ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry Faculty of Arts Science and Technology (FAST) Module ENG2060 Technological Innovation and Industrial Projects Learning Park 1 (LP1) Industry and Technology Part A - The Development of Industry ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry Contents Module Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. The 4 Industrial Revolutions ............................................................................................... 4 2.1 The 1st Industrial Revolution ........................................................................................... 4 2.2 The 2nd Industrial Revolution ........................................................................................... 4 2.3 The 3rd Industrial Revolution............................................................................................ 5 2.4 The 4th Industrial Revolution .......................................................................................... 6 3. Implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution ..................................................................... 7 4. Digital Champions? ............................................................................................................. 7 5. Seminar Activity .................................................................................................................. 9 6. References ........................................................................................................................ 10 ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry Module Learning Outcomes The learning outcomes for this module are: Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application a) Critically evaluate the processes and relationships necessary for successful completion of a technical activity/project. b) Investigate key factors affecting the technological environment such as selecting and purchasing components, quality and environment management systems. c) Investigate and analyse technical problems, and apply solutions, research new topics / subject areas as necessary. d) Competently use control methods such as project planning, so as to ensure punctual completion of a project, making use of contingency plans as necessary. Employability & Changemaker Skills e) Effectively communicate information in written, visual and digital formats f) Develop skills of self reflection and effectiveness The Learning Pack will help you to achieve b, c and f 1. Introduction This learning pack asks you to reflect on how industry has developed, how it has affected society, and then by looking to the future, to start to consider how new technologies, new products and services will help to shape out future. Mankind is the only organism that has learned to use resources in a significant and interconnected scale. Over our history we have continued to develop, but we can place our developments into a number of key “revolutions”, where the pace of change accelerated, and new products and processes had significant societal impact. We describe these as the 4 industrial revolutions: • • • • 1st industrial revolution – the emergence of mechanisation 2nd industrial revolution – new energy sources, combustion engine and chemical synthesis 3rd industrial revolution – nuclear energy and electronics 4th industrial revolution – the internet ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry 2. The 4 Industrial Revolutions “The first industrial revolution used water and steam to mechanize production, the second used electric energy to create mass production and the third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Today a fourth industrial revolution is underway which builds upon the third revolution and the digital revolution that has been taking place since the middle of the last century. This fourth revolution with exponential expansion is characterized by merging technology that blurs the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres to completely uproot industries all over the world. The extent and depth of these changes are a sign of transformations to entire production, management and governance systems” (https://www.sentryo.net/the-4-industrial-revolutions/) 2.1 The 1st Industrial Revolution The first industrial revolution dated to the mid-18th century. A previous revolution in agriculture meant that food production was more efficient and fewer people were needed to grow food for the entire population. This led to a move from an agricultural economy to one based on industry. This was driven by the extraction of coal and the invention of the steam engine. Steam engines allowed new processes to be developed in manufacturing, alongside the development of railways. This led to an increase in industrialization in the manufacture of products, both by changes in manufacturing processes as well as new methods to transport raw materials and finished goods. That's the same time new developments in processing metal to create steel and to shape metal let's in new product, new factories and new cities. This move to city living changed society fundamentally. Previously, most people lived on the land, engaged in agriculture. Now much of the population was living in cities, engaged in industrial manufacture and this led significant shift in economy and society. Successful organisations now were able to make profits from new products and new markets. 2.2 The 2nd Industrial Revolution The second industrial revolution can be dated to the end of the 19th century. New technological advances led to the emergence of new sources of energy in particular electricity, gas and oil. Electricity can now be used for light and heat as well as powering the machines used in manufacturing industry, replacing steam. The development of the gas and oil industries provides possible fuels for generating electricity as well as leading to the rise of the internal combustion engine, and its subsequent impact on transportation of both individuals and goods. Also at this time the steel industry began to develop and grow alongside significantly increased demand for steel. Developments in chemical synthesis led to production of new synthetic fabrics, dyes and fertilizers. Communication was revolutionised – the development ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry of the telegraph and telephone meant instant communication over long distances – this had not bene possible previously. The emergence of the automobile and the plane at the beginning of the 20th century led to further changes in transportation, meaning that people, raw materials and manufactured goods could be transported more easily. This second industrial revolution was made possible by the emergence of a new economic model which promoted centralisation of research, the development of large factories and new models of production. Key influences include the production line introduced by Henry Ford, and the ideas of scientific management developed by Frederick Taylor. Individual Activity The following industries are cited as being those changed by the second industrial revolution: Iron and steel Machine tools Maritime technology Automobile Telecommunications Rail Electrification Paper making Petroleum and Chemical Rubber Bicycles Fertilizer Engines and turbines Modern business management Choose one, and research the development that took place between 1870 and 1914. Prepare a paragraph describing the changes and submit to the online discussion forum 2.3 The 3rd Industrial Revolution The third industrial revolution dates to the 1960s. Two new technologies emerge which will significantly affect industry. Firstly, nuclear power is now a viable way to generate electricity. Secondly, and more importantly is the development of the transistor. In 1959 the MOSFET was invented by Egyptian engineer Mohammed Atalla, working at Bell Laboratories in America. The development of a reliable transistor led to the development of the electronics industry and subsequent developments of integrated circuits, essentially many transistors on a chip. The transistor's low cost, flexibility, and reliability have made it a ubiquitous device. Transistorized mechatronic circuits have replaced electromechanical devices in controlling appliances and machinery. It is often easier and cheaper to use a standard microcontroller and write a computer program to carry out a control function than to design an equivalent mechanical system to control that same function. ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry Individual Activity The industries that were revolutionised by the 3rd industrial revolution, and are still being transformed today, include manufacturing, automotive, retail, maritime, health, aviation Choose one industry and identify a product or changes made to a product by the implementation of electronics – for example the inclusion of an embedded system. Research your chosen development and write a paragraph t be shared in the online discussion forum. 2.4 The 4th Industrial Revolution “The phrase Fourth Industrial Revolution was first introduced by Klaus Schwab, the executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in a 2015 article. "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution" was the theme of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. Schwab includes in this fourