EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Index Topic General Discussion on Question pattern of PGCB বইটির মূল্যঃ To Whom It May Copy Paste ( সম্ভাবয কটি-পিস্টারপের প্রটি ) উৎসর্গ SECTION-B: General Knowledge – 20 Marks General Knowledge Question Suggestion and Solution by Rony Parvej based on previous exams SECTION-C Bangla and English Paragraph Suggestion by Rony Parvej (on Power Sector of Bangladesh, English) এক নজপর বাাংল্াপেপের টবদ্যযৎ খাি এক নজপর নবায়নপর্ার্য জ্বাল্াটন কার্গক্রম বাস্তবায়ন অগ্রর্টি About PGCB Sustainable Development Goals and Bangladesh: from MDG to SDG Important Abbreviations SECTION-D: Analytical Ability – 20 Marks Math Questions of Previous Years Trust Bank Ltd. 2015 Recruitment Test Question IBA (DU) MBA Admission Test, July 2016 IBA (DU) MBA Admission Test, December-2015 SECTION-A: EEE – 40 Marks 1 M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST 24.03.2017 Solution of M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST 24.03.2017 2 BEPZA 30.12.2016 3 BOF (SAME PATTERN) 22.04.2016 4 WZPDCL 18.03.2016 5 M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST 11.03.2016 6 River Research Institute xx.02.2016 7 CPGCL 29.05.2015 8 SREDA 23.05.2015 9 M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST 03.04.2015 Solution of M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST 03.04.2015 1 Page No. 2 4 4 5 11 13 13 13 14 18 20 21 21 23 25 28 29 38 41 42 43 45 48 50 52 54 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet General Discussion টপ্রয় িরীক্ষার্গীবৃন্দ, আসসাল্ামু আল্াইকুম। আর্ামী ৩১ মার্গ MIST তি PGCB এর তর্ সহকারী প্রপকৌেল্ী িপে টরক্রুিপমন্ি এক্সাপমর জন্য টিটজটসটব তর্পক তর্ মানবন্িন তেওয়া হপয়পে িা টনম্নরূিঃ PGCB Syllabus Subject EEE General Knowledge Bangla, English and Power Sector Related Analytical Ability Marks 40 20 20 20 উক্ত মানবন্িন অনুসাপর তসকোন বাই তসকোন আপল্ার্নায় র্াই আমরা। SECTION-A: EEE – 40 Marks এই তসকোপনর প্রশ্ন তকমন হপি িাপর িা জানার জন্য আমরা MI ST এর করা আপর্র টকেু প্রশ্ন করপি িাটর। র্ি ৩-৪ বেপর MI ST কপরপে এরকম টকেু প্রপশ্নর িাটল্কা টনপর্ টেল্াম। তসখান তর্পক টকেুিা আইটিয়া তিপি িাপরন। সমাধান করার তক্ষপে ২০১৫ ও ২০১৬ সাপল্ হওয়া িরীক্ষাগুপল্াপক তবটে গুরুত্ব টেপল্ই র্ল্পব। আমার ধারণা এই প্রশ্নগুপল্ার সবগুপল্া সল্ভ করপি িারপল্ হয়পিা ৪০ এর তভির ২৫-৩০ মাকগপসর এন্সার করপি িারপবন। 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Previous Questions Made by MIST M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST BEPZA BOF (SAME PATTERN) WZPDCL M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST River Research Institute CPGCL SREDA M.Sc. Admission Test Question, MIST Bangladesh Ordinance Factory (BOF) 43th BMA SPL Course-EME (EEE/EECE) Rural Power Company Limited (RPCL) Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) 24.03.2017 30.12.2016 22.04.2016 18.03.2016 11.03.2016 xx.02.2016 29.05.2015 23.05.2015 03.04.2015 28.02.2014 14.03.2014 21.12.2013 2013 & 2012 SECTION-B: General Knowledge – 20 Marks এই তসকোপনর প্রশ্নগুপল্া সম্পপকগ র্াপি ভাল্ আইটিয়া িান তসজন্য আটম MI ST এর করা ১১ তসি প্রশ্ন তর্পক সাধারণ জ্ঞান অাংেিুকু আল্াো কপর উত্তরসহ কম্পাইল্ কপর টেল্াম। আমার ধারণা এর সবগুপল্া িড়পল্ ২০ এর তভির ৮-১০ কমন তিপিই িাপরন। 2 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet SECTION-C: Bangla, English and Power Sector Related – 20 Marks এই তসকোন সম্পপকগ অপনপকরই ধারণা কম। বাাংল্ার তক্ষপে টবর্ি (১০ম-৩৭ িম) টবটসএস টপ্রটল্টমনাটরর প্রশ্ন তর্পক প্রশ্ন হপি িাপর। ইাংপরজীর তক্ষপে Tr ansl at i on, Appr opr i at e Pr eposi t i on, Maki ng Sent ence ইিযাটে তর্পক প্রশ্ন হপি িাপর। িাওয়ার তসক্টর সম্পটকগি তকান একিা িযারাগ্রাফ (বাাংল্া অর্বা ইাংপরজী) টল্খপি টেপি িাপর । তসপক্ষপে, বাাংল্ায়-০৫, ইাংপরটজ-০৫, িাওয়ার তসক্টর-১০ মাকগস টিসটিটবউোন এরকম হপি িাপর। SECTION-D: Analytical Ability – 20 Marks এই তসকোনিা এপকবাপরই নিুন। এমআইএসটিপি এরকম প্রশ্ন আপর্ তিমন একিা তেখা র্ায়টন। র্াপহাক, র্টে সটিয সটিযই এিা আপস িার জন্য কপয়ক তসি স্যাম্পল্ প্রশ্ন তসকোন টি তি সাংর্ুক্ত করল্াম। তসগুল্া হয়পিা প্রযাকটিস কপর তেখপি িাপরন সময় র্াকপল্। টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 3 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet বইটির মূল্যঃ আিনার র্াকুরীর ১ মাপসর তবিন! এই বইটি িপড় র্টে আিটন উিকৃি হন এবাং র্াকুটর িান িাহপল্ এর মূল্য টহপসপব আিনার র্াকুরীর ১ মাপসর তবিন (আিনার সুটবধামি সমপয়) এমন তকান তক্ষপে োন করপবন র্া সােকাপয় র্াটরয়াহ (অটবরি োন)। এপি আিটনও সওয়াব িাপবন, আটমও হয়পিা িাব এর টকেু অাংে। To Whom It May Copy Paste (সম্ভাবয কটি-পিস্টারপের প্রটি ) এই তর্ আটম এি কষ্ট কপর কপয়ক রাি তজপর্ এিা বপস বপস িাইি করল্াম, প্রটিিা প্রশ্ন সাংগ্রহ করল্াম তেৌড়াপয় তেৌড়াপয়, অপনক রাি টনর্ুগম কািপল্া এর সমাধান খুুঁজপি তর্পয় আিনার টক মপন হয় এগুপল্াপক টবন্দুমাে মূল্য না টেপয় আিটন এর সম্পূণগ তক্রটিি টনপয় টনপল্ কাজিা টক টিক হপব? তহিার তর্পক আমার নাম মুপে টেপয় ….@Engine…., ….Only ( শুধুই…) , টকাংবা ফ্লুইি টেপয় আমার টিকানা সব মুপে টেপয় টপ্রন্ি কপর নীল্পক্ষপি বই বাটনপয় আমারই নাপম টবক্রয় করপবন, টকাংবা … টমে মপহােয় স্ক্রীনেি টনপয় আমার উত্তর বসাপয় টেপয় বই বাটনপয় টবক্রয় করপবন, টকাংবা সরবরাপহঃ মটেউর রহমান টল্পখ “িারপফক্ট” তসপজ সমাপন টপ্রন্ি কপর বই র্াল্াপবন, টকাংবা তরি মাকগ টেপয় তিেপন এক তকানায় আমার নামিা এমনভাপব তেপবন র্াপি কাপরা তর্াপখই না িপড়, এই কাজগুপল্া টক টিক হপব? প্রশ্নগুপল্ার উত্তর আিনাপের টবপবপকর উিরই তেপড় টেল্াম। র্টে টবপবপকর কাপে মপন হয় কাজিা টিক হপবনা িাহপল্ তসখাপন র্র্ার্র্ভাপব আমার নাম উপেখ কপর তক্রটিি তেবার অনুপরাধ করটে। আিনাপের অপনপকর জন্য হয়পিা এিা িাকা টকাংবা ল্াইক কামাপনার একিা ির্ টকন্তু এিা আমার িযােন টেল্, িযােন তর্পকই কাজিা শুরু কপরটেল্াম, এখনও িযােনই আপে। আো কটর, এই িকুপমপন্ির তকান অাংে তরফাপরন্স (িাই বপল্ িুপরািাই কটি কপর র্াল্াই টেপবন িা তর্ন না হয়!) টহপসপব ইউজ করপল্ অন্তি প্রািয তক্রটিিিুকু তেপবন। উৎসর্গ আমার বউ শ্রাবনীপক আমার তর্পক র্ার প্রািয সমপয়র র্ার ভাপর্র টিন ভার্ই এই বইপক টেপয় তেওয়া হপয়পে EEE Job Preparation গ্রুপির সকল্ সেস্যবৃন্দ ও শুভানুধযায়ীর্ণপক আমার তফসবুক বন্ধুরা র্ারা অনবরি অনুপ্রাটণি কপর তর্পেন 4 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet SECTION-B: General Knowledge – 20 Marks Sl. 1 2 3 Question How many EPZ are there under BEPZA? What is the name of the recent award given to our hon’ble Prime Minister for ICT development? Sajeeb Wazed Joy Received What is the name of the lowest tyre of local government institute in Bangladesh? What is the latest GDP growth rate evaluated by BBS? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 What will be the length of Padma Multipurpose Bridge? Where CIRDAP head quarter situated? What was the main objective of Kyoto Protocol? What is Currency name of Turkey? What is the name of our present Foreign Minister? How many countries use Euro as their official currency? In which day International Women’s Day is observed? What is the present ICC ODI ranking of Bangladesh? Which country has the diplomatic relation with Taiwan? Which is the oldest EPZ of Bangladesh? Which city is called “Big Apple”? Answer Exam 8 BEPZA-16 "ICT Sustainable Development BEPZA-16 Award" ‘ICT for Development Award’ Union BEPZA-16 GDP of Bangladesh 2015-16 : Growth rate 7.11 and per capita GNI 1465 in US$ 6.15 km BEPZA-16 Dhaka to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Turkish Lira Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmud Ali 19 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 8 March 7 Many (INDIA, USA etc) BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 WZPDCL-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 17 When Bangladesh achieved Test Status in Cricket? Chittagong EPZ New York City the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea 2000 18 Who is the first woman to have flown in space? Valentina Tereshkova WZPDCL-16 19 Who is the president of FIFA? Gianni Infantino WZPDCL-16 20 Who is the sculptor of the central Shaheed Minar? Sculptor Hamidur Rahman WZPDCL-16 21 Which planet is closest to the earth? Venus WZPDCL-16 আব্দুল্ র্াফফার তর্ৌধুরী WZPDCL-16 22 ' আমার ভাইপয়র রপক্ত রাঙাপনা একুপে তফব্রুয়াটর ' এর রর্টয়িা তক? BPDB (2016) WZPDCL-16 23 জািীয় টবদ্যযৎ সপ্তাপহর তসরা স্টল্ এর িুরস্কার টবজয়ী হয় তকান প্রটিষ্ঠান? Name two competitor of USA president Election? WZPDCL-16 WZPDCL-16 16 Which Oceans are connected by Suez Canal? 25 Who is the writer of “A long walk to freedom”? Ans: Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump Ans: Nelson Mandela 26 Who invented the “Theory of Relativity”? Ans : Albert Einstein 24 5 WZPDCL-16 WZPDCL-16 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 27 Who is the inventor of the “Big bang theory”? Ans : Georges Lemaitre WZPDCL-16 28 Name of the first Bangladeshi satellite? Ans :Bangabandhu-1 WZPDCL-16 Ans: 17 November 1999 WZPDCL-16 29 When UNESCO declared 21 February as International Mother Language Day? What colour of light is visible from the furthest distance? Red Light WZPDCL-16 30 Write Abbreviation of LED Light-Emitting Diode WZPDCL-16 31 Write Abbreviation of CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp WZPDCL-16 বাাংল্াপেপের জািীয় িিাকার নকোকারক তক? জািীয় িিাকার নকো প্রর্ম তিরী কপরন টেব নারায়ণ োস (১৯৭০ সাপল্ ৬জুন)। রূিকার টেপল্ন টর্েটেল্পী কামরুল্ হাসান। তসয়ে মাইনুল্ তহাপসন ৬.১৫ টক.টম. র্ীপন ২০০৪ সাপল্র তফব্রুয়াটর ৪ িাটরপখ িাবনার রূিিুপর RRI-16 ১২ েল্। র্যাটম্পয়নঃ ওপয়স্ট ইটন্িজ, রানাসগ আিঃ ইাংল্যান্ি ২০০০ সাপল্ ২৩ তফব্রুয়ারী ১৯৬৯ সাপল্ RRI-16 ৪টি ২৩ মার্গ ১৯৬৬, ল্াপহাপর রবীন্দ্রনার্ িাকুর বাপয়াপমটিক িদ্ধটিপি RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 সাাংটবধাটনক িে ৯টি, সাাংটবধাটনক িে সমুহ : ১.রাষ্ট্রিটি ২.প্রধানমন্ত্রী, মন্ত্রী, প্রটিমন্ত্রী, উিমন্ত্রী ৩. টিকার , ও তিিুটি টিকার ৪. সাংসে সেস্যর্ণ ৫. প্রধান টবর্ারিটি ও অন্যান্য টবর্ারিটি ৬. টনবগার্ন কটমেনার ও অন্যান্য টনবগার্ন কটমেনার ৭.অযািটনগ তজনাপরল্ ৮. সরকাটর কমগ কটমেন তর্য়ারমযান RRI-16 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 জািীয় স্মৃটিপসৌপধর স্থিটি তক? প্রস্তাটবি িদ্মা তসিুর তের্গয কি? টবপের তকান তেপে সবপর্পয় তবেী মৎস্য উৎিাটেি হয়? তফসবুক প্রটিটষ্ঠি হয় কি সাপল্? বাাংল্াপেপের তকার্ায় প্রর্ম িারমানটবক টবদ্যযৎপকন্দ্র স্থাটিি হপে? িুপয়টন্ি-িুপয়টন্ি টবেকাি টক্রপকপি কিগুপল্া েল্ অাংেগ্রহণ কপর? বিগমান র্যাটম্পয়ন ও রানাসগ আি তক? বাাংল্াপেে কি সাপল্ তিস্ট স্টযািাস িায়? কখন বঙ্গবন্ধু তেখ মুটজবুর রহমানপক বঙ্গবন্ধু উিাটধ তেওয়া হয়? সাংটবধাপনর টভটত্ত বা মূল্িন্ত্র কয়টি? তকার্ায় এবাং কখন েয়েফা োটব উত্থাটিি হয়? ‘তেপের কটবিা’ কার তল্খা? নপভম্বর, ২০১৫ তর্পক তকান নিুন িদ্ধটিপি টসম তরটজপেোপনর কার্গক্রম র্ল্পে? বাাংল্াপেপের সাাংটবধাটনক িে কয়টি ও টক টক? সাাংটবধাটনক সাংস্থা বা প্রটিষ্ঠান ৭ টি প্রটিষ্ঠান গুপল্া হল্ঃ ১। টনবগাহী টবভার্ বা োসন টবভার্ ২। আইন টবভার্ ৩। টবর্ার টবভার্ ৪।টনবগার্ন কটমেন ৫। সরকাটর কমগ কটমেন ৬। অযািটনগ তজনাপরপল্র কার্গাল্য় ৭। মহাটহসাব টনরীক্ষক ও টনয়ন্ত্রপকর কার্গাল্য় 6 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet ৯. মহাটহসাব টনরীক্ষক ও টনয়ন্ত্রক Jatiyo Shangsad in Bengali and House of the Nation in English a portable electronic device for playing and storing digital audio and video files. What is the legislative name of Bangladesh? 46 i-pod কি? 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 LAN এবাং Internet টক? সুপয়জ খাল্ তকান দ্যটি সার্রপক সাংর্ুক্ত কপরপে? টবপের তকান তেপে সবপর্পয় তবটে তসৌরটবদ্যযৎ উৎিাটেি হয়? িরবিগী FIFA WORLD CUP তকান তেপে অনুটষ্ঠি হপব? টবে িটরপবে টেবস কপব? কি সাল্ তর্পক ২১ তফব্রুয়াটর আন্তজগাটিক মািৃভাো টেবস টহপসপব িাটল্ি হপয় আসপে? বিগমাপন ICC এর সভািটি তক? WWW এর িূণরূ গ ি টক? NYV এর িূণরূ গ ি টক? তকানটি টনিাহ ভাইরাপসর তরাপর্র বাহক? বাপকযর ক্ষুদ্রিম অাংেপক টক বপল্? বাাংল্াপেপের সাংসে অটধপবেন তক তর্ােনা কপরন? বাাংল্াপেে ও ভারপির তভির টেপয় প্রবাটহি অটভন্ন নেী কয়টি? বাাংল্াপেপের কিটি তজল্ায় সুন্দরবন টবস্তৃি? 61 সম্প্রটি ২০১৫ সাপল্ বাাংল্াপেে ও ভারি কিগুপল্া টেিমহল্ টবটনময় কপর? 62 জাটিসাংপর্র স্থায়ী ও অস্থায়ী সেস্য কিগুপল্া? 63 64 সম্প্রটি জাটিসাংপর্র তকার্ায় জল্বায়ু িটরবিগন টবেয়ক সপেল্ন অনুটষ্ঠি হপয়পে এবাং এপি কিটি তেে অাংেগ্রহণ কপর? বাাংল্াপেপের প্রর্ম রাষ্ট্রিটি ও প্রধানমন্ত্রী তক? 65 66 67 68 69 On which sector Dhaka was Included, during the liberation war? How much is the length of PADMA Bridge? Who is the architect of national assembly? Who scored double century in test in Bangladesh Cricket Team at 2015? What is the current GDP growth of Bangladesh? 