Dunkin’ Donut is an example of a company that conducted scent marketing in a very unique way through a campaign. Upon doing research regarding ‘scent marketing’, what I discovered was that many businesses focused mainly on using the scents within their retail stores. For example, companies like Starbucks and Abercrombie & Fitch’s main goal was to reinforce their brand on the customers’ minds by filling up the retail stores with their signature aromas. Visitors would remember and enjoy their experience within the stores a lot better with a special scent, which then would make it very likely that the customers stay in the store for a longer period of time and also revisit the store. While this type of scent marketing is a powerful method of branding, Dunkin’ Donut took it a notch further by thinking outside the box. Instead of limiting the scent to the brick-and-motor stores only, they decided to use it in public areas, more specifically, in buses. What they did was they installed diffusers that would pump out the aroma of Dunkin’ Donut’s coffee in response to a jingle at the end of an advertisement that would play on the buses’ radios. These diffusers were designed using a technology that would allow the diffusor to only react to music that comes at the end of Dunkin’s radio advertisements. So people on the bus would all be smelling Dunkin’s coffee right after Dunkin’s radio advertisement. In addition to this genius idea, they also positioned things so that when people get off at the bus stop after smelling the coffee, they would see a screen advertisement for Dunkin’ Donut and the Dunkin’ Donut shop right in front of their eyes. In a nutshell, Dunkin’ Donut used the scent of coffee as a bait to trigger more customers to enter their stores. Their scent marketing wasn’t targeting the customers that were already inside the store. Rather, it was targeted towards people that use public transportation to commute to work in the morning. This clever scent marketing resulted in significant increases in sales as well as the number of visitors in stores located near bus stops during the campaign period. Sales surged by a whopping 29%, while the number of visitors increased by 16%. Why is this campaign of Dunkin’ Donut constantly mentioned as being one of the most cleverly conducted example of scent marketing? It has to do with the fact that every component of the campaign was arranged in a very delicate and smart way so that it would amplify the effect of scent marketing. First of all, the “audience targeting” component was very well thought out. Other than the fact that they were creative in targeting audience outside the retail stores, they were also very specific with the type of audience they wanted to reach. They limited their targeting region to Seoul and capital areas where most people commute to work using public transportation, specifically because their main objective was to increase sales in ‘coffee’. Secondly, in order to captivate these commuters, they positioned their radio advertisement in the morning, and even more specifically, they timed it so that a voice saying “ Dunkin’ Coffee is waiting for you right at your stop” would play when the commuters were getting off at the bus station in front of a Dunkin’ Donut store. This relay of advertisement + coffee scent + voice luring you into the store would’ve made it hard for the commuters to resist paying a visit to Dunkin’s for a cup off coffee, especially if it is something that they were in great need of at that particular time of the day. All in all, Dunkin' Donut’s “Flavor Radio” campaign is a brilliant example of scent marketing in that it incorporated the coffee scent to lure people outside ‘into’ the stores and that it consisted of a very well-planned out sequence of promotion that would maximize the efficacy of the coffee scent. <Reference> https://youtu.be/57xO-aMiHbs http://www.iconsumer.or.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=9031