FILE COPY CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF A PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Company Number 14397149 The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, hereby certifies that SCP INVESMENT CAPITAL LTD is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 as a private company, that the company is limited by shares, and the situation of its registered office is in England and Wales Given at Companies House, Cardiff, on 4th October 2022 *N14397149P* The above information was communicated by electronic means and authenticated by the Registrar of Companies under section 1115 of the Companies Act 2006 IN01(ef) Application to register a company Received for filing in Electronic Format on the: 04/10/2022 Company Name in full: SCP INVESMENT CAPITAL LTD Company Type: Private company limited by shares Situation of Registered Office: England and Wales Proposed Registered Office Address: 5 BRAYFORD SQUARE LONDON ENGLAND E1 0SG Sic Codes: 70221 64910 66190 I wish to entirely adopt the following model articles: Electronically filed document for Company Number: XBDY1BBL Private (Ltd by Shares) 14397149 Proposed Officers Company Director 1 Type: Person Full Forename(s): MR CARLOS PIÑAL Surname: ALVARES Former Names: Service Address: recorded as Company's registered office Country/State Usually Resident: SPAIN Date of Birth: Occupation: **/07/1970 COMPANY DIRECTOR Nationality: SPANISH The subscribers confirm that the person named has consented to act as a director. Electronically filed document for Company Number: 14397149 Statement of Capital (Share Capital) ORDINARY Class of Shares: GBP Currency: Prescribed particulars 1000 10000000 Number allotted Aggregate nominal value: FULL RIGHTS REGARDING VOTING, PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AND DISTRIBUTIONS Statement of Capital (Totals) Currency: GBP Electronically filed document for Company Number: Total number of shares: Total aggregate nominal value: Total aggregate unpaid: 1000 10000000 0 14397149 Initial Shareholdings Name: CARLOS ALVARES Address 5 BRAYFORD SQUARE LONDON ENGLAND E1 0SG Electronically filed document for Company Number: Class of Shares: ORDINARY Number of shares: Currency: Nominal value of each share: Amount unpaid: Amount paid: 1000 GBP 10000 0 10000 14397149 Persons with Significant Control (PSC) Statement of initial significant control On incorporation, there will be someone who will count as a Person with Significant Control (either a registerable person or relevant legal entity (RLE)) in relation to the company Electronically filed document for Company Number: 14397149 Individual Person with Significant Control details Names: MR CARLOS PIÑAL ALVARES Country/State Usually Resident: SPAIN Date of Birth: **/07/1970 Nationality: SPANISH Service address recorded as Company's registered office The subscribers confirm that each person named as an individual PSC in this application knows that their particulars are being supplied as part of this application. Electronically filed document for Company Number: 14397149 Nature of control The person holds, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the voting rights in the company. Nature of control The person holds, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the shares in the company. Nature of control The person has the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the board of directors of the company. Electronically filed document for Company Number: 14397149 Statement of Compliance I confirm the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 as to registration have been complied with. Name: Authenticated CARLOS ALVARES YES Authorisation Authoriser Designation: subscriber End of Electronically filed document for Company Number: Authenticated 14397149 YES