=7+9ॸӦૈֹӣच࠲ܭړ䀭 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 5HOLDEOH:DWHUSURRIDQG6HDO &DEOHsHDOLQJhHDGiQWHJUDWLRQ 5HOLDEOH0LQFLQJ)XQFWLRQ 6HSDUDWHcXWWLQJmRGXOHV 5HOLDEOH6HDOLQJ 7ZRmHFKDQLFDOsHDOV 5HOLDEOH2SHUDWLRQ 7KHIXQFWLRQVRIPLQFLQJDQGFRQYH\LQJGRQRWLQWHUIHUH ZLWKHDFKRWKHU 2015 2015 Catalogue Application Areas .................................................................................................. 01 Product Characteristics .......................................................................................... 01 Superiority.............................................................................................................. 01 Working Conditions............................................................................................... 01 Structure Diagram and Description ....................................................................... 02 Model Description ................................................................................................. 04 Pump Performance Curve and Main Parameters Description ............................... 05 Installation Methods ............................................................................................... 05 The Main Parts of the Pump Material.................................................................... 06 Steering .................................................................................................................. 06 Mark of the Cable Core ......................................................................................... 06 Order Instructions .................................................................................................. 06 Supply Scope ......................................................................................................... 07 Supporting Control Cabinet Products .................................................................... 07 Comprehensive Characteristic Curve Charts ......................................................... 08 Performance Curve GraphMain Parameter Table and Installation Dimension Diagram of Each Pump .......................................................................................... 09 Independent Mincing Module................................................................................ 13 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump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℃WKHS+YDOXHLVWKHGHQVLW\RIWKHPHGLXPLVOHVV WKDQNJP 7KHORZHVWOLTXLGOHYHOVKRXOGFRQIRUPWRWKHLQVWDOODWLRQVL]HGLDJUDPZLWK▽PDUNHGOLTXLGOHYHO &DQQRWEHXVHGIRUVWURQJFRUURVLYHDQGODUJHSDUWLFOHPHGLXP All the rights to alter technology documents reserved 01 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 6WUXFWXUH'LDJUDPDQG'HVFULSWLRQ Carrying Handle Cable Motor Upper End Cover Upper Bearing Stator /RZHU6HDO Rotor Lower Bearing Casing Connection Base Impeller Mechanical Seal Cutting Board Pump Cover &XWWLQJ.QLIH Base 02 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump The cable sealing head is completely sealed with the cable The cable sheath is tightly sealed by the sealing head The cable core is also tightly sealed by the sealing head The elastic body of the sealing head is tightly sealed with the motor cover The wire core is separated by the sealing material and tightly sealed All the rights to alter technology documents reserved 03 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 1. Selected Casing and Impeller The CAD technology is used to repeatedly modify the design, so that the impeller and the cutting module are optimally matched, and the long fibers are easy to pass through after being chopped, without being entangled and blocked. The impeller is strictly balanced, so that the pump has low vibration and stable operation. 