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Advanced CAD/CAM Assignment: Mould Tool & Machining

Department of Engineering and Mathematics
Advanced CAD/CAM
Module Leader:
Sajhda Parveen
Assignment number/title:
Task 002: Mould tool, CAM, CAD/CAM
Chris Ward or your tutor for the module
Academic contact for guidance:
Maximum word count or number of pages:
1500-word report with associated models
for reference.
Percentage contribution to overall module
Deadline for submission:
Refer to the assessment scheduler
Method and Location for Submission:
Blackboard submission plus Turnitin
Deadline for return of feedback:
3 weeks after submission
Module learning outcomes to be assessed:
1. Demonstrate a theoretical and practical application of advanced CAD modelling
techniques, in order to create complex solid and surface for component
2. Critically select, demonstrate and discuss the use of rapid prototyping and
reverse engineering technologies for the creation of engineering components.
3. Develop, program and explain additional functional capability of a CAD system
by accessing the modelling kernel.
4. Demonstrate the application of advanced CAM to undertake 3 and / or 5 axis
CNC machining operations.
5. Critically discuss current and future CAD/CAM technologies and their related
technologies and illustrate their use in the traditional product design and
manufacturing process.
6. Demonstrate the application of advanced parametric design and optimisation
techniques to maximise an engineering component/product performance for
given criterion.
References/recommended reading:
Please refer to any in-class guidance provided.
Please ensure that all sources of information used are referenced. For guidance see
All assessments are subject to SHU's collusion and plagiarism regulations. Please refer
IMPORTANT: Failure to submit an assignment on the hand-in date specified or
agreed with student services will fall under the universities late submission
regulations and will be capped at 50% if late by up to 24 hours, or not gain a mark if
late by over 24 hours. Extensions to the assignment hand-in date can only be
granted by the relevant programme administrators/student support.
The minimum pass mark for the module as a whole is 50% with each task needing
to have a minimum mark of 40%. If you achieve below 40% in any task you
automatically fail the module.
In the past we have had the odd student who suffered personal computer (PC)
failure. These students lost their work. Please ensure this does not happen to you.
Save your work to the SHU home space. This is easy if you keep all your work in
one folder. Using the ‘Myfiles’ app you can access your home space from anywhere.
(See- Learning Materials).
Work is to be undertaken to complete the assessment using Solidworks software
only and no other CAD CAM software. Using the versions currently being used in
PC labs in Sheaf building only and, on the SHU, remote Engineering desktop at the
time of undertaking this brief if the versions are the same. Student software available
for home use may not have the same functionality as the education versions used
at SHU so you are advised to use the remote desktop if the versions are the same
otherwise the PC labs in Sheaf.
SolidCam Student / maker software available for home use cannot be opened by the
software at SHU and so would gain a mark of ‘0’.
Please do not get confused with ‘SolidWorks Cam’ add-in. This is not to be used. All
learning materials on this BB site are for SolidCAM and only SolidCAM will be
Future versions or industrial professional versions that cannot be opened by the SHU
staff cannot be marked and so will also gain a mark of ‘0'.
This is an individual task and has to be your work and your work only. Work
previously submitted as a first attempt, or a previous referral attempt or previously
submitted for any other reason is not to be resubmitted. This could be classed as
Attendance and engagement: The tutorials for this module are intended to develop
and support your practical understanding and use of a typical integrated CAD/CAM system.
It is therefore important that your attendance is prompt and regular.
This coursework aims to provide a variety of practical CAD/CAM related exercises using
Solidworks and SolidCAM. The tasks are intended for an intermediate user and include
mould creation and computer-aided manufacture. In addition to these practical tasks there
are also sections within the report that are research-and-discuss tasks where you are
expected to research a topic and provided a written discussion of it within the report.
Lectures and seminar / tutorials will also support the development of your knowledge in
these areas. The research tasks are something you are responsible to complete in your own
time too.
Following the activities detailed below for the assignment, your task is to design, analyse
and prepare for manufacture a retractable utility/craft knife (see appendix) using an
integrated CAD/CAM software system.
Read the following sections carefully so that you are clear about the requirements for
each assessment task and report content. Please ask if you are unsure of what is
requested to complete the assessment.
1. Task 002
1.1. Mould Tool Preparation (30%) (Practical Task)
For the moulding preparation task, you are required to develop a suitable mould tooling (i.e.,
core and cavity parts) for the back cover of your knife, using the tools available in Mould
Tools tab within SolidWorks. To fulfil the completion of this task you need to demonstrate
the following:
Use of the Draft angle analysis;
Definition of a parting line;
Creation of required parting surfaces and shut-off surfaces for your design;
Correct application of a scaling ratio to account for material shrinkage;
Generation of both halves (core and cavity) of the back cover’s mould tool;
Completion of the core and cavity parts by the inclusion of an injection point(s),
runner(s), raiser(s) (based upon the previously determined position of the air traps)
and clamping bolt holes;
You will need to evidence the successful completion of the above mould tool generation
activities. Therefore, you should provide both a brief critical written explanation of your
workings together with the relevant, clear, and unambiguous screenshots of your work.