70 7 ভূমধযসার্র ও তল্াটহি সার্র China: 43,530 MW (22.5%) ২০১৮ সাপল্ রাটেয়ায় ৫ জুন ২০০০ সাল্ তর্পক Shashank Manohar World Wide Web RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 New York Volunteers RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 বাদ্যড় েব্দ রাষ্ট্রিটি ৫৫টি / ৫৪ টি (সপন্দহ) RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 ৫ টি (খুল্না, সািক্ষীরা, বাপর্রহাি, িিুয়াখাটল্ ও বরগুনা) তল্খা বাাংল্াপেপের অভযন্তপর ভারপির ১১১টি ও ভারপির অভযন্তপর বাাংল্াপেপের ৫১টি টেিমহল্ িাুঁর্টি স্থায়ী সেস্য ও ১০ টি অস্থায়ী সেস্য RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 রাষ্ট্রিটি: তেখ মুটজবুর রহমান, প্রধানমন্ত্রী : িাজউদ্দীন আহমে Sector-2 RRI-16 6.15 Km Louis Kahn Tamim Iqbal CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 GDP of Bangladesh 2015-16 : Growth rate 7.11 and per capita GNI 1465 in US$ CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet What is a Mega City? 71 72 Which country is producing maximum solar energy in the world? One ton is equal to how much BTU? 73 74 75 76 77 What is the capacity of proposed nuclear power plant of Bangladesh? What is the name of the filament used in electric bulb? What is the unit of electrical energy? Which one is the fastest data transmission media? Where NASA Headquarters is located? 78 When Bangladesh became a member of UN? 79 If the diameter of a circle is increased by 50% then how much percentage its area will increase? 80 Find the value of sine from the figure given below? a very large city, typically one with a population of over ten million people. China SREDA-15 A refrigeration ton is approximately equivalent to 12,000 BTU/h or 3.5 kW. 2.4 GWe SREDA-15 Filaments in incandescent light bulbs are made of tungsten Joule is the smallest unit of energy. But for some bigger calculation, some better unit is required. So, the unit used for electrical energy is watt-hour. Fiber optic cable Washington, D.C., United States September 1974, 136th member If diameter increases by 50%, radius will also be increased by the same percentage. If radius is 1 unit and increased by 50%, it will become 1.5 units and on squaring it becomes 2.25 (Area of a circle = pi*r*r). Thus, the area increases by 125%. Sinθ = √(1 − X2) SREDA-15 Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB SREDA-15 17 March SREDA-15 Automated Teller Machine SREDA-15 Lahore, Pakistan Sector No. 8 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 50 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Who is the Power, Energy and Mineral Resources advisor to the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh"? Which date is the "National Children Day" of Bangladesh? ATM stands for Where was Six Point programme declared? In which countries 'The Line of Control' is situated? Under which sector was Mujibnagar during the war of liberation of Bangladesh? In the National Parliament of Bangladesh number of seats reserved for women? BERC stands for 88 8 Bangladesh Energy Regulatory SREDA-15 Commission EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet MICR means 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition বাাংল্াপেে-ভারি সীমান্ত র্ুটক্তপি তক তক স্বাক্ষর কপরন ? তেখ মুটজব - ইটন্দরা র্ান্ধী (৬ তম, ১৯৭৪) ৬৭৬ জনপক সপবগাপমাি তখিাবপ্রাপ্ত মুটক্তপর্াদ্ধার সাংখযা কি ? ২, িা. তসিারা তবর্ম ও িারামন মটহল্া বীরপ্রটিপকর সাংখযা কি ?িাপের নাম টক ? টবটব মুটক্তর্ুপদ্ধর সময় তকান তজল্া কপব প্রর্ম েত্রুমুক্ত হয় ? র্পোর (৭ টিপসম্বর, ১৯৭১) ২০০ নটিকযাল্ মাইল্ বাাংল্াপেপের অর্গননটিক সমুদ্রসীমা কি ? ৩১ মার্গ ২০১১ সাপল্ (িার্ বাাংল্া বাাংল্াপেপে তমাবাইল্ বযাাংটকাং কপব র্াল্ু হয় ? বযাাংক টল্.) ‘শ্যামপেে’ তকান তেেপক বল্া হয়? বাাংল্াপেপের জািীয় প্রিীক কারা কারা বযবহার করপি িাপরন ? এটেয়া কাি ফুিবল্ কয় বের ির ির অনুটষ্ঠি হয় ? জাটিসাংর্ কপব বাাংল্াপক আন্তজগাটিক মািৃভাো টেবস টহপসপব তর্ােনা কপর ? র্াইল্যান্ি রাষ্ট্রিটি ও প্রধানমন্ত্রী র্ার বের অন্তর অন্তর ১৯৯৯ টিস্টাপব্দর ১৭ নপভম্বর অনুটষ্ঠি ইউপনপস্কার িযাটরস অটধপবেপন তনল্সন মযাপন্িল্া ‘A Long Walk to Freedom’ বইটি কার তল্খা ? মুটক্তর্ুপদ্ধ বাাংল্াপেপের একমাে অটনয়টমি তসক্টর তনৌ- ১০ নাং তসক্টর তসক্টর কয় নম্বর তসক্টপরর অধীপন টেল্ ? আওরঙ্গপজব তকান মুর্ল্ সম্রাি ‘টজন্দািীর’ নাপম িটরটর্ি টেপল্ন ? টর্িা বার্ টবপের সবপর্পয় দ্রুিিম প্রাণী তকানটি ? সািজন বীরপশ্রপষ্ঠর নাম টল্খুন। ১) ফ্লাইি তল্ফপিন্যান্ি মটিউর রহমান ২) ল্যান্স নাপয়ক নূর তমাহােে তেখ ৩) কযাপেন মটহউটদ্দন জাহাঙ্গীর ৪) টসিাটহ হাটমদ্যর রহমান ৫) ইটিন রুম আটিগটফসার রুহুল্ আটমন ৬) টসিাটহ তমাস্তফা কামাল্ ৭) ল্যান্স নাপয়ক মুটন্স আব্দুর রউফ। ২ জন মটহল্া বীরপ্রিীপকর নাম টল্খুন। িা. তসিারা তবর্ম ও িারামন টবটব সেস্ত্র বাটহনী টেবস কপব িাটল্ি হয় ? ২১ নপভম্বর ফরাপয়জী আপন্দাল্ন কার তনিৃপত্ব র্পল্? এর নাম ফরাপয়জী হাজী েরীয়িুোহ। ফরজ িাল্পনর তকন? উির গুরুত্ব আপরাি করা হপয়টেল্ বপল্। টিিুমীপরর প্রকৃি নাম টক ? তসয়ে মীর টনসার আল্ী প্রর্ম এভাপরস্ট টবজয়ী নারী তক ? Junko Tabei (১৯৭৫, জািান) তমর্াটসটি টক ? তসই সকল্ তমপিািটল্িন এল্াকা র্ার জনসাংখযা ১ তকাটি বা এর অটধক 9 SREDA-15 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 111 “টিপল্াত্তমা সম্ভব ”কার তল্খা? “মুনীর অিটিমা ’এর উদ্ভাবক তক? 112 SPARSO টক? এর কাজ টক? মাইপকল্ মধুসে ূ ন েপত্তর েহীে বুটদ্ধজীবী অধযািক মুনীর তর্ৌধুরী (১৯৬৫ সাপল্) Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization, মহাকাে র্পবেণা ও েূর অনুধাবন 113 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 বাাংল্াপেে তসনাবাটহনী সম্বপন্ধ ির্যাবল্ীঃ ০১ .বাাংল্াপেে তসনাবাটহনীর প্রটিষ্ঠা কপব? উত্তরঃ ১৯৭১ সাপল্। ০২ .বাাংল্াপেপের তসনাবাটহনীর বীরপশ্রষ্ঠ কিজন? উত্তরঃ ৩জন। টসিাহী তমাস্তফা কামাল্, টসিাহী হাটমদ্যর রহমান, কযাপেন মটহউটদ্দন জাহাঙ্গীর ০৩ .ইস্টপবঙ্গল্ তরটজপমপন্ির প্রটিষ্ঠািা তক? উত্তরঃ তমজর র্টণ। ০৪ .তমজর র্টণপক তকান র্ুপদ্ধ ‘িাইর্ার’ উিাটধ তেওয়া হপয়টেল্? উত্তরঃ ১৯৬৫ সাপল্র িাক-ভারি র্ুপদ্ধ। ০৫ .বাাংল্াপেপের সেস্ত্র বাটহনীর সুটপ্রম কমান্িার তক? উত্তরঃ তপ্রটসপিন্ি। ০৬ .বাাংল্াপেপের তসনাবাটহনীর তলার্ান কী? উত্তরঃ সমপর আমরা, োটন্তপি আমরা, সবগেই আমরা তেপের িপর। ০৭ .তসনাবাটহনীর নিুন তরটজপমপন্ির নাম কী? উত্তরঃ বাাংল্াপেে ইনফযাটন্ি তরটজপমন্ি। ০৮ .বাাংল্াপেপের প্রর্ম প্রধান তসনািটির নাম কী? উত্তরঃ তজনাপরল্ এম .এ .টজ .ওসমানী। ০৯ .বাাংল্াপেে সেস্ত্র বাটহনী টেবস কপব িাটল্ি হয়? উত্তরঃ ২১ নপভম্বর। ১০ .বাাংল্াপেে তসনাবাটহনীর প্রিীক কী? উত্তরঃ ক্রস টর্টিি দ্যটি িরবাটর এবাং ওির তকৌটণক অবস্থায় জািীয় ফুল্ োিল্া। ১১ .বাাংল্াপেে টমটল্িাটর একাপিমী প্রটিটষ্ঠি হয় কি সাপল্? উত্তরঃ ১১ জানুয়াটর, ১৯৭৪ সাপল্ কুটমোয়। ১২ .বাাংল্াপেপে প্রর্ম সামটরক আইন জাটর হয় কপব? উত্তরঃ ১৯৭৫ সাপল্। ১৩ .বাাংল্াপেে তসনাবাটহনীর সের েপ্তর তকার্ায় অবটস্থি? উত্তরঃ ঢাকায়। ১৪ .বাাংল্াপেে তসনাবাটহনীর সপবগাচ্চ িে কী? উত্তরঃ টফল্ড মােগাল্ ১৫ .বাাংল্াপেপের সামটরক সের েফির তকার্ায়? উত্তরঃ ঢাকার কুটমগপিাল্ায়। বাাংল্াপেপের নেী , টেিমহল্ , প্রোন্ত সার্র, তল্াটহি সার্র , িানামা খাল্, বাাংল্াপেপের আইন ও অটধপবেন , সুোসন টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 10 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet SECTION-C: Bangla, English and Power Sector Related – 20 Marks Bangla Avwg NUbvwU Pvÿzm cÖ‡Z¨ÿ K‡iwQ| mwVK evK¨wU wjL| (L) evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖvPxb hyM e‡j †Kvb mgq‡K eySvq ? (M) gybxi †PŠayixi ÒKeiÓ †Kvb RvZxq iPbv ? (N) ÒgyûZ©¨Ó k‡ãi mwVK evbvb wK ? (O) Ò‡mvbvjx KvwebÓ Gi iPwqZv †K ? (P) evsjvq m‡bU Gi mv_©K cÖ‡qvMKvix †K? (Q) Poet of Polities ev ivRbxwZi Kwe Kv‡K ejv nq ? (R) AbyR k‡ãi A_© wK ? (S) mwÜ we‡”Q` Ki t w`MšÍ (T) Òbyiæj`x‡bi mviv RxebÓ bvU‡Ki iPwqZv †K? English Miscellenious Sl. Question Who is the author of the ÒA Farewell to ArmsÓ? Fill in the blank: He has little thrust ------- knowledge. Write synonyms of the word Apex. Correct the sentence: She was used to get up early. What is the plural form of the word ‘Memorandum’? Answer Ernest Hemingway for Summit, Crown She used to get up early. Memoranda Exam BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 Answer Exam BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 Translation Sl. Question KjgwU‡Z fv‡jv †jLv nq bv| Zzwg wK MZKvj evwo †_‡K G‡mQ ? evwZUv wbwf‡q Nywg‡q co| mvwKe Avj nvmvb- †K c„w_exi me©‡kÖó Aj ivDÛvi wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq| A`~i fwel¨‡Z evsjv‡`k `wÿY Gwkqvi Ab¨Zg kw³kvjx †`k n‡q DV‡e| সকাল্ তর্পক গুুঁটড় গুুঁটড় বৃটষ্ট হপে BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 WZPDCL-16 WZPDCL-16 WZPDCL-16 WZPDCL-16 তমপয়টি তর্মন বুটদ্ধমিী তিমন সুন্দরী আটম মরব িবু টমর্যা বল্ব না। আয় বুপে বযয় কর 11 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet আমার র্টে িাটখর মি িানা র্াকপিা! WZPDCL-16 RRI-16 RRI-16 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 তস একজন তেেপপ্রটমক নার্টরক। সবটকেুপি অপন্যর তোে ধরা সহজ। সাি টেপন এক সপ্তাহ। মানুে মােই ভুল্ কপর । অল্স বযটক্ত কখপনা সুখী হপি িাপরনা । ফুল্টি ফুপি ফুপি ফুিল্ না । িুটম টক তিামার কাজটি তেে কপরে? Appropriate Preposition Sl. Question I got married September …………… 2000. I will reached the office ………… 5.00pm. I read the news …………. newspaper. I baked a cake …………. your birthday. Light alternates darkness. (Preposition) He went ----- a visitor ------- college. (Preposition) I am much happy to meet you. (Correction) He ate very much and become ill. (Correction) Everybody hates a liar. (Negative) He is the best boy in the class. (Negative) We must yield to our fate. (Negative) Answer Exam CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 RPCL-13 WZPDCL-16 Answer Exam CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 Only ALLAH can help us. (negative) Making Sentence Sl. Question At loss In nut a sell Crying need Far & wide By all means Finding Appropriate Noun Sl. Question I have three (Child/Children). We (watch/watches) TV often. I take two big (potato/potatoes) for my lunch. There are a few (bus/buses) on the road. (Baby/Babies) play with toys. 12 Answer Exam CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Paragraph Suggestion by Rony Parvej Sl. Question Write Down an essay on Energy Resources of Bangladesh Write a Paragraph on Earthquake Write a short note on Padma Bridge Write a short note on IMO. Write a short note on Global warming. ACCC Conductor SDG Smart Grid BEZA Cross-border Interconnection : Prospects and Problems Power Plant in Rampal : Blessing or Curse? Power Sector of Bangladesh Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh : Prospect and Challanges How to minimize system loss in Transmission and Distribution Traffic Jam in Dhaka City and it’s Solution Tremendous Economic Growth of Bangladesh Vision 2020 Answer Exam SREDA-15 CPGCL-15 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 এক নজপর বাাংল্াপেপের টবদ্যযৎ খাি o o o o o o o o o টবদ্যযৎ উৎিােন ক্ষমিা ( তমঃওঃ) : ১৩, ১৭৯* ( মার্গ ২০১৭) [ * কযািটিভ ও তসাল্ার তহাম টসপস্টম বযিীি] সপবগাচ্চ টবদ্যযৎ উৎিােন ( তমঃওঃ) : ৯, ০৩৬ ( ৩০ জুন ১৬) গ্রাহক সাংখযা: ২ তকাটি ৪২ ল্ক্ষ ( মার্গ ২০১৭) তমাি সঞ্চাল্ন ল্াইন ( সা. টক. টম. ) : ১০, ৩৭৭ ( তফব্রুয়াটর ২০১৭) টবিরণ ল্াইন ( টক. টম. ) : ৩ ল্ক্ষ ৮৯ হাজার ( তফব্রুয়াটর ২০১৭) টসপস্টম ল্স: ১৩. ১০% ( জুন ২০১৬) টবিরণ ল্স: ১০. ৬৯% ( জুন ২০১৬) মার্াটিেু উৎিােন ( টকঃওঃআঃ) : ৪০৭ টকঃওঃআঃ ( আর্ষ্ট ২০১৬) টবদ্যযৎ সুটবধা প্রাপ্ত জনপর্াষ্ঠী: ৮০% এক নজপর নবায়নপর্ার্য জ্বাল্াটন কার্গক্রম বাস্তবায়ন অগ্রর্টি তসাল্ার তহাম টসপস্টম ( ৪. ৫ টমটল্য়ন) সরকাটর/ তবসরকাটর অটফপস তসাল্ার টসপস্টম বাটণটজযক ভবন ও েটিাং মপল্ তসাল্ার টসপস্টম নিুন টবদ্যযৎ সাংপর্াপর্র তক্ষপে তসাল্ার টিটভ স্থািন তসাল্ার ইটরপর্েন বায়ু েটক্ত টভটত্তক টবদ্যযৎ তকন্দ্র 13 তমর্াওয়াি ১৭৫ ৩ ১ ১১ ২ ২ EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet বাপয়ামাস টভটত্তক টবদ্যযৎ উৎিােন বাপয়ার্যাস টভটত্তক টবদ্যযৎ উৎিােন হাইপরা তমাি ১ ৫ ২৩০ ৪৩০ About PGCB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) is responsible for Operation, Maintenance and Development of the transmission system of the Country for distribution of generated electricity. The main operating function of PGCB is wheeling of energy from BPDB power stations and Generation Companies to Distribution entities utilizing transmission network. PGCB gets its energy wheeling charge from its clients (distribution entities) at the rate fixed by Bangladesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC). The PGCB took over about 1144 circuit km of 230 kV lines, 5255 circuit km of 132 kV lines, 6 nos of 230/132 kV substation