2. Highly Reliable Submersible Motor Specially designed and manufactured submersible motor, the protection level is IP68, the stator winding is Fclass insulation, due to the good cooling effect of submersible operation, the actual temperature rise of the winding is low, so the motor is more durable. The motor dissipates heat through the casing, and the medium can operate reliably and safely as long as the medium submerges half of the height of the motor stator. The more submerged, the more conducive to the cooling of the motor. The cable is a heavy-duty sewage-resistant rubber-sheathed flexible cable. The cross-section of the cable core is selected for continuous full-load operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C, which is very reliable. The cable is fixed twice on the handle to avoid damage during transportation, installation and use. 3. The Motor Has Tight Seals and Strict Inspections. 1) Shaft Seal Two independent single-end mechanical seals are arranged on the pump side and the motor side respectively to form two shaft seals. The leakage is only ten percent of the double-end mechanical seal. One below. The lubricating oil in the oil chamber lubricates and cools the friction pair of the motor side seal. The mechanical seal on the pump side that is in contact with the medium uses a silicon carbide/silicon carbide "hard-to-hard" friction pair, which has high hardness and low friction coefficient, which is not easy to wear and fail; the motor side mechanical seal that is immersed in oil is graphite/carbonized Silicon "soft to hard" friction pair has a low friction coefficient and is easy to "run-in", and the seal is reliable. The small gap between the impeller and the pump cover can prevent impurities from entering the shaft seal cavity while maintaining good working conditions of the mechanical seal. The rubber parts of the mechanical seal are made of nitrile rubber with excellent oil resistance, and the springs and other structural parts are made of stainless steel. 2) Completely Sealed Cable The WQ/ES pump motor cable adopts a fully sealed structure with a casting head. The cable sheath, cable core and casting head are vulcanized into a whole to ensure that water will not pass through the cable sheath or between the cores. The gap enters the motor cavity. However, the cable end should not be in contact with water. After all, water entering the cable will seriously reduce the insulation of the cable and affect its safety. 3) Sealing Between Parts Use O-ring seals as reliable static seals at the joints between the parts. 4) Tightness Inspection The parts can only be assembled after passing the pressure test. Each pump undergoes strict air pressure test during and after the assembly process to ensure the airtightness of the motor. 4.Reliable Bearing Configuration Select the famous brand high quality deep groove ball bearings, which have sufficient load margin to ensure the reliable operation of the product. 5.Cutting Module The cutting knife rotates with the rotor at high speed and forms a shearing effect with the cutting disc. Highspeed rotary shearing is performed on the sucked long fibers, and the chopped fibers enter the casing and follow the rotation of the impeller to be thrown into the pipeline and discharged. The cutting knife is made of stainless steel and heat treated, and the blade has sufficient hardness to maintain strong shredding performance for a long time. 0RGHO'HVFULSWLRQ 65 WQ/ES 2 51 — 4 — Z(Y.R) Installation method: Z—Automatic coupling installation Y—Hard pipe movable installation R—Hose movable installation Motor power (kW) Impeller quantity Motor pole number: 2 means 2 poles 4 means 4 poles WQ/ES series