www.schoolofengineers.com 3RD EDITION BREB SUPPLEMENTARY Join Our Facebook Group: School of Engineers Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com Avcbv‡`i †Kvb civgk©, Awf‡hvM I ms‡kvab _vK‡j Rvbv‡bvi Aby‡iva iBjt Facebook: Nazim Sarkar Whatsapp: 01858-173371 Email: nazimsarkar@gmail.com Join Our Facebook Group: School of Engineers Index Sl 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Join Our FB Group Topic mv¤úªwZK evsjv‡`k I wek¦ gyw³hy×, msweavb, e½eÜz I cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv evsjv‡`‡ki †gMvcÖ‡R± Formula Bank Power Sector Update Information Power Sector Previous Question BREB Previous Question School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com mv¤úªwZK NUbvejx wb‡¤œv³ As‡k mv¤úªwZK evsjv‡`k I wek¦ wb‡q wKQz Z_¨ ‡`qv nj| cjøxwe`y¨‡Zi cixÿvq GB Ask †_‡K 5-6gvK©m _v‡K| wU-20 wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc-2022 GKw`‡bi g¨vP A‡÷ªwjqv m¨vg Kv‡ib wfivU †Kvnwj, 296ivb Iqvwb›`y nvmviv½v, 15 DB‡KU Bsj¨vÛ cvwK¯’vb ‡fby¨ g¨vb Ae `¨v wmwiR m‡ev©”P ivb m‡ev©”P DB‡KU P¨vw¤úqb ivbvm© Avc evsjv‡`‡ki c‡ÿ m‡ev©”Pt m‡ev©”P ivb gykwdKzi iwng, 5321 †U÷ ivb Zvwgg BKevj, 8074 IwWAvB ivb mvwKe Avj nvmvb, 2243 wU-20 ivb ** bvix `‡ji AwabvqKt wbMvi myjZvbv m‡ev©”P DB‡KU mvwKe Avj nvmvb, 231wU mvwKe Avj nvmvb, 294wU mvwKe Avj nvmvb, 128wU m‡ev©”P ‡mÂzwi gwgbyj nK, 11wU m‡ev©”P Bwbsm gykwdKzi iwng, 219 ivb Zvwgg BKevj, 14wU Zvwgg BKevj, 1wU wjUb `vm, 176 ivb Zvwgg BKevj, 103* ivb eZ©gvb i¨vswKs1) IwWAvB †evwjst cwRkb-9 (†gv¯ÍvwdRyi ingvb), cwRkb-7 (mvwKe Avj nvmvb) 2) IwWAvB AjivDÛvit cwRkb-1 (mvwKe Avj nvmvb), cwRkb-3: †g‡nw` nvmvb 3) †U÷ AjivDÛvit cwRkb-3 (mvwKe Avj nvmvb) 4) wU-20 AjivDÛvit cwRkb-1 (mvwKe Avj nvmvb) ¯^vaxbZv cyi®‹vi-2022 ¯^vaxbZv I gyw³hy× wPwKrmvwe`¨v ¯’vcZ¨we`¨v M‡elYv I cÖwkÿY kZfvM we`y¨Zvqb ** mvwn‡Z¨ Rbve Avwgi nvgRvi cyi¯‹vi †Nvlbvi c‡i evwZj Kiv nq| 1. exi gyw³‡hv×v BwjqvQ Avn‡g` †PŠayix 2. knx` K‡Y©j L›`Kvi bvRgyj û`v (exiweµg) 3. exi gyw³‡hv×v Avãyj Rwjj 4. exi gyw³‡hv×v wmivR DwÏb Avn‡g` 5. exi gyw³‡hv×v †gvnv¤§` QwnDwÏb wek¦vm 6. exi gyw³‡hv×v wmivRyj nK 7. Wvt †gvt Kvgiæj Bmjvg 8. Wvt KbK KvwšÍ eo–qv 9. ‰mq` gvBbyj †nv‡mb 1. Mg I fzÆv M‡elbv Bbw÷wUDU 2. we`y¨r wefvM ‡fŠMwjK wb‡`©kK cY¨ (WIPO) Rvg`vwb Bwjk ÿxikvcvwZ Avg gmwjb ivRkvnx wmé, kZiwÄ, wPwb¸uov Pvj, w`bvRcy‡ii KvUvwi‡fvM, weRqcy‡ii mv`v gvwU evM`v wPswo dRwj Avg 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 me©‡kl gmwjb †`Lv hvqt 1850 mvj, jÛb cybR©b¥t 2014mv‡j cÖavbgš¿xi wb‡`©‡k KvR ïiæ K‡i evsjv‡`k ZvuZ †evW©| mdj nq 2020 mv‡j| cÖavb weÁvbxt ‡gvt gbRyi †nv‡mb, ivwe cÖKí cwiPvjKt ‡gvt AvBqye Avjx, ZuvZ‡evW© ‡Kvb kn‡ii bv‡g gmwj‡bi bvgKibt Biv‡Ki gmyj kni ‡Kvb Zzjv †_‡K gmwjb myZv Av‡mt dzwU Kvc©vm bgybv msiwÿZ Av‡Qt RvZxq Rv`yNi, XvKv Ges wf‡±vwiqv GÛ AvjevU© wgDwRqvg, jÛb WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization m`i `ßit ‡R‡bfv, myBRvij¨vÛ e½eÜz †kL gywRe g¨viv_b-2021 (P¨vw¤úqb) Join Our FB Group School of Engineers AwabvqK gwgbyj nK wjUb `vm byiæj nvmvb †mvnvb www.schoolofengineers.com GwjU mvd evsjv‡`k wnkvg jvKzqvwn (gi‡°v) evnv`yi wms †avwb (fviZ) ‡gvt dviw`b wgqv f¨vKwmb evsjv‡`k wb‡”Q evsjv‡`k ‡c‡q‡Q cÖ_g wb‡q‡Q cÖ_g gš¿x evsjv‡`‡ki Avwe®‹…Z wUKv evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g K‡ivbv mbv³ jKWvDb †`qv nq cÖ_g jKWvDb †`qv nq A·‡dvW©-A¨v‡÷ªv‡R‡bKvi †Kvwfwkì 20jvL †Kvwfwkì (Drcv`Kt wmivg BÝwUwUDU, fviZ) iæby ‡eiwbKv K¯Ív (bvm©) Rybv‡q` Avn‡g` cjK, AvBwmwU cÖwZgš¿x e½f¨v· (~†Møve ev‡qv‡UK) 8B gvP© 2020 19B gvP© 2020 gv`vwicy‡ii wkecyi LDC (Least Developed Countries) Map: Least Developed Countries (Blue) wb¤œ-Av‡qi †`kt 46wU Pvjy nqt 18B b‡f¤^i 1971 DËi‡Yi myPKt 3wU; gv_vwcPz Avq (GNI) gvbe m¤ú` myPK (HDI) A_©‰bwZK f½yiZv (Economic Volnerability) ‡ei n‡Z †c‡i‡Qt 6wU †`k wb¤œ-Av‡qi †`k wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k ZvwjKvfz³ nqt 1975 mv‡j DËib †c‡Z mgq jv‡Mt 6eQi Aby‡gv`b †`qt RvwZms‡Ni mvavib cwil` KwgwUt Committee for Development Policy evsjv‡`k †hvM¨Zv AR©b K‡it 2018 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡k DËib Ki‡et 2026 mv‡j 1230 Wjvi 66 c‡q›U 32 c‡q›U e-Øxc cwiKíbv (Delta Plan) Techno-Economic Mega Plan For the Ganga Delta till 2100 Approved: 02 Sept 2018 Vision: Ensure long term water and food security, economic growth and environmental sustainability while effectively reducing vulnerability to natural disasters and building resilience to climate change and other delta challenges through robust, adaptive and integrated strategies, and equitable water governance. cÖYqb K‡it RvZxq A_©‰bwZK cwil` KvwiMwi mnvqZvqt †b`vij¨vÛm Higher level goals: Goal 1: Eliminate extreme poverty by 2030 Goal 2: Achieve upper middle-income status by 2030 Goal 3: Being a Prosperous Country beyond 2041 BDP-2100 specific goals: Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com Goal 1: Ensure safety from floods and climate change related disasters; Goal 2: Enhance water security and efficiency of water usages; Goal 3: Ensure sustainable and integrated river systems and estuaries management; Goal 4: Conserve and preserve wetlands and ecosystems and promote their wise use; Goal 5: Develop effective institutions an- d equitable governance for in-country and trans-boundary water resources management; and Goal 6: Achieve optimal and integrated use of land and water resources. Strategies developed at 3 Levels. Flood Risk Management Fresh Water Management kZfvM we`y¨Zvqb 1. D‡™¢vabt 13B AvM÷ 2016 2. evsjv‡`k‡K kZfvM we`y¨ZvwqZ †Nvlbvt 21†k gvP© 2022 2. †gvU D‡™¢vabt 288wU Dc‡Rjv 3. me©‡gvU Dc‡Rjv- 462wU (461wU AbwMÖW, 1wU AdwMÖW) 4. gvb`Û AR©b gywRe el© 1. mgqKvjt 17B gvP© 2020-31 gvP© 2022 SDG 1. SDG: Sustainable Development Goal 2. Duration: 2016-2030 3. Total Goal: 17 4. Total Target: 169 5. Set By: United Nations General Assembly, 2015 6. About Electricity: Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal No-07) US Election 1. Joe Biden was Vice-President during Obama Term 2. Age: 78Years (Most Oldest President) 3. kc_ †bbt 20‡k Rvbyqvwi 2021 4. wbe©vPb nqt 3iv b‡f¤^i 2020 (b‡f¤^‡ii cÖ_g g½jevi) 5. evB‡Wb Rq jvf K‡ibt 306-232 B‡j‡±vivj †fv‡U 6. e¨eüZ my‡hvM-myweavevmfeb ‡M÷ nvDR AeKvk‡K›`ª GqviµvdU ‡nwjKÞvi Mvwo ‡nvqvBU nvDR ‡eøqvi nvDR K¨v¤ú †WwfW Gqvi‡dvm© Iqvb ‡gwib Iqvb `¨v we÷ 7. cÖ_g bvix, K…òv½, fviZxq I Gwkqvb fvBm †cÖwm‡W›Ut Kgjv n¨vwim 8. dv÷© †jwWt wRj evB‡Wb 9. cÖ_g †m‡KÛ †R‡›Ujg¨vbt WMjvm Ggnd 10. ‡Kwe‡bUt ciivóªgš¿xt A¨v›Uwb weø‡¼b cÖwZiÿvgš¿xt j‡qW Aw÷b (cÖ_g K…òv½) A_©gš¿xt R¨v‡bU B‡q‡jb (cÖ_g bvix) ¯^ivóªgš¿xt †We nj¨vÛ GUwb© †Rbv‡ijt g¨vwiK Mvij¨vÛ 11. evB‡Wb wm‡bUi wQ‡jbt ‡WjvIq¨vi ‡KvwfW-19 wUKv 11wU wUKv‡K wek¦ ¯^v¯’¨ ms¯’v Aby‡gv`b w`‡q‡Q| 80wU †`‡ki 821wU wUKvi Uªvqvj †`qv nq| 230wU wK¬wbK¨vj Uªvqv‡j i‡q‡Q| ‡dR-1 wK¬wbK¨vj Uªvqv‡j i‡q‡Qt 66wU wUKv; †dR-2t 72wU; †dR-3t 92wU; Aby‡gv`bt 50wU wUKv evsjv‡`k 7wU wUKvi Aby‡gv`b w`‡q‡Q| h_vµ‡gt gW©vbv (mRNA-1273), dvBRvi-ev‡qvGb‡UK, M¨v‡gwjqv (¯úUwbK-5), Rvb‡mb, †Kvwfwkì (A·‡dvW©-A¨v‡÷ªv‡R‡bKv), wm‡bvdvgv© (†f‡iv‡mj Ges K‡ivbvf¨vK) we‡k¦i me©e„nr wUKv Drcv`bKvix cÖwZôvbt ‡mivg BÝwUwUDU BwÛqv Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com A·‡dvW©-A¨v‡÷ªv‡R‡bKvi Avwe®‹…Z AZD1222 wUKv‡K †Kvwfwkì bv‡g Drcv`b Ki‡Q ‡mivg BÝwUwUDU BwÛqv| ivwkqvi M¨v‡gwjqvi Avwe®‹…Z ¯úUwbK-5 ïaygvÎ iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ª †`qv n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`k Pxb, Rvcvb, hy³ivóªmn wewfbœ †`k †_‡K wUKv ‡c‡q‡Q †Kvf¨v‡·i D‡`¨v‡M| ‡Kvf¨v· (COVAX: COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access) wb¤œ-ga¨g Av‡qi †`kmgy‡ni †KvwfW-19 Gi f¨vKwmb, †U÷ I †_ivwc wbwðZ Ki‡Z GKwU D‡`¨vM| D‡`¨vM MÖnY K‡it 1. f¨vKwmb Gjv‡qÝ (GAVI: Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) 2. CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) 3. WHO (World Health Organization) D‡`¨vM ïiæ nqt GwcÖj 2020 weZib ïiæt †deªæqvwi 2021 D³ D‡`¨v‡M hy³ n‡q‡Qt 184wU †`k KqwU †`k wd« wUKv ‡c‡q‡Qt 142wU †`k wUKv mieivn Ki‡et wUKv Drcv`bKvix abx †`k¸‡jv| weZib Kiv n‡q‡Qt 140 †KvwU †WvR wUKv cÖ_g †Kvf¨v· D‡`¨v‡Mi Ask wn‡m‡e wd« wUKv cvqt Nvbv fvi‡Zi ‡mivg BÝwUwUDU BwÛqvi mv‡_ evsjv‡`k Pzw³ K‡it 12,792,000 †WvR wUKv †Kbvi Rb¨ `vZv †`kt hy³ivóª, Pxb, hy³ivR¨, fviZ, KvbvWv, BD‡ivcxq BDwbqb, mshy³ Avie AvwgivZ, Rvcvb cÖf…wZ †`k dvÛt 1.25wUªwjqb Wjvi e¨w³ D‡`¨v‡M †Kvf¨v· wUKv weZi‡bi cÖ‡R‡±i bvgt Go Give One m‡ev©”P wUKv †c‡q‡Qt evsjv‡`k (18.3 †KvwU †WvR) ‡UvwKI Awjw¤úK †Mgm-2020 2020 mv‡j AbywóZ nevi K_v _vK‡jI K‡ivbvi cÖv`yfv© ‡ei Rb¨ ¯’wMZ Kiv nq| AbywôZ nqt July 23, 2021 - August 8, 2021 m‡ev©”P c`K Rqt hy³ivóª (39wU †mvbvmn 113wU c`K) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖwZ‡hvwM Ask †bqt 6Rb (c`K k~b¨) m‡ev©”P c`K wR‡Zbt gvwK©b mvZviæ wm †Wª‡mj, 5wU †mvbv `ªZZg gvbet gv‡m©j R¨vKem, BZvjx (9.80 †m‡KÛm) `ªZZg gvbext _¤úmb †nivn, R¨vgvBKv (10.61‡m‡KÛm) ‡gvU B‡f›Umt 33wU ‡¯úvU©‡mi 50wU wWwmwcø‡b 339wU B‡f›U cieZx© Awjw¤úK †Mgmt 2024 mvj, c¨vwim cÖ_g Awjw¤úK †Mgmt 1896mvj, G‡_Ý wek¦Kvc dzUej-2023 Av‡qvRKt KvZvi ‡fby¨t 8wU (5wU kn‡i) Ask †bqt 32wU †`k g¨vPt 64wU ‡Mvj nqt 172wU (GK Avm‡i m‡ev©”P †Mvj) `k©Kt 34 jÿ ‡miv †L‡jvqvot wjI‡bj †gwm ‡miv Ziæb †L‡jvqvot Gb‡Rv dv›`v©‡`R ‡miv †MvjiÿKt Gwgwjqv‡bv gvwU©‡bR m‡ev©”P †Mvj †¯‹vivit wKwjqvb G¤^v‡à, 8wU †Mvj, d«vÝ ‡dqvi †cø cyi¯‹vit Bsj¨vÛ Z…Zxq ¯’vbt †µv‡qwkqv ivbvm© Avct d«vÝ P¨vw¤úqbt Av‡R©w›Ubv (3q evi P¨vw¤úqb) cÖ_g Avwd«Kvb I Avie †`k wn‡m‡e †mwgdvBbvj †L‡jt gi‡°v| cÖ_g Avwd«Kvi †`k eªvwRj‡K nvivqt K¨v‡giæb cÖ_g Avie I gymwjg †`k wn‡m‡e Av‡qvRKt KvZvi LiPt 220 wewjqb Wjvi D‡Øvabx Abyôvbt Avj evBZ †÷wWqvg mgvcbx Abyôvb I dvBbvj g¨vPt jymvBj AvBKwbK †÷wWqvg K‡›UbvBi w`‡q wbwg©Z †÷wWqvgt †÷wWqvg 974 wek¦Kv‡c m‡ev©”P g¨vP †L‡jbt wjI‡bj †gwm, 26 g¨vP Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com gnvb gyw³hy× - gyw³‡hv×v‡`i msÁv cÖ`vb K‡i me©cÖ_g †M‡RU cÖKvk Kiv nq — weMZ 26/08/1972Bs Zvwi‡L| - gyw³hy× Rv`yNi ¯’vwcZ nq — 1996 mv‡j| - gyw³hy× hv`yNi †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — XvKvi AvMviMvuI‡q Aew¯’Z| - gyw³hy‡×i m‡e©v”P fv¯‹h© — exi (XvKvi wbKz‡Ä Aew¯’Z)| - gyw³hy× Rv`yNi ÔweRq ‡KZbÕ †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — XvKv †mbvwbevm| - XvKv †mbvwbev‡m AvMoZjv lohš¿ gvgjvi ¯§„wZ weRwoZ Rv`yNiwUi bvg — e½eÜz Rv`yNi| - evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx‡Z gyw³hy‡×i ¯§„wZ weRwoZ fviZxq wegvb — Wv‡KvUv| - gyw³hy‡×i ¯§viK ÔwkLv wPišÍbÕ — †mvnivIqv`©x D`¨v‡b Aew¯’Z| - gyw³hy‡×i msiwÿZ ¯’vb Òknx` mvMiÓ — bv‡Uvi †Rjvq Aew¯’Z| - gyw³hy‡× Ôµ¨vK cøvUzbÕ †h kn‡i mwµq wQj — XvKv| - ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× me©‡kl kÎægy³ †Rjv — XvKv| - evsjv †h m‡b evsjv‡`k ¯^vaxbZv jvf K‡i — 1378| - fvlv Av‡›`vjb c~e© evsjvq †h fvev`k© Qwo‡q †`q — evOvwj RvZxqZvev`| - Ô‡cvovgvwU-bxwZÕ †h evwnbxi Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ wQj — cvwK¯Ívb †mbvevwnbx| - Acv‡ikb mvP©jvBU-Gi cwiKíbvKvixi bvg — ivIdigvb Avjx| - gyw³evwnbxi hy× welqK †KŠkj †h bv‡g cwiwPZ — †Zwjqvcvov ÷ªv‡UwR| - gyw³hy×Kvjxb fviZ-evsjv‡`k †hŠ_ evwnbx MwVZ n‡qwQj — weMZ 21/11/1971Bs Zvwi‡L| - ÔgywRe evwnbxÕ MwVZ n‡qwQj — hyeK‡`i wb‡q| - evsjv‡`ki gnvb gyw³hy‡× †dvm© ev weª‡MW wQj — 03wU (Z Force, K Force Ges S Force)| - gyw³hy‡×i mgq XvKvi †Mwijv evwnbxi bvg wQj — µ¨vK cøvUzb| - gyw³hy‡×i mgq me©`jxq Dc‡`óv KwgwUi m`m¨ msL¨v wQj — 08Rb| - gywRebMi miKv‡ii ¯^ivóªgš¿x wQ‡jb — G GBP Gg Kvgviæ¾vgvb| - gywRebMi miKv‡ii ÎvY I cybe©vmb gš¿x wQ‡jb — G GBP Gg Kvgviæ¾vgvb| - gywRebMi miKv‡ii K…wlgš¿x wQ‡jb — G GBP Gg Kvgviæ¾vgvb| - gywRebMi miKv‡ii kc_ MÖnY Abyôvb cwiPvjbv K‡ib — Avãyj gvbœvb| - 10B GwcÖj, 1971 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ cvV K‡ib — Aa¨vcK BDmyd Avjx| - gyw³hy‡× me©‡kl knx` nb †h exi‡kÖô — K¨v‡Þb gwnDwÏb Rvnv½xi| - evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× ÔexicÖZxKÕ †LZvecÖvß bvix؇qi bvg — Zvivgb wewe Ges wmZviv †eMg| - Ôgyw³‡ewUÕ bv‡g cwiwPZ exi gyw³‡hv×v KuvKb wewe †h m¤úª`v‡qi wQ‡jb — Lvwmqv| - exicÖZxK Zvivgb wewe ‡h †m±‡i hy× K‡ib — 11bs †m±i| - GKgvÎ †LZvecÖvß DcRvwZ gyw³‡hv×vi bvg — BD †K wPs| - gnvb gyw³hy‡×i mgq †g‡nicy‡ii e`¨bv_Zjv †h †m±‡ii Aax‡b wQj — 08bs †m±i| - gnvb gyw³hy‡×i mgq ewikvj I cUzqvLvjx †Rjv †h †m±‡ii Aax‡b wQj — 09bs †m±i| - gyw³hy‡×i mgq †h †m±iwU wQj e¨wZµgag©x — 10bs †m±i (†bŠ †m±i)| - gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j 02bs †m±‡ii KgvÛvi wQ‡jb — †gRi Lv‡j` †gvkviid| - cwðg cvwK¯Ívwb kvmK †Mvôx‡K mg_©b Rvwb‡q me©cÖ_g ivRvKvi evwnbx MwVZ nq — Lyjbv †Rjvq| gnvb gyw³hy× Ges cÖevmx †jLK-mvsevw`Ke„‡›`i mvwnZ¨ I cÖwZ‡e`b - 1971 mv‡j gnvb gyw³hy‡×i mgq RvwZms‡N †h †`kwU evsjv‡`‡ki c‡ÿ Ô†f‡UvÕ cÖ`vb K‡iwQj — ivwkqv| - 1971 mv‡ji gyw³hy‡× exiZ¡c~Y© Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ fviZxq ‡mbv Awdmvi RMwRr wms A‡iviv‡K evsjv‡`k miKvi — ÔexicÖZxKÕ ‡LZv‡e ‡`q| - 1971 mv‡ji gyw³hy× cÖZ¨ÿKvix fvi‡Zi cwðge‡½i KjKvZvi mvsevw`K‡`i ¯§„wZPviYvg~jK MÖš’ — Òevsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy×Ó| - 1971 mv‡j gyw³hy‡×i mgq XvKv¯’ gvwK©b `~Zvev‡m Kbmvj ‡Rbv‡i‡ji `vwq‡Z¡ wQ‡jb — Archer Kent Blood (1923-2004)| - “The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide” eBwUi iPwqZv — gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi Aa¨vcK Gary J. Bass| - gvwK©b hy³ivóª miKv‡ii Kv‡Q evsjv‡`k ‡_‡K cvVv‡bv ZvievZ©v wb‡q ‡jLv The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide bvgK eBwUi ‡jLK — Gary J. Bass| - Tanks Crush Revolt in Pakistan n‡jv — weL¨vZ mvsevw`K mvBgb wWªs-Gi gyw³hy×Kvjxb cÖwZ‡e`b| - wewewm-Gi †h mvsevw`K gyw³hy‡×i c‡ÿ msev` cÖPvi K‡iwQ‡jb — gvK© Uvwj| - Bangladesh, Nationalism in the Revolution bvgK eBwUi †jLK — Bernard-Henri Levy (divwm `vk©wbK I mvsevw`K)| - Les Indes Rouges n‡jv — evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy× †Kw›`ªK d«v‡Ýi †jLK evbvW© †nbwi †jwf KZ©„K iwPZ GKwU MÖš’| - ievU© iRvm© KZ©„K evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy× wfwËK cÖvgvY¨ wPÎ — The Country Made For Bangladesh| - ÔKbmvU© di evsjv‡`kÕ AbywôZ n‡qwQj — gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi wbDBqK© kn‡i| - jÛb wfwËK †h MÖæcwU 1971 mv‡j gyw³hy‡×i mgq gvbweK mnvqZv cÖ`vb K‡iwQj †mwUi bvg — Operation Omega| gyw³hy×wfwËK Dcb¨vm, MíMÖš’, Kve¨MÖš’ Ges Kve¨bvU¨ - evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡×i Ici wjwLZ cÖ_g I cÖKvwkZ cÖ_g Dcb¨vm — ÔRvnvbœvg nB‡Z we`vqÕ| - ÔRjv½xÕ n‡jv — kIKZ Imgvb iwPZ GKwU gyw³hy×wfwËK Dcb¨vm| - Ôbvgnxb †MvÎnxbÕ n‡jv — nvmvb AvwRRyj nK iwPZ GKwU gyw³hy×wfwËK MíMÖš’| - ÔA‡ejvq AmgqÕ, Ôhy‡× hv‡evÕ, ÔDËiKvjÕ Ges Ôhy×hvÎvi hvÎxÕ n‡jv — Pjw”PÎKvi AvgRv` †nv‡mb iwPZ gyw³hy×wfwËK Dcb¨vm| - Ô‡k¦ZcÙvÕ n‡jv — ZveviK †nv‡mb iwPZ GKwU gyw³hy×wfwËK Dcb¨vm| - ÔGKwU Kv‡jv †g‡qi K_vÕ n‡jv — gyw³hy‡×i †cÖÿvc‡U †jLv GKwU Dcb¨vm| - Ô‡bK‡o AiY¨Õ n‡jv — gyw³hy‡×i †cÖÿvc‡U †jLv GKwU Dcb¨vm| - ÔnvOi b`x †MÖ‡bWÕ n‡jv — gyw³hy‡×i †cÖÿvc‡U †jLv GKwU Dcb¨vm| - ÔLuvPvqÕ n‡jv — gyw³hy‡×i †cÖiYvq (gyw³hy×wfwËK) ‡jLv ikx` nvq`v‡ii GKwU Dcb¨vm| - ÒeKzjcy‡ii ¯^vaxbZvÓ gyw³hy×-wfwËK MÖš’wUi †jLK — bvU¨Kvi ggZvR DwÏb| - 1971 mv‡j gyw³hy× PjvKv‡jB iwPZ n‡qwQj †h Dcb¨vm — ivB‡dj †ivwU AvIivZ (Jcb¨vwmK — Av‡bvvi cvkv)| - ÔivB‡dj †ivwU AvIivZÕ Dcb¨vmwUi AvL¨vb‡K›`ª n‡jv — wek^we`¨vjq| - ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ n‡jv — 1971 mv‡ji gnvb gyw³hy‡×i cUf~wgi Ici Jcb¨vwmK ‡mwjbv ‡nv‡mb iwPZ kxl©K Dcb¨vm| Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com - Ô‡Mwijv I exiv½bvÕ n‡jv — Jcb¨vwmK ‡mwjbv ‡nv‡mb iwPZ GKwU gyw³hy×wfwËK MÖš’| - ÔAvgvi GKvËiÕ n‡jv — cÖqvZ RvZxq Aa¨vcK W. Avwbmy¾vgv‡bi GKwU AvZ¥Rxebxg~jK MÖš|’ - Ôjÿ cÖv‡Yi wewbg‡qÕ n‡jv — †gRi iwdKzj Bmjvg iwPZ GKwU gyw³hy×wfwËK MÖš’| - `Making of a Nation Bangladesh” MÖš’wUi iPwqZv — byiæj Bmjvg| - Ôevsjv‡`k K_v KqÕ (gyw³hy‡×i Dci wjwLZ cÖeÜ) kxl©K MÖ‡š’i iPwqZv — cÖL¨vZ mvsevw`K I mvwnwZ¨K Avãyj Mvddvi †PŠayix| - ÔGKvˇii w`b¸wjÕ kxl©K MÖ‡š’i †jLK — Rvnvbviv Bgvg| - ÔGKvˇii RbbxÕ kxl©K MÖ‡š’i †jLK — igv †PŠayix| - Ôgyw³hy‡× bvixÕ kxl©K MÖš’wUi iPwqZv — gv‡jKv ‡eMg| - Ôe›`x wkwei †_‡KÕ n‡jv — gyw³hy‡×i cUf~wg‡Z †jLv Kwe kvgmyi ingv‡bi GKwU Kve¨MÖš’| - ÔhLb D`¨Z m½xbÕ n‡jv — gyw³hy‡×i cUf~wg‡Z †jLv nvmvb nvwdRyi ingv‡bi GKwU Kve¨MÖš’| - Ôcv‡qi AvIqvR cvIqv hvqÕ n‡jv — ‰mq` kvgmyj nK iwPZ GKwU gyw³hy×wfwËK Kve¨bvU¨| - ÔGLb †hŠeb hvi hy‡× hvevi Zuvi †kÖô mgqÕ jvBbwUi iPwqZv — Kwe †njvj nvwdR| - ÔAvgv‡K i³ `vI, Avwg †Zvgv‡`i ¯^vaxbZv G‡b †`eÕ G K_v e‡jwQ‡jb — †bZvRx myfvl P›`ª emy| gyw³hy×-wfwËK Pjw”PÎ Ges Mvb - gyw³hy×c~e© hy×wfwËK Pjw”PÎ — ÔRxeb †_‡K †bqvÕ (wbg©vZv/cwiPvjK — Rwni ivqnvb)| - gyw³hy×wfwËK cÖ_g Pjw”PÎ — ÔIiv 11 RbÕ [cwiPvjK Pvlx bRiæj Bmjvg Ges cÖ‡hvRK gvmy` cvi‡fR (‡mv‡nj ivbv)]| - ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g gyw³hy×wfwËK Pjw”PÎ — Iiv 11Rb| - Iiv 11Rb Pjw”PÎwUi cwiPvjK — Pvlx bRiæj Bmjvg| - gyw³hy×wfwËK Pjw”PÎ ÔAvevi †Zviv gvbyl nÕ cwiPvjbv K‡i‡Qb — Lvb AvZvDi ingvb| - gyw³hy×wfwËK Pjw”PÎ ÔRxebXzjxÕ cwiPvjbv K‡i‡Qb — Zvbfxi †gvKv‡¤§j| - gyw³hy×wfwËK Ôfzeb gvwSÕ Pjw”PÎ cwiPvjK — dvLiæj Av‡iwdb Lvb| - gyw³hy× welqK †`kvZ¥‡evaK Mvb ÔRq evsjv evsjvi RqÕ K_v¸‡jv wj‡L‡Qb — MvRx gvRnviæj Av‡bvqvi| - Ô‡gviv GKwU dzj‡K euvPv‡ev e‡j hy× KwiÕ kxl©K MvbwUi MxwZKvi — †Mvwe›` nvj`vi| evsjv‡`‡ki msweavb msweavb - evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq cÖZx‡K †h 04wU ZviKv i‡q‡Q Zv w`‡q hv †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q — 1972 mv‡ji msweav‡bi g~jbxwZmg~n| - eZ©gvb we‡k^i †h †`kwUi msweavb‡K ÔkvwšÍi msweavbÕ ejv nq — Rvcvb| - evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi evsjv Abyev`K — cÖqvZ RvZxq Aa¨vcK W. Avwbmy¾vgvb| - MYcwil‡`i hZ msL¨K m`m¨ n¯ÍwjwLZ g~j msweav‡b ¯^vÿi K‡ib — 309 Rb| msweav‡bi fvM ev Aa¨vqmg~n - evsjv‡`k msweav‡b fvM ev Aa¨vq Av‡Q — 11wU| - ivóª cwiPvjbvi g~jbxwZ msweav‡bi †h fv‡M D‡jøL i‡q‡Q — wØZxq fvM| msweav‡bi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Aby‡”Q`mg~n - msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` evsjv‡K ivóªfvlv wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ †`qv n‡q‡Q — 03 bs Aby‡”Q`| - MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` RvwZi wcZvi cÖwZK…wZ msiÿY I cÖ`k©b Kivi weavb i‡q‡Q — 04(K) bs Aby‡”Q`| - evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` ivRavbx XvKv m¤ú‡K© D‡jøL Av‡Q — 05 bs Aby‡”Q`| - ÔcÖRvZ‡š¿ gvbemËvi gh©v`v I g~‡j¨i cÖwZ kÖ×v‡eva wbwðZ nB‡eÕ evK¨wU msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` D‡jøL Kiv Av‡Q — 11 bs Aby‡”Q`| - msweav‡bi 15bs Aby‡”Q‡`i welqe¯‘ — †gŠwjK cÖ‡qvR‡bi e¨e¯’v| - evsjv‡`k msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` Rb¯^v¯’¨ I ‰bwZKZvi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q — 18(1) bs Aby‡”Q‡`| - evsjv‡`k msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` AbycvwR©Z Avq m¤ú‡K© ejv n‡q‡Q — 20bs Aby‡”Q‡`| - evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` bvMwiK I miKvwi Kg©Pvix‡`i KZ©‡e¨i K_v D‡jøL Av‡Q — 21bs Aby‡”Q`| - Ôwbe©vnx wefvM †_‡K wePvi wefvM c„_KxKiYÕ GwU msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` ejv n‡q‡Q — 22bs Aby‡”Q`| - evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q`mg~‡n †gŠwjK AwaKvi¸‡jv mwbœ‡ewkZ Av‡Q — 26 †_‡K 47 bs Aby‡”Q`| - ÔAvB‡bi `„wó‡Z mevB mgvbÕ GwU evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡`i AšÍM©Z — 27bs Aby‡”Q`| - ‡gŠwjK AwaKvi jsN‡bi cÖwZKv‡i †h Av`vj‡Z †h‡Z nq — nvB‡KvU© wefvM| - evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi 36bs Aby‡”Q‡` †h †gŠwjK AwaKv‡ii K_v ejv n‡q‡Q — Pjv‡divi ¯^vaxbZv| - evK ¯^vaxbZv, gZ cÖKv‡ki ¯^vaxbZv I msev` gva¨‡gi ¯^vaxbZv wbwðZ Kiv nq msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q` e‡j — 39bs Aby‡”Q`| - msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q` Øviv ag©xq ¯^vaxbZv wbwðZ Kiv n‡q‡Q — 41bs Aby‡”Q`| - msweav‡bi ‡h Aby‡”Q` Abymv‡i Acivax‡K m‡e©v”P 14 eQ‡ii Kviv`‡Ûi weavb i‡q‡Q — 57bs Aby‡”Q`| - Ôevsjv‡`‡ki bvMwiK Qvov Ab¨ ‡KD wKsev we‡`wk bvMwiKZ¡ AR©bKvix ‡KD ‡`‡ki mvsm` n‡Z cvi‡eb bvÕ GwU msweav‡bi ‡h Aby‡”Q‡` D‡jøL Av‡Q — 66bs Aby‡”Q`| - msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx ‡Kvb msm` m`‡m¨i m`m¨c` LvwiR Kiv hvq — 66bs Aby‡”Q`| - msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q` Abyqvqx mvsm‡`iv 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Zdwm‡j AšÍfy³ © Kiv n‡q‡Q — 7g Zdwmj| msweav‡bi ms‡kvabxmg~n - msweav‡bi †h ms‡kvabx‡K First Distortion of Constitution e‡j AvL¨vwqZ Kiv nq — 5g ms‡kvabx| - msweav‡bi cÂ`k ms‡kvabx RvZxq msm‡` cvm nq — weMZ 30/06/2011Bs Zvwi‡L| - msweav‡b ZË¡veavqK miKvi e¨e¯’v we‡jvc Kiv nq — cÂ`k ms‡kvabxi gva¨‡g (weMZ 30/06/2011Bs Zvwi‡L)| - ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ msweav‡bi †h ms‡kvabx‡Z ms‡hvwRZ n‡q‡Q — cÂ`k ms‡kvabx| - msweav‡bi 16Zg ms‡kvabx RvZxq msm‡` cvm nq — weMZ 17/09/2014Bs Zvwi‡L| - msweav‡bi 17Zg ms‡kvabx RvZxq msm‡` cvm nq — weMZ 08/07/2018Bs Zvwi‡L| - msweav‡bi 17Zg ms‡kvabxi gva¨‡g — RvZxq msm‡` msiwÿZ bvix Avm‡bi †gqv` 25 eQi evov‡bv nq| - GLb ch©šÍ msweavb ms‡kvabx evwZj Kiv n‡q‡Q — PviwU h_vt 5g ms‡kvabx (1979), 7g ms‡kvabx (1986), ·qv`k ms‡kvabx (1996) Ges me©‡kl ‡lvok ms‡kvabx (2014)| RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb - gnvb gyw³hy‡×i me©vwabvqK — RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb (Rb¥ ZvwiL: 17B gvP©, 1920; g„Zz¨: 15B AvM÷, 1975)| - ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g ivóªcwZ — e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K Qv·bZv †Zvdv‡qj Avn‡g` Ôe½eÜzÕ Dcvwa‡Z f‚wlZ K‡ib — weMZ 23/02/1969Bs Zvwi‡L| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K ÔRvwZi RbKÕ wn‡m‡e †NvlYv Kiv nq — 03 gvP© 1971| - MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi †h Aby‡”Q‡` RvwZi wcZvi cÖwZK…wZ msiÿY I cÖ`k©b Kivi weavb i‡q‡Q — 4(K) bs Aby‡”Q`| - HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvl‡Yi Rb¨ e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvb‡K ‡h we‡`kx cwÎKv ÒThe Poet of PoliticsÓ Dcvwa‡Z f~wlZ K‡i- hy³iv‡R¨i jÛb-wfwËK Sunday Times msev`cÎ| - ÔAvwg wngvjq †`wLwb, Avwg †kL gywRe‡K †`‡LwQÕ Dw³wU K‡ib — wd‡`j Kv‡÷ªv| - Ô‡jvKwU Ges Zvi `j cvwK¯Ív‡bi kÎæ, Gevi Zviv kvw¯Í Gov‡Z cvi‡e bvÕ e½eÜz m¤ú‡K© Dw³wU K‡iwQj — cvwK¯Ív‡bi ZrKvjxb ‰¯^ikvmK ‡Rbv‡ij Bqvwnqv Lvb| - RvwZms‡N e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb evsjvq fvlY w`‡qwQ‡jb — 29Zg mvaviY Awa‡ek‡b| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb RvwZms‡N evsjvq fvlY w`‡qwQ‡jb †h Zvwi‡L — 25 †m‡Þ¤^i, 1974| - RvwZms‡N e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi evsjvq fvlY ‡`Iqvi w`bwU wbDBqK© ‡÷U KZ©…c¶ — Ôevsjv‡`wk BwgMª¨v›U ‡WÕ ‡NvlYv K‡i‡Q| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb OIC-Gi ‡h m‡¤§j‡b AskMÖnY K‡ib — 2q kxl© m‡¤§jb| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb ÔRywjI KzwiÕ kvwšÍ c`‡K f~wlZ nb — weMZ 10/10/1972Bs Zvwi‡L| - e½eÜy‡K XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl mgveZ©‡b ÔW±i Ae jRÕ (gi‡YvËi) wWMÖx cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e K‡e — 05 †m‡Þ¤^i, 2020Bs Zvwi‡L| HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvlY Ges 26†k gvP© Zvwi‡L ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYv - RvZxq HwZnvwmK w`em — 07B gvP©| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi HwZnvwmK 07B gv‡P©i fvlY †iKW© K‡iwQ‡jb — ‰mq` gBbyj †nv‡mb| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb KZ©„K cÖ`Ë evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv msweav‡bi †h Zdwm‡j wjwce× Av‡Q — 6ô Zdwmj| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvlY msweav‡bi †h Zdwm‡j AšÍfy³ © Kiv n‡q‡Q — 5g Zdwmj| - e½eÜzi 1971 mv‡ji 7B gv‡P©i fvl‡Yi mgqKv‡j ZrKvjxb c~e© cvwK¯Ív‡b †h Av‡›`vjb PjwQj — c~e© cvwK¯Ív‡bi Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvlY — 18 wgwb‡Ui| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvl‡Yi g~j welq wQj — 04wU| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Zuvi HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvl‡Yi gva¨‡g — 04 (Pvi) `dv `vex †ck/DÌvcb K‡ib| - HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i fvl‡Yi Rb¨ e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvb‡K ‡h we‡`kx cwÎKv ÒThe Poet of PoliticsÓ Dcvwa‡Z f~wlZ K‡i — hy³iv‡R¨i jÛb-wfwËK Sunday Times msev`cÎ| - UNESCO e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi HwZnvwmK 7B gv‡P©i HwZnvwmK fvlY‡K wek¦ cÖvgvY¨ HwZn¨ wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ †`q Z_v Memory of the World Register-G AšÍf©~³ K‡i — weMZ 30/10/2017Bs Zvwi‡L| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 07B gv‡P©i fvlY‡K wek¦ cÖvgvY¨ HwZn¨ wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ ‡`b — UNESCO gnvcwiPvjK Bwibv †ev‡Kvfv| - RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb 1971 mv‡ji 26†k gvP© ZrKvjxb †h ms¯’vi Iq¨vi‡j‡mi mn‡hvwMZv wb‡q evsjv‡`‡ki gnvb ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv K‡iwQ‡jb — B÷ cvwK¯Ívb ivB‡djm| - e½eÜzi Ô¯^vaxbZv †NvlYvÕ 26 gvP© PÆMÖvg †eZvi †K›`ª †_‡K cÖ_g cÖPvi K‡ib — Gg G nvbœvb| e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb iwPZ MÖš’mg~n - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb iwPZ K‡qKwU MÖ‡š’i bvg — Ô¯§„wZK_vÕ, Ôbqv Pxb ågYÕ Ges ÔAvMoZjv lohš¿ gvgjvÕ| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi AvZ¥Rxebxag©x MÖš’mg~n — ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ, ÔKvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPvÕ Ges Ôbqv Pxb ågYÕ| - ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ MÖ‡š’i cÖ”Q` wkíx (cÖ”Q` Gu‡K‡Qb †h wkíx) — mgi gRyg`vi| - ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ-Gi f‚wgKv wj‡L‡Qb — cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv| - e½eÜzi ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ MÖš’wU Bs‡iwR fvlvq Abyev` K‡ib — dKiæj Avjg| - e½eÜzi ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ MÖš’wU Rvcvwb fvlvq Abyev` K‡ib — KvRywn‡iv IqvZvbv‡ev| - ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ-‡Z e½eÜz Zuvi Rxebx wjwce× K‡i‡Qb — 1955 mvj ch©šÍ| - ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ MÖ‡š’i eY©bv Abymv‡i e½eÜz XvKv †R‡j — gvwji KvR Ki‡Zb| - e½eÜyi ÔAmgvß AvZ¥RxebxÕ GLb ch©šÍ Ab~w`Z n‡q‡Q — 12wU fvlvq| [weMZ 26/10/2019Bs ZvwiL ch©šÍ] - RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi wØZxq AvZ¥Rxebxag©x MÖš’ — ÔKvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPvÕ (cÖKvk weMZ 17/03/2017Bs ZvwiL)| - ÔKvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPvÕ MÖ‡š’i cÖKvkK — evsjv GKv‡Wwg (1966 †_‡K 1968 mv‡ji ¯§„wZ†Kw›`ªK)| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb iwPZ ÔKvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPvÕ GLb ch©šÍ Ab~w`Z n‡q‡Q — 02wU fvlvq| me©‡kl †bcvwj fvlvq Ab~w`Z nq| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb iwPZ ÔKvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPvÕ me©‡kl †h fvlvq Abyev` Kiv nq — †bcvwj (weMZ 16/05/2020Bs Zvwi‡L)| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi †jLv Z…Zxq cÖKvwkZ MÖš’ — ÔAvgvi †`Lv bqv PxbÕ| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi ‡jLv ÔAvgvi ‡`Lv bqvPxbÕ ‡h ai‡bi MÖš’ — ¯§…wZK_vg~jK I ågYKvwnbx| - ÔAvgvi †`Lv bqvPxbÕ MÖš’wUi cÖ”Q‡` e¨eüZ m‡¤§j‡bi †jv‡Mv ÔkvwšÍi K‡cvZÕ-Gi wPÎKi — cve‡jv wcKv‡mv| - ÔAvgvi †`Lv bqvPxbÕ MÖš’wUi f~wgKv wj‡L‡Qb — †kL nvwmbv (07 wW‡m¤^i, 2019)| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi ‡jLv ÔAvgvi ‡`Lv bqvPxbÕ MÖ‡š’i Bs‡iwR Abyev`K — Aa¨vcK W. dKiæj Avjg| - cÖKvwkZe¨ Ôe½eÜzi ¯§„wZK_vÕ MÖ‡š’i iPwqZv — †kL gywReyi ingvb| Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com e½eÜz‡K wb‡q iwPZ mvwnZ¨ Ges wbwg©Z Pjw”PÎ - RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi wewfbœ mvÿvrKvi I K‡_vcK_‡bi msKwjZ eB‡qi bvg — ÔRq evsjvÕ| - Secret Document of Intelligence Branch on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman bvgK eBwUi †gvoK D‡b¥vPb Kiv nq — weMZ 07/09/2018Bs Zvwi‡L| - Ôe½eÜzi exiMuv_vÕ eBwUi iPwqZv — ‰mq` kvgmyj nK| - Our Beloved Sheikh Mujib MÖš’wUi iPwqZv — †mwjbv †nv‡mb| - e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K wb‡q iwPZ ÔAwMœKb¨v, AwMœgvbyl, AwMœcyiælÕ Dcb¨v‡mi iPwqZv — K_vmvwnwZ¨K ‡gv¯Ídv Kvgvj| - ÔhZw`b i‡e cÙv †gNbv †MŠix hgybv engvb ZZw`b i‡e KxwZ© †Zvgvi †kL gywReyi ingvbÕ KweZvsk †h Kwei iPbv — Abœ`vk¼i ivq| - Ô‡kv‡bv, GKwU gywRe‡ii †_‡K jÿ gywRe‡ii KÚ¯^‡ii aŸwb cÖwZaŸwb, AvKv‡k evZv‡m D‡V iwYÕ MvbwUi iPwqZv — †MŠixcÖmbœ gRyg`vi| - Ôhw` ivZ †cvnv‡j †kvbv †hZ/e½eÜz g‡i bvBÕ MvbwUi MxwZKvi — nvmvb gwZDi ingvb| - Ô‡n eÜz e½eÜzÕ wk‡ivYv‡gi MvbwUi MxwZKv‡ii bvg — MvRx gvRnviæj Av‡bvqvi| - e½eÜzi ev‡qvwcK Qwei cwiPvjK — k¨vg †e‡bMvj (gyw³ cv‡e 2021 mv‡ji gvP© gv‡m)| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvb †NvwlZ HwZnvwmK ÔQq `dvÕ wb‡q ‰Zwi ÔRq evsjvÕ Pjw”P‡Îi cwiPvjK — dLiæj Avjg| - Ôe½eÜy I Pjw”PÎÕ kxl©K MÖš’wUi †jLK — Abycg nvqvr| - ÔkZvãxi e½eÜzÕ kxl©K MÖš’wUi iPwqZv — †gvnv¤§` nvbœvb| e½eÜzi QvÎRxeb Ges ivR‰bwZK Rxeb - RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb ‰kk‡e †h we`¨vj‡q Zuvi cvV ïiæ K‡ib — MxgvWv½v cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq (1927 mv‡j)| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb KjKvZvi †h wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi QvÎ wQ‡jb — Bmjvwgqv K‡jR (KjKvZv Avwjqv gv`ªvmv)| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi — AvBb wefv‡Mi QvÎ wQ‡jb| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb me©cÖ_g †h mv‡j †MÖdZvi nb — 1938 mv‡j| - 1842 mv‡j e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb KjKvZvi Bmjvwgqv K‡j‡Ri †h †nv‡÷j I iæ‡g _vK‡Zb — †eKvi †nv‡÷‡ji 24 bs iæg| - KjKvZvi Bmjvwgqv K‡j‡Ri eZ©gvb bvg — gvIjvbv Avhv` K‡jR| - 1949 mv‡j evsjv‡`k AvIqvgx jxM cÖwZôv jv‡fi ¯’vb HwZnvwmK Ô‡ivR Mv‡W©bÕ XvKvi †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — wUKvUzwj| - 1956 mv‡j †Kvqvwjkb miKv‡ii gš¿xmfvq e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb ‡h `߇ii gš¿x wQ‡jb — wkí, evwYR¨ I kÖg `ßi| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb me©cÖ_g I me©‡kl †h cÖwZôv‡b PvKwi K‡ib — wZwb Avjdv BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvwb bvgK GKwU exgv †Kv¤úvwb‡Z Controller of Agencies wn‡m‡e weMZ 01/03/1960Bs Zvwi‡L †hvM`vb K‡ib (KvivMvi †_‡K gyw³jv‡fi ci)| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb 6 `dv `vex †ck K‡ib — 1966 mv‡j cvwK¯Ív‡bi jv‡nvi kn‡i| - ‡h Kg©m~wP ÔevOvwji g¨vMbvKvU©vÕ bv‡g cwiwPZ — HwZnvwmK 6 `dv| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K AvMoZjv lohš¿ gvgjvq Avmvgx Kiv n‡qwQj — 1968 mv‡j| - AvMoZjv lohš¿ gvgjvi cÖavb Avmvwg wQ‡jb — e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvb| - AvMiZjv lohš¿ gvgjvq e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvbmn me©‡gvU — 35 R‡bi weiæ‡× ivóª‡`ªvnxZvi Awf‡hvM Avbv nq| - Ôivóª ebvg †kL gywReyi ingvb I Ab¨vb¨Õ gvgjv †_‡K cvwK¯Ívwb miKvi e½eÜz‡K gyw³ w`‡Z eva¨ nq — 1969 mv‡j| - AvMviZjv lohš¿ gvgjvq e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi c‡ÿ cÖwmwKDUi wn‡m‡e wbhy³ n‡qwQ‡jb — Ugvm DBwjqvgm| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvb Zvui ivR‰bwZK Rxe‡b Kviv‡fvM K‡i‡Qb — 4,682 w`b| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi †Rj Rxe‡bi Dci iwPZ eB‡qi bvg — 3053 w`b| - RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb Kviv‡fvM K‡ib me©‡gvU — 3053 w`b| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb me©‡kl (1971 mv‡ji 25‡k gvP© iv‡Z †MÖßv‡ii ci) Kvivev‡m wQ‡jb — 9 gvm 14 w`b| - cvwK¯Ív‡bi mvgwiK miKvi e½eÜz ‡kL gywReyi ingvb‡K KvivMv‡i cvVvq — 18 evi| Zuvi weiæ‡× `v‡qiK…Z gvgjv msL¨v — 24wU| - cvwK¯Ív‡bi KvivMvi †_‡K e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb gyw³ jvf K‡ib — 08B Rvbyqvwi, 1972| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡k AvMgb K‡ib — 10B Rvbyqvwi, 1972| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi ¯^‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b w`e‡mi fvlY ‡h ms¯‹i‡Y m¤úªwZ cÖKvk Kiv n‡q‡Q — Bkviv fvlv I †eªBj wjLbwewa| e½eÜzi bv‡g D‡Øvab Kiv wewfbœ ¯’vcbv I cÖwZôvb - BD‡iv‡ci †h kn‡i e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi fv¯‹h© ¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q — hy³iv‡R¨i ivRavbx jÛ‡bi wmWwb w÷ª‡U| - Ôe½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb †jbÕ †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — fvi‡Zi ivRavbx bqvw`jøx-‡Z (c~e© bvg: cvK© w÷ªU)| - Ôe½eÜz †kL gywRe miYxÕ †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — fvi‡Zi cwðge½ iv‡R¨i ivRavbx KjKvZv kn‡i| - m¤úªwZ †h we‡`wk wek^we`¨vj‡q e½eÜz †Pqvi ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ mg‡SvZv ¯§viK ¯^vÿwiZ n‡q‡Q — University of Saskatchewan (Canada)| - e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Qwemn WvKwU‡KU Av‡Q — eªvwRj I A‡÷ªwjqvq| - e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi cÖwZK…wZ m¤^wjZ evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g WvKwU‡KU Qvcv nq — weMZ 29/07/1971Bs Zvwi‡L| - e½eÜzi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡ÿ evsjv‡`k e¨vsK $200/- UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi bZzb Kv¸‡R †bvU evRv‡i Qv‡o — 18/03/2020Bs Zvwi‡L| - evsjv‡`‡ki wegvb evwnbxi me©e„nr hy× wegvbNuvwU Ôevsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx NuvwU-e½eÜzÕ †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — XvKvi Kzwg©‡Uvjvq| - XvKv †mbvwbev‡m AvMoZjv lohš¿ gvgjvi ¯§„wZ weRwoZ Rv`yNiwUi bvg — Ôe½eÜz Rv`yNiÕ| - b`xi Zj‡`k w`‡q wbwg©Z †`‡ki cÖ_g Uv‡b‡ji bvg — Ôe½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb Uv‡bjÕ (KY©d‚jx Uv‡bj)| - Ôe½eÜz gvb gw›`iÕ wbwg©Z n‡e — dwi`cyi †Rjvi fv½v Dc‡Rjvq| - Ôe½eÜz †kL gywRe nvB‡UK cvK©Õ †h †Rjvq Aew¯’Z — MvRxcyi| - Ôe½eÜz †kL gywRe wdj¥ wmwUÕ ‡hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — MvRxcyi †Rjvi Kweicy‡i| - Ôe½eÜz †mbvwbevmÕ †hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — Uv½vBj †Rjvi KvwjnvZx Dc‡Rjvq e½e›`y eûgyLx †mZz msjMœ GjvKvq| - ‡`‡k Mvox ‰Zwii cÖ_g KviLvbv ¯’vwcZ n‡e — Ôe½eÜz †kL gywRe wkíbMiÕ-G| - Ôe½eÜy wkíbMiÕ ‡hLv‡b Aew¯’Z — PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvq| - ‡`‡ki 5g mgy`ªe›`i M‡o †Zvjv n‡e †hLv‡b — e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb wkíbMi GjvKvq| - Ôe½eÜz †cv÷vj wgDwRqvgÕ ¯’vcb Kiv n‡e — Lyjbvq| - Ôe½eÜz †MvìKvcÕ AvšÍR©vwZK dzUej cÖwZ‡hvwMZv ïiæ nq — 1996 mvj †_‡K| - evsjv‡`k wcÖwgqvi jxM (BPL)-2020 Gi bZzb bvg — e½eÜz wewcGj| gywReel©t e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx - gywRe Rb¥kZel© ‡jv‡MvwUi wWRvBbvi — me¨mvPx nvRiv| - gywRe Rb¥kZe‡l©i ‡jv‡Mv D‡Øvab Kiv nq — 10/01/2020Bs Zvwi‡L| - RvwZi wcZv e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡¶ ‡NvwlZ gywRee‡l©i ¶YMYbv ïiæ nq — weMZ 10/01/2020Bs †_‡K| Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com - evsjv‡`k miKvi gywRe el© wn‡m‡e D`hvcb Ki‡e — 2020-2021 mvj (17/03/2020Bs ZvwiL †_‡K 17/03/2021Bs ZvwiL)| - UNESCO-Gi †h wbe©vnx mfvq evsjv‡`‡ki mv‡_ GKmv‡_ ÔgywReel©Õ D`hvc‡bi wm×všÍ M„nxZ nq — 40Zg mvaviY Awa‡ek‡b| - evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii mv‡_ †hŠ_fv‡e †h AvšÍRv© wZK msMVbwU ÔgywRe el©Õ Drhvcb Ki‡e — UNESCO| - RvwZms‡Ni †h ms¯’v gywRe el© cvjb Kivi †NvlYv w`‡q‡Q — BD‡b‡¯‹v (m`m¨ †`k msL¨v 193)| - RvwZmsN e½eÜzi Qwemn ¯§viK WvKwU‡KU Aegy³ K‡i — 29 †g, 2020| - gywRe el© DrhvwcZ nq we‡k^i — 195wU †`‡k| - m¤úªwZ e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡¶ e½eÜyi Qwemn we‡kl WvKwPý cÖKvk Kivi ‡NvlYv †`q — gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi WvK wefvM| - gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi †h A½iv‡R¨ gywReel© Dcj‡¶ Zvu‡K kÖ×v Rvwb‡q wm‡b‡U cÖ¯Íve cvm Kiv n‡q‡Q — wbDBqK© (10/03/2020Bs)| - gywRe el© Dcj‡ÿ †h †`k wN‡q R¦vjv‡bv 1,000 cÖ`xc R¦vwj‡q e½eÜzi Rb¥w`b Drhvcb K‡i — fzUvb| - gywReel© Dcj‡¶ evsjv‡`k e¨vsK cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv Ges 7g e¨vsK ‡bvU wn‡m‡e evRv‡i 200 UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi cÖPjb‡hvM¨ ¯§viK ‡bvU Qv‡o — weMZ 18/03/2020Bs Zvwi‡L| - evsjv‡`‡k $10/-, $20/- Ges $50/- UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi e¨vsK ‡bv‡U e½eÜyi cÖwZK…wZ hy³ Kiv nq — weMZ 07/03/2012Bs Zvwi‡L| - gywReel© ev e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡ÿ weMZ 09/02/2020Bs Zvwi‡L cÖKvwkZ gvwmK cwÎKvi bvg — Kvwj I Kjg (m¤úv`K — Aveyj nvmbvZ)| - RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥kZel© Kg©m~wP wb‡q ‰Zwi miKvwi I‡qemvB‡Ui bvg — www.mujib100.gov.bd - cÖ¯ÍvweZ †kL gywReyi ingvb wek^we`¨vjq ¯’vwcZ n‡e — wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi eDjvB BDwbq‡b| - gywReel© Dcj‡ÿ grm¨ Awa`ßi Ôgrm¨ MÖvgÕ wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ w`‡q‡Q — †b·KvYvi `wÿY wewkDov Ges kixqZcy‡ii nvBjkvi MÖvg‡K| - gywReel© Dcj‡ÿ grm¨ Awa`߇ii †bIqv bZzb D‡`¨v‡Mi c`‡ÿc wn‡m‡e Ôe½eÜz grm¨ †nwi‡URÕ †NvlYv Kiv n‡q‡Q — Pjb wej‡K| - gywReel© Dcj‡ÿ miKv‡ii †h gš¿Yvjq KjKviLvbv ch©v‡q ÔGreen Factory AwardÕ cÖ`vb Ki‡e — kÖg I 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— Planet 50-50 Champion Ges Agent of Change Award| - ‡h ms¯’v cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K Champion of Skill Development for Youth cyi¯‹v‡i f‚wlZ K‡i — UNICEF| - evsjv‡`‡k Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi weiƒc cÖfve ‡gvKvwejvq my`~icÖmvix Kg©Kv‡Ði ¯^xK…wZ¯^iƒc RvwZmsN 2015 mv‡j cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv‡K †h cyi¯‹v‡i f~wlZ K‡i — RvwZms‡Ni cwi‡ek welqK m‡e©v”P m¤§vb The Champions of the Earth| - `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvq mvd‡j¨i Rb¨ cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K †h ms¯’v cyi¯‹…Z K‡i — International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)| - cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv †h †ÿ‡Î Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ RvwZmsN c`K †c‡q‡Qb — wkïg„Zz¨i nvi n«vmKiY| - `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvq mvd‡j¨i Rb¨ cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K cyi¯‹„Z K‡i‡Q —International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent (IFRC)| - cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv 1998 mv‡j BD‡b‡¯‹vi Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize cyi¯‹v‡i f‚wlZ nb — cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg kvwšÍ Pzw³i Rb¨| - evsjv‡`‡k wUKv`vb Kg©m~wP‡Z Amvgvb¨ mdjZvi ¯^xK…wZ¯^iƒc evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K Òf¨vKwmb wn‡ivÓ m¤§v‡b f~wlZ K‡i‡Q — Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations bvgK AvšÍRv© wZK ms¯’v (ZvwiLt 23/09/2019Bs)| - m¤úªwZ UNESCO cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K †h cyi¯‹v‡i f‚wlZ K‡i‡Q — Peace Tree ev kvwšÍ e„ÿ| - fvi‡Zi cwðge‡½i KvRx bRiæj wek¦we`¨vjq evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K m¤§vbm~PK wW-wjU cÖ`vb K‡i — weMZ 26/05/2018Bs Zvwi‡L| - AvÂwjK kvwšÍ I mg…w× eRv‡q Ae`vb ivLvi †ÿ‡Î we‡kl Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ — KjKvZv GwkqvwUK ‡mvmvBwU weMZ 05/10/2019Bs Zvwi‡L cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv‡K ÒVvKzi kvwšÍ cyi¯‹viÓ cÖ`vb K‡i| - ‡h we‡`wk cwÎKv PjwZ msL¨vq cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv‡K wb‡q Ò‡kL nvwmbv: `¨ gv`vi Ae wnDg¨vwbwUÕ wk‡ivYv‡g cÖ”Q` cÖwZ‡e`b K‡i‡Q — ‡b`vij¨vÛ‡mi wW‡cøvg¨vU g¨vMvwRb| - Ô‡kL gywRe Avgvi wcZvÕ eBwU me©cÖ_g cÖKvwkZ nq — 1999 mv‡j| - Hasina: A Daughter's Tale n‡jv — GKwU WKz-Wªvgv| - cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K wb‡q †jLv wgkixq †jL‡Ki eB‡qi bvg — nvwmbv nvKvBK AvmvwZ| Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com - gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi RbwcÖq †dvem© mvgwqKxi Rwic Abyhvqx we‡k^i cÖfvekvjx bvixi ZvwjKvq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbvi Ae¯’vb — 29Zg| - †dvem© mvgwqKxi Rwic Abyhvqx Uvbv 9g evi we‡k^i cÖfvekvjx bvixi ZvwjKvq kxl©¯’v‡b i‡q‡Qb — Rvg©vwbi P¨v‡Ýji Av‡½jv g¨v‡K©j| - we‡k^i cÖfvekvjx 22 bvix ivRbxwZ‡Ki ZvwjKvq evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbvi Ae¯’vb — lô| - cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF)-Gi mfvcwZi `vwqZ¡fvi MÖnY Ki‡eb — 2020 mv‡j| - cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv ÿgZvmxb AvIqvgx jx‡Mi mfvcwZ wbe©vwPZ n‡q‡Qb — 09 evi| - cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv me©cÖ_g AvIqvgx jx‡Mi mfvcwZ wbe©vwPZ nb — weMZ 13-15 †deªæqvwi, 1981 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ KvDw݇j| - Ôevsjv‡`k AvIqvgx jxMÕ (cÖwZôvKvjxb bvg: c~e© cvwK¯Ívb AvIqvgx gymwjg