and 63 nos of 132/33 kV substations from BPDB and DESA in different phases. Transmission lines of the company up to June, 2016 are stood at 220.70 ckt km of 400 kV lines, 3185.166 circuit km of 230 kV lines, 6401.628 circuit km of 132 kV lines and 1 nos of 400 kV Station , substations, 1 nos of 400/230kV subtation, 19nos of 230/132 kV substation and 90 nos of 132/33 kV substations. The company has taken infrastructure development projects for further development of its operation. ABOUT PGCB Brief Overview of PGCB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB) was formed under the restructuring process of Power Sector in Bangladesh with the objective of bringing about commercial environment including increase in efficiency, establishment of accountability and dynamism in accomplishing its objectives. PGCB was incorporated in November 1996 with an authorized capital of Tk.10 billion. It was entrusted with the responsibility to own the national power grid to operate and expand the same with efficiency. Pursuant to Government decision to transfer transmission assets to PGCB from Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA), PGCB completed taking over of all the transmission assets on 31.12.2002. PGCB expanded its network and capacity manifold and operating those efficiently and effectively. PGCB Profile A public limited company. Incorporated through sponsorship of chairman, BPDB and its six members 76.25% ownership with BPDB & 23.75% with general public It's Head Office is at Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh Bhaban (New) , the 3rd and 4th floor, 8/A Ramna,Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Prime objective as per memorandum of association as follows To plan, promote, develop, operate and maintain an integrated and efficient power transmission system network in all its aspects including planning, investigation, research, design and engineering, preparation of preliminary feasibility and detailed project reports, construction operation and maintenance of transmission lines, substations, load despatch centres and communication facilities and appurtenant works, co-ordination of integrated operation of regional, national and international grid systems, providing consultancy services in power systems field, execution of turnkey jobs for other utilities / organisation, wheeling of power, purchase and sale of power. 14 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Authorised capital Tk.10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion) divided into 100,000,0000 (one thousand million) ordinary shares of Tk. 10.00 each. Paid up capital Paid-Up Share Capital : 46,09,12,991.00 Nos. Ordinary Share of Tk. 10 each total Tk 4,60,91,29,910.00 Service conditions On contract Renewable on satisfactory performance Hire & fire system Seniority, performance and merit are criteria for promotion Attractive compensation package Other benefits. Present Manpower Total approved manpower are 3130. Present manpower are 2418 as on June, 2016. At beginning manpower were absorbed from BPDB. Now-a-days vacant posts are filled in by promotion and fresh appointment from outside. Service rules for employees has already been approved by board. Executive Directors The Board of Directors mainly makes policy decisions to manages business of the company. The Board has delegated a few authority to the Managing Director and other Executive Directors to operate the day to day business of the company. The Executive Directors are as mentioned below: 01. Mr. Mohammed Shafiqullah, Executive Director (HRM), PGCB. 02. Mr. Paresh Chandra Roy, Executive Director (Finance), PGCB. 03. Engr. Chowdhury Alamgir Hossain, Executive Director (Planning & Development), PGCB. 04. Engr. Md. Imdadul Islam, Executive Director (Operation & Maintenance), PGCB. Present Board Structure The Board of Directors of PGCB reconstituted with Principal Secretary of prime minister's office; Secretary of Power Division; Joint Chief, Power Division; Chairman BPDB; Representative of ICAB; Representative of BUET, Representative of IDEB and Independent Directors. The particulars of the present Directors of the Board are as follows : 1. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Principal Coordinator, SDG, Prime Minister’s Office 2. Dr. Ahmad Kaikaus, Secretary, Power Division 3. SK Md. Abdul Ahad, Joint Chief, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources. 4. Engr. Khaled Mahmood, Chairman, BPDB 5. Mr. Md. Abu Alam Chowdhury, Managing Director & CEO, Conexpo Ltd. 6. Barister M. Anamul Kabir Emon, Managing Partner, AF Kabir & Associates 7. Dr. Jamaluddin Ahmed, FCA, Director, Emerging Credit Rating Ltd. 8. Mr. S.M. Khabiruzzaman, PEng., Central Council Member, IEB 9. Dr. A.B.M. Harun-ur-Rashid, Professor, Department of EEE, BUET 10. Engr. A. K. M. A. Hamid, President, Central Executive Committee, IDEB 11. Major General Moin Uddin, Chairman, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board 12. Masum-Al-Beruni, Managing Director, PGCB 15 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Activities of PGCB: A. Operation & maintenance of grid sub-station and transmission line. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer Transmission-1 and Transmission-2, five grid circles headed by Superintending Engineers are performing the following operations • Operation & Maintenance of grid substation and Transmission Line • Regular inspection of line, tower, cutting of trees • Preventive maintenance program. • Inspection of sub-station equipment. • Annual deadline checking. • Check list. • General neat & cleanliness. • Inspection by different level of officers. B. Load despatching. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer (System Operation), Load Despatch Circle is headed by a Superintendent Engineer who is performing the following operations • Generation planning & schedule preparation • System control by maintaining load-generation balance • Operational record keeping • Monthly operational report. • Monthly interruption report. • Preparation of economic order of generators (Annual). C. Operation & Maintenance of SCADA System. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer (System Operation), SCADA Circle is headed by a Superintendent Engineer who is performing the following operations: • Operation and Maintenance of Telemetering/SCADA system • Communication Network Supervision and Transmission. • Maintenance of Mimic board and console. D. Operation & maintenance of communication system. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer (System Operation), Communication Circle is headed by a Superintendent Engineer who is performing the following operations: • O & M of power line carrier communication system of PGCB and OPGW communication in future. • O & M of different types of PLC sets used in PGCB. • O & M of different types of exchanges used in PGCB. • Operation & maintenance of R.T.U s and A.C.C s. • O & M of coupling system , battery and battery charger etc. E. Protection, relay co-ordination of Transmission System. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer (P&D), SPMC is headed by a Superintendent Engineer and are performing the following jobs: • Relay Testing and Co-ordination 16 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet • Annual maintenance of Relays • Troubleshooting of protection and control system, • Pre commissioning test & commissioning of Grid S/S and transmission lines, • Auto load shedding scheme planning and implementation, • Energy meter testing & calibration. F. Design & evaluation. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer(P & D), Design Circle is headed by a Superintendent Engineer who is performing the following jobs: • Preparation of Technical specification of substation equipments, tower, conductors, insulators etc. Preparation of Tender Documents, Technical Specifications, Contractor Qualification, Condition for Execution of works etc. Evaluation of Tender Documents. Drawing approvals. Testing and Commissioning. O & M Technical Support. • • • • • G. Transmission network planning. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer (P & D), Planning Circle is headed by a Superintendent Engineer is performing the following jobs. • • • • • • • • • • Load forecasting Load flow and short circuit analysis Future expansion planning. System problem analysis. Management Information System (MIS) compilation. In house study of new projects. Preparation of Development Project Proforma (DPP). Annual development program. Rolling investment program. Progress report of development projects. H. Implementation of development projects. Under the supervision of Chief Engineer (Projects), five Project Offices each headed by a Project Director and Superintendent Engineer is performing the following jobs: Project implementation planning. Finalization of work program which includes the following: • • • • • • Each stage of design Procurement Manufacturer delivery to site Construction Erection Testing and commissioning etc. 17 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s • • • • • PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Supervision of progress. Approval of drawings and documents. Work execution and inspection. Testing and Commissioning. Preparation of project completion report. Sustainable Development Goals and Bangladesh: from MDG to SDG Introduction: The Sustainable Development Goals, otherwise known as the Global Goals, build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight anti-poverty targets that the world committed to achieving by 2015. The MDGs, adopted in 2000, aimed at an array of issues that included slashing poverty, hunger, disease, gender inequality, and access to water and sanitation. Enormous progress has been made on the MDGs, showing the value of a unifying agenda underpinned by goals and targets. Despite this success, the indignity of poverty has not been ended for all. The new SDGs, and the broader sustainability agenda, go much further than the MDGs, addressing the root causes of poverty and the universal need for development that works for all people. Millennium Development. Goals: In 2000 nearly 190 UN member states agreed on certain socioeconomic development goals. Discussion carried out between economists, politicians and development experts since 1984 has been able to identify certain least common denominators required for achieving several shared objectives. The Brundtland Commission set up through a UN mandate in 1984 provided the necessary incentive in "this regard. The United Nations Millennium Declaration set forth quantified and time-bound eight goals towards this end. Attached to them were twenty targets and more than sixty indicators. These came to be known as MDGs (Millennium Development Goals). These goals related to the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty; achieving universal primary education (with special emphasis on gender empowerment to promote gender equality); improvement of maternal health and reduction in child mortality; combating several diseases that have acquired anxiety throughout the world-HIY/AIDS and malaria, in particular; ensuring environmental sustainability and developing a global partnership for development. Sustainable Development Goals: Fifteen years later, on 27 September, 2015, international leaders from more than 190 Member States of the UN have now agreed on another Declaration. They have identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), associated 169 targets with 304 indicators. It will be a very complex paradigm that aims to address several tiers of parameters related to sustainable development plans of comparatively undeveloped countries seeking to move forward in a holistic manner despite resource constraint. Description and agenda of SDGs: The Official Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted on 25 September 2015 has 92 paragraphs; with the main paragraph (51) outlining