light type mincing sewage pump Discharge diameter of pump (mm) 04 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 3XPS3HUIRUPDQFH&XUYHDQG0DLQ3DUDPHWHUV'HVFULSWLRQ Head H(m) 36 Performance Curve Recommended Using Scope 30 24 Main Parameter 18 Capacity.Head Relationship Curve Pump Model 12 Rotation Speed ) r0 min* 4 2890 65WQ/ES251-4 Capacity.Shaft Power Relationship Curve 6 Rated Motor Power)kW* Shaft Power Pa (kW) Motor Power Factor cosº Rated Current )A* 8.2 4 0.87 Motor Efficiency 85.5 Weight ) kg* 50 Block Torque 0 Rated Torque 2.2 3 2 0 10 20 30 60 Q(m3/h) Capacity 50 40 The solid part of the curve on the graph indicates the recommended application range of the pump. The user should carefully check the capacity and head when selecting the type, so that the selected pump can work within the recommended range. The weight of the pump does not include accessories of various installation methods, such as coupling device, elbow joint, hose elbow joint, etc. ,QVWDOODWLRQ0HWKRGs WQ/ES type pump has three installation methods: automatic coupling installation (Z), hose movable installation (R) and hard pipe movable installation (Y). The movable installation of the hose and the movable installation of the hard tube are very simple and need not be detailed. The following is an introduction to the automatic coupling installation: *XLGLQJ%DU)UDPH 3RRO0RXWK6L]H Z Automatic Coupling Installation ([SDQVLRQ%ROW a×b *XLGH5RG5HIHUHQFH/HQJWK 3RRO'HSWK/ A 2ULQJ 7KH/RZHVW/HYHO 7KH/RZHVW /HYHO &RXSOLQJ /HYHU 2XWOHW3LSH6HDW *XLGLQJ%DU )UDPH View B *XLGLQJ%DU 5HFRPPHQGHG)RXQGDWLRQ%ROW6SHFLILFDWLRQDQG5HIHUHQFH6L]HRI5HVHUYHG+ROH a View A Flange Dimension 3RRO (GJH Coupling Frame 2XWOHW3LSH *XLGLQJ 6HDW %DU 3RRO0RXWK All the rights to alter technology documents reserved Y Hard Pipe Movable Installation +RVH%HQG &RQQHFWRU 7KH/RZHVW/HYHO b 'HHS3RRO B R Hose Movable Installation +RVH%HQG&RQQHFWRU $FFRUGLQJWR *%7316WDQGDUG)ODQJH 05 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump Automatic coupling installation does not require conventional fasteners to connect pumps and pipes. The coupling device has only four parts: the outlet pipe seat, the guide bar, the guide bar frame, and the coupling frame. The guide bar only plays a guide bar and is not subject to force. It is enough to use ordinary water pipes or steel pipes to cut to the required length according to the depth of the pool, so users can prepare by themselves. When installing, install the outlet pipe seat, guide bar and guide bar frame, install the coupling frame on the casing, lift the pump, penetrate the semicircular hole on the coupling frame into the guide bar, and slide the pump down along the guide bar At the end, the coupling frame will be aligned and fastened with the outlet pipe seat. When the pump needs to be repaired, just lift the pump up and the pump and the outlet pipe seat will be disconnected. This installation method is very convenient for pump maintenance. Since the coupling device and the pump are relatively independent, if your pumping station needs to be replaced with a low-head or high-head pump of the same caliber due to changes in conditions, you can still use the original coupling device. Automatic coupling installation of related hose dimension Movable installation of hose dimension Unit: mm except for inches Project Pump Discharge Diameter 50 65 80 1 "Water Pipe /32×3.5 Seamless Steel Tube Guide bar Guide bar length Quantity and specification of foundation bolts Quantity and specification of expansion bolts Foundation bolts reserved hole dimension Specification for hose elbow joint to be fitted The inner diameter of the hose when the hose is installed Deep Pool-255 Deep Pool-268 Deep Pool-303 4-M20x300 4-M16x220 