1.2. Machining of the Back Cover’s Cavity Mould Tool (50%) (Practical Task)
Your final activity is to prepare the machining activities for the bottom half or cavity of your
back cover’s mould tool. This must be achieved using the SolidCAM add-in for Solidworks.
To successfully satisfy this task you need to demonstrate the following:
Definition of the Stock and Target models and Coordinate System(s);
Definition of fixturing requirements, retraction plane and part orientation;
Creation of an efficient machining sequence to remove material;
Use of machining operations NC-sequences, e.g. - face, pocket, profile, drilling etc.
to produce individual feature geometry;
Appropriate tool selection - Research & use of required machining parameters – e.g.,
cutting tool type & dimensions & cutting data (feeds & speeds, depth of cut, stepover, tool engagement etc.) for each NC-sequence/tool;
Show evidence of a working machining strategy for your mould half, through use of
the stock-removal simulation tools provided within SolidCAM;
Once you have completed the above activities you will need to evidence their completion in
your written report. Again, provide both a brief written critical explanation of your workings
together with relevant, clear and unambiguous screenshots of each activity.
1.3. Critical discussion of current and future CAD/CAM technologies (20%)
(Research-and-Discuss Task)
This section requires you to research and critically discuss current and future CAD/CAM
technologies and their related technologies and illustrate their use in the traditional product
design and manufacturing process. Reference your research work using the APA system.
Submission details / requirements
For the task, you should submit a clearly illustrated & written report of no more than 1500
words together with all your CAD / CAM models / work via the submission point of the
module Blackboard. The report must also be submitted to Turnitin. The report should
evidence, through concise accurate discussions including screenshots, references, to a
successful completion of the tasks stated in this assessment.
You are required to follow the following hand in requirements: •
All required files are to be included in the submission. Modelling activities undertaken
where there is no visible evidence provided by accompanying screenshots in your
report and submission of CAD models etc will not be considered and will therefore
receive a mark of Zero (‘0’). Your submitted CAD files will be checked for ownership
and authenticity only.
The APA Referencing system should be used when completing the research tasks.
A reference page at the end of the document must be included which will not
contribute to your word count.
Your work should be handed in to the Blackboard assessment tab provided and the
report to Turnitin too. No e-mailed submission will be accepted unless expressly
agreed with module staff.
All CAD / CAM, tooling (practical work) and report etc is to be handed in as a single
folder that has been zipped once (no sub folders to be included). The zipped folder
should be named with your last Name and initial e.g., Bloggs_J. No other information
to be added. You will not be able to resubmit an improved piece of work once you
have submitted.
Blackboard will add your student number and assignment title etc. automatically.
Hints on working with electronic files: •
Use your SHU home space if possible.
On a regular basis copy the working folder to form a series of ‘back-ups’ that contains
all your work. This may need putting on an external hard drive or ‘One drive.’
Do not work directly to memory sticks.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their work opens correctly and details
what has been asked for in this assignment brief. After forming your zipped work file:
you would be advised to move to a different computer, fully and correctly un-zip
(Extract) the work and check that your files all operate as you intend them to and that
they show what has been asked for: i.e., all the required elements are present and
work correctly.
Remember that when you zip a folder or you use SolidWorks ‘pack and go,’ the
process puts additional data on your electronic memory. So, you must ensure you
have sufficient room. If you have difficulty with pack and go or zipping work, you may
be short of home space memory. Solidworks is a little unhelpful here as it does not
point this out to you.
Task 002: Development of mould tool and machining
Zero (0)
Fail (1-6)
Pass (7 -9)
Merit (10 – 12)
Work not
submitted, work
of no merit,
penalty in some
Poor quality mould
tool created, may
have undercuts or
other issues that
would impede use.
Mould design
created however
details could be
added to tool to
create more
machining strategy
would achieve
most of final part
(11) (12) (13)
Good mould tool
model created,
detailed but with
some small
omissions/ errors.
Mould tool
Machining of the
Back Cover’s Cavity
Mould Tool
Work not
submitted, work
of no merit,
penalty in some
Poor machining
strategy, some
parts of geometry
un-machined, more
setup details
required (feeds,
speed etc.)
Critical discussion of
current and future
Work not
submitted, work
of no merit,
Poorly researched
Somewhat well
content or lacking in researched and
laid out report,
Very well thought
out CAM strategy
that achieves
geometry of
finished part,
lacking in some
setup detail.
Clear, well laid out.
Deeper level of
detail could be
Distinction (13 –
(14) (15) (16)
Highly detailed
mould tool
produced with
excellent use of all
available mould
features. Including
lifters and sliders.
Exceptional CAM
strategy produced
showing great
depth of
understanding of
machines, tools &
Using correct
diameters to
cutting length
ratios, good
roughing /
strategies, no
cutting of thin air
Very clear and
well researched
content that has
penalty in some
Very little evidence
of referencing / may
not have used the
correct style to
reference and all
could be improved
by greater
Reference work,
but not using the
correct style or
some incorrectly
added in certain
areas to improve
Referenced the
work using the
correct style but
may have some
been very well
Referenced work
using the APA
style and
reference correctly
using a variety of