jxM) cÖwZwôZ nq — weMZ 23/06/1949Bs Zvwi‡L XvKvi ‡KGg `vm ‡jb GjvKvq Aew¯’Z ‡ivR Mv‡W©bG| - cÖavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv K‡ivbv fvBivm ‡gvKv‡ejvq ‡`‡ki 50 jvL cwiev‡ii cÖ‡Z¨K cwievi‡K 2,500 UvKv K‡i ‡`Iqvi Kg©m~Px D‡Øvab K‡ib — weMZ 14/05/2020Bs Zvwi‡L| - KjKvZvi B‡Wb Mv‡W©b †÷wWqv‡g AbywôZ evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Zi ga¨Kvi cÖ_g w`evivwÎi ‡U÷ g¨v‡P NÈv evRvb — ‡kL nvwmbv Ges cwðge‡½i gyL¨gš¿x 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3) cÙv eûgyLx †mZz (mgvß) 4) XvKv †g‡Uªv‡ij (AvswkK mgvß) 5) cvqiv mgy`ªe›`i (AvswkK mgvß) 6) iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r‡K›`ª (Pjgvb) 7) gvZvievwo Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª (Pjgvb) 8) ivgcvj Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª (AvswkK mgvß) 9) gvZvievwo GjGbwR Uvwg©bvj (mgvß) 10) ‡mvbvw`qv Mfxi mgy`ªe›`i (evwZj) cÙv †mZzt 1) cÙv ‡mZzi cÖKí bvgt cÙv eûgyLx †mZz cÖKí 2) gyj Dcv`vbt KswµU I w÷j 3) KqwU Askt wØZj wewkó| bxPZjvq †ij Ges Dci Zjvq Mvwo PjvPj Ki‡e| 4) gyj †mZz‡Z e¨qt 30nvRvi 793‡KvwU 39jvL UvKv| 5) b`xkvmb e¨qt 8,707.81‡KvwU UvKv| 6) ‡mZzi gyjKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Ki‡e †Kvb †Kv¤úvwbt Pvqbv †gRi weªR †Kv¤úvwb| 7) cÙv †mZz wbgv©b n‡”Q †Kvb c‡q‡›Ut gvIqv (gyÝxMÄ)- RvwRiv (kixqZcyi) 8) wbgv©Y KvR ïiæt 7 wW‡m¤^i 2014 8) ‡mZzi †ij cÖK‡í Pzw³e× †Kv¤úvwbt Pvqbv †ijI‡q MÖæc wjwg‡UW| 9) cwienb e¨e¯’vt †ij, Mvwo, M¨vm, we`y¨r I AcwUK¨vj dvBevi| 10) ˆ`N¨© I cÖ¯’t 6.15wKtwgt Ges 74dzU (Pvi †jb) 11) †mZzi wWRvBb K‡it AECOM (Steel Truss Bridge) 12) †mZzi fvqvWv± ˆ`N¨©t 3.18 wKtwgt 13) ms‡hvM moK ‰`N¨©t 12wKtwgt 14) b`xkvmb GjvKvt 14.5wKtwgt ( 2†KvwU wRIe¨vM, 1.33 †KvwU eøK) 15) cÙvi m‡ev©”P Ges Mo MfxiZvt 479wgUvi Ges 295wgUvi 16) ‡jb msL¨vt 4wU 17) cvwb †_‡K D”PZvt 60dzU 18) cvBwjs I ¯ú¨vb msL¨vt 294wU (gyj b`x‡Z 262wU) Ges 41wU 19) wcjvi msL¨vt 42wU (b`x‡Z), cÖwZ wcjv‡I w÷j U¨veyjvi cvBwjs 6wU| (22wU wcjv‡i 7wU K‡i cvBwjs i‡‡q‡Q) 20) cvBwjs MfxiZvt 383dzU (m‡ev©”P 122wgUvi) 21) wbgv©Y KvR †kl nqt Ryb 2022mv‡j| 22) cÙv‡mZz cÖK‡í Rbejt cÖvq 4nvRvi| (2000 Rb Pxbv) 23) ‡mZz cÖK‡íi Rb¨ AwaK„Z f~wgi cwigvbt 918‡n±i| 24) cÙv‡mZzi A_©vqbt evsjv‡`k miKvi| 25) cÙv‡mZzi wfwËcÖ¯Íi ¯’vcbt 04RyjvB 2001 26) ¯ú¨vb msL¨vt 41wU (‰`N©¨ 150wgUvi) 27) Pvjy n‡et 2022 mv‡j 28) cÖ_g ¯ú¨vbt 17 †m‡Þ¤^i 2017 (37-38 wcjvi) 29) †kl ¯ú¨vbt 10 wW‡m¤^i 2020 (12-13 wcjvi) 30) b`xkvmbt wm‡bv-nvB‡Wªv K‡cv©‡ikb, Pxb 31) wbivcËvt evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbx 32) ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Yt Avãyj †gv‡bg wjwg‡UW Ges HCM Engineering, Malaysia Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com 33) civgk©Kt †Kvwiqv G·‡cÖmI‡q K‡cv©‡ikb (`wÿY †Kvwiqv) 34) RvZxq Avq evo‡et 1.2% (21wU †Rjvi wRwWwc evo‡e 2.3%) 35) cÙv we‡k¦i wØZxq m‡ev©”P Li‡¯ªvZv b`x| gvIqv c‡q‡›U 20 †m‡K‡Û cÖevwnZ cvwbi cwigvb XvKvi ˆ`wbK e¨eüZ cvwbi mgvb| 36) cÖZ¨vwkZ Avqy®‹vjt 100 eQi 37) D‡Øvab nqt 25‡k Ryb 2022 38) cÖ_g †Uvj cÖ`vb K‡ibt gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r‡K›`ªt 1) ‡gvU Drcv`b ÿgZvt 2400 †gMvIqvU 2) cÖK‡íi fzwg AwaMÖnb Kiv nqt 1964 mv‡j 3) cÖK‡íi †gvU e¨qt 12.65 wewjqb Wjvi ev 1jÿ 13nvRvi †KvwU UvKv| 4) cÖKí GjvKvt 1062 GKi 5) wbgv©YKvix †Kv¤úvwbt †÷U GUwgK GbvwR© Ki‡cv‡kb (‡ivmvUg), GUg÷ªq G·‡cvU© (ivwkqv) 6) we`y¨r‡K›`ªwU (cÖ_g BDwbU) Pvjy n‡et 2024 mv‡j| 7) cÖK‡í A_©vqbt 90% ivwkqvb Fb Ges 10% evsjv‡`k miKvi| 8) we`y¨r‡K‡›`ªi †gqv`t 60eQi| 9) cÖwZ BDwbU we`y¨‡Zi `vgt mv‡o wZb UvKv| 10) bvgt iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kv¤úvwb wjwg‡UW 11) gš¿bvjqt weÁvb I cÖhyw³ gš¿bvjq 12) †h b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Zt cÙv 13) e¨eüZ R¡vjvbxt BD‡iwbqvg 14) R¡vjvbx mieivn Ki‡et TVEL Fuel Company (Russia) 15) BDwbUt 2wU 16) wiq¨v±it VVER-1200/523 Nuclear reactor 17) wmwfj IqvK©mt g¨v· K‡cv©‡ikb (evsjv‡`k), wn›`y¯v’ b KÝUªvKkb †Kv¤úvwb (fviZ) 18) Rbejt 12,500 Rb (ivwkqvb 2500 Rb) 19) Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Act cvk nqt 19 Ryb 2012 20) Kv‡Ri D‡Øvabt 30 b‡f¤^i 2017 21) BDUvB‡Rkb d¨v±it 92% 22) _vgv©j K¨vcvwmwUt 3212 †gMvIqvU 23) cÖwZevi R¡vjvwb †jvW n‡et 12 gvm ci ci 24) cvigvbweK K¬v‡e evsjv‡`k KZ Zg †`kt 33Zg gvZvievwo Zvc we`y¨r‡K›`ªt 1) ‡gvU Drcv`b ÿgZvt 1200‡gMvIqvU (2wU BDwbU) 2) evsjv‡`‡ki cieZx© cvIqvi nvet gvZvievwo I cvqiv 3) cÖK‡íi †gvU e¨qt 36nvRvi †KvwU UvKv| 4) A_©vqb Ki‡et RvBKv 29nvRvi †KvwU UvKv Ges evsjv‡`k miKvi 5nvRvi †KvwU UvKv| 5) cÖK‡íi wbgv©YKvix ms¯’vt †Kvj cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤úvwb evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW 6) cÖK‡íi Kb‡mvwU©qvgt 3wU Rvcvwb †Kv¤úvwb (†Zvwkev Ki‡cv‡ikb, mywg‡Zv‡gv Ki‡cv‡ikb I AvBGBPAvB Ki‡cv‡ikb) 7) we`y¨r‡K›`ª wbgv©‡Y e¨eüZ cÖhyw³t Avëªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj cÖhyw³| 8) cÖKí GjvKvt 1414 GKi 9) we`y¨r‡K›`ªwU Pvjy n‡et 2023 mv‡j| 10) Kqjv Avg`vbx Kiv n‡et A‡÷ªwjqv I `wÿY Avwd«Kv †_‡K| 11) KqjvwfwËK 3wU we`y¨r‡K›`ª n‡e gvZvievwo‡Z| 12) ïaygvÎ we`y¨r‡K‡›`ªi Rb¨ wb‡R¯^ UvDbwkc, †RwU, wWR‡cvRvj Gwiqv, †Kvj BqvW© Ges e›`i M‡o †Zvjv n‡e| 13) cÖK‡íi D‡Øvabt 28‡k Rvbyqvwi 2018 XvKv ‡g‡Uªv‡ij (GgAviwU-6) t 1) ‡gvU ‰`N©¨t 20.1 wKtwgt 2) ‡gvU †÷kvb msL¨vt 16wU 3) cÖK‡íi bvgt XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU (DMTCL) 4) cÖ¯ÍvweZ jvBb msL¨vt 6wU (wbgv©Yvaxb jvBbwU GgAviwU-6) 5) †gvU e¨qt 21,985.59 †KvwU UvKv| 6) †gvU †Uªb msL¨vt 56wU 7) cÖwZ †Uª‡b avib ÿgZvt 1800 Rb 8) cÖwZ †÷kv‡b weiwZt 40 †m‡KÛ 9) N›Uvq hvÎx cwienb ÿgZvt 60nvRvi Rb| 10) †ijjvB‡bi D”PZv I cÖ¯’t 13 wgUvi I 9.1 wgUvi 11) A_©vqb Ki‡et RvBKv I evsjv‡`k miKvi| 12) †g‡Uªv‡ij AvswkK Pvjy nqt 28‡k wW‡m¤^i 2022mv‡j (DËiv-AvMviMvuI) 13) civgk©K cÖwZôvbt w`jøx †g‡Uªv‡ij Ki‡cv‡ikvb, Nippon Koei Japan, Nippon Koei India 14) `ywU †Uª‡bi ga¨eZx© weiwZt 3wgwbU 30 †m‡KÛ 15) cÖv_wgK iæUt DËiv †_‡K gwZwSj| 16) Kv‡Ri D‡Øvabt 26 Ryb 2016 Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com 17) wVKv`vwi cÖwZôvbt BZvjx-_vB †W‡fjc‡g›U cvewjK †Kv¤úvwb, wm‡bv-nvB‡Wªv K‡cv©‡ikb 18) Uª¨vK, B‡jw±ªK wm‡÷g I wmMbvwjs wbgv©Yt L&T Limited, India 19) †`‡ki cÖ_g †g‡Uªv‡ij 20) wfkbt Moving People 21) ‡Uª‡bi m‡ev©”P MwZ‡eMt N›Uvq 100 wKtwgt cvqiv mg~`ªe›`it 1) AvbyôvwbK hvÎv ïiæt 13B AMv÷ 2016 2) Ae¯’vbt BUevwoqv MÖvg, wUqvLvjx BDwbqb, Kjvcvov, cUzqvLvjx| 3) cwiPvjbvKvix cÖwZôvbt cvqiv mg~`ªe›`i KZ©„cÿ 4) †cvZvkÖ‡qi aibt K…wÎg 5) P¨v‡b‡ji ˆ`N¨© I MfxiZvt 35wKtwg I 16wgUvi 6) †Kvb b`x I P¨v‡b‡ji gy‡L e›`iwU Aew¯’Zt AvÜvigvwbK b`xi cv‡k Ges ivebvev` P¨v‡b‡j 7) e›`i GjvKvt 6nvRvi GKi| 8) c~Y©fv‡e Pvjy n‡et Ryb 2023 mv‡j 9) †gvU e¨qt 3,350‡KvwU UvKv cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r‡K›`ªt 1) ‡gvU Drcv`b ÿgZvt 1320 ‡gMvIqvU 2) cwiPvjbvKvix cÖwZôvbt evsjv‡`k we`y¨r Dbœqb †evW© 3) gvwjKvbvt evsjv‡`k-Pvqbv cvIqvi †Kv¤úvwb I b_©-I‡q÷ cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikvb †Kv¤úvwb| 4) Kv‡Ri D‡Øvabt 14B A‡±vei 2016 5) cÖK‡íi e¨qt 1.67wewjqb Wjvi| 6) A_©vqbt evsjv‡`k miKvi, Pvqbv †W‡fjc‡g›U e¨vsK I Pvqbv Gw·g e¨vsK 7) e¨eüZ R¡vjvwbt Kqjv I GjGbwR 8) cÖK‡íi Kb‡mvwU©qvgt GbBwcwm (Pvqbv) I wmBwmwm (Pvqbv) 9) we`y¨r‡K›`ª GjvKvi AvqZbt 1002 GKi| 10) Drcv`b ïiæ nqt 2019 mv‡j 11) R¡vjvwb Avg`vbx Kiv nqt A‡÷ªwjqv I B‡›`v‡bwkqv (Kqjv), KvZvi (GjGbwR) ivgcvj Zvc we`y¨r‡K›`ªt 1) ‡gvU Drcv`b ÿgZvt 1320 ‡gMvIqvU 2) cwiPvjbvKvix cÖwZôvbt evsjv‡`k-fviZ ˆgÎx cvIqvi †Kv¤úvwb (cÖvt) wjwg‡UW| 3) cÖK‡í mnvqZvKvix cÖwZôvbt wcwWwe (evsjv‡`k) I GbwUwcwm (fviZ) 4) wbgv©Y cÖhyw³t mycvi wµwUK¨vj cÖhyw³| 5) cÖK‡íi †gvU e¨qt 14,510 †KvwU UvKv| 6) A_©vqbt wcwWwc I Gw·g e¨vsK (fviZ) 7) wVKv`vi cÖwZóvbt fviZ †nfx B‡jw±ªKm wjwg‡UW 8) cÖKí GjvKvt 1834 GKi| 9) cÖKíwU †Kb weZwK©Zt cwi‡ekev`x‡`i g‡Z AvšÍRv©wZK cwi‡ek Pzw³ ÒivgmiÓ Gi j½b K‡i my›`ie‡bi wbK‡U GB we`y¨r‡K›`ª wbgv©Y Kiv n‡”Q| 10) Pvjy nqt ‡m‡Þ¤^i 2022 (1g BDwbU), †deªæqvwi 2023 mv‡j 2q BDwbU 11) †h b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Zt cïi 12) my›`ieb †_‡K `yiZ¡t 14wKtwgt (BD‡b‡¯‹vi g‡Z) evm i¨vwcW UªvbwRUt 1) iæ‡Ui ˆ`N¨©t 20 wKtwgt 2) iæUt MvRxcyi †PŠiv¯Ív- XvKv wegvbe›`i 3) cÖK‡íi e¨qt 2nvRvi 40 †KvwU UvKv| 4) †÷kvb msL¨vt 25wU 5) wbgv©YKvix cÖwZôvbt wRqvsmy cÖ‡fbwkqvj Uªv݇cvU© BwÄwbqvwis MÖæc (Pxb) 6) A_v©qbt Gwkqvb †W‡fjc‡g›U e¨vsK (GwWwe) 7) KvR †kl n‡et 2024 mv‡j| 8) KvR ïiæ nqt 2012 mv‡j 9) AvswkK Ly‡j †`qv nqt U½x-DËiv XvKv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡qt 1) cÖKí bvgt XvKv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q 2) e¨qt 13,858 ‡KvwU UvKv 3) `yiZ¡t 19.73 wKtwgt †gBb jvBb 4) iæUt kvnRvjvj wegvbe›`i-KzZzeLvjx (hvÎvevwo) 5) A_v©qbt cvewjK-cÖvB‡fU cvU©bviwkc 6) D‡Øvabt 30‡k GwcÖj 2011 7) Pvjy n‡et 2023 Ry‡b Join Our FB Group School of Engineers www.schoolofengineers.com 8) †`‡ki cÖ_g G·‡cÖmI‡q| 9) wVKv`vi cÖwZôvbt BZvjx-_vB ‡W‡fjc‡g›U K‡c©v‡ikb wjwg‡UW ‡`vnvRvix-ivgy-Nygayg †ijjvBbt 1) cÖKí bvgt †`vnvRvix-ivgy-Nygayg eªW‡MR Wz‡qj jvBb †ijjvBb cÖKí 2) e¨qt 18,034 ‡KvwU UvKv 3) `yiZ¡t 120 wKtwgt (†`vnvRvix-K·evRvit 100 wK:wg:) 4) iæUt ‡`vnvRvix-ivgy-K·evRvi 5) A_v©qbt Gwkqvb Dbœqb e¨vsK 6) D‡Øvabt gvP© 2018 7) Pvjy n‡et 2023 mv‡j 8) chv©qµ‡g hy³ Ki‡et wgqvbgvi mxgvšÍeZx© ¸b`yg Ges gvZvievwo‡K| 9) wVKv`vi cÖwZôvbt Pvqbv ‡ijI‡q BwÄwbqvwis Ki‡cv‡ikb (wmAviBwm), Pvqbv wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis Kb÷«vKkb Ki‡cv‡ikb (wmwmBwmwm) Ges evsjv‡`‡ki Zgv Kb÷«vKkb ‡Kv¤úvwb, g¨v· Bbd«v÷«vKPvi wjwg‡UW| 10) cÖ_g cwiKíbvt 1890 mv‡j 11) jvBbt Wzqvj †MR wm‡½j jvBb cÙv †mZz †ij ms‡hvMt 1) cÖKí bvgt cÙv †mZz †ij ms‡hvM cÖKí 2) e¨qt 40 nvRvi ‡KvwU UvKv 3) `xN©t 172 wKtwgt 4) iæUt XvKv-fv½v-gvIqv-h‡kvi 5) A_v©qbt Pxb miKvi 6) D‡Øvabt b‡f¤^i 2019 7) Pvjy n‡et 2024 8) hy³ Ki‡et 23wU †Rjvq cÖ_g †ijjvBb n‡e| 9) wVKv`vi cÖwZôvbt Pvqbv ‡ijI‡q Mªyc wjwg‡UW (wmAviBwm) 10) A_v©qbt Px‡bi Gw·g e¨vsK 11) jvBbt eªW‡MR wm‡½j jvBb XvKv-Avïwjqv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡qt 1) cÖKí bvgt XvKv-Avïwjqv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q 2) e¨qt 16,901 ‡KvwU UvKv 3) `xN©t 24 wKtwgt 4) iæUt mvfvi Bwc‡RW-Avïwjqv-evBcvBj-Ave`yjøvncyi-nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`i (KvIjv) 5) A_v©qbt Pxb Gw·g e¨vsK 6) D‡Øvabt 12 b‡f¤^i 2022 7) Pvjy n‡et 2026 8) wVKv`vi cÖwZôvbt Px‡bi b¨vkbvj ‡gwkbvwi Bg‡cvU© G¨vÛ G·‡cvU© Ki‡cv‡ikb (wmGgwm) 9) bKkvt ‡¯ú‡bi ‡UKwbKv IqvB c«‡qvKUm 10) wRwWwc evo‡et 0.21% 11) DcKvi‡fvMxt 30wU †Rjvi gvbyl e½eÜz †ijI‡q †mZzt 1) cÖKí bvgt e½eÜy ‡kL gywRe ‡ij ‡mZy 2) e¨qt 16,781 ‡KvwU UvKv 3) `xN©t 4.8 wKtwgt (Wvej-jvBb Wy‡qj-‡MR) 4) iæUt XvKv-wmivRMÄ 5) A_v©qbt RvBKv 6) D‡Øvabt 29 b‡f¤^i 2020 7) Pvjy n‡et AvM÷ 2024 8) hy³ Ki‡et hgybv b`xi `yBcv‡oi †ijjvBb‡K 9) wVKv`vi cÖwZôvbt AvBGBPAvB, GmGgwmwm, Ievqwk Ki‡cv‡ikb, ‡RGdB, wUIG Ki‡cv‡ikb (Rvcvb) 10) Ae¯’vbt hgybv †mZyi 300wgUvi DRv‡b| 11) Z_¨t †`‡ki `xN©Zg GKK †ij †mZz| †Uª‡bi MwZ †Zvjv hv‡e N›Uvq 120 wKtwgt 12) ˆ`wbK †Uªb Pj‡et 88wU Join Our FB Group School of Engineers wWwm mvwK©U wmwiR mvwK©U t Gi Dëv‡bv gv‡bi mgvb| 1| wmwiR mvwK©‡U cÖwZwU †jvW Gi ga¨w`‡q cÖevwnZ Kv‡i›U mvwK©‡U cÖevwnZ †gvU Kv‡i‡›Ui mgvb| A_v©r t I = I1 = I2 = I3 =...................= In 2| wmwiR mvwK©‡U mshy³ cÖwZwU †jv‡Wi †fv‡ë‡Ri †hvMdj, mvwK©‡U †gvU †fv‡ë‡Ri mgvb| A_v©r t VT = V1 + V2 + V3 + ..........+Vn 3| wmwiR mvwK©‡Ui mgZzj¨ †iwR÷¨vÝ, Dnvi mKj †iwR÷¨vÝ Gi †hvMd‡ji mgvb| A_v©rt RT = R1 + R2 + R3 +............+Rn A_v©r 1 1 1 1 1 = + + +.........+ Re R1 R2 R3 Rn Current Divider Rule : Fig : Current Divider Rule IR2 I1 = R +R 1 2 IR1 I2 = R +R 1 2 c¨vivjvj mvwK©U 1| c¨vivjvj mvwK©‡U mshy³ cÖwZwU †jv‡Wi AvovAvwo‡Z †fv‡ëR,mvwK©‡U cÖ‡qvMK…Z †fv‡ë‡Ri mgvb | A_v©r VT = V1 = V2 = V3 = ......... = Vn 2| c¨vivjvj mvwK©‡U mshy³ cÖwZwU †jv‡Wi ga¨ w`qv cÖevwnZ Kv‡i‡›Ui †hvMdj,mvwK©‡U cÖevwnZ †gvU Kv‡i‡›Ui mgvb| A_v©r IT = I1 + I2 + I3 +................+ In 3| c¨vivjvj mvwK©‡U mshy³ cÖwZwU †iwR÷¨v‡Ýi gvb DëvBqv †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj mgZ‚j¨ Resistance Voltage Divider Rule : VR1 V1 = R +R +R 1 2 3 VR2 V2 = R +R +R 1 2 3 VR3 V3 = R +R +R 1 2 3 DC Circuit G Inductor Ammeter, Galvanometer Ges Wattmeter Gi Current Coil short Ges Capacitor, Voltmeter Ges Wattmeter Gi Potential Coil open wnmv‡e KvR K‡i| Kvik‡di m~Ît Current/Point law : ‡Kvb we›`y‡Z wgwjZ Kv‡i›U mg~‡ni exRMvwbwZK †hvMdj k~b¨| A_ev, †Kvb we›`y‡Z AvMZ Kv‡i›U = wbM©Z Kv‡i›U| I1 + I2 + I3 + I5 I4 = 0 I1 I2 I5 I3 I4 Voltage law : †Kvb e× ˆe`y¨wZK †bUIqvK© Gi mKj E.M.F Ges mKj †fv‡ëR Wªc Gi exRMvwbwZK †hvMdj k~b¨| From loop ABEFA : I1R1 + E1 E2=0 R1 A _ + From loop BCDEB : +I2R2 E3 E1 =0 R2 B + I1 C _ I2 E1 From loop ABCDEFA : I1R1 + I2R2 E3 E2 = 0 E3 E2 F D E ‡Wëv †_‡K ÷v‡i iƒcvšÍi Kivi c×wZ t GLv‡b, R1,R2 Ges R3 resistance Delta mshy³ Av‡Q| awi, †Wëv () †_‡K óv‡i () iƒcvšÍi Ki‡j Resistance n‡e R11,R12Ges R13 R1R2 R11 = R +R +R 1 2 3 R1R3 R11 R12 = R +R +R R 1 1 2 3 R2 R2R3 R13 = R +R +R R12 1 2 3 R13 R3 DELTA STAR óvi n‡Z †Wëv‡Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi c×wZ t GLv‡b R1, R2 Ges R3 Resistance óv‡i () mshy³ Av‡Q| awi, óvi () †_‡K †Wëv‡Z () iƒcvšÍi Ki‡j †iwRó¨vÝ ¸‡jv n‡e R1, R2, R3 R1R3+R1R2+R2R3 R1 = R2 R1 R1R3+R1R2+R2R3 R1 R2 = R2 R3 R1R3 + R1R2+R2R3 R3 = R1 R R 3 2 STAR Our FB Group School of Engineers R3 DELTA Charge Q= It (I=current, t=time) Current Density = I/A (I=current, A=area) Electric Power P=I2R=VI=V2/R Resistance R=𝜌𝐿/𝐴 (𝜌=resistivity, L=length of Conductor, A=Cross sectional area) Resistance Rt=R0(1+αt) (α=co-efficient of Temperature, t=temperature) 𝑛𝐸 Current I= 𝑛𝑟+𝑅 (n=number of cell, r=internal resistance, E=emf) Gwm mvwK©U wd«‡Kv‡qÝx t Bnv‡K f Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq| 1 f = T , GKK C/S or Hz wcwiqW t 0 Bnv‡K T Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq| 1 T= Zvr¶wbK gvb t Bnv‡K †fv‡ëR I Kv‡i›U Gi †¶‡Î h_vµ‡g †QvU nv‡Zi v Ges i Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq| Mo gvb t 2 Mo gvb = m‡e©v”P gvb = 0.636 m‡e©v”P gvb| Root Means Square (R.M.S)/dwjZ gvb/Kvh©Kix gvb t R.M.S = 0.707 Im R.M.S Value Form Factor (Kf) = Average Value Maximum Value R.M.S Value Power Factor : Alternating Current and Voltage Gi ga¨eZx© Phase angle Gi Cosine gvb‡K Power Factor e‡j| Power Factor (P.) = cos or A.C ckt Gi Active power and Apparent power Gi AbycvZ‡K Power Factor e‡j| Active Power Power Factor = Apparent Power Peak Factor (Ka) = P. = VI cos VI P. = cos Active Power /Absorbed power/ Average power : Pactive = VIcos Bnvi GKK Watt or kilo Watt. Reactive Power : Preactive = VI sin Bnvi GKK VAR or KVAR I.Cos I.Sin I VI.Cos Apparent Power/Complex Power : Papperent = VI Bnvi GKK VA or KVA VI.Sin VI AC Series Circuit Formula Bw¤ú‡WÝ wÎf‚R: sin θ, 𝑉𝑋 , kVAR I1 R1 Z, KVA I2 R2 I L C /2 Eg cos 𝜃, 𝑉𝑅 , kW Fig: AC parallel circuit 1. XL = 2fL 1 2. XC = 2fC 2 3. V = VR2 + VL2 Our FB Group Fig: AC series circuit Wave form School of Engineers 4. Z = R + j (XLXC) 5. Z2 = R2 + (XLXC)2 6. VT2 = VR2 + (VLVC)2 XLXC R2 + (XLXC)2 tan1 R 7. Z= 8. Pactive = I2R =VI cos [GKK : Watt] Preactive = I2XL =VI sin [GKK : VAR] Papparent = I2Z = VI [GKK : VA] KVA2 = KW2 + KVAR2 R= Z cos X = Z sin Reactive Factor = sin Pure resistive ckt G cos = 1 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. cos Gi gvb †`Iqv bv _vK‡j 1 a‡i wb‡Z n‡e| 17. Z Gi hw` cwRwUf nq Zvn‡j power factor lagging Ges mvwK©UwU n‡e inductive. 18. Z Gi hw` †b‡MwUf nq power factor leading Ges mvwK©U n‡e Capacitive. 19. KW = KVA cos 20. KVAR = KVA sin AC Parallel Circuit I1 R1 1 = cos1 R1 , Z1 2 = cos1 1 Y= , z R2 Z2 C Eg Admittance, Y = G+ jB ( ) Fig: AC Parallel circuit Conductance, G = Ycos ( ) = I2 R2 I Ir.m.s Y= Vr.m.s L R 1 R R Z = Z2 = R2 + X2 Z Susceptance, B = Y sin ( ) 1 X X X = z Z = Z2 = R2 + X2 V I = Z = VY Fig: AC Parallel circuit Vector Diagram Series circuit n‡Z parallel circuit Gi Dcv`vb †ei Kivi Dcvqt X R R1 𝑋1 = 𝑋 + 𝑅1 = 𝑅 + X1 𝑅2 𝑋 𝑋2 𝑅 Parallel circuit n‡Z series circuit Gi Dcv`vb †ei Kivi Dcvqt R1 X1 R X 𝑍𝑇 = {(𝑅1 + 𝑗0) ∥ (0 + 𝑗𝑋1 ) = 𝑅 + 𝑗𝑋 Our FB Group School of Engineers Series Resonance Circuit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Z=R I = Imax XL XC = 0 VL = VC v v I= = z R v2 P = I2 R = R 2 Lc = 1 P.f = cos = cosoo = 1 R L C AC signal XL 𝟏 R 9. fr = 𝟐𝝅𝒇√𝑳𝑪 R=Z I L R 1 XC = = rCR R 2fL 1 = = R 2fCR 11. Lower half power frequency R f1 = fr 4L 12.Upper half power frequency R f 2= f r + 4L (GLv‡b f1 Ges f2 n‡”Q half power point) R 13. Half power band width, Bhp = 2L 14. 1 = 2f1 [f1 Gi GKK KHz] 15. 2 = 2f2 [f2 Gi GKK KHz] R fr 16. Band width = f2 f1 = = 2L Q XC 10.Q-factor = I Io = V R 4L Series Resonance Circuit wPwbevi Dcvq t (i) maximum Current cÖevwnZ n‡e| (ii) Voltage Ges Current GKB †d‡R A_©vr inphase G _vK‡e| (iii) Circuit impedence minimum n‡e| (iv) Circuit Gi total reactance k~b¨ n‡e| (v) Power factor unity n‡e| Parallel Resonance (i) Z2 = L C [hLb R, neglisible] (ii) r = When, r1 = r2, Qo 10 𝟏 𝟏 I1 r1 𝑹𝟐 (iii) r = 𝟐𝝅 √𝑳𝑪 − 𝑳𝟐 X2 R fr (v) Bw = Qp V (iv) Qo = 𝟏 I2 r2 x1 x2 I2 𝟏 𝑹𝟐 (vi) r = 𝟐𝝅 √𝑳𝑪 − 𝑳𝟐 (vii) When R negligible. r = 1 𝟏 √ 2 𝑳𝑪 2 1 (viii) P. = Unity. V (ix) I = (L/CR) V -jb1 I1 (x) Dynamic Impedance, Z = L RC R P L Condition:-01: KZ gv‡bi K¨vcvwmUi Parallel G mshy³ Ki‡j Resonance msNwUZ n‡e| (xi) QP = Our FB Group jb2 School of Engineers 𝑋𝐿 𝑋 𝑋𝐿2 +𝑅1 2 𝐶 = 𝑋 2 +𝑅 𝐶 2 2 R1 R2 V1 L1 C1 G‡ÿ‡Î K¨vcvwmU‡ii `yBUv gvb †ei n‡e| Condition:-02: KZ gv‡bi K¨vcvwmUi parallel G mshy³ Ki‡j Resonance msNwUZ n‡e| 𝑋𝐿 𝑋𝐶 1 = 2= 2 2 𝑋𝐿 + 𝑅 𝑋𝐶 𝑋𝐶 R1 V1 L1 C1 Parallel resonance circuit wPwbevi Dcvq t (i) minimum Current cÖevwnZ n‡e| (ii) Circuit impedence maximum n‡e (iii) Circuit Gi net susceptance k~b¨ n‡e| (iv) Voltage Ges Current inphase G _vK‡e| (v) Power factor GKK (Unity) n‡e| Poly Phase System Star Connection. 1. IL = Ip a 2. VL = 3 Vp Vp 3. P = 3 VLILCos = 3VpIpcos 4. P = 3I2 pRp Va VL 5. Pactive = 3 VLILCos GKK t Watt 6. Preactive = 3 VLILSin GKK t VAR 7. Papparent = PVA= 3 VLILGKK t VA n VL b VL 8. GK cÖvšÍ †Lvjv _vK‡j mvavib wmwiR mvwK©U n‡e| Delta Connection: 1. VL=Vp 2. IL= 3 Ip 3. Pactive = 3 VLILCos = 3VpIpCos = 3I2pRp 4. Preactive = 3 VLILSin 5. Papparent = PVA= 3 VLIL 6. GKwU cÖvšÍ †Lvjv _vK‡j, P=2VpIpCos [N.B: GK cÖvšÍ kU© _vK‡j Gi mgvavb n‡e bv, A_©vr Delta Connection G KLbB GK cÖvšÍ kU© Kiv hv‡e bv|] Our FB Group School of Engineers Vc Vb c wWwm ‡gwkbm †Rbv‡iUi ev Wvqvbv‡gv wWwm †Rbv‡iU‡ii B,Gg,Gd mgxKib : ZN P Eg = 60 A †hLv‡b, = cªwZ †cv‡j d¬v· Z = Av‡g©Pv‡ii cwievnxi msL¨v P = ‡cv‡ji msL¨v N = cÖwZ wgwb‡U Av‡g©Pv‡ii Nyb©b A = Av‡g©Pv‡ii c¨vivjvj c‡_i msL¨v Eg = Av‡g©Pv‡ii cÖwZ c¨vivjvj c‡_ Drcbœ †fv‡ëR Lap Winding Gi Rb¨ A=P Wave Winding Gi Rb¨ A=2 Type Formula †mcv‡iUwj G·vBW †Rbv‡iUi Eg = VT + Ia Ra kv›U †Rbv‡iUi Eg = VT + IaRa = Ish Rsh + Ia Ra Ia = IL + Ish wmwiR †Rbv‡iUi Eg = VT + Ia ( Ra + Rse) Ia = IL kU© kv›U †Rbv‡iUi Eg = VT + Ia Ra + ILRse = Ish Rsh + IaRa Ia = Ish + IL js kv›U †Rbv‡iUi Eg = VT + Ia Ra + IaRse = Ish Rsh + Ia(Ra + Rse) wWwm †Rbv‡iUi Gi jm mg~n (Losses of DC Generator) A. Kcvi jm| B. g¨vM‡bwUK jm ev †Kvi jm (†Kv‡i n‡q _v‡K) A. Kcvi jm| (K) Av‡g©Pvi Kcvi jm (Ia2R) (L) kv›U wdì Kcvi jm (Ish2Rsh) (M) wmwiR wdì Kcvi jm (Ia2Rse) (N) eªvk KÈv± †iwR÷¨vÝ Kcvi jm (Ia2R) B. g¨vM‡bwUK jm ev †Kvi jm (†Kv‡i n‡q _v‡K) (K) wnm‡U‡iwmm jm| (L) GwW Kv‡i›U jm C. ‡gKvwbK¨vj jm C. ‡gKvwbK¨vj jm (K) eªvk Ges weqvwis G Nl©b RwbZ jm (L) DB‡ÛR jm †÷ª (Stray) jm : Magnetic loss Ges Mechanical loss ‡K GK‡Î Stray loss e‡j| Our FB Group School of Engineers Diagram Stray loss = Magnetic loss + Mechanical loss †fwi‡qej jm t Av‡g©Pvi Kcvi jm A_ev Av‡g©Pvi Kcvi jm I wmwiR wdì Kcvi jm‡K GK‡Î †fwi‡qej jm ejv nq| Variable loss = Ia2Ra Variable loss = Ia2(Ra + Rse) Kb÷¨v›U jm (Constant loss) : Shunt field Copper loss Ges Stray loss ‡K GK‡Î Constant loss e‡j| Constant loss = Ish2Rsh + Stray loss Total losses = Variable loss + Constant loss 2 = 𝐼𝑎2 (𝑅𝑎 + 𝑅𝑠𝑒 ) + (𝐼𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑠ℎ + 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠) AvDUcyU `¶Zv, = BbcyU wWwm †Rbv‡iU‡ii cvIqvi †÷Rt †Rbv‡iU‡ii m‡e©v”P `¶Zvi kZ© t IL2Ra = Wc †fwi‡qej jm = Kb÷¨v›U jm wWwm ‡gvUi e¨vK B.Gg.Gd ev KvD›Uvi B.Gg.Gd t ZNP Eb= 60A k¨vdU UK© (Shaft Torque) : Shaft Power Tshaft = 9.55 N Motor Output = 9.55 N Input-Total losses = 9.55 N Eb =V−IaRa F = BIL wWwm gU‡ii UK© t Ta = Fr (N-m) Ta = 𝐸𝑏 𝐼𝑎 2𝜋𝑁 Break Power N Power in watt HP = HP 746 cvIqvi †÷Rt (rpm †`Iqv _vK‡j) = 9.55 𝑃 Ta = 0.159𝜑𝑍𝐼𝑎 𝐴 †hLv‡b, F = ej r = Nyb©b †K›`ª n‡Z e‡ji j¤^ `yiZ¡ Ia Ia V Eb - V V Eb r Our FB Group F School of Engineers †mcv‡iUwj G·vB‡UW gUi t kU© kv›U gUi t If Series field Ish Ia Ia Ra Eb VT Rsh Rse I Ra Eb VT kv›U gUi t js kv›U gUi t Ish Ish I Ia Ra Eb Rsh I VT Rse Rsh Ia VT Ra Eb wmwiR gUi t Series field Ia Rse Ra Eb Ia + VT - wWwm gU‡ii wewfbœ ai‡bi m¤úK© (Relation) wmwiR gUi t Ta1 I a21 = Ta2 I 2 a2 E b1 Ia1 N1 Eb2 = Ia2 N2 E b1 1 N1 Eb2 = 2 N2 kv›U gUi t E b1 N1 = Eb2 N2 Ta1 Ia1 Ta2 = Ia2 E b1 1N1 Eb2 = 2N2 Gwm †gwkbm UªvÝdigvi UªvÝdigv‡ii B,Gg,Gd mgxKib cÖvBgvix‡Z Drcvw`Z voltage EP = 4.44Np m volt †m‡KÛvix‡Z Drcvw`Z voltage ES = 4.44NSm volt. ‡hLv‡b, NP = cÖvBgvix cvK msL¨v| NS = †m‡KÛvix cvK msL¨v| m = ‡Kv‡i m‡e©v”P d¬¨v· = Bm A = wd«Kz‡qwÝ E1 N1 I2 E2 = N2 = I1 Transformer Gi Equivalent circuit. Our FB Group School of Engineers R2 R1 a 2 R2 2 k X cÖvBgvix‡Z mgZzj¨ wiq¨vKU¨vÝ, X 01 X 1 22 X 1 a 2 X 2 k cÖvBgvix‡Z mgZzj¨ Bw¤ú‡WÝ Z 01 R01 jX 01 cÖvBgvix‡Z mgZzj¨ †iva R01 R1 †m‡KÛvix‡Z mgZzj¨ †iva R02 R2 k 2 R1 R2 R1 a2 †m‡KÛvix‡Z mgZzj¨ wiq¨vKU¨vÝ, X 02 X 2 k 2 X 1 X 2 X1 a2 †m‡KÛvix‡Z mgZzj¨ Bw¤ú‡WÝ Z 01 R02 jX 02 ‡hLv‡b, R1,R2= UªvÝdgv©‡ii cÖvBgvix I †m‡KÛvix IqvBwÛs Gi †iva X1, X2= UªvÝdgv©‡ii cÖvBgvix I †m‡KÛvix IqvBwÛs Gi wiq¨vKU¨vÝ kU© mvwK©U †Uó †U‡ói cvV t PSC, VSC, ISC PSC VSC R01 = I 2 , Z01 = I SC SC X01 = LV side Z 012 R012 ISC †i‡UW Kv‡i‡›Ui mgvb| ISC = ‡m‡KÛvix †i‡UW Kv‡i›U HV side I‡cb mvwK©U †Uó t IqvU wgUvi cvV = †Kvi jm = P0 G¨vwgUvi cvV = †bv †jvW Kv‡i›U = I0 †fvëwgUvi cvV = Vo Po = Io2Ro Po R0 = I 2 o Avevi, Po = VoIocos o Po Cos o = V I o o Iw = Io Coso I = IoSino Vo Vo Xo = = I IoSin o Vo Vo Ro = I = IoCoso w I0= I+ Iw ‡hLv‡b, g¨vM‡bUvBwRs K‡¤úv‡b›U (I) IqvwK©s K‡¤úv‡b›U (Iw) VNL VFL VFL Voltage drop VNL VFL Transformer Gi †gvU KvQvKvwQ Voltage drop †m‡KÛvwi‡Z = Is(R02Cos X02Sin) VNL VFL Voltage regulation (V.R) = 100 VFL IS (R02 Cos X02 Sin) = 100 VFL `„wó AvKl©Y t BÛvKwUf †jv‡Wi †¶‡Î (Ve) wPü e¨envi Kiv nq| K¨vcvwmwUf †jv‡Wi †¶‡Î (Ve) wPý e¨envi Kiv nq| Voltage regulation (V.R) = Output `¶Zv % = Input 100 2 Kcvi jm Wcu Variable load , KVA Full load copper loss = IP2R01 watt (or = I S2 R02) Rated Load , KVA ‡Kvi jm, Wcore = Hysterisis + Eddy Current loss = (Wh+We) watt m‡e©v”P Kg©`¶Zvi kZ© t Cu.loss = Core loss = IP2R01 = Wcore Our FB Group School of Engineers Induction motor Induction motor Gi Slip t % Slip, s = Ns Nr Ns 100 fr = S f 120f Nr = (1 s) p 120 Ns = P GLv‡b , S = Slip Ns = Synchronous speed Nr = Rotor Speed fr = †ivUi wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ f = mvcøvB wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ S = w¯øc = wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ P = †cvj msL¨v Aëvi‡bUi Aëvi‡bU‡ii E.M.F equation = 4.44TKpKd volt. ‡hLv‡b, Z = No of Conductors / Phase = 2T P = No of Poles. f = Frequency (Hz) = Flux / Pole (b) N= No of rotation or speed (in r.p.m) kp = Pitch factor kd = Distribution factor Ep = Generated e.m.f / phase Pitch factor, 𝐾𝑝 = cos 𝛼⁄2 (𝛼 = d«vKkbvj Ae¯’vq K‡q‡ji `ycÖv‡šÍi B‡jKwUªK¨vj †KŠwbK e¨eavb) Distribution factor, 𝐾𝑑 = 𝑚𝛽 2 𝛽 𝑚 sin 2 sin 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑡 (𝛽 = cÖwZ Gi B‡jKwUªK¨vj wWwMÖ, 𝑚 = 𝑃𝑜𝑙𝑒×𝜑 = cÖwZ †cv‡j cÖwZ †d‡R 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑡) VNL VFL 100 VFL Alternator G Voltage regulation = VNL = {(V cos + IRa)2 + (V sin + IXs)2} K¨vcvwmU¨vÝ PvR©, Q= CV 1 Energy, E= 2 CV2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Total Series Capacitance, 𝐶 = 𝐶 + 𝐶 + 𝐶 𝑇 Total parallel capacitance, Cp=C1+C2+C3 Measurement 𝐼𝑔 Ammeter Shunt Resistance, S= 𝐼−𝐼 𝐺 𝑔 𝑉 Voltmeter Series Resistance, R = 𝐼 − 𝐺 𝑔 Meter Constant = 𝑁𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑤𝐻 SIS= GIG R S Is Our FB Group School of Engineers A IG Communication Bitrate Calculation/ Channel Bandwidth/ Nyquest Theorem Process of Pulse Code Modulation: a) Sampling b) quantization c) encoding As‡K hw` Gb‡KvwWs, m¨v¤úwjs, †Kvqv›UvB‡Rkb, cvjm †KvW gWz‡jkb D‡jøL _v‡K; ZLb †mB AsK GB wbq‡g n‡e| Bit Rate ‡ei Kiv SNR Gi g¨v‡_I ejv _v‡K| Avevi gvwë‡cøw·s Gi g¨v_I †`L‡Z ûeû GKB| cv_©K¨ n‡”Q †mLv‡b gWz‡jk‡bi K_v ejv _v‡K bv| ‡bvUt PCM Gi g¨v‡_ Nyquest Rate Gi K_v ejv bv _vK‡jI; Nyquest Rate Abyhvqx wmMbvj wd«Kz‡qÝx wظb n‡e| Nyquest Theorem Minimum Sampling Frequency, fs=2fm (Where, fm=signal frequency) Signal frequency ‡hfv‡e _vK‡Z cv‡i; 1) ‡g‡mR wmMbvj x(t)=5cos1000πt AvKv‡i _vK‡j; 1000πt ‡K 2πt Øviv fvM K‡i wmMbvj wd«Kz‡qÝx †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| 2) Voice Channel (300-3400Hz) AvKv‡i _vK‡j; wmMbvj wd«Kz‡qÝx n‡e 3400Hz; Band limited to 3000Hz ejv _vK‡j; wmMbvj wd«Kz‡qÝx n‡e 3000Hz 3) hw` †g‡mR wmMbvj x(t)=5cos1000πt+7cos1500πt+15cos800πt AvKv‡i GKvwaK wd«Kz‡qÝx K‡¤úv‡b›Umn †`qv _v‡K; m‡ev©”P wd«Kz‡qÝx n‡e wmMbvj wd«‡Kv‡qÝx| A_©¨vr D³ As‡ki Rb¨ n‡e (1500πt÷2πt=750Hz) 4) GKvwaK wmMbvj †`qv _vK‡j; †hvMdj n‡e fm; A_¨©vr 400Hz, 500Hz Ges 700Hz Gi wZbwU wmMbvj _vK‡j, wmMbvj e¨vÛDB_ fm n‡e 1600Hz 5) Multiplexed/TDM ej‡j; hZ¸‡jv wmMbvj ejv _vK‡e ¸b n‡e| 20wU wmMbvj ej‡j wd«‡Kv‡qÝxi 20¸Y n‡e wmMbvj wd«Kz‡qÝx ev e¨vÛDB_| 6) wdªKz‡qÝx gvwë‡cøw·s Gi †ÿ‡Î; wmMbvj¸‡jv MvW©e¨vÛ Øviv Avjv`v _v‡K| A_¨v©r 20wU wmMbvj n‡j, 19wU MvW©e¨vÛ Øviv Zviv Avjv`v _vK‡e| As‡K MvW©e¨vÛ wd«Kz‡qÝx †`qv bv _vK‡j; 1kHz ai‡Z n‡e| †hgbt 20wU 500kHz Gi wmMbvj Frequency Multiplexed ej‡j; Signal Frequency n‡e 20x500+19x1=10019kHz Sampling Frequency Gi wewfbœ iæc‡f`; 1) Standard Sampling Frequency ej‡j; Sampling Frequency n‡e 8kHz 2) Nyquest Rate Gi †P‡q 20% †ewk ej‡j; Sampling Frequency, fs=1.2 x 2fm 3) Channel Capacity Or Data rate of E-1 Channel = 2.048Mbps For Quantization Level: Step size, ∆=2mp/L Signal Power, PM=mp2/2 Noise Power (Quantization), PQ=∆2/12=mp2/3L2 2P Quantization Level, L=√ 3PM SNR (in dB)=1.76+20log10L SNR (in dB)=1.76+6.02n No of bit, n=log2L Quantization Level,L=2 (For Delta Modulation, ASK, BPSK, BFSK, Binary) Quantization Level, L=4 (For QPSK, MSK) For 128,64,32,16-QAM, L=128,64,32,16; 128,64,32,16-PSK, L=128,64,32,16 Level, L= 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 × 100 Q 1 Bit Rate/Channel Capacity/Channel Bandwidth/data rate/Maximum bandwidth/Output data rate/Cable Bandwidth/Transmission bandwidth/Information rate: Rb=nfs For TDM; Rb= fs (nM+a) (Where; n=no of bit, M=Voice channel, a=synchronization bit/Control bit/additional bit) 𝑅𝑏 Baud Rate (bps)= Minimum Bandwidth (Hz) = 2𝑏 𝑛 𝑅 Maximum Signal Bandwidth (Hz), fm= Rb/n Error Bit Error Rate, BER=Bit Rate×Secondsx100 SNR and Channel Capacity 𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝑖𝑛 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑡) SNR (in watt) = SNR (in dB) = 10log10 𝑁𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝑖𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡) = Signal power (in dB) - Noise Power (in dB) dBm= dB-30 watt= 10 10 Channel Capacity Or Shanon Capacity (kbps), C= Blog2(1+𝑁) 𝑁𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝑖𝑛 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑡) 𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝑖𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡) 𝑑𝐵 𝑆 Where; o B= Signal Bandwidth (Hz) o S = signal power (watt) o N = Noise Power (watt) Bandwidth, B=fmax - fmin Storage Capacity = Time (seconds)x fs x n Noise Power, N=BxPSD (Where, PSD=power spectral density) 1byte=8bit Our FB Group School of Engineers Amplitude Modulation Message Signal Instantaneous Value, em=Emcoswmt Carrier Signal Instantaneous Value, ec=Eccoswct 𝐸 +𝐸 AM wave maximum voltage, Vmax= 𝑐 2 𝑚 AM wave minimum voltage, Vmin= AM wave Amplitude, eAM= EC+mECcoswmt Modulation Index, m= AM wave Amplitude = EC(1+mcoswmt)coswct = ECcos2πfCt+ AM Wave Total Power, PT= PC+PSB 𝐸𝑚 𝐸𝐶 𝑉 𝐸𝑐 −𝐸𝑚 2 −𝑉 = 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 +𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑚2 PT= PC(1+ PT= PSB(1+𝑚2 ) 𝑚𝐸𝐶 2 cos 2𝜋(𝑓𝑐 − 𝑓𝑚 )𝑡+ 𝑚𝐸𝐶 2 cos 2𝜋(𝑓𝑐 + 𝑓𝑚 )𝑡 ) 2 2 𝑚2 𝐸𝐶 Sideband Power, PSB= Carrier Power, PC= 𝐸𝐶 Efficiency; 𝜂 = 𝑃 Power Savings = Total Power – Sending Power Bandwidth = 2fm 8 4 𝑃𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚2 = 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 2+𝑚2 x 100 (For DSB) Frequency Modulation FM Wave Instantaneous Voltage; eFM = ECcos[wct+𝜙(𝑡)]= ECcos[wct+𝑚 sin 𝜔𝑚 𝑡] (where, 𝜙(𝑡) is variation of carrier frequency) Δ𝑓 Modulation Index, m= 𝑓 (Where, fm= message signal frequency, ∆f=peak frequency deviation) Bandwidth Or Maximum Channel Bandwidth, B= 2(1+mf)fm = 2(fm+∆f) Minimum/Required Bandwidth Required, B= 2(fb+∆f) (Where, fb=bit rate) 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘 Peak Frequency Deviation, ∆f= kfEm = = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 2 2 Where, fb= Input bit rate kf = Sensitivity (Hz/V) Em = Message Signal Voltage Amplitude 𝑚 𝑓𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 −𝑓 𝑓 −𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 = Peak to Peak Deviation 2 Optical Fibre Total loss of cable = dB/km × total length of cable in km + total repeater loss Total loss, dB= 10log10 ( 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 ) Antenna Length, L=4 Wave length, 𝜆 = 𝑓 Numerical Aperture, NA=sin 𝜑 = √𝑛1 − 𝑛2 Half Acceptance Angle, 𝜑= sin-1NA 𝑛 msKU †KvY, 𝜃𝐶 = sin−1 𝑛2 Critical Propagation Angle, 𝜃𝐶 = cos−1 𝑛2 𝑃 (where, P in watt) 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝜆 𝑐 (Where, c= velocity of light (3x108ms-1); f=frequency of signal) 1 (Where, n= `yBwU gva¨‡gi cÖwZmibv¼; 𝜑=Half acceptance angle) 𝑛 1 Normalized Frequency, V= No of modes, N= 𝑉2 𝜋𝑑𝑁𝐴 𝜆 4 Signal Processing AM, FM, PM signal Our FB Group School of Engineers PAM, PWM/PDM, PPM ASK, FSK, PSK Signal Draw Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar, Manchester Our FB Group School of Engineers Power System Sag 2 Sag, S = Wl 8T A Where, l 𝑙 2 S= sag (meter) W= Weight/meter (kg) l= Span (Meter) T= Working Tension (kg) Breaking Stress Breaking Tension Safety factor = Working Stress = Working Tension Kvh©Ki Uvb/‡Ubkb, Working Tension= Working stress(cxob) x Conductor Area 𝑙 2 B P(x,y) 𝒙 𝟐 y S O 2 x w.x ‡eªwKs ev m‡ev©”P Uvb/‡Ubkb, Ultimate Or Breaking tension = Breaking stress(cxob) Conductor area wl 2 Cos 8T W cos = Wt Wi = 4 (d+2t)2 -d2 1 Svertical = Wt = WW2 (Wi W ) 2 WW i Where, Wi= Ice Weight/meter conductor (kg) Wt=Total conductor Weight/meter (kg) Ww=Wind pressure/meter conductor(kg) For Unequal planewx12 S1 = 2T wx22 S2 = 2T 2Th wl X2 + X1 = l Th X2 = l /2 + wl Th X1 = l /2 − wl X2 X1 = Insulator voltage across the string nvoltage .across disc nearest to conductor n = Number of disc's in the string. C1 k= C V = V1+V2+V3= (3 + 4k + k2)V1 V2=V1 (1 + k) V3=(1 + 3k + k2)V1 V4 = V1 (1+6k+5k2+k3) V5 = (1+10 K + 15 K 2 + 7 K 3 + K 4 ) V1 K=shunt capacitance : self-capacitance (k is always less than 1, ZvB 10%, 1:10, 10:1, 1/10 BZ¨vw` hvB _vKzK; K-Gi gvb ‡hfv‡e Ki‡j 1-Gi Kg nq, †mfv‡e K¨vjKz‡jkb Ki‡eb) w÷ªs `¶Zv = Variable Load Average Load/demand = Area under Load Curve Average Load 24 Hours Unit Generation in a times Load factor = Maximum Demand = Demand factor = Maximum Demand Maximum Demand in the time Connected Load Average Demand Plant Capacity factor = Plant Capacity Station Output (KwH) Plant Use factor = Plant capacity×Hours used Unit Generation/Annum = Average load (KwH) × 8760 Maximum Demand Utilization Factor = Plant Capacity Reserve Capacity = Plant Capacity or Installed Capacity – Maximum Demand Sum of Individual Unit Maximum demand Diversity Factor = Maximum demand in the power Plant Load Factor Reserve Capacity = Maximum Demand (Plant Capacity Factor-1) Our FB Group School of Engineers Maximum Power Delivered = Actual Energy produced in a day Plant Use Factor Power Factor Improvement Active Power Power Factor = Apparent Power P. = ICos P. = cos I Active Power /Absorbed power/ Average power: Pactive = VIcos (Watt or kW) Reactive Power: Preactive = VI sin (VAR or KVAR) Apparent Power/Complex Power: Papperent = VI (VA or KVA) Most Economical KVAR=KVAR2-KVAR1 ISin VI cos VI When KW is fixed; 𝑃(tan 𝜃1 −tan 𝜃2 ) Total Capacitance required for PFI, C= (Where, P=kW; 𝜃=angle before and after PFI; V= rms voltage) 2𝜋𝑓𝑉 2 When KVA is Fixed; KW1=KVAcos 𝜃1 KW2=KVAcos 𝜃2 Change in KW= kW1-kW2 Active Component of Current, I cos 𝜃1 = 𝑃 √3𝑉 New Output; KW2= KVAcos 𝜃2 When more than one device connected; KVA KVAR KVA1=kW1/cos𝜃1 KVAR1=KVA1sin 𝜃1 KVA2=kW2/cos𝜃2 KVAR2=KVA2sin 𝜃2 KVA3=kW3/cos𝜃3 KVAR3=KVA3sin 𝜃3 me¸‡jvi exRMvwYwZK †hvMdj n‡e wm‡÷‡gi †gvU wK‡jvfvi| Z‡e cvIqvi d¨v±i j¨vwMs n‡j †hvM; wjwWs n‡j we‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e| Load Load-1 Load-2 Load-3 Total KW pf KW1=KVA1cos𝜃1 cos𝜃1 KW2=KVA2cos𝜃2 cos𝜃2 KW3=KVA3cos𝜃3 cos𝜃3 Dc‡ii me¸‡jvi †hvMdj n‡e wm‡÷‡gi †gvU wK‡jvIqvU| Total KVA= √𝑘𝑊 2 + 𝑘𝑉𝐴𝑅 2 Total Or overall Power factor, cos𝜃=Total kW/Total kVA Per Unit Method Real Value Per Unit Value= Base Value Per Unit Voltage= Actual Voltgae Base Voltage Base KVA Base Current= Base Voltage Base Voltage Base Impedance= Base Current = Per Unit Impedance= (Base Voltage)2 Base VA Actual Impedance Full Load Current×Actual Impedance Base Impedance = Phase Voltage Base KVA KVASH= Per Unit Impedance Per Unit Voltgae KVA 𝑆𝐻 ISH= Per Unit Impedance = 3×Phase Voltage KVA Base (New) 𝑘𝑉 2 New Per Unit Impedance= Zpu (old)x KVA rated(old) x𝑘𝑉 2𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑁𝑒𝑤 Percentage of Reactance %X= Full Load Current×Actual Impedance New %X = Phase Voltage Base KVA×old %X Actual Impedance Base Impedance x100 Rated KVA Full Load Current, IFL = KVASH= x100 = Base KVA √3×LineVoltage Base KVA×100 %X Short Circuit Current, ISH= Full Load Current×100 %X = KVA𝑆𝐻 ×100 √3×LineVoltage Transformer Gi Dfq cv‡ki †em †fv‡ëR †iwkI Abyhvqx cwieZ©b nq| Base KVA cwieZ©b nq bv| †fv‡ëR Ges Bw¤úW¨vÝ cwieZ©b nq| Switchgear & Protection Pick Up Current= Minimum current in line Or relay coil to operate Relay operation Relay Pick-up current= Rated Secondary current of CT x Current setting 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑇 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 Current in CT Secondary= Line current x 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 800/5 Or 800:5 CT means rated line current 800A and rated CT secondary current is 5A 𝑉𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑋𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 (𝑝𝑢) Fault Current, If= 𝑍 𝑓𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑡 Our FB Group School of Engineers Power Sector of Bangladesh (me©‡kl nvjbvMv`: 10 †deªæqvwi 2023) we`y¨r, R¡vjvbx I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿xt gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv cÖavbgš¿xi we`y¨r I R¡vjvbx Dc‡`ôvt W. †ZŠwdK-B-Bjvnx †PŠayix wet`ªt cvIqvi †m±‡ii Z_¨ cÖwZwbqZ we`y¨r cÖwZgš¿xt bmiæj nvwg` cwieZ©bkxj| ZvB cixÿvi c~‡e© School of we`y¨r mwPet ‡gvt nvweeyi ingvb Engineers MÖæ‡c †`qv Avc‡WU wkUwU d‡jv cvIqvi †mj gnvcwiPvjKt cÖ‡KŠkjx †gvnv¤§` †nvmvBb Ki‡eb| we`y¨r Dbœqb †evW© †Pqvig¨vbt ‡gvt gvneyeyi ingvb wcwRwmwe gnvcwiPvjKt ‡Mvjvg wKewiqv cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W©i †Pqvig¨vbt ‡gvt †mwjg DwÏb ‡Wm‡Kvi gnvcwiPvjKt ‡gvt KvDmvi Avgxi Avwj ‡Wm‡Kvi †Pqvig¨vbt wbRvg DwÏb wWwcwWwmi gnvcwiPvjKt weKvk †`Iqvb evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r Drcv`b ÿgZvt 26,700 †gMvIqvU BwZnv‡mi m‡ev©”P we`y¨r Drcv`bt 14,782 †gMvIqvU, 16 GwcÖj 2022 ‡gvU mÂvjb jvBbt 14,546 mvtwKtwgt wMÖW mve‡÷kvbt 170wU, †gvU ÿgZvt 58,076 MVA ‡gvU we`y¨r †K›`ªt 154wU (miKvwi- 58wU, †emiKvwi-94wU, †hŠ_-2wU) ‡gvU weZib jvBbt 6.29 jÿ wKtwgt we`y¨r myweavcÖvß Rb‡Mvôxt 100% we`y¨r MÖvnKt 4 †KvwU 45 jÿ ‡mP ms‡hvMt 4 jÿ 73 nvRvi wm‡÷g jmt 10.41% mÂvjb jmt 2.89% weZib jmt 7.74% wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvit 52.2 jÿ ‡mvjvi †nvgt 60 jÿ wcwWwe cÖwZôvt 1jv †g 1972 mvj cjøx we`y¨r cÖwZôvt 1977 mvj Iqvc`v cÖwZôvt 1959 mvj ‡Wmv cÖwZôvt 1991 mvj ‡Wm‡Kv cÖwZôvt b‡f¤^i 1996 wcwRwmwe cÖwZôvt 1996 mvj AviwcwmGj cÖwZôvt 1994 mvj 2021 mv‡j we`y¨r Drcv`b jÿ¨gvÎvt 24,000‡gMvIqvU 2030 mv‡j we`y¨r Drcv`b jÿ¨gvÎvt 40,000‡gMvIqvU 2040 mv‡j we`y¨r Drcv`b jÿ¨gvÎvt 60,000‡gMvIqvU we`y¨r Avg`vbxt 1160 †gMvIqvU (cwðge½-1000‡gMvIqvU, wÎcyiv-160‡gMvIqvU) m‡ev©”P e¨eüZ kw³i Drmt M¨vm me©e„nr we`y¨r‡K›`ªt cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª, Drcv`b ÿgZv- 1320‡gMvIqvU kZfvM we`y¨vZvwqZ Dc‡Rjvt 462wU Dc‡Rjv (AbwMÖW: 461wU; AdwMÖW: 1wU) cÖ_g †mŠikw³ †_‡K wMÖ‡W we`y¨rt mwilvevwo, 3 †gMvIqvU cÖ_g cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K›`ªt iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r‡K›`ª, 2400 †gMvIqvU gv_vwcQz we`y¨r Drcv`bt 608.76 wK‡jv-IqvU N›Uv cjøxwe`y¨r mwgwZ t 80wU cÖ_g Avg`vbx wbf©i KqjvwfwËK we`y¨r †K›`ªt cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r‡K›`ª bevqb‡hvM¨ we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi jÿ¨gvÎvt 10% evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g we`y¨r e¨envit 1901mvj, beve Avnmvbyjøvn KZ…©K ‡`‡ki cÖ_g Ges GKgvÎ cvwbwe`y¨r †K›`ª cÖwZôvt 1962mvj, KvßvB Rjwe`y¨r †K›`ª ‡`‡ki cÖ_g 132‡Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖwZôvt XvKv-PÆMÖvg mÂvjb jvBb, 1962 mvj ‡`‡ki cÖ_g 400 ‡Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖwZôvt ‡fovgviv HVDC Station, Bangladesh- enigcyi, fviZ wZbcÖKvi we`y¨r‡K›`ªt †em †jvW, B›UviwgwW‡qU ‡jvW, wcK †jvW wbgv©Yvaxb eo we`y¨r‡K›`ªt gvZvievwo we`y¨r‡K›`ª- 1200 †gMvIqvU, evukLvjx GmAvjg cvIqvi-1224‡gMvIqvU, iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K›`ª- 2400 †gMvIqvU g‡nkLvjx cwiKíbvaxb cvIqvi cøv›Ut wcwWwe-wm½vcyi R‡q›U †fÂvi- 1200 †gMvIqvU, wcwWwe-‡Kvwiqv R‡q›U †fÂvi- 1200 †gMvIqvU, wcwWwe-gvjqwkqv R‡q›U †fÂvi- 1200 †gMvIqvU, wcwWwe-Pxb R‡q›U †fÂvi- 1200 †gMvIqvU ‡`‡ki cÖ_g evqywe`y¨r †K›`ª cÖwZôvt 2005 mvj, gyûix cÖ‡R± evqywe`y¨r †K›`ª, †dbx 2030 mv‡j KqjvwfwËK we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi jÿ¨gvÎvt 50% (Kqjvi cwie‡Z© cvIqvi cøv›U wbgv©‡Y GjGbwR e¨eüZ n‡e) †`‡ki cÖ_g KqjvwfwËK we`y¨r †K›`ªt eocyKzwiqv Zvc we`y¨r‡K›`ª evsjv‡`k kZfvM we`y¨ZvwqZ n‡q‡Qt 21‡k gvP© 2022 mv‡j ‡`‡ki eZ©gvb cvIqvi nve mgynt wmw×iMÄ, AvïMÄ, KÇv, gvZvievwo, cvqiv, †Nvovkvj, nwicyi, †gNbvNvU, wkKjevnv, weweqvbv, wmivRMÄ, †fovgviv KZ mv‡ji we`y¨r AvBb ejer Av‡Qt 12‡deªæqvwi 2018 (c~‡e© 1910) e‡Kqvt 1.36 gvm we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi me©‡kl gv÷vicøvb cÖYqbt 2016 mv‡j cÖ_g 11 nvRvi †gMvIqvU we`y¨r Drcv`bt 07 RyjvB 2018 cÖ_g 10 nvRvi †gMvIqvU we`y¨r Drcv`bt 19‡k gvP© 2018 cÖ_g 20 nvRvi †gMvIqvU we`y¨r Drcv`b-ÿgZv AR©bt ‡m‡Þ¤^i 2018 ‡`‡ki cÖ_g mÂvjb jvBbt XvKv-PÆMÖvg 132 †Kwf jvBb (1962 mvj) cÖ_g †emiKvwi we`y¨r‡K›`ªt Lyjbv evR©gvD‡›UW, 12B †m‡Þ¤^i 1998 ‡`‡ki cÖ_g eR¨© we`y¨r‡K›`ª n‡et RvjKzwo, bvivqbMÄ ‡`‡ki cÖ_g HVDC mve‡÷kvbt ‡fovgviv e¨vK Uz e¨vK mve‡÷kvb ‡`‡ki cÖ_g 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBbt B÷-I‡q÷ B›UviKv‡b±i (†Nvovkvj-Ck¦i`x) ‡`‡ki cÖ_g 765‡Kwf mÂvjb jvBb (cwiKíbvaxY)t gvZvievwo-g`ybvNvU Ad-wMÖW Dc‡Rjvt nvwZqv, †bvqvLvjx (wcwWwe), iv½vevjx, cUzqvLvjx (cjøxwe`y¨r) mve‡gwib K¨ve‡ji mvnv‡h¨ we`y¨Zvqb N‡U‡Qt †fvjvi Pid¨vkb, m`i, ZRygwÏb I †`ŠjZLvb Dc‡Rjvi 16wU Pi, cUzqvLvjxi iv½vevjx Dc‡Rjv, PÆMÖv‡gi ¯^Üxc Dc‡Rjv, K·evRv‡ii KzZzew`qv| kixqZcy‡ii †f`iMÄ, bwoqv, RvwRiv, Kzwóqvi ‡`ŠjZcyi, Pvu`cy‡ii nvBgPi, ewikv‡ji †g‡n›`xMÄ Dc‡Rjvi Piv‡j| cvIqvi †mj wK KvR K‡it M‡elbv I D™¢veb| SREDA wK KvR K‡it bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwbi Dbœqb-c«mvi, R¡vjvwbi `¶ e¨envi I Dbœqb, R¡vjvwb mvk«qx h_vh_ Kvh©µg M«nY Ges bZyb m¤¢vebvgq ‡UKmB R¡vjvwbi µgvMZ AbymÜvb| evsjv‡`‡k eZ©gvb mÂvjb ‡fv‡ëRt 132 KV, 230 KV, 400 KV evsjv‡`‡k eZ©gvb weZib ‡fv‡ëRt 33kV, 11kV, 0.4kV, 230Volt ‡`‡ki cÖ_g 400 KV U«vÝwgkb jvBbt enigcyi (fviZ) ‡_‡K ‡fovgviv (evsjv‡`k)| wbg©vYvaxb 765KV UªvÝwgkb jvBb 2wUt gvZvievwo-g`ybvNvU Ges g`ybvNvU-fyjZv eZ©gvb `xN©Zg UªvÝwgkb jvBbt ‡Nvovkvj-Ck¦i`x (350 mvwK©U