the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and its associated 169 targets. This included the following goals: 1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health & Well-Being 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 6. Clean Water & Sanitation 7. Affordable & Clean Energy 8. Decent work & Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequality 11. Sustainable Cities & Communities 18 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s 12. Responsible Consumption Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life below Water PGCB Special Lecture Sheet & 15. Life on Land 16. Peace, Justice & Institutions 17. Partnerships for the Goal Sustainable Development Goals and Bangladesh: The agreed SDGs adopted during the 70th UNGA succeed the MDGs with effect from 1 January, 2016. Bangladesh in its post 2016 development agenda has included 11 goals, 58 targets and 241 measurable indicators. That includes improving human resources potential through technical education and vocational training, eradicating poverty and removing inequality, ensuring sustainable food security and nutrition for all, particularly the marginalized communities. In addition there will also be emphasis on universal access to health and family planning services and environmental sustainability through the creation of climate change resilient infrastructure. The UN drafted agenda is slightly wider and envisions greater engagement with the civil society. Conclusion: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a holistic view of development: people, prosperity, planet, peace, and partnership. Crucially it includes a standalone goal on reducing inequality (SDG 10). Economic growth alone will not determine a country's ability to pull people out of poverty. There are concerning trends that wealth inequality is growing, with those at the top beginning to pull ahead while those at the bottom and the middle aren't keeping pace despite growth averaging 6 percent in the last years. Inclusive and equitable economic growth is linked to securing the social gains made as a result of a society getting richer by reinvesting in human development and the meaningful participation of people in the economy. [Reference: Bank Written English – Md. Arifur Rahman] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EEE Job Preparation এবং M.Sc. Admission Test এর জন্য EEE Academy by Rony Parvej এর উভ্যাভে ফম২০১৭ ( সম্ভাবয) ফেভক শুরু হভে যাওয়া ২য় বযাভে নর- ফরনজভেশাি েলভে। আগ্রহী হভল নলঙ্ক ফেভক নর- ফরনজভেশাি কমনিট কভর রাখতভে পাভরি। -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 19 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s Sl. Question USB GSM BIMSTEC UNCTAD CETP WiFi SAARC GDP SEFTA BGMEA CDMA ADSL SCR OTDM ADSL CDMA USB GPRS TT IGFET VLSI CMRR EPROM ANSI JFET CMOS MOSFET PSM IGCTs DCPSK CSDN GTO DGPS CDMA IDMT SCADA MNLP ETP WFP WTO WFO MDG FAO ITU PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Important Abbreviations (সমপয়র অভাপব সব সল্ভ করপি িাটরটন) Answer Universal Serial Bus Global System for Mobile Communication Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Co-operation United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Code Division Multiple Access. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Silicon Controlled Rectifier. Optical Time Division Multiplexing. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. 20 Exam BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 CPGCL-15 BOF-14 BOF-14 BOF-14 BOF-14 BOF-14 BOF-14 BOF-14 BOF-14 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 DESCO-12 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 M.Sc.-15 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet EVM IFAD UNV PABX SSL SOMS OIC FRCS CIDA VOIP IMF ATM BERC MICR GPRS GSM EPROM DFDM DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 DESCO-13 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 SREDA-15 M.Sc.-16 M.Sc.-16 M.Sc.-16 M.Sc.-16 SECTION-D: Analytical Ability – 20 Marks Math Sl. Question There were 1200 boys in an exam. 50% of boys and 40% of girls passed in the exam. If 46% of examinee passed then how many were the girls? If x + y = 7 and xy = 10 then (x2 + y2)(x3 - y3 )= ? In ∆ ABC triangle ∠B = 6x, ∠C = 5x and 6 ∠A = 7 ∠B then what is the value of x? Answer Exam BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 BEPZA-16 এপক্ষপে উিপরর মি মযার্ আসপি িাপর সাপর্ ইাংপরজী গ্রামাপরর টকেু র্াকপি িাপর অর্বা নীপর্র মি টিওর Anal yt i cal Abi l i t y এর উিরই প্রশ্ন হপি িাপর। আিনাপের প্রযাকটিপসর জন্য িাস্ট বযাাংক-২০১৫ (পর্পহিু আটমগপের বযাাংক), ঢাকা টবেটবেযাল্পয়র আইটবএ এমটবএ এিটমোন তিস্ট এর ২০১৬ ও ২০১৫ সাপল্র প্রশ্ন উত্তরসহ তেওয়া হপল্া। 1. TRUST BANK LTD. 2015 Answer question number 1 to 10 based on the statement & the requirement of the question. Seven dignitaries- F, G, H, I, N, 0 and P- are to be seated together at a diplomatic ceremony. They will be seated in a row of seven chairs, numbered from 1 to 7, from front to back. Any seating is acceptable as long as all seven dignitaries are seated, one in each chair, and the eating conforms to the following roles: F must sit in the chair immediately behind O's chair. 21 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet G cannot sit in the chair immediately in front of N's chair, and G cannot sit in the chair immediately behind N's chair. There must be exactly two chairs between the chairs of H and P. There must be at least one chair between the chairs of I and P. N must sit in chair 3. 1. Which of the following seating arrangements, from chair 1 through chair 7, conforms to the rules? (a) F, I, N, P, G, O, H (b) G, P, N, I, H, O, F (c) I, G, N, P, O, F, H (d) I, H, N, P, O, F, G (e) O, F, H, N, I,P, G 2. If O sits in chair1 and H sits in Chair 7, then the number of chairs between F’s chair and I's chair must be (a) Zero (b) One (c) Two (d) Three (e) Four 3. If H sits in chair 4 and F sits in chair 6, then the dignitaries in chairs 1 and 7, respectively, must be (a) G and a (b) P and G (c) I and P (d) a and I (e) P and a 4. If F sits in chair 6 and H sits in chair 7,which of the following dignitaries must sit in chair 27 (a)G (b) I (c) N (d) a (e) P 5. If the seating arrangement, from chair 1 through chair 7, is G, I, N, H, O, F, P, which of the following pairs of dignitaries can exchange seats without violating the rules? (a) F and G (b) G and H (c) G and I (d) H and P (e) I and P Question No. Answer 1 B 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 D 6. The use of the term "neat" as a general term of approval is an unfortunate development in colloquial English. The original meaning of "neat"is "tidy." Therefore the use of "neat" as a general term of approval is incorrect and should be discouraged. Which of the following is an assumption that, if accepted, allows the conclusion above to be properly drawn? (a) The original meaning of an English word is the only correct meaning to use. (b) The term "neat" has been in the English language for many centuries. (c)The use of "neat" as a general term of approval is a recent innovation in English. (d) Speakers of colloquial English are not obligated to speak correctly. (e) The term "neat" has changed its meaning only once in the history of English 7. The price of maple syrup has jumped from 22 dollars a gallon three years ago to 40 dollars a gallon today. It can be concluded that maple-syrup harvesters have been artificially inflating prices and that governmental price regulations are necessary to control rising prices. Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the conclusion drawn above? (a) The government already requires maple-syrup harvesters to submit their facilities to licensing by the health department. (b) Insect infestation and drought have stunted the growth of syrup producing maple trees and caused less-abundant syrup harvests. (c) Maple syrup is produced in rural areas that suffer from high unemployment. (d) Technological improvements in maple syrup harvesting have reduced production costs. 22 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet (e) Maple syrup prices have risen many times in the past, though never before at the rate recently observed. 8. Which of the following statements about organizational missions is false? (a) They reflect a company's purpose. (b) They define a company's reason for existence. (c) They provide guidance for functional area missions. (d) They are formulated after strategies are known. (e) They indicate what a company intends to contribute to society. 9. Which of the following is not an operations strategy? (a) response (b) low-cost leadership (c) differentiation (d) technology (d) marketing 10. Which of the following is true about business strategies? (a) An organization should stick with its strategy for the life of the business. (b) All firms within an industry will adopt the same strategy. (c) Well defined missions make strategy development much easier. (d) Strategies are formulated independently of SWOT analysis. (e) Organizational strategies depend on operations strategies. Question No. Answer 2. 6 A 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 C IBA (DU) MBA ADMISSION TEST, JULY 2016 Questions 11 - 15 Two committees - one for Communication Club and the other for Cultural Club will be formed at IBA. The eligible candidates are U, V, W, X, Y and Z. The following rules apply: • Each committee must have exactly three members. • The two committees must have at least one member in common. • U and X cannot be in the same committee. • If X is selected for one committee, Y must also be selected for that committee. 11. Which of the following can be members of Communication Club: a. U, V and X b. U, X and Z c. V, Wand X d. V, X and Y e. W, X and Z 12. Which of the following combination of Committees is valid? a. U, V and W; X, Y and Z b. U, Wand Y; V, X and Z c. U, X and Y; U, X and Z d. V, Wand Y; V, Wand X e. W, X and Y; X, Y and Z 13. If the members of Communication Club are V, Wand Z, and if the Cultural Club is to have as many members in common with Communication Club as the rule allow, the Cultural Club must consist of a. U, V and W b. V, Wand Z c. V, X and Z d. W, Y and Z e. X, Y and Z 14. If U and X are each selected for a committee, and only Z is selected for both committee, which of the following must be true? a. V is selected for the same committee as W b. W is selected for the same committee as Y c. W is selected for the same committee as X 23 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet d. U is selected for a different committee than Y e. X is selected for a different committee than Y 15. If X and Z are both selected for the Communication Club, and if U is selected for the Cultural Club, each of the following pair of students could be the other two members of the Cultural Club EXCEPT a. V and W b. V and Z c. Wand Y d. Wand Z e. Y and Z Question No. Answer 11 D 12 E 13 B 14 A 15 A Questions 16 - 21: Six singers - A, B, C, X, Y and Z will perform on channel I within the next 4 day period. Each day one or two singer will perform. Each singer will perform only once during the four day period according to the following conditions: • X must perform on day 3 • In a day where two singers will perform cannot be followed by another day where two singers will perform. • Z must perform with some other singer. • C must perform any day before A is scheduled to perform. • Y must perform any day before B is scheduled to perform. 