Brightspace by 5 pm EST on the due date. You will be provided with an RMarkdown template on JupyterHub; you will knit the Rmd template into a pdf or html for submission. If your Rmd document does not knit because of a coding error, you may upload the Rmd document itself; points will be deducted for the coding error or errors. Late assignments will be penalized 1/3 letter grade per day late. • Two midterm exams (30%): There will be two midterm exams, each worth 15% of the course grade. Both midterms will be 24-hour take home exams. You may use the lecture slides and recordings, your notes, and any assigned readings during the exam. However, you may not consult with anyone on course material during these exams. Any clarifying questions should be posted on Brightspace. The midterms will focus on content from Weeks 1-5 and 6-10, respectively. However, some topics are cumulative so earlier material may be relevant. Submission instructions: Both midterms will be opened at at 9 am EST on Brightspace and due at 9 am EST the next day. You will submit your midterms to Brightspace. As with the problem sets, you will be provided with an RMarkdown template on JupyterHub; you will knit the Rmd template into a pdf or html for submission. If your Rmd document does not knit because of a coding error, you may upload the Rmd document itself; points will be deducted for the coding error or errors. Late exams will be penalized. • Final Exam (15%): The final will be 24-hour take home exam during the assigned exam period. You may use the lecture slides and recordings, your notes, and any assigned readings during the exam. However, you may not consult with anyone on course material during these exams. Any clarifying questions should be directed to your TA by email. The final will be cumulative with particular emphasis on the material from weeks 11-14. Submission instructions: Pending guidance for final exams, the exam will be opened at at 9 am EST on Brightspace on the appointed date and due at 9 am EST the next day. You will submit your final exams to Brightspace. As with the problem sets and midterms, you will be provided with an RMarkdown template on JupyterHub; you will knit the Rmd template into a pdf or html for submission. If your Rmd document does not knit because of a coding error, you may upload the Rmd document itself; points will be deducted for the coding error or errors. Late exams will be penalized. • Attendance/Engagement (5%): Based on our experiences, we believe that you are more likely to learn the material if you regularly attend both lectures and sections. We will be taking attendance in both lecture and sections. Lecture attendance will be taken via 12 inlecture Brightspace quizzes with timed responses. Two nonresponses will be dropped for all 3 students; lecture attendance will be calculated from the remaining 10 quizzes. Section attendance will be taken by TAs. Engagement will be measured by participation on CampusWire. Attendance/engagement will count for 5% of the course grade. • Extra Credit (up to 2%): You will receive up to a maximum of 2% of the course grade in extra credit by (virtually) attending up to 4 SSRC Centennial lectures (one each month January - April), and writing a 1-page summary of the social/behavioral science research covered in the lecture. Essay pdfs should be emailed to centennial lectures@ssrc.org within 1 week after lecture. There are 10 extra credit points available, 2.5 points for each essay pdf submitted. The final exam date is set by the registrar and cannot be moved. Once confirmed during lectures, the midterm days and times are likewise firm. If you miss an exam due to some unavoidable documented illness or other serious circumstance, we will not administer a make-up but will give you a waiver from the exam. Academic Integrity The University is very clear that students’ work is expected to be their own, and that plagiarism is not tolerated. The same rules apply here. Homeworks: You may consult and/or work with other students in this class, but any work you submit must be your own. If you consult or work with another student, you must list their name at the top of your submission. Do not copy another individual’s work or answers. Do not allow another individual to copy your work or answers. Take-home midterms and final exam: You may use all resources from the course including texts, lecture materials, and section materials. You may not communicate in any way with any individual about course material during any exam. The only exception is for clarifying questions which should be directed to your TA. Do not copy another individual’s work or answers. Do not allow another individual to copy your work or answers. Schedule The following is an anticipated schedule for course topics. We hope that this schedule is an accurate plan of the classes that follow. Still, changes may need to be made and you will be informed of them in advance: your responsibility as a student is to keep yourself informed of all such changes and to be aware of exam and homework dates. 4 Lecture Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Holiday 9 10 11 12 13 Holiday Holiday 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Final Lecture Date 1/23 1/25 1/30 2/1 2/6 2/8 2/13 2/15 2/20 2/22 2/27 3/1 3/6 3/8 3/13 3/15 3/20 3/22 3/27 3/29 4/3 4/5 4/10 4/12 4/17 4/19 4/24 4/26 5/1 5/3 5/8 TBD Topic Introduction 1 Introduction 2 Causal Effects 1 Causal Effects 2 Causal Effects 3 Population Characteristics 1 Population Characteristics 2 Population Characteristics 3 President’s Day Population Characteristics 4 Midterm 1 Linear Regression 1 Linear Regression 2 Linear Regression 3 Spring Break Spring Break Linear Regression 4 Linear Regression 5 Linear Regression & Causality 1 Linear Regression & Causality 2 Midterm 2 Probability 1 Probability 2 Probability 3 Uncertainty 1 Uncertainty 2 Uncertainty 3 Uncertainty 4 Uncertainty 5 Summary Review Final Exam 5 Reading DSS 1.1-1.4 DSS 1.5-1.9 DSS 2.1-2.2 DSS 2.3-2.4 DSS 2.5-2.6 DSS 3.1-3.2 DSS 3.3-3.4 DSS 3.5-3.6 Notes HW 1 out HW 1 due 2/10 HW 2 out DSS 3.7-3.8 HW 2 due 2/24 DSS 4.1-4.2 DSS 4.3 DSS 4.4 HW 3 out DSS DSS DSS DSS 4.5 4.6-4.7 5.1-5.2 5.3-5.6 DSS DSS DSS DSS DSS DSS DSS DSS 6.1-6.2 6.3-6.4 6.5-6.6 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 HW 3 due 3/31 HW 4 out HW 4 due 5/5