wK‡jvwgUvi)| evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g AvBmv‡j‡UW wMÖWt nvwZqv, ‡bvqvLvjx c„w_exi e„nËg cvigvYweK we`y¨r ‡K‡›`«i bvgt Kashi Wazaki Kariwa, Rvcvb, 8206 ‡gMvIqvU eZ©gvb we`y¨r Drcv`‡b evsjv‡`ki Ae¯’vbt 38Zg| we‡k¦ kxl© 5wU we`y¨r Drcv`bKvix ‡`kt Pxb, hy³ivó«, fviZ, ivwkqv I Rvcvb| National Load Dispatch Centre Aew¯’Zt AvdZvebMi, ivgcyiv, XvKv| ‡`‡ki me©e…nr ‡mŠi we`¨yr ‡K›`« Aew¯’Zt mywZqvLvjx, gqgbwmsn (50 †gMvIqvU) cwiKíbvaxb me©e„nr ‡mŠi we`¨yr ‡K›`« Aew¯’Zt my›`iMÄ, MvBevÜv (200 †gMvIqvU) eZ©gv‡b wbg©vYvaxb eo we`¨yr ‡K›`« mg~nt iæccyi cvigvYweK- 2400 ‡gMvIqvU (NPCBL) ivgcvj we`¨yr ‡K›`«- 1320 ‡gMvIqvU (BIFPCL) | gvZvievwo we`¨yr ‡K›`«-1200 ‡gMvIqvU (CPGCBL) cvqiv GjGbwR wfwËK we`¨yr ‡K›`«- 3600 ‡gMvIqvU (NWPGCL) Gm Gm cvIqvi wjwg‡UW, evukLvjx- 1320 ‡gMvIqvU (Gm Avjg MÖæc) iæccyi cvigvYweK we`¨yr ‡K‡›`« R¡vjvwb mieivn Ki‡et TVEL Fuel Company (ivwkqv)| we`y¨r weZiYKvix c«wZôvb 6wU| h_vt BPDB, DPDC, WZPDCL, DESCO, NESCO, BREB we`y¨r mÂvjbKvix GKgvÎ cÖwZôvbt cvIqvi wMÖW †Kv¤úvwb Ae evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW| miKvwi we`y¨r Drcv`bKvix cÖwZôvbt PDB, APSCL, EGCB, NWPGCL, RPCL, CPGCBL, BR-Powergen, BIPCL, BCPCL evsjv‡`‡k cÖ_g we`y¨r e¨envi ïiæ nqt 1901 mvj ‡_‡K| we‡k¦i e…nËg ‡mŠi we`¨yr ‡K›`« Aew¯’Zt fv`jv, ivR¯’vb, fviZ ‡`‡ki wØZxq cvigvYweK we`¨yr ‡K›`« wbg©vY n‡et wnRjv, ewikvj| iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`¨yr ‡K‡›`« Drcv`b ïiæ n‡et 2024 mvj ‡_‡K| ‡`‡ki c«_g evqy we`¨yr ‡K›`« ¯’vwcZ nqt ‡mvbvMvRx, ‡dbx| ‡`‡ki wØZxq evqy we`¨yr ‡K›`ªt KyZyew`qv, K·evRvi| ‡`‡k cÖ_g eR¨© we`¨yr ‡K›`« n‡et RvjKyywo, bvivqYMÄ| evsjv‡`‡ki Summer wcK wWgvÛt 9000-14000 MW evsjv‡`‡ki Winters wcK wWgvÛt 6000-7500 MW me©e„nr cvIqvi nvet AvïMÄ we`y¨r‡K›`ª, Drcv`b ¶gZv 1690 MW (GKK me©e„nr we`y¨r †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤úvbx) wcwWwe †Kvb `ywU b`x n‡Z Rjwe`y¨r Drcv`‡bi cwiKíbv K‡i‡Qt mv½y b`x- 140 MW, gvZvgyûwi b`x- 175 MW †`‡ki cÖ_g miKvwi †mŠiwe`y¨r †K‡›`ªi bvgt KvßvB ‡mvjvi wcwf wMÖW Kv‡b‡±W we`y¨r †K›`ª, Drcv`b ¶gZv 7.4 MW Avg`vwb K…Z Kqjv w`‡q cwiPvwjZ †`‡ki cÖ_g we`y¨r †K›`ªt cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª| †`‡ki cÖ_g nvBweªW we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯’vwcZ n‡et †mvbvMvRx, †dbx| mve‡gwib K¨vej Gi mvnv‡h¨ cÖ_g we`y¨r ms‡hvM †`Iqv nq †Kvb Dc‡Rjvqt m›`xc, PUªMÖvg| ˆ`wbK ‡gvU Drcv`bt 9,000-14000 ‡gMvIqvU me‡P‡q eo cvIqvi cø¨v›Ut cvqiv (1320 †gMvIqvU, 2 BDwbU)| AvïM‡Äi Drcv`b ¶gZv eZ©gv‡bt 1444 †gMvIqvU (5wU BDwbU, weD‡ev) bvivqYM‡Ä eR¨© †_‡K we`y¨Z Drcvw`Z n‡et 6 †gMvIqvU, Ryb 2022| 2025 mv‡j m‡e©v”P Pvwn`v n‡Z cv‡it 19,900 †gMvIqvU (weD‡ev) eocyKzwiqv Kqjvwe`y¨r †K‡›`ªi K¨vcvwmwUt 525 †gMvIqvU eocyKzwiqv cvIqvi cøv‡›Ui ‡jvW d¨v±it 58% iƒccy‡ii cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi R¡vjvwb †KvbwUt BD‡iwbqvg-235, 5% GbwiPW GKevi R¡vjvwb w`‡q KZ eQi Pj‡e iƒccy‡ii cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ªt 1.5 eQi cÖwZ BDwb‡Ui `vg co‡et 4-4.50 UvKv, (‡mvm©t Bqv‡dm Imgvb, weR‡bm ÷¨vÛvW©) wi‡q±i UvBct VVER-1200, PWR, AES-2006/V392M wi‡q±i dz‡qj Acv‡ikb mvB‡Kjt 4-5eQi eQ‡i dz‡qj jvM‡et 29 Ub wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi cøv‡›Ui Bwdwm‡qÝxt 37.5% CCPPt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi cøv›U me‡P‡q Kg Li‡P †Kvb R¡vjvwb w`‡q we`y¨r Drcv`b Kiv nqt cÖvK…wZK M¨vm, 2.8 UvKv kxZKv‡j †`‡ki we`y¨r Pvwn`v KZt ‡gvU Pvwn`vi 50-60%| †Kvb A‡j me‡P‡q Kg we`y¨r Drcv`b nqt iscyi Kqjv we`y¨r †K‡›`ª †Kvb †MÖ‡Wi Kqjv e¨envi Kiv nqt weUzwgbvm/mve-weUzwgbvm AviBwe Avi wcweGm wK GKt bv HSD Kxt HIGH SPEED DIESEL HFO Kxt HEAVY FUEL OIL 400 ‡Kwf UªvÝwgkb jvBb KqwUt 16wU iæccy‡ii cÖ_g BDwbU Drcv`‡b hv‡et 2024 mvj (17.02.2024) iæccy‡ii wØZxq BDwbU Drcv`‡b hv‡et 2024 mvj (22.10.2024) wiwbD‡qej †mvm© †_‡K we`y¨r Drcv`bt 950.86 †gMvIqvU wiwbD‡qej ‡mvm© †_‡K we`y¨r Drcv`b j¶¨gvÎvt ‡gvU ¶gZvi 10% KvßvB †j‡Kit 1% RvqMv Kv‡R jvwM‡q 20 †gMvIqvU †mŠi we`y¨Z Drcv`b m¤¢e| evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨‡Zi wd«Kz‡qÝxt 50 nvR© wcwKs cvIqvi cø¨v›U Kxt wcK UvB‡g we`y¨‡Zi Pvwn`v c~i‡Yi R‡b¨ †hmKj cø¨v›U Pvjv‡bv nq| Ad wcK I Ab wcK we`y¨r Pvwn`v KZt 7000/14000MW cÖ_g HVDC mve‡÷kbt †fovgviv, Kzwóqv nvB †Rbv‡ikb, ‡jv wWgvÛ Gwiqvt wm‡jU ‡jv †Rbv‡ikb, nvB wWgvÛ Gwiqvt iscyi mve‡÷kb †_‡K mve‡÷k‡b ‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨gt SCADA + PLCC SCADA : Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition SREDA : Sustainable And Renewable Energy Development Authority NLDC : National Load Dispatch Centre wMÖ‡W e¨envi‡hvM¨ we`y¨r Drcv`b ¶gZvt 16,000 †gMvIqvU B›UviKv‡b‡±W wMÖW msL¨vt 1wU| LNG Uvwg©bvj †Kv_vq n‡q‡Qt g‡nkLvjx fviZ †_‡K Avg`vwbK…Z we`y¨‡Zi `vgt 5 UvKv 34 cqmv †hme †`k n‡Z we`y¨r Avg`vwb Kiv n‡et †bcvj, fzUvb wcwKs cvIqvi cøv›U wK 24 N›Uv P‡jt bv, wcK UvB‡g P‡j me‡P‡q †ekx cvIqvi cø¨v›U †Kvb †Rv‡bt XvKv †Rv‡b, 40wU me‡P‡q Kg cvIqvi cø¨v›U †Kvb †Rv‡bt ewikvj, 7wU mve‡÷k‡b KZ ‡fv‡ëi wWwm e¨vUvwi e¨envi Kiv nqt 110‡fvë A_ev 125 †fvë wWwm (K‡›Uªvj), 48 †fvë (KwgDwb‡Kkb) cvi BDwbU ‡mvjvi LiPt 16.14 UvKv cvi BDwbU Kqjv LiPt 7.38 UvKv cvi BDwbU M¨vm LiPt 2.8 UvKv cvi BDwbU dv‡b©m I‡qj LiPt 11.48 UvKv cvi BDwbU Rjwe`y¨r LiPt 1.32 UvKv Kqjv Avg`vwb Kiv nq g~jZt B‡›`v‡bwkqv, A‡÷ªwjqv †`‡ki cÖ_g M¨vm BÝy‡j‡UW mve‡÷kbt ¸jkvb eZ©gv‡b MªxW wis i‡q‡Qt 2wU, XvKv, PÆMÖvg †`‡ki cÖ_g mve‡÷kbt U½x mve‡÷kb †`‡ki m‡e©v”P ¶gZvi UªvÝdg©vit 520 GgwfG, weweqvbv mve‡÷kb †`‡ki cÖ_g 420 †Kwf myBPBqvW©t weweqvbv evsjv‡`‡ki gRy` M¨vm Av‡Q ‡kl n‡et 10 eQi ci| †`‡ki Mo we`y¨Z Drcv`b LiPt 6 UvKv I‡qf Uªvc †Kv_vq e¨envi Kiv nqt PLCC G evsjv‡`‡ki m‡e©v”P †Rbv‡iwUs ‡fv‡ëRt 22.75 †Kwf (AvïMÄ, weweqvbv) cÖwZ ‡gMvIqvU we`y¨r Drcv`‡b 24 NÈvq Kqjv jv‡Mt 10 Ub COD : COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE DCT : DEPENDABLE CAPACITY TEST RRT : RELIABILITY RUN TEST wcK AvIqvit weKvj 5Uv †_‡K-ivZ 11 Uv Ad-wcK AvIqvit ivZ 11 Uv †_‡K weKvj 5Uv UªvÝwgkb jvB‡b †h KÛv±i e¨envi Kiv nqt ACCC, ACSR, AAAC, XLPE, Cu Cable GKwU 400 †Kwf jvB‡b wW¯‹ BÝy‡jUi jv‡Mt 21wU AvcKvwgs me©e„nr myBwPs mve‡÷mbt ‡MvcvjMÄ eªvDbAvDU wKt cvIqvi wVK _vKvi c‡iI, ‡fv‡ë‡Ri Avc-WvDb Ki‡j PGCB AcwUK¨vj dvBev‡ii e¨vÛDB_ wewµ K‡it wRwc, iwe, mvwgU KwgDwb‡Kkb, dvBevi GW †nvg, wewUwmGj, BDwRwm, evsjvwjsK UªvÝdg©vi I‡q‡ji evwYwR¨K bvgt cvBivbj ivgcvj we`y¨Z‡K›`ª Acv‡ik‡b ‡Mjt 2022 mv‡j| †`‡k bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwb †_‡K KZ % we`y¨Z Av‡mt 3.56% 2041 mvj bvMv` wK ‡gvU ¶gZvi KZ % we`y¨Z bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwb †_‡K Avm‡et 17% †mªWvi Z_¨g‡Z †`‡ki †Kvb RvqMvq †mŠic¨v‡bj ¯’vcb me‡P‡q jvfRbKt cÂM‡o, Zvic‡i cvebv †`‡ki ‡gvU we`y¨Z Drcv`b ¶gZvi KZ % wiRvf© K¨vcvwmwU ivL‡Z nqt 15% evsjv‡`‡ki ‡mvjvi ‡nvg wm‡÷g †_‡K KZ †gMvIqvU we`y¨Z cvIqv hvqt 356 †gMvIqvU MÖvnK msL¨v me‡P‡q †ewk Kvit cjøxwe`y¨r †`‡ki wm‡÷‡gi ‡jvW d¨v±i KZt 60%-65% bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwb bxwZ Kvh©Ki nq KZ mv‡jt 2008 mv‡j ûBwjs Pv‡R©i mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z †Kt wcwRwmwe †emiKvwi Lv‡Z we`y¨Z †K‡›`ªi msL¨v KZwUt 94wU miKvwi we`y¨r †K›`ªt 58wU †`‡k we`y¨‡Zi me‡P‡q eo mvcøvBqvi †Kt AvBwcwc wcwWwei KqwU weZib †Rvbt 4wU evsjv‡`k KZZg †`k wn‡m‡e GjGbwR cvIqvi cøv›U ¯’vcb Ki‡Z hv‡”Qt 3q cvqiv GjGbwR cvIqvi cøv‡›U GjGbwR Avbv n‡et wm½vcyi cvqivq ‡gvU we`y¨Z Drcv`b n‡et 9000 †gMvIqvU cÖwZ †gMvIqvU ‡mvjvi cvIqvi Drcv`‡b Rwg jv‡Mt 5 GKi eocyKzwiqvq n‡Z hvIqv †d¬vwUs ‡mvjvi cøv›Ut 40-50 ‡gMvIqvU †g‡Uªv‡i‡j e¨envi Kiv n‡”Qt wWwm 1500 ‡fvë †g‡Uªv‡i‡j e¨envi Kiv jvBbt Ifvi‡nW K¨v‡Ubvix jvBb ‡`‡k †gvU ‡mvjvi ‡nvg wm‡÷gt 60 j¶ Drcvw`Z we`y¨‡Zi KZ % Av‡m K¨vwÞf cvIqvi cøv›U †_‡Kt 10% RvZxq wMÖW †_‡K wkí Lv‡Z we`y¨‡Zi `vg c‡ot M‡o 8.50 UvKv cvqiv cÖwZ BDwbU LiPt 6.40 UvKv wiwRqb Abyhvqx B‡jw±ªwmwU wWgvÛt XvKv me‡P‡q †ewk, ewikvj me‡P‡q Kg KzBK †i›Uvj Pvjy Av‡Qt 18wU (1141 †gMvIqvU) fviZ †_‡K Av‡iv Avg`vwb Kiv n‡et 1600 †gMvIqvU (Av`vwb MÖæc, 2022 mvj n‡Z) gvZvievwo Kqjv we`y¨Z †K›`ª Pvjy n‡Z cv‡it 2026 mvj bvMv` ‡mvjvi †_‡K wMÖ‡W hy³ nqt 360.32 †gMvIqvU cvweøK †m±i †_‡K Av‡m ‡gvU we`y¨‡Zit 45% cÖvB‡fU †m±i †_‡K Av‡mt 44% ûBwjs PvR©t wcwRwmwe, 28 cqmv BDwbU (‡Kwf wn‡m‡e Avjv`v nq) wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi cøv›U †h mvB‡K‡j P‡jt i¨vswKb mvB‡Kj we`y¨‡Zi `vg wbav©iY K‡i †Kt BERC 1 Ub Gwm 1 N›Uv Pvjy _vK‡j KZ BDwbU e¨q n‡et 1.5 BDwbU eR¨© †_‡K we`y¨Zt Px‡bi wmGgBwm, 42.5 †gMvIqvU ¶gZvi, XvKvi Avwgb evRvi GjvKvq| cvi BDwbU LiPt 18.295 UvKv, 25 eQi †gqv`x| Pvjy n‡e- Ryb 2023 iæccyi wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi cøv‡›U KvwiMwi mnvqZv w`‡”Qt ivwkqv, fviZ wm‡÷g jmt 5% Gi †ewk nIqv DwPZ bv| UªvÝwgkb jmt 3% Gi †ewk nIqv DwPZ bv| HRSG related to : K¤^vBÛ cvIqvi cøv›U Solar radiation in BD : 4.5KWh/m² (power-division) 2030 mv‡ji g‡a¨ 20% R¡vjvbx LiP Kwg‡q Avbvi cwiKíbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| 2041 mvj bvMv`t 9000 †gMvIqvU Avg`vwb Kiv n‡e| KZ wKwg Ifvi‡nW AcwUK¨vj dvBevi jvBb i‡q‡Qt 8500 wKwg wkíLv‡Z KZ % we`y¨Z e¨envi nqt 28% evsjv‡`‡k m‡ev©”P we`y¨r e¨eüZ nqt AvevwmK Lv‡Z, 57% †bcvj †_‡K Avg`vwb Kiv n‡et 500 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r, GMR wbwg©Z eZ©gv‡b KZ w`‡b AvevwmK ms‡hvM †`Iqv nqt 7 w`‡b wkí ms‡hvM †`Iqv nqt 28 w`‡b AvevwmK GjvKv †_‡K mve‡÷k‡bi b~b¨Zg `~iZ¡ KZ nIqv DwPZt 300 dzU ivgcvj we`y¨Z‡K‡›`ªi jvBdUvBgt 40 eQi gv_vwcQz Kve©b wbtmi‡Yi nvit 0.66 Ub wMÖW †KvW †K †`qt BERC KZ †Kwf‡Z KZ ‡jvW wb‡Z cvi‡et 220 ‡fvët m‡ev©”P 7.5 wK‡jvIqvU 400 ‡fvët m‡ev©”P 80 wK‡jvIqvU 11 †Kwft 50 wK‡jvIqvU ‡_‡K 5 †gMvIqvU 33 †Kwft 5 †gMvIqvU ‡_‡K 30 †gMvIqvU 132 †Kwf 20 ‡gMvIqvU ‡_‡K 140 †gMvIqvU 230 †Kwft 140 †gMvIqv‡Ui †ewk K¨vcwUf cvIqvi Drcv`b ÿgZvt 2800 †gMvIqvU (e¨qt 3-3.50 UvKv/BDwbU) (BERC Gi g‡Z 3220 †gMvIqvU, 813wU we`y¨r‡K›`ª) Ad-wMÖW bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbxt 359 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r wefv‡Mi dv÷ Uª¨vK cÖKít gvZvievwo, ivgcvj, cvqiv 2q chv©q| m‡ev©”P e¨eüZ R¡vjvbxt M¨vm (49%) we`y¨rLv‡Z evwl©K eivÏt 27.7 nvRvi †KvwU UvKv fvi‡Zi Av`vbx cvIqvi †_‡K we`y¨r Avg`vbx n‡et 1496 ‡gMvIqvU RvZxq R¡vjvbx wbivcËv w`emt 09 AvM÷ 2022 weZiY ms¯’vi wbKU we`¨yr weµq K‡it wcwWwe we`¨y‡Zi `vg wba©viY K‡it BERC we`¨y‡Zi µqg~j¨ wba©viY K‡it wcwWwe we`¨yr Drcv`‡bi jvB‡mÝ c«`vb K‡it BERC we`¨yr mÂvjb K‡it wcwRwmwe c«wZw`‡bi we`¨yr Drcv`b wbqš¿Y K‡it NLDC bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbx e¨env‡i Drmvn I c«‡Yv`bv ‡`qt SREDA iæccyi cvigvbweK c-v›U wbg©vb K‡it weÁvb I c«hyw³ gš¿Yvjq R¡vjvbx cwien‡bi jvB‡mÝ ‡`qt we‡ùviK Awa`ßi we`¨yr Drcv`‡bi R¡vjvbx ‡Zj mieivn K‡it wewcwm mgMÖ †`k eø¨vKAvDU nqt 01 b‡f¤^i 2014 B÷vb© †Rvb eø¨vKAvDU nqt 04 A‡±vei 2022 SCADA Controlled wMÖW i‡q‡Qt wcwRwmwe, wcwWwe, †Wm‡Kv, wWwcwWwm About Recent Power Sector ১) দেশের পরবর্তী বৃহৎ Power Hub হশবেঃ পায়রা ও মার্তারবাড়ি। ২) দেশের প্রথম ৭৬৫দেড়ি ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইন হশবেঃ মার্তারবাড়ি-দমঘনাঘাট ৩) দেশের ২য় HVDC বযাে-টু-বযাে সাবশেোন ড়নমাণ ম হশছেঃ দেবপুর, েুড়মল্লা (আপার্তর্ত স্থড়ির্ত) ৪) বাাংলাশেশের দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টারেঃ ঢাোর আফর্তাবনিশর (পূশব ড়সদ্ধ ম িরিশে ড়িল) ৫) সাধারনর্ত ৩৩দেড়ি সাবশেোশন যুক্ত পাওয়ার প্লান্টশে 'ড়ডড়িড়বউশটড দেনাশরেন' বলা হয়। ৬) িারী ও মাঝাড়র ড়েল্প-োরখানার ড়নশেস্ব পাওয়ার প্লান্টশে 'েযাড়িি পাওয়ার প্লান্ট' বলা হয়। ৭) বাাংলাশেশে আইশসাশলশটড গ্রীড হশব- হাড়র্তয়া এবাং রাঙ্গাবালী ৮) দেশের দমাট চাড়হোর ১৫% এর দবড়ে ড়বেুযৎ িারর্ত, দনপাল ও িুটান দথশে আমোনী েরা হশব না এবাং প্রাইশিট দেনাশরেন ৪৫% এর দবড়ে হশব না। ৯) High Generation, Low Demand অঞ্চল হশছ ড়সশলট। High Demand, Low Generation অঞ্চল হশছ রাংপুর। ১০) Relay দে পাওয়ার ড়সশেশমর 'অর্তন্দ্র প্রহরী' এবাং ড়ডড়স বযােআপশে 'হাটম অব সাবশেোন' বলা হয়। ১১) Smart Grid এ প্রড়র্তটট পাওয়ার প্লাশন্টর িিড়নাংম ড়সশেম এবাং ড়ডড়িড়বউেন ড়ফডার স্বয়াংদ্ধিয়িাশব ড়নয়ড়ির্ত হশয় দিাশেে ও ড়িশোশয়ন্সী োবল রাখা হয়। বাাংলাশেশে আাংড়েেিাশব এই ড়সশেম চালু আশি। ১২) প্রােৃড়র্তে ও মানবসৃষ্ট েুশযাি ম দথশে দেশের পাওয়ার ড়সশেমশে ড়নরাপে রাখশর্ত বযােআপ দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টার রশয়শি- ড়বেুযৎ িবশন। ১৩) প্রস্তাড়বর্ত এড়েয়ান সুপার গ্রীশডর মশডল দেয়েঃ োপান। ১৪) এড়েয়ান সুপার গ্রীশড যুক্ত থােশবেঃ আশমড়রো, ইউশরাপ, আড়িো ও এড়েয়া মহাশেে। ১৫) পৃড়থবীর সববৃম হৎ গ্রীডেঃ ইউশরাপীয় সুপার গ্রীড। ১৬) ড়বশের দমাট ড়বেুযশর্তর ৪১% উৎপােন েশর চীন ও যুক্তরাষ্ট্র। ১৭) ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােশন বাাংলাশেশের অবস্থান ড়বশে ৩৮র্তম। ১৮) মাথাড়পিু ড়বেুযৎ খরশচ ড়বশে বাাংলাশেশের অবস্থান ১৭২র্তম। ১৯) ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ড়বেুযৎ গ্রীড- চায়না দেট গ্রীড। ২০) ড়বশে ২টট সুপার গ্রীড রশয়শিেঃ নথ আশমড়রো ম এবাং ইউশরাপ। ২১) সমগ্র ইউশরাপ মহাশেে এেটট গ্রীশড সাংযুক্ত। ২২) ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ড়সনশিানাস গ্রীডেঃ ইউশরাপীয়ান সুপার গ্রীড। ২৩) ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ পাওয়ার প্লান্ট- ড়ি েশেমস ডযাম, ২২.৫ড়িিাওয়াট, চীন। ২৪) ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন দোম্পানী- এশনল, ইর্তালী। ২৫) ড়বশের সশবাচ্চ ম ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােনোরী দেে- চীন। ২৬) ড়বশের েীর্ ৫ ম ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােনোরী দেেেঃ চীন, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, িারর্ত, রাড়েয়া, োপান। ২৭) িারশর্ত গ্রীশডর সাংখযা ৫টট, আশমড়রোয় ৯টট, বাাংলাশেশে ১টট। ২৮) অথননড়র্তে ম সক্ষমর্তার অনযর্তম ড়নয়ামেেঃ ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন ২৯) প্রস্তাড়বর্ত সুপার গ্রীডেঃ এড়েয়ান সুপার গ্রীড First One ১) দেশের প্রথম ও এেমাত্র পাড়নড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্রেঃ োপ্তাই পাড়ন ড়বেুযৎ প্লান্ট ২) দেশের প্রথম র্তাপড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্রেঃ ড়সদ্ধিরিে র্তাপড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্র ৩) দেশের প্রথম বায়ুড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্রেঃ মুহুরী প্রশেক্ট বায়ুড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্র, দসানািােী ৪) দেশের প্রথম েয়লা ড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্রেঃ বিপুেুড়রয়া ৫) প্রথম অনড়গ্রড দসালার পাওয়ার প্লান্টেঃ সড়রর্াবাড়ি ৬) প্রথম পারমানড়বে ড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্রেঃ রুপপুর ৭) প্রথম প্রাইশিট ড়বেুযৎ দেন্দ্রেঃ খুলনা বােম মাউশন্টড ৮) প্রথম ড়ডশেল পাওয়ার প্লান্টেঃ ধানমদ্ধি পাওয়ার হাউে ৯) প্রথম CCPP- আশুিে CCPP ১০) বাাংলাশেশের প্রথম ১৩২দেড়ি সঞ্চালন লাইনেঃ োপ্তাই-মেুনাঘাট-দমঘনাঘাট-হড়রপুর ১১) প্রথম ২৩০দেড়ি লাইনেঃ ইে-ওশয়ে ইন্টারোশনক্টর ১২) প্রথম ৪০০দেড়ি লাইনেঃ HVDC-India ১৩) প্রথম ৭৬৫দেড়ি লাইনেঃ মার্তারবাড়ি-মেুনাঘাট (সম্ভাবয) Article on Power Sector GRID বিদ্যুৎ গ্রীডঃ ইশলড়িেযাল গ্রীড হশছ উৎপােনোরী দথশে ড়বেুযর্তশে গ্রাহশের ড়নেট দপৌশি দেয়ার েনয ইন্টারোশনশক্টড দনটওয়ােম। ববেুযড়র্তে গ্রীশডর প্রধানর্ত ড়র্তনটট উপাোনেঃ i) দেনাশরটটাং দেেন ii) ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইন iii) েনেুমারস ইবিহাসঃ ১৯০১ সাশল ড়িশটশন প্রথম গ্রীড বযবস্থার চালু হয়। আয়র্তশনর ড়েে দথশে ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ গ্রীড হশছ নথ আশমড়রোন ম গ্রীড, যা ২দোটট ড়েশলাড়মটার েীঘ।ম উক্ত গ্রীড ৫০০টট দোম্পানী ের্তৃে ম পড়রচাড়লর্ত হয় এবাং প্রায় ২হাোর দোম্পানীশে যুক্ত েশরশি। এেেিাশব ড়বশের সবশচশয় বি গ্রীড চায়না দেট গ্রীড। ড়বশের সবশচশয় বি ড়সনশিানাস সুপার গ্রীড হশছ ইউশরাপীয়ান ট্রান্সড়মেন ড়সশেম অপাশরটর, যার সাশথ যুক্ত আশি ৩৬টট দেে। োপাশনর প্রস্তাড়বর্ত এড়েয়ান সুপার গ্রীশড যুক্ত হশব বাাংলাশেেও। 1000KV AC এবাং 800KV DC লাইশনর মাধযশম যুক্ত হশব চীন, রাড়েয়া, োপান, দোড়রয়া, ড়ফড়লপাইন, মালয়ড়েয়া, িারর্ত, বাাংলাশেেসহ েড়ক্ষন-পূব মএড়েয়ার প্রায় সেল দেে। ইহাই হশব পৃড়থবীর সববৃম হৎ গ্রীড, যার সাশথ োশনশক্টড থােশব ড়বশের দমাট ৪৮% ড়বেুযৎ বযবস্থা। নথ আশমড়রোন ম সুপার গ্রীশড ইন্টারোশনেেশন যুক্ত আশি ৯টট পৃথে গ্রীড, ইউশরাপীয় সুপার গ্রীশড যুক্ত আশি ৪৩টট গ্রীড, িারশর্তর োর্তীয় গ্রীশড যুক্ত আশি ৫টট গ্রীড। পৃড়থবীশর্ত প্রথম ১২০০দেড়ি ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইশনর পরীক্ষা চালায় দসাড়িশয়র্ত ইউড়নয়ন (১৯৮৫)। িারর্ত ২০১৩ সাশল পরীক্ষামুলে িাশব ১২০০দেড়ি সাবশেোন ও সঞ্চালন লাইন চালু েশর। চীন ১০০০দেড়ি সঞ্চালন লাইন ড়নমাশণর ম প্রেল্প শুরু েশর ২০০৫ সাশল। ড়বশের সশবাচ্চ ম ১১০০দেড়ি সঞ্চালন লাইন চীশন। ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ দরলওশয় পাওয়ার গ্রীড রশয়শি োমানীর, ম যা ২৫হাটম ে ড়িশোশয়ন্সীর। বেশঘযম ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ৪টট গ্রীডেঃ যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, ইউশরাপ, চীন এবাং রাড়েয়া। বাাংলাশেে ২০১৩ সাশল িারশর্তর সাশথ বযাে টু বযাে HVDC দেেশনর মাধযশম যুক্ত হয়। বাাংলাশেশের এেটট মাত্র গ্রীড এবাং স্বর্তি দোন অপাশরটটাং ড়সশেম দনই। ১৩,৭৯২ড়েেঃড়মেঃ সাড়েমট লাইশনর মাধযশম বাাংলাশেশের গ্রীশড যুক্ত আশি ১৪৯টট ড়বেুযৎশেন্দ্র এবাং ৪দোটট ০১লক্ষ গ্রাহে। দিিামারা এবাং েুড়মল্লা সীমান্ত ড়েশয় বাাংলাশেে ১১৬০দমিাওয়াট ড়বেুযৎ আমোনী েশর। ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােশন ড়বশে বাাংলাশেশের অবস্থান ৩৮র্তম এবাং ড়বেুযৎ বযবহাশর ১৭২র্তম। বাাংলাশেশের ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন ও উৎপােশনর ১০০% গ্রীড ের্তৃে ম ড়নয়ড়ির্ত হয় না, অড়ধোাংে ড়সশেম মযানুয়াড়ল ড়নয়ড়ির্ত হয়। ড়বশের সশবাচ্চ ম ড়সশেম লস হাইড়র্তশর্ত হয়, ৬০% এবাং সবড়নম্ন ম ড়সঙ্গাপুশর ২% মাত্র। বাাংলাশেশের ড়সশেম লস ১০.১২%। জািীয়_গ্রীডঃ বাাংলাশেশের সবশচশয় বি সাবশেোনেঃ আশুিে সাবশেোন। দেশের সবশচশয় েীঘর্তম ম ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইন হশবেঃ মার্তারবাড়ি-মেুনাঘাট-িুলর্তা ৭৬৫ দেড়ি লাইন। ইহা দেশের প্রথম ৭৬৫দেড়ি ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইন। দেশের ড়ির্তীয় বযাে টু বযাে HVDC সাবশেোন ড়নমাণ ম হশছ- েুড়মল্লায়। বাাংলাশেশে বর্তমমাশন ২টট গ্রীড ড়রাং রশয়শি- ঢাো ও চট্টগ্রাম। ৩য় গ্রীড ড়রাং হশব ড়সশলট। ২০২৫ সাশল দেশের সববৃম হৎ সুইড়চাং দেোন হশব দিাপালিশে। ২০২৪ সাশল বাাংলাশেশে ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােশনর প্রধান োাঁচামাল হশব েয়লা, এলএনদ্ধে এবাং ইউশরাড়নয়াম। বর্তমমাশন দেশের ৬৩% ড়বেুযৎ উৎপাড়ের্ত হয় প্রােৃড়র্তে িযাস দথশে। দেশের প্রথম সঞ্চালন লাইনেঃ মেুনাঘাট টু দমঘনাঘাট ১৩২দেড়ি লাইন। প্রথম উপশেন্দ্র- টঙ্গী উপশেন্দ্র। ২০২৫ সাশল বাাংলাশেশের সববৃম হৎ পাওয়ার হাব হশব- পায়রা, মার্তারবাড়ি, ঈেরেী-দিিামারা এবাং আশুিে। HVDC েুইটট গ্রীডশে যুক্ত েরার েনয HVDC এেটট েনড়প্রয় উপায়। বাড়ণদ্ধেযেিাশব সবপ্রথম ম ১৯৫৪সাশল সুইশডশন HVDC বযবহৃর্ত হয়। আন্তেঃসীমান্ত চুদ্ধক্তর মাধযশম িারর্ত দথশে ড়বেুযৎ আমোনীর লশক্ষয ২০১৪ সাশল বাাংলাশেশে প্রথম ৫০০দমিাওয়াট HVDC B2B substation স্থাপন েরা হয় েুটষ্টয়ার দিিামারায়। ২০১৮ সাশল আশরা ৫০০ দমিাওয়াট ক্ষমর্তা বৃদ্ধি েরা হয়। ড়বেবযাপী ১৪০টট HVDC সাবশেোন রশয়শি। িারশর্তর দ্ধত্রপুরা দথশে ড়বেুযৎ আমোনী েনয বাাংলাশেশে ড়ির্তীয় HVDC B2B সাবশেোন েুড়মল্লার দেবপুশর ড়নড়মর্তম হশছ। HVDC মুলর্ত ৩প্রোরেঃ ১) পশয়ন্ট টু পশয়ন্ট ট্রান্সড়মেন ২) বযাে টু বযাে দেেন ৩) মাড়ে টারড়মনাল ড়সশেম HVDC Back to Back Substation- েুইটট গ্রীডশে Interconnect েরার েনয HVDC B2B Substation বযবহৃর্ত হয়। উক্ত উপশেশন্দ্রর ইনপুট ও আউটপুশট HVAC থাশে। ড়েন্তু উপশেশন্দ্র প্রথশম এড়সশে ড়ডড়স, পশর আবার ড়ডড়সশে এড়স েশর আউটপুশট এড়স সরবরাহ দেয়া হয়। ফশল েুইটট পাওয়ার ড়সশেম পৃথে হশয় যায়। অশনে অঞ্চশল এেটট সাবশেোশন এড়স-ড়ডড়স আবার ড়ডড়স-এড়স না েশর; প্রথশম এড়স দথশে ড়ডড়সশর্ত রুপান্তর েরা হয়। এরপশর HVDC ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইশনর সাহাশযয ৫০-১০০০ড়েেঃড়মেঃ েুশরর উপশেশন্দ্র ড়ডড়স ট্রান্সড়মেন েরা হয়। র্তারপর আবার এড়সশর্ত রুপান্তর েশর গ্রীশড সরবরাহ েরা হয়। পৃড়থবীর েীঘর্তম ম ড়ডড়স ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইন হশছ িাদ্ধেশল, ২৩৭৫ড়েেঃড়মেঃ। দপাশটম া দিলশহাশর্ত ৫০০দেড়ি এড়সশে ড়ডড়সশর্ত েনিাটম েশর ২৩৭৫ড়েেঃড়মেঃ েীঘ ম৬০০দেড়ি ড়ডড়স ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইশনর সাহাশযয আরারাশোশয়রাশর্ত দপ্ররন েরা হয়। দসখাশন পুনরায় এড়সশর্ত েনিাটম েশর ২৩০দেড়ি এড়স ট্রান্সড়মেন লাইশনর সাহাশযয সাও-পাওশলা প্রশেশের গ্রীশড যুক্ত েরা হশয়শি। ড়বেড়বখযার্ত দোম্পানী ABB এবাং Alstom উক্ত গ্রীড ও উপশেন্দ্র ড়নমাণ ম েশরশি। বাাংলাশেশের HVDC B2B এর প্রশসসেঃ ১) সাবশেোশনর ইনপুট বাশস িারশর্তর বহরমপুর দথশে 104KM লাইশনর সাহাশযয 400kV HVAC সরবরাহ ড়নশয় আসা হশয়শি। ২) উপশেশন্দ্র ৪০০দেড়ি এড়সশে ট্রান্সফরমাশরর সাহাশযয দেপডাউন েশর েনিাটম াশরর ইনপুশট দেয়া হয়। ৩) েনিাটম াশর থাইড়রেশরর সাহাশযয এড়সশে ড়ডড়সশর্ত রুপান্তর েরা হয়। সাধারণর্ত েনিাটম ার ড়হশসশব থাইড়রের, মােমাড়র আেম িালি এবাং IGBT বযবহৃর্ত হয়। র্তশব সবাড়ধে ম েনড়প্রয় হশছ থাইড়রের। ৪) উক্ত ড়ডড়সশে িালি ঘশর পূনরায় এড়সশর্ত েনিাটম েরা হয়। ৫) উক্ত এড়সশে ট্রান্সফরমাশরর সাহাশযয ২৩০দেড়ি দেপ-আপ েশর বাাংলাশেশের গ্রীশড যুক্ত েরা হশয়শি। বযাে টু বযাশের সাহাশযয ড়বেুযৎ ইমশপাটম এবাং এক্সশপাটম উিয়টট েরা যায়। র্তাই অেুর িড়বর্যশর্ত িারশর্ত ড়বেুযৎ আমোনী েরার সুশযাি রশয়শি। বর্তমমাশন বাাংলাশেে িারর্ত দথশে ১১৬০দমিাওয়াট ড়বেুযৎ আমোনী েশর। Super Grid ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ইশলড়িেযাল গ্রীড হশছ- ইউশরাপীয় ইউড়নয়ন দনটওয়ােম অব ট্রান্সড়মেন ড়সশেম অপাশরটর অব ইশলড়িড়সটট। উক্ত দনটওয়াশেম যুক্ত আশি ৩৬টট দেশের ৪৩টট ইশলড়িেযাল গ্রীড। ২০০৮ সাশল প্রড়র্তটির্ত এই আন্ত-মহাশেেীয় গ্রীশডর সেরেপ্তর দবলদ্ধেয়াশমর রােধানী িাশসলশস। ৩ লাখ ১২হাোর ড়েশলাড়মটার েীঘ ম এই গ্রীশডর সাশথ যুক্ত আশি ৫৪দোটট মানুর্। ইউশরাপীয়ান গ্রীশডর উৎপােন ক্ষমর্তা ১০,২৩,৭২১দমিাওয়াট। প্রড়র্তবির প্রায় ৪লাখ দটরাওয়াট-আওয়ার পাওয়ার দেয়ার হয় এই গ্রীশডর মাধযশম। শুধু ইউশরাপ নয়; উক্ত গ্রীশড যুক্ত আশি উত্তর আড়িোর দেে মরশকা, ড়র্তউশনড়সয়া এবাং আলশেড়রয়া। ২০০৭ সাশল আশন্তাড়লনা বাট্টাড়িড়নর িশবর্না স্বরুপ ২০১৫ সাশল সুপার-স্মাটম গ্রীড বানাশনার আইড়ডয়া ড়নশয় হাদ্ধের হয় ইউশরাপীয় ইউড়নয়ন। ইউশরাশপর প্রস্তাড়বর্ত সুপার গ্রীশড যুক্ত থােশব সমগ্র ইউশরাপ, উত্তর আড়িো, মধযপ্রাচয এবাং োোখস্তান। ২০১১সাশল সম্পাড়ের্ত চুদ্ধক্ত অনুযায়ী ৪০০ড়বড়লয়ন ইউশরা ড়বড়নশয়াি েশর িূ মধযসািরীয় গ্রীড এবাং দডোটম পাওয়ার-২০৫০ নাশমর ২টট দমিাপ্রেল্পশে এেীিুর্ত েশর সুপার গ্রীড বাস্তবায়ন েরা হশব। মুলর্ত উত্তর আড়িো এবাং মধযপ্রাশচযর মরুিূ ড়মশর্ত োনবােৃড়র্তর দসালার পাওয়ার প্লান্ট এবাং িূ মধযসািশরর েড়ক্ষণ র্তীশর বায়ুড়বেুযর্ত প্লান্ট বড়সশয় ইশলড়িেযাল পাওয়ারশে ইউশরাশপ ড়নশয় দযশর্তই এই দমিাপ্রশেক্ট হাশর্ত দনয়া হয়। সাহারা মরুিূ ড়মশর্ত প্রড়র্ত ৬ঘন্টায় দয পড়রমাণ সূশযরম আশলা পশি, দসটা ড়েশয় ড়বশের এেবিশরর ড়বেুযশর্তর চাড়হো পূরণ েরা সম্ভব। র্তাই আড়িোয় ২০ড়িিাওয়াট উৎপােন েশর ইউশরাশপ ৫ড়িিাওয়াট ড়বেুযৎ আমোনী েরা হশব। যুক্তরাশষ্ট্রর এেটট দোম্পানী ইড়র্তমশধযই আড়িোয় ৫৫০দমিাওয়াশটর দসালার পাওয়ার প্লান্ট স্থাপন েশরশি। েীবাশ্ম জ্বালানী না পুড়িশয় গ্রীন- এনাদ্ধেখ ম যার্ত দসালার ও ওয়াইি পাওয়ার বযবহার েশর ড়বেুযশর্তর চাড়হো ড়নবারন েরাই এই প্রশেশক্টর লক্ষয। ৯০লক্ষ বিড়েশলাড়মটার ম আয়র্তশনর সাহারা মরুিূ ড়মশর্ত বিশর িশি ৪০০০ঘন্টা সূশযরম আশলা পাওয়া যায়। এই প্রেশল্পর সাশথ ইউশরাশপর ২০টট ড়বখযার্ত দোম্পানী যুক্ত আশি। ১৩টট টাইমশোশন ড়বিক্ত থাোয় ড়বোল আয়র্তশনর এই সুপার-গ্রীশডর েমক্ষমর্তা ম ও পড়রড়ধ হশব অেল্পনীয়। . উশল্লখয; সুপারগ্রীড ধারনাটট পঞ্চাশের েেশে েনড়প্রয় হয়। সাশবে দসাড়িশয়র্ত ইউড়নয়শন প্রথম সুপার গ্রীড বর্তরী েরা হয় ইউড়নয়নিুক্ত দেেসমুশহর ইশলড়িেযাল গ্রীডশে যুক্ত েরার েনয। োপান েড়ক্ষন-পূব এড়েয়ার ম েনয এড়েয়ান সুপার গ্রীশডর মশডল উপস্থাপন েশরশি, দযখাশন যুক্ত থােশব িারর্ত, বাাংলাশেে, চীন, রাড়েয়া, োপান, দোড়রয়া, থাইলযািসহ পূব এড়েয়ার ম সব দেে। বর্তমমাশন গ্রাহে সাংখযার ড়েে দথশে ড়বশের সবশচশয় বি গ্রীড হশছ চায়না দেট গ্রীড এবাং আয়র্তশন বি হশছ নথ আশমড়রোন ম গ্ররীড। Power System of Bangladesh বাাংলাশেশে ড়বেুযশর্তর দহালশসলার হশছ ড়পড়ডড়ব। ট্রান্সশপাশটম সশনর োড়য়ত্ব হশছ ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়বর। খুচরা ড়বশির্তা হশছেঃ NESCO, DESCO, DPDC, WZPDC, BREB, PDB..। উৎপােে ড়হশসশব আশিেঃ PDB, RPCL, NWPGCL, APSCL, EGCB, BCFCL এর মর্ত সরোর ড়নয়ড়ির্ত ড়বড়িন্ন প্রড়র্তিান। পাোপাড়ে প্রাইশিট মাড়লোনাধীন Summit, United, Lanka bangla, Desh Energy, Orion, S Alam Etc দোম্পানীও ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন েশর। প্রাইশিট প্রড়র্তিানশে পাওয়ার প্লান্ট স্থাপশনর অনুশমােন দেয় ড়পড়ডড়ব। র্তশব সরোড়র-দবসরোড়র সব পাওয়ার প্লান্ট; র্তাশের উৎপাড়ের্ত ড়বেুযৎ- োর্তীয় ড়গ্রডশে সরবরাহ েশর। োর্তীয় ড়গ্রড ড়নয়িণ েশর ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব। বেড়নে োর্তীয় চাড়হোর ড়িড়ত্তশর্ত- দোন পাওয়ার প্লান্ট, ের্ত দমিাওয়াট ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন েরশব; দসই স্বীিান্ত দেয় দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টার। দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টার পড়রচালনা েশর ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব। উন্নর্ত ড়বশে দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টার স্বর্তি প্রড়র্তিান হশয় থাশে। প্রায় ১৪৯টট পাওয়ার প্লান্ট বাাংলাশেশের োর্তীয় ড়গ্রশডর সাশথ যুক্ত আশি। চাড়হো অনুযায়ী র্তারা ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন েশর। Step-Down ট্রান্সফরমার িারা দেশের ড়বড়িন্ন ড়গ্রড উপশেশন্দ্রর মাধযশম উৎপাড়ের্ত ড়বেুযৎ ৬টট ড়বর্তরন সাংস্থাশে সরবরাহ েশর ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব। ড়বড়নমশয় ড়বর্তরন সাংস্থা দথশে প্রড়র্ত ইউড়নশটর েনয হুইড়লাং চােম পায় ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব। Small, Medium & Big Consumer দের চাড়হো অনুযায়ী ড়বড়িন্ন দিাশেশে ড়বেুযৎ সরবরাহ েশর ড়বর্তরণ সাংস্থাগুশলা। বাসাবাড়িশর্ত ২৩০দিাশে ড়বেুযৎ দেয়া হয়, অপরড়েশে ড়েল্পোরখানাশে ১১/৩৩/১৩২/২৩০দেড়ি দিাশেশে ড়বেুযৎ ড়েশর্ত হয়৷ দযশহর্তু ১৩২/২৩০দেড়ি লাইন রশয়শি ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়বর। র্তাই বি ড়েল্পোরখানাগুশলা সরাসড়র ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব দথশেই লাইন দপশয় থাশে। ড়েন্তু ড়বেুযশর্তর ড়বল দেয় ড়পড়ডড়বশে। দেশের সবগুশলা পাওয়ার দেেন ড়বেুযৎ দেয় ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়বর ড়নয়িণাধীন ড়গ্রশড। ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােশনর পড়রমাণ ড়নধারণ ম েশর দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টার। পাওয়ার প্লান্ট দোম্পানীগুশলাশে উৎপাড়ের্ত ড়বেুযশর্তর েনয ড়বল দেয় ড়পড়ডড়ব। ৬টট ড়বর্তরন সাংস্থাশে ড়বেুযৎ দপৌশি দেয় ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব। ড়বড়নমশয় র্তারা প্রড়র্ত ইউড়নশটর েনয প্রায় ০.২৮টাো েশর চােম দনয়, ড়বর্তরণ সাংস্থাগুশলা দথশে। ড়বর্তরণ সাংস্থাগুশলা ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়বর ড়নয়িাধীন ড়গ্রড দথশে ড়বেুযৎ গ্রহণ েরশলও, গ্রহণেৃর্ত ড়বেুযশর্তর েনয ড়বল ড়েশর্ত হয় ড়পড়ডড়বশে। অথযাৎ ম দেশের ড়বেুযৎ িয়-ড়বিশয়র এেমাত্র প্রড়র্তিান ড়পড়ডড়ব। ড়পড়ডড়ব দথশে িয়েৃর্ত ড়বেুযৎ, েনিশনর ড়নেট ড়বদ্ধি েশর আয় েশর ড়বর্তরণ সাংস্থা। ড়নরড়বদ্ধছন্ন ড়বেুযশর্তর দসবা ড়নদ্ধির্ত েরার েনয ড়েল্পগ্রাহেশের েযাড়িি পাওয়ার প্লান্ট এবাং ড়বর্তরণ সাংস্থাশে Distributed Power Plant দথশে ড়বেুযৎ চাড়হো দমটাশনার অনুমড়র্ত প্রোন েশরশি সরোর। ফশল দিাট-বি ড়েল্পোরখানাগুশলা ড়নশেশের চাড়হো দমটাশনার েনয ড়নশেস্ব পাওয়ার প্লান্ট স্থাপশনর অনুমড়র্ত পায়। যাশে বলা হয় েযাড়িি পাওয়ার প্লান্ট। েযাড়িি পাওয়ার প্লান্ট ড়েশয় ড়নশেশের চাড়হো দমটাশনার পাোপাড়ে োর্তীয় ড়গ্রশড সরবরাহ েশর, আয় েরার সুশযাি রশয়শি। অপরড়েশে গ্রামীন অঞ্চশল দলা-দিাশেশের সমসযা প্রেট ড়িল। র্তাই সরোর পল্লী ড়বেুযর্তশে স্থানীয় ড়েিু দিাট দিাট পাওয়ার প্লান্ট দথশে ড়বেুযৎ িশয়র অনুমড়র্ত প্রোন েশর। এই সেল SIPP (Small Independent Power Plant) সরাসড়র পল্লীড়বেুযৎ অথবা ড়বর্তরন সাংস্থার উপশেশন্দ্র ড়বেুযৎ সরবরাহ েশর। ড়গ্রশডর সাশথ এই সেল পাওয়ার প্লান্ট যুক্ত না। এই সেল পাওয়ার প্লাশন্টর ড়বল স্থানীয় পল্লী ড়বেুযৎ সড়মড়র্ত অথবা ড়বর্তরণ সাংস্থা আোয় েশর। গ্রীডশে দোন হুইড়লাং চােম ড়েশর্ত হয় না। ড়পড়ডড়বর ড়নেট িয়-ড়বিয় েরশর্ত হয় না। Distribution ইড়র্তহাসেঃ ১৮৮২ সাশলর ৪ঠা দসশিম্বর টমাস আলিা এড়ডসশনর এড়ডসন লাইট দোম্পানী ড়নউইয়শেমর মযানহাটন এলাোয় প্রথম ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন ড়সশেম চালু েশরন। ড়র্তড়ন মাত্র ১১০দিাশের ড়ডড়স সাপ্লাই ড়ডড়িড়বউেন লাইশনর সাহাশযয ৫৯েন গ্রাহেশে ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন েশরন।উইড়লয়াম দেনড়লর ট্রান্সফমার ম আড়বষ্কার এবাং ১৮৮৬সাশল ওশয়ড়েন হাউে এড়স পাওয়ার ড়সশেম আড়বষ্কার েরশল ড়ডড়সর পড়রবশর্তম এড়স ড়ডড়িড়বউেন েনড়প্রয় হশয় উশঠ। থমসন-হুেন দোম্পানী এবাং ওশয়ড়েন হাউশের এড়স ড়ডড়িড়বউেন ড়সশেম এশের পর এে েহশর এড়স পাওয়ার প্লান্ট স্থাপন েরশল, এড়ডসশনর বযাটাড়র চাড়লর্ত ড়ডড়স পাওয়ার প্লান্ট বন্ধ হশয় যায়। টমাস এড়ডসন এড়স পাওয়াশরর দঘার-ড়বশরাড়ধ ড়িশলন। ১৯৯২ সাশল দ্ধেড়প মরিান ের্তৃে ম এড়ডসন ইশলড়িে এবাং থমসন-হুেন ইশলড়িেশে এেীিুর্ত েশর ড়বেড়বখযার্ত দেনাশরল ইশলড়ক্টে দোম্পানী প্রড়র্তটষ্টর্ত েরশল সমাড়প্ত ঘশট এড়স ও ড়ডড়সর বহুল আশলাড়চর্ত “োশরন্ট যুি” এর। মানবর্তাবােী ড়বজ্ঞানী ড়নশোলা দটসলার আড়বষ্কৃর্ত এড়স ড়সশেমশে েনিশনর উপশযািী েশর িশি র্তু লশর্ত ওশয়ড়েন হাউে এবাং দবোড়মন লযাড়মর অবোন অনস্বীোয,ম র্তাশের হার্ত ধশরই এড়স ড়ডড়িড়বউেন ড়সশেম প্রসার লাি েশর। ১৮৯৫ সাশল ড়ি-দফে ড়সশেম চালু েশর ওশয়ড়েন হাউে ইশলড়িে দোম্পানী এবাং ১৮৯৬সাশল দেনাশরল ইশলড়িশের সাশথ দযৌথ উশেযাশি ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন শুরু েশর। বর্তমমান ড়ডড়িড়বউেনেঃ বর্তমমাশন সবড়নন্ম ম ১১০দিাে, ৫০হােম এড়স ড়ডড়িড়বউেন ড়সশেম প্রচড়লর্ত আশি। এিািাও ১১৫, ১২০, ১২৭, ২২০, ২৩০, ২৪০দিাে ড়বর্তরন ড়সশেম রশয়শি ড়বড়িন্ন দেশে। ৫০হােম এবাং ৬০হােম েুধরশনর ড়িেুশয়ন্সীশর্ত ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন েরা হয় ড়িন্ন ড়িন্ন দেশে। র্তশব োপাশন ৫০ এবাং ৬০হােম উিয় প্রোর পাওয়ার ড়সশেম রশয়শি।উত্তর আশমড়রো ৬০হােম বযবহার েশর, ড়বশের অনযানয স্থাশন ৫০হােম বযবহৃর্ত হয়। ৪০০দিাে (ড়ি-দফে) এবাং ২২০ বা ২৩০দিাে (ড়সশঙ্গল দফে) এবাং ৫০হােম হশছ ড়বেবযাপী বহুল বযবহৃর্ত ড়ডড়েড়বউেন ড়সশেম।সাধারণর্ত গ্রামীন এলাোয় ওিারশহড ড়ডড়িড়বউেন ড়সশেম এবাং েহশর আিারগ্রাউি ড়বর্তরন বযবস্থা বযবহৃর্ত হয়। ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ড়ডড়িড়বউেন দোম্পানীগুশলা হশছেঃ চীন দেট পাওয়ার েশপাশরেন, ম ড়ডউে এনাদ্ধে ম (যুক্তরাষ্ট্র), দনক্সটইরা (যুক্তরাষ্ট্র), ইশনল (ইর্তালী)। চীন ড়বশের সববৃম হৎ ড়বেুযৎ বযবহারোরী দেে। বাাংলাশেেেঃ বাাংলাশেশে ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন সম্পূন ম ড়পড়ডড়বর ড়নয়িণাধীন। ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়ব ড়বেুযর্তশে পড়রবহন েশর রাষ্ট্রায়ত্ব ৬টট ড়বর্তরন দোম্পাড়নর ড়নেট দপৌশি দেয়, ড়বড়নমশয় পড়রবহন ড়ফ পায়। সরোরী-দবসরোরী ড়বেুযর্তশেন্দ্র দথশে ড়বেুযর্ত িয় েশর, দসই ড়বেুযৎ ৬টট ড়বর্তরন দোম্পাড়নর ড়নেট ড়বদ্ধি েশর ড়পড়ডড়ব। এরপশর ৬টট ড়বর্তরন দোম্পানী েনিশনর ড়নেট ড়বেুযর্ত ড়বর্তরন েশর। গ্রামীণ এলাোয় শুধুমাত্র পল্লীড়বেুযৎ পাওয়ার ড়ডড়িড়বউেন েশর। ঢাো েহশর ড়ডড়পড়ডড়স এবাং দডসশো, উত্তরাঞ্চশল দনসশো, পদ্ধিমাঞ্চশল ওশোপাড়ডশো এবাং অনযানয স্থাশন ড়পড়ডড়ব ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন েশর। িােীপুর দেলার িাওয়াল পরিনার রাো বাাংলাশেশের প্রথম ড়বেুযৎ বযবহারোরী। ১৯০১ সাশল ঢাোর নবাব আহসানউল্লাহর বাসিবশন এেটট দেনাশরটর স্থাপন েরা হয়। ১৯০১ সাশলর ৭ ড়ডশসম্বর ড়ম. দবােন নাশম েননে ড়িটটে নািড়রে আহসান মদ্ধেশল সুইচ টটশপ প্রথম ড়বেুযৎ সরবরাশহর সূচনা েশরন। নবাব আহসানউল্লাহর অথানু ম েূশলয অক্টাড়িয়াস ড়েল নামে দোম্পাড়ন র্তৎোলীন ঢাোর গুরুত্বপূণ েশয়েটট ম সিে ও আহসান মদ্ধেলসহ পযায়িশম ম ঢাোর েশয়েটট অড়িোর্ত িবনশে ড়বেুযৎ সরবরাহ বযবস্থার আওর্তায় এশনড়িল। এই দোম্পাড়নর ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন ক্ষমর্তা অশনে েম থাোয় র্তাশের ড়বেুযৎ সরবরাহ শুধু অড়িোর্ত এলাোশর্তই সীমাবি ড়িল। ১৯১৯ সাশল ‘দডিশো’ নামে ড়িটটে দোম্পাড়নর মাধযশম ঢাোয় সীড়মর্ত আোশর ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরণ বযবস্থার প্রথম বাড়ণদ্ধেযে ড়বোে শুরু হয়। পরবর্তীশর্ত ১৯৩৩ সাশল ওই দোম্পাড়ন ঢাোর পরীবাশি প্রায় ৬ দমিাওয়াট ক্ষমর্তাসম্পন্ন ‘ধানমদ্ধি পাওয়ার হাউে’ ড়নমাণ ম েশর বাড়ণদ্ধেযেিাশব ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরণ শুরু েশর। বর্তমমাশন বাাংলাশেশে সবড়নম্ন ম ২৩০দিাে, ৫০হােম ড়বেুযৎ ড়বর্তরন েরা হয়। র্তশব ড়ডড়িড়বউেশনর সশবাচ্চ ম দিাশেে ৩৩দেড়ি। Independent System Operator এেটট দেশের পাওয়ার ড়সশেমশে ড়নয়িণ েশর দয সাংস্থা, র্তাশে বশল Independent System Operator (ISO)...। এেটট দেশের গ্রাহে চাড়হোর সাশথ সমন্বয় েশর ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােশনর পূবািাস ম দেয়া, দসই অনুযায়ী ড়বড়িন্ন ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন দোম্পানীর ড়নেট দথশে ড়বেুযৎ িয় েশর ISO...। উত্তর আশমড়রোর ড়বড়িন্ন অঞ্চশলর ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােন ও সঞ্চালনশে ড়নয়িণ েরশর্ত ৭টট ISO ড়বেযমান রশয়শি। ইউশরাশপর ৪০টট ISO পরস্পর যুক্ত হশয় ইন্টার-েড়ন্টশনটাল সুপার গ্রীড সৃটষ্ট েশরশি। দয দনটওয়াশেম যুক্ত আশি ইউশরাশপর ২৪টট দেে। বাাংলাশেশে বর্তমমাশন চাড়হোর সাশথ ড়বেুযৎ উৎপােশনর পূবািাস ম দেয় নযােনাল দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টার (NLDC)...। ড়েন্তু ড়বেুযশর্তর মুলয মুক্তবাোর পিড়র্তশর্ত ড়নধাড়রর্ত ম হয় না। র্তশব িড়বর্যশর্ত বাাংলাশেশেও Independent System Operator চালু হশর্ত পাশরদয সাংস্থা ড়নয়িণ েরশব দেশের দেনাশরেন ও ট্রান্সড়মেন ড়সশেমশে। ল াড লডসপাস লসন্টার ববেুযড়র্তে গ্রীডশে দেন্দ্রীয়িাশব ড়নয়িণ, পযশবক্ষণ ম এবাং সমন্বয় েরার োে েশর দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার। দলাড দডসপাচ দসন্টাশরর হাশর্ত থাশে এেটট দেশের বা প্রশেশের বা অঞ্চশলর সেল পাওয়ার প্লান্ট, ড়বর্তরণ ও গ্রীড সাবশেোন এবাং পাওয়ার ট্রান্সফরমাশরর ড়নয়িণ। উত্তর আশমড়রোয় ৭টট গ্রীশডর েনয ৭টট আঞ্চড়লে দডসপাস দসন্টার রশয়শি, দেন্দ্রীয়িাশব েদ্ধেয় ম া দথশে ৭টট গ্রীডশে ড়নয়িণ েরা হয়। িারশর্ত ৫টট আঞ্চড়লে গ্রীড রশয়শি, প্রড়র্তটট গ্রীশড দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার রশয়শি। এিািাও ড়েল্লীর পাওয়ার ড়সশেম অপাশরেন দথশে ৫টট গ্রীডশে েশরাল েরা হয়। বাাংলাশেশে গ্রীড এেটট, র্তাই দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টারও এেটট। র্তশব বগুিা ও খুলনায় ২টট আঞ্চড়লে দডসপাস দসন্টার রশয়শি। বাাংলাশেশের দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টারটট ঢাোর আফর্তাবনিশর অবড়স্থর্ত। পূশব ম ড়িল ড়সদ্ধিরিশে। বাাংলাশেশে এেটট বযাোপ দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার রশয়শি ঢাোর ড়বেুযর্ত িবশন। আফর্তাবনিশরর দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টারটট ড়নমাণ ম েশর িাশন্সর এশরিা দোম্পানী, ২০১০ সাশল। ইহা ড়পদ্ধেড়সড়বর অধীশন পড়রচাড়লর্ত হয়। মুলর্ত দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার এেটট দেশের বা গ্রীশডর ড়বেুযশর্তর উৎপােন, সঞ্চালন ও ড়বর্তরনশে পযশবক্ষণ ম ও ড়নয়িণ েশর। ড়েশনর ২৪ঘন্টা ড়বেুযশর্তর চাড়হো সমান থাশে না। আবার বিশরর ৩৬৫ড়েন চাড়হোও সমান থাশে না। ঋর্তু অনুযায়ী চাড়হো বাশি েশম। প্রােৃড়র্তে েুশযাি, ম ড়বশের্ উৎসব, ধমীয় ড়েবস ও বশন্ধর ড়েশন চাড়হো েশম বাশি। সেল ফযাক্টর ড়বশবচনা েশর ড়বেুযশর্তর চাড়হোর পূবািাস ম দেয়া এবাং দসই অনুযায়ী প্লান্টগুশলাশে উৎপােশনর অনুমড়র্ত ও দোটা প্রোন েশর দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার। অপরড়েশে দযশোন ববেুযড়র্তে ফশে ড়সশেমশে দ্রুর্ত সমশয় স্বািাড়বে অবস্থায় ড়নশয় আসশর্ত োে েশর দডসপাস দসন্টার৷ এিািাও আন্তেঃসীমান্ত ড়বেুযর্ত আমোনী ড়নয়িণ েশর বাাংলাশেশের দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার। বাাংলাশেশের ১০০% পাওয়ার দেনাশরেন ও ড়ডড়িড়বউেন দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার ের্তৃে ম স্বয়াংদ্ধিয়িাশব ড়নয়ড়ির্ত হয় না; উন্নর্ত ড়বশে যা হয়। বর্তমমাশন বাাংলাশেশে স্মাটম গ্রীড বর্তরীর োে চলশি এবাং Independent System Operator (ISO) ড়হশসশব োর্তীয় দলাড দডসপাস দসন্টার দেশের দযশোন পাওয়ার প্লাশন্টর উৎপােন, ৩৩দেড়ি ড়ফডার, সঞ্চালন লাইনসহ দেশের সামড়গ্রে পাওয়ার ড়সশেমশে স্বয়াংদ্ধিয়িাশব ড়নয়িণ েরশব। সািস্টেশাস্টে লেে পাথর িুিহার েরা হয়...? ১) Ground Potential Rise (GPR) েমাশনার েনয। উচ্চ দিাশেশের লাইন হশর্ত গ্রাউশি োশরন্ট প্রবাড়হর্ত হয়। পাথর গ্রাউশির দরদ্ধেেযান্স বৃদ্ধি েশর উক্ত োশরন্টশে ড়নয়িণ েশর। ২) Step Potential এবাং Touch Potential েমাশনার েনয। উচ্চ দিাশেশের দোন ড়ফশে িড়র্তেীল দোন েু'পাশয়র স্তনযপায়ী প্রাণীর েুইপাশয়র মধযবর্তী দিাশেেশে Step Potential বলা হয়। সাবশেোশনর গ্রাউদ্ধিাং েুবলম হশল অথবা পশটনড়েয়াল ইনবযাশলন্স অবস্থার সৃটষ্ট হশল; সাবশেোশন হাটার সময় েুইপাশয়র মধযবর্তী স্থাশন দিাশেে ড়ডফাশরন্স সৃটষ্ট হশয় েে পাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা থাশে। পাথর থােশল দরদ্ধেেযান্স বৃদ্ধি পায়, েশের ঝুাঁড়ে েশম। Touch Potential হশছ দোন ইশলড়িেযাল যি হাশর্ত ধশর োে েরার সময় মানুশর্র হার্ত ও পাশয়র মধযবর্তী দিাশেে। এই দিাশেে দবড়ে হশল ববেুযড়র্তে েে পায় মানুর্। ৩) সাবশেোশন ঘাস ও আিািা েন্মাশনা দরাধ েশর পাথর। পাথশরর পড়রবশর্তম মাটট থােশল দ্রুর্ত িািপালা উশঠ। বৃটষ্ট হশল োাঁোমাটটশর্ত ড়পদ্ধছল হশয় যায়। ৪) পাথর বযবহাশরর োরশন সাপ, ইাঁেুর, বযাঙ এবাং অনযানয দিাটপ্রানীর চলাচল বন্ধ হশয় যায়। এশের চলাচশলর োরশন উপশেশন্দ্রর যিপাড়র্ত েটম সাড়েমট হশয় দযশর্ত পাশর। ৫) পাথশর ড়লশেে দর্তল েমশর্ত পাশর না। ফশল অড়িোশির ঝুাঁড়ে েশম। ৬) পাথর োংদ্ধিট ঢালাইশয়র দচশয় খরচ েম এবাং পাথর সড়রশয় সহশে গ্রাউদ্ধিাং পড়রবর্তমন ও নর্তু ন গ্রাউদ্ধিাং েরা যায়। cvIqvi †m±‡ii wewfbœ cÖwZôv‡bi Z_¨t weZib cÖwZôv MÖvnK evsjv‡`k we`y¨r Dbœqb †evW© (wcwWwe) 1jv †g 1972 36.7 jÿ 3824 ‡gvU weZiY jvBb (wKtwgt) 38865 XvKv cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb †Kv¤úvwb wjwg‡UW (wWwcwWwm) 25‡k A‡±ve i 2005 16.0 5 jÿ 493 5916 XvKv B‡jw±ªK mvcøvB †Kv¤úvwb wjwg‡UW (†Wm‡Kv) 3iv Ryb 1996 11.5 7 jÿ 620.14 5617.7 2 b_v©b© B‡jw±ªwmwU mvcøvB †Kv¤úvwb (‡bm‡Kv) 1jv A‡±ve i 2016 18.1 3 jÿ 1480 24191 I‡q÷ †Rvb cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb †Kv¤úvwb wjwg‡UW (I‡RvcvwW‡K v) 04 b‡f¤^i 2002 14.5 7 jÿ 1884.1 12484. 5 evsjv‡`k cjøx 1977 we`y¨vZvqb ‡evW© (AviBwe) 3.42 †KvwU 21218.7 6 5.77 jÿ ms¯’v 33‡Kwf jvBb (wKtwgt) mve‡÷kb mvwf©m Gwiqv PÆMÖvg, wm‡jU, gqgbwms n I XvKv wefv‡Mi 214wU _vbv bvivqbM Ä kni, k¨vgjx, †k‡ievsj v bMi, †ZuRMvI, XvKv `wÿY wmwU, †Wgiv U½x, DËiv, ¸jkvb, evwiaviv, AvMviMvuI , evÇv, wLj‡ÿZ, c~ev©Pj, wgicyi ivRkvnx I iscyi wefv‡Mi 16wU †Rjv I 39wU Dc‡Rjv kni Lyjbv, ewikvj I dwi`cyi A‡ji 21wU †Rjv kni I 20wU Dc‡Rjv kni cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg e¨wZZ 61wU †Rjvi 462wU Dc‡Rjv AvqZb (eM© wKtwgt) Pvwn`v (†gMvIqvU ) wm‡÷g jm Avq (2021 -22) Aby‡gvw` Z gyjab wcª‡cBW wgUvi wefv MI ‡Rvb BER C jvB‡mÝ 65wU I 4wU - 15 jÿ - cÖ‡KŠkjx †gvt gvneyeyi ingvb UªvÝdigvi 27904wU GgwW ‡Pqvig¨v b 156wU (5634 GgweG) - 2044 6.29 % 3232 †KvwU UvKv ÿwZ 84wU (4361 GgwfG) 250 1806 6.06 % 166.3 6 10,000 †KvwU 36wU I 3wU 11 A‡±vei 2022 5.92 jÿ cÖ‡KŠkjx weKvk †`Iqvb †gvt nvweeyi ingvb 256 wKwg mÂvjb jvBb, UªvÝdgv©i 22952wU 60wU 245 1143 5.62 % 50.4 †KvwU 2000 †KvwU 24wU I 3wU 15 b‡f¤^i 2007 5.83j ÿ cÖ‡KŠkjx †gvt KvImvi Avgxi Avjx ‡gvt wbRvg DwÏb wMÖW Dc‡K›`ªt 14wU 77wU (2591 GgweG) - 856 9.92 % 31.12 †KvwU 5000 †KvwU 55wU I 2wU - - RvwKDj Bmjvg Wt ˆmq` gvmyg Avn‡g` †Pva~ix UªvÝdgv©i 10200wU 76wU (2086.7 2 GgweG) 4190. 2 674 8.01 % 7.5 ‡KvwU 4000 †KvwU 48wU I 1wU - 4.81 jÿ ‡gvt †gvt AvRnviæ byiæj j Bmjvg Avjg UªvÝdgv©i 10010wU 1298wU (17460 GgweG) - 8606 9.01 % 106.6 †KvwU - 80wU mwgw Z - - - UªvÝdigvi 14,22,445w U ‡gvt †mwjg DwÏb 1. Wattage Of APPLIANCES Air Conditioner (1 TON) 32 Inch LCD TV 32 Inch LED TV Ceiling Fan Computer Water Pump Room Heater Electric Iron Electric Kettle Blender Printer Electric Iron Laptop Computer LED Light Bulb Microwave Oven Refrigerator Washing Machine Vacuum Cleaner Washing Machine WATTAGE (MAXIMUM) 1000W 80W 60W 80W 450W 1500W 3000W 1500W 3000W 400W 30W 1000W 120W 10W 2500W 200W 2500W 900W 500W B‡j±ªwbK I B‡jw±ªK¨vj wWfvB‡mi bvg I cÖZxKt Symbol Name Single Cell JFET-P Type Diode DC Battery Supply Zener Diode Schottky Diode Varicap Diode Light Emitting Diode Operational Amplifier NPN Transistor DC Voltage Source DC Current Source Controlled Voltage Source Controlled Current Source AC Voltage Source SPST Toggle Switch SPDT Changeover Switch Pushbutton Switch (N.O) Pushbutton Switch (N.C) Light Emitting Diode (LED) PNP Transistor NMOS PMOS Single Cell DC Battery Supply DC Voltage Source DC Current Source Controlled Voltage Source Phototransistor Photodiode N-channel DMOSFET Solar Cell Darlington Connection Photoresistor Fixed Value Capacitor P-channel DMOSFET N-channel EMOSFET Fixed Value Capacitor JFET-N Type Polarized Capacitor Variable Capacitor P-channel EMOSFET IGBT NOT Gate JFET-P Type AND Gate Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) NAND Gate Triac OR Gate NMOS Diac NOR Gate XOR Gate PMOS XNOR Gate Unijunction Transistor evsjv‡`‡ki e„nËg cvIqvi cøv›U No. Power Stations 1. Payra 1320 MW Producer BCPCL Installed Capacity 2*622 Present Capacity 1244 BIFPCL 660*2 617 2*150+1*150 1*282+1*132 1*273+1*139 1*278+1*132 284*1+116*1 285*1+134*1 450 414 412 410 400 400 2. Rampal 1320 MW 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Meghnaghat 450 MW CCPP IPP Sirajgonj 400 MW CCPP Unit-4 NWPGCL Haripur 412 MW CCPP EGCB Bheramara 410 MW CCPP NWPGCL Ashuganj 420 MW CCPP (East) APSCL Bibiyana-III 400 MW CCPP PDB 9. Bibiyana South 400 MW PDB 400 MW 383 10. Ghorasal 365 MW CCPP Unit-7 PDB 1*243+1*122 365 we‡k¦i me©e„nr cvIqvi cøv›U Sl Station 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Three Gorges Dam Baihetan Dam Itaipu Dam Xiluodu Belo Monte Guri Wudongde Dam Jebel Ali 9. 