F6 BIOLOGY SCHEME OF WORK – TERM ONE 2016 WEEK TOPIC 1–3 ENZYMES ENERGY IN THE CELL(RESP & PHOTO) AIM: at the end of each week students should be able to: 1. Describe the structure and the function of chromosomes DNA and RNA 2. Describe and illustrate the process of protein synthesis including a brief description of the role of DNA, messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosome 3. Describe the process of transcription and translation 4. Discuss how human beings can manipulate DNS to produce modified organisms 5. Draw and recognize simple diagrams using symbols to illustrate structure of each of the following: carbohydrates, lipids and protein 6. State the role of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the structure and function of cells 7. Test foods for the presence of protein, starch, glucose and lipids 1. Describe how enzymes catalyze biological reactions 2. Explain how enzymes catalyze biological reactions 3. Explain how pH, temperature and concentration affect the rates of enzyme controlled reactions 1. Write a balance chemical equation for photosynthesis 2. Explain how during the light phase in the grana, photosynthesis of water occurs producing hydrogen and oxygen and ATPs synthesized 3. Explain how during the dark phase in the stoma, carbon dioxide is fixed and glucose produced 4. Recognize the grana and stoma of a chloroplast in diagram or photograph 1 ACTIVITY QUIZ 1 SUMMATIVE IA: enzyme activity and temperature QUIZ 2 FORMATIVE TEST REFERENCES LELVEL 12, BIOLOGY, REBERTS, ANNA, 2011, ESA STUDY GUIDE & YR 12 BIO STDS RESOURCES & ACTIVITY MANUAL, 2006, BIO ZONE 5-6 CELL COMPOUNDS MOLUCUAR BIOLOGY AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 4 SUBTOPICS ADRIAN MERAKE F6 BIOLOGY SCHEME OF WORK – TERM ONE 2016 9 10 MOLUCUAR BIOLOGY AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 8 CELL STRUCTURE TRANSPORT PROCESS CELL GROWTH AND DIVISION NUTRITION (PANTS) 1. Recognize that the cell is the smallest independent unit of life 2. Familiar with the microscopes parts and functions and aware of rules and procedure to prepare mount wet. 3. Explain how surface area to volume ratio limits substances entering and leaving cells and determines cell size 4. Identify and state the function of nucleus, chromosomes, mitochondrion, chloroplast, ribosome, Golgi apparatus, etc. 1. Define and identify the processes of diffusion and osmosis 2. Describe the factors which influence the rate of the processes of osmosis and diffusion, and explain how selective exchange occurs at the cell membrane 3. Define and identify and to compare the process of active transport and passive transport terms of energy requirements using relevant examples. 1. Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis 2. Discuss the role of mitosis and meiosis in the life cycle of an organism 3. Recognize the sequence of events in mitosis and meiosis 4. Describe the role of crossing over, recombination and independent assortment in producing variation in species 1. Describe the difference between the terms autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition 2. Identify and describe the function of cuticle, epidermis, palisade, mesophyll, spongy, mesophyll, vascular bundle, stoma, guard cell and air space 3. Explain the factors such as carbon dioxide, light, intensity, water, temperature and 2 SUMMATIVE IA: making a slide cells from an onion and cheek cell QUIZ 3 QUIZ 4 FORMATIVE TEST (WEEK 7 – 10) LELVEL 12, BIOLOGY, REBERTS, ANNA, 2011, ESA STUDY GUIDE & YR 12 BIO STDS RESOURCES & ACTIVITY MANUAL, 2006, BIO ZONE 7 ADRIAN MERAKE F6 BIOLOGY SCHEME OF WORK – TERM ONE 2016 11 12 13-14 GAS EXCHANGE concentration of carbon dioxide may affect the rate of photosynthesis. 1. Identify the gases exchanged during photosynthesis and respiration 2. Explain how the guard cells regulate the movement of gases 3. Explain how stomata help to cool the plant by evaporation REVISION TERM ONE EXAMINATION 3 ADRIAN MERAKE