Health Risks: Smoking, Alcohol, BMI & Diet - Information Sheet

High body mass index
Can cause a fault in body cells as they divide.
This can lead to a tumour and, ultimately, cancer.
Increases the risk of:
cardiovascular disease
Use during pregnancy increases the risk of
having a baby with low birthweight.
many forms of cancer
low birth weight
Use in early life (including in the uterus) increases
the risk of developing asthma.
respiratory conditions (for example, emphysema
and asthma)
Damages the airways, which contributes to a
number of respiratory conditions including
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
increased risk of infection
Contains kilojoules and therefore energy.
Contributes to weight gain.
Increases the risk and burden of disease associated
Is filtered through the liver, so can cause liver
weight gain and associated conditions
liver disease
Can contributes to behaviour change and risktaking.
Affects judgement and motor control contributing
to injuries.
Increases the risk and burden of disease
associated with:
Type 2 diabetes and kidney disease
Cardiovascular disease
Some cancers
Mental health issues
Is a depressant and can contribute to mental
health problems.
Causes a strain on the heart
Increases the risk of high blood pressure and
related conditions
Increases the risk of impaired glucose regulation
and type 2 diabetes
Extra strain on joints increases the risk of arthritis
Can impact self-esteem and contribute to
mental health issues.
Under-consumption of
Under - consumption of
Under-consumption of
dairy foods
Can contribute to a deficiency in vitamins
and minerals, including folate.
Can increase the risk of neural tube defects.
Can lead to low intake of fibre.
Can mean that antioxidant intake is low.
Are low in energy so under-consumption can
contribute to weight gain and associated
Can contribute to a deficiency in vitamins
and minerals, including folate.
Can increase the risk of neural tube defects.
Can lead to low intake of fibre.
Can mean that antioxidant intake is low.
Are low in energy so under-consumption can
contribute to weight gain and associated
Contributes to low intake of calcium which his
required to maintain strong bones.
Has been associated with increased risk of
cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer
and type 2 diabetes.
Increased rates of obesity and
related conditions, especially
cardiovascular disease
Increased rates of some cancers
Increased rates of obesity and
related conditions, especially
cardiovascular disease
Increased rates of some cancers
Increased rates of osteoporosis
Increased rate of dental caries
Increased risk of cardiovascular
disease, colorectal cancer and type
2 diabetes.
High intake of fat
High intake of salt
High intake of sugar
Is nutrient-dense and contributes to weight
Can contribute to atherosclerosis
Can interfere with cell membranes and
contribute to impaired glucose regulation
Can increase the risk of colorectal cancer
even in those who are a normal body mass.
Doesn’t contain energy, but draws fluid out
of cells and increases blood volume. This
increases blood pressure.
Causes calcium to be excreted which can
decrease bone density.
Contains energy which is converted to fat if
not used.
Promotes bacteria growth on teeth which
produce acids and contribute to decay.
Increased rates of obesity
Increased rates of cardiovascular
Increase rates of colorectal cancer
Increased rates of hypertension and
associated conditions such as heart
attack and stroke.
Increased rates of osteoporosis.
Increased rates of dental decay and
associated health problems including
infections, kidney disease and oral
Increased rates of obesity and
associated conditions
Low intake of fibre
Low intake of iron
People are more likely to feel hungry
Can contribute to higher levels of cholesterol
Higher rates of colorectal cancer
Can contribute to higher rates of glucose
Can contribute to weight gain and associated
Higher rates of conditions associated
conditions, especially colorectal
Can contribute to unregulated bowel
Can cause low levels of
haemoglobin in blood
Causes higher rates of
anaemia, especially among