16. If only one singer performs in day 1, that singer could be a. A b. B c. C d. X e. Z 17. Which of the following singers could perform together in day 2? a. A and B b. B and C d. B and Y d. C and X e. X and Z 18. If C and X perform together on the same day, which of the following must be true? a. A performs on day 2 b. B performs in day 1 c. B performs on day 2 d. Y performs on day 4 e. Z performs on day 4 19. If A is to perform with B on the same day, which of the following must be true? a. A performs on day 1 b. Y performs on day 3 c. Z performs on day 2 d. Z performs on day 3 e. A performs on day 4 20. If Y performs on day 3, which of the following singer must be scheduled to perform on a day alone? a. A b. C c. X d. Y e. Z 21. If A performs with Y on the same day, which of the following must be true? a. A must perform on day 3 b. C must perform on day 2 c. Y must perform on day 1 d. Z must perform on day 3 e. Z must perform on day 4 Question No. Answer 16 C 17 B 18 C 19 E 20 A 21 E 22. Ergot is a fungus that can infest the seed heads of any grain crop but is common only on rye. Ergot contains chemicals poisonous to humans. Rye was introduced in Europe in the Middle Ages as a crop for land too poor and damp for wheat to grow well. Thus, rye tended to be the staple of the poorer peasants. Which of the following hypotheses is best supported by the information above? 24 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet a. Ergot did not occur in Europe prior to the Middle Ages. b. People in the Middle Ages were well aware of the toxicity of ergot. c. Before the introduction of rye, no attempts had been made to cultivate the poor and damp land in Europe. d. In Europe during the Middle Ages, prosperous people were less at risk from ergot poisoning than poor people were. e. Prior to the Middle Ages. Europe was as densely populated as dependence on a single grain crop permitted. 23. People often recall having felt chilled before the onset of a cold. This supports the hypothesis that colds are, at least sometimes, caused by becoming chilled; it is the chill that allows a rhinovirus, if present, to infect a person. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the force of the evidence cited above? a. Being chilled is a form of stress, and stress lowers the defense of a person's immune system, which guards against infection. b. After a rhinovirus has incubated in a person for several days, the first symptom it causes is a feeling of chilliness. c. People who are tired and then become chilled are more likely to catch severe colds than are people who are chilled without being tired. d. Some people who catch colds are not sure what it was that allowed them to catch cold. e. Rhinovirus are not always present in the environment, and so a person could become chilled without catching a cold. 24. Reds are faster than Yellows, Oranges are faster than Blues. Blues are just as fast as Reds. Browns are faster than Whites, which are faster than Yellows. Which of the following must be true? a. Browns are faster than Reds b. Browns are faster than Oranges c. Oranges are faster than Brown d. Browns are faster than Blues e. None of these 25. A newspaper advertisement reads as follows: "Never again will you have to pay high prices for imported spring water. It is now bottled locally and economically. You'll never taste the difference. However, if you're likely to be embarrassed to serve domestic spring water, simply serve it in a leaded crystal bottle." What is the assumption used in this advertisement? a. It's not hard to tell the difference between domestic water and imported water based on its flavor. b. The majority of spring water is bottled at its source. c. Restrictions on import and customs duties make the price of imported water higher. d. Spring water tastes best when it's served from a decanter. e. Some people purchase imported spring water instead of domestic, as a status symbol. Question No. Answer 22 D 23 B 24 E 25 E 3. IBA (DU) MBA ADMISSION TEST, DECEMBER-2015 Questions 26 to 30 In an Automobile Exhibition exactly five cars are to be displayed on a floor with exactly five stands, arranged along a single wall and numbered consecutively 1 through 5. The cars are to be selected from a total of 8 cars --- M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, and U --- and displayed one car on each stand according to the following conditions: • Either M or U or both must be selected. 25 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s • • • PGCB Special Lecture Sheet If M is selected, M must be on stand 1. Either R or S must be on stand 3. If T is selected, P must also be selected, and T and P must then be on stands that are immediately adjacent to one another. 26. Which of the following is an acceptable selection of cars to be displayed on stands 1 through 5? a. b. c. d. e. 1 2 3 4 5 M N P T U R T T P N T S S R Q P U R S P Q Q U M T 27. If T is on stand 5, which of the following pairs of cars can be on stands that are immediately adjacent to each other? a. M and P b. Q and N c. Q and P d. Rand T e. U and R 28. If P is not selected and R is on stand 1, which of the following lists, in alphabetical order, those cars that must also be selected? a. M, Q, T, and U b. N, Q, S, and T c. N, Q, S, and U d. N, S, T, and U e. Q, S, T, and U 29. If U is on stand 4, any of the following can be on stand 5 EXCEPT? a. T b. P c. Q d. R e. M 30. If T is on stand 2, which of the following cars must be selected? a. M b. N c. R d. S e. U Question No. Answer 26 C 27 E 28 C 29 A 30 E Questions 31 to 35. IBA Communication Club President wishes to select four members of a faculty-student committee as representatives to meet with a TV channel for partnering a reality show. The faculty-student committee consists of exactly four faculty members --- F, G, H and I --- and four students --- R, S, T, and U. The president can select any of the committee members as representatives as long as he observes the following restrictions: • The group of four representatives must consist of exactly two faculty members and two students. • Either F or G must be one of the representatives, but F and G cannot both be representatives. • If R is a representative, H must also be a representative. • If T is a representative, G cannot be a representative. 31. If G is a representative, which of the following can be the other three representatives? a. F, S, U b. H, I, R c. H, R, S d. H, S, T e. I, R, U 32. If R is a representative, which of the following CANNOT also be a representative? a. H b. I c. S d. T e. U 33. If G, I, and S are representatives, which of the following must also be a representative? a. F b. H c. R d. T e. U 34. If neither S nor U is a representative, which of the following is the pair of faculty members who must be representatives? a. F and G b. F and H c. F and I d. G and H e. G and I 26 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 35. If T is a representative and H is not a representative, the group of representatives would be completely determined if it were also true that a. F is a representative b. I is a representative c. G is not a representative d. R is not a representative e. U is not a representative Question No. Answer 31 C 32 B 33 E 34 B 35 E Questions 36 to 40 Two-way roads exist among the following towns surrounding a mountain: Between M and N Between 0 and R Between Rand U • • • • Between M and O Between R and T Between T and P Between P and S There is also a one-way road between town P and town N, the permitted direction of travel is from P to N. None of these roads intersect each other except at the towns. There are no other towns or roads in the vicinity. Bicycles must follow the direction established for general traffic on roads. 36. To bicycle from S to N by road, it is necessary to go to or through town a. M b. T c. R d. U e. P 37. If a bridge on the road between M and O is washed out, making the road impassable, a bicycle would NOT be able to go by road from a. N to M b. N to S c. P to M d. P to S e. R to M 38. If a rockslide temporarily makes the road between 0 and R impassable, then in order to reach M by road from U, a bicycle would have to go to or through a total of how many other towns besides M and U? a.2 b.3 c.4 d.5 e.6 39. Assume that one lane of the road from O to R is closed for repairs, with the result that travel on the road goes only one way, from R to O. Construction of which of the following one-way temporary roads will enable all travels among the towns that were possible before the closing of the lane? a. From M to U d. From S to U b. From P to R e. From T to U c. From S to R 40. If a rockslide blocks a lane of the road from R to T, with the result that travel on the road can go only one way, from R to T, it will still be possible to go on a bicycle road from P to a. N and/or S but impossible to go to M, O, R, T, or U b. N, S, and/or T but impossible to go to M, O, R, or U c. M, N, 0, and/or T but impossible to go to S, R, or U d. M, O, R, S, and/or T but impossible to go to N or U e. M, N, 0, R, S, T, and/or U Question No. Answer 36 E 37 B 38 C 27 39 A 40 E EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet M.Sc. in EECE Admission Test Question of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) Time: Exam Date: 25 March 2017 Full Marks: 80 Venue: MIST Question 1. 2. 10 MCQ Questions Find VO of the following circuit: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Write down the characteristics of an ideal Op-Amp. What are Barkhausen Criteria? What is Damper winding? Why is it used? How the direction of rotation of an induction motor can be reversed? Draw NAND and NOR gate using CMOS. Write about Master-Slave Flip-flop. (Approximate) Show that FSK is the combination of two ASK. Show that power equation in terms of line current and line voltage of balanced ∆ or Y combination is identical. 11. If β = 100, VC = 12 V, RC = 50 KΩ, RB = 100 KΩ, VS is sinusoidal, VBE = 0.7 V and VBB =1.2 V, then find small signal voltage gain. 12. Sketch the wave forms of V0 for the following network if input is a sine wave. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. If v(t) = 30sin(400ὠt) across 1µf Capacitor, then what is the sinusoidal current equation. Write Maxwell's equation for electromagnetic What is per unit presentation & what are its advantages? What are the advantages of daily load curve? What is infinite bus? Draw the equivalent circuit of transformer referred to primary. Why cutoff frequency is in 3db 28 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 20. Given, Radiation resistance 54 ohm, loss resistance 6 ohm, gain=10, Find directivity. [প্রশ্ন সাংগ্রপহ সহায়িার জন্য Sohan Ul Islam এবাং Mishkat Hasan এর প্রটি কৃিজ্ঞিা] Solution by Rony Parvej 2. Find VO of the following circuit: MIST M.Sc-17 3. Write down the characteristics of an ideal Op-Amp. MIST M.Sc-17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. Infinite Open-Loop Gain Infinite Input Impedance Infinite Bandwidth Zero Output Impedance Zero Noise Contribution Zero output Offset Differential Inputs Stick Together What are Barkhausen Criteria? MIST M.Sc-17 In electronics, the Barkhausen stability criterion is a mathematical condition to determine when a linear electronic circuit will oscillate. It states that if A is the gain of the amplifying element in the circuit and β(jω) is the transfer function of the feedback path, so βA is the loop gain around the feedback loop of the circuit, the circuit will sustain steady-state oscillations only at frequencies for which: 29 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 1. The loop gain is equal to unity in absolute magnitude, that is, |βA| = 1 and 2. The phase shift around the loop is zero or an integer multiple of 2π: /βA = 2πn, n ∈ 0, 1, 2, ….. 5. What is Damper winding? Why damper windings used in synchronous motors? MIST M.Sc-17 Damper winding Synchronous motors are not self starting machines. These machines are made self starting by providing a special winding in the rotor poles, known as damper winding or squirrel cage windings. The damper winding consists of short circuited copper bars embedded in the the face of the rotor poles. Functions of Damper Windings: 6. Damper windings helps the synchronous motor to start on its own (self starting machine) by providing starting torque When there is change in load, excitation or change in other conditions of the systems rotor of the synchronous motor will oscillate to and fro about an equilibrium position. This oscillation is called hunting. By providing damper windings in the rotor of synchronous motor, "Hunting of machine" can be suppressed. How the direction of rotation of an induction motor can be reversed? MIST M.Sc-17 By interchanging any two phases, i.e., by connecting R phase where Y was connected. This will eventually change the phase sequence of the phases RYB to YRB and the direction will be reversed. 