2-M16x150 Ⅰ 100x100x350 80x80x270 50-6 65-6 80-6 64 76 89 0DLQ3DUWVRIWKH3XPS0DWHULDO Parts Material Impeller, Underneath Pump Cover HT200 Mechanical Seal Material Other Parts Shaft Motor Side Mechanical Seal Friction Pair HT200 2Cr13 Silicon Carbide Pump Side Springs and Mechanical Seal Structural Parts Friction Pair Silicon Carbide Tungsten Carbide Stainless Steel Rubber Parts Nitrile Rubber Notice: if the user requires to make the main parts into ductile iron or other materials, such as 2Cr13, 304, etc., and has other special requirements, please contact the sewage pump research group of the technical department 6WHHULQJ From the pump suction point of view, the impeller for counter clockwise rotation. 0DUNRIWKH&DEOH&RUH Light blue (U), black (V) and brown (W) are three-phase power lines. The Yellow / green double color wire is the grounding wire. 2UGHU,QVWUXFWLRQV 1. The product name, model, installation form, etc. should be indicated when ordering. The influence of the medium's severity on the power should be taken into consideration when selecting the model. Users are warmly welcome to consult the company's technical department for technical questions. 2. The standard length of the motor cable is 10m. If other lengths are required, please specify and indicate on the order. 3. The complete set of supply parts is supplied according to the installation method selected by the user. Optional parts and spare parts must be ordered separately by the user. 4. Due to the concise design of the coupling device, the guide bar only needs to use general water pipes or steel pipes. We have provided the specification and length calculation method of the water pipe or steel pipe used as the guide bar. The user only needs to purchase the water pipe or steel pipe by himself and cut it to the required length before use. Therefore, the guide bar is not used as a coupling installation. The complete set of supply parts. When the user needs the guide bar provided by our company, it must be ordered separately and written in the order. 06 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 6XSSO\6FRSH ,QVWDOODWLRQ0HWKRG 0RELOHKRVH LQVWDOODWLRQ +RVH 0DLQSXPSEHQGMRLQW RQH IRUHDFKSXPS 0RELOHKDUGSLSH LQVWDOODWLRQ 6SDUH3DUWs Options &RPSOHWH6XSSO\ 0DLQSXPSKRVHEHQG FRQQHFWRU RQHIRUHDFKSXPS 0DLQSXPSDXWRPDWLF *XLGingURG $XWRPDWLFFRXSOLQJ FRXSOLQJGHYLFH RQHVHWIRU )RXQGDWLRQEROW LQVWDOODWLRQ HDFKSXPS ([SDQVLRQEROW Electric control device, terminal box, gate (butterfly) valve, check valve, wire rope and rope clip or chain for lifting pump, grille (custom), hoist (custom), rectangular gate (custom) ,PSHOOHU %HDULQJ 0HFKDQLFDOVHDO 2ULQJ ,PSHOOHUIDVWHQHU 6XSSRUWLQJ&RQWURO&DELQHW3URGXFWV 1. Overview of Control Cabinet Products The KQK-E control cabinet for this series of submersible sewage pumps is an economical, safe, reliable, and easy-to-maintain automatic control system. The control cabinet adopts low-voltage electrical appliances and liquid level sensors of well-known brands at home and abroad, with protection functions such as short circuit, phase loss, and overload. The control cabinet can adopt common relay control or panel controller control, and it is equipped with float level switch, water level electrode and other liquid level sensors. In the case of unattended, it can automatically control the start and stop of the water pump according to the level of the liquid. Except for single-control products, all products with main and standby pump control have the function of automatically shutting down the faulty pump and automatically turning on the standby pump. The two-pump and three-pump control cabinet can realize automatic alternate or cyclic operation to realize the equal running time of each pump. Commonly configured control cabinet components are mainly domestic well-known brands such as Tianzheng, Zhengtai, Delixi; high-end configuration control cabinet components are mainly internationally renowned brands such as Schneider, Siemens, and ABB. For a control cabinet with one control and two, if the panel controller solution is adopted, the box size is 400×300×200 (height×width×thickness). 