10. Tucuruí Jiuquan Country China China Brazil China Brazil Venezuela China United Arab Emirates Brazil China R¡vjvbxwfwËK we‡k¦i me©e„nr cvIqvi cøv›U Type Power Plant Coal Tuoketuo Oil Shoaiba Natural Gas Jebel Ali Power Nuclear Kori Biomass Drax Geothermal The Geysers Hydro Tree Gorges Tidal Sihwa Lake Solar Bhadla Solar Park Wind Gansu Pumped Storage Fengning Our FB Group School of Engineers Capacity (MW) 22,500 16,000 14,000 13,860 11,233 10,235 10,200 8,695 8,370 7,965 Type Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Natural gas Hydro Wind Country Capacity (MW) China 6,720 Saudi Arabia 5,600 United Arab Emirates 8,695 South Korea 7,489 UK 2,595 United States 1,517 China 22,500 South Korea 254 India 2,700 China 7,965 China 3,600 cvIqvi †m±‡ii weMZ mv‡ji cÖkœ I mgvavbt Sl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Exam PGCB (Electrical & Civil SAE) PGCB (Electronics SAE) PGCB (Electrical SAE 1st Shift) PGCB (Electrical SAE 2nd Shift) PGCB (Mechanical SAE) PGCB (Civil SAE) PGCB (Trade Instructor) PGCB (EEE AE) BCPCL & CPGCBL (Electrical & Mechanical SAE) PGCB (SAE) PGCB (AE) PGCB (SAE) PGCB(AE) DESCO (SAE) DESCO (AE) DESCO (SAE) DPDC (SAE) DPDC (AE) DPDC (SAE) DPDC (AE) NESCO (SAE) NESCO (AE) NESCO (SAE) NESCO (AE) WZPDCL (SAE) WZPDCL (AE) BPDB (SAE) BPDB (AE) EGCB (SAE) EGCB (AE) RPCL BREB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB) SAE (Electronics)-2020 Venue: BUET 1) DESCO †Kvb A‡j we`y¨r mieivn K‡i ? Our FB Group School of Engineers Venue BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET DPI BUET BUET DUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET BUET RUET RUET RUET RUET KUET KUET DPI BUET DPI BUET MIST BREB Year 2021 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2018 2018 2019 2019 2016 2020 2019 2016 2016 2020 2020 2017 2017 2019 2019 2018 2018 2020 2020 2019 - (K) bvivqYMÄ m`i (L) †ZRMvuI (M) Kj¨vYcyi (N) jvjevM DESCO GjvKv mg~n nj t wgicyi, cjøex, Kvdiæj, Kj¨vYcyi, K¨v›Ub‡g›U, ¸jkvb, ebvbx, gnvLvjx, DËiv, DËi Lvb, `wÿY Lvb, evwiaviv, evÇv, Uw½ Ges c~e©vPj| DPDC GjvKv mg~n t avbgwÛ, AvwRgcyi, jvjevM, igbv, wLjMvuI, gMevRvi, gwZwSj, gyM`vcvov, evsjvevRvi, †Wgiv, k¨vgcyi, bvivqbMÄ 2) BERC Gi c~Y© iƒc wK? (K) Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (L) Bangladesh Electrical Regulatory Commission (M) Bangladesh Equipment Regulatory Commission (N) Bangladesh Electricity Regulatory Commission 3) 33kv we`y¨r †Kv_vq e¨envi Kiv nq? (K) †Rbv‡iU‡i (L) Transmission line (M) Distribution line (N) ‡KvbwU bq 4) mivmwi DC output cvIqv hvq †Kvb Drm n‡Z? (K) Dry cell (L) Hydro (M) Thermal (N) Nuclear 5) d‡Uv †fvëvBK Gi mvnv‡h¨ 1MW we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ wK cwigvY RvqMvi cÖ‡qvRb? (K) 10000 eM©wgUvi (L) 500 eM©wgUvi (M) 12000 eM©wgUvi (N) 16000 eM©wgUvi e¨vL¨vt 1KW Drcbœ Ki‡Z 100eM©dzU ev 9.25eM©wgUvi RvqMvi cÖ‡qvRb nq| 6) evsjv‡`‡ki KqwU ms¯’v we`y¨r mÂvjb K‡i ? (K) 6 wU (L) 4 wU (M) 1 wU (N) 5 wU 7) AvevwmK evwo‡Z mieivnK…Z 3-phase †fv‡ëR KZ? (K) 231 †fvë (L) 400 †fvë (M) 440 †fvë (N) 200 †fvë 8) †Kvb †Rjv n‡Z ‡mŠiwe`y¨r cÖ_g RvZxq wMÖ‡W hy³ nq ? (K) gqgbwmsn (L) PÆMÖvg (M) XvKv (N) ivOvgvwU e¨vL¨vt Ack‡b DËi †bB| DËi n‡e Rvgvjcyi †Rjv| 9) evsjv‡`‡k kxZKv‡j m‡e©v”P wWgvÛ KZ? K) 7000 MW L) 10000 MW M) 12000 MW N) 9000 MW DËi 1 2 (M) (K) 3 4 (M) (K) 5 6 (K) (M) 7 8 (M) - 9 (K) Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB) SAE Electrical (1st Shift)-2020 Venue: BUET 1) NPCBL G †Kvb †`k mnvqZv Ki‡Q ? K) fviZ L) Rvcvb M) Pxb N) ivwkqv 2) wm‡÷g jm KZ % Gi †ewk nIqv DwPPZ bq? K) 3% L) 5% M) 8% N) 10% 3) Prepiad wgUv‡i †Kvb jm nq? K) KvwiMwi jm L) AKvwiMwi jm M) Dfq jm N) †KvbwU bq KvwiMwi jmt 1) cwienb RwbZ AcPq 2) hš¿cvwZi AcPq 3) we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi wbR¯^ e¨envi RwbZ AcPq| AKvwiMwi jmt 1) KbRv¤úkbvj jm 2) wewjs jm 3) Kv‡jKkb jm 4) Combined cycle power plant Gi `ÿZvK) 50% L) 40% M) 35% N) 30% 5) †KvbwU wbivc` I wbiwew”Qbœ we`y¨r ? Our FB Group School of Engineers K) d‡Uv †fvëvBK L) _vg©vj †mj M) wind N) Nuclear 6) wbDwK¬qv‡i wK R¦vjvwb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq? K) M¨vm L) U-235 M) Kqjv N) U-238 7) we`y¨r, R¦vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` †Kvb gš¿bvj‡qi Aax‡b? K) Power L) Energy M) Science & Technology N) MPEMR 8) †KvbwUi jm †ewk? K) 230 kv L) 132kv M) 11000 v N) 400kv 9) MÖvn‡Ki Pvwn`v KZ n‡j 230 kv jvBb n‡Z mvcøvB †`Iqv nq? K) 100 MW L) 230 MW M) 140 MW N) 150 MW DËi 1 2 (N) (L) 3 4 (L) (K) 5 6 (N) (L) 7 8 (N) (M) 9 (M) Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB) SAE Electrical (2nd Shift)-2020 Venue: BUET 1) wMÖW †KvW †K cÖ`vb K‡i ? K) PGCB L) BPDB M) BERC 2) †Wm‡Kv Kvi wbKU n‡Z we`y¨r µq K‡i? K) BREB L) BERC M) BPDB 3) 1MW we`y¨r w`‡q KZwU evmvevwo‡Z we`y¨r ms‡hvM †`Iqv m¤¢e| K) 700 L) 500 M) 1200 4) Electric Cell Converts _________ to electrical energy. K) Photo voltaic L) Mechanical M) Chemical 5) PBS gv‡b wK? K) cwjø we`y¨r mwgwZ L) Public Boardcasting service M) GKwU msMVb 6) eZ©gv‡b mKj evmvevwo‡Z wK ai‡bi wgUvi †`Iqv n‡”Q? K) wcÖ‡cBW L) †cv÷‡cBW M) wWwRUvj 7) Transmission loss KZ % Gi †ekx nIqv DwPZ bq? K) 1 L) 2 M) 3 8) Distributor G MÖnY‡hvM¨ m‡e©v”P †fv‡ëR Wª‡ci nvi KZ? K) 3% L) 4% M) 2% 9) eZ©gv‡b †`‡ki me‡P‡q eo we`y¨r †K›`ª †KvbwU? K) AvïMÄ L) cvqiv M) gvZvievwo 10) †`‡k we`y¨r Pvwn`v KZ nv‡i e„w× cv‡”Q? K) 5% L) 15% M) 20% 11) High voltage †Kb e¨envi Kiv nq? K) jm Kgv‡bv L) UvIqvi msL¨v Kgv‡bv M) Transformer msL¨v Kgv‡bv 12) AvevwmK evmvevwo‡Z m‡e©v”P BDwbU LiP KZ UvKv? K) 7 L) 8 M) 9 (eZ©gv‡b 12UvKv) 13) 1 MW ‡mŠikw³ †_‡K KZwU evmvevwo‡Z we`y¨r mieivn Kiv hv‡e ? Our FB Group School of Engineers N) †KvbwU bq N) PGCB N) 900 N) Electrical N) †KvbwUB bq N) Smart N) 8 N) 6% N) ivgcvj N) 10% N) †KvbwU bq N) 11 K) 200 L) 300 e¨vL¨vt 150-200 household/MW DËi 1 2 (M) (M) 3 4 M) 400 (L) (M) 5 6 (K) (K) N) 500 7 8 (M) (N) 9 10 (L) (L) 11 12 (K) (N) 13 (K) Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. SAE (Mechanical)-2020 Venue: BUET 1) eZ©gv‡b wMÖ‡W e¨envi‡hvM¨ we`y¨r Drcv`b ÿgZv-– K) 10000 MW L) 12000 MW M) 20000 MW N) 16000 MW 2) wcwRwmwei KvR bq †KvbwU ? K) mÂvjb L) Drcv`b M) AcwUK¨vj dvBevi jxR N) K I M 3) ‡Kvb ai‡bi we`y¨r †K›`ª b`xi KvQvKvwQ wbg©vb Kiv nq? K) cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª L) eR©¨ we`y¨r †K›`ª M) †Zj we`y¨r †K›`ª †K›`ª 4) evmvq e¨eüZ d¨vb KZ Iqv‡Ui nq? K) 50 watt L) 100 watt M) 60 watt N) 75 watt 5) iæccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi Drcv`b ÿgZv ev K¨vcvwmwU KZ? K) 2400 GW L) 2400 MW M) 1200 MW N) 12000 MW 6) ißvwbK…Z Kqjv w`‡q †Kvb we`y¨r †K›`ª cwiPvwjZ nq? K) cvqiv L) gvZvievwo M) ivgcvj N) me¸‡jv 7) wb‡¤œi †Kvb we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi R¡vjvwb Kqjv? K) cvqiv L) gvZvievwo M) ivgcvj N) me¸‡jv 8) Ifvi‡nW jvB‡b †Kvb Zvi e¨eüZ nq? K) Kcvi L) w÷j M) Avjywgwbqvg N) B¯úvZ 9) Underground line G †Kvb Zvi e¨envi Kiv nq? K) Kcvi L) w÷j M) Avjywgwbqvg N) B¯úvZ 10) nvB †fv‡ë‡Ri Ifvi‡nW jvB‡b ‰e`y¨wZK †cvj wK ai‡bi nq? K) Cylindrical L) Telescope type M) Spirical Type N) Cube Tye 11) wcwRwmwei ûBwjs PvR© KZ? K) 0.50 cqmv L) 0.2857 cqmv M) 0.40 cqmv N) 0.25 cqmv 12) evmvevwo‡Z GKwU wd«‡R KZ we`y¨r kw³ LiP nq? K) 700 IqvU L) 500 IqvU M) 250 IqvU N) 100 IqvU 13) M¨v‡mi Pvc gvcvi h‡š¿i bvg wK? K) g¨v‡bvwgUvi L) e¨v‡ivwgUvi M) d¨v‡`vwgUvi N) j¨v‡±vwgUvi DËi 1 2 (N) (L) 3 4 (K) (N) 5 6 (L) (N) 7 8 (N) (M) 9 10 (K) (K) 11 12 Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. SAE (Civil)-2020 Venue: BUET Our FB Group School of Engineers (L) (N) 13 N) ‡mŠi we`y¨r (K) 1) wcwRwmwei ûBwjs PvR© KZ? K) 1.00 L) 0.28 M) 0.50 2) Avcbvi evwoi Prepaid wgUvi Aek¨B-K) wWwRUvj L) ¯§vU© M) B‡jKwUªK 3) SREDA Gi c~Y© iƒc wK? DËi t Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority. 4) UªvÝdg©vi wK K‡i? K) †Kvb GKwU †fvë †_‡K D”P ev wb¤œ †fv‡ë cwieZ©b L) we`y¨r Drcv`b M) AC †_‡K DC †Z iƒcvšÍi N) cvIqvi cwieZ©b K‡i 5) XvKvi mvfv‡i †K we`y¨r mieivn K‡i? K) DESCO L) BPDB M) PBS 6) UPS wK Ki‡Z cv‡i? K) we`y¨r Drcv`b L) we`y¨r mÂq M) we`y¨r eÜ 7) evsjv‡`‡ki wMÖW †fvë KZ? K) 400 kv L) 132 kv ev Z‡ZvwaK 8) UvievBb K) †Rbv‡iUi‡K Nyivq L) we`y¨r Drcv`b K‡i M¨v‡m P‡j 9) KZ¸‡jv Utility evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvnK cÖv‡šÍ we`y¨r mieivn K‡i? K) 3 L) 4 M) 5 10) ‡Kvb Utility we`y¨r Drcv`b I weZiY `y‡UvB K‡i? K) APSCL L) WZPDCL M) BPDB DËi 1 2 (L) (L) 3 4 (K) 5 6 (M) (L) 7 8 N) 0.35 N) †KvbwU bq N) DPDC N) †KvbwU bq M) 230 kv ev Z‡ZvwaK N) 11000 v M) ïaygvÎ †Z‡j P‡j N) ïaygvÎ N) 6 N) RPCL (L) (K) 9 10 (N) (M) Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. AE(EEE)-2020 Venue: BUET 1) evsjv‡`k KZ ‡gMvIqvU we`y¨r Avg`vwb K‡i? K) 1000 MW L) 660 MW M) 500 MW N) 1160 MW 2) NPCBL Gi First Unit K‡e Acv‡ik‡b hv‡e? K) 2022 L) 2023 M) 2024 N) 2021 3) †mvjvi †_‡K KZ †gMvIqvU we`y¨r wMÖ‡W †`Iqv nq? K) 1000 MW L) 500 MW M) 200 MW N) 100 MW (eZ©gv‡b 380 †gMvIqvU) 4) PGCB †Kvb ai‡bi cÖwZôvb? K) †emiKvwi cÖwZôvb L) miKvwi cÖwZôvb M) ¯^vqËkvwmZ cÖwZôvb N) Avav-miKvwi cÖwZôvb 5) Smart Grid wK? DËi t mev©aywbK Grid System 6) GKwU wd«‡R KZ we`y¨r kw³ LiP nq? K) 200 KW L) 100 KW M) 700 KW N) 1000 KW Our FB Group School of Engineers 7) Gas e¨envi nq †Kvb †Rbv‡iU‡i ? 8) evsjv‡`‡ki wMÖ‡Wi †jvW d¨v±i KZ? DËi DËit M¨vm UvievBb cvIqvi cøv›U DËi t 65%-70% 1 2 (N) (M) 3 4 (N) (M) 5 6 (L) 7 8 - Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd SAE (Trade Instructor)-2020 Venue: BUET 1) wb‡Pi †Kvb Drm n‡Z evsjv‡`k GLb ch©¯Í cvIqvi Drcbœ K‡i bvB? K) d‡Uv †fvëvBK L) _vg©vj †mj M) wind N) dv‡b©m 2) Avcbvi evmv‡Z GKwU d¨vb Pvjv‡Z KZ †fvë jvM‡e? K) 200 †fvë L) 220 †fvë M) 230 †fvë N) 250 †fvë (cÖK…Zc‡ÿ 220-240 †fvë) 3) evsjv‡`‡ki wMÖW wm‡÷‡g †jvW d¨v±i KZ? K) 45% L) 80% M) 90% N) 65% 4) wcwRwmwei m‡e©v”P Transmission voltage KZ? K) 765 †Kwf L) 400 †Kwf M) 232 †Kwf N) 132 †Kwf 5) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g cvwb we`y¨r †K›`ª KZ †gMvIqv‡Ui? K) 220 MW L) 210 MW M) 230 MW N) 250 MW 6) jvBd jvBb MÖvnK ej‡Z †evSvq? K) 0 - 75 unit e¨enviKvix MÖvnK‡`i L) 0 - 30 unit e¨enviKvix MÖvnK‡`i M) 0 - 50 unit e¨enviKvix MÖvnK‡`i N) †KvbwU bq 7) mve‡÷k‡b wK e¨eüZ nq bv? K) Transformer L) Generator M) High Voltage Cable N) Switch Gear 8) evsjv‡`‡ki wMÖ‡W m‡e©v”P e¨eüZ we`y¨r ÿgZv K) 16000 MW L) 20000 MW M) 12000 MW N) 24000 MW 9) RbcÖwZ wMÖ‡Wi KZ Ask we`y¨rkw³ gvbyl cv‡”Q? K) 1000 kwh L) 250 kwh M) 512 kwh N) 500 kwh 10) GKgvÎ †Kvb cÖwZôvb we`y¨r µq I weµq K‡i? K) PGCB L) BREB M) BERC N) BPDB DËi 1 2 (L) (M) 3 4 (N) (L) 5 6 (M) (M) 7 8 (L) (K) BCPCL SAE (Electrical & Mechanical)-2020 Venue: DPI 1) ‰e`y¨wZK Bw¯¿ I wnUv‡i †Kvb ai‡bi Zvi e¨eüZ nq? DËi t bvB‡µvg 2) ‰e`y¨wZK Pvc cwigv‡ci GKK wK? DËi t †fv‡ëR 3) ‡h hš¿ we`y¨r kw³‡K hvwš¿K kw³‡Z iƒcvšÍi K‡i Zv‡K wK e‡j? DËi t †gvUi 4) evsjv‡`‡ki evmv evwo‡Z mieivnK…Z we`y¨‡Zi Frequency KZ? DËi t 50 HZ Our FB Group School of Engineers 9 (M) 10 (N) 5) KvßvB Rjwe`y¨r †Kvb b`x‡Z evua w`‡q wbgv©b Kiv n‡q‡Q? DËi t KY©dzjx b`x, 230 MW 6) iæccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi Drcv`b ÿgZv KZ wbav©iY Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges GwU ¯’vc‡b †Kvb †`k mnvqZv K‡i‡Q? DËi t 2400 MW Ges ivwkqv 7) cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z? DËi t cUzqvLvjx 8) we`y¨r Drcv`‡b cvigvbweK Pzwjøi R¦vjvwb wK? DËi t BD‡iwbqvg (U-235) Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB) SAE-2019 Venue: BUET 1) M¨v‡mi GKK Nm3 ej‡Z †evSvqK) Newton Cubic Meter L) Normal Cubic Meter M) Natural Cubic Meter N) Non-pressurized Cubic Meter 2) evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r mieivn Frequency n‡”Q K) 60 Hertz L) 50 Hertz M) 51 Hertz N) 49 Hertz 3) evsjv‡`‡ki †Kvb A‡j eZ©gv‡b m‡e©v”P we`y¨r Drcv`b nq ? K) c~e©v‡j L) DËiv‡j M) `wÿbv‡j N) cwðgv‡j 4) evsjv‡`‡k wMÖ‡W eZ©gvb e¨envi‡hvM¨ we`¨yr Drcv`b ÿgZv cÖvq K) 16000 MW L) 12 GW M) 30 GW N) 16000 KW 5) ‡KvbwU Grid Substation? K) 33/11 KV L) 11/132 KV M) 132/11 KV N) 11/0.4 KV 6) BPDB ‡_‡K †K we`y¨r wK‡b bv ? K) NESCO L) PGCB M) BREB N) DPDC 7) ev®ú we`y¨r †K‡›`ª cÖvBg gyfvi wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nqK) óxg BwÄb, M¨vm UvievBb L) óxg UvievBb, M¨vm UvievBb M) óxg BwÄb, AvBwm BwÄb N) óxg BwÄb, óxg UvievBb 8) PGCB n‡jvK) ¯^vaxb ms¯’v L) BPDB Gi wbqš¿Yvaxb GKwU †Kv¤úvwb M) ¯^vqË¡kvwmZ ms¯’v N) Avav-miKvwi †Kv¤úvwb 9) jvB‡b D”P †fv‡ëR cÖ‡qvM nq †Kb ? K) A_© mvkÖqv‡_© L) jvB‡b we`y¨r AcPq Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ M) UvIqv‡ii RvqMv Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ N) UvIqv‡ii msL¨v Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ 10) ‡eBR †jvW cvIqvi cøv›U wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nqK) óxg UvievBb cvIqvi cøv›U L) DBÛ wgj cvIqvi cøv›U M) M¨vm UvievBb cvIqvi cøv›U N) wW‡Rj cvIqvi cøv›U DËi Our FB Group 1 K 2 L School of Engineers 3 4 K K 5 6 M M 7 8 N L 9 L 10 K Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB) AE-2019 Venue: BUET 1) What is the single phase voltage in Bangladesh ? K) 230 V L) 250 V M) 400 V N) 440 V 2) Which has highest value of calorific ? K) Petrol L) LPG M) CNG N) Hydrogen 3) evsjv‡`k †Kvb R¦vjvwb Avg`vwb K‡i gRy` ivL‡e ? DËit LNG 4) The highest transmission voltage used in BangladeshK) 400 KV L) 765 KV M) 230 KV N) 132 KV 5) A steam power station requires spaceK) equal to diesel power station L) more than diesel power station M) less than diesel power station N) none of the above DËi 1 K 2 N 3 4 K 5 K Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB) SAE-2018 Venue: DUET 1) K·evRv‡ii g‡nkLvjx gvZvievwo‡Z wK ai‡bi we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯’vwcZ n‡e ? K) Kqjv wfwËK Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª L) cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª M) HFO cvIqvi cøv›U N) †KvbwUB bq 2) gvZvievwo Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª KZ †gMvIqv‡Ui ? K) 1200 MW L) 600 MW M) 1320 MW N) 650 MW 3) we‡k^i e„nËg fvmgvb ‡mŠiwe`y¨r Drcv`b †K›`ª •Zwi K‡i‡Q †Kvb †`k ? K) ivwkqv L) Pxb M) fviZ N) hy³ivóª 4) evsjv‡`‡k wbg©vYvaxb GKgvÎ cvgvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z? K) Kzwóqv L) ewikvj M) cvebv N) ivRkvnx 5) iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi Drcv`b ÿgZv KZ ? K) 1200 MW L) 2400 GW M) 1200 GW N) 2400 MW DËi 1 K 2 K 3 4 L M 5 N Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB) AE- 2018 Venue: BUET 1) evsjv‡`‡k m‡e©v”P KZ †gMvIqvU we`y¨r Drcv`b nq ? K) 11000 MW L) 10000 MW M) 13520 MW N) 9000 MW (eZ©gvb m‡ev©”P 14752 †gMvIqvU) 2) evsjv‡`k KZ †gMvIqvU we`y¨r fviZ †_‡K Avg`vbx K‡i ? Our FB Group School of Engineers K) 1160 MW L) 500 MW M) 660 MW N) 1000 MW 3) cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r†K›`ª KZ †gMvIqvU ÿgZv m¤úbœ ? K) 1200 †gMvIqvU L) 1320 †gMvIqvU M) 660 †gMvIqvU N) 1160 ‡gMvIqvU 4) wb‡Pi †KvbwU †Kej we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi D‡Ïk¨ ? K) BPDB L) NWPGCL M) PGCB N) BREB 5) iƒccyi wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi cøv›U K‡e Drcv`‡b hv‡e ? K) 2023 L) 2022 M) 2024 N) 2025 6) iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r‡K›`ª KZ †gMvIqvU we`y¨rDrcbœ Ki‡e ? K) 1320 MW L) 2400 MW M) 1200 MW N) 1160 MW 7) Transmission line wK‡mi ‰Zwi nq ? K) Aluminium L) Copper M) Silver N) Iron 8) Black out K‡e msMwVZ n‡qwQj ? K) 2014 L) 2015 M) 2017 N) 2016 9) What is system loss ? a) Power used in power plant b) Power that does not include in billing c) All of this d) None of this 10) What is the unit of electricity bill ? a) KW b) Kwh c) KV d) KVA DËi 1 M 2 K 3 L 4 L 5 M 6 L 7 K 8 K 9 M 10 L Dhaka Electric Power Supply Company Limited (DESCO) SAE (Electrical)-2019 Venue: BUET 1) 2018 mv‡j DESCO GjvKv‡Z pick demand wQj AvbygvwbKK) 1700 MW L) 500 MW M) 1500 MW N) 1000 MW 2) jvBd jvBb we`y¨Zvqb †h †ÿ‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ ? K) 1-50 unit Gi MÖvnK L) 1-75 unit Gi MÖvnK M) 50 unit Gi Dc‡ii MÖvnK ‡h †Kvb we`y¨r MÖvnK 3) Avcbvi evmv‡Z GK‡dR ‡fvë n‡”QK) 400 volts L) 430 volts M) 230 volts N) 250 volts 4) Avgv‡`i †`‡k we`y¨r Drcv`‡b cÖavb †h R¦vjvwb e¨envi nq ? K) Nuclear L) Coal M) Gas N) None 5) we`y¨r weZiY †cvj hv w`‡q ‰Zwi nq bv K) Steel L) Wood M) Concrete N) Cast Iron (XvjvB †jvnv) 6) Avgv‡`i †`‡k we`y¨r Gi FrequencyK) 50 Hz L) 50 Hz M) 45 Hz N) 55 Hz 7) DESCO hvi †_‡K we`y¨r wK‡b ? K) BPDB L) PGCB M) REB N) Ghorasal power plant 8) †KvbwU DESCO GjvKv‡Z bq ? K) Nikunja L) Kallyanpur M) Purbachal N) Tejgaon Our FB Group School of Engineers N) 9) †KvbwU D”P †jvW bq ? K) AC L) Computer M) LED lamp N) Calculator 10) ˆe`y¨wZK kw³i GKK wK ? K) Kw L) Kwh M) Kva N) Kv 11) evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r weZiYKvix cÖwZôv‡bi †gvU msL¨v ? K) 4 L) 5 M) 6 N) 2 12) evsjv‡`‡k GKgvÎ cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kv_vq ? K) Bheramara L) Payra M) Rooppur N) Baghaban 13) evsjv‡`‡ki GKgvÎ Rj we`y¨r ‡K‡›`ªi †gvU Dscv`b ÿgZvK) 2×50 MW L) 180 MW M) 230 MW N) 250 MW 14) gvZvievwo we`y¨r †K‡›`ª ‡h R¦vjvwb e¨envi n‡e ? K) LNG L) Diesel M) HFO N) Coal 15) Kvb we`y¨r †K‡›`ª Avg`vwbKZ…Kqjv e¨eüZ n‡e bv ? K) Barapukuria L) Meghnaghat M) Rampal N) Matarbari 16) Transformer Gi KvR wK ? K) we`y¨r Drcv`b L) Kv‡i›U evov‡bv M) ‡fv‡ëR cwieZ©b Kiv N) ‰e`y¨wZK kw³i cwieZ©b 17) KLb cy‡iv wm‡÷g e¨vcx Load shed Kivi cÖ‡qvRb nq bv ? K) we`y¨r Drcv`b Pvwn`vi Zzjbvq‡ekx n‡j L) weZiY jvBb ÎæwU n‡j M) ‡fv‡ëR †ewk K‡g †M‡j N) †KvbwU bq 18) GKwU 56 Bw celling fan AvbygvwbK †h cwigvb we`y¨r e¨q K‡i ? K) 75W L) 60W M) 56W N) 130 W 19) Avgv‡`i †`‡k kni GjvKv‡Z Roof top photo voltaic system ‡Kv_vq ms‡hvM _v‡KK) mivmwi e¨vUvwi‡Z L) fe‡bi we`y¨r evmev‡i M) wbKU¯’ UªvÝdgv©‡i N) †KvbwU bq 20) evsjv‡`‡k wbgv©Yvaxb cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi †gvU Drcv`b ÿgZv n‡e ? K) 1200 MW L) 2×1200 MW M) 2200 MW N) 1000MW DËi 1 2 3 4 N K M M 5 6 7 8 N K K N 9 N 10 L 11 M 12 M 13 M 14 N 15 K 16 M 17 K 18 K 19 K 20 L Dhaka Electric Power Supply Company Limited (DESCO) AE (Electrical)-2019 Venue: BUET 1) DESCO has noK) Power Plant L) Distribution Zone Power in Dhaka Zone 2) Transformer - G †Zj †Kb e¨envi Kiv nq ? K) VvÛv Kivi Rb¨ L) Zvc Kgv‡bvi Rb M) Bbmy‡jkb wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i 3) Which type of Meter is not used in Bangladesh.K) Digital Meter L) Prepaid Meter M) Post- Paid Meter 4) Which one of the following is not situated in a substation ? Our FB Group School of Engineers M) Substation N) Distribute N) me KqwU N) Dies Type Meter K) Generator L) Transformer M) High Voltage Cable 5) Which one is not a protection device ? K) Isolator L) Distribution M) Switch 6) ‡KvbwU Zvi wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq bv ? K) Copper L) Aluminium M) Steel 7) Load-shedding is done inK) Nearest Pole L) Substation end M) Consumer end 8) evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q eo we`y¨r †K›`ª †KvbwU ? K) NWPGCL L) APSCL M) RPCL (eZ©gv‡b cvqiv Zvcwe`y¨r †K›`ª) 9) Which one is the primary fuel of Duel-fuel power plant? K) Gas L) Steam M) Diesel 10) Which one is prime mover of generator? K) Engine L) Steam turbine M) Gas turbine DËi 1K 2 N 3 N 4 K 5 L 6 M 7 L 8 L N) Switch Gear N) Relay N) Aluminium Alloy N) None N) EGCB N) Coal N) All of these 9 K 10 N Dhaka Electric Power Supply Company Limited (DESCO) SAE (Electrical)-2016 Venue: BUET 1) iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r†K›`ª †Kvb wefv‡M ? K) XvKv L) ivRkvnx M) Lyjbv N) ewikvj DËi 1 L Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) SAE- 2020 Venue: BUET 1) DPDC GjvKvi evwn‡i †KvbwU ? K) avbgwÛ L) dZzjøv M) bvivqbMÄ 2) evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ we`y¨r weZiY ms¯’v †gvU KqwU ? K) 2 wU L) 6 wU M) 3 wU 3) gvwmK KZ GKK (kwh) ch©šÍ we`y¨r LiP Ki‡j Life Line MÖvnK wnmv‡e ejv nq ? K) 10 L) 30 M) 50 4) Life Line MÖvn‡Ki Rb¨ GKK cÖwZ we`y¨‡ZibZzb †iU n‡”Q KZ UvKv ? K) 3.50 UvKv L) 3.57 UvKv M) 4.35 UvKv (eZ©gv‡b 3.94UvKv) Our FB Group School of Engineers N) c~e©vPj N) 5 wU N) 75 N) 3.75 UvKv m~Ît LyPiv bZzb we`y¨r g~j¨nvi cÖKvwkZ 1 gvP© 2020 wLª: 5) DPDC ‡gvU MÖvnK msL¨v cÖvq KZ ? K) 11 jÿ L) 14 jÿ (1404613) †m‡Þ¤^i 2020 M) 15 jÿ N) 10.5 jÿ ‡R‡b ivLv fv‡jv Gme Z_¨ cwieZ©bkxj| eZ©gv‡b MÖvnK msL¨v 13,55,079 (gvP©-2020) 6) evsjv‡`‡ki Supply Frequency n‡”Q K) 550 Hz L) 60 Hz M) 55 Hz N) 50 Hz 7) AvevwmK d¨vb, evwZ BZ¨vw`‡Z KZ †fvë e¨envi Kiv nq ? K) 230 †fvë L) 400 †fvë M) 415 †fvë N) 110 †fvë 8) Over head line G Conductor wnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv nq ? K) Aluminium L) Copper M) Steel N) Brass 9) 1 wU 1 Ub AC 1 N›Uv Pvjy _vK‡j KZ we`y¨r LiP n‡e ? K) 1 Kwh L) 1.5 Kwh M) 2 Kwh N) 3 Kwh e¨vL¨v t GK Ub = 3.51 wK‡jv IqvU| 10) DPDC GjvKvq Peak demand cÖvq K) 1600 MW L) 1000 MW M) 2000 MW N) 1400 MW G mKj Z_¨ cwieZ©bkxj| DPDC wbR¯^ I‡qe mvB‡U cixÿvi Av‡M †`L‡Z n‡e| DËi 1 N 2 N 3 M 4 N 5 L 6 N 7 K 8 K 9 N 10 K Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) AE- 2019 Venue: BUET 1) †jvW †kwWs †Kv_vq nq ? K) MÖvnK cÖv‡šÍ L) ‡cv‡ji Kv‡Q 2) evsjv‡`‡ki KZ kZvsk gvbylwe`y¨r myweav cv‡”Q ? K) 95%Í L) 96% (eZ©gv‡b 100%) 3) wWwcwWwmi m‡e©v”P wMÖW mve‡÷kb n‡jvK) 132/33/11 †K.wf L) 132/11 †K.wf 4) †KvbwU wWwcwWwm GjvKvi evwn‡iK) avbgÛx L) †ZRMuvI 5) DPDC has noK) Power plant M) Distribution DËi M) mve‡÷kb cÖv‡šÍ N) †KvbwU bq M) 97% N) 99% M) 33/11 †K.wf N) 66/11 †K.wf M) igbv N) c~e©vPj L) Substation N) Distribute zone in Dhaka and Narayanganj 1M 2 N 3K 4 N 5 K Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) SAE- 2016 Venue: BUET Our FB Group School of Engineers 1) ‡mvjvi c¨v‡bj m~h© †_‡K ‡Kvb kw³ MÖnb K‡i ? K) B‡jKUªb L) †cÖvUb M) wbDUb 2) wb‡Pi †KvbwU Rxevk¥ Rvjvbx bq ? K) †mvjvi GbvwR© L) wRI-_vg©vj GbvwR© M) I‡qf GbvwR© 3) msKi avZz Kvmvi Dcv`vb Kx ? K) Zvgv I wUb L) Zvgv I `¯Ív M) Zvgv I †jvnv 4) iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z ? K) cvebv L) Kzwóqv M) ivRkvnx DËi 1 N 2 N N) †dvUb N) me KqwU N) Zvgv I wb‡Kj N) PUªMÖvg 3K 4 K Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) AE- 2016 Venue: BUET 1) The Gas usually Filled in the electric bulb is K) Hydrogen L) Oxygen M) Nitrogen 2) The hydroelectric power plant in kaptai was established in the year ? K) 1962 L) 1972 M) 1961 3) The largest hydroelectric power station in the world is K) Three Georges L) Kaptai M) Ashwan DËi 1M 2K N) Carbon dioxide N) 1964 N) Niagara fall 3K Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited of Bangladesh (NESCO) SAE- 2020 Venue: RUET 1) The annual rate of increase of electricity price is 10%, if the rate of the 2020 is 10/kwh, what was the rate of 2018 ? K) TK 8/kwh L) TK 8.2644/kwh M) TK 8.6745/kwh 2) The present distribution loss is 8%. The distribution loss will be decreased. K) If the diameter of the distribution conductor is increased. L) If the diameter of the distribution conductor is decreased. M) If the capacitor is added to the distribution system. e¨vL¨v t Power Factor Improvement Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv jvB‡b K¨vcvwmUi ev K¨vcvwmUi e¨vswKs e¨envi Kwi| d‡j wm‡÷g DbœZ nq| ZvB mwVK DËi (M)| 3) The largest power plant of Bangladesh ? K) Shiddhirganj L) Ashuganj M) Payra Our FB Group School of Engineers 4) The peak demand of Bangladesh for the year 2018/19 – K) 13018 MW(03 April, 2021) L) 10563 MW M) 90825 MW 5) Which fuel is used most for generating electricity in BD ? K) Furnace oil L) Coal M) Natural Gas N) Diesel 6) Suppose a man uses a water heater that consumes 600W electricity. If he utilizes it for 10 minutes daily. Find out the monthly electricity consumption for the water heater. K) 30 Units L) 60 Units M) 3 Units N) 300 Units 7) The total length of electricity distribution line controlled by NESCO is approximately. K) 10500 km L) 19131 km M) 19882 km N) 1050 km For Recent Value follow SOE sheet 8) Which countries contribution the most to green house gas emission ? K) China and United States L) India and China M) China and Russia N) USA and UK 9) The important Condition of the parallel operation transformer is K) Polarity must be same L) Polarity must be opposite M) The load must be higher than the capacity of the existing transformer. 10) With the increase of temperature, the resistance of the semiconductor. K) Increases L) Decreases M) Remains constant. DËi 1L 2 M 3 M 4 K 5 M 6 M 7 L 8 K 9 K 10 L Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited of Bangladesh (NESCO) AE- 2020 Venue: RUET 1) evsjv‡`‡ki m‡e©v”P UªvÝwgkb jvBb KZ †fv‡ëR ? K) 765 KV L) 400 KV M) 232 KV 2) BPDB K‡e MwVZ nq ? K) 1972 L) 1973 M) 1974 3) The largest coal power plant of BangladeshAns.- Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant. 4) eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡k gv_vwcQz we`y¨r Drcv`b- (Avc‡WU- 08 A‡±vei 2020 Bs) K) 512 Kwh L) 550 Kwh M) 510 Kwh For Recent Value follow SOE sheet DËi Our FB Group School of Engineers 1L 2 K 3 4 K N) 132 KV N) 1977 N) 560 Kwh Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited of Bangladesh (NESCO) SAE- 2018 Venue: RUET 1) iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ªwU Aew¯ÍZ ? K) iæccyi L) Ck^i`x 2) wb‡Pi †KvbwU bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Drm bq ? K) evqykw³ L) ‡mŠikw³ 3) cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi cÖavb Dcv`b wK ? K) A¨v‡gvwbqv L) B‡_b 4) ‡Kvb e¯‘wUi w¯’wZ¯’vcKZv Kg ? K) ‡mvbv L) Zvgv 5) ‡Kvb e¯‘wUi w¯’wZ¯’vcKZv †ekx ? K) ivevi L) KbwµU DËi M) cvKkx N) Pinvmvbcyi M) cÖvK…wZK M¨vm N) ‡Rvqvi fvUv M) nvB‡Wªv‡Rb N) wg‡_b M) ivevi N) A¨vjywgwbqvg M) B¯úvZ N) ‡jvnv 1L 2 M 3 N 4 M 5 M Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited of Bangladesh (NESCO) SAE- 2018 Venue: RUET 1) evsjv‡`k fviZ ‡hŠ_ we`y¨r mÂvjb †K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g †h cwigvY we`y¨r evsjv‡`‡k Input nq-. K) 500 MW L) 1160 MW M) 1000 MW N) 660 MW (‡hŠ_ mÂvjb †K›`ª †fovgvivq Aew¯’Z) 2) evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi cÖavb R¦vjvwbK) ‡Zj L) M¨vm M) Kqjv N) ‡m․ikw³ 3) KvßvB W¨vg †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z ? K) PUªMÖvg L) K·evRvi M) iv½vgvwU N) ev›`ievb 4) M¨vjfvbvBwRs Gi Kv‡R e¨eüZ nq †Kvb avZz ? K) Kcvi L) wRsK M) A¨vjywgwbqvg N) wmjfvi 5) cÙv‡mZz cÖK‡í g~j †mZz wbg©v‡Yi Kvh©v‡`k cÖvß ‡Kv¤úvbx †KvbwU ? K) Pvqbv †gRi weªR BwÄwbqvwis †Kvs wj. (Pxb) L) Gm.Gb.wR jvfvwjb M) û›`vB N) Rvcvb Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U †Kvt DËi 1M 2 L 3 M 4 L 5 K West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited of Bangladesh (WZPDCL) SAE- Exam Venue: KUET 1) cvIqvi dv±i wK ? Our FB Group School of Engineers K) cos θ = R Z L) sin θ = R Z kW M) cos θ = kVA N) K I M DfqB 2) miKvwi we`y¨r †K›`ªK) ‡Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª L) eocyKzwiqv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª M) KvßvB cvwb we`y¨r †K›`ª N) †fovgviv I ivDRvb Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª O) Dc‡ii me KqwU 3) evsjv‡`‡ki cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z ? K) iƒccyi, cvebv L) Kjvcvov,cUzqvLvjx M) †fovgviv, Kzwóqv N) gvZvievwo, K·evRvi 4) eZ©gv‡b †`‡ki we`y¨r myweav cÖvß Rb‡Mvôx KZZvsk ? (Avc‡WU- 15 AvM÷ 2021Bs) K) 96 L) 97 M) 98 N) 99.5 For Recent Value follow SOE sheet DËi 1 N 2 O 3K 4 N West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited of Bangladesh (WZPDCL) AE- Exam Venue: KUET 1) WZPDCL GKwUK) weZiY †Kv¤úvbx L) Transmission Company M) †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤úvbx 2) ‡`‡ki cÖ_g †emiKvwi we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z ? K) Lyjbv L) PUªMÖvg M) Kzwóqv 3) WZPDCL Gi eZ©gvb MÖvnK msL¨vK) 8 jÿ L) 9 jÿ M) 10 jÿ For Recent Value follow SOE sheet DËi 1K 3 N N) me¸‡jv N) XvKv N) cÖvq 11 jÿ 2K Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) SAE- 2018 Venue: DPI 1) evsjv‡`‡ki GKgvÎ Rjwe`y¨r †K›`ª †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z ? K) ev›`ievb L) iv½vgvwU M) PUªMÖvg N) K·evRvi 2) ˆe`y¨wZK ev‡j¦i wdjv‡g›U wK w`‡q ˆZwi nq ? K) U¨vs‡÷b L) Kcvi M) A¨vjywgwbqvg N) K¨vWwgqvg 3) evsjv‡`‡k e¨eüZ Frequency K) 50 HZ L) 55 HZ M) 45 HZ N) 52 HZ 4) GKwU 100 †K.wf.G 5% weq¨vKU¨vÝ wewkó cvIqvi Transformer Gi 2000 †K.wf.G †em| wiq¨vKU¨vÝ KZ ? K) 10% L) 20% M) 8% N) 5% 5) ˆe`y¨wZK Bw¯¿ I wnUv‡i wK ai‡bi Zvi e¨eüZ nq? Our FB Group School of Engineers DËi: bvB‡µvg Zvi DËi 1L 2 K 3K 4 K Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) AE- 2018 Venue: BUET 1) evsjv‡`‡ki gv_vwcQz we`y¨r Drcv`bK) 500 Kwh L) 512 Kwh M) 490 Kwh For Recent Value follow SOE sheet 2) we`y¨‡Zi me©‡kl gvóvicø¨vb Kiv nqK) 2016 L) 2014 M) 2017 3) ‡Kvb cÖwZôvb GKB mv‡_ we`y¨r Drcv`b I weZiY K‡i ? K) NWPGCL L) BPDB M) BREB 4) 2021 mv‡j KZ †gMvIqvU we`y¨r Drcv`b n‡e ? K) 2000 MW L) 24000 MW M) 22000 MW 5) Power Transmission K‡i †Kvb cÖwZôvb ? K) PGCB L) BPDC M) NESCO DËi 1L 2 K 3 L 4 L N) 520 Kwh N) 2015 N) WZPDCL N) 25000 MW N) WZPDCL 5 K Electricity Generation of Company Bangladesh (EGCB) SAE- Exam Venue: DPI 1) DESCO Gi Full meaning Kx ? DËi t Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited 2) we`y¨r kw³‡K hvwš¿K kw³‡Z iæcvšÍi Kiv‡K Kx ejv nq ? DËi t kw³i iæcvšÍi 3) DPDC Gi c~Y©iæc †jL ? DËi t Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd. 4) ‡`‡ki me©cÖ_g Kqjv wfwËK Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª ‡Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z ? K) w`bvRcyi L) iscyi M) PUªMÖvg 5) ‡`‡ki me©cÖ_g Kqjv wfwËK Zvc we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi bvg Kx ? K) †Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª L) eocyKzwiqv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª M) cvqiv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª N) ivgcvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª 6) eocyKzwiqv Zvc we`y¨r‡›`ªi†K Drcv`b ÿgZv K) 250 MW L) 500 MW M) 525 MW DËi 4 K Our FB Group School of Engineers 6 M N) XvKv N) 225 MW 5L Electricity Generation of Company Bangladesh (EGCB) AE- Exam Venue: BUET 1) What is the Capacity of EGCB ? K) 950 MW L) 1500 MW M) 500 MW 2) What is the base load Power plant ? K) Nuclear L) HFO Power plant 3) What is non renewable Source of Energy ? K) Sun L) Wind M) Nuclear 4) What is the Capacity of Kaptai Hydroelectric plant K) 230 MW L) 250 MW M) 110 MW 5) Which is the demand of electricity during winter Season ? K) 50-60% L) 60-70% M) 70-80% 6) Which is involved electricity in system lossK) Distribution L) Generation M) Transmission 7) Nuclear Power plant is Similar to operation With K) Steam L) Gas M) HFO 8) Nuclear Power plant cycle isK) Brayton Cycle L) Otto Cycle M) Diesel Cycle 9) What Type of is used as base load Power plant ? K) Steam Turbine Power plant L) Gas Turbine Power plant M) Water Turbine Power plant N) None 10) EGCB Sell electricity to K) BPDB L) BERC M) DPDC DËi 1K 2 N 3 M 4 K 5 K 6 M 7 K 8 N N) 1200 MW M) Coal N) a & c N) Biothermal N) 130 MW N) 40-50% N) None N) Hydroelectric power N) Rankine Cycle N) DESCO 9 K 10 K Rural Power Company Limited (RPCL) SAE-Exam Venue: MIST 1) evsjv‡`‡ki evqy we`y¨r cÖKí †Kvb ¯’v‡b Aew¯’Z ? DËi t i. †dbx †Rjvi †mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjv L) ii. K·evRv‡ii KzZzew`qv 2) evsjv‡`‡ki m‡e©v”P UªvÝwgkb †fv‡ëR KZ ? K) 400 KV L) 230 KV M) 700 KV 3) iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z? K) cvebv L) h‡kvi M) Kzwóqv 4) evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r I R¦vjvbx cÖwZgš¿xi bvg Kx ? Our FB Group School of Engineers N) 132 KV N) ivRkvnx K) †Mvjvg wKewiqv L) Avn‡¤§` KvDQvi M) bmiæj nvwg` N) kvnwiqvi Kwei 5) What Time is called as a off pick hour in. Ans : 11 PM to 5 PM 6) B-R Powergen ‡Kvb ai‡bi cÖwZôvb ? DËi t BPDB Gi GKwU A½ cÖwZôvb we`y¨r †Rbv‡ikb K‡i _v‡K| 7) 24000 Generation Capacity target for Bangladesh which year ? a) 2021 b) 2024 c) 2022 d) 2023 8) What kind of Work PGCB done ? a) Transmission b) Distribution c) Generation d) None 9) Solar Panel Set-up is which direction in BDa) North b) South c) West d) East 10) Bangladesh Will be import hydro electric Power form which Country ? Ans : India-Nepal 11) Which is first nuclear Power plant in our Country ? Ans : Ruppur Nuclear Power plant Ishwardi Pabna 2400 MW 12) RPCL K‡e MwVZ nq ? a) 1994 b) 1995 c) 1997 d) 1996 13) gvwmK KZ GKK (Kwh) ch©šÍ we`y¨r LiP Ki‡j Life line MÖvnK wn‡m‡e aiv nq? a) 1-50 Unit b) 1-75 Unit c) 1-100 Unit d) 1-80 Unit DËi 1 2 K 3K 4 M 5 6 7 a 8 a 9b 10 12 13 a a Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) AE- Exam Venue: BREB 1) For an Overhead Distribution System, the pole to earth resistance should not access. a) 0.10 ohm b) 1 ohm c) 10 ohm d) 100 ohm 2) Which of the following generation station has the minimum running cost ? a) Nuclear power station b) Thermal power station c) Diesel power station d) Hydroelectric power station 3) What is the Full name of ACSR a) Alloy Carbon stell reinforcement b) Alloy Conductor stell reinforcement c) Alloy Conductor supper d) Aluminium Conductor steel reinforced Cable 4) A transformer transforms a) Voltage b) Current c) Voltage & Current d) Power 5) GW equal a) 103 W b) 106 W c) 109 W d) 1012 W. 6) HRSG is used in power plant ofa) Single cycle b) Combined cycle c) Both d) None 7) In a power plant high rate indicates – Our FB Group School of Engineers a) High efficiency b) High calorific valve c) Low efficiency d) None 8) Which power plant of 50MW Capacity will have more poles for 50HZ a) Wind b) Nuclear c) Thermal d) Hydro 9) What is the present per capita electricity generation (Kwh) in Bangladesh a) 560 b) 500 c) 512 d) 1000 For Recent Value follow SOE sheet cÖ‡kœ wQj i) 560 ii) 500 iii) 1000 iv) None G mKj Z_¨ cwieZ©bkxj| ¸iæZ¡c~Y© cÖkœ GwU 10) Bangladesh power Grid stability by PGCB is controlled by a) Voltage b) Current c) Voltage & Current d) None Note: Control by Voltage and Frequency. 11) Total Connected Consumers is for BREB is approximates a) 2.70 crore b) 2.50 crore c) 3.06 crore d) None For Recent Value follow SOE sheet 12) It the length of the transmission line in 300 to 400km, the suitable transmission network a) 11 KV b) 33 KV c) 66 KV d) 400 KV 13) Which distribution voltage is not used in BREB distribution network a) 230 V b) 11 KV c) 33 KV d) 66 KV 14) AwaK `~i‡Z¡ we`y¨r †cÖi‡Yi ‡ÿ‡Î †fv‡ëR evov‡bv nq| G‡Z wK jvf nq ? K) we`y¨‡Zi jm Kg nq L) `ªæZ we`y¨r †cŠuQvq M) Zv‡ii evav Kg nq N) †KvbwUB mwVK bq| 15) One KWH is equal to a) 360×103J b) 103J c) 3.6×106J (36×105 J ) d) 106J 16) ‡KvbwU‡K Fossil Fuel ejv nq ? (Rxevk¥ R¦vjvwb) K) Kqjv L) LwbR †Zj M) cÖvK„wZKM¨vm N) me¸wj mwVK 17) Steam turbines may be classified according to a) Direction of steam flow b) Number of stages c) Mode of steam action d) All of these 18) Which of the following poorest Conductor of electricity – a) Aluminium b) Copper c) Carbon d) Iron 19) A dc generation generate. a) Dc voltage b) Ac voltage Armature Produce AC 20) The line voltage on the L.T side of a distribution – a) 400 V b) 230 V c) 11 KV d) 33 KV 21) The transmission lines generally usea) Copper b) All Aluminium c) ACSR Conductor d) None 22) The highest transmission voltage used in Bangladesh isa) 132 KV b) 230 KV c) 400 KV d) 765 KV 1 2 DËi 3 4 Our FB Group b d d c School of Engineers 5 6 7 8 c b c b 9 c 10 a 11 c 12 d 13 d 14 K 15 c 16 N 17 b 18 c 19 b 20 b 21 22 c c BREB Previous Question Sl 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Exam Assistant Director Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Junior Engineer Assistant Junior Engineer Sub-Assistant Engineer Assistant General Manager (O&M) Assistant Junior Engineer Assistant General Manager (O&M) Assistant General Manager (MS) Assistant General Manager (O&M) Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Sub-Assistant Engineer Sub-Assistant Engineer Assistant General Manager (MS) Assistant Engineer Sub-Assistant Engineer Type Preliminary Written Preliminary Preliminary Written Preliminary Written Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Written Preliminary Written Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Year 2023 2021 2021 2021 2021 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 CSE & IT Question BREB Previous Question (MCQ) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Assistant General Manager (IT) Assistant Junior Engineer (IT) Awdm mnvqK Kvg Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi Assistant Junior Engineer (IT) BREB Previous Question (Written) Assistant Software Engineer Assistant Hardware and Network Engineer Assistant Junior Engineer (IT) Assistant Junior Engineer (IT) Our FB Group School of Engineers 2016 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 evsjv‡`k cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix mwPe/mnKvix cwiPvjK cÖkvmb c‡` wb‡qvM cix¶v (MCQ)- 2023 c~Y©gvb-80 mgq-1 N›Uv evsjvi me‡P‡q cÖvPxb Rbc‡`i bvg Kx? 21 Òg„wÎKv w`‡q ˆZwi K_vwU ms‡KvPb Ki‡j n‡eK) Zb¥q L) gb¥q K) †MŠo L) cyÛª bMi√ M) nwi‡Kj N) mgZU M) g„b¥q √ N) wPb¥q Awef³ cÖvPxb evsjvi me©cÖ_g ivRv †K wQ‡jb? 22 'wRRxwelv' k‡ãi A_© Kx? K) A‡kvK L) b¨vqcvj M) kkv¼√ N) ivgcvj K) Rxeb-bv‡ki B”Qv L) †eu‡P _vKvi B”Qv √ M) Rxeb‡K Rvbvi B”Qv N) Rxeb-RxweKvi c_ Kx‡mi wfwˇZ c~e© evsjv Z_v c~e© cvwK¯Ív†bi fvlv Av‡›`vjb 23 'wPwKrmvkv¯¿' †Kvb mgvm? msMwVZ n‡qwQj? K) Kg©aviq √ L) eûeªxwn K) wØ-RvwZ ZË¡ L) mvgvwRK †PZbv M) Ae¨qxfve N) Zrcyiæl M) Amv¤cÖ`vwqKZv N) evOvwj RvZxqZvev` √ 1954 mv‡j hy³d«›U gš¿xmfvq e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb 24 'Afve' A‡_© e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q †Kvb DcmM©wU? †Kvb gš¿bvj‡qi `vwqZ¡ jvf K‡ib? K) AKvR L) AveQvqv M) Avjywb ি√ N) wbLyuZ K) K…wl, mgevq I ¯’vbxq miKvi √ L) cwi‡ek I eb M) wkí I evwbR¨ N) MYc~Z© HwZnvwmK 'Qq `dv‡K' wK‡mi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq? 25 'whwb weØvb, wZwb me©Î Av`iYxq'--- GwU †Kvb ai‡Yi evK¨? K) wej Ae ivBUm L) g¨vMbvKvUv© √ M) wcwUkb Ae ivBU N) g~L¨ AvBb K) mij evKv L) RwUj evK¨ √ M) †hŠwMK evK¨ N) LÛ evK¨ MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi cÖwZwôZ nq26 "DY©bvf' kãwU w`‡q eySvq K) wUKwUwK L) †Zjv‡cvuKv K) 17 GwcÖj 1971 L) 16 wW‡m¤^i 1972 √ M) 7 gvP© 1972 N) 26 gvP© 1973 M) gvwQ N) gvKomv √ evsjv‡`k ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlbvcÎ msweav†bi †Kvb Zdwm‡j 27 Custom k‡ãi evsjv cwifvlv †KvbwU AšÍf©y³ Kiv n‡q‡Q? K) AvBb L) cª_v √ M) ïé N) ivR¯^bxwZ K) PZz_© L) cÂg M) lô N) mßg √ gywRe bMi miKvi MwVZ nq K‡e Ges kc_ MªnY K‡i K‡e? 28 evsjv m‡b‡Ui cªeZ©K †K? K) 10 GwcÖj Ges 12 GwcÖj L) 11 GwcÖj I 13 GwcÖj K) w؇R›`ªjvj ivq L) iRbxKvšÍ †mb M) 13 GwcÖj I 17 GwcÖj N) 10 GwcÖj I 17 GwcÖj √ M) gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë √ N) iex›`ªbv_ VvKyi evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq w`em -29 He parted ............his friends in tears. K) with L) from √ M) against N) of K) 16 wW‡m¤^i L) 7 gvP© M) 26 gvP© √ N) 17 GwcÖj evsjv‡`k RvwZms‡Ni KZ Zg m`m¨ ivóª? 30 As the sun........ I decided to go out. K) 146 Zg L) 136 Zg M) 126 Zg N) 116 Zg K) shines L) has shone M) shine N) was shining √ cªRvZ‡š¿i wbe©vnx ¶gZv evsjv‡`‡k Kvi KZ©…‡Z¡ cªhy³ nq? 31 The synonym of 'resentment' is ....... K) fear L) anger K) mwPe L) gš¿x M) cªavbgš¿x √ N) ivóªcwZ M) indignation √ N) panic ‡Kvb AvšÍR©vwZK g¨vMvwRb e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb‡K 32 Three-fourths of the work.........finished. K) have been L) had 'Poet of Politics' wn‡m‡e AwfwnZ K‡iwQj? M) has been √ N) were K) Times L) Readers Digest Our FB Group School of Engineers 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 41 M) Newsweek √ N) The Economist ‡Kv‡bv ivóªxq Abyôv‡b Avgv‡`i RvZxq m½x‡Zi KZ PiY 33 Shakespeare is mostly famous for hisevRv‡bv nq? K) poetry L) novels K) cª_g 10wU L) cª_g 4wU √ M) cª_g 6wU N)cª_g M) plays √ N) songs 5wU UNESCO †Kvb Zvwi‡L GKy‡k †deªæqvix‡K AvšÍR©vwZK 34 By and large' meansK) everywhere L)very large gvZ„fvlv w`em wn‡m‡e ¯^xK„wZ †`q ? M) mostly √ N) far away K) 18 wW‡m¤^i 1999 L) 17 b‡f¤^i 1999 √ M) 29 wW‡m¤^i 1999 N) 20 b‡f¤^i 2001 evsjv‡`‡ki cªavb AvBb Kg©KZ©v n‡jb35 He could not win but learnt a lot. Which parts K) AvBbgš¿x L) AvBb mwPe of speech isthe word 'but'? K) an adverb L) a verb M) A¨vUbx †Rbv‡ij √ N) cªavb wePvicwZ M) an adjective N) a conjunction √ evsjv GKv‡Wwg cªwZwôZ nq †Kvb mv‡j? 36 'September on Jessore Road' was written by K) Madhusudan Dutt L) Kaiser Huq K) 1955 wLª÷v‡ã √ L) 1355 e½v‡ã M) 1952 wLª÷v‡ã N) 1352 e½v‡` M) Allen Ginsberg √ N) Vikram Seth 1971 Gi gnvb gyw³hy‡×i mg‡q †bŠ KgvÛ MwVZ nq †Kvb 37 'Panacea' means †m±‡ii Aax‡b? K) cure-all √ L) pancreatic K) 10 bs †m±i √ L) 11 bs †m±i M) a gland N) widespread disease. M) 9 bs †m±i N) 8 bs †m±i evsjvq 'wQqvˇii gbšÍi' Gi mgq Kvj ... 