7. Draw NAND and NOR gate using CMOS. MIST M.Sc-17 8. Write about Master-Slave Flip-flop. (Approximate) MIST M.Sc-17 Master-slave flip flop is designed using two separate flip flops. Out of these, one acts as the master and the other as a slave. The figure of a master-slave J-K flip flop is shown below. 30 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Figure: Master Slave Flip Flop From the above figure we can see that both the J-K flip flops are presented in a series connection. The output of the master J-K flip flop is fed to the input of the slave J-K flip flop. The output of the slave J-K flip flop is given as a feedback to the input of the master J-K flip flop. The clock pulse [Clk] is given to the master J-K flip flop and it is sent through a NOT Gate and thus inverted before passing it to the slave J-K flip flop. Working When Clk=1, the master J-K flip flop gets disabled. The Clk input of the master input will be the opposite of the slave input. So the master flip flop output will be recognized by the slave flip flop only when the Clk value becomes 0. Thus, when the clock pulse males a transition from 1 to 0, the locked outputs of the master flip flop are fed through to the inputs of the slave flip-flop making this flip flop edge or pulse-triggered. For better understanding the timing diagram is illustrated below. Figure: Master Slave J-K Flip Flop Timing Diagram Thus, the circuit accepts the value in the input when the clock is HIGH, and passes the data to the output on the falling-edge of the clock signal. This makes the Master-Slave J-K flip flop a Synchronous device as it only passes data with the timing of the clock signal. 9. Show that FSK is the combination of two ASK. 31 MIST M.Sc-17 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet FSK shifts between two carrier frequencies FSK spectrum = combination of two ASK spectra centered on fc1 and fc0. 10. Show that power equation in terms of line current and line voltage of balanced ∆ or Y combination is identical. FOR Y CONNECTION: 32 MIST M.Sc-17 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet For ∆ Connection: 33 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet So, power equation in terms of line current and line voltage of balanced ∆ or Y combination is identical. (Showed) 11. If β = 100, VC = 12 V, RC = 50 KΩ, RB = 100 KΩ, VS is sinusoidal, VBE = 0.7 V and VBB =1.2 V, then find small signal voltage gain. MIST M.Sc-17 12. Sketch the wave forms of V0 for the following network if input is a sine wave. MIST M.Sc17 34 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 13. If v(t) = 30sin(400ὠt) across 1µf Capacitor, then what is the sinusoidal current equation. MIST M.Sc-17 14. Write Maxwell's equation for electromagnetic MIST M.Sc-17 15. What is per unit presentation & what are its advantages? MIST M.Sc-17 35 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 16. What are the advantages of daily load curve? MIST M.Sc-17 A graphical plot showing the variation in demand for energy of the consumers on a source of supply with respect to time is known as the load curve. If this curve is plotted over a time period of 24 hours, it is known as daily load curve . From the daily load curve, following information can be obtained. Observe the variation of load on the power system during different hours of the day. Area under this curve gives the number of units generated in a day. Highest point on that curve indicates the maximum demand on the power station on that day. The area of this curve divided by 24 hours gives the average load on the power station in the day. It helps in selection of the rating and number of generating units required. MIST M.Sc-17 17. What is infinite bus? A large system whose voltage and frequency remain constant, independent of the power exchange between synchronous machine and bus, and independent of the excitation of the synchronous machine. 18. Draw the equivalent circuit of transformer referred to primary. 36 MIST M.Sc-17 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet MIST M.Sc-17 19. Why cutoff frequency is in 3db A cutoff frequency is a boundary in a system's frequency response at which energy flowing through the system begins to be reduced (attenuated or reflected) rather than passing through. When the voltage decreases bellow r.m.s. value (Vrms = Vm/√2), then the filter attenuates the power of a signal to the half of its maximum (Prms ∞ Vrms2 = Vm2/2 ∞ Pm/2 ). The points where a filter attenuates the power of a signal to the half of its maximum are usually considered the frequency limits and called cut off frequencies. The -3dB, come from 10 Log (Prms / Pm) = 10 Log (1/2) to determine the bandwidth of signal, when the voltage decrease from maximum to r.m.s. or decreasing the power from max to half power. And since those frequency limits are taken as the borders for the bandwidth of a filter, the cutoff frequencies result to be those where the power is 3dB lower than on the maximum. 20. Given, Radiation resistance is 54 ohm, loss resistance 6 ohm, gain=10, Find directivity. MIST M.Sc-17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Recruitment Test Question of Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) Time: 120 minutes Exam Date: 30.12.2016 Full Marks: 100 Venue: MIST General বাাংল্াঃ ১। সাংপক্ষপি উত্তর টেনঃ (ক) শুদ্ধ করে লিখু নঃ আলি ঘটনাটি চাক্ষুস প্রত্যক্ষ করেলি । (খ) evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖvPxb hyM বলভে †Kvb mgq‡K eySvq ? (র্) gybxi †PŠayixi ÒKeiÓ †Kvb RvZxq iPbv ? (র্) ÒgyûZ©¨Ó k‡ãi mwVK evbvb wK ? (ঙ) Ò‡mvbvjx KvwebÓ Gi iPwqZv †K ? (র্) evsjvq 'm‡bU' Gi mv_©K cÖ‡qvMKvix †K? (Q) Poet of Polities ev ivRbxwZi Kwe Kv‡K ejv nq ? (R) AbyR k‡ãi A_© wK ? (S) mwÜ we‡”Q` Ki t w`MšÍ (T) Òbyiæj`x‡bi mviv RxebÓ bvU‡Ki iPwqZv †K? English 2. Translate into English: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) KjgwU‡Z fv‡jv †jLv nq bv| Zzwg wK MZKvj evwo †_‡K G‡mQ ? evwZUv wbwf‡q Nywg‡q co| mvwKe Avj nvmvb- †K c„w_exi me©‡kÖó Aj ivDÛvi wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq| A`~i fwel¨‡Z evsjv‡`k `wÿY Gwkqvi Ab¨Zg kw³kvjx †`k n‡q DV‡e| 3. Write the correct answer of the following: (i) Who is the author of the ÒA Farewell to ArmsÓ? (ii) Fill in the blank: He has little thrust ------- knowledge. (iii) Write synonyms of the word Apex. (iv) Correct the sentence: She was used to get up early. (v) What is the plural form of the word ‘Memorandum’? MATH 4. There were 1200 boys in an exam. 50% of boys and 40% of girls passed in the exam. If 46% of examinee passed then how many were the girls? 5. Answer the followings: (i) If x + y = 7 and xy = 10 then (x2 + y2)(x3 - y3 )= ? (ii) In ∆ABC triangle /B = 6x, /C = 5x and 6 /A = 7 /B then what is the value of x ? ICT and GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: 6. Elaborate: USB, GSM, BIMSTEC, UNCTAD, CETP 7. Answer the following Questions: 1. How many EPZ are there under BEPZA? 2. What is the name of the recent award given to our hon’ble Prime Minister for ICT development? 38 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. PGCB Special Lecture Sheet What is the name of the lowest tyre of local government institute in Bangladesh? What is the latest GDP growth rate evaluated by BBS? What will be the length of Padma Multipurpose Bridge? Where CIRDAP head quarter situated? What was the main objective of Kyoto Protocol? What is Currency name of Turkey? What is the name of our present Foreign Minister? How many countries use Euro as their official currency? In which day International Women’s Day is observed? What is the present ICC ODI ranking of Bangladesh? Which country has the diplomatic relation with Taiwan? Which is the oldest EPZ of Bangladesh? Which city is called “Big Apple”? TECHNICAL 8. Use mesh analysis to find Vab and i0 in the following circuit: 9. 10. What is Synchronous Condense? Sketch the wave forms of VO for the following network if input is a sine wave. 11. 12. What do you mean by feedback? What type of feedback is used in oscillator and amplifier? How much is the inductance of a coil that induces 40 volt when its current changes at the rate of 4 amp/sec? A tuned circuit having L = 126µ H and C = 200 pF. Find the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit. What are Barkhausen Criteria? What are the conditions must be satisfied for synchronizing an alternator? Why high diversity factor should be the desirable feature of a power system? How the direction of rotation of a 3-phase induction motor can be reversed? For the common base shown in figure, determine the value of IC . Assume the transistor to be silicon. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 39 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s 19. 20. PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Draw the equivalent circuit of transformer referred to primary. What are losses occur in a dc compound generator? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EEE Job Pr epar at i on এবং M. Sc. Admi ssi on Test এর জন্য EEE Academy by Rony Parvej এর উভ্যাভে ফম- ২০১৭ ( সম্ভাবয) ফেভক শুরু হভে যাওয়া ২য় বযাভে নর- ফরনজভেশাি েলভে। আগ্রহী হভল নলঙ্ক ফেভক নর- ফরনজভেশাি কমনিট কভর রাখতভে পাভরি। -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 40 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Recruitment Test Question of Bangladesh Ordnance Factories (BOF) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) Time: 90 minutes Exam Date: 22 April 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Full Marks: 100 Venue: - RLC math State the difference between generator & alternator. Diversity factor related What is the indication and causes the generator overload? Find out motors kVA related math Calculate the percentage voltage drop for a transformer with a percentage resistance of 2.5% and a percentage reactance of 5% of rating 500 KVA when it is delivering 400KVA at 0.8 p.f. lagging. Two bulbs 60W & 40W are connected in series together with 100V. Explain which will glow better & why? Write down various types cable used in transmission line. Causes of low power factor? How to improve it? What are the requirements is to be found for better transmission & distribution system? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EEE Job Pr epar at i on এবং M. Sc. Admi ssi on Test এর জন্য EEE Academy by Rony Parvej এর উভ্যাভে ফম- ২০১৭ ( সম্ভাবয) ফেভক শুরু হভে যাওয়া ২য় বযাভে নর- ফরনজভেশাি েলভে। আগ্রহী হভল নলঙ্ক ফেভক নর- ফরনজভেশাি কমনিট কভর রাখতভে পাভরি। -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 41 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Recruitment Test Question of West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (WZPDCL) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) কৃেজ্ঞো স্বীকারঃ Mohammad Touhidul Islam Time: 90 minutes Exam Date: 18 March 2016 Full Marks: 100 Venue: MIST 1. Short Question-Answers: 1. Which Oceans are connected by Suez Canal? 2. When Bangladesh achieved Test Status in Cricket? 3. Who is the first woman to have flown in space? 4. Who is the president of FIFA? 5. Who is the sculptor of the central Shaheed Minar? 6. Which planet is closest to the earth? 7. ' আমার ভাইপয়র রপক্ত রাঙাপনা একুপে তফব্রুয়াটর ' এর রর্টয়িা তক? 8. জািীয় টবদ্যযৎ সপ্তাপহর তসরা স্টল্ এর িুরস্কার টবজয়ী হয় তকান প্রটিষ্ঠান? 9. Name two competitor of USA president Election? 10. Who is the writer of “A long walk to freedom”? 11. Who invented the “Theory of Relativity”? 12. Who is the inventor of the “Big bang theory”? 13. Name of the first Bangladeshi satellite? 14. When UNESCO declared 21 February as International Mother Language Day? 15. তকান রঙ সবপর্পয় তবটে েূপর ভাল্/িষ্ট তেখা র্ায়? 