2. Control Cabinet Model Naming Method KQK / T – 2 Ac E – 3 – 001 Other auxiliary functions: interface reservation, etc Motor power: 3kw Control features: E, ES submersible pump (without protection signal line) Operation mode of main and standby pumps: AC - automatic alternation or circulation As timing alternation or cycle H-manual selection of main and standby pumps Quantity of control pumps: two Main component configuration: T-general type, G-high grade type Code of Kaiquan electric control cabinet 3. Model Selection of Supporting Control Cabinet Table1 No. Supporting WQ/ES Pump (One Control One) Control Cabinet Mode Power L8 General Configuration High Grade Configuration Cabinet Dimension ḚHeightfWidthfThicknessḛ 1 0.75 KQK/T-1E-0.75 KQK/G-1E-0.75 400×300×200 2 1.1 KQK/T-1E-1.1 KQK/G-1E-1.1 400×300×200 3 1.5 KQK/T-1E-1.5 KQK/G-1E-1.5 400×300×200 4 2.2 KQK/T-1E-2.2 KQK/G-1E-2.2 400×300×200 5 3 KQK/T-1E-3 KQK/G-1E-3 400×300×200 6 4 KQK/T-1E-4 KQK/G-1E-4 400×300×200 7 5.5 KQK/T-1E-5.5 KQK/G-1E-5.5 400×300×200 8 7.5 KQK/T-1E-7.5 KQK/G-1E-7.5 400×300×200 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved 07 Table2 Supporting WQ/ES Pump (One Control Two) Control Cabinet Mode Power No. Cabinet Dimension L8 General Configuration High Grade Configuration ḚHeightfWidthfThicknessḛ 1 0.75 KQK/T-2AcE-0.75 KQK/G-2AcE-0.75 500×400×200 2 1.1 KQK/T-2AcE-1.1 KQK/G-2AcE-1.1 500×400×200 3 1.5 KQK/T-2AcE-1.5 KQK/G-2AcE-1.5 500×400×200 4 2.2 KQK/T-2AcE-2.2 KQK/G-2AcE-2.2 500×400×200 5 3 KQK/T-2AcE-3 KQK/G-2AcE-3 500×400×200 6 4 KQK/T-2AcE-4 KQK/G-2AcE-4 500×400×200 7 5.5 KQK/T-2AcE-5.5 KQK/G-2AcE-5.5 500×400×200 8 7.5 KQK/T-2AcE-7.5 KQK/G-2AcE-7.5 500×400×200 Table3 Supporting WQ/ES Pump (One Control Three) Control Cabinet Mode Power No. Cabinet Dimension L8 General Configuration High Grade Configuration ḚHeightfWidthfThicknessḛ 1 0.75 KQK/T-3AcE-0.75 KQK/G-3AcE-0.75 700×500×200 2 1.1 KQK/T-3AcE-1.1 KQK/G-3AcE-1.1 700×500×200 3 1.5 KQK/T-3AcE-1.5 KQK/G-3AcE-1.5 700×500×200 4 2.2 KQK/T-3AcE-2.2 KQK/G-3AcE-2.2 700×500×200 5 3 KQK/T-3AcE-3 KQK/G-3AcE-3 700×500×200 6 4 KQK/T-3AcE-4 KQK/G-3AcE-4 700×500×200 7 5.5 KQK/T-3AcE-5.5 KQK/G-3AcE-5.5 700×500×200 8 7.5 KQK/T-3AcE-7.5 KQK/G-3AcE-7.5 700×500×200 &RPSUHKHQVLYH&KDUDFWHULVWLF&XUYH&KDUWV H(m) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 48 44 44 40 40 36 36 32 32 28 28 24 65W 20 16 50W 50W 12 50W 8 Q /E 24 Q /E S25 1- 4 20 16 Q /E S24 S24 1- 1 .5 Q /E S24 9- 1 .1 2- 2 12 .2 8 4 4 0 0 08 3 60 Q( m / h) 48 H(m) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 0 3 60 Q( m / h) All the rights to alter technology documents reserved WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 3HUIRUPDQFH&XUYH*UDSK, 0DLQ3DUDPHWHU7DEOHDQG,QVWDOODWLRQ'LPHQVLRQ'LDJUDPRI(DFK3XPS 50WQ/ES249-1.1 Outlet Diameter:50mm Performance Curve H(m) 14 Main Parameter 12 Pump Model Rated Motor Power)kW* Rotation Speed ) r0 min* Weight )kg* 8 50WQ/ES249-1.1 1.1 2825 28 6 Rated Current ) A* Motor Power Factor cosº Motor Efficiency Block Torque 0 Rated Torque 0.86 77 2.2 10 2.5 4 Capacity.Head!