38 He gave up ..........football when he got married. K) 1770 wLªt √ L) 1760 wLªt K) to play L) playing √ M) 1765 wLªt N) 1756 wLªt M) play N) of playing evsjvi †Kvb myjZv‡bi Avgj‡K ¯^Yh© yM ejv nq? 39 01 †_‡K 49 ch©šÍ msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo KZ? K) kvgmyÏxb Bwjqvm kvn L) †ki-kvn K) 25 √ L) 30 M) 35 N) 49 M) AvjvDwÏb û‡mb kvn √ N) wMqvmDwÏb AvRg kvn cjvkxi hy× K‡e msNwUZ n‡qwQj? 40 GKwU AvqZ‡¶‡Îi ˆ`N¨© 5% e„w× Ki‡j Zvi †¶Îdj K) 22 Ryb 1757 L) 24 Ryb 1757 kZKiv KZ e„w× cv‡e? M) 23 Ryb 1757 √ N) 25 Ryb 1757 K) 5% √ L) 10% M) 20% N) 25% evwl©K 10% gybvdvq 800 UvKvi 2 eQ‡ii Pµe„w× g~jab 61 KZ ? Our FB Group School of Engineers µq g~j¨ weµq g~‡j¨i wظY n‡j kZKiv jvf ev ¶wZi cwigvY KZ? 42 43 K) 940 UvKv L) 960 UvKv M) 968 UvKv √ N) 980 UvKv 100 †_‡K 200 Gi g‡a¨ 3 Øviv wefvR¨ msL¨v KqwU ? K) 31wU L) 32wU √ M) 33wU N) 34wU .1 X 3.33 X 7.1 = ? K) 7.15 L) 5.18 M) 2.36 √ N) 1.98 62 63 K) jvf 25% L) ¶wZ 25% M) jvf 10% N) ¶wZ 50% wb‡Pi avivi †kl msL¨vwU KZ n‡e? 3,9,27,81,........| K) 241 L) 243 √ M) 245 N) 247 †KvbwU Zvi wenxb `ªæZ MwZi B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx ? K) Wi-MAX √ L) CMOS M) Bluetooth N) Broadband Computer †_‡K Computer G Z_¨ Av`vb-cª`v‡bi cªhyw³‡K ejv nq ..... K) Email L) Intercom M) internet √ N) e-communication wb‡Pi †Kvb Dw³wU mwVK K) wK‡jvevBU = 1024 evBU √ L) 1 †gMvevBU = 1024 evBU M) 1wK‡jvevBU = 1000 evBU L) 1 †gMvevBU = 1000 evBU wek¦ cwi‡ek w`em K‡e? K) 5 †g L) 15 †g M) 5 Ryb √ N) 15 Ryb 44 `yBwU msL¨vi AbycvZ 2:3 Ges M.mv.¸. 4 n‡j e„nËi 64 msL¨vwU KZ? K) 6 L) 12 √ M) 8 N) 16 45 17 †mwg, 15 †mwg I 8 †mwg evû wewkó wÎfyRwU n‡e K) mgevn wÎfyR L) mgwØevû wÎfyR M) mg‡KvYx wÎfyR √ N) ¯’~j‡KvYx wÎfyR 46 66 hw` a+b = 2, ab=1 nq, Z‡e a I b Gi gvb KZ? K) 0,2 L) 1,1 √ M) -1,3 N) -3,4 `ywU msL¨vi †hvMdj 48 Ges Zv‡`i ¸Ydj 432 n‡j eo 67 SDG Goal †gvU KqwU Ges Target KqwU? msL¨vwU KZ? K) 15wU Ges 155wU L) 17wU Ges 169wU √ K) 36 √ L) 37 M) 38 N) 40 M) 18wU Ges 165wU N) 19wU Ges 171wU 0,1,2 I 3 Øviv MwVZ Pvi As‡Ki e„nËg I ¶y`ªZg msL¨vi 68 'Black Lives Matter' Kx? we‡qvMdj KZ? K) GKwU Mª‡š’i bvg L) GKwU cvbx‡qi bvg K) 3147 L) 2287 M) eY©ev` we‡ivax Av‡›`vjb √ N) GKwU NGO M) 2987 N) 2187 √ evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡b †Kvb Aby‡”Q‡` Mªvgv‡j we`y¨r 69 Rv‡cvwiwWqv cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K›`ªwU †Kvb †`‡k Aew¯’Z? mieivn wbwð‡Zi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q? K) ivwkqv L) †ejviæk K) 10 L) 12 M) 16 √ N) 20 M) †PPwbqv N) BD‡µb √ evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r gš¿xi bvg wK? 70 wb‡Pi †KvbwU 'Brettton Woods Instituition' Gi K) Rbve bRiyj nvwg` L) W. †ZŠwdK-B-Bjvnx AšÍf©~³? †PŠayix K) IDB L) IMF √ M) gvbbxq cªavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv √ N) Rbve †gv. dinv` M) WTO N) ADB †nv‡mb SDGÕi KZ b¤^i Goal G Òmvkªqx, wbf©i‡hvM¨, †UKmB I 71 AvšÍR©vwZK Av`vj‡Z wgqvbgvi KZ©…K †ivwn½v MYnZ¨vi Awf‡hv‡M gvgjv K‡i‡Q †Kvb †`k? AvaywbK we`y¨r mieivn" Gi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q ? K) bvB‡Rwiqv L) evsjv‡`k K) Goal- 03 L) Goal- 07 √ M) Mvw¤^qv √ N) Avj‡Rwiqv M) Goal- 09 N) Goal- 12 47 48 49 50 51 52 ˆe`y¨wZK wgUv‡i GK BDwbU we`y¨r LiP ej‡Z eySvq K) GK wK‡jvIqvU NÈv √ L) GK IqvU NÈv Our FB Group School of Engineers 65 72 w÷‡db nwKÝ wQ‡jb we‡k¦i GKRb AwZkq weL¨vZ - K) `vk©wbK L) c`v_©we` √ M) imvqbwe` N) MwbZÁ evsjv‡`‡k mve‡gwib †Ke‡ji gva¨‡g cª_g †Kvb Dc‡Rjvq 73 wb‡Pi †KvbwU 'Green House Gas bq? we`y¨r mieivn Kiv nq? K) bvBUªvm A·vBW L) Kve©b-WvB-A·vBW K) nvwZqv L) m›`xc √ M) Aw·‡Rb √ N) wg‡_b M) Pvi Av‡jKRvÛvi N) †m›U gvwU©b ‡KvbwU bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Drm bq? 74 'Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) Gi cª¯Íve K‡i‡Q K) Rj‡mªvZ L) evqy cªevn †Kvb †`k? M) cªvK„wZK M¨vm √ N) m~h©v‡jvK K) Rvcvb L) fviZ M) Pxb √ N) ivwkqv evsjv‡`k cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© GKwU we`y¨r ......... 75 ¯^vaxbZv cyi¯‹vi 2022 cªvß †KvbwU ? K) Drcv`bKvix ms¯’v L) weZiYKvix ms¯’v √ K) R¡vjvbx wefvM L) we`y¨r wefvM √ M) mÂvjbKvix ms¯’v N) wecYbKvix ms¯’v M) †m&ªZv N) wcwRwmwe gvbbxq cªavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv K‡e evsjv‡`‡ki kZfvM 76 cvqiv _vg©vj cvIqvi cøv‡›Ui †gvU Drcv`b ¶gZv KZ? RbMY‡K we`y¨r myweavi AvIZvq Avbvi †NvlYv cª`vb K‡ib? K) 800 †g. I. L) 400 †g.I. K) 21 gvP© 2021 L) 21 gvP© 2022 √ M) 1300 †g.I. N) 1320 †g.I. √ M) 22 gvP© 2022 N) 26 gvP© 2021 we`y¨r Avwe®‹v‡ii m‡½ †Kvb wkí wecø‡ei m¤úK© Av‡Q ? 77 Ultra Super Critical Technology e¨envi K‡i we`y¨r K) cª_g L) wØZxq √ Drcv`‡b evsjv‡`k c„w_ex‡Z KZ Zg †`k? M) Z„Zxq N) PZy_© K) 10g L) 33Zg M) 13Zg N) 35 Zg †KvbwU Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g bq? 78 wb‡Pi †KvbwU we`y¨r mÂvjb †Kv¤úvwb ? K) †Wm‡Kv L) †bm‡Kv K) C √ L) DOS M) †Wmv N) wcwRwmwe √ M) CP/M N) XENIX 79 †KvbwU evqyi Dcv`vb bq? wb‡Pi †KvbwU Open Source Software? K) bvB‡Uªv‡Rb L) nvB‡Wªv‡Rb K) Google Chrome L) MS Windows M) Kve©bWvB A•·vBW N) dmdivm √ M) Zoom N) Adobe Photoshop M) GK †gMvIqvU 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 N) GK IqvU wb‡Pi †Kvb Protocol wU B›Uvi‡bU Gi gva¨‡g Z_¨ Av`vb- 80 The very first English Dictionary was compiled by — cª`v‡bi wbivcËv wbwðZ K‡i? K) IzaakWalton L) Samuel Johnson √ K) FTP L) HTTPS √ M) Samuel Butler N) S.T. Coleridge M) TCP N) DNS Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (Breb) AGM (O&M)-2021 Exam: Written 1. Write a sentence on Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib 3 Solution: Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib was the wife of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the first President of Bangladesh. She is the mother of Sheikh Hasina, who now leads Bangladesh. She was assassinated with her husband and three sons in 15th August 1975. She was born in Tungipara, Gopalganj in 1930. Her nickname was Renu. Fazilatunnesa Mujib was under house arrest during Bangladesh Liberation War until 17 December. 2. Write down the five characteristics of 4G Mobile system. Solution: The features of 4G are: Better download speed extremely high voice quality. Easy access to Internet, IM, social networks, streaming media, video calling. Higher bandwidth. Much faster than 3G Our FB Group School of Engineers 4 3. Define protective relay. Mention six desirable features of protective relaying. 5 Solution: In electrical engineering, a protective relay is a relay device designed to trip a circuit breaker when a fault is detected. A protective relaying scheme should have certain important qualities such as: Reliability. Speed and Time. Sensitivity. Selectivity and discrimination. Stability. Simplicity. Economy. Adequateness. 4. Draw biasing configuration with the direction of flow of current for common emitter (CE): a) npn b) pnp type Solution: 5 5. Translate into English: a) e½eÜz‡K 1969mv‡j e½eÜz Dcvwa‡Z f~wlZ Kiv nq| Bangabandhu was awarded the title of Bangabandhu in 1969 b) e½eÜzi Amgvß KvR mgvß Ki‡Z Pvb Zvui Kb¨v †kL nvwmbv| Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina wants to finish the unfinished work of Bangabandhu. 6. Define data base. Write down the (04) application of data base. Solution: A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. Applications: Railway Reservation System, Library Management System, Banking, Credit card exchanges 4 7. Find the speed of the induction motor with 10 pair poles of 60Hz at 20% slip. Solution: We have, 4 𝑁𝑟 = 120𝑓 (1 − 𝑠) 𝑃 120 × 60 = 20 (1 − 3 0.2) = 288 rpm 8. 25kVA, 2000/200V single phase transformer. The core and copper loss are respectively 350w and 400w. Calculate the efficiency of the transformer at unity power factor and half full load. 5 Solution: We have, 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 ×𝑝𝑓×𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝜂 = 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 ×𝑝𝑓×𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑+𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 × 100 25 ×1×0.5 = 25 ×1×0.5+.35+.4 × 100 = 94.33 % 2 2 1 9. If 𝑥 − √5𝑥 + 1 = 0; find 𝑥 − 𝑥 2 =? 4 Solution: Self Study 10. How rural area will be served using off-grid power to change the life of style of the poor peoples in Bangladesh? 4 Solution: Self Study 11. Define ASK and FSK. Draw ASK modulated wave (Assume carrier and modulating signal) 3 Solution: Amplitude-shift keying (ASK), frequency-shift keying (FSK), and phase-shift keying (PSK) are digital modulation schemes. ASK refers to a type of amplitude modulation that assigns bit values to discrete amplitude levels. The carrier signal is then modulated among the members of a set of discrete values to transmit information. FSK refers to a type of frequency modulation that assigns bit values to discrete frequency levels. Our FB Group School of Engineers 12. Write down the three condition of series resonance Solution: Maximum current, minimum impedance, power factor unity 13. Draw the national flag of Bangladesh with labelled measure. Solution: 3 3 Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (Breb)-2021 Assistant Engineer (Electrical) 1. What is the value of crest factor of a sinusoidal wave? a) 1.11 b) 1.414 c) 0.070 d) None 2. ক োনটি অগ্নির সমোর্ থ নয়? a) পোব b) বগ্নি c) হুতোশন d) প্রজ্জগ্নিত 3. In a transformer which loss increases when frequency increases? a) copper b) hysteresis c) eddy d) None 4. What is the per capita generation (kwh) in Bangladesh? a) 1500 b) 1000 c) 550 d) 512 5. A ckt element that opposes the change in ckt voltage is a) resistor Our FB Group School of Engineers b) inductor c) capacitor 1 d) none 2 6. The feminine gender of “drone” is 3 a) bee 4 b) hind 5 c) ewe 6 d) lass 7 7. Sparking occurs on switching off the due to ckt 8 a) skin effect 9 b) capacitance 10 c) inductance d) none 8. ক োনটি সটি a) অনু b) অনূ c) অনু d) অনূ বোনোন? ুি ুি ূি ূি 9. How many economic zone will Bangladesh have by 2030? a) 100 b) 75 c) 250 d) undefined b d c d c a c c a b 10. Fill in the blank of “Who did you give the money---?” a) for b) to c) with d) by 11. Which alternator has more number of poles? a) wind b) gas c) hydro d) steam 12. এ টি র্গ্নিতত ৪টি িোি, ৫টি সবুজ ও ৬টি নীি িম আতে । ঐ র্গ্নি হতত এ টি িম কনওয়ো হতি উহো সবুজ নো হওয়োর সম্ভোবনো ত? a) b) c) d) 4/15 2/3 1/5 1/3 13. ৭ম পঞ্চবোগ্নষ থ ী পগ্নর ল্পনোর কময়োদ োি a) ২০১৬-২০২০ b) ২০২০-২০২৫ c) ২০২১-২০২৫ d) ২০১৫-২০২৫ 14. SCR is turned off where: a) gate voltage zero b) gate is reversed biased c) anode current is zero d) none 15. বোাংিোতদতশর সাংগ্নবধোতনর ক োন অণুতেতদ পল্লী গ্নবদুুতোয়তনর র্ো বিো কহোতয়তে? a) ১০ b) ১৫ c) ১৬ d) ২০ 16. How many commutators are there for a DC machine with 72 numbers of coils? a) 36 b) 72 c) 37 d) 74 17. বোাংিোতদশ সর োতরর প্রধোন আইন a) স্পি োর b) আইনমন্ত্রী c) প্রধোন গ্নবচোরপগ্নত d) ক োনটিই নয় Our FB Group ম থ তথো ক ? School of Engineers 18. 1 dB corresponds to changes (%) in voltage level of a) 40 b) 80 c) 20 d) 25 19. -4v I 300Ω -1v What is the value of I? a) 0 amp b) 1 ma c) 1 amp d) 0.1 amp 20. Entropy is a function of a) heat b) temperature c) pressure d) pressure and temperature (Entropy is a function of heat & temparature) 21. Emitter follower is used for a) voltage gain b) impedance matching c) current gain d) to follow power 22. “অতনত a) b) c) d) র মতধু এ ”- বো ু সাংত োচন গ্ন অসোধরণ কেষ্ঠ অননু অনুতম হতব? 23. Which key board shortcut command is used for cut option? a) ctrl + C b) ctrl + S c) ctrl + X d) none 24. Phase difference (in degree) between output and input of a CE amplifier is a) 180 b) 90 c) 0 d) none 25. Petrol engine runs on which cycle? a) Ericson 1 b 11 c b) Rankin 2 d 12 b c) Otto 3 c 13 a d) Joule 4 d 14 c 21 22 23 24 5 c 15 c 25 6 a 16 b 26 7 c 17 d 27 8 c 18 a 28 9 a 19 a 29 10 b 20 - 30 b d c a c d b a b c 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 26. Zener diode is usually used as a) rectifier b) oscillator c) amplifier d) voltage regulator 27. ব্লো কবঙ্গি ক োন প্রোণী? a) হগ্নরণ b) েোগি c) বোঘ d) ভোল্লু 28. Input impedance of an Op-Amp is a) very high b) very low c) zero d) infinity 29. Candela is the unit of a) Wave length b) Luminous intensity c) Luminous flux d) Frequency 30. - + 2Ω 10v A v 3Ω What is the value of I (amp) in the ckt? a) 2 b) 5 c) 0 d) none 31. Which device can restrict broadcast traffic? a) hub b) router c) switch d) RJ45 32. A galvanometer is series with high resistance is a) ammeter b) voltmeter c) wattmeter d) none 33. One ton of refrigerator is how many BTU/Hr? a) 120 b) 1200 c) 200 d) 12000 34. Which configuration has highest gain? a) CC Our FB Group School of Engineers d b a b c b b d c d 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 b) CB c) CE d) CE & CB 35. Which one is not correct? a) A+0 = A b) A.1 = A c) A+A’ = 1 d) A.A’ = 1 36. Reactors are connected with the ckt in a) series b) parallel c) series - parallel d) none 37. What is the length (km) of Padma Bridge? a) 5.8 b) 6.15 c) 15 d) 6.54 38. In a RLC circuit, If R = 5 Ω, L = 50 H, then resonance impedance (ohm) is a) 50 b) 5 c) 250 d) none 39. How many electric power distribution utilities in Bangladesh? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 40. It is the symbol of a) DIAC b) TRIAC c) V-MOS d) BJT 41. Joule is the unit of a) work b) energy c) power d) force 42. Transformer has negative voltage regulation at power factor a) zero b) unity a b b d b a c 43. 44. 45. 46. c) leading d) lagging In a BJT, If α = 0.9 then β = ? a) 100 b) 9 c) 90 d) none Resistance of an ideal ammeter is a) high b) infinity c) low d) zero Which gate is universal? a) AND b) OR c) Both d) None If an atom loss an electron, it is called a) proton b) neutron c) positive ion d) negative ion 47. It is the symbol of a) MOSFET b) SCR c) JFET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. d) DIAC 48. ক োনটি গ্নিজজিোি বোাংিোতদশ গ্নদবস? a) ১ নতভম্বর b) ১৫ নতভম্বর c) ১২ গ্নিতসম্বর d) ১৫ গ্নিতসম্বর 49. Envelop detector is helpful for following modulations a) ASK b) FSK c) PSK d) FSK & ASK 50. in an AC signal, oscilloscope can change a) amplitude b) frequency c) both (a) & (b) d) none 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 b d c d c a c c a b 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c b a c c b d a a - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 b d c a c d b a b c 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 b b d c d a b b d b 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 a c b d d c a c a d Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB)-2021 Assistant Junior Engineer (O&M, P&C, ERU, S&F, ERC) Corona occurs when two power time are: (a) closely spaced (b) widely spaced (c) have high potential difference, (d) carry DC Power What is the value of Cos3690? (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 0.5 (d) undefined Fill in the blanks with appropriate article: He is ---- one eyed man. (a) an (b) a (c) the (d) done ‡KvbwU mwVK evbvb ? (a) gš¿xmfv (b) gš¿x mfv (c) gwš¿mfv (d) ‡KvbwUB bq| What is the frequency (Hz) for 2-pole generator of speed 1800 rpm Our FB Group School of Engineers (a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 30 (d) none 6. If i=ImSin𝛉, the average value over a half cycle in; (a) 0.636Im (b) 0.707Im (c) Im (d) 0 7. What is access to electricity in Bangladesh as of December 2020; (a)100% (b) 99% (c) 90% (d)none. 8. Which of the connections is best suited for 3-phase 4-wire service (a) ∆-∆, (b) Y-Y, (c) Y-∆, (d) ∆-Y. 9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: The pond is full --- water (a) in (b) of (c) with (d) for 10.Considering the voltage regulation of transformer which one is the best ? (a) 1% , (b) 2%, (c) 3%, (d) 4%. 11.fvmvb Pi †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z ? (a) ‡fvjv, (b) cUzqvLvjx, (c) ‡bvqvLvjx, (d) K·evRvi. 12.What is the past tense of sing: (a) singed, (b) sung, (c) sang, (d) none. 13.e½eÜz kãwUi c` wK ? (a) we‡kl¨, (b) we‡klY, (c) Ae¨q, (d) ‡KvbwUB bq. 14. Process of adding impurities to semiconductor is called; (a) mixing, (b) refining, (c) diffusing, (d) doping. 15.Write the name of parts of speech of best: (a) noun, (b) pronoun, (c) preposition, (d) adjective. 16.What a battery is? (a) Current source, (b) voltage source (c) Power source, (d) none. 17. Who took first COVID-19 vaccine in Bangladesh? (a) Nurse Runu (b) Nurse Rini (c) Dr. flora (d) Dr Amin. 18.What is the missing value in the series 1(2)3, 2(4)6, 3(?)9. (a) 3, (b) 6, (c) 9, (d) 2. 19.Which motor is used for constant speed? (a) Induction, (b) Synchronous, (c) single phase, (d) None. 20.Which one can be used for read? (a) RAM, (b) ROM, (c) Both a & b (d). None. 21.Which one is used to close a running document? (a) alt+W, (b) ctrl+S, (c) ctrl+A, (d) none. 22.hv c~‡e© †`Lv hvqwb, GK K_vq wK n‡e (a) A`„ó, (b) Ac~e,© (c) `„ó c~e©, (d)A`„óc~e©. 23.Which one is the synonym of “Happiness” (a) pleasure, (b)sadness, (c)ugly, (d)none. 24.What type of material rubber is? (a) Conductor, (b) Insulator, (c) Semiconductor, (d)Good conductor. Our FB Group School of Engineers 25. wmMbv‡ji cvi¯úwiK iæcvšÍi ‡K K‡i? K) ivDUvi L) †MUI‡q M) myBP N) g‡Wg 26. In the ckt what is the value of l(amp)? (a)1, (b)2, (c)0, (d) None. 27.Which one is the smallest region in a transistor? (a) base, (b)emitter, (c)collector, (d) both a and b. 28.Who is Bangladesh Team Captain for one day cricket ?. (a)Sakib, (b)Mushfiq, (c)Tamim, (d)Mashrafi. 29.What is to be added in an electric line to increase voltage? (a)Capacitor, (b)Inductor, (c)Resistor, (d)All. 30.What is the full name of LED? (a)Light emitting diode, (b)Low emitting diode, (c)Low emission display, (d)Low electron display. 31. What type of transistor in it? (a)NPN, (b)PNP, (c)UJT, (d)none. 32.A generator supplies 100 MVA at 0.5 power factor. What is in MW? (a)100, (b)90, (c)200, (d)none. 33.Taramon Bibi was awarded with (a)Bir Shrestha, (b)Bir Uttam, (c)Bir Bikrom, (d) Bit Protik. 34.Unit of Electrical power is (a)Newton meter, (b)Watt, (c)Watt sec, (d)Hoarse power. 35.How may seating arrangements can be made with three men beside a round table ? (a)3, (b)6, (c)12, (d)18. 36.Energy consumption of a 20 watt bulb for 24 hours is (a)48 Kwh, (b)450Wb, (c)450w, (d)none. 37.Joe Baiden is the President of the USA (a)40th, (b)45th, (c)46th, (d)none. 38. What is the value of 1 (amp) in this ckt? (a)0, (b) 0, (c)Infinity, (d)None. 39.What is the power frequency (Hz) of Bangladesh. ? (a) 30, (b) 60, (c) 50, (d) None. 40.How many electricity transmission utilities are there in Bangladesh? (a)4, (b)5, (c)1, (d)6. 41.What is the feminine of dog? (a) Female dog, (b) Viven, (c) She dog, (d) Bitch. 42.What is the time duration of SDG; (a)2009-2021, (b) 2016-2030, (c)2009-2030, (d)None. 43. It is the symbol of; (a) Triac (b) Shockley diode (c) SCR, (d) DIAC. 44.If line frequency is 50Hz, then output (Hz) of a bridge rectifier is (a)25, (b)50, (c)100, (d) None. 45.Transformer core is laminated to: (a) simplify construction, (b) reduce hysteresis loss, (c) reduce weight, (d) reduce eddy current loss. 46.When these two lines Y=ax+b and Y=cx+d will be parallel? (a) ab = cd, (b)ac=bd, (c)a=c, (d)None. 47.When frequency increases then wave length will: (a)increase, (b)decrease, (c)remains same, (d)None. Our FB Group School of Engineers 48.As of December 2020 BREB has consumers (core); (a) 2, (b) 2.5, (c) 3.8, (d) None. 49.1 HP (Horse Power) = ? (a) 746 watt, (b)746 kilowatt, (c)0.746 watt, (d) None. 50.Which one is Mujib Barsha ? (a) 17 March 2020- 17 March 2021, (b) 17 March 2020- 16 March 2021, (c) 17 March 2020- 16 December 2021, (d) 17 March 2020- 16 December, 2020. (NB: Mujib Barsha Extended to 31 March 2022) 1 2 3 a) closely spaced a) 0 b) a 11 c) ‡bvqvLvjx 12 c) Sang 13 b) we‡klY 21 d) none 22 d) A`„óc~e© 23 a) Pleasure 31 b) PNP 32 d) None 33 d) Bir- 4 5 c) gwš¿mfv c) 30Hz 14 d) Doping 15 d) Adjectives 24 b) Insulator 25 d) Modem 34 b) Watt 35 b) 6 44 c) 100Hz 45 d) Reduce Eddy 6 a) 0.636Im 16 b) Voltage 26 c) 0 36 b) 480Wh 46 c) a=c 7 8 9 10 b) 99% d) Delta-Wye b) of a) 1% 17 18 19 20 41 d) Bitch 42 b) 2016-30 43 d) DIAC Protik Current Loss Source a) Nurse Runu b) 6 b) Synchronous c) Both 27 28 29 30 a) Base c) Tamim a) Capacitor a) Light Emitting Diode 37 38 39 40 c) 46th a) 0 Amp c) 50Hz c) 1 47 48 49 50 b) Decrease d) None a) 746W b) 17March 2020-16 Dec 2021 BREB-2021 Post Name: Assistant Junior Engineer (Electrical & Power) Written Exam 5 x 10 = 50 Mark Date: 06/01/21 1. Translation: evsjv fvlvi †MŠieD¾¡j HwZn¨ i‡q‡Q| G †`‡ki QvÎmgvR Avgv‡`i fvlvi gvb ivL‡Z Rxeb w`‡q‡Q| GB knx`iv Avgv‡`i BwZnvm I RvwZi Me©| Answer: Bengali Language has a glorious history. The students of our country sacrificed their lives for the language. These martyrs are the pride of our history and nation. 2. evK¨ ï× Kiæbt K. GK †cŠ‡l kxZ hvqbv L. Zv‡K hvB‡Z `vI M. Avgvi UvKvi Avek¨K †bB N. wewa j•Nb n‡q‡Q O. †Zvgvi mv‡_ †Mvcb K_v Av‡Q DËit K) GK gv‡N kxZ hvq bv L) Zv‡K †h‡Z `vI| M) Avgvi UvKvi Avek¨KZv †bB| N) wewa jw•NZ n‡q‡Q| O) †Zvgvi mv‡_ ‡Mvcbxq K_v Av‡Q| 3. bevqb‡hvM¨ 5wU R¦vjvwb Dr‡mi bvg| DËit RjcÖevn, evqycÖevn, ev‡qvM¨vm, m~hv©‡jvK, f~Mf©¯’ Zvckw³ 4. MÖvg Dbœq‡b we`y¨‡Zi 5wU f~wgKv| 5. 𝛼 =0.5 n‡j 𝛽 = ? DËit 1 6. Find out I. Our FB Group School of Engineers 7. 7Ω G cvIqvi jm ? 8. 9. 10. Prove That; Sin60 – sin70 + sin10 = 0 ev‡mi ˆ`N©¨ 22 dzU, cy‡ji ˆ`N©¨ 22 MR, ev‡mi MwZ‡eM N›Uvq 30 gvBj| cyj AwZµg Ki‡Z ev‡mi KZ mgq jvM‡e ? gywRe el© m¤ú‡K© 5wU evK¨ wjL| evsjv‡`k cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW©- 2020 Post: Sub-Assistant Engineer Dept: Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/Power 1. What is the frequency (Hz) for a 4-pole generator of speed 1200 rpm? a) c) 50 40 b) d) 60 none 2. KvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPv MÖ‡š’i iPwqZv †K ? a) c) ‡k‡i-G-evsjv ‡kL nvwmbv b) d) ‡mvnivIqv`©x ‡kL gywReyi ingvb 3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition in the sentence: “ I am capable ___doing it. “ a) c) in with b) d) of for 4. What is the approximate number of consumers (core) under BREB? a) c) 2.50 2.70 b) d) 2.40 2.80 e¨vL¨vt eZ©gv‡b †gvU MÖvnK msL¨v n‡jv 3.06‡KvwU| 5. Zwor †PŠ¤^K Av‡e‡ki Avwe®‹viK n‡jba) c) wbDUb M¨vwjwjI b) d) d¨viv‡W g¨v· 6. What is the past participle of put? a) puted Our FB Group b) pat School of Engineers c) put d) putted 7. What is the value of “x” in series? 2(2)1, 4(x)2, 6(18)3,? a) c) 8 9 b) d) 1 none b) d) gwš¿mfv ‡KvbwUB bq 8. ‡KvbwU mwVK evbvb ? a) c) gš¿xmfv gš¿x mfv 9. What is the value of sin36900? a) c) 0 0.5 b) d) 60 Undefined. 10. Write the name of parts of speech of “fertile” a) c) noun adverb b) d) pronoun adjective 11. Considering the voltage regulation of transform, which one is the best? a) c) 10% 5% b) d) 20% 0% 12. GKwU _wj‡Z 4wU jvj, 5wU meyR I 6wU bxj Kjg Av‡Q| H _wj n‡Z GKwU Kjg †bqv n‡j; †mwU meyR nevi m¤¢vebv KZ ? a) c) 4/15 1/5 b) d) 6/15 1/3 b) we‡klY 13. Òey‡bvÓ kãwUi c` Kx ? a) we‡kl¨ c) Ae¨q d) ‡KvbwUB bq 14. e½eÜz HwZnvwmK 6 `dv †Kvb mv‡j †NvlYv K‡ib? a) c) 1966 1979 b) d) 1968 1970 b) d) Voltage source None Current source Power source 16. ‡m›U gvwU©b Øxc †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z ? a) c) ‡fvjv ‡bvqvLvjx b) d) cUzqvLvjx K·evRvi 17. Which one is the synonym of “adult”? a) c) mature immature b) d) child none 18. Which one can be used for read ? a) c) RAM Both (a) & (b) b) d) ROM none 19. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g m¨v‡UjvBU e½eÜz-1 Gi cixÿvg~jK m¤úªPvi K‡e ïiæ nq ? a) c) 2017 2019 b) d) 2018 ‡KvbwUB bq 20. What is the decimal value of D? a) c) 11 13 b) d) 12 14 21. Which motor is used for constant speed? a) c) Induction Single phase b) d) Synchronous none 22. hv c~‡e© †`Lv hvq wb- GK K_vq Kx n‡e ? a) c) A`„ó `„ô c~e© b) d) Ac~e© A`„ó c~e© 23. Which one is used to close a running document? a) c) Ctrl+W Ctrl+A b) d) Ctrl+S none 24. What type of material is silicon (Si)? a) c) Conductor Semiconductor b) d) Insulator Good conductor 25. Petrol engine runs on which cycle? a) c) Ericsson Otto b) d) Diesel Duel 26. At what region does a transistor operate? a) c) Active Saturation b) d) Cut off none b) d) Rxeb ZwUbx 27. ‡KvbwU mgv_©K bq ? a) c) A¤^y cvwb 28. What is to be added in an electric line to increase voltage/ a) c) Capacitor Resistor b) d) Inductor all 29. A retaining wall may be defined as a structure, whose primary purpose is to prevent: a) Lateral movement of earth b) Upward movement of earth c) Downward movement of eath Our FB Group a) c) g‡Wg ivDUvi b) d) nve ‡MUI‡q b) d) ¯^vqËkvwmZ ms¯’v ‡KvbwUB bq| 31. cwjøwe`y¨r mwgwZw¸‡jv Kx ? 15. What is a battery? a) c) d) All 30. wmMb¨v‡ji cvi¯úwiK iƒcvšÍi K‡i- School of Engineers a) c) miKvwi ms¯’v Aa©miKvwi ms¯’v e¨vL¨vt cjøxwe`yr mwgwZ¸‡jv MÖvnK gvwjKvbvaxb cÖwZôvb| 32. What is the full name of LCD ? a) Light control diode b) Light crystal display c) Liquid crystal diode d) Liquid crystal display 33. What is the mass in kg of a body in the moon, if it is 60kg in the earth? a) c) 60 0 b) d) 1 none 34. Inlet & Outlet valves of engines are run by: a) c) Crankshaft Flywheel b) d) Camshaft Motor 35. Unit of electrical energy is: a) c) Newton-meter Watt-sec b) d) Watt BTU 36. In TV transmission the modulated voice signal is: a) c) AM FM b) d) PM FSK 37. Energy consumption of a 100watt bulb for ten hours is: a) c) 1000kWh 1 unit b) d) 100kWh 1kW 38. How may electricity distribution utilities are there in Bangladesh? a) c) 4 6 b) d) 5 none 39. How many seating arrangements can be made with five men beside a round table? a) c) 24 120 b) d) 40 18 40. What is used for pneumatic system? a) c) Air Belt pulley b) d) Water electricity 41. Who is the Captain of Bangladesh team for me day cricket? a) c) Tamim Sakib b) d) Mushfiq Mashrafi 42. Whose initiative SDG is? a) c) Bangladesh USA b) d) UN none 43. Resistance depends on: a) c) Length Material b) d) Cross section all 44. Fiber optic cable is made of: a) Glass b) Copper c) Plastic d) none a) b) c) d) 45. How many PBSs are there under BREB? a) c) 77 78 b) d) 75 none 46. When these two lines; Y = ax + b and Y = cx +d will be parallel? a) c) ab = cd a=c b) d) 47. GKwU I‡qf GK mvB‡K‡j †h `yiæZ¡ AwÎKg K‡i, Zv‡K Kx e‡j ? a) c) Frequency Wavelength b) d) 49. 1MPa (Mega Pascal) = ? a) c) ac = bd none Cycle none 17 gvP© 2020 - 17 gvP© 2021 17 gvP© 2020 - 16 gvP© 2021 17 gvP© 2020 - 17 gvP© 2022 ‡KvbwUB bq (cÖK…Zc‡ÿt 17 gvP© 2020 - 31 gvP© 2022) 145 psi 100 psi b) d) 401 psi 131 psi 50. GKwU I‡qf GK mvB‡K‡j †h `yiZ¡ AwZµg K‡i, Zv‡K Kx e‡j? a) Frequency b) Cycle c) Wavelength d) none 48. ‡KvbwU gywReel©? 1 11 21 31 41 C D B B A 2 12 22 32 42 Marks: 50 D D D D B 3 13 23 33 43 B B A A D 4 14 24 34 44 A C B A BREB SAE-2020 5 B 6 C 15 C 16 D 25 C 26 A 35 C 36 C 45 D 46 D 7 17 27 37 47 A A D C C BREB AGM (O&M, P&M, E&C)-2020 10-10-2020 8 18 28 38 48 B C A C - 9 19 29 39 49 B B A A A 10 20 30 40 50 D C A A C Time: 1Hr 1. What are the demerits of low power factor? How power factor can be improved? 2. What is system loss? Why high voltage is used for transmission? 3. Comparison between HVAC and HVDC 4. A 4-pole DC generator is delivering 20A to a load of 10Ω. If the armature resistance is 0.5Ω and the shunt field resistance is 50Ω. Calculate the induced emf and the efficiency of the machine. Allow a drop of 1V per brush (assume no iron and friction loss) 5. Two generators rated 200MW and 400MW respectively are working in parallel and supplying a total load of 300MW. Speed regulation of both generators is 4%. What will be the load sharing between them. 6. What do you mean by feedback? What type of feedback is used in oscillator and amplifier? Discuss necessity of feedback 7. Advantage and disadvantages of frequency Modulation Advantages(i) It gives noiseless reception. Noise is a form of amplitude variation and a FM receiver will reject such noise signals. (ii)The operating range is quite large. (iii) The efficiency of transmission is very high. Disadvantages(i) A much wider channel is required by FM. (ii)FM transmitting and receiving equipment’s tends to be more complex. 8. Draw and explain simplified differential relay Our FB Group School of Engineers 9. Advantage and disadvantages of Optical Fiber communication Solution: Advantages of Fiber Optic Transmission: a) Extremely High Bandwidth b) Longer Distance c) Resistance to Electromagnetic Interference d) Low Security Risk e) Small Size f) Light Weight Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Transmission: a) Fragility b) Difficult to Install c) Attenuation & Dispersion d) Cost Is Higher Than Copper Cable 10. Draw the output voltage wave. Vi R Vm _ I/P V2 Vm t 0 VO + + VO V2 V1 0 _ V1 t O/P wPÎ – Biased Parallel combination clipper Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) পতদর নোম: সহ োরী জুগ্ননয়র ইজিগ্ননয়োর (ওঅুোন্ডএম/ইঅুোন্ডগ্নস/এসঅুোন্ডগ্নপ/ইআরইউ/জজআইএস/ইআরগ্নস) পরীক্ষোর তোগ্নরখ: ২৭/০৯/২০১৯ পূণমোনঃ থ ৫০ সময় ১ ঘন্টো ১) 1MHz অতপক্ষো 1GHz ত গুণ বড়? ( ) 104 (গ) 10 3 ২। Dog এর স্ত্রী গ্নিঙ্গ ী? (ক) Bitch (গ) Female dog 4 ৩) V= π(r)3 সমী রতণ r এর মোতন 2% ত্রুটি হতি V এর মোতন 3 ( ) 2% (গ) 6% Our FB Group School of Engineers (খ) 105 (ঘ) 102 (খ) Vixen (ঘ) She-dog ত ত্রুটি হতব? (খ) 4% (ঘ) ৪% ৪। ক োন গ্নবদুুৎ ক তের দক্ষতো অগ্নধ ? (ক)স ৌর (গ) ম্বোইন্ড সোইত ি (খ) র্োরমোি (ঘ) বোয়ু ৫। কিক্টর →, → ও → এর মোন যর্োক্রতম 12, 5 এবাং 13; → +→ = → হতি কভক্টর →, → এর মধুবতী ক োণ ত? A B C A B C A B π ( )π (খ) 2 π (গ) (ঘ) 0 4 ৬। এ টি গোগ্নড় প্রর্ম ১০ গ্নমগ্ননতি ১২ গ্ন গ্নম যোয় এবাং পরবতী ১২ গ্নমগ্ননতি ১০ গ্ন গ্নম যোয়। গোগ্নড়টির গড় দ্রুগ্নত ত? ( ) 60 kmh-1 (খ) 30 kmh-2 (গ) 60 kms-1 (ঘ) 60 kmm-1 ৭। এই বতথনীর প্রগ্নতটি ধোরত র মোন 2uF হতি তু িু ধোর ত্ব ( ) 5F (খ) 1.25 µF (গ) 5µF (ঘ) None ৮। বোাংিোতদশ পগ্নল্ল গ্নবদুুতোয়ন কবোতিথর আনুমোগ্নন গ্রোহ সাংখুো ত? ( ) ২.৭০ িক্ষ (খ) ২.৫০ িক্ষ (গ) ৩ িক্ষ। (ঘ) সকোনটিই নয় বুোখুোঃ ২০২০ কসতেম্বর পযন্ত থ ২,৮৮,৩৭,০৯৫ জন। (৯) 50 ওয়োি ক্ষমতোসম্পন্ন এ টি বো 10 ঘণ্টো জ্বিতি ত ইউগ্ননি গ্নবদুুৎ খরচ হয়? ( ) 500 (খ) 50 . (গ) 5. (ঘ) 0.5 ত? ১০। I-এর মোন ( ) 2.2A (গ) 0.2A ত? যগ্নদ VAB = 12V, S = 5Ω হয়? (খ) 2A (ঘ)1.8A ১১। এই বতথনীতত তগ্নড়ৎপ্রবোহ (খ) 0.2A (গ) 0 ( ) 1A ১২। বোাংিোতদতশর আনুমোগ্নন ( )৯৪% ত? ত শতোাংশ মোনুষ গ্নবদুুৎ সুগ্নবধোয় আসতে? (খ) ৯০% (গ) ৮৫% (eZ©gv‡b 100%) ১৩। 60w - 200v এবাং 60w - 100V কিখো বোল্ব দুটির সরোকধর অনুপোত ত? ( ) 1:1 (খ) 2:1 (গ) 1:4 ১৪। Dig শব্দটির Past form ী? Our FB Group School of Engineers (9) None (ঘ) ক োনটিই নয় (ঘ) 4:1 (ক) Deg (খ) Dag ১৫। কচৌম্ব তক্ষতের এ ী? (ক) Weber (খ) Tesla ১৬। সরোবকির অুো চুতয়ির ী? ( ) ইতি টি স োির (গ) বুোিোগ্নর (গ) Dug (ঘ) Deged (গ) Henry (ঘ) None (খ) তোপ গ্ননগমন থ (ঘ) নুোসনোটিউব ১৭। ক োসনো গ্নদ পগ্নরবতী তগ্নড়চ্চোি শজির শীষমথ োন থ 1.41V হতি এর বগমূথ ি গড় মোন ( ) 1V (খ) 2v (গ) 100v ত? (ঘ) None ১৮। এই 'তরতঙ্গর তগ্নড়ৎ প্রবোহমোেোর োয থ রী মোন ত? ( ) 52A ১৯। কেপআপ িোন্সফরমোতরর কক্ষতে ক োনটি সটি নয়? (ক) ns>np (খ) Ep<Es, (গ) Ip>Is, ২০। বহুদূতর তয় জতনর মতধু মতগ্নবগ্ননমতয়র অতুোধুগ্নন পদ্ধগ্নত ( ) ই-কমইি (খ) কিগ্নি নফোতরন্স (গ) গ্নভগ্নিও নফোতরন্স 𝜋 ২১) I1,I0sin𝜔 t এবং I2=I0sin𝜔 (t+ ) এর দশো পোর্কয থ কত? 3 𝜋 𝜋 (ক) (খ) (গ) 𝜋 2 3 ২২। বো ুটির শূনুস্থোন পূরণ র । The miser spends time________ hoarding money. ( ) of (খ) for (গ) on ২৩। ( ) AND এই কগইিটির নোম ী? (খ) NAND (গ) OR. (ঘ) None (ঘ) বুতিটিন (ঘ) None (ঘ)in (ঘ) NOR 24. 24/09/2019Bs Zvwi‡L mgvß wÎ †`kxq †µ‡KU g¨v‡Pi djvdj wK ? a) evsjv‡`‡ki Rq, (b) evsjv‡`‡ki civRq, (c) Dfq `‡ji Rq, (d)djvdj Awba©vwiZ| 25. GUv †Kvb ai‡bi UªvbwR÷i (a)PNP, (b) NPN, (c) 0.1, (d)None. 26. If Ic = 10mA, IB= 1mA, then ∝ = a) 0.909 (b) 10, (c) 0.1 (d) None. 27. In a DC circuit when maximum power transfer occurs ? (a) RL>RR (b)RR>RL (C) RR = RL (d) None. 28. gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv‡K wUKv`vb Kg©m~Pxi Amvgvb¨ mvd‡jªi Rb¨ †Kvb Dcvwa‡Z f~wlZ Kiv nq ? a) f¨vKwmb wn‡iv, (b) gv`vi Ae wnDwgwbU, (c) wkï‡`i Rbbx (d) kvwšÍi `~Z| 29. Q=IT mgxKi‡b I=5A, T=1 Sec n‡j Q=? (a) 5 Watt, (b) 5 coulombs, (c) 5 Jouels, (d) None. 30. hw` L=1H Ges f = 50 Hz nq, Zvn‡j XL = ? (a) 314 ohm, (b) 624 ohm, (c) 314H, (d) 314 Hz. 31. GKUv wmwiR mvwK©‡U Resonance nq hLb; Our FB Group School of Engineers (a) RL = XL (b) RL = Xc (C) XL = 1/ Xc (d) XL = XC 32. cÖZ~l¨ kãwU mwÜ we‡”Q` wK ? (a) cÖZz¨+l (b) cÖwZ+Dl, (c) cÖwZ+Dl, (d) cÖZz¨+Dl 33. GKUv Zv‡ii †ivaK 3 ohm Ges cÖevn 5A Dnvi cÖevn 2 ¸b e„w× †c‡j Zv‡ii jm KZ¸b e„w× cv‡e? (a) 1 ¸b (b) 3 ¸b (c)4 ¸b (d) None. 34. Magnetic Loss ‡Rbv‡iU‡ii †Kvb As‡k nq ? (a) Kcvi Zv‡i (b) ‡jvnvi As‡k (c) eªv‡m, (d) ‡KvbwUB bq| 35. Solar PV wK ai‡bi we`y¨ Drcv`b K‡i ? (a) DC, (b) AC, (c) Dfq (a) Ges (b) (d) †KvbwUB bq| 36. Dwbk (19) MYbvePK n‡j Gi ZvwiL evPK wK n‡e ? (a) DbkZK, (b) Dwbesk, (c) DwbkZg, (d) Dwb‡k| 37. ‡KvbwU Transistor bq? (a) BJT, (b) MOSFET, (c) IGBT, (d) SCR 38 It is the symbol of(a) Triac (b) Diac, (c) SCR, (d) Shockley Diode. 39. % Voltage Regulation Gi fwˇZ †Kvb ‡Rbv‡iUiwU DËg ? (a) 100%, (b)75%, (c)50%, (d) 0% 40. ‡Kvb DC ‡Rbv‡iUiwU I‡cb mvwK©‡U †fv‡ëR Drcv`‡b Aÿg ? (a)Shunt, (b) Series, (c) Short Shunt, (d) Long Shunt. 41. Back emf ‡Kvb †gwk‡bi mv‡_ m¤ú„³ ? (a) DC Generator, (b) AC Generator (c) DC Motor, (d) None. 42. England kãwUi n Aÿi 2wU GKms‡M †i‡L me Aÿi¸‡jv web¨vm msL¨v n‡e| a) 360, b) 2520 c) 720 d) 1440 43. UªvÝdg©v‡ii Primary I Secondary ckt G †KvbwU AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K ? (a) Power, (b) VA, (c) Current (d) Voltage. 44. GKUv 3 †dBR BÛvKkb gU‡ii `ÿZv (efficeicny) KZ ? (a)S (b)N (c) Ns (d)1-S 45. ‡Kvb AjUvi‡bU‡ii P=4, N=1200 rmp n‡j, f=? (a) 50Hz (b) 60Hz (c) 40 Hz (d)4800 Hz. 46. Sin5= P n‡j Cos5= ? (a) (1-P2) b) 2P, (c) (P2=1); 47. Load Factor = 100% gv‡b ? (a) Peak load>Average load, (c) Peal load = Average load, 48. SF6 gas is used as it has; a) Good conductivity, (c) Electronegativity, 49. Differential relay isused for protection of: Our FB Group School of Engineers (d) None (b) Peal Load<Average load (d) None. (b) High boiling point (d) None. a) Transmission Line (c) Distribution line, 50. Easy k‡ãi Adverb wK ? (a) Easier, (b) Easily, 1 11 21 31 41 C B B D C 2 12 22 32 42 A - C B C 3 13 23 33 43 D D B C B 4 14 24 34 44 C C C B D (b) Equipment having windings (d) None. (c) Easiest BREB AJE-2019 5 B 6 A 15 B 16 A 25 B 26 A 35 A 36 D 45 C 46 A (d) None 7 17 27 37 47 C A C D C 8 18 28 38 48 D B A B C 9 19 29 39 49 D D B D B 10 20 30 40 50 B C A A B BREB- 2019 Post: AGM (O&M, E&C) 1. Skin effect is negligible at a) Radio Frequency b) power frequency c) ultra high frequency d) none 2. The temperature at which iron loses its ferromagnetic properties is called. a) Curie point b) ferro-lose temparature c) flux burn point d) perminvar temparature 3. An equivalent circuit using, Norton’s theorem is a) Current source parallel to a conductance b) voltages source parallel to a resister c) voltage source in series with a resister d) Current source in series with a resister. 4. Linear inductor is independence of a) temperature b) current c) magnetic filed d) resistance 5. The RLC Circuit is, a) 1st order b) 2nd order c) 3rd order d) none 6. In a parallel resonance circuit a) impedance at minimum value b) inductive & capacitive reactance are equal in magnitude c) current maximum for constant reactance d) admittance at minimum value. 7. If i= Imsin𝛉, then average value over half cycle is a) 0.636 Im b) 0.707 Im c) Im d) 0 8. If no of poles in a simplex wave wound generator is 40 & no of conduction is 20, then no of parallel path is a) 4 b) 64 c) 2 d) 5 9. the direction of rotation of DC motor may be determined by a) Flemings right hand rule b) Lenz law c) screw law d) Flemings left hand rule 10. Which transformer is best considering following voltage regulations? a) 0% b) 5% c) 100% d) none 11. One of the basic requirements of a servomotor is that it must produce high torque at all a) load b) frequencies c) voltages d) none 12. The electric displacement between the two stator winding of a resolver is a) 1800 b) 900 c) 450 (d) 600 13. The efficiency of a 3-phase induction motor is a approximately proportional to a) 1-s b) s c) N d) NS 14. Armature reaction of an alternator effects a) frequency b) speed c) voltage d) none 15. The angle between the synchronously rotating stator flux and rotor poles of a synchronous motor is called. a) synchronizing b) torque c) power factor d) slip 16. If the gain margin is positive, the amplifies is potentially a) unstable b) stable c) both d) none 17. In a transistor which one is largest in size a) emitter b) base c) collector d) none 18. If line frequency is 50Hz, the output frequency of a bridge rectifier is Our FB Group School of Engineers 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. a) 25hz b) 50Hz c) 100Hz d) none A Darlington transistor has a) very low input impedance (b) three transistor c) a very high current gain d) very high voltage gain. The maximum efficiency of a class B push pull amplifier is a) 25% b) 78.5% c) 100% d) none Self bias produces feedback of a) positive b) negative c) forward d) reverse A latch always uses a) transistor b) negative feedback c) current d) positive feedback Unijunction transistor acts as a a) four layer diode b) latch c) diac d) none Give a voltage reference of+ 2.5v, we can get a voltage reference of+ 15v by using a) an inverting amplifier b) a non inverting amplifier c) a differential amplifier d) none A Dc-Dc converter is a a) DC chopper b) inverter c) rectifier d) none Too low load factor reflects a) too high peak and average load b) too low average and peak load c) too high peak and average low average load d) high average and low peak load Biased differential relay operates on a) Differential quantity b) restraining quantity c) both d) none Mho relay is a) distance relay b) % different relay c) both d) none SF6 gas has a) electro positivity b) poor dielectric strength c) high current conductivity d) electro negativity For fault identification a) CB is better then ACR b) ACR is better than CB c) both d) none HRSG is used in power plants of a) Single cycle b) combined cycle c) both d) none In a power plant high heat rate indicates. a) high efficiency b) high calorific value c) low efficiency d) none Which power plant of 50MW capacity will have more poles for 50HZ a) wind b) nuclear c) thermal d) hydro For carrier communication of analogue voice signal which modulation Is the best a) amplitude b) phase c) frequency d) angle Highest efficiency can be achieved from a) DSB+C b) DSB-SC c) SSB-SC d) SSB The maximum bandwidth is occupied by a) ASK b) BPSK c) FSK d) None Synchronization of signal is doing using. a) pilot clock b) extracting timing information from received signal c) transmitter and receiver connected to master source d) all Technique to reduce side band power is a) Gaussian b) MSK c) BPSK d) BFSK What is present per capita electricity generation (Kwh) Bangladesh a) 560 b) 500 c) 1000 d) none (NB: Follow Recent Data) Bangladesh power grid stability by PGCB is controlled by a) voltage b) current c) both a & b d) none Total connected consumers for BREB is Approximate: a) 2.70 core b) 2.50 core c) 3. core d) None (NB: Follow Recent Data) When SDG will terminate? a) 2030 b) 2040 c) 2025 d) 2021 Our FB Group School of Engineers 43. Wimbledon is famous for sports? a) Hockey b) Rugby c) Lawn Tennis d) Table Tennis 44. Which one is the antonym of Altogether? a) Entirely b) Partially c) Completely d) None 45. Which one is synonym of Anarchy? a) Order b) Lawfulness c) Systematic d) Confussion 46. Fill in blanks, He keeps …… me late to study? a) Up b) on c) of d) in 47. On of the point of Gi evsjv A_© wK ? a) cÖv°v‡j b) ‡gv‡Ui Dci c) cÖvq d) mwVK we›`y‡Z 48. Fill in the blanks of I have no taste ……Music. a) of b) with c) for d) none 49. jvj-mvjyi iPwqZv †K ? a) Rwni ivqnvb b) ‰mq` gyRZev Avjx c) AvgRv` †nv‡mb d) ‰mq` IqvwjDjøvn 50. wk‡i-msµvwšÍ-Gi mwVK A_© wK ? a) gnvwec` b) Avmbœ wec` c) ïf msev` d) gv_vq †evSv 1 11 21 31 41 A D B B A 2 12 22 32 42 A B D C A 3 13 23 33 43 D A A B C 4 14 24 34 44 B C A C B BREB AGM-2019 5 B 6 D 15 B 16 B 25 A 26 C 35 C 36 C 45 B 46 C 7 17 27 37 47 A C B B A 8 18 28 38 48 C C A A A 9 19 29 39 49 REB MCQ-2019 Post : AGM (MS) 1. For what value of X, The slope of Y = X + 1/X will be zero? 3 a) ± 2 b) 1 c) ±1 d) ±2 2. What happens to surface tension if temperature increase? a) Increases b ) Decreases c ) Remain fixed 3. Direction of current flow is measured by a) Faraday Law b) Lenzs Law c ) Fleming Law d) becomes Zero 4. Fiber optics cable are made of a) copper b) plastic c) Glass d) ceramics 5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition in the sentences "I am sanguine ..... my success". a) in b) of c) with d) on 6. What are the total number of PBS under the BREB at this moment? a) 80 b) 75 c) 82 d) none 7. If the distance between two objects is reduced by 50%, then gravitational force will be a) two times decrease b) two times increases c) four times increase d ) four times decreased 8. Henry Is : a) VAs-1 b) VAs c) VsA-1 d ) none 9. CDMA technologies uses : a) SIM b) SIUM c) RIM d) RUIM 10. What is the meaning of "want off" a) b) c ) cÖ‡qvRb d) 11. What is the value of sin 45º ? a) 0 b) -1 c)1 d ) undefined 12. For four capacitors of 4 F each are connected in series. What is the equivalent value? a) 1F b) 16 F c) 8F d) none 13. What is decimal value of D? Our FB Group School of Engineers D C D A D 10 20 30 40 50 A B A A B a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14 14. Which one is correct? a) one dozen of bananas are sufficient b) one dozen of banana is sufficient c) one dozen of banana are sufficient d) None 15. How many seating arrangements can be made with five men besides a round table? a) 24 b) 40 c) 120 d) 18 16. what is the mass of kg in the moon if it is 70 kg in each earth? a) 70 b) 1 c) 0 d) none 17. Two conductor A & B are same length and materials diameters of A is double than that of B. What is the resistance of B in comparison to A. a) Equal b) two time more c) four times more d) None 18. What is the antonyms of abandon? a) resing b) abdicate c) upload d) abjue 19. What is the access of electricity of Bangladesh at present? a) 75% b) 80% c) 90% d) 95% (NB: Follow Recent Data) 20. If two angle of a triangle are 70 and 90 degree, what will be the value of third angle in radian? a) 20 degree b) 160 degree c) d ) None 21. Resistance does not depends on : a) Length b) Materials c) area of cross section d) Current 22. (−1 + √−3)3 + . (−1 − √−3)3 = ? a) 8 b) 16 c) 12 d) −16 23. In an AC circuit if peak value is 20V, then what is the rms value? 