16. Write Abbreviation of LED 17. Write Abbreviation of CFL 2. Translate into English 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 . সকাল্ তর্পক গুুঁটড় গুুঁটড় বৃটষ্ট হপে 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . তমপয়টি তর্মন বুটদ্ধমিী তিমন সুন্দরী আটম মরব িবু টমর্যা বল্ব না। আয় বুপে বযয় কর আমার র্টে িাটখর মি িানা র্াকপিা! What is meant by doubling effect and DC off-set current? Write the Conditions for synchronizing alternators? What is the cause of low power factor? Write Disadvantage of low power factor? Write the name of the three power factor device and explain their use in short? Why more diversity factor is desired in a power plant? How much is the inductance of a coil that induces 40Vwhen current changes at the rate of 4 amp/sec? What are the losses occur in a DC compound generator? What do you mean by feedback? What type of feedback used in oscillator & amplifier? Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer referred to primary? Draw the output of the following clipper circuit considering AC sinusoidal input. What are the various kind of cables used for transmission? 42 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 14. The R-L-C circuit R=100Ω, L=100mH, C=10μμF, V=100V. Find a) The Resonance frequency b) Q-Factor c) The half power points. 15. Draw the connection diagram for measurement of power in 3Φ circuit using two wattmeter methods? 16. A 4 pole Dc generator is delivering 20A to a load of 10Ω.If the armature resistance is 0.5Ω and the shunt field resistance is 50Ω. Calculate the induced emf and the efficiency of the machine. Allow a drop of 1V per brunch (assume no iron and friction loss) M.Sc. in EECE Admission Test Question of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) Acknowledgement: Raihan (IUT’11) Time: 90 Minutes Exam Date: 11 March 2016 Full Marks: 80 Venue: MIST 1. Using Nodal Analysis, Find I : 2. Compute the average and effective values of the square voltage wave shown in fig 3. What is single energy transient and double energy transient? Classify transient according to cause and give example. What is the antenna size of 1800 GSM. 4. 5. 𝑥(𝑡) = 𝑢(𝑡 + 2) − 2𝑢(𝑡 + 1) + 2𝑢(𝑡) − 2𝑢(𝑡 + 2) − 𝑢(𝑡 + 3) Find 𝑦(𝑡) → ∫ → 𝑥(𝑡) Draw 𝑥(𝑡) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦(𝑡) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Elaborate: GPRS, GSM, EPROM, DFDM Condition for parallel operation of alternator. Write characteristics of ideal transformer. Write characteristics of ideal Op-Amp. Write advantage and disadvantage of Nuclear Power Plant from the perspective of Bangladesh. VCC, VB, RC, RB, β were given. Find IB, IC and IE. 43 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 12. What is feedback? What kind of feedback is used in a amplifier and oscillator. 13. A voltage source has complex impedance and variable load is connected across it. Derive the condition for maximum power transfer theorem. 14. Draw small signal model of the following circuit : 15. Design d.c. voltmeter by using direct method with d’Arsonval meter of 100Ω and full scale deflection of 100μA to give the following ranges: 10mV, 1V, and 100V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EEE Job Pr epar at i on এবং M. Sc. Admi ssi on Test এর জন্য EEE Academy by Rony Parvej এর উভ্যাভে ফম- ২০১৭ ( সম্ভাবয) ফেভক শুরু হভে যাওয়া ২য় বযাভে নর- ফরনজভেশাি েলভে। আগ্রহী হভল নলঙ্ক ফেভক নর- ফরনজভেশাি কমনিট কভর রাখতভে পাভরি। -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 44 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Recruitment Test Question of River Research Institute (RRI) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) কৃেজ্ঞো স্বীকারঃ Ripon Vai (PUST) Time: 90 minutes Exam Date: February 2016 Full Marks: 270 Venue: MIST SECTION-A: Non-Departmental (Marks 90) ১। বাাংল্াপেপের জািীয় িিাকার নকোকারক তক? ২। জািীয় স্মৃটিপসৌপধর স্থিটি তক? ৩। প্রস্তাটবি িদ্মা তসিুর তের্গয কি? ৪। টবপের তকান তেপে সবপর্পয় তবেী মৎস্য উৎিাটেি হয়? ৫। তফসবুক প্রটিটষ্ঠি হয় কি সাপল্? ৬। বাাংল্াপেপের তকার্ায় প্রর্ম িারমানটবক টবদ্যযৎপকন্দ্র স্থাটিি হপে? ৭। িুপয়টন্ি-িুপয়টন্ি টবেকাি টক্রপকপি কিগুপল্া েল্ অাংেগ্রহণ কপর? বিগমান র্যাটম্পয়ন ও রানাসগ আি তক? ৮। বাাংল্াপেে কি সাপল্ তিস্ট স্টযািাস িায়? ৯। কখন বঙ্গবন্ধু তেখ মুটজবুর রহমানপক বঙ্গবন্ধু উিাটধ তেওয়া হয়? ১০।সাংটবধাপনর টভটত্ত বা মূল্িন্ত্র কয়টি? ১১। তকার্ায় এবাং কখন েয়েফা োটব উত্থাটিি হয়? ১২। ‘তেপের কটবিা’ কার তল্খা? ১৩। নপভম্বর, ২০১৫ তর্পক তকান নিুন িদ্ধটিপি টসম তরটজপেোপনর কার্গক্রম র্ল্পে? ১৪। বাাংল্াপেপের সাাংটবধাটনক িে কয়টি ও টক টক? ১৫। What is the legislative name of Bangladesh? ১৬। i-pod টক? ১৭। LAN এবাং Internet টক? ১৮। সুপয়জ খাল্ তকান দ্যটি সার্রপক সাংর্ুক্ত কপরপে? ১৯। টবপের তকান তেপে সবপর্পয় তবটে তসৌরটবদ্যযৎ উৎিাটেি হয়? ২০। িরবিগী FIFA WORLD CUP তকান তেপে অনুটষ্ঠি হপব? ২১। টবে িটরপবে টেবস কপব? ২২। কি সাল্ তর্পক মািৃভাো বাাংল্া Martyr Day টহপসপব িাটল্ি হপয় আসপে? ২৩। বিগমাপন ICC এর সভািটি তক? ২৪। WWW এর িূণগরূি টক? ২৫। NYV এর িূণগরূি টক? ২৬। তকানটি টনহাম ভাইরাপসর তরাপর্র বাহক? ২৭। বাপকযর ক্ষুদ্রিম অাংেপক টক বপল্? ২৮। বাাংল্াপেপের সাংসে অটধপবেন তক তর্ােনা কপরন? ২৯। বাাংল্াপেে ও ভারপির তভির টেপয় প্রবাটহি অটভন্ন নেী কয়টি? ৩০। বাাংল্াপেপের কিটি তজল্ায় সুন্দরবন টবস্তৃি? ৩১। সম্প্রটি ২০১৫ সাপল্ বাাংল্াপেে ও ভারি কিগুপল্া টেিমহল্ টবটনময় কপর? ৩২। জাটিসাংপর্র স্থায়ী ও অস্থায়ী সেস্য কিগুপল্া? ৩৩। সম্প্রটি জাটিসাংপর্র তকার্ায় জল্বায়ু িটরবিগন টবেয়ক সপেল্ন অনুটষ্ঠি হপয়পে এবাং এপি কিটি তেে অাংেগ্রহণ কপর? ৩৪। বাাংল্াপেপের প্রর্ম রাষ্ট্রিটি ও প্রধানমন্ত্রী তক? ৩৫। Translate into English: a. তস একজন তেেপপ্রটমক নার্টরক। b. সবটকেুপি অপন্যর তোে ধরা সহজ। 45 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet c. ির্যোিা এর তবটে মপন রাখপি িাপরনটন । আপরকজন িরীক্ষার্গী Murshid Murshida এর মপি টনপর্র টবেয়গুপল্া তর্পকও প্রশ্ন টেল্। English-preposition, English to Bangla Translation, Bangla Proverb to English Translation, General knowledge: সব একর্ায় উত্তর : বাাংল্াপেপের নেী , টেিমহল্ , প্রোন্ত সার্র, তল্াটহি সার্র , িানামা খাল্, বাাংল্াপেপের আইন ও অটধপবেন , সুসােন এগুপল্া টনপয় টবটসএস এর আপর্র বেপরর টপ্রটল্'র প্রশ্ন গুপল্া তর্পক আসটেপল্া । বাাংল্া তর্পকও টবটসএপসর টবর্ি বেপরর প্রশ্ন টেপল্া । SECTION-B: Departmental (Marks-180) 1. Find the equivalent resistance of the following combination between A and b. Find out the current in 8 ohm resistor and 60 V source. (ির্যোিা তরাধগুপল্ার মান মপন রাখপি িাপরনটন।) 2. Draw the Thevenin equivalent circuit and also find the thevenin current across load resistor RL. (ির্যোিা তরাধগুপল্ার মান মপন রাখপি িাপরনটন।) 3. What is Magnetic hysteresis? Draw a B-H curve of a hysteresis ferromagnetic material 4. Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer reffered to it’s primary. 5. Prove that, Generator Efficiency is maximum when Cu loss equal to iron loss. 6. A 4-pole d.c. generator is delivering 20A to a load of 10 ohm. If the armature resistance is 0.5 ohm and shunt field resistance is 50 ohm, calculate the induced emf and the efficiency of the machine that allow a drop of 1V per brush. 7. A series RLC Circuit has R=1000 ohm, L=100mH and C=10 µF. Find: Resonance frequency and half power points. 8. What is ideal transformer? What is the significance of Back emf in a dc generator? 9. What is low pass, high pass and band pass filter? Draw the baseband frequency of band pass filter and discuss efficiency with respect to 3dB point. 10. What is necessity of modulation? Draw the output frequency curve of ASK, PSK and FSK modulation. 11. What is thermocouple? Write down the laws and advantages of thermocouple. 46 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 12. When synchronization of alternator is needed? What are the significant condition to satisfy the synchronization of alternator? 13. Draw the single line diagram of Power Supply System from power station to consumer service mains. What is the function of circuit breaker in this system when fault occurs? 14. BJT Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EEE Job Pr epar at i on এবং M. Sc. Admi ssi on Test এর জন্য EEE Academy by Rony Parvej এর উভ্যাভে ফম- ২০১৭ ( সম্ভাবয) ফেভক শুরু হভে যাওয়া ২য় বযাভে নর- ফরনজভেশাি েলভে। আগ্রহী হভল নলঙ্ক ফেভক নর- ফরনজভেশাি কমনিট কভর রাখতভে পাভরি। -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 47 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Recruitment Test Question of Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) কৃেজ্ঞো স্বীকারঃ Sohag Kumar Saha (PUST) Time: 90 minutes Exam Date: 18 March 2016 Full Marks: 100 Venue: MIST 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition. a) I got married September …………… 2000. b) I will reached the office ………… 5.00pm. c) I read the news …………. newspaper. d) I baked a cake …………. your birthday. e) Could not recover 2. Make sentence using the following words a) At loss b) In nut a sell c) Crying need d) Far & wide e) By all means 3. Choose the right noun a) I have three (Child/Children). b) We (watch/watches) TV often. c) I take two big (potato/potatoes) for my lunch. d) There are a few (bus/buses) on the road. e) (Baby/Babies) play with toys. 4. Elaborate the following words a) WiFi b) SAARC c) GDP d) SEFTA e) BGMEA 05. Translate into English a) সাি টেপন এক সপ্তাহ। b) মানুে মােই ভুল্ কপর । c) অল্স বযটক্ত কখপনা সুখী হপি িাপরনা । d) ফুল্টি ফুপি ফুপি ফুিল্ না । e) িুটম টক তিামার কাজটি তেে কপরে? 6. General knowledge a) On which sector Dhaka was Included, during the liberation war? b) How much is the length of PADMA Bridge? c) Who is the architect of national assembly? d) Who scored double century in test in Bangladesh Cricket Team at 2015? e) What is the current GDP growth of Bangladesh? 7. Fill in the gap a) The MOSFET has ………………. terminals. b) The gate of a JFET is ………………. biased. c) The e.m.f induced in a coil is ………………. the rate of change in flux linkages. d) A Transistor is a ……………….. driven device. e) Could not recover 8. Departmental MCQ a) Under the conditions of maximum power transfer, the efficiency is…. 48 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s i) 25% ii) 50% PGCB Special Lecture Sheet iii) 75% iv) 100% b) The magnetic material used in permanent magnets is…. i) iron ii) soft steel iii) nickel iv) hardened steel c) An R-L series a.c circuit has 15v across resistor and 20v across the inductor. The supply voltage is…… i) 35 V ii) 5 V iii) 25 V iv) 20 V d) The active and reactive powers of an inductive circuit are 60 W and 80 VAR respectively. The power factor of the circuit is….. i) 4/5 ii) 3/4 iii) 3/5 iv) ½ e) When the speed of a d.c motor increases, it’s armature current….. i) increases ii) decreases iii) remain constant iv) none of the above f) Two electric lamps 200 W, 220 V each are connected in series across 220 V. The power consumed by the combination….. i) 200 W ii) 800 W iii) 400 W iv) 100 W g) The number of depletion layers in a transistor is…. i) four ii) three iii) one iv) two h) If the number of valance electrons of an atom is more than 4, the substance is usually…. i) a semiconductor ii) a conductor iii) an insulator iv) none of the above 9. Write a Paragraph on Earthquake 10. Elaborate following words a) CDMA b) ADSL c) SCR d) OTDM 11. Write the causes of low power factor. How to improve of low power factor? 12. Define slip of a induction motor? 13. What are the essential part of a generator? 14. Find the diversity factor if a power station have following loads: Lighting load : 150 KW for 10.00am to 07.00pm Residential load : 50KW for 7.00pm to 11.00pm Pumping Load : 55KW for 3.00pm to 10.00pm 15. What is the purpose of open circuit test and short circuit test of a transformer? 16. What is the auto-transformer? 17. What are the necessary condition for a synchronizing an alternator. 18. Which losses occur in a compound generator? 