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D.S. Live Project: Street Vendor Analysis in Bangalore

A Project Report On
D.S. Live Project
Submitted in Fulfilment of
Business Communication Assignment
Master of Business Administration
Submitted to
Prepared By:
Shyam Kishore Kasheepuri
Guided By:
Prof. Chandrashekar P.K.
D.S. Live Project (JAYANAGAR)
Sr no.
About D.S. Live Project
My Experience
The ICFAI Business School has given us several opportunities to
explore ourselves and makes us believe that How and Why Live
Projects helps us to grow and how to deal with problems in real life.
One of the most critical opportunities was the D.S. Live Project given
by the faculties and the Seniors of IBS Bangalore. Where 50+
students were divided into groups of 6 to 7 members for this live
project, these groups have been given separate locations in Bangalore
city to perform their tasks and work in a team. All the teams have
been given the task of collecting necessary information about the
street vendors who work so hard in the heavy traffic and still
struggling in the market. VENDORS who do not have any time
schedules, no relaxations but still have smiles on their faces.
Some of them are working for their daily needs, some for their own
needs and some are working with the contractual term. Working hard
after the pandemic still getting less revenue due to competition with
This Live Project is divided into several groups and given
some blocks in Bangalore to talk to Street Vendors and gather
information about their shops.
These vendors can be the SabjiWala, Chai Shop, Flowers,
Local Ice-Cream vendors, etc.
The main idea behind this live project is to get the necessary
information including:
Their Address
Kind of Shop
Years of Working
Type of Business
Digital Payment acceptance.
Also, how these vendors are dealing with the competitors and
how they are managing the payment mode by their customers.
Are they really facing issues with payments or not?
This Live Project is performed by our sections in 2 groups. Our group
contains of 6 Members and the project is performed by us on 26th
June 2022.
Anchal , Harsh Rathi, Rekha Kumari, Shyam Kasheepuri,
Bhanu Prakash and Riya Verma
We have performed this live project in the 4th Block of Jayanagar, 45
minutes away from Our IBS. After the college hours, we all gathered
near the metro station in Jayanagar and planned the work there. Our
work is divided among the members 2 of us is going to record the
video, 2 will ask questions, and the remaining will be writing down
the answers given by the Street vendors.
The first vendor was the local Pani Puri wala whose name is SAJAN,
working for more than 9 months near the Metro station in Jayanagar,
he has more than 7 shops in different locations, after covid 19, it was
very difficult for him to start his work again and because of tough
competition in the market, he was not able to recover the loss. Still,
he was working from 3 PM to 10PM every day. Somehow, he accepts
digital payment mode that helps him to get payment instantly and
follow the government guidelines for COVID 19.
Due to the pandemic, many vendors faced difficulties to sell their
products to customers. Reasons for less revenue are payment mode,
competitions, lack of customer reach, wastage of materials etc.
One of the vendors named Mithun Das from Rajasthan, working for
more than 6 months as an Ice-Cream vendor is a Sole Vendor who did
not face any difficulties during the pandemic and follows precautions
to make himself as well as his customers safe from coronavirus. Also
uses various online payment modes like PhonePe, Googlepay,
BharatPe, etc.
This project helps us to gather necessary information about the
problems of the Street vendors and their solutions to manage
themselves after the pandemic crisis.
According to the information provided by the vendors, many of them
faced similar problems after the pandemic like, social distancing,
wearing masks, payment issues, and many more. Still, some of them
have survived and managed to cope-up with the market situation and
adapted their work after the pandemic situation.