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health 7 3rd quiz 1 mental health sound mind, sound body

Class #:
I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write the CAPITAL LETTER
of your choice on the space provided before each number. FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE,
______1. Who is most likely to get a mental illness?
A. Poor, uneducated people.
B. People with stressful jobs.
C. All the other choices are incorrect.
D. Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of intelligence, social class, or income level.
______2. One Sunday morning when you and your buddy Anna were strolling down Session Road,
Anna noticed that her phone was already missing in her bag. She suddenly experienced a
panic attack. What would be the best course of action for you?
A. Firmly hold and restrain her.
B. Try to dismiss her fears by telling her that there’s nothing that can be done.
C. Stay with her and encourage her to be calm down and breathe deep and slowly.
D. Use it as a time to help the individual confront the fear head-on and find its cause.
______3. Which of the following are the characteristics of Positive Stress?
A. It motivates
C. It improves performance.
B. It feels exciting.
D. All of the above.
______4. You have an important assignment due in two days' time. Which of the following is the
best way to approach this in order to manage your stress?
A. Ask a friend to write half so you have less work to do.
B. Work through the night before it's due: sleep can wait.
C. Work solidly without breaks from now until it's finished.
D. Work in short bursts with breaks in between to recharge.
_____5. Too much stress can make you feel tired, anxious, nervous, or angry so it's important that
you know how to relax and reduce these negative symptoms. Which of the following is NOT a
good way to relieve stress?
A. Go for a run or walk or take part in another physical activity.
B. Have a bath with scented candles, a good book and your favorite Spotify music.
C. Try to complete as many jobs on your to-do list as possible and stay as busy as you can.
D. Meditate, to focus your attention and quiet the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be
crowding your mind and causing stress.
______6. Which of the following is most likely to increase or maintain your stress levels and so
should be eliminated?
A. An A to-do list
C. An untidy cluttered bedroom
B. A familiar daily routine
D. An organized diary or calendar
______7. You're already feeling stressed when your friend Matthew starts a confrontation with you.
How should you react to this situation to reduce your stress?
A. By retaliating with violence
C. By arguing back with the other person
B. By staying calm and not reacting
D. All of the above
______8. Which of the following statements is true about stress management?
A. Stress management teaches us to avoid all kinds of stress.
B. Stress management helps us control our health in a positive sense.
C. Stress management is learning about the connection between mind and body.
D. Only ‘B’ & ‘C’ are right.
______9. Andre looks out for his son, Nikko, whose puppy recently passed away from the canine
parvovirus. Andre is capable of performing all of the following during this challenging time,
with the exception of:
A. Suppressing Nikko’s true feelings
B. Talk with your child about their feelings.
C. Answer your child's questions simply and honestly.
D. Give your kids time to mourn and remember their beloved pet
______10. One way to manage stress is to __________ something happy, like a beach or a puppy.
A. avoid
B. ignore
C. exercise
D. visualize
II TRUE OF FALSE: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the word FALSE
if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in the space before each statement. ANY
__________1. Social interaction does not influence personality development. -F
__________2. Teens need independence from their parents, but the majority of teens still want their
parents involved in their lives. -T
__________3. The early use of drugs and alcohol makes addiction more likely and slows the
development of the brain. –T
__________4. Good leader makes followers into leaders. -T
__________5. Right to health is not a human right. -F
III ESSAY: Read the situation below and explain your view about it in 4-5 sentences. (5 points)
What is the first thing that you do when you are stressed? Explain your