20 a) 20 × √2V b) V c) 20 × 2V d) None √2 24. SDG is an initiative of a) Bangladesh b) USA c) UN d) None 25. In which city of china panda breeding entre is located? a) Hunan b) Beijing c) Guangju d) Chagdu 26. Which one is not magnetic flux quantity? a) AB sin b) AB c) AB cos 27. 11x2 + 14 y2 − 4xy − 48y + 66 = is a a) Circle b) Parabola c) Elipse d) Hyperobola 28. If M is the mas and R is the radius of the earth, than g/G in earth surface will be : 𝑀 𝑀2 𝑀 a) MR2 b) 𝑅 c) 𝑅 d) 𝑅2 29. Which one in correct ? a) The pious is happy b) The pious are happy c) The piouses are happy d) None 30. What one is the smallest night in the year? a) 20 june b) 21 june c) 22 june d) 27 june 31. What is the GDP growth of Bangladesh? a) 7% b) 8% c) 6% d) none 32. A car with initial velocity of 30km/hr reaches to final velocity of 50 km/hr after travelling 100km. What is the acceleration? 𝑘𝑚 𝑘𝑚 𝑘𝑚 𝑘𝑚 a) 8 ℎ2 b) 800 ℎ2 c) 16 ℎ2 d) 80 ℎ2 33. What is the average value of a full cycle AC quantity of peak value 20V? a) 20 × √2V b) 10V c) 0V d) None 34. 1 tera joule = ? a) 106 joule b) 109 joule c) 1012 joule d ) None 35. Which company introduced Blutooth first? a) Ericson b) Microsoft c) Dell d) Sony 36. A wheel of a car travels 10km with 2000 rotations in 30 min. what is its circultances? a) 5m b) 10 m c) 15m d) 20m 37. Which one is the unit of work? a) Nm b) Nm-1 c) mN-1 d) m-1 Our FB Group School of Engineers 38. what is the per capita income in Bangladesh in US dollars? a) 1500 b) 1900 c) 1960 d) None 39. At what temperature the reading in Fahrenheit and kelvin seales will be same? a) 574.25° b) 577.25° c) 570.25° d) 579.25° 40. Avwg exiv½bv †_‡K ejwQ MÖ‡š’i iwPqZv †K? K) wbwjgv Beªvnxg L) Rvnvbviv Bgvg M) Avn‡g` mvdv N) †KvbwU bq 41| evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡× Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ exicÖZxK †LZve cÖvß GKgvÎ we‡`wk bvMwiK Gi bvg wK? K) RR© †nwimb L) mvBgb w`ªs M) WweøI Gm Aqv`vij¨v›` N) AviPvi eøvW 42| ÒeybÓ kãwUi c` wK? K) we‡kl¨ L) we‡klY M) Ae¨q N) †KvbwU bq 43| ‡KvbwU mg_©K bq? K) A¤§y L) Rxeb M) cvwb N) ZwUbx 44| gywRe el© Kb †gqv‡` cvwjZ n‡e? K) 17 gvP© 2010 n‡Z 17 gvP© 2021 L) 17 gvP© 2020 n‡Z 16 gvP© 2021 M) 17 gvP© 2021 n‡Z 17 gvP© 2022 N) †KvbwU bq 45| †Kvb ms¯’v 21 †k †deªæqvwi †K AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em ‡Nvlbv K‡i? K) UNESCO L) UNDP M) IPPC N) 46| Kv‡R weiwZ A‡_© †KvY evMavivwU cÖ‡hvR¨? K) nvZ Kiv L) nvZ ¸Uvb M) nvZ Uvbv N) nvZ _vKv 47| AvdMvwb¯Ív‡bi weiæ‡× †U÷ wµ‡KU `‡ji AwabvqK †K? K) Zvwgg BKevj L) gvkvwd web gZziRv M) mvwKe Avj nvmvb N) †KvbwU bq 48| ev‡K¨ Kgv _vK‡j KZ¶Y _vg‡Z nq? K) 1/2 †m‡KÛ L) 1 †m‡KÛ M) 3/4 †m‡KÛ N) GK ej‡Z †h mgq jv‡M 49| exi †kªô iæûj Avwgb ‡Kv_vq KvR Ki‡Zb? K) †mbvevwnbx L) wegvb evwnbx M) B wc Avi N) †KvbwU bq 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 c a d a d b b 5 c b 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 b c a b b a a a b c 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 d c c a b b a d d d 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 c a c b c b c a b d 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 BREB Written- 2019 Post: AGM (O&M) 1. Find the form factor from the fig. Solution : E = 150/3t = 50t Volt 1 𝑇 1 𝑇 1 𝑇 1 Effective Value E = √ ∫0 𝑒 2 𝑑𝑡 = √ ∫0 (50𝑡)2 𝑑𝑡 = √ 2500 ∫0 𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡 = √ 2500 × 𝑇 𝑇 𝑇 𝑇 1 𝑇 = √ 2500 × Our FB Group 1 3 2500 2 𝑇 3 𝑇3 = √ = School of Engineers 50 × 𝑇 √3 = 86.6 volts 1 3 [𝑡 3 ] 𝑇0 c c a a d b a a a Average value Eav = From factor = 86.6 75 1 50 2 𝑇 𝑇 2 = 50𝑇 2 = 50𝑇 2 = 25 × 3 = 75 volts = 1.555 (Ans.) 2. Compare between the power sectors of Bangladesh from 2009 to 2019 a) maximum generation (MW) b) Access to Electricity (%) c) Per Capita Energy Consumption (Kwh) d) Distributions loss (%) e) Distribution line (km) welq (1) we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi msL¨v Drcv`b ¶gZv (†g t I t) m‡e©v”P Drcv`b (†g t I t) mÂvjb jvBb (mv. wK. wg.) wMÖW mve‡ókb ¶gZv (GgwfG) we`y¨r Avg`vwb (†g t I t) weZiY jvBb (wKt wgt) we`y¨r myweavcÖvß Rb‡Mvôx (%) gv_vwcQz Drcv`b MÖvnK msLv mvgwMÖK wm‡óg jm (%) 2009 (2) 27 4,942 3,268 (6 Rvby 2009) 8,000 15,850 -2 jÿ 60 nvRvi 47 220 1 †KvwU 8 jÿ 16.85 (2008-2009 A_© eQi) 2018 (3) 122 18,902 (K¨vcwUfmn) 11,387 (18 RyjvB 2018) 11,123 36,046 660 4 jÿ 57 nvRvi 90 464 3 ‡KvwU 03 jÿ 11.40 (2017-2018 A_© eQ‡i, †gÕ 18) MZ mv‡o 9 eQ‡i AR©b (2009-2018) (+) 95 (+) 13,960 (+) 8,119 (+) 3,123 (+) 20,176 (+) 660 (+) 1 jÿ 97 nvRvi (+) 43 (+) 244 (+) 1 ‡KvwU 94 jÿ (−) 5.45 3. Draw the wave form and vector diagram of the following current and their resultant. i1 = 5 < 0° & i2 = sin (wt − 60) 4. A consumer has 5 bulbs of 40W, 4 fans of 200 W and 4 pumbs of 25 hp for irrigation. The bulbs and fans run for 5 hours and the pumps run for 4 hours a day. If the tarrif rate for domestic load is 5 tk per minit and 4 tk per unit for irrigation load. Find out the bill for august. For Fan = 4 × 200 × 5 = 24 kwh " Light = 5 × 40 × 5 = 1000 w = 1 kwh " Irrigation = 4 × 25 × .746 = 74.6 × 4 = 298.4 kwh ∴ (5 × 298.4 × 4) × (31 days) = 37776.6 tk (Ans.) 5. The base current of a transistor is 0.05mA. Find out the value of α. If value of β is 16 Solution : α = βIE = 16 × 0.05 mA = 0.8 Our FB Group School of Engineers 6. Draw simple differential protection and brief about its working principle. Operation : Normally, the operating coil carries no current as the current are balanced on both the side of the power transformers. When the internal fault occurs in the power transformer windings the balanced is disturbed and the operating coils of the differential relay carry current corresponding to the difference of the current among the two sides of the transformers. Thus, the relay trip the main circuit breakers on both sides of the power transformers. Example 26.27. A 4-pole d.c. generator is delivering 20 A to a load of 10 Ω. If the armature resistance is 0.5Ω and the shunt field resistance is 50Ω, calculate the induced e.mf. and the efficiency of the machine. Allow a drop of 1V per brush. Solution. Terminal Voltage = 20 × 10 = 200V Ish = 200/50 = 4A ; Ia = 20 + 4 = 24 A IaRa = 24 × 0.5 = 12V ; Brush drop = 2 × 1 = 2V ∴ Eg = 200 + 12 + 2 = 214V, as in Fig. 26.65. Since iron and friction losses are not given, only electrical efficiency of the machine can be found out. Total power generated in the armature = 214 × 24 = 5,136 W Useful output = 200 × 20 = 4,000 W Fig. 26.65 ηe = 4,000/5,136 = 0.779 or 77.9% 8. write your view to implement "Zero tolerance" against corruption in BREB and PBSs . 9| evsjv‡`k miKvi M„nxZ ÒAvgvi MÖvg Avgvi kniÓ ev¯Íevq‡b cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W©i M„nxZ c`‡¶c ¸‡jv wK wK? 10| Translate in to English Avgv‡`i Rxeb msw¶ß | wKš‘ Avgv‡`i A‡bK KvR Ki‡Z nq| Rxeb gv‡b wKš‘ gyn~‡Z©i mgq Qvov wKQzB bq| †m Rb¨ gyn~Z© e„_v AcPq Kiv hv‡e bv| mg‡qi AcPq gv‡b Rxeb †K msw¶ß Kiv| REB MCQ-2017 Post : Assistant Engineer 1| gvB‡Kj gaymyab `‡Ëi †gNbvea Kve¨ Bs‡iwR †Z cÖ_g †K Avbyev` K‡i? a) `xbeÜy wgÎ b) ¯^Rbx KvšÍ `vm c) ivRbvivqb emy d) wW Gj ivq 2| evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖ_g mv_©K Dcb¨vm `y‡M©kbw›`bx KZ mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq? a) 1859 mv‡j b) 1860 mv‡j c) 1861 mv‡j d) 1965 mv‡j 3| evsjv‡`‡ki mvwnZ¨ A½‡j me¨mvPx †jLK wnmv‡e cwiwPZ †K? a) ûgvqyb Avn‡g` b) AvjvDwÏb Avj AvRv` c) Avj gvngy` d) ˆmq` mvgmyj nK 4| ‡KvbwU wRebv›` `v‡mi Kve¨ bq a) a~mi cvÛzwjwc b) Siv cvjK c) gnv c„w_ex d) †ejv †k‡li Mvb 5| kkx I Kzgy` †KvY evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i `ywU PwiÎ? a) ‡Mviv b) cyZzj bv‡Pi BwZK_v c) Kwe d) welgxfeb Our FB Group School of Engineers 6| evsjv fvlvq KqwU LvwU DcmM© Av‡Q? a) 19 b) 20 c) 21 d) 22 7| djvnvi > djvi n‡q‡Q Zv‡K wK e‡j? a) AšÍwnZ b) e¨vÄbPz¨wZ c) e¨vÄb weK…wZ d) welgxfeb 8| PZz¯ú` ‡Kvb mgvm? a) Zrcyiæl mgvm b) eûweªwn mgvm c) Kg©aviq mgvm d) wظ mgvm 9| LvwU ‡mvbvi PvB‡Z LvwU Avgvi †`‡ki gvwU GwU ‡Kvb ai‡bi evK¨? a) mij b) RwUj c) †hxwMK d) AbyÁvg~jK 10| ï× evbvbwU wPwýZ Kiæb‒ a) g~a©b¨ b) g~aY© c) gya©b¨ d) gya©Y¨ 11. A few is a a) Positive b) negative term c) meaningless term d) none of the above 12. That company uses heavy ..... a) machinery b) machinery c) machinery d) machine 13. What is meaning of the word flimsy? a) flimy b) trifling c) sound d) failure 14. 'Thank you very much'. in this sentence 'very' is a) adjective b) noun c) pronoun d) adverb 15. He is hanker ...... money a) in b) to c) after d) of 16. The antonym of 'retreat' is a) return b) advance c) treat d) go 17. Who among the following a revolutionary poet a ) john keats b) p.b Shelley c) s.t Coleridge d) William wordsworth 18. A person who hates the company of the others is ..... a) antisocial b) unsociable c) unknown d) gregarious 19. The poem "under the Green wood Tree" was written by a) William Wordsworth b ) P.B Shelly c) William Shakespeare d) Lord Tennyson 20. The total number of sonnet written by Williuam Sahkespeare? a) 38 b) 2 c) 108 d) 154 21| 1 †_‡K 100 Gi g‡a¨ †gŠwjK msL¨v KqwU? K) 25 L) 27 M) 26 N) 29 22| 19, 33, 51, 73 ...... cieZ©x msL¨vwU KZ? K) 85 L) 121 M) 99 N) 98 23| GKwU AvqZ‡¶‡Î N‡ii cÖ¯’ Zvi ˆ`N¨ 2/3 Ask| NiwUi cwimxgv 40 wgUvi n‡j Zvi †ÿÎdj KZ? K) 30 eM© wg L) 16 eM© wg M) 72 eM© wg N) 64 eM© wg 24| KZ Rb evjK‡K 125 wU Kgjv †jey Ges 145 wU Kjv mgvb fv‡e fvM K‡i †`qv hvq? K) 25 Rb L) 15 Rb M) 35 Rb N) 5 Rb 25| 25. [{1 − (1 −1/p)}-1 ÷ (1 – 1/p)-1 ] = ? K) 1 L) −1 M) 1/P N) P − 1 26| hw` x > 0 , y > 0 Ges x/1 > 1/y nq, Z‡e x Ges y Gi g‡a¨ m¤úK© wK? K) x > y L) x < y M) x = y N) †KvbwU bq 27| GKwU mylg eûfz‡Ri cÖ‡Z¨K wU ewnt¯’ †Kv‡Y wWwMÖ n‡j eûfzRwUi evûi msL¨v KZ? K) 18wU L) 16wU M ) 12wU N) 8wU 28| we›`y KZ gvwÎK? K) k~b¨ L) GK M) `yB N) wZb 29| log 3 1 √234 =? 1 a) 16√2 b) 162 2 c) 4 d ) −4 √ 30| †Kvb e„‡Ëi e¨vmva© hw` 20% K‡g, D³ e„‡Ëi †¶Îdj KZ fvM Kg‡e? K) 10% L) 36% M) 20% N) 40% 31| N~wY©So ‡gviv k‡ãi A_© K) Avgiv L) †K`viv M) †Pv‡Li Zviv N) mgy‡`ªi Zviv 32| wPKzb ¸wbqv fvBiv‡mi DrcwË nq? K) `w¶Y Avwd«Kv L) nvBwZ M) ZvRwbqv N) gvj‡qwkqv Our FB Group School of Engineers 33| wek¦ cwi‡ek w`em-2017 Gi cÖwZcv`¨ wK? K) Connect with nature L) Connect with water M) Connect with food N) Connect with Air 34| bx‡Pi †KvbwU gvqvbgv‡ii mxgvšÍ i¶x evwnbx bq K) eW©vi MvW© cywjk L) jybw_j M) gvqvbgvi MvW© cywjk N ) bvmvKv 35| Rjevqy cwieZ©b ‡iv‡a MwaZ wMÖb K¬vB‡gU dvÛ Gi m`i `dZi †Kv_vq? K) †eBwRs, Pxb L) Bw›`qvb, `w¶Y †Kvwiqv M) c¨vwim, d«vÝ N) mvsnvB, Pxb 36| A_©‰bwZK mgx¶v-2017 Abyhvqx †`‡ki RbM‡Yi gv_vwcQz Avq (gvwK©b Wjvi) K) 1602 L) 1466 M) 1465 N) 1565 37| ÒwU wc wc 12 gvBbvm 1Ó A_©‰bwZK ms¯’v †_‡K †Kvb †`k bvg cÖZ¨vnvi K‡i? K) KvbvWv L) Rvcvb M) hy³ivóª N) hy³ivR¨ 38| ˆjw½K mgZv AR©‡b RvwZm‡½i mv¤úªwZK Kg©m~Pxi bvg‒ K) she for you L) He for she M) men for She N) She for He 39| Iqvì© IqvP BwÝwUDU †Kvb AÂj wfwËK cwi‡ek ms¯’v‒ K) IqvwksUb L) wbDBqK© M) †R‡bfv N) c¨vwim 40| Px‡bi †Kvb kni ch©šÍ UªvbwRU iæU Pvjy n‡e? K) ns Ks L) Kzb wgs M) wRb wRqvs N) mvsnvB 41. The electrons in the last orbit of an atom are called a) free electrons b) bound electrons c) valence electrons d) thermionic electrons 42. The specific resistance of a wire depends upon its a) its length b) cross-sectional area c) dimensions d) material 43. One kilowatt hour is equal to ....J a) 36 × 103 b) 103 c) 36 × 103 d) 7.46 × 103 44. Appliances based on healing effect of current work on .. a) d.c b) a.c c) d.c & a.c d ) none of above 45. Lamps used for house lighting are connected in .... a) series b) parallel c) mixed grouping d ) arbitrary manner 46. Which materials has highest dielectric strength a) glass b) mica c) oiled paper d) air 47. The relatve permittivity of an insulator can not be .. a) 20 b) 33 c) 0 d) infinity 48. The capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor does not depend upon ... of plates a) area of plates b) medium c) separation d ) metal 49. Magnetic field intensity is a ..... a) scalar quantity b) vector c) phasor d ) none of the above 50. The average value of sin @ over a complete cycle is ..... a) 0 b) +1 c ) −1 d ) 1⁄2 51. The critical resistance of the d.c generator is the resistance of ..... a) armature b) field c) load d ) brushes 52. The induced e.m.f in the armature conductor of a d.c motor is a) sinusoidal b) trapezoidal c) rectangular d) alternating 53. The maximum torque of d.c motors is limited by a) commutation b) heating c) speed d) armature current 54. The shaft torque of a d.c motors is less than its armature torque because of ..... loss a) copper b) mechanical c) Iron d) rotational 55. As load is increased the speed of a d.c shunt motor a) increases proportionately b) remain constant c ) increase slightly d ) reduce slightly 56. When load is removed ..... motor will run at the highest speed a) shunt b) cumulative-compound c) differential-compound d ) series 57. Transformer cores are laminated in order to a) Simplify its construction b) minimize eddy current loss c) reduce cost d) reduce hysteresis loss 58. Then a 400hz transformer is operated at 50hz its kVA rating a) reduce to 1/8 b) increased 8 times c) unaffected d) increased 64 times 59. At relatively light loads, transformer efficiency is low because Our FB Group School of Engineers a) secondary output low b) loss are high c) fixed loss is high in proportion to the output d) carloss small 60. The all-day efficiency of a transformer depends primarily on a) copper loss b) amount of load c) duration of load d) b & c 61. In 3-phase induction motor the rotor speed is ...... the synchronous speed a) greater than b) smaller than c) equal d) none 62. When a 3-phase induction motor is at no load , the slip is a) 1 b) 0.5 c) practically zero d) 0.2 63. A four-speed squirrel cage induction motor uses ..... stator winding a) 4 b) 3 c) 1 d) 2 64. A resistance split ‒ phase induction motor is used for ....... load a) low inertia b) high inertia c) very high inertia d) none 65. A capacitor ‒ start, capacitor ‒ run motor has .......... a) low p.f b) high p.f c) low efficiency d) high starting torque 66. The stator of an alternator is identical to that of a ......... a) d.c generator b) 3-phase induction motor c) 1-phase induction d) rosenberg generator 67. A alternator sometime called ..... generator a) synchronous b) asynchronous c) Rosenberg d ) none 68. High speed alternator driven by .... a) diesel engines b) hydraulic turbine c) steam turbine d) none 69. The synchronous reactance of an alternator is due to .... a) leaking flux b) d.c field excitation c) armature reaction d) none of the above 70. The full load speed of synchronous motor is .... a) 5% b) 1% c) 2% d) zero 71. The thermal efficiency of a steam power plant is about ...... a) 28% b) 69% c ) 80% d ) 75% 72. Diesel power plant are used as ..... a ) base load b) peak load c ) stand by d ) none 73. The highest point on the daily load curve represent ..... a) average load b) maximum demand c) load factor d ) none 74. If the diversity factor increases, the maximum demand on the power station a) remain same b) increases c) decreases d) none of the above 75. The knowledge of diversity factor helps in determining a) average demand b) units generated c) plant capacity d) none of the above 76. The peak power supplied by peak load station is a) very cheap b) very costly c) same expensive as based load d) none of the above 77. The fixed cost of energy generated a) depends on maximum demand b) units generated c) independent on a & b d) none 78. Suspension type insulators are used for voltage beyond a) 400v b) 11kv c) 33kv d) 800v 79. The speed of circuit interruption in forced blast circuit breaker is a) slow b) medium c) fast d) none of the above 80. The capacitance of a transmission line is a ... element a) shunt b) series c) shunt-series d) none of the above 81. If the span length is doubled with no change in other factors, the sag of the line will became ..... times a) 0.5 b) 2 c) 8 d) 4 82. A line which connects a consumer to the distributor is called ... a) Feeder b) distributor c) service main d) none of the above 83. A transistor has a) one p-n junction b) two p-n junction c) three p-n junction c) four p-n junction 84. A semiconductor has ....... temperature coefficient of resistance a) negative b) positive c) zero d ) negative or positive 85. In transistor a) Ic = 1E + IB b) IB = Ic + IE c) IE = Ic − IB d) IE = IC + IB Our FB Group School of Engineers 86. The output impedence of a transistor is a) High b) zero c) low d) very high 87. The relation between B and a is ...... a) B = 1/(1 − a) b) B = (1 − a)/a c) B = a/(1−a) d) B = a/(1 + a) 88. Negative feedback is employed in a) oscillators b) rectifiers c) amplifiers d ) none of the above 89. The most common fault on the power system is a) phase to phase fault b) one phase to earth fault c) all phases short-circuit d) none of the above 90. A fuse is a a) protective device b) current limiting device c) current controlling device d) none of above 91. An isolator is design to open a circuit .... a) full load b) normal condition c) no load d) all of the above 92. The device that detects the fault in a power system is ..... a) relay b) circuit breaker c) isolator d) none of the above 93. The r.ms value of sinusoidal 100v peak to peak is...... Volt a) 100/√2 b) 50/√2 c) 50 d) 100 94. The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is ...... a) zero b) unity c) lagging d) leading 95. A.R-L circuit has Z = (6 + j8) ohm its susceptance is ...... a) 0.06 b) 0.08 c) 0.1 d) −0.08 96. In an ac circuit a low value of KVAR compared with KW indicates a) low efficiency b) unity p.f c) high p.f d) maximum load current 97. A radio receiver has ....... of amplification ..... stage a) one b) two c) three d) more than three stage 98. The noise factor of an ideal amplifier expressed in db is ...... a) 0 b) 1 c) 0.1 d) 10 99. A gain of 1000 times in voltage expressed by ..... db a) 60 b) 30 c) 120 d) 600 100. The frequency response of transformer coupling is .... a) good b) very good c) excellent d) poor Answer : 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 Our FB Group c c b b a a d a c b b d b b a b c a c 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 School of Engineers d a c c c c c d d a b c a c c c c a 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 d b c b b b a c d a a d c b c b c b 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 d b d c d d c a b b d c a c c d a b b 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 b a c d d b b b b a d d b d c a d a c REB ‒ Written-2017 Post : Assistant Engineer 1. Find the RL and Maximum power from the following circuit We first need to find RTH and VTH. To find RTH, we consider the circuit : (a) Applying KCL at the top node gives 1 − 𝑣0 3𝑣𝑥 − 𝑣0 𝑣0 + 1 = 2 4 But 𝑣𝑥 = −𝑣0 . Hence 1 − 𝑣0 𝑣 − 4𝑣0 = 0 𝑣0 = 1/(19) 4 i= 1 − 𝑣0 4 = 2 1 1− 19 4 9 = 38 RTH = 1/i = 38/(9) = 4.222 Ω To find VTH, consider the circuit in Fig. (b), −9 + 2𝑖0 + 𝑖0 + 3𝑣𝑥 = 0 (b) But 𝑣𝑥 = 2𝑖0 . Hence, 9 = 3𝑖0 + 6𝑖0 = 9𝑖0 𝑉𝑇𝐻 = 9 − 2𝑖0 = 7V RL = RTH = 4.222Ω 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑉 2 𝑇𝐻 4𝑅𝐿 𝑖0 = 1A 49 = 4(4.222) = 2.901 W 2. Determine the voltage VCB and the current IB for the common-base configuration of Solution : Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the output circuit gives Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the input circuit yeilds −VCB + ICRC − VCC = 0 −VEE + IERE +VEE = 0 and VCB = VCC – ICRC with IC ≅ IE 𝑉𝐸𝐸 − 𝑉𝐸𝐸 and IE = = 10V – (2.75 mA)(2.4kΩ) 𝑅 𝐸 Substituting values, we obtain Our FB Group School of Engineers = 3.4V IE = 4𝑉 −0.7𝑉 1.2𝑘𝛺 = 2.75mA IB = 𝐼𝐶 𝛽 2.75𝑚𝐴 60 = = 45.8μA 3. Draw the output wave shape from the circuit. 4. Example 13.60. An R-L-C series circuit is connected to a 20-V variable frequency supply. If R =20Ω, L = 20 mH and C = 0.5 μF, calculate the following : (a) resonant frequency f0 (b) resonant circuit Q0 using L/C ratio (c) bandwidth Solution, (a) f0 = 1/2𝜋√𝐿𝐶 = 1/2𝜋√(20 × 10−3 × 0.5 × 10−6 ) = 159 Hz (b) Q0 = 𝑅.√𝐶 = 20.√0.5 × 10−6 = 10 (c) 𝐵ℎ𝑝 = f0/Q0 = 1591/10 = 159.1 Hz 1 𝐿 1 20 × 10−3 4. Draw a balanced Y connected network and power calculated in 2 watt meters. Current through wattmeter W1 [Fig. 19.47 (b)] is =IR. P.D. across voltage coil of, W1 is VRB = VR − VB This VRB is found by compounding VR and VB reversed as shown in Fig. 19.42. It is seen that phase difference between VRB and IR = (30°− ϕ). ∴ Reading of W1 = IR VRB cos (30°− ϕ) Similarly, as seen from Fig. 19.47 (b). Current through W2 = IY P.D. across W2 = VYB = VY − VB Again, VYB is found by compounding VY and VB reversed as shown in Fig. 19.48. The angle between IY and VYB is (30°+ ϕ). Reading of W2 = IYVYB cos (30°+ ϕ) Since load is balanced. VRB = VYB = line voltage VL; IY = IR = line current IL ∴ W1 = VLIL cos (30°− ϕ) and W2 = VLIL cos (30°+ ϕ) ∴ W1 + W2 = VLIL cos (30°− ϕ) + VLIL cos (30°+ ϕ) = VLIL [cos30° cosϕ + sin 30° sinϕ + cos30° cosϕ – sin30° sinϕ] = VLIL (2 cos30° cosϕ) = √3 VLIL cosϕ = total power in the 3-phase load Hence, the sum of the two wattmeter readings gives the total power consumption in the 3-phase load Our FB Group School of Engineers REB ‒ MCQ-2017 Post : Assistant Engineer 1. KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg 'AwMœexbv' Kve¨ Kv‡K DrmM© K‡ib? K) iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi L) wPËiÄb `vk M) myfvlP›`ª emy N) evix›`ªKzgvi ‡Nvl 21. `ywU msL¨vi AbycvZ 5 : 8 Ges Zv‡`i j.mv.¸ 120 n‡j, msL¨v `ywU KZ? K) 25,40 L) 20,32 M) 15,24 N) 10,16 23. GKwU ‡mvbvi Mnbvi IRb 16 MÖvg| G‡Z ‡mvbv I Zvgvi AbycvZ 3 : 1| G‡Z wK cwigvb ‡mvbv †gkv‡j AbycvZ 4 : 1 n‡e? K) 3 MÖvg L) 4 MÖvg M) 6 MÖvg N) 8 MÖvg 25. †Kv‡bv msL¨vi 40% Gi mv‡_ 45 ‡hvM Ki‡j ‡hvMdj hw` H msL¨vwUB nq, Zvn‡j msL¨vwU KZ? K) 70 L) 75 M) 64 N) 90 27. GKwU wÎfzR Ges e„Ë byb¨Zg KqwU we›`y‡Z †Q` Ki‡Z cv‡i? K) 1 L) 2 M) 3 N) 5 2. 'KvivMv‡ii ‡ivRbvgPv' MíwUi iwPqZv †K? K) gvIjvbv Avãyj nvwg` Lvb fvmvbx L) G we Gg gymv M) e½eÜy †kL gywRei ingvb N) †kL nvwmbv 4. 'K‡qKwU KweZv' Kve¨MÖš’wU †K iPbv K‡ib? K) ûgvqyb AvRv` L) gnv‡`e mvnv M) mgi †mb N) `vD` nvq`vi 6. fvlvi g~j Dcv`vb n‡”Q‒ K) eb© L) kã M) aŸwb N) evK¨ 8. 'Kvcy‡i evey' evMavivi A_©? K) `jcwZ L) fÛ M) Ac`v_© N) evwn¨K Af¨vm 10. 'H PvKwii Avkv †Q‡owQ' †Kvb A_© cÖKvk K‡i? K) gy³ Kiv L) Z¨vM Kiv M) weivM N) nZvkv 12. Cricket enjoys a huge ..... in Bangladesh. a) follow on b) fall out c) follow d) following 14. Which of the following formal word? a) Dad b) Mum c) Mother d) Sassy 16. A green horn ......... a) An envious lady b) A trainee c) An inexperienced man d) A soft-hearted man 18. 'Gerontion' is a poem by ...... a) T.S. Eliot b) W.B. Yeats c) Matthew Arnold d) Robert Browning 20. Three Witches are important characters in ... a) The way of the world b) Hamlet c) Oedipus d) Macbeth 22. hw` †Z‡ji g~j¨ 25% e„w× cvq Z‡e †Z‡ji e¨envi kZKiv KZ Kgv‡j †Zj eve` LiP e„w× cv‡ebv? K) 20% L) 16% M) 11% N) 9% 24. UvKvq 3wU K‡i †jey wK‡b 2wU K‡i wewµ Ki‡j kZKiv KZ jvf ev ¶wZ n‡e? K) 30% L) 33% M) 31% N) 50% 26. x2 – 5x+6<0 n‡j‒ K) 2 < x < 3 L) -3 < x < -2 M) x < 2 N) x < 3 28. GKwU 60° ‡Kv‡Yi c~iK †KvY KZ? K) 30° L) 60° M) 90° N) 120° 29. cÖwZ GK N›Uvq wgwbU Ges N›Uvi KvUv KZ evi ci¯úi j¤^fv‡e Ae¯’vb K‡i? K) 1 evi L) 2 evi M) 3 evi N) 4 evi 31. 2017-18 A_©eQ‡i ev‡RU cÖe„w× nvi KZ aiv n‡q‡Q? 30. wb‡Pi msL¨v wmwi‡Ri cÖkœ‡evaK wP‡ýi ¯’v‡b †Kvb msL¨vwU em‡e? 3,5,9,11,15,17,21 ? K) 23 L) 25 M) 27 N) 29 32. evsjv‡`k KZ mv‡j m¨v‡UjvBU RM‡Z cÖ‡ek 3. gyw³hy×wfwËK Dcb¨vm‒ K) ivB‡dj ‡ivwU AvIivZ L) Kx Pvn k•LwPj M) cv‡qi AvIqvR cvIqv hvq N) GK`v GK iv‡R¨ 5. †KvbwU iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii iPbv bq? K) gvbmx L) mÂwqZv M) mwÂZv N) mf¨Zvi msKU 7. 'evev' kãwU †Kvb fvlv †_‡K G‡m‡Q? K) ms¯‹…Z L) cZ©zwMR M) wnw›` N) ZzwK© 9. 'bw›`Z-wbw›`Z' wK‡mi D`vniY? K) cÖwZkã L) wecixZ kã M) mgv_©K kã N) †KvbwU bq 11. In a dictionary which of these words comes first? a) electrical b) electron c) electric d) electrify 13. He died ........ an accident. a) of b) by c) for d) from 15. No sooner had he reached the station ....... the train left a) when b) then c) than d) while 17. 'Panacea' means .... a) widespread disease c) fresh b) gland d) cure all 19. 'Paradise lost' was written by ........ a) William Wordsworth b) P.B. Shelly c) John Milton d) Lord Tennyson Our FB Group School of Engineers K) 7.33% M) 7.6% L) 7.3% N) 7.4% 33. 'gvkivwd' bvgK MÖš’wU †j‡Lb †h fviZxq mvsevw`K‒ K) †KŠwkK `vk L) mywae wek¦vm `vm M) †`eeªZ gy‡Lvcva¨vq N) kPxbP›`ª ‡evm 35. kZZg wµ‡KU †U‡÷ evsjv‡`k ‡gvU KZ DB‡K‡U wR‡Z‡Q? K) 5 L) 3 M) 4 N) 8 37. wjmeb Pzw³i KZ bs Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx MY‡fv‡Ui gva¨‡g BD‡ivcxq BDwbqb Z¨vM Kiv hv‡e? K) 23 bs L) 48 bs M) 40bs N) 52 bs 39. c„w_exi cÖ_g †mŠiPvwjZ wegvb Ô‡mvjvi G¤úvjmÕ Gi Avwe®‹viK †`k‒ K) myBRvij¨vÛ L) hy³ivóª M) hy³ivR¨ N) †¯úb 41. A heater coil rated at 1000W, 220V is connected to 110V line Power Consumed is a) 250W b) 500W c) 200W d) 400W 43. A Capacitor opposes change in .... a) current b) voltage c) a & b d) None of above 45. Which of the following is more suitable for the core of an electromagnet ... a) soft iron b) air c) steel d) tungsten 47. The form factor of a sinusoidal wave is .......... a) 1.414 b) 1.11 c) 2 d) 1.5 49. The d.cl armature winding in which coil sides are a pole pitch apart is called ..... Winding a) multiplex b) fractional-pitch c) full pitch d) pole pitch 51. In a 6-pole d.c. machine, 90 mechanical degrees correspond to .... electrical degrees. a) 30 b) 180 n c) 45 d) 270 53. When load is removed motor will run at the highest speed. a) shunt b) series oil c) cumulative compound d) differential compound 55. The usual test for determining the efficiency of a traction motor is the ........ test. a) fields b) retardation c) Hopkinson’s d) Swinbume’s 57. The primary and secondary induced e.m.f E 1 and E2 in a two-winding transformer ar always ....... a) Equal in magnitude b) anti-phase with each other c) in-phase with each other d) depend on load 59. As compared to ∆-∆ bank, the capacity of the Our FB Group School of Engineers Ki‡e‒ K) 2021 mv‡j L) 2017 mv‡j M) 2016 mv‡j N) 2018 mv‡j 34. cviwK mgy`ª ˆmKZ‒ K) Av‡bvqviv, PBMÖvg L) c‡Z½v, PÆMÖvg M) KzZzew`qv, K·evRvi N) evukLvjx, PÆMÖvg 36. AwURg w`em K) 2 GwcÖj L) 28 †g M) 28 RyjvB N) 28 Ryb 38. ÔA¨v‡ev‡bvwg·Õ Gi cÖe³v K) wkb‡Rv A¨v‡e L) W. gynv¤§` BDbym M) †WwfW K¨v‡giæb N) wgjbvi A¨v‡e 40. †dm eyK fe‡bi bvg‒ K) B‡Wb cvK© L) †gwWmb cvK© M) g¨vb‡jv cvK© N) n¨v‡bvfvi ¯‹qvi 42. The relative permittivity of air is a) 0 b) 1 c) 8.854 × 10-12 d) 4 × 10-12 44. The resistance of ideal voltmeter........ a) zero b) infinity c) very low d) medium 46. A sine wave has a maximum value of 20V its value 135° is.......... a) 10V b) 14.14V c) 15V d) 5V 48. A wave winding must go at least ...... around the armature before it closes back where it started. a) Once b) twice c) thrice d) fourtime 50. Lap winding suitable for ... current ... voltage d.c generators a) high, low b) low, high c) low, low d) high , high 52. A d.c. motor can be looked upon as dc generator with the power flow.......... a) reduced b) reversed c) increased d) modified 54. The speed of a dc motor can be controlled by varying .... a) flux per pole b) armature resistance c) voltage d) all of the above 56. Which of the following is not a basic element of a transformer. a) core b) Primary winding c) Secondary winding d) mutual flux 58. A transformer has negative voltage regulation when its load power factor is a) Zero b) unity c) leading d) lagging 60. 1f the load p.f. is 0.866 then the V-V bank of transformer is ............. percent. a) 57.7 b) 66.7 c) 50 d) 86.6 61. The effect of increasing the length of air-gap in an induction motor will be to increase the a) p.f. b) speed c) magnetizing current d) air-gap flux 63. The power factor of a squirrel-cage induction motor is..load a) low at light b) low at heavy c) a&b d) low at rated 65. Which class of induction motor will be well suited for large refrigerators? a) Class E b) Class B c) Class F d) Class C 67. a 50Hz alternator will run at the greatest possible speed if it is wound for ..... poles. a) 8 b) 6 c) 4 d) 2 69. At lagging loads, armature reaction in an alternator is a) cross magnetising b) demagnetising c) non-effective d) magnetising 71. The peak power supplied by peak load station is a) very cheap b) very costly c) same expensive as base load d) none of the above 73. If span length is doubled with no change in other factors, the sag of the line will become ... time a) 0.5 b) 2 c) 8 d) 4 75. A booster is connected in ........ with the feeder. a) parallel b) series c) series-parallel d) none of the above 77. The zero sequence impedance of different element of power system is generally .... a) zero b) equal c) different d) none of the above 79. The short-circuit KVA is maximum when fault occurs. a) near to the generator b) end of the transmission line c) middle of transmission line d) none of the above 81. The speed of circuit interruption in forced blased circuit breaker is a) slow b) medium c) fast d) none of the above 83. The most dangerous fault in an alternator.. a) failure of field b) stator winding fault c) failure of prime mover d) none of the above 85. Buchholz relay is a) a gas actuated b) oil actuated relay c) either a or d) none Our FB Group School of Engineers average p.f. of the V- bank is. a) 0.886 b) 0.75 c) 0.51 d) 0.65 62. In a 3-ϕ induction motor, the rotor field rotates at synchronous speed with respect to a) stator b) rotor c) stator flux d) none of the above 64. The efficiency of a 3-phase induction motor is a) (1-S) b) S c) N d) Ns 66. The starting Winding of a singlephase motor is placed in the a) rotor b) stator c) armature d) field 68. If an alternator winding has a fractional pitch 05/6 , the coil span is ..... degrees. a) 300 b) 150 c) 30 d) 60 70. The maximum value of torque angle a in a synchronous motor is ... degrees electrical. a) 45 b) 90 c) 60 d) 180 72. For d.c system, the string efficiency is.. a) 50% b) 75% c) 85% d) 100% 74. A single core cable has a core diameter d and internal sheath diameter D. then a) gmax/gmin = d/D b) gmax/gmin = d2/D2 c) gmax/gmin = D/d d) none of the above 76. A 1000 KVA transformer has a reactance of 5% . Its reactance at 2000KVA base is ........% a) 5 b) 2.5 c) 20 d) 10 78. The operator a rotates the vector in anticlockwise direction by .... a) 90° b) 180° c) 60° d) 120° 80. Under normal operating conditions the contacts of the circuit breaker remain a) closed b) open c) semi-closed d) none of the above 82. Back-up protection is generally used for protection against.. a) open circuit fault b) short circuit fault c) a&b d) none of the above 84. The earth fault current is generally, than short circuit current a) less b) more c) equal to d) none of the above 86. The busbar protection means protection of ........ a) busbar b) isolating switches c) circuit breaker d) all above 88. For the protection of arcing ground we use a) peterson coil b) ground wire c) lightning arrester d) none 87. The ground wires protect the transmission lines against ... a) direct lighting stroke b) indirect lighting stroke c) a & b d) none of the above 89. When a pure semiconductor is heated, its resistance ...... a) goes down b) goes up c) remains same d) none of the above 91. The leakage current in a pn junction is of the order of .......... a) A b) mA c) kA d) μA 90. The depletion region is created by a) ionization b) diffusion c) recombination d) all above 92. The voltage where avalanche occurs is called a) barrier potential b) depletion layer c) knee voltage d) break down voltage 94. A zener diode is used as ...... a) an amplifer b) a rectifier c) a voltage regulator d) a multivibrator 96. IC = aIE +......... a) IB b) ICEO c) ICBO d) βIB 93. The majority carries in a semiconductor are produced by a) doping b) electron-hole pairs c) bound electrons d) none 95. The ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier is ...... a) 2 b) 1.21 c) 0.48 d ) 2.5 97. The input impedance of a transistor is ........ a) high b) low c ) very high d ) almost 98. The β of a transistor is defined as ...... a) ∆IC/∆IE b) ∆IE/∆IC c) ∆IC/∆IB d) ∆IE/∆IB 100. A semiconductor generally has ........ valence electrons a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6 99. Transistor biasing is done to keep .... The circuit a) proper DC b) proper AC c) base current small d) collector current small 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 Our FB Group d c c c c d d a a b d d c b c c c a d c 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 School of Engineers c d d d a a d b b b b c d d d b c d b 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 a d b a b a c a b a b c a b d d b a a c 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 c b c c d a a b b c d a a b a a a a c a 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 c b c d b a c c c a a a b b b a a d c c Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) Post : Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Power) Exam Date : 13/10/2017 Time : 1 Hour Full Marks : 100 1| KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg iwPZ Mí †KvbwU? (M) Galls Worthy (N) A.H. (K) cÙivM (L) cÙ‡MvLiv 17| Pattron : Support (M) cÙcyivY (N) cÙveZx (K) Spouse : divorce 2| Av‡bvqviv MÖš’wU Kvi iPbv? (L) Artist : imitation (K) KvRx Bg`v`yj nK (M) Counselor : advice (L) gxi gkviid ‡nv‡mb (N) Restaurant : customer (M) ‡gvnv¤§` bwRei ingvb 18| Word : writer (N) BmgvBj ‡nv‡mb wmivRx (K) Laws : policeman 3| †KvbwU mvwaZ kã bq? (L) Butter : baker (K) cvbmv (L) dz‡jj (M) Chalk : blackboard (M) ‡Mvjvc (N) nvZj (N) Joy : emotion 4| k~b¨cyivY iPbv K‡i‡Q‒ 19| gy wRebMi †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? (K) ivgvB cwÛZ (L) kªxKi b›`x (K) h‡kvi (L) Kzwóqv (M) weRq ¸ß (N) ‡jvPb `vm (M) ‡MvcvjMÄ (N) †g‡nicyi 5| †KvbwU evZvm k‡ãi mgv_©K bq? 20| 'Call to mind' means .... (K) cveK (L) gviæZ (K) fantasize (L) remember (M) ceb (N) Awbj (M) attend (N) request 6| meyRcÎ cÖKvwkZ nq †Kvb mv‡j? 21| wcZ‡ji Dcv`vb n‡jv‒ (K) 1909 (L) 1910 (K) Zvgv I wUb (M) 1914 (N) 1921 (L) Zvgv I wb‡Kj 7| †KvbwU gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `‡Ëi cÎ Kve¨? (M) Zvgv I wmmv (K) eªR½bv (L) wejv‡Zi cÎ (N) Zvgv I `¯Ív (M) exiv½bv (N) wngvjq 22| †KvbwU Zviwenxb `ªæZMwZi 8| wb‡Pi †KvbwU we‡kl¨ c`? B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx? (K) RvZ (L) ˆMwiK (K) IqvBg¨v· (L) wm-gm (M) D×Z (N) Mv¤¢xh© (M) eøy-Uz_ (N) eªWe¨vÛ 9| wb‡Pi †Kvb kãwU cÖZ¨q‡hv‡M MwVZ nq wb? 23| e½eÜy i ¯^ ‡ `k cÖ Z ¨veZ© b w`em K‡e? (K) mfvm` (L) ï‡f”Qv (K) 10 Rvbyqvwi 1972 (M) djevb (N) Zš^x (L) 11 Rvbyqvwi 19722 10| †Zvndv Kve¨wU †K iPbv K‡ib? (M) 12 Rvbyqvwi 1972 (K) †`ŠjZ KvRx (L) gvMb VvKzi (N) 13 Rvbyqvwi 1972 (M) mvwewei` Lvb (N) AvjvIj 24| †KvbwU ˆRe Agø? 11| 'To raise one's brows' indicates — (K) bvBwUªK A¨vwmW (K) annoyance (L) disapproval (L) nvB‡Wªv‡K¬vwiK A¨vwmW (M) indifference (N) surprise (M) A¨vwmwUK A¨vwmW 12| Verb of 'Number' is — (N) mvjwdDwiK A¨vwmW (K) number (L) enumerate 25| c~e© wZgy‡ii ivRavbx †Kv_vq? (M) numbering (N) numerical (K) jvmv (L) w`wj 13| I have been living in Dhaka — 2000. (M) †cUv ‡bvfv (N) wf‡qb Avb †gb (K) since (L) from 26| MÖxbj¨vÛ Gi gvwjKvbv †Kvb †`‡ki— (M) after (N) till (K) myB‡Wb (L) †b`vij¨vÛ 14| Venerate means — (M) †WbgvK© (N) Bsj¨vÛ (K) defame (L) about 27| †MªUnj †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? (M) respect (N) accuse (K) weª‡Ub (L) hy³ivóª 15| Give the antonym of the word (M) Pxb (N) ivwkqv 'transitory'. 28| Zvm †Kvb †`‡ki msev` ms¯’v? (K) temporary (L) permanent (K) ivwkqv (L) Pxb (M) transparent (N) numerical (M) d«vÝ (N) hy³ivóª 29| 2017 mv‡j kvwšÍ‡Z ‡bv‡ej cvq †Kvb ms¯’v? 16| 'A passage to India' is written by ........ (K) ICAN (L) UNICEF (K) E.M. Forster (L) Rudyard Kipling Our FB Group School of Engineers DËigvjv 1 L 2 M 3 M 4 K 5 K 6 M 7 M 8 N 9 L 10 N 11 N 12 K 13 K 14 M 15 L 16 K 17 M 18 L 19 N 20 L 21 N 22 K 23 K 24 M 25 L 26 M 27 M 28 K 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. (M) UNESCO (N) WB Choose the correct antonym for "Oblige". (K) Bind (L) Require (M) Bother (N) Censure If a 220V heater is used on 110V supply, heat produced by it will be as — much. (K) one half (L) twice (M) one-fourth (N) four times The term ampere-hour (Ah) is associated with— (K) rectifiers (L) transformer (M) electromagnets (N) storage cells The r.m.s value of sinusoidal 100V peak to peak is — volt. (K) 100/√2 (L) 50/√2 (M) 50 (N) 100 The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is— (K) Unity (L) Zero (M) Lagging (N) Leading The p.f of an R.C circuit is— (K) zero (L) between zero and 1.00 (M) 1.00 (N) 1.5 The form factor of sinusoidal wave is— (K) 1.414 (L) 1.11 (M) 2.00 (N) 1.15 — pole dc machines are most common. (K) 2 (L) 4 (M) 6 (N) 8 The primary and secondary of transformer — coupled. (K) electrically (L) magnetically (M) a and b both (N) none The synchronous speed of a 3ϕ induction motor is — (K) NS = 120P/f (L) NS = 120fP (M) NS = 120f/P (N) NS = fP/120 Alternators and transformers are rated in — (K) kVA (L) kW (M) KVAR (N) none Corona is affected by— (K) atmosphere (L) conductors (M) voltage (N) all of the above Ohm's law— (K) I = V/R (L) V = I/R (M) R = I/V (N) R = VI A fuse is a — (K) protective device Our FB Group School of Engineers (L) current limiting device DËigvjv (M) current controlling device 29 K M 30 (N) none of the above M 31 44. An isolator is designed to N 32 open a circuit — L 33 (K) full load K 34 (L) normal condition L 35 (M) no load L 36 (N) all of the above L 37 45. The unit of inductance — L 38 (K) inducta M 39 (L) inductive reactance K 40 (M) henry (N) ohm M 41 K 42 46. A transistor has — K 43 junction. M 44 (K) 1 p-n (L) 2 p-n M 45 (M) 3 p-n (N) 4 p-n L 46 47. mij †`vj‡Ki MwZ n‡”Q— N 47 (K) g›`b MwZ 48 (L) ˆiwLK MwZ L 49 (M) N~Y©b MwZ M 50 (N) ¯ú›`b MwZ N 51 48. One kWh is equal to— K 52 (K) 35 × 103J (L) 103J L 53 (M) 35 × 105J (N) 166J M 54 L [ Note : mwVK DËi GKwUI bq| ] 55 L 56 e¨vL¨v t 1 kWh = 1000 × 3600J. 6 L 57 = 3.6 × 10 J. M 58 49. In TV transmission the voice signal K 59 is L 60 — modulated. M 61 (K) AM (L) FM L 62 (M) PM (N) FSK L 63 50. A synchronous condenser 64 N improves p.f K 65 by taking— (K) lagging KVAR (L) leading KVAR (M) both a & b (N) none 51. Air conditioning means— (K) cooling (L) Heating (M) dehumidifying (N) All of these 52. Which of the following operation is first operation? (K) Sopt facing (L) Boring (M) Tapping (N) Drilling 53. The cutting fluid mostly used for machining steel is— (K) water (L) soluble oil (M) dry (N) heavy oils 54. The unit of force in SI system of unit is — (K) Dyne (L) Kilogram (M) Newton (N) Watt 55. Hooke's law holds good up to— (K) Yield point (L) Elastic limit (M) Plastic limit (N) Breaking point 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. The theoretically correct mixture of air and petrol is — (K) 10 : 1 (L) 15 : 1 (M) 20 : 1 (N) 25 : 1 A petrol engine during suction stroke draws— (K) air only (L) petrol only (M) mixture of air and petrol (N) none Cast iron is — material. (K) ductile (L) malleable (M) brittle (N) tough The air fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlled by — (K) carburettor (L) injector (M) governor (N) none The transfer of heat by molecular collision is known as — (K) conduction (L) convection (M) radiation (N) none of these Which is binding material? (K) Sand (L) Khoa (M) Cement (N) Rod 57 What is the ratio of Portland cement and water cement? (K) 1 (L) 0.8 (M) 0.7 (N) 0.85 Which is cohesive soil? (K) Gravel (L) Clay (M) Sand (N) Boulders What is the degree of saturation of saturated soil? (K) 0.00 (L) 0.50 (M) 2.00 (N) 1.00 wb‡Pi †KvbwU kw³i GKK? (K) 1 Nm (L) 1 ms-1 (M) 1 km (N) 1 watt Which is effective size of soil? (K) D20 (L) D40 (M) D10 (N) D30 What is the maximum grain size of silt? (K) 0.06mm (L) 0.002mm (M) 0.2mm (N) 1mm What is specific gravity of cohesive soil? (K) 1.0 (L) 1.57 (M) 3.1 (N) 2.7 What is the maximum value of ID? (K) 1 (L) 3 (M) 2 (N) 4 Manufacture of fire bricks KZ cÖKvi? (K) 3 (L) 4 Our FB Group School of Engineers 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. (M) 2 (N) 5 †KvbwU e‡ji gvÎv mgxKiY? (K) [ ML2T-3 ] (L) [ ML2T-1 ] (M) [ MLT-1 ] (N) [ MLT-2 ] †KvbwU we`y¨r cwievnx bq? (K) Zvgv (L) ivevi (M) ‡jvnv (N) iæcv Which is the equation of Degree of Saturation? (K) VW/VV (L) VW/(VV + VS) (M) VV / VS (N) (Vy + VS) / VV fi‡K kw³‡Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgxKiY †KvbwU? (K) E = mc2 (L) E = m/c2 (M) E = m2c (N) E = c2/2 1 hp mgvb KZ IqvU? (K) 740 (L) 746 (M) 745 (N) 748 f‡ii gvÎv n‡jv— (K) M (L) L (M) N (N) J †KvbwU †¯‹jvi ivwk? (K) Pvc (L) IRb (M) †eM (N) †PŠ¤^K ZxeªZv 0°C ZvcgvÎvq evqy‡Z k‡ãi †eM KZ? (K) 0 ms-1 (L) 30ms-1 -1 (M) 332ms (N) 132ms-1 Kg©`¶Zvi cÖZxK †KvbwU? (K) η (L) β (M) α (N) γ wb‡Pi †KvbwUi m¤úK© mwVK? (K) m = ρv (L) ρ = m/v (M) v = m/ρ (N) meKqwU cÖvK…wZK M¨vm †KvbwU? (K) CH4 (L) NH4 (M) CH3 (N) NH3 wb‡Pi †KvbwU me‡P‡q †ewk ¶wZKviK? (K) CO (L) CO2 (M) O2 (N) NH3 wMÖwbP gvbgw›`i †Kv_vq? (K) hy³ivóª (L) d«vÝ (M) Rvg©vwb (N) hy³ivR¨ gwiPvi ms‡KZ †KvbwU? (K) FeO (L) 3H3O (M) Fe2O3 nH2O (N) Fe2O3 2H2O †KvbwU A¯’vqx †gŠwjK KwYKv? (K) wbDUªb (L) ‡cÖvUb (M) B‡jKUªb (N) †gmb mvjdvi †gŠ‡ji AYy‡Z KZwU cigvYy _v‡K? (K) 2 (L) 4 DËigvjv M 66 K 67 N 68 K 69 K 70 N 71 L 72 K 73 K 74 L 75 K 76 K 77 M 78 K 79 N 80 K 81 K 82 N 83 M 84 N 85 N 86 N 87 K 88 K 89 K 90 N 91 L 92 L 93 N 94 M 95 K 96 N 97 N 98 L 99 100 L 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. (M) 6 (N) 8 †Kvb avZz ¯^vfvweK ZvcgvÎvq Zij? (K) S (L) C (M) P (N) Hg 95. ‡cÖvU‡bi Av‡cw¶K Avavb KZ? (K) +1 (L) −1 (M) 0 (N) +2 wbw®Œq M¨vm KqwU? (K) 6 (L) 7 (M) 8 (N) 5 cvwb n‡Z Zvc †ei n‡j Kx NU‡e? (K) eid (L) Zij (M) cvwb (N) Rjxq ev®c 3 f (x) = x − 2x + 10 n‡j f(0) = KZ? (K) 1 (L) 5 (M) 8 (N) 10 hw` a + b = 2, ab = 1 nq Z‡e a Ges b Gi gvb KZ? (K) 0/2 (L) 1/1 (M) −1/3 (N) −3/4 Log2 (1/32) Gi gvb KZ? (K) 1/25 (L) −5 (M) 1/5 (N) −1/5 3x−7y+10 = 0 Ges y−2x−3 = 0 Gi mgvavb— 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. (K) x = 1, y = −1 (L) x = 1, y = 1 (M) x = −1, y = −1 (N) x = −1, y = 1 †KvbwU me‡P‡q ‡QvU? (K) 2/11 (L) 3/11 (M) 2/13 (N) 4/15 hw` Q/P = 1/4 nq Z‡e (P + Q)/(P−Q ) Gi gvb KZ? (K) 5/3 (L) 2/3 (M) 3/5 (N) 5/7 ci ci wZbwU msL¨vi ¸Ydj 120 n‡j Zv‡`i ‡hvMdj KZ? (K) 9 (L) 12 (M) 14 (N) 15 1 †mwg e¨vmva©wewkó e„‡Ëi AšÍ©wjwLZ eM©‡¶‡Îi †¶Îdj KZ? (K) 146 eM© †mwg (L) 196 eM© †mwg (M) 49 eM© †mwg (N) 98 eM© †mwg 1,3,6,10,15,21..........avivwUi `kg c`wU KZ? (K) 45 (L) 55 (M) 65 (N) 62 e„‡Ëi e¨vm wZb¸Y e„w× †c‡j †¶Îdj KZ¸Y e„w× cv‡e? (K) 3 ¸Y (L) 9 ¸Y (M) 12 ¸Y (N) 16 ¸Y Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) Post : Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Exam Date : 03/11/2017 Time : 1 Hour 1| Ô†gv‡`i Mie, ‡gv‡`i Avkv Av-gwi evsjv fvlvÕ iPwqZv— (K) ivgwbwa ¸ß (L) iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi (M) AZzjcÖmv` †mb (N) m‡Z¨›`ªbv_ `Ë 2| RvZxq ¯§„wZ‡mŠ‡ai ¯’cwZ †K? (K) nvwg`yi ingvb (L) Zvbwfi ¸ß (M) gvBbyj ‡nv‡mb (N) gvhnviæj Bmjvg 3| Zrmg k‡ãi e¨envi †Kvb ixwZ‡Z †ewk nq? (K) PwjZ (L) mvay (M) wgkª (N) AvÂwjK 4| Dc‡iva k‡ãi A_© Kx? (K) cÖwZ‡iva (L) Dc¯’vcb (M) Dc‡hvMx (N) Aby‡iva 5| ÔAvgvi fvB‡qi i‡³ ivOv‡bv GKz‡k †deªæqvwiÕ MvbwUi myiKvi †K? (K) Ave`yj jwZd (L) Ave`yj Avnv` (M) AvjZvd gvngy` (N) gvhnviæj Bmjvg 6| Maiden speech means— (K) First speech (L) Last speech (M) Late speech (N) Null speech 7| A synonym for 'resentment' is —. Our FB Group School of Engineers 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| Full Marks : 100 (K) fear (L) anger (M) indignation (N) pane He ran fast lest he — miss the train. (K) can (L) should (M) could (N) has What would be the best antonym of hibernate? (K) dormancy (L) sluggishness (M) liveliness (N) democracy N.B. stand for — (K) note before (L) No bar (M) Non bar (N) Nota bene 0.03 × 0.006 × 0.007 = ? (K) 0.000126 (L) 0.00000126 (M) 0.0000126 (N) 0.126000 †Kv‡bv msL¨v 650 †_‡K hZ eo 820 †_‡K ZZ ‡QvU| msL¨vwU KZ? (K) 730 (L) 735 (M) 800 (N) 780 GKwU Mvwoi PvKv cÖwZ wgwb‡U 90 evi ‡Nv‡i| GK †m‡K‡Û PvKvwU KZ wWwMÖ ‡Nv‡i? 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| (K) 180° (L) 270° (M) 360° (N) 540° 1 3 Gi kZKiv KZ n‡e? 2 4 (K) 120% (L) 125% (M) 140% (N) 150% †Kvb ¶z`ªZg msL¨v‡K 3, 5 I 6 Øviv fvM Ki‡j fvM‡kl 1 n‡e? (K) 71 (L) 41 (M) 31 (N) 39 What is the length of a 20m long chain? (K) 100mm (L) 20000mm (M) 300mm (N) 400mm eª¨vK A‡š^lv m¨v‡UjvBUwU K‡e Dr‡¶cY Kiv nq? (K) 1 Ryb 2017 (L) 2 Ryb 2017 (M) 3 Rb 2017 (N) 4 Ryb 2017 gsWz †Kvb `ywU †`‡ki mxgvšÍ GjvKv? (K) evsjv‡`k-wgqvbgvi (L) evsjv‡`k-fviZ (M) wgqvbgvi-Pxb (N) fviZ-Pxb MICR-Gi c~Y©iƒc Kx? (K) Magnetic Ink Character Reader (L) Magnetic Ink Case Reader (M) Magnetic Ink Coole Reader (N) †Kv‡bvwUB bq In a computer, text codes convert letters into‒ (K) Decimal Numbers (L) Magnetic pulse (M) Binary format (N) Graphics What is the size of a brick as per PWD? (K) 10″ × 5″ × 3″ (L) 9.5″ × 4.5″ × 2.75″ (M) 9″ × 4″ × 2.5″ (N) 9.75″ × 4.75″ × 2.75″ ‡cv÷UvP Kx? (K) f¨vw·b (L) wPKb¸wbqv Bb‡RKkb (M) A¨vw›UfvBivm (N) mvgvwRK ‡hvMv‡hvM gva¨g I‡qemvBU What is the two main element of Portland cement? (K) Lime & silica (L) Lime & iron (M) Silica & copper (N) Lime & alumina Which is used to stop the leakage of a roof? (K) Geotextile (L) Bitumen Our FB Group School of Engineers 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31| 32| 33| 34| 35| of 36| 37| 38| (M) Pudding (N) Calcium The maximum compression force of a pretensioning work— (K) 140 kgh (L) 150 kg/cm2 (M) 160 kg/cm2 (N) 180 kg/cm2 A photo-diode is normally‒ (K) forward biased (L) reverse biased (M) neither forward nor reverse biased (N) calulum Energy will — when liquid flows in the pipe. (K) increase (L) same (M) decrease (N) double 2 If x − 5x + 6 < 0 then‒ (K) 2 < x < 3 (L) − 3 < + x < − 2 (M) x < 2 (N) x < 3 Generally — is used in varnish. (K) spirit (L) water (M) transformer oil (N) none Length for lap (Compression) — (K) 20D (L) 24D (M) 30D (N) 88D General RCC ratio is— (K) 1 : 6 : 7 (L) 1 : 1/2 : 1/2 (M) 1 : 6 : 8 (N) 1 : 2 : 4 How many types of manufacture of fire bricks? (K) 3 (L) 4 (M) 5 (N) 6 Law of intensity of pressure— (K) P = WH (L) p + wH (M) μ = TH (N) p = mH How many types of manufacture of fire bricks? (K) 3 (L) 4 (M) 2 (N) 5 What is the angle of the lower part pilot tube? (K) 600 (L) 90 (M) 4 (N) 1341 Co-efficient of discharge is— (K) Cc.CV (L) Cc.Cd (M) CV.Cd (N) Cc.Cd Which of the following protects penstock due to sudden variation of flow velocity of water? (K) Anchors (L) Forebays (M) Trash rack (N) Surge tank According to Joule's law, the internal DËigvjv 1 M 2 M 3 L 4 N 5 M 6 K 7 L 8 L 9 M 10 N 11 L 12 L 13 N 14 N 15 M 16 L 17 N 18 K 19 K 20 M 21 L 22 N 23 K 39| 40| 41| 42| 43| 44| 45| 46| 47| energy of a perfect gas is the function of absolute. (K) density (L) pressure (M) temperature (N) volume What is the primary function of mechanism? (K) Power transmission (L) Power absorption (M) Force transmission (N) Motion transmission Simplex method is the method used for— (K) value analysis (L) network analysis (M) linear programming (N) queuing theory As a matter of economy, voltage for power transmission should be— (K) high (L) low (M) medium (N) none of these Load flow study is carried out for— (K) fault calculations (L) stability studies (M) system planning (N) load frequency control Under the condition of maximum power transfer, the efficiency is— (K) 100 % (L) 50 % (M) 75 % (N) 25 % The process of bevelling sharp ends of a workplace is called as— (K) knurling (L) grooving (M) facing (N) chamfering What is the synonym of 'Timid'? (K) fearful (L) dirty (M) cleaning (N) unfair In a 3-ϕ induction motor, the rotor field rotates at synchronous speed with respect to— (K) stator (L) rotor (M) stator flux (N) none Which property decides the behavior of fluid when mixed with water? (K) pour point (L) demuisibuty Our FB Group School of Engineers (M) viscosity (N) oxidation 48| In industrial applications hydraulic fluids have viscosity grade ranging from— (K) 20 a 50 (L) 70 to 95 (M) 46 to 68 (N) 15 to 44 49| The angle between normal stress and tangential stress is known as angle of ——. (K) declination (L) orientation (M) obliquity (N) rotation 50| What is the strain energy stored in a cube of 50mm, when it is subject to shear stress of 200 mpa. (G=100 Gpa) (K) 25 Nm (L) 75 Nm (M) 125 Nm (N) 150 Nm 51| The diversity factor is always— (K) equal to 1 (L) less than 1 (M) greater than 1 (N) none 52| Transistor biasing represents — conditions. (K) ac (L) dc (M) both ac & dc (N) none 53| The line voltage on the LT side of a distribution transformer is— (K) 400V (L) 230V (M) 11kV (N) 33kV 54| The impedance of an ac circuit is 45 < −30°Ω. The circuit will be— (K) resistive (L) inductive (M) capacitive (N) none 55| 56| 57| 58| 59| The distribution transformer is generally connected in—. (K) Delta/Delta (L) Star/Delta (M) Star/Star (N) Delta/Star Choose the correct one— (K) maintenance (L) burecucracy (M) burocracy (N) bureaucracy Another name of Feeler gauge is —. (K) Angle gauge (L) Thickness gauge (M) Radius gauge (N) Planner gauge As compared to overhead system, the maintenance cost of underground system is—. (K) very high (L) very low (M) same (N) none above One of the characteristics of a singlephase motor is that it — (K) is self-starting DËigvjv 24 L 25 M 26 L 27 M 28 K 29 K 30 L 31 N 32 L 33 K 34 L 35 L 36 K 37 N 38 M 39 N 40 M 41 K 42 M 43 L 44 N 45 K 46 K 47 M 48 M 49 M 50 K 51 M 52 L 53 K (L) is not self-starting (M) requires only one winding (N) can rotate in one direction only 60| For a single circuit 3 phase line, the inductance per phase per km is of the order of ——. (K) 1 mH (L) 0.2mH (M) 10mH (N) 0.1mH 61| The transmission lines generally use—. (K) copper (L) all aluminium conductor (M) ACSR conductor (N) none 62| Fault level means——. (K) fault current (L) fault MVA (M) voltage at the point of fault (N) none 63| The highest transmission voltage used in Bangladesh is‒—. (K) 132KV (L) 230KV (M) 400KV (N) 765KV e¨vL¨v t Lye kxNªB 765kV n‡e| 64| The speed regulation of a synchronous motor is—. (K) unity (L) zero (M) infinity (N) always less than one 65| Most faults occurring in the field are in—. (K) switchgears (L) CTs and PTS (M) cables (N) overhead lines 66| A dc motor can be looked upon as dc generator with the power flow — (K) reduced (L) reversed (M) increased (N) modified 67| Corona is observed on— (K) ac transmission lines only (L) dc transmission lines only (M) both (a) & (b) (N) none 68| Two capacitors of capacitances 3μF and 6μF in series will have a total capacitance of— (K) 9μF (L) 18μF (M) 2μF (N) 24μF 69| A transformer has 200W as iron loss Our FB Group School of Engineers 70| 71| 72| 73| 74| at full-load. The iron loss at half-load will be— (K) 200W (L) 100W (M) 400W (N) 50W In a R-L series circuit, R = 10Ω and XL = 10Ω. The phase angle between applied voltage and circuit current is— (K) 45° (L) 60° (M) 30° (N) 36.8° RC coupling is used for — amplification. (K) voltage (L) current (M) power (N) none Modern high-voltage lines are designed with a safety factor of about—— (K) 1.5 (L) 2 (M) 3 (N) 4 The relay operation coil is supplied through— (K) fuse (L) current transformer (M) power transformer (N) none Under normal operating conditions, the contacts of the circuit breaker remain— (K) closed (L) open (M) semi-closed (N) none of the above 75| In television transmission, picture signals are transmitted by—. (K) AM (L) FM (M) PCM (N) PAM 76| The point of intersection of dc and ac load lines is call— (K) saturation (L) cut off (M) operating (N) none of these 77| The time period of direct current is— (K) infinite (L) zero (M) finite (N) cannot say 78| For highest power gain, one would use — configuration. (K) CE (L) CC (M) CB (N) none of these 79| A wattmeter indicates — power. (K) active (L) reactive (M) apparent (N) none 80| The power factor of a dc circuit is—. (K) 0 (L) 1 DËigvjv 54 M 55 N 56 N 57 L 58 L 59 L 60 L 61 M 62 L 63 M 64 L 65 M 66 L 67 K 68 M 69 K 70 K 71 K 72 L 73 L 74 K 75 K 76 M 77 K 78 K 79 K 80 L (M) −1 (N) none Rural Electrification Board (REB) Post: Assistant General Manager (O&M/P&M/E&C) Full Marks: 50 Exam Date: 01.01.2016 1. What percentage of the maximum power is deliverer to a load if load resistance is 10 times greater than the Thevenin resistance of the source to which it is connected? a) 25% b) 3.5% c) 33.06% d) 40% 2. The form factor of a sinusoidal wave is ......... a) 1.414 b) 1.11 c) 2 d) 1.5 3. The breakdown voltage of an insulation depends upon value of alternating voltage. a) average b) r.ms c) peak d) twice the r.m.s 4. The current taken from a 230 V, 50Hz supply is measured as 10 A with a lagging p.f of 0.7. A capacitor is connected in parallel with the load. The true power. a) increases b) decreases c) unchanged d) can't be predicted 5. The impedance at parallel resonance is very large because is very large a) R b) ratio L/C c) ratio C/L d) none of the above 6. If the length of the arc in a circuit breaker increases, its resistance a) decreases b) increases c) remains same d) none 7. The armature of a d.c. machine is laminated in order to reducea) eddy current loss b) hysteresis loss c) copper loss d) frictional loss 8. The no-load voltage of a generator is 240 V and ratedload voltage is 220 V. The voltage regulation of the generator is a) 4.5% b) 8.33% c) 2.8% d) 9.1% 9. The RPM is 1500 of 25 cycle/second enriched Alternator, what will be the nos. of poles of this Alternator? a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 3 10. A transformer has an efficiency of 80% and works at 100 V, 4 KW. If the secondary voltage is 240 V, find the primary current? a) 40 A b) 30 A c) 20 A d) 10 A Our FB Group School of Engineers 11. The effect of leakage flux in a transformer is to .......... losses a) increase copper b) decrease copper c) cause voltage drop in the windings d) none 12. The open circuit test on a transformer gives ....... losses a) copper b) iron c) friction d) total 13. Opened circuit rotor, 4-pole 3 phase induction motor is connected with 3 phase 400 volt and 50 hz. Electric line . Now the obtained rpm of this motor is a) 1500 b) 1480 c) 1450 d) 0 14. A4-pole, 50 Hz induction motor operates at 5% slip. The frequency of e.m.f induced in the rotor will be a) 25 Hz b) 50 Hz c) 2.5 Hz d) none 15. The full-load slip of a synchronous motor is ........ a) 5% b) 1% c) 2% d) zero 16. The capacity of a synchronous capacitor is generally in the range of ............ a) VAR b) MVAR c) KVA d) none of the above 17. If the length of the transmission line in 300 to 400 km, the suitable transmission voltage would be 0a) 11 kV b) 33 kV c) 66 kV d) 400 kV 18. Which Distribution Voltage is not used in BREB distribution network? a) 33 KV b) 11 KV c) 66 KV d) 6.35 KV 19. The skin effect depends upon a) nature of material b) diameter of wire c) frequency d) all above 20. Shunts are generally made of ......... a) copper b) aluminum c) silver d) manganin 21. The rated secondary current of current transformer for relays is generally a) 10 A b) 5A c) 20 A d) 30 22. A Differential relays are used to protect the equipment against a) over current b) reverse current BREB Supplementary c) internal faults d) none of above 23. A fuse should have a) low melting point b) high conductivity c) slow cost d) all above 24. An n-type semiconductor is a) positively charged b) electrically neutral c) negatively charged d) none of the above 25. A crystal diode is used as a) an amplifier b) a rectifier c) an oscillator d) a voltage regulator 26. The synchronous speed of a 3-phase induction motor having 20 poles and connected to a 50 Hz source is .. a) 600 r.p.m b)1000 r:p.m c) 1200 r.p.m d) 300 rp.m 27. During the short ckt. test of 6.35/240 kv distribution transformer, impedance voltage is found 158.75 volt. The percentage impedance of this transformer is a) 2.45% b) 2.50% c) 3.00% d) 6.00% 28. Full copper loss of a transformer is 1600 watt. Which will be in half load – a) 6400 watt b) 3200 watt c) 800 watt d) 400 watt m 29. When the speed of a.d.c motor increases its armature current ....... a) increases b) decreases c) remains constant d) none 30. The economic size of a conductor is determined by a) Ohm's law b) Kelvin's law c) Kirchhoff's law d) none 31. The Zero sequence component of the unbalance system of vector VA, VR & Vc is ....... of the vector sum transient disturbance is produced in a CKT. Whenever – a) 1/3 b) 1/2 c) 2/3 d) ¼ 32. Which of the following connection is best suited for 3 phase 4 wire service? a) Delta-Delta b) Delta-Wye c) Wye-Wye d) Wye-Delta 33. If the average load increase the load factor ....... a) Increase b) Decrease c) Unchanged d) None 34 .An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon? a) 144° b) 150° c) 168° d) 180° 35. What is the full name of C.N.N? Our FB Group School of Engineers a) Cable News Network b) Central News Network c) Cable Network News d) Common News Network 36. Methods of Power Factor Improvement a) Static Capacitor b) Synchronous Condenser c) Phase Advancer d) Above All are correct 37. The Current from neutral to ground connection is 12 Amp. Then Zero phase sequence component in phases is a) 3A b) 2A c) 4A d) 8A 38. The commercial efficiency of a shunt generator is Maximum when its variable loss equals....... Loss. a) Stay b) Constant c) Iron d) Friction and windage 39. The Capacitance of Capacitor is not influence by a) Plate thickness b) Plate area c) Plate separation medium d) Nature of them 40. The Chief disadvantage of Low VAR is that a) More power Consumed by the Load b) Current is higher c) Active Power is higher d) Above (a) & (b) 41. When a 400 Hz transformer is operated at 50 Hz, its KVA rating is a) Increased by 8 times b) Reduced to 1/8 c) Unaffected d) Increased by 64 times 42. Two transformer A & B having equal outputs and voltage ratios but unequal percentage impedance of 4 & 2 are operated in Parrallel. A will be running overloaded by a) 50% b) 66% c) 33% d) 25% 43. The maximum collector efficiency of a class - B power Amplifier is a) 25% b) 50% c) 78.5% d) 60% 44. Burden of a CT is generally ........type of load. a) purely resistive b) purely capacitive c) purely inductive d) R-L-C type 45. Sag is provided in overhead lines so that a) Sate tension is not exceeded b) repair can be made c) Conductor material is saved d) none of the above 46. An Ideal amplifier have a noise factor of a) 1 dB b) 0 dB c) 5008 d) 0.5dB BREB Supplementary 47. Frequency can be determined by.... a) f=0.5PV b) f=Px 0.5N c) F=PN/120 d) f=120 x PI 48. Who is known as the 'lady of the Lamp'? a) Soroini Naidu b) Hellen Killer c) Florence Nightingale d) Madame Teresa 49.”তু ম আ বব ববে সে স্বোধীনতো”----কোর কমবতো? ক) শওকত ও োন। খ) ম কোন্দোর আবু জোফর। গ) ুমফযো কো োে ঘ) শো ুর রে োন 50.সকোনটি শুদ্ধ বোনোন? ক) আকোংখো খ) আকোঙ্ক্ষো গ) আকোঙ্খ ঘ) আকোংক্ষো 51. “তু ম অধ , তোই ববে আম উত্ত েববো নো সকন?” উক্তিটি কোর? | ক) ীর শোররফ সেোব ন খ) সরোবকযো োখোওযোত সেোব ন গ) বক্তি চন্দ্র চবরোপোধযোয ঘ) রবীন্দ্রনোর্ ঠোকুর। 52. “অপ” মক ধরবের উপ গ?থ ক) ংস্কৃত খ) বোংেো গ) মববদমশ ঘ) ম শ্র 53. “একোত্তবরর মচটঠ” সকোন জোতীয রচনো? ক) ুক্তিযুবদ্ধর মববরে খ) ুক্তিযুদ্ধমিমত্তক উপনযো গ) ুক্তিবযোদ্ধোবদর পত্র ংকেন ঘ) মিন্নধ ী ডোবযরী 54. “যতবড় ুখ নয, ততবড় কর্ো” --- এখোবন “ ুখ” বেবত কী বুঝোবে? ক) অনুিূমত খ) গোমে গ) প্রতযঙ্গ ঘ) শক্তি 55 “ বোর উপর োনুষ তয, তোেোর উপর নোই” সক ববেবেন? | ক) চণ্ডীদো খ) মবদযোপমত গ) রো কৃষ্ণ পর েং ঘ) মবববকোনন্দ 56. “সকে োেো, সকে ত মব গেোয, তোইত জোত মিন্ন বেোয পঙক্তিটি কোর সেখো? ক) েোেন শোে খ) ম রোজ োাঁই গ) দন বোউে ঘ) পোগেো কোনোই 57. They suffered much ....... tornado had hit their village. a) until b) since c) as if d) let alone 58. "To end in smoke" means a) To create fire b) To go through sufferings Our FB Group School of Engineers c) To come to nothing d) To see fire 59. েঞ্চ ও সরোবতর গমতববগ যর্োক্রব ঘন্টোয ১৮ মকিঃম িঃ ও ৬ মকিঃম িঃ। নদীপবর্ ৪৮ মকিঃম িঃ অমতক্র কবর পুনরোয মফবর আ বত কত য েোগবব? ক) ১০ ঘন্টো খ) ৫ ঘন্টো গ) ৬ ঘন্টো ঘ) ৮ ঘন্টো 60. f(x) =x- 2x + 10 েবে f(0) কত? ক) ১ খ) ৫ গ) ৮ ঘ) ১০ 61.ক থ ংস্থোন বযোংক প্রমতটিত েয সকোন োবে? ক) ১৯৯৫ খ) ১৯৯৬ গ) ১৯৯৮ ঘ) ২০০১ 62.পৃমর্বীবত কখন েযোপিপ কম্পিউিোর প্রবমতথত েয এবং সকোন সকোিোমন এিো ততমর কবর? ক) ক পযোক, ১৯৮৫ খ) এপ ন, ১৯৮১ গ) আইমবএ , ১৯৮৩ ঘ) অযোপে, ১৯৭৭ 63. ইন্টোরবনি চোেুর বের – ক) ১৯৫৯ খ) ১৯৬৫ গ) ১৯৬৯ ঘ) ১৯৮১ 64. েীরক উজ্জ্বে সদখোর কোরে – ক) পূে অিযন্তরীে থ প্রমতফেবনর জনয খ) প্রমত রবের জনয গ) প্রমতফেবনর জনয ঘ) অপবতথবনর জনয 65. ুনো ীর কোরে েে – | ক) আবেযমগমরর অেুযৎপোত খ) ঘুমেঝড় থ | গ) চন্দ্র ও ূবযরথ আকষনথ ঘ) ুবের তেবদবশ িূ ম কি 66. দোেগ্রো মেি েে সকোন সজেোয অবমস্থত মেে? ক) কুমড়গ্রো । খ) নীেফো োরী গ) পঞ্চগড় ঘ) েোে মনরেোি 67. If Lagging power factor of the load decreases, the line loss will – a) decrease b) increase c) remain same d) none 68. পরস্পরবক স্পশ কবর থ আবে এ ন মতনটি বৃবত্তর সকন্দ্র P, Q, R এবং PQ=a, QR=b, RP=c েবে, সকক্তন্দ্রক বৃবত্তর বযো েবব – a) a+b+c b) b+c+a c) c+a-b d) a-b+c 69. মনবের সকোনটি বৃবত্তর ীকরে? a) ax2+bx+c b) y2 = 0 2 2 c) x +y = 16 d) y2 = 2x+7 70. একটি গোমড়র চোকো প্রমত ম মনবি ৯০ বোর ঘোব বর। ১ স বকবে চোকোটি কত মডগ্রী ঘুরবব? BREB Supplementary ক) ১৮০ খ) ২৭০ গ) ৫৪০ ঘ) ৩৬০ 71. Choose the correct preposition: Police is looking ...... the matter. a) after b) on c) up d) into 72. Which of the following Sentence is Correct? a) I forbade him from going b) I forbade him to go c) I forbade him to going d) I forbade him not to go 73. The word ecological is related to – a) Atmosphere b) pollution c) environment d) demography 74. ১, ৩, ৬, ১০, ১৫, ২১ ...... ধোরোটির দশ পদ কত? ক) ৪৫ খ) ৫৫ গ) ৬৫ ঘ) ৬২ 75. “Sky” is to bird” as “water” is to ..... a) feather b) fish c) boat d) lotus Answer 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 b 1 0 1 c 1 b 1 d 1 c 1 d 1 b 1 d 1 c 1 d 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 b 2 c 2 d 2 c 2 b 2 d 2 c 2 d 2 b 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 a 3 b 3 a 3 d 3 a 3 d 3 c 3 b 3 a 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 4 b 4 c 4 c 4 a 4 d 4 b 4 c 4 c 4 d 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 c 5 a 5 c 5 d 5 a 5 a 5 b 5 c 5 c 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 6 b 6 b 6 c 6 a 6 d 6 d 6 b 6 6 c 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 7 d 7 d 7 c 7 b 7 b 1 2 3 4 5 a d b d b d c Recruitment Examination for Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Exam Date: 12-02-2016 Time: 45 minute Mark: 60 (Each question bears equal value) 1. A capacitor of 1µF is charged to a potential of 50 V. It is now connected to an uncharged capacitor of capacitance 4µF. The common potential is a)50 V b) 20 V C) 15 V d)10 V 2. The mutual inductance between two coils is zero when fluxes produced by them.. Our FB Group School of Engineers a) Aid each other b) Oppose each other c) Are at right angles to each other d) None of the above 3. A 230 V, 50 Hz single-phase energy meter has a load current of 10A a p.f. of 0-8 lagging. The energy consumed by the load in 2 minutes is ..... a) 12 kWh b) 0.06 kWh c) 2.4kWh d) 4.2 kWh 4. The field winding of a d.c shunt machines usually carries ........ of the rated current of the machine. a) 2% to 5% b) 15% to 20% c) More than 20% d) Less than 0.5% 5. Stray losses consists of ..... a) Magnetic and mechanical losses b) Magnetic and copper losses c) Mechanical and copper losses d) None of the above 6. A motor takes a large current at starting because ......... a) The armature resistance is high b) Back e.m.f is low c) Shunt field is producing weak field d) None of the above 7. A DC shunt motor is taking 84 A at 100 V and developing 9 B.H.P. Armature resistance = 0.05 Ω and shunt field resistance= 25 Ω. The copper loss is above a) 615 W b) 512 W c) 834 W (d) 720 W 8. The short-circuit test helps us to find a) Cu loss at any desired load b) Iron loss at no load c) Cu loss at no load d) None of the above 9. The full load slip of a 3-phase induction motor ranges from: a) 10% to 20% b) 20% to 30% c) 2% to 5% d) None of above 10. A 3-phase, 6-pole, 50 Hz induction motor delivers, 3.73 kW at 950 r.p.m What is the stator input if the stator loss is 250 W? (a) 4180 W b) 3150 W C) 5720 W d) 4825 W 11. The induction motor has lagging power factor during a) Starting only b) Operation only c) Both starting and operation d) None of the above 12 The losses in an alternator are the same as is ...... a) a DC machine b) A transformer C) A rectifier d) None of the above 13. The main reason for low power factor of supply system is due to: BREB Supplementary a) Induction motors b) Resistive loads c) Synchronous motor d) All correct 14. The sag of an overhead line is effected by ... a) Conductor weight per unit length b) Span and tension c) Wind and temperature d) All above 15. If spacing between the conductor is decreased, the inductance of the line ... a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same d) None of above 16. The skin effect increases the ..... a) Resistance of the line b) Inductance of the line c) Capacitance of the line d) All above 17. The voltage regulation of a transmission line is greatest for a) Lagging p.f b) Leading p.f C) Both (a) & (b) d) None of above 18 .A Circuit breaker performs the function of... a) Detection only b) Circuit interruption only c) Both detection & circuit interruption d) None of above 19. Back-up protection is generally used for protection against a) Open circuit faults only b) Short-circuit faults only c) Both open and Short-circuit faults d) None of above 20. The rate of rise of restricting voltage depends on ... a) The type of circuit breaker b) The inductance of the system only C) The capacitance of the system only d) Both inductance and capacitance of the system 21. Buchholz relay in oil immersed transformer provides a) Insulation failure of windings b) Core heating c) Fall of oil level d) All above 22. Merz-price circulating current principle is...... a) More suitable for generators b) More suitable for transformers c) Equally suitable for both d) None of above 23. Internal cause of overvoltage in a power system may be due to a) Opening a loaded line b) Closing an unloaded line C) Insulation failure d) All above Our FB Group School of Engineers 24. The energy gap between valence band and conduction band in insulators is about a) 15 eV b) 1 eV C) 2 eV d) 3.5 eV 25 A zener diode is always........... connected a) Reverse b) Forward c) Either reverse of forward d) None of the above 26. A PN junction that radiates energy as light instead of as heat is called a a) LED b) Photo-diode c) Photocell d) Zener diode 27. The collector-base junction in a transistor amplifier has a) Forward bias at all times b) Reverse bias at all times c) Low resistance d) None of the above 28 When a transistor is cut off, a) Maximum voltage appears across transistor b) Maximum current flows c) Maximum voltage appears across load d) None of the above 29 .The basic purpose of applying negative voltage feedback is to a) Increase voltage gain b) Reduce distortion c) Keep the temperature within limits d) None of the above 30. The oscillator liable to frequency drift is a) Hartley oscillator b) Colpitt's oscillator c) Phase-shift oscillator d) All the above oscillator 31. 1 Tesla equal to (a) 1 Netwon/m2 (b) 1 2 kg/m (c) 1wb/m2 (d) None of Above 32. If an NPN MOSFET Vcc = 12 V, what is the value of VCE? (a) 4V (b) 3V (c) 12 (d) 6V_ 33. For a shunt generator Armature torque is (a) Directly proportional to voltage (b)Directly proportional to current (c) Squarely proportional to current (d) None of above 34. When a 400 Hz transformer is operated at 50 Hz, its KVA rating is (a) Increase by 8 times (b) Reduce to 1/8 (c) Unaffected (d) Increase by 64 times 35. A transformer has full load copper loss of 400 watt. The copper loss at half-load will be BREB Supplementary (a) 200 W b) 100W (c) 400 W (d) 50 W 36. Most of the fault in a power system are (a) 3-phase fault (b) Double Line to ground fault (c)Line to ground fault (d) Both (a) & (c) 37. The Main purpose of using core in a transformer is to (a) Decrease iron losses (b) Prevent eddy current loss (C) Eliminate magnetic hysteresis (d) Decrease reluctance of the common magnetic circuit 38 .The value of Form factor a) 1.15 b)1.11 c) 1.13 d) 1.14 39 .The input impedance of transistor is a) high b)low c) very high d) almost zero 40. Most of the synchronous motor are ..... power factor motors a)unity b).8 lagging c).8 leading d).75 lagging 41.বোাংিো নববষ পতহিো থ ববশোখ চোিু তরগ্নেতিন--) ফখরুজিন স োবোরক শোহ খ) ইগ্নিয়োস শোহ প) সম্রোি আ বর ঘ) সম্রোি বোবর। 42.‘অগ্নক্ষর সমীতপ'র সাংতক্ষপ হসেো--( ) সমক্ষ খ) পবরোক্ষ গ) প্রততুক্ষ ঘ) গ্ননরতপক্ষ। 43. “স্বোধীনতো হীনতোয় ক বোগ্নচতত চোয়"--- চরণটি োর রচনো? ) ঈশ্বরচে গুপ্ত খ) মধূসূদন দত্ত গ) কহমচে বত্ুোপোধুোয় (ঘ) রঙ্গিোি বত্ুোপোধুোয় 44. গ্ননতচর ক োন োতজর জনু স্পম্পউিোর কবগ্নশ সুগ্নবধোজন ? ( ) পুনরোবৃগ্নত্তমূি োজ খ) প্রগ্নততবদন প্রণয়ন গ) গ্নহসোবরক্ষণ োজ ঘ) গোগ্নণগ্নত োজ 45. উপসতগরথ োজ গ্ন ? ক) নতু ন শব্দ গিন রো খ) গ্নবভজি গ্ননরূপন তর গ) যগ্নত সাংস্করণ তর ঘ) সবনোম থ বতগ্নর তর। 46। গ্ননতচর ক োনটি গ্নসতেম সফিওয়ুোর ? ) উইন্সডোজ গ্নভস্তো খ) এমএস এ তসি গ) ওরো ি ঘ) সনোিপুোি 47. স্পম্পউিোতরর কনিওয়োত র থ কক্ষতে গ্ননতচর ক োন মোধুমটি। সবোতপক্ষো থ দ্রুত তর্ু পগ্নরবহতন সক্ষম? ) ক ো-এজিয়োি ুোবি (খ) ফোইবোর অপটি ুোবি গ) িুইতেি কপয়োর ুোবি ঘ) আর কজ ৪৫ োতনক্টর 48. ‘সোবোশ বোাংিোতদশ’ ভোষ্কযটি থ ক োর্োয় অবগ্নস্থত? ) টিএসগ্নসর স োবড় খ) ঢো ো গ্নবশ্বগ্নবদুোিতয় গ) করসত োস ময়দোতন থ কয গ)রোজশোহী গ্নবশ্বগ্নবদুোিতয়। 49.কফয়োর ফুোি গ্ন ? ) সাংবোদ সাংস্থো খ) পগ্নরতবশ সাংস্থো। গ) সগোবযন্দো সাংস্থো। | ঘ) মোনবগ্নধ োর সাংস্থো 50.’দহগ্রোম গ্নেিমহি’ ক োন কজিোয় অবগ্নস্থত? ) ু গ্নড়গ্রোম খ) নীিফোমোরী গ) পঞ্চগড় ঘ) িোিমগ্ননরহোি 51 .We should abstain ------- Smoking a) of b) for c) about d)from 52. What is the synonym of Competent'. a) circumspect b) discrete c) capable d) prudent 53 The manager looked into the matter. a) Take decision b) Investigate c) Neglect d) Taking care 54. Find out the correct translation. ‘স োি কর্ত গুুঁ গ্নড় গুুঁ গ্নড় বৃটে হতে।‘ a) It is raining from morning b) It has been raining from morning c)It has been drizzling since morning d) It is drizzling since morning 55. Who wrote 'The beauty is truth, truth is beauty.'? a) Shakespeare b) Wordsworth c) Keats d) Eliot 56. মূি গ্নব্ু O এবাং P=(x,y) হতি, OP= ত? | a)x2 + y2 b) √𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 c) √(𝑥 + 𝑦)2 d) x + y 57 . বৃতত্তর পগ্নরগ্নধ ও বুোতসর অনুপোত--) ২২/৭ খ) ১/৩ গ) ২২/৯ ঘ) ২৫/৯ 58. এ টি দ্রবু ৩৮০ িো োয় গ্নবক্রয় রোয় ২০ িো ো ক্ষগ্নত েবেো। ক্ষগ্নতর শত রো হোর ত? ) ৪% খ) ৬% গ) ৫% ঘ) ৭% | 59. এ টি ু ু র এ টি খরবগোশবক ধরোর জনু তোড়ো তর। ু ু র কয সময় ৪ বোর িোফ কদয়, খরসগোশ কস সময় ৫ বোর িোফ | । গ্ন ন্তু খরসগোশ ৪ িোতফ যতদূর যোয়, ু ু র ৩ িোসফ ততদূর যোয়। ু ু র ও খরসগোবশর গগ্নততবতগর অনুপোত ত? ) ১৫ঃ১৬ খ)২০ঃ১২ গ) ১৬ঃ১৫ ঘ) ১২ঃ২০ 60. ৮, ১১, ১৭, ২৯, ৫৩;........ পরবতী সাংখুো ত? ( ) ১০১ খ) ১০২ গ) ৭৫ ঘ) ৫৯ Answer 1 11 D C 2 12 Our FB Group C A 3 13 B A 4 14 School of Engineers A D 5 15 A A 6 16 B A 7 17 D C 8 18 A C 9 19 C B 10 20 A D BREB Supplementary 21 31 41 51 D C C D 22 32 42 52 A B A C 23 33 43 53 D B D B 24 34 44 54 A B A C 25 35 45 55 A B A C Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (REB) Post: Sub-Assistant Engineer ZvwiLt 09/01/2015Bs| 1. 2. Resistively of a wire of depends ona. length b. material c. cross section area d. none 3. Kirchhoff’s second law is based on law of conservation ofa. charge b. energy c. momentum d. mass 4. Ohms lawK) M) L) N) I= R/V R = I/V V = IR I=VR 5. In a circuit low reactive power compared to true power indicates. a. Low power faction b. High power factor c. low efficiency d. High efficiency 6. The reactance of magnetic circuit depends upon a. current in the coil b. no of turn of the coil d. flux density in the circuit d. none of above 7. Two 10KΩ, 5W resistors in parallel have equivalent resistance of a 5KΩ and power rating ofK) M) L) N) 2.5 W 10W 5W 25W 8. Which of the following is not the distribution system normally usedK) M) 3 phase-4 wire Single phase 3 wire L) N) 3 phase 3 wire single phase 4 wire 9. The surge impedance for over head line is taken asK) M) 10-20Ω 100-200Ω L) N) 50-60Ω 1000-2000Ω 10. The effect of corona isK. increased energy loss L. increased reactance M. increased inductance N. all of above 11. For a distortion less transmission lineK) M) Reactance of line Reactance of generator L) N) Losses Output torque 12. Stability of a system is not affected byK. Reactance of line Our FB Group School of Engineers 26 36 46 56 A C A B 27 37 47 57 B D B A 28 38 48 58 C B D C 29 39 49 59 B B C C 30 40 50 60 D A D A L. Losses M. Reactance of generator N. Output torque 13. The direction of a rotation of a dc motor can be determined by: K. Lenzs law L. Flemings left hand rule M. Flemings right hand rule N. Ampers law 14. 1 coulomb equals to – K. 628 x 10-16 electron charge L. 6.28 x 10-16 electron charge M. 682 x 10-16 electron charge N. 6.82 x 10-16 electron charge 15. How much current flowing through a 100 ohms resistor resulting 10volt voltage dropK) M) 0.1A 10A L) N) 0.01A 1000A 16. Laminated core is used in electrical machine reduce. K) M) Copper loss hysteresis loss L) N) Iron loss eddy loss 17. Material used for fuse must haveK. Low melting point & low specific resistance L. High melting point & low specific resistance M. High melting point & High specific resistance N. Low melting point & high specific resistance 18. The EMF of a cell does not depend uponK. nature of electrolyte L. concentration of electrolyte M. nature of material of electrodes N. size and spacing of electrode 19. At parallel resonance. K. circuit impedance is minimum L. power factor is zero M. line current is maximum N. power factor is unity 20. At parallel resonance the circuit impedance equals toK) M) L/CR RL/C L) N) LC/R CR/L 21. If a phase is multiplied by j, thenK. only its magnitude changes L. only its direction changes M. both magnitude & direction changes N. none of above. 22. Hunt are generally made ofK) M) Copper silver L) N) aluminium manganin 23. The power factor of a dc circuit is- BREB Supplementary K) M) L) N) 0 -1 1 none of the above 24. The current in armature conductors of a dc machine isK. Pure dc L. pulsating dc M. ac N. Pure dc+ pulsating dc 25. The effect of a armature reaction is toK. decrease the total flux L. increase the total flux M. make air gape flux uniform N. none of the above 26. The back emf in a dc motorK. oppose the applied voltage L. aids the applied voltage M. aid the armature current N. none of the above 27. A transformer has 200w as iron loss at full load. The iron loss half full load will beK) M) L) N) 50w 400w 100w 2000w 28. The voltage per turn of the primary of transformer is- the voltage per turn of the secondary. K. more than L. less than M. the same as N. none of the above. 29. The effect of leakage flux in a transformer is toK. increase copper losses L. decrease copper losses M. causes voltages drop in the winding N. none of them 30. A transformer will have zero efficiency atK) M) L) N) full load half full load No-load none of the above 31. Which the following transformers should never have the secondary open circuited while the primary is energized. K. power transformer L. potential transformer M. current transformer N. auto transformer 32. When .the rotor of a 3 phase induction motor is blocked. the slip isK) M) L) N) Zero 0.1 0.5 1 33. A 50Hz 4-pole single phase induction Motor will have a synchronous speed of— K) M) 1500rpm 1200 rpm L) N) 750 rpm none of the above 34. The single phase series motor can operate onK) M) ac only both ac and dc Our FB Group L) N) dc only none School of Engineers 35. The highest point on the daily load curve represents. K) L) M) N leakage flux dc field excitation armature reaction none of the above 36. The highest point on the daily load curve represents. K) M) L) N) average load load factor maximum load none of the above 37. When the load factor of a power station increases, the units (kWh) generated. K) M) L) N) are increased remain the same are decreased none of these 38. Corona is affected byK) L) M) N condition of atmosphere size & spacing of conductor line voltage all above 39. The minimum phase-neutral voltage at which corona occurs, is calledK) L) M) N Critical disruptive voltage visual critical voltage flash over voltage none of the above 40. The common fault in overhead distributing system isK) L) M) N phase no phase fault one phase to earth fault all phase short circuited none of the above 41. Potential difference two an equal charge is measured inK) M) L) N) coulomb Ampere joule volt 42. A PN junction acts as a – K) L) M) N unidirectional switch bi-directional switch controlled switch none of the above 43. The most commonly used semiconductor isK) M) L) N) germanium sulphur carbon silicon 44. Which causes the barrler layer in a PN junction. K) M) doping barrier potential L) N) recombination ions 45. A zener diode is destroyed if itK) L) M) N is forward biased is reverse biased carriers more than rated current none of the above 46. As the temperature of a transistor goes up the base emitter resistance. K) M) decreases remains the same L) N) increases none 47. I db corresponds to-––––changes in voltage level. K) M) 12% 20% L) N) 80% 25% BREB Supplementary N 48. Noise factor of an ideal amplifier is–– K) M) L) N) 0dB 5dB K) M) 49. SI unit of electrical capacitance. K) M) L) N) ohm faraday K) M) K) M) K) L) M) N Increasing filed current reducing applied voltage reducing filed current increasing armature current Motor will be stopped motion of motor will decrease motion of motor will increase tremendously motion of motor will remain normal L) N) 0% 2% ampere ohm/ampere L) N) 1% 5% ohm/volt ampere/division L) N) cupper loss insulation resistance L) N) ALU Resister core loss efficiency control unit Accumulator 58. Abbreviation of BIOS is— K) L) M) N basic input output system broad input out system basic in out syndrome broad in load out load symptom 59. Own language of computer is--K) L) M) N Machine language Assembly language High level language English language 60. Which memory is called as primary memory? K) M) Hard disk USB drive L) N) RAM CD-ROM 61. Which one is not operating system software? K) M) L) N) DOS Linux Auto CAD Windows 62. ‡Kvb PiYwU mwVK ? K) L) M) ab av‡b¨ cy‡®ú fiv ab¨ av‡b¨ cy‡®ú fiv a‡b¨I av‡b¨ cy‡®ú fiv Our FB Group ïkÖlv ïkÖlv L) N) mykÖlv mykÖæmv School of Engineers Ck^iP›`ª ¸ß gaym~`b `Ë ‡ngP›`ª e‡›`vcva¨vq i½jvj e‡Ü¨vcva¨vq L) N) a diary an autobiography a biography a chronicle 68. He has been ill----Friday K) M) K) M) 57. Which unit of microprocessor is used data processing? K) M) Mvwj kvw³ from in L) N) on since waste wastage L) N) wasting wasteful 70. What is the antonym of the Honorary? 