(m /h-m) 3 Pa (kW) 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 8 4 12 24 20 16 Middle Small Capacity Point Capacity Point 8-11 15-9.5 Huge Capacity Point 20-7 28 Q(m3/h) Installation Dimension Diagram R Hose Movable Installation Z Automatic Coupling Installation View B 700×570 B 70 2-20 366 132 Y Hard Pipe Movable Installation 700 Flange Dimension Pool Mouth 200 According to GB/T17241.6PN6 Standard Flange 270 480 Φ50 Φ110 Φ140 ĭ 74 76 89 130 75 570 4-20 140 74 556 75 76 250 15 350 50 270 35 251 View A Pool Edge 180 480 Φ60 19 75 10 A 334 388 (266) 479 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved 09 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 50WQ/ES241-1.5 Outlet Diameter:50mm Performance Curve H(m) Main Parameter 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 Pump Model Rated Motor Power)kW* Rotation Speed ) r0 min* Weight ) kg* 50WQ/ES241-1.5 1.5 2840 33 Rated Current )A* Motor Power Factor cosº Motor Efficiency Block Torque 0 Rated Torque 3.4 0.85 78 2.2 Capacity.Head!(m 3/h-m) Pa (kW) Middle Small Capacity Point Capacity Point 10-13 15-12 Huge Capacity Point 20-8.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 20 15 10 5 25 Q(m3/h) Installation Dimension Diagram Z Automatic Coupling Installation R Hose Movable Installation View B 700×570 B 70 2-20 75 74 87 101 180 130 75 Pool Mouth Φ50 Φ110 Φ140 ĭ According to GB/T17241.6PN6 Standard Flange 478 Flange Dimension 4-20 140 200 76 Y Hard Pipe Movable Installation 700 280 View A 570 Pool Edge 390 132 76 250 15 360 552 50 19 280 266 75 478 Φ60 35 10 A 361 415 (266) 506 10 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 50WQ/ES242-2.2 Outlet Diameter:50mm Performance Curve H(m) Main Parameter 22 20 16 2.2 50WQ/ES242-2.2 14 12 4.7 Weight )kg* 37 2840 Motor Power Factor cosº Rated Current )A* 10 Rotation Speed ) r0 min* Rated Motor Power)kW* Pump Model 18 Motor Efficiency 0.86 Block Torque 0 Rated Torque 2.2 82 Capacity.Head!(m 3/h-m) Pa (kW) Middle Small Huge Capacity Point Capacity Point Capacity Point 10-18 20-15 28-10 2.2 1.5 1 0 8 4 12 20 16 24 28 32 Q(m3/h) Installation Dimension Diagram Z Automatic Coupling Installation R Hose Movable Installation View B 700×570 B 70 2-20 Y Hard Pipe Movable Installation 700 Pool Mouth According to GB/T17241.6PN6 Standard Flange 505 570 86 99 130 75 Φ50 Φ110 Φ140 ĭ 295 Flange Dimension 4-20 140 200 505 387 132 75 View A 75 50 370 580 75 75 250 15 Pool Edge 180 295 35 Φ60 261 19 75 10 A 355 409 (266) 500 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved 11 WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump 65WQ/ES251-4 Outlet Diameter:50mm Performance Curve H(m) 36 30 Main Parameter 24 18 12 6 Pump Model Rated Motor Power)kW* Rotation Speed ) r0 min* 65WQ/ES251-4 4 2890 50 Rated Current )A* Motor Power Factor cosº Motor Efficiency Block Torque 0 Rated Torque 0.87 85.5 2.2 8.2 Capacity.Head!(m /h-m) 3 Pa (kW) Middle Small Capacity Point Capacity Point 4 3 10-27 2 0 5 10 15 25 20 Weight ) kg* 25-22 Huge Capacity Point 30-20 Q (m3/h) 30 Installation Dimension Diagram Z Automatic Coupling Installation R Hose Movable Installation 700×570 B View B 70 Φ74 35 294 85 50 385 633 75 65 280 19 568 2-20 320 95 10 A 404 451 15 132 Pool Mouth According to GB/T17241.6PN6 Standard Flange 320 570 102 117 10 105 170 230 Φ65 Φ130 Φ160 4-Φ13.5 568 Flange Dimension 4-20 130 180 Y Hard Pipe Movable Installation 700 85 View A Pool Edge 490 (299) 579 12 All the rights to alter technology documents reserved WQ/ES Series Light Type Mincing Pump ,QGHSHQGHQW0LQFLQJ0RGXOH All the rights to alter technology documents reserved 13 /HDGLQJWKH5LVHRI&KLQHVH3XPS,QGXVWU\ .+,+/1'/7;'435:58'4*6;36)52:* Company Address: No. 4255/4287, Caoan Company Address: No. 611, Tianshui Road, Xinzhan District, Hefei Highway, Jiading District, Shanghai (the intersection of Dangtu North Road and Tianshui Road) Company Website: www.Kaiquan.com.cn Fax: 0551-65459127 Customer Service Hotline:400-002-6600 Company Telephone: 0551-65459133 Customer Service Hotline: 0551-65459293 ?(17=79