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Final Assignment (Ed.1)

Hang Su
Professor Hartley
English 102
22nd, July, 2022
Mental Health
Nowadays, mental health is become more and more serious topic that for most
people to talk about it. For example, at the most massive shooting that people will talk
about the shooter mental health condition, and police officer will look into it as their
first priority. Since when that we care about people mental health much more than
When is the first time does people been affected to their mental health? is all the
time, even since when we born to the earth. However, most parents will not agree
with that because they believe people like their age won’t have any behavior affected.
The first behavior affect is the family. For example, the domestic violence, is the
most common violence that people can see, a lot of people been affect by their family
behavior. If their father always beat their partner, kids will learn from it and as long as
they grow up they will use the same way to beat their partner too.
Another behavior affect is the social trauma. For example, massive shooting,
kidnap, been attacked, or such violence that they are seeing while they were young. It
could be their lifetime nightmare.
What if most parents will not take care their children’s mental health carefully, what
will happened? First of all, become a criminal. Second, make them have less social.
Third, not steady mental condition.
As an Asian, in my area, most parents they didn’t really care about their kids
mental health.