56. Open circuit test of a transform is to determine. K) M) K) M) K) M) 55. Current sensitivity of a meter is expressed in. K) M) L) N) 69. What is the noun of the word “Waste’ salient pole type non-salient pole type as like as armature of DC motor squirrel case type 54. Full load slip of synchronous motor isK) M) Abyf~wZ cÖZ¨½ 67. A person who writes about his own life writes. 53. Rotor of a synchronous motor is--K) L) M) N Kg Li‡P K…cY 66. ¯^vaxbZv nxbZvq †K euvwP‡Z Pvq- PiYwU Kvi iPbv ? 52. When the filed coil of motor is opened K) L) M) N L) N) 65. ‡Kvb evbvbwU ï× ? remain unchanged increase a little bit increase tremendously decrease a little bit 51. Motion of a motor is increased byK) L) M) N `vZv `vwi`ª 64. hZ eo gyL bq ZZ eo K_v GLv‡b gyL ej‡Z wK eySv‡”Q ? henry coulomb 50. Increase of load, the motion of Dc shunt motor will. K) L) M) N a‡Y¨ av‡Y¨ cy‡®ú fiv 63. nvZ-fvix evMaviv A_© Kx ? 0.5dB 10dB literary salaried L) N) honorable official 71. Choose the correct meaning: He raised his eye brow at my exploration. K) L) M) show surprise or disapproval show agreement shoe happiness show indifference 72. ‡Kv‡bv wÎfz‡Ri evû¸‡jvi AbycvZ wb‡Pi‡KvbwU n‡j GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfzR A¼b m¤¢e n‡e ? K) M) 6t 5t 4 12t 8t 4 L) N) 3t 4t 5 3t 5t 4 73. a+1/a = √3 n‡j a2+ 1/a2 Gi gvb KZ ? K) M) 6 2 L) N) 4 1 74. GKwU Mvwoi PvKv cÖwZ wgwb‡U 90 evi Ny‡i| 1 †m‡K‡Û PvKvwU KZ wWwMÖ Nyi‡e ? K) M) 1800 5400 L) N) 3700 3600 L) N) m›Øxc KzZzew`qv 75. mybvwgi KviY n‡jvK) L) M) N Av‡MœqwMwii AMœyrcvZ N~wY©So P›`ª I m~‡h©i AvKl©Y mgy‡`ªi Zj‡`‡k f~wgK¤ú 76. c~e©vkv Øx‡ci Aci bvg Kx ? K) M) wbSzg Øxc `wÿY ZvjcwÆ 77. 2014 mv‡j wek^Kvc dzUej †Kv_vq AbywôZ n‡qwQj ? K) M) jÛb eªvwRj L) N) evwj©b A‡R©w›Ubv 78. †K evsjv mb MYbv ïiæ K‡ib ? K) M) jÿY †mb weRq †mb L) N) Bwjqvm kvn AvKei 79. iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii †Kvb MÖš’wU Dcb¨vm ? BREB Supplementary K) M) ‡k‡li KweZv WvKNi L) N) ejvKv KvjvšÍi L) wKD‡jKm M) 80. ‡W½y R¦‡ii evnK--K) 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 A¨v‡bvwdwjm A D D D C C A D 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 Our FB Group A B A A D A D D 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 B A C C A A D C 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 School of Engineers GwWm N) mKj ai‡bi gkv L) N) ivwkqv hy³ivóª 81. bvmv †Kvb †`‡ki ms¯’v ? K) M) D B D C C A C D Rvg©vwb d«vÝ BREB SAE-2015 5 D 6 D 15 B 16 D 25 A 26 D 35 B 36 A 45 D 46 D 55 B 56 B 65 C 66 C 75 C 76 C 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 D all D D A A D D 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 A B C A C A C A 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 D C B B C B C C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 B C C D D B A D We Shape the Dream Bangladesh rural Electrification Board Assistant General Manager (IT) - 2016 1. What is the full meaning of SQL? a) Search and Query Language b) Simulation for Query Language c) Standard Query Language d) Structured Query Language Ans: d 2. Maximum speed of voice band is----a) 6900 bps b) 6900 kbps c) 9600 bps d) 9600 kbps Ans: c 3. Which is not application software? a) Bing b) Red hat Linux c) MS office d) Adob Ans: b 4. Which one is faster memory? a) Ram b) Secondary Memory c) DRAM d) Cache Ans: d 5. What is pipilika from www.pipilika.com? a) A Bangla Font b) A Bangladeshi graphic software c) A Bangladeshi Browser d) A Bangladeshi Game App Ans: c 6. Which one is government base procurement website in Bangladesh? a) Egp.gov.bd b) Eprocurement.gov.bd c) Procurement.gov.bd d) Eprocure.gov.bd Ans: d 7. Which memory is called as primary memory? a) Hard Disk b) Pen Drive c) ROM d) RAM Ans: d 8. The escape sequence “/b” in C programming is -------a) Backspace b) Next Line c) Tab d) None of these Ans: a 9. Which of the following will not increase the value of variable c by 1? a) C++ b) C=C+1 c) C+1>=C d) C+1>=C Ans: c 10. Which one is not operating system software? a) DOS b) LINIX c) Windows d) Oracle Ans: d 11. Microsoft .NET is ------a) Open source b) Closed source c) Browser d) None of these Ans: a 12. What kind of data name? a) Logical b) Tex c) Number d) Currency Ans: a 13. Which does smart phone are compatible .APK file? a) Microsoft b) IOS c) Symbian d) Android Ans: d 5 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 14. Hungarian notation is used to ---------a) Design system manual b) Design user manual c) Define name of the variable d) All Ans: c 15. OCR Stands for -------a) Optical CPU recognition b) Optical character recognition c) Optical character reading d) Other character reading Ans: b 16. Which is the universal gate? a) NOR b) AND c) NOT d) OR Ans: a 17. What kind of image is created in virtual reality? a) Three Dimensional b) Two Dimensional c) One Dimensional d) Multi-Dimensional Ans: a 18. How many numerical bit of ASCHII-8 code? a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 16 Ans: c 19. What is hotpot? a) Special security system b) Cable connected internet system c) Wireless internet system d) A program Ans: c 20. While browsing internet browser store name data in the computer. Which is called by? a) Session b) File c) Memory d) Cookie Ans: d 21. Which is logical operator? a) + b) >= c) AND d) << Ans: c 22. Which language is used to build website? a) HTML b) COBOL c) Python d) FORTRAN Ans: a 23. Which keyword is used in C language? a) ing b) For c) Select d) href Ans: b 24. How many bits in Unicode? a) 4 b) 8 c) 6 d) 32 Ans: c 25. Java source code is compiled into ----------a) Source code b) Byte code c) Object d) exe Ans: b 26. Word press can be called as ---------a) Static website b) Dynamic website c) Content managed website d) E Commerce website Ans: c 27. Program that is automatically loaded and operates as a part of browser -------a) Plug in b) Add ons c) Widgets d) Utilities Ans: a 28. The feature in MS word automatically connects certain spelling, typing, Capitalization on grammar errors ---------a) Auto fix b) Auto spell c) Auto mark d) Auto correct Ans: d 29. In database, a field is -------a) Label b) Category of information c) Group of related records d) Table of information Ans: c 6 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board Assistant Junior Engineer (IT) 2018 1. Which device is used to backup the data? a) Floppy Disk b) Tape c) Network Drive d) All of the above Ans: b 2. Firewall is used in communication system to save from a) Data driven attack b) Fire accidents c) Unauthorized attack d) Virus attack Ans: c 3. Which one is secondary storage device? a) RAM b) Cache memory c) HDD d) ROM Ans: c 4. Which is an essential component of LAN? a) Router b) Gateway c) NIC d) Modem Ans: c 5. One character is represented by a) One Bit b) One Byte c) One Kilobyte d) One Megabyte Ans: a 6. How many pin are available in serial port connector? a) 9 b) 16 c) 18 d) 24 Ans: a 7. How many types of software? a) 3 b) 2 c) 6 d) 4 Ans: a 8. A computer cannot work without – a) Hard Disk b) Floppy Disk c) Operating System d) Mouse Ans: c 9. How many objects can be created from an abstract class? a) Zero b) One c) Two d) As many as we want Ans: b 10. Which is not a concept of OOP? a) Abstraction b) Encapsulation c) Function d) Inheritance Ans: c 11. Which is not an access modifier? a) Private b) Friend c) Protected d) Object Ans: b 12. The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a (n) --a) Report b) file c) form d) table Ans: b 13. You can add a row using a SQL in a database with which of the flowing? a) Add b) create c) insert d) make Ans: c 14. IPV4 Address is----a) 16 bit b) 32 bit c) 40 bit d) none Ans: b 15. To sort the results of a query use? a) sort by b) group by c) order by d) none Ans: c 7 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 16. The complexity of Binary search algorithm is: a) O(n) b) O(log n) c) O(n2) d) O(nlogn) Ans: b 17. Ascending order of data hierarchy is a) bit>byte>record>field>tile>database b) bit>byte>field>record>tile>database c) byte>bit>field>record>file>database d) byte>bit>field>file>record>database Ans: c 18. In the context of database DML means a) Data multiplication line b) Data multiplication language . c) Data method limit d) Data metric logic Ans: b 19. OSI reference model has how many layers? a) 4 b) 5 c) 7 d) 3 Ans: c 20. What is the default subnet mask for a class B network? a) b) c) d) Ans: c 21. What protocol is used between email servers a) FTP b) SMTP c) SNMP d) HTTP Ans: d 22. Which of the following command is used to recompile a stored procedure? a) Compile procedure b) Alter procedure c) Recompile procedure d) Modify procedure Ans: a 23. How many rules in EF Codd’s law? a) 12 b) 13 c) 10 d) 11 Ans: a 24. In SQL which command is not DDL command? a) CREATE b) ALTER c) DROP d) UPDATE Ans: d 25. Which command is not a relational database? a) Oracle b) DB2 c) My SQL d) Refloy Ans: d 26. What is the port number of HTTP? a) 99 b) 86 c) 80 d) 23 Ans: c 27. A Pseudo Code is? a) A machine level code b) Random Code c) Structured English to communicate the logic of a program d) A Flow Chart Ans: a 28. What is the first octet range for a class C IP address? a) 192-255 b) 192-223 c) 192-226 d) None Ans: d 29. How many phase in SDLC? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 3 Ans: b 30. How many disks required to build RAID-5? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 3 Ans: d 8 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 31. How many bits can be stored in the SK RAM? a) 8000 b) 10001 c) 4000 d) 8192 Ans: d 32. Which one is the binary number for 253? a) 11111101 b) 11100111 c) 11111110 d) 11001111 Ans: a 33. Which is not a header file? a) conio.h b) iostrean.h c) math.h d) instead.h Ans: d 34. In SQL which statement is used to select employee numbers (EMPNO), department (DEPT) from EMPL table whose Salary (SAKARY) is 8000; a) SELECT EMPNO, DEPT FROM EMPL=8000; b) SELECT EMPNO, DEPT FROM EMPL WHERE SALARY 8000; c) SELECT EMPNO, DEPT SALARY=8000 FROM EMPL; d) SELECT EMPNO, DEPT FROM EMPL WHEN SALARY=8000; Ans: c 35. What will display when the following code is processed? short x = 20; do { count<<x; x=x-4; } while (x>10); //end do } a) 16,12,8 b) 16,12 c) 20,16,12 d) 20,16,12,8 Ans: b 36. ‘১০ ‘ ঘক ‘০’ দ্বোরো ভোগ করো হশি ভোগফি হশিেঃ a) ০ b) ১ c) ১০ d) অসীম Ans: d 37. ১০০ বমটোর কশর িবে বিশয় কশয়কটি ঘেত্র ততবর করো হশিো। সিশেশত্রর িন্য ব্যিহৃত িবে সমোি হশি ঘকোি ঘেত্রটির ঘেত্রফি সিশেশয় ঘিবে হশি? ণ a) আয়তশেশত্রর b) িগশেশত্রর c) বৃশত্তর d) সিশেশত্রর ঘেত্রফি সমোি হশি Ans: c 38. SinA সমোি 0.80 হশি CosA মোি কত হশি? a) 1.60 b) 0.80 c) 0.60 d) 0.40 Ans: c 39. আপবি িিীর A প্রোশে িাঁবেশয় আশেি। আপিোর িরোির িিীর অপর পোশবণ একটি খটিুঁ আশে। আপবি ঘসোিো িোম বিশক 40 বমটোর সশর C ুঁ সোশে 60 বেবি ঘকোণ উৎপন্ন হয়। আপিোর িতণমোি অিস্থোি (C) হশত খটির ুঁ দূরত্ব কত হশি? বিন্দুশত িাঁেোশি C বিন্দুশত খটির a) 80 বমটোর b) 60 বমটোর c) 40 বমটোর d) পূশি ণর ঘকোিটি িশহ Ans: a 9 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 40. What is the meaning of 2.40 GHz of a processor? a) Process 2.40 billion files per second b) Process 2.40 billion network packets per second c) Process 2.40 billion instructions per second d) Process 2.40 billion hits per second Ans: a 41. ক্রীতিোশসর হোবস িন্থটির রেবয়তো হশিি--a) কোিী িিরুি ইসিোম b) হুমোয়ুি আহশমি c) েওকত ওসমোি d) ঘসবিিো ঘিগম Ans: c 42. বিষোি বসন্ধু িন্থটির প্রকৃবত হশিো a) ধমণিন্থ b) উপন্যোস c) ঘেোকগোেো d) প্রিন্ধ Ans: b 43. “ঘসোিি িোবিয়োর োট” একটি a) উপন্যোস b) কোব্য c) কবিতো d) ঘেোটগল্প Ans: b 44. আমরোই করি িতুি যুশগর সূেিো এখোশি ‘ই’ িণ ণটি হশিো, a) সমোস b) েব্দ c) প্রতযয় d) বিশেষ্য Ans: c 45. The Flight is ------ time শুণ্য স্থোশি বক হশি? a) to b) for c) right d) on Ans: d 46. Authority is insisting me ------ doing this. a) to b) for c) on d) just Ans: c 47. জ্ঞোি এর ইিংশরবি ঘকোিটি? a) Knowledge b) Noledge c) Nolage d) Knowladge Ans: a 48. ইিংশরবিশত ঘকোি অের VOWEL িো হশয়ও VOWEL এর মত কোি কশর a) A b) Y c) O d) E Ans: b 49. He is ------ honest man শুণ্যস্থোশি বক হশি। a) a b) the c) an d) on Ans: c 10 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream িোিংিোশিে পল্লী বিদুযতোয়ি ঘিোে ণ পশির িোম: অবফস সহকোবর কোম কবম্পউটোর (সোি: ২০১৮) 01. একটি Computer file-এর Extention.mp3, এইটো কী ধরশির file? a) Video b) Audio c) Antivirus d) ক োনটিই নয় Ans: b 02. বিশের ঘকোিটি কবম্পউটোশরর একটি ইিপুট বেভোইস? a) মবিটর b) বিকোর c) বপ্রন্টোর d) মোউস Ans: d 03. বকশসর সোহোশে রযোম এর ধোরি েমতো িোেোশিো িোয়? a) Main storage b) Core storage c) Ram chips d) Ram cache Ans: d 04. HTML ঘক উদ্ভোিি কশরি? a)টিম িোণ ণোর-িী b) বিি ঘগটস c) বমবিন্ডো ঘগটস d)টিম কুক Ans: a 05. ঘরোেোট ণ প্রবতক বিশয় বক বুঝোশিো হশয়শে? a) িহণ b) েকুশমন্ট c) বসদ্ধোে d) একবত্রকরণ Ans: d 06. বসের েশব্দর অে ণa) ঘেোখ b) িন্যো c) ঝে d) মুখ Ans: a 07. িোিংিোশিেশক স্বীকৃবত িোিকোরী প্রেম আরি ঘিেa) ইরোি b) ইরোক c) কোতোর d) ঘসৌবিআরি Ans: c 08. রোশন্সর আইি সিোর িোম বক? a) কিংশিস b) ন্যোেিোি অযোশসম্বিী c) পোিণোশমন্ট d) েোশয়ট Ans: b 09. িোিংিোশিশের িী ণতম িিী ঘকোিটি? a) পদ্মো b) ঘম িো c) িমুিো d) ব্রহ্মপুত্র Ans: b 10. িোবতসিংশ র িতণমোি মহোসবেশির িোম বক? a) উথোন্ট b) বোন ক মু ন c)দ্যোগ হ্যোমোর ক োল্ড d) ট্রিগভেলোই Ans: Note 11. CNG এর অে ণ বক? a) কিশসশেশটে িি টবিক গ্যোস b) কশন্ডসে িোইশরোশিি গ্যোস c) কশম্প্রসে ন্যোেোরোি গ্যোস d) কশম্প্রসে িোইবরট গ্যোস Ans: c 12. িোিংিোশিশের আেিণোবতক বিমোিিন্দর কয়টি? a) ২ b) ৩ c) ৪ d) ৫ Ans: b 13. িঙ্গিন্ধু-১ স্যোশটিোইট ঘকোি ঘেশক উৎশেপি করো হয়? a) রোবেয়ো b) রোন্স c) যু ক্তরোজ্য d) যুিরোষ্ট্র Ans: d 14. ঘিোশিি পুরষ্কোর প্রিতণি করো হয় কত সোশি? a) ১৯০৫ সোভল b) ১৮৮৬ সোভল c) ১৯০১ সোভল d)১৯০২ সোভল Ans: c 11 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 15.”উত্তরো গণভিি” ঘকোি ঘিিোয় অিবস্থত? a) িোশটোর b) রোিেোহী c) ময়মনকসিংহ্ Ans: a 16. MS Excel এ Split ক োন কমনু র অধীভন? a) Review b) Tools c) Insert Ans: d 17. Google.com ক ? a) Engine b) Search Engine c) Protocol Ans: b 18.বিশের ঘকোিটি েোটোশিি প্যোশকি িয়? a) এশিি b) বেশিস c) ফিশপ্রো Ans: d 19. সুইে িন্ধ করোর সোশে সোশে কবম্পউটোশরর বকশসর সি তে হোবরশয় িোয়? a) রম এর তে b) রযোম এর তে c) এবি এর তে Ans: b 20. কবম্পউটোশরর সোিংগঠবিক অিংে িয় ঘকোিটি? a) ইিপুট ইউবিট b) বরশপয়োবরিং ইউবিট c) ঘমমবর ইউবিট Ans: b d) পোবনো d) View d) IP Address d) িোভো d) বভবি এর তে d) প্রশসবসিং ইউবিট Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board Assistant Junior Engineer (IT) 2019 1. What is the modulus of 3+4i? a) 7 b) 2 c) 5 Ans: c 2. What is the frequency (Hz) for a 4 pole generator of speed 1200rpm? a) 50 b) 60 c) 40 Ans: c 3. তবেৎ ঘেৌম্বক আশিশের আবিষ্কোরক হশিি? a) বিউটি b) গ্যোবিবিও c) ফোরোশে Ans: c 4. Which one is a Web Browser? a) Google Chorme b) Mozilla Firefox c) Internet Explorer Ans: d 5. কোরোগোশরর ঘরোিিোমেো িশন্থর ঘিখক ঘক? a) ঘেখ হোবসিো b) ঘেখ মুবিবুর রহমোি c) ঘের ই-িোিংিো d) None d) None d) ম্যোি d) All d) ঘকউ িো Ans: d 6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition in the sentence. “I am capable --- doing it”. a) In b) Of c) With d) For Ans: b 7. What is the approximate number of consumers (crore) under BREB? a) 2.50 b) 2.40 c) 2.70 d) None Ans:c (3.18 last update:25/08/2021) 8. Which one is the Unipolar Transistor? a) PNP b) NPN c) JFET d) None Ans: Learn PNP, NPN and JFET Symbol 12 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 9. Write the name of the Gate. a) NOR b) OR Ans: 10. What is the past participle of “sing”? a) Song b) Sang Ans: b c) NAND d) None c) Sung d) Singed 11. ঘকোি িস্তুর িবব্দ িি ঘি বিন্দু বিশয় অবতক্রম কশর তোশক িশি a) ভোরশকন্দ্র b) ভরশকন্দ্র c) িি ঘকন্দ্র d) ঘকোিটি িো Ans: 12. The step-by-step instruction that solve a problem is called: a) An algorithm b) List c) A plan d) A sequential structure Ans:a 13. Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user? a) Network b) Application c) Data-link d) Session Ans:a 14. What is the value of sin 3690? a) 0 b) 1 c) 0.5 d) Undefined Ans:b 15. A hardware device that is capable of executing a sequence of instructions is known as: a) CPU b) ALU c) CU d) Processor Ans:d 16. What is the value of Form Factor of a sinusoidal wave? a) 1.11 b) 0.636 c) 1.73 d) 1 Ans:a 17. Write the name of part of speech of “fertile” a) Noun b) Pronoun c) Adverb d) Adjective Ans:d 18. Considering the Voltage Regulation of transformers, which one is the best? a) 6% b) 20% c) 5% d) 0% Ans:d 19. Which is the easiest component to environmentally recycle? a) Motherboards b) CMOS batteries c) Toner cartridges d) Cathode ray tubes Ans:c 20. একটি েবিশত ৪ টি িোি, ৫ টি সবুি ও ৬ টি বিি কিম আশে । ওই েবি ঘেশক একটি কিম ঘিয়ো হশি উহো সবুি হওয়োর সম্ভোিিো কত? a) ৪/১৫ b) ৬/১৫ c) ১/৫ d) ১/৩ Ans: 21. What is the Address bit for an 8-bit Microprocessor? a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 Ans:c d) None 22. িঙ্গিন্ধুর ঐবতহোবসক ৬ িফো ঘকোি সোশি ঘ োষণো কশরি । a) 1996 b) 1968 c) 1997 d) 1970 Ans:1966 23. What tool is used to test serial and parallel ports? a) High volt probe b) Cable scanner c) Loop backs (wrap plugs) d) Sniffer Ans:c 24. What command is used to remove files in UNUX? a) dm b) rm c) delete d) erase Ans:b 13 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 25. ঘসন্ট মোটিিণ ঘকোি ঘিিোয় অিবস্থত? a) ঘভোিো b) পটুয়োখোিী c) কিিোিোর Ans:c 26. Which one is the synonym of “adult”? a) mature b) child c) immature Ans:d 27. Which one can only be used for read? a) RAM b) ROM c) Both a & b Ans:b 28. Which motor is used for constant speed? a) Induction b) Synchronous c) Single phase Ans:b 29. Which one is used to close a running document? a) ctrl + W b) ctrl +S c) ctrl + A Ans:a 30. What a battery is? a) Current source b) Voltage source c) Power source Ans:c 31. Which format Specifier is used for typing double data? a) %f b) %If c) %d Ans:b 32. What type of material Silicon (Si) is? a) Conductor b) Insulator c) Semiconductor Ans:c 33. What is the radius circle, x2+y2-6x+9=? a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 Ans: 34. At what region a transistor operates? a) Active b) Cut off c) Saturation Ans: 35. Which one is pure object oriented language? a) C++ b) C+ c) JAVA Ans:d 36. Write the name of the symbol. a) Op Amp b) DIAC c) TRIAC Ans: Ans: Learn Op Amp, DIAC TRIAC, SCR Symbol 37. What is to be added in an electric line to increase voltage? a) Capacitor b) Inductor c) Resistor Ans:a 38. write the name of the symbol a) Zener diode b) Schott key diode c) SCR Ans: 39. বসগিোি পোরিোবরক রুপোের কশর? a) মশেম b) হোি Ans:a 40. পবল্ল বিদুযৎ সবমবত গুশিো? a) স্বোয়ত্তেোবসত Ans: b) সরকোবর d) ঘিোয়োখোিী d) none d) none d) None d) none d) None d) %s d) Good conductor d) None d) None d) None d) SCR d) All d) None c) রোউটোর d) ঘগটঅশয় c) অধ ণ সরকোবর d) ঘিসরকোবর 14 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 41. A nibble is equal to: a) 4 bits b) 6 bits c) 8 bits d) 16 bits Ans:a 42. What is the full name of LCD? a) Light control diode b) Light crystal display c) Liquid crystal diode d) Liquid crystal display Ans:c 43. The OR, XOR & AND function can be performed by a) ALU b) CU c) Memory d) Register Ans:a 44. What device separates a single network into two segments but lets the two segments appear as one to higher protocols? a) Switch b) Bridge c) Gateway d) Router Ans: 45. Which one is design language? a) DDL b) DML c) Both a & b d) None Ans:d 46. এ টি ওভয়ব এ সোইভ ল এ কয দূরত্ব অকিক্রম ভর িোভ বভল a) Frequency b) Cycle c) Wavelength d) None Ans:c 47. What can greatly reduce TCP/IP configuration problem? a) WINS Server b) WINS Power c) DHCP Server d) PDC Ans: c BREB Written Questions Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) Assistant Software Engineer-2019 1. Which of the following is the correct order of evaluation for the below expression? [z = x + y ∗ z/4%2 − 1] Answer: = / % + 2. Which of the following correctly shows the hierarchy of arithmetic operations in C? Answer: / or *, + or -. 3. What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main() { unsigned int res; res = ( 64>>(2+1-2))&(~(1<<2)); printf(“%d\n”,res); return 0; } (64>>1)&(~4) 32&~(100) ( 100000 & 111011 )=32 Output: 32 15 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 4. What will be the output of the program if the array begins 1200 in memory? #include<stdio.h> int main() { int arr[]={2,3,4,1,6}; printf(“%u, %u, %u\n”,arr,&arr[0],&arr); return 0; } Output: 1200, 1200, 1200 5. What is the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main() { union ver { int a,b;}; union ver v; v.a=10; v.b=20; printf(“%d\n”,v.a); return 0; } Output: 20 6. If the size of pointer is 4 bytes then what will be the output of the profram? Answer: #include<stdio.h> int main() { char *str[]={“Frogs”, “Do”,”Not”,”Die”,”They”,”Croak!”}; printf(“%d. %d”, sizeof(str), strlen(str[0])); return 0; } Output: 24, 5 7. What is Virtualization? Write down types of Virtualization? Virtualization is a technology that lets you create useful IT services using resources that are traditionally bound to hardware. Types of Virtualization: a) OS Virtualization-aka Virtual Machines b) Application-server Virtualization c) Application Virtualization d) Administrative Virtualization e) Network Virtualization f) Hardware Virtualization g) Storage Virtualization 16 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 8. Write down the types of inheritance. a) Single Inheritance: A B b) Multilevel Inheritance: A B C c) Multiple Inheritance: A B C d) Hierarchical Inheritance: A B C D e) Hybrid Inheritance: A B C D E 17 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 9. Write down difference between Black, White and Gray box testing? Black Box Testing White Box Testing Gray Box Testing Black Box Testing is a White Box Testing is a Gray Box Testing is a software testing method in software testing method in software testing technique which the internal which the internal which is a combination of structure/design/implementati structure/design/implementati Black Box Testing technique on of the item being tested is on of the item being tested is and White Box Testing not known to the tester. known to the tester. technique. It is mostly done by software It is mostly done by software It is mostly done by software testers. developers. developers and testers. Black Box Testing is also known as functional testing, data-driven testing and closed box testing. White Box Testing is also known as structural testing, code-based testing and transparent testing. Gray Box Testing is also known as translucent testing as the tester has limited knowledge of coding. No knowledge of implementation is needed. Knowledge of implementation is required. It can be referred as outer or external software testing. It is the inner or the internal software testing. It is not considered for algorithm testing. It is well suitable and recommended for algorithm testing. It is mandatory to have knowledge of programming. Knowledge of implementation is required but need not to be expert. It can be referred as outer or external and inner or the internal software testing. It is not considered for algorithm testing. No knowledge of programming is needed. It is applicable to the higher levels of testing of software. Example: search something on Google by using keywords It is generally applicable to the lower levels of software testing. Example: by input to check and verify loops It is based on database diagrams and data flow diagrams. It is applicable to the higher and lower levels of testing of software. Example: we will take the example of web application testing. 10. What is the Cohesion and Coupling? Coupling is a measure that defines the level of inter-dependability among modules of a program. It tells at what level the modules interfere and interact with each other. The lower the coupling, the better the program. Module 1 Module 2 A C B D Cohesion E F Coupling Module 3 18 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream Cohesion is a measure that defines the degree of inter-dependability within elements of a module. The greater the cohesion, the better is the program design. A good software design will have high cohesion. 11. What is GPRS? General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet oriented mobile data standard on the 2G and 3G cellular communication network’s global system for Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)in response to the earlier CDPD and i-mode packet-switched cellular technologies. It is now maintained by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). 12. What is URL? A uniform resource locator (URL) is the address of a resource on the Internet. A URL indicates the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it. 13. English: a) A sincere smile is indispensable for success in sales. b) A drowning man catches at a straw. 14. Mathematics: a) If 𝑥 4 − 𝑥 2 + 1 = 0 then find x+1/x=? Given that, 𝑥 4- 𝑥2+1=0 𝑥 4 +1= 𝑥2 1 𝑥 2 + 2 = 1 [Divide both side by x2] 𝑥 1 2 1 (𝑥 + ) − 2. 𝑥. = 1 𝑥 𝑥 1 2 (𝑥 + ) − 2 = 1 𝑥 1 2 (𝑥 + ) = 1 + 2 𝑥 1 2 (𝑥 + ) = 3 𝑥 1 ∴ x + = ±√3 (Answer) 𝑥 b) If x+1/x= √3 then find 𝑥 3 + 1 𝑥3 =? Given that, 1 𝑥 + = √3 𝑥 1 (𝑥 + )3 = 3√3 [উেয় পক্ষভ ঘন ভর] 3 𝑥 + 𝑥3 + 𝑥3 + 𝑥 1 𝑥3 1 𝑥3 1 𝑥3 ∴ 𝑥3 + 1 1 + 3. 𝑥. (𝑥 + ) = 3√3 𝑥 𝑥 + 3. √3 = 3√3 = 3 √3 − 3 √3 1 𝑥3 = 0 (Answer) 19 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) Assistant Hardware and Network Engineer-2019 1. Which of the following is the correct order of evaluation In a workgroup: a. All computer systems are peers and no computer cannot control another computer b. Every computer sets user accounts. To make use of any system, one must have an account on that computer. c. The number of computer system s are limited to ten or twenty. d. Every computer must be part of the same LAN or subnet. In a domain: a. There will be one or computers are the servers. Network administrators control the security and permissions. b. A user with an account on the domain can log onto any computer system, without having the account on that computer. c. The number of computer systems can be hundreds or thousands of computers. d. The computers can be connected to different local networks. 2. What is CISC and RISC? RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is designed to reduce the execution time by simplifying the instruction set of the computer. Using RISC processors, each instruction requires only one clock cycle to execute result s in uninform execution time. Examples: SPARC, POWER PC etc. CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer. It is designed to minimize the number of instruction per program, ignoring the number of cycles per instruction. The emphasis is on building complex instructions directly into the hardware. Examples: Intel Architecture, AMD. 3. What is NAT? Network address translation (NAT) is a process in which one or more local IP address is translate into one or more global IP address and vice versa in order to provide internet access to the local hosts. NAT generally operates on router or firewall. 4. What is MAC Address? A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address in communications within a network segment. This use is common in most IEEE 802 networking technologies, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. An example of a MAC address is 00:0A:89:5B:F0:11. 5. What is SSL? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. 20 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 6. Write down factor of Microprocessor Speed? Factor of Microprocessor Speed a. Number of Core. b. Cache memory. c. Clock speed. d. Bus speed. e. Word size. f. Instruction set Processing techniques. 7. Write down element of data center? a. Environmental controls b. Security c. Accountability d. Policies e. Redundancy f. Monitoring g. Scalability h. Change management i. Organization 8. Mathematics: 𝟏 𝟑 a. If 𝒙 = √𝟑 + √𝟐 then find (𝒙 + 𝒙) =? Given that, 𝑥 = √3 + √2 1 1 𝑥= 1 𝑥 1 𝑥 1 𝑥 1 𝑥 = = = √3+√2 √3−√2 (√3+√2)(√3−√2) √3−√2 2 (√3) −(√2) 2 √3−√2 3−2 = √3 − √2 1 𝑥 + 𝑥 = 𝑥 + √3 − √2 1 𝑥 + 𝑥 = √3 + √2 + √3 − √2 [𝑥 = √3 + √2] 1 𝑥 + 𝑥 = 2√3 1 3 (𝑥 + 𝑥) = (2√3) 3 1 3 ∴ (𝑥 + 𝑥) = 24√3 (Answer) 21 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream b. 125(√𝒙)𝟐𝒙 = 𝟎 then find x=? Given that, 1 125(𝑥)2∗2𝑥 = 0 1 0 (𝑥)2∗2𝑥 = 125 𝑥𝑥 = 0 c. একটি িোগোশির তি ণয ১৮ প্রস্থ ১০, তি ণয িোবেশয় ২৫ ঘস.বম করো হশি বকভোশি ঘেত্রফি অপবরিবতণত েোকশি? সমোধোিেঃ ঘিওয়ো আশে, িোগোশির তি ণয = ১৮ ঘস. বম প্রস্থ = ১০ ঘস. বম ∴ ঘেত্রফি = (১৮*১০) ি.ঘস.বম = ১৮০ ি.ঘস.বম এখি, পবরিবতণত তি ণয = ২৫ ঘস. বম মশি কবর, প্রস্থ = ক প্রশ্নমশত, ২৫*ক =১৮০ ক = ১৮০/২৫ = ৭.২ ঘস. বম (উত্তরেঃ প্রস্থ ৭.২ ঘস. বম করো হশি) 9. General Knowledge a. SPARSO পূণ ণরুপ বিখ? Space research and remote sensing organization. b. White elephant means? িোমী বকন্তু ব্যোিহোশর অনুপশিোগী c. প্রধোিমন্ত্রী হওয়োর িয়স? 25 years d. Antonyms of Gracious? Curl. Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) Assistant Junior Engineer (IT)-2019 1. What does ACID means in Database Management System? A transaction in a database system must maintain ACID properties: A= Atomicity C= Consistency I= Isolation, and D= Durability Atomicity: A series of operation that cannot occur partially. It can either occur fully or not occur at all. e.g. debit & credit operation cannot occur partially. It occurs fully or doesn’t at all. 22 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream Consistency: This ensure that you guarantee that all data will be consistent. All data will be valid according to all defined rules, including any constraints, cascades and triggers that have been applied on the database. Isolation: Multiple transaction occurring at the same time should not impact each other’s execution. Isolation keep transaction separated from each other until they are finished. Durability: Durability is the property that ensures transaction are saved permanently and do not accidently disappears or get erased, even during a database crash. 2. Define the necessary conditions for deadlock in Operating System? There are four necessary conditions for deadlock in Operating System: Mutual Exclusion: One or more than one resource is non-sharable. Only one process can use at a time. If another process request that resource, the requesting process must be delayed until the resource has been released. Hold and Wait: A process is holding at least one resource and waiting for another resource. No preemption: A resource cannot be taken from a process unless the process releases the resource. Circular wait: A set of process are waiting for each other in circular form. There must exist a set of processes [p1,p2,p2…𝑝𝑛 ] such that p1 is waiting for p2,p2 for p3 and so on. 3. Define linear and nonlinear data structures with an example? Mention carious operations that can be performed on different data structures. Linear Data Structure: When data items are organized sequentially then it’s called linear data structure. e.g. Array, Stack, Queue, Linked list etc. Non-linear data structure: When data items are not organized sequentially then it’s called nonlinear data structure. e.g. Tree, Graph etc. Following operations can be performed on this data structures: Traversing: it is used to access each data item exactly once so that it can be processed. Searching: It is used to find out the location of the data item if it is exist in the given collection of data items. Inserting: It is used to add a new data item in the given collection of data items. Deleting: It is used to delete an existing data item from the given collection of data items. Sorting: It is used to arrange the data items in some logical order. i.e: Ascending order, Descending order, Dictionary order etc. Merging: It is used to combine the data items of two sorted files into single file in sorted form. 4. Let’s N is a number, write a java program to check N is Armstrong or not? Solution: import java.util.Scanner; Public class Armstrong { Public static void main ( String [] args){ Int n, number, rem, temp=0; System.out,println(“enter n=”); Scanner scanner = new scanner (System. in); n= scanner.nextln (); number1=n; number2=n; 23 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream while(n) { n=n/10; count++; } while(number1){ rem = number1% 10; number1 number1/10; temp=temp+pow*(rem,count); } if( temp == number2 ) System.out.println(“Armstrong”); else System.out.println(“Not Armstrong”); }} 5. You work for BREB which has been assigned a class A network address. Currently BREB has 1000 subnets in offices around the country. You want to add 100 new subnets over the next 3 years and you want to all for largest possible number of host address per subnet. Which subnet would you choose? Solution: Current situation subnet after add 100 subnet then subnet will be with (213 − 2) = 8190 host per subnet. 6. Write a pointer program in C to swap two numbers without using the 3rd variable. Solution: #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int a,b,*p1,*p2; printf(“enter two numbers”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); p1=&a; p2=&b; *p1=*p1+*p2; *p2=*p1-*p2; *p1=*p1-*p2; printf(“swap number a=%d\n swap number b=%d”,a,b); } 7. What is SQL injection? SQL injection is a type of attack that can give an adversary complete control over your web application database by inserting arbitrary SQL code into a database query. That is a code injection technique that might destroy your database. 8. What do you mean by DMZ networking? A demilitarized zone (DMZ) refers to a host or network that acts as a secure and intermediate network or path between an organization’s internal network and the external, or non-propriety network. The purpose of a DMZ is to protect an internet from external access. 24 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream 9. EMP ( emp_id. name, salary, city ). Write a SQL to find the 3rd MAX salary in the EMP table? Solution: SELECT salary FROM EMP ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 2, 1; 10. Write a SQL query to remove duplicate from the EmployeeSalary ( EmpID, Project, Salary) without using temporary table? Solution: DELETE FROM EmployeeSalary WHERE EmpID IN ( SELECT EmpID FROM EmployeeSalary GROUP BY project, Salary HAVING COUNT (*) > 1); Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) Assistant Junior Engineer (IT)-2018 1. What is CDMA? Briefly explain. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) one channel carries all transmissions simultaneously. A number of users can use it at the same time. d1 d2 2 1 d1.c1 d2.c2 d1.c1 + d2.c2 + d3.c3 + d4.c4 Common Channel Data d3.c3 d4.c4 3 4 d3 d4 Fig: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 25 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a form of multiplexing which allows numerous signals to occupy a single transmission channel. It optimize the use of available bandwidth. The technology is used In ultra-high-frequency (UHF) cellular telephone systems, bands raging between the 800 MHz and 1.9-GHz. Practically we says few days ago CDMA are used citycell network company in Bangladesh but Grameenphone or other company used GSM or other latest technology. 2. Write down the difference between IPv4 and IPv6? Difference between IPv4 and IPv6 are given bellow: IPv4 IPv6 The address space is 32 bits. The address space is 128 bits. Length of header is variable (12 bits ) Length of header is fixed (8 bits ) Address format is Dotted Decimal Notation Address format is Hexadecimal Decimal (.). Notation (:). Header includes Checksum fields. Header doesn’t include Checksum fields. It provides unicast, multicast and broadcast. It provides unicast, multicast and anycast. It supports Manual and DHCP address It supports Auto and remembering address configuration. configuration. Example: 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:7879 3. What is proxy server? Explain it. A proxy server is server that work as an intermediary between a client requesting for a connection or service and a server that provides the resources. When a proxy server receive a request for an internet resource it looks in its local cache of previously pages. If it find the pages, it returns it to the use without needing to forward the request to the internet. If the page is not in the cache, the proxy server acting as a client on behalf of the user uses one of it own IP addresses to request the page from the server out on the internet. When the page is returned the proxy server relates it to the original request and forwards it on to the user. 4. What is Alpha and Beta Testing? Alpha Testing: Alpha Testing is a type of software testing performed to identify bugs before releasing the product to real users or to the public. Alpha testing is performed at developer’s site. Beta Testing: Beta testing is performed by real users of the software applications in a real environment. Beta Testing is performed at end-user site. 5. What is UI/UX? What is the difference between them? UI: The User interface (UI) is the graphical layout of an application. It consists of the buttons users clicks on, the next they read, the image, slider, text entry fields and all the rest of the items the user interacts with. UX: The user experience (UX) of the app is determined by how they interact with UI. Once there was something for users to interact with, their experience, whether positive, negative or neutral, changed how the users felt about those interactions. Difference between UI and UX: a) UI is how things look while UX is how things work. b) UX is a process while UI is a deliverable. 26 Our FB Group School of Engineers We Shape the Dream c) UX is the overall experience a user has with the product while UI is the things the user will actually interacts with and see. 6. A circuit math (Looping). Solution: -Vcc+240k*𝐼𝐵 +0.7 = 0 বা, -12+240*103 𝐼𝐵 +0.7 = 0 𝐼𝐵 = 47.08 µA 𝐼 B = 𝐼 𝐶 𝐵 𝐼𝐶 = B*𝐼𝐵 = 50*47.08*10−6 = 2.35Ma (Ans.) Circuit missing Again, -Vcc+𝑅𝐶 𝐼𝐶 +𝑉𝐶𝐸 = 0 বা, -12+2.2*103 *2.35*10−3 +𝑉𝐶𝐸 = 0 𝑉𝐶𝐸 = 6.82 volt (Ans) 7. Integrate dx/( sinx + cosx ) Solution: 𝑑𝑥 ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 =∫ = 1 √2(𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 1 √2 1 = √2 1 = √2 1 1 1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 ) √2 √2 𝑑𝑥 1 ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 𝜋 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜋 𝑑𝑥 4 1 ∫ sin(x + 𝜋) 4 𝑑𝑥 4 𝜋 ∫ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐( 𝑥 + 4 )𝑑𝑥 𝜋 𝜋 ∫ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐 ( 𝑥 + 4 ) 𝑑( 𝑥 + 4 ) √2 = 𝑥 Using formula ∫ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑥 𝑑𝑥 = ln |𝑡𝑎𝑛 2| + 𝐶 = 1 √2 1 = √2 1 𝜋 ln |𝑡𝑎𝑛 2 ( 𝑥 + 4 )| + 𝐶 𝑥 𝜋 ln |tan(2 + 8 )| + 𝐶 (Ans.) 8. প্রধোিমন্ত্রীর স্বপ্ন বেবিটোি িোিংিোশিে িোস্থিোয়শি BREB কতৃক িহীত Paperless Office ঊশযোগটিশত Junior Engineer IT ঘকমি ভূবমকো রোখশত পোশর? Write yourself 9. Explain in short “Champion of Skill Developments for the Youth” Solution: Write yourself 10. BREB কতৃক িহি করো ব্যবতক্রমী উশযোগ “উঠোি তিঠক” কীভোশি সফি করো সম্ভি, একিি িোহক বহশসশি মতোমত িোও। Solution: Write yourself 27 Our FB Group School of Engineers