'¾iQiTii Skills Check-Off #3: Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary/ReproductiveSystems Assessment Rubric Criteria Pts Ratings Initial Steps of Skill 3 pts 2.25 pts Opts Indirect Care Measures, Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Rights: Kn0<:ks on door, greet resident, introduces self, wash Performs all steps without difficulty that are Performs 75% of the steps that are Performs less than 75% of the steps that are hands, check patient ID bracelet after washing hands, privacy curtain, lock wheels to bed/ or wheelchair, required in the skill listed, required in the skill listed, required in the skill listed. Inspection of Abdomen 3pts 2.25 pis Assesses the contour, symmetry, umbilicus, skin, pulsation E)(ceeds S(andards Meets Standards Below Standards or movement, hair distribution, and demeanor of abdomen. Performs all steps without difficulty that are Performs 75% of the steps that are Performs less than 75% of the steps that are required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. Auscultation of Abdomen 3pts 2.25 pis 0 pts Auscultates bowel sounds and notes any abnormal findings Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Below Standar'ds Performs all steps without difficulty that are Performs 75% of the steps that are Performs less than 75% of the steps that are required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. 3 pts Set up for procedure Palpation of Abdomen Inspects and palpates all four quadrants of the abdomen and 3 pts 3 pts t Below Standards. Meets Standards Performs all steps without difficulty that are Perfonns 75% of the steps that are Performs less than 75% of the steps that are required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. Inspection and Palpation of Genitourinary System 3pts 2.25 pis 0 pts Assesses and palpates the penis and scrotum as applicable. Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Below Standards. Assesses and palpates for inguinal hernia as applicable. Performs al1 steps without difficulty that ar,e Pt:"rforms 75% of the steps that ar,e Performs less than 75% of the st,eps that are Inspects the external female genit)lia as applicable. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. 3 pts 2.25 pis 0 pts Meets Standards Below Standards theliver and spleen. 3 pts opts 2.25 pis Exceeds Standards t 0 pts 3 pts t 3 pts Palpates the labia, Skene's and Bart.holin's glands.as applicable. Inspects cervix and vagina as applicable. Inspection and Palpation of Breasts Inspects breasts while patient Is in seated position with arms Exceeds Standards t raised overhead. Inspection and palpation of breast while Performs all steps without difficulty that are Performs 75% of the steps that are Performs less than 75% of the steps that are patient is supine. Provide teaching of breast self· examination {BSE) required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. Inspection and Palpation of Regional Lymphatics 3 pts 2.25 pts Opts Inspect and palpate the axillae and inguinal lymph nodes Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Performs all steps without difficulty that are Perlonns 75% of the steps that a(e Perlorms less than 75'96 of the steps that are required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. 3 pts 3 pts t Rationale 3 pts 2.25 pts Opts Student explains to examiner steps of procedure while EKceeds Standards Meets Standards Below Standards performins Able to verbalize rationales of all steps Able to verbalize rationales of most steps Unable to verbalize rationales for most steps without difficulty that are required in the skills and with minimal difficulty for skills listed. and/or with significant difficulty for skills 3 pts listed. listed. t Final Steps & Lab Area 3 pts Indirect Care· Safety· bed locked. call light. w/c locked. bed Exceeds Standards low position. Resident Rights: privacy curtain opened. Performs all steps without difficulty that are Performs 75% of the steps that are Performs less than 75% of the steps that are Comfort: pillow, blanket, repositioned, Infection Control, trash empty, wash hands required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. required in the skill listed. Attendance and Mannerism 3 pts 2.25 pis 0 pts On time, prepared to perform skills, professional attire and Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Below St;;tndards attitude On time to lab skills check On time to lab skills check offs. Appears Tardy to skills check off. Instructor notices that the student offs. Calm demeanor with nervous yet able to continue with check off has limited ability to che-ck off for the designated skill at appropriate mannerisms with some distraction. Mannerisms are this time. Body language and mannerisms are inappropriate appropriate. at times. Opts 2.25 pts Below Standards Meets Standards I 1 3 pts t 3 pts Total Points: 30