49 e) ADSL EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Recruitment Test Question of Sustainable & Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) Time: 90 minutes Exam Date: 24 April 2015 Full Marks: 100 Venue: MIST 50 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet টকেু টল্াংক র্া আিনার কাপজ ল্ার্পি িাপর EEE Academy by Rony Parvej EEE Job Preparation Facebook Group Rony Parvej II Facebook Profile (Only for EEE Related Topics) আমার (রনি পারভেজ) ফেসবুক ফরাোইলঃ 51 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet M.Sc. in EECE Admission Test Question of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07) Time: 90 Minutes Exam Date: 03 April 2015 Full Marks: 80 Venue: MIST 1. MCQ (i) A-t/m is the unit of – (a) Flux density (b) Magnetic field intensity (c) Permeability (d) Flux (ii) What is the unit of permeability? – (a) A-t (b) A-t/m (c) H/m (d) Wb-t (iii) In series RLC circuit when the frequency of the circuit is less than resonance frequency? (a) XL>XC (b) XL< XC (c) XL=XC (d) None (iv) What happens when power factor is increased? (a) Reactive power is increased (b) Active power is increased (c) Apparent power is increased (d) None (v) What are linear circuit elements? (a) the circuit elements whose parameters are not changed with change of voltage & current. (b) (c) (d) (vi) Voltage Regulation depends on – (a) Load current (b) Power pactor (c) both (d) none. (vii) - (x). মপন নাই। 2. Elaborate following words: PSM, IGCTs, DCPSK, CSDN, GTO, DGPS, CDMA, IDMT, SCADA 3. What is ideal transformer? 4. Write down the characteristics of an ideal Op-Amp. 5. What are the losses in an compound dc generator? 6. What are linear circuit element & bilateral linear circuit element? 7. What do you mean by coupling co-efficient between two coils is 0.6? 8. A series RLC circuit has R=1000 Ω , L=100mH & C=10 µµF. Find: (a) Resonance frequency (b) Q-factor (c) 3dB point 9. A 3-phase delta connected load has Z=20∠60° and line voltage is 400 V. Find: (a) Total power (b) Power consumed in each phase. 10. Write down the conditions of parallel operation of two alternators. 11. Write down four main differences between CT and PT. 12. Find the output of a full wave rectifier if the input is 13. Draw the following signals: (b) x(t) = 2 u(t) + δ (t-1) 14. Find Vo 52 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 15. Find IE, IB and IC . ( β was not given ) 16. Find I1, I2 and V2 . 17. A power station has following loading: Lighting load: 150 Kw for 7.00pm to 10.00pm Residential load: 50KW for 7.00pm to 12.00pm Pumping Load: 75KW for 3.00pm to 7.00pm Find diversity factor. 18. Take 150 MVA, 15KV as base and draw the reactance diagram: 53 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Solution 1. (i) A-t/m is the unit of – (a) Flux density (b) Magnetic field intensity (c) Permeability (ii) What is the unit of permeability? – (a) A-t (b) A-t/m (c) H/m Reference: Course material of University of Minnesota 54 (d) Wb-t (d) Flux EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s (iii) PGCB Special Lecture Sheet In series RLC circuit when the frequency of the circuit is less than resonance frequency? (a) XL>XC (b) XL< XC (c) XL=XC (d) None Before resonance frequency, fr capacitive reactance dominates and after resonance, inductive reactance dominates and at resonance the circuit acts purely as resistive circuit causing a large amount of current to circulate through the circuit. Reference: & So, series resonant circuit is inductive if it operates at a frequency higher than resonant frequency. iv What happens when power factor is increased? (a) Reactive power is increased (b) Active power is increased (c) Apparent power is increased (d) None Ans: Active power is increased v What are linear circuit elements? (a) the circuit elements whose parameters are not changed with change of voltage & current. (b) (c) (d) Ans: the circuit elements whose parameters are not changed with change of voltage & current vi Voltage Regulation depends on – Load current (b) Power pactor (c) both (d) none. voltage regulation depends not only on load current, but also on its power factor. Reference: 55 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s 2 PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Elaborate following words: PSM, IGCTs, DCPSK, CSDN, GTO, DGPS, CDMA, IDMT, SCADA PSM : Phase Shift Modulation IGCTs : Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristors DCPSK: Differentially Coherent Phase Shift Keying CSDN : Circuit Switched Data Network GTO : Gate Turn Off (thyristor) DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access IDMT : Inverse Definite Minimum Time SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 2. What is ideal transformer? An ideal transformer is an imaginary transformer which does not have any loss in it, means no core losses, copper losses and any other losses in transformer. Efficiency of this transformer is considered as 100%. Write down the characteristics of an ideal Op-Amp. 8. Infinite Open-Loop Gain 9. Infinite Input Impedance 10. Infinite Bandwidth 11. Zero Output Impedance 12. Zero Noise Contribution 13. Zero output Offset 14. Differential Inputs Stick Together Explanation: 56 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet What are the losses in an compound dc generator? 1. Copper losses Armature Cu loss Shunt Cu loss Series Cu loss 2. Iron losses Hysteresis loss 57 Eddy current loss 3. Mechanical losses EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s Friction loss PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Windage lo What are linear circuit element & bilateral linear circuit element? Linear bilateral circuit element: A linear circuit element is an electrical element with a linear relationship between current and voltage. Resistors are the most common example of a linear element; other examples include capacitors, inductors, and transformers. Linear bilateral circuit element: It is a circuit element that behaves the same way if it is connected in the opposite direction. For example, a resistor behaves the same way no matter if it's connected left-to-right or right-to-left. In contrast, a diode is not a bilateral component, because it conducts current in one direction, and does not conduct in the other. What do you mean by coupling coefficient between two coils is 0.6? Coupling coefficient is a measure of the strength of interaction between two coils. coupling coefficient between two coils is 0.6 means 60% of the flux set-up in one coil links the other coil. (Reference: Dictionary + Objective Electrical Technology By Mehta) A series RLC circuit has R=1000 Ω , L=100mH & C=10 µµF. Find: (a) Resonance frequency (b) Q-factor (c) 3dB point Bandwidth, The upper and lower -3dB frequency points, ƒH and ƒL Ans. 58 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Similar: Bandwidth of a Series Resonance Circuit Series Resonance Example No1 A series resonance network consisting of a resistor of 30Ω, a capacitor of 2uF and an inductor of 20mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply voltage which has a constant output of 9 volts at all frequencies. Calculate, the resonant frequency, the current at resonance, the voltage across the inductor and capacitor at resonance, the quality factor and the bandwidth of the circuit. Also sketch the corresponding current waveform for all frequencies. Resonant Frequency, ƒr Circuit Current at Resonance, Im 59 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Inductive Reactance at Resonance, XL Voltages across the inductor and the capacitor, VL, VC ( Note: the supply voltage is only 9 volts, but at resonance the reactive voltages are 30 volts peak! ) Quality factor, Q Bandwidth, BW The upper and lower -3dB frequency points, ƒH and ƒL Current Waveform 60 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Series Resonance Example No2 A series circuit consists of a resistance of 4Ω, an inductance of 500mH and a variable capacitance connected across a 100V, 50Hz supply. Calculate the capacitance require to give series resonance and the voltages generated across both the inductor and the capacitor. Resonant Frequency, ƒr Voltages across the inductor and the capacitor, VL, VC Reference: 9 10 A 3-phase delta connected load has Z=20∠60° and line voltage is 400 V. Find: (a) Total power (b) Power consumed in each phase. (a) Ptotal = 3 Vϕ Iϕ cos θ =3*400*20* cos 60° = 12000 W=12KW Ans. Zϕ = 20∠60° (b) Pϕ = Ptotal / 3 = 12/3 KW =4 KW Ans. Iϕ = Vϕ / Zϕ = 400 / 20∠60° =20∠-60° Vϕ = VL = 400 V. Write down the conditions of parallel operation of two alternators. There are five conditions that must be met before the synchronization process takes place. The alternator must have * Equal line voltage, *Phase angle and * Frequency, * Waveform to that of the system to which it is *Phase sequence, being synchronized. 61 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet [Waveform and phase sequence are fixed by the construction of the generator and its connections to the system, but voltage, frequency and phase angle must be controlled each time a generator is to be connected to a grid.] 11 Write down four main differences between CT and PT. Current Transformer A current transformer (CT) is a series connected measurement device designed to provide a current in its secondary coil proportional to the current flowing in its primary. Potential transformer Potential transformers (PT) are a parallel connected type of instrument transformer, used for metering and protection in high-voltage circuits or phasor phase shift isolation. The secondary of a P.T can be open circuited The secondary of a C.T can not be open circuited on without any damage being caused either to the any circumstance when it is under service. operator or the transformer. A CT may be considered as a series transformer. P.T may be considered as a parallel transformer. The primary current in a C.T is independent of the The primary current of a P.T depends upon the secondary circuit conditions (burden). secondary circuit conditions (burden). The primary winding of the CT is connected in The primary winding P.T is connected across the series with the line carrying the current to be line of voltage to be measured. Hence the full line measured. Hence it carries of the full line current. voltage is impressed across its terminal. Find the output of a full wave rectifier if the input is 12 13 Draw the following signals: (b) x(t) = 2 u(t) + δ (t-1) 62 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Lecture Sheet Find Vo 1 4 Find IE, IB and IC . ( β was not given ) 15 63 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s Solution: β was not given so, let β = 90. Taking loop, 10-6800IE -0.7- 100000IB - 2.5= 0 6800IE + 100000IB = 10 – 0.7 – 2.5 6800(β+1)IB + 100000IB = 6.8 [ তর্পহিু IE 6800*91 IB + 100000IB = 6.8 PGCB Special Lecture Sheet 618800 IB + 100000IB = 6.8 718800 IB = 6.8 IB = 6.8/718800 = 9.460 µA Ans. IC = β IB = 90*9.460 =851.419 µA Ans. IE = IC + IB = 851.419 + 9.460 = 860.879 µA Ans. = (β+1)IB ] Find I1, I2 and V2 . 16 Considering the short circuits, the circuit can be redrawn as So, I1 =20/4K = 5mA Ans. V2 is the voltage across open circuit So, V2=20 V Ans. And I2 =0A Ans. 64 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Digest for the exam to be held at MIST Take 150 MVA, 15KV as base and draw the reactance diagram: 18 Similar: From Stevenson Junior’s Book 65 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Digest for the exam to be held at MIST Answer: 66 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Digest for the exam to be held at MIST 67 EEE Academy by Rony Parvej’s PGCB Special Digest for the exam to be held at MIST 17 A power station has following loading: Lighting load: 150 KW for 7.00pm to 10.00pm Residential load: 50KW for 7.00pm to 12.00pm Pumping Load: 75KW for 3.00pm to 7.00pm Find diversity factor. Type Lighting load Residential load Pumping Load Total 3.00pm to 7.00pm 7.00pm to 10.00pm 150 KW 50KW 10.00pm to 12.00pm 75KW 200KW Sum of Individual Maximum Demand Diversity factor = -------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum demand of the circuit at the time of system peak 150 KW + 50 KW + 75 KW = -------------------------------------- = 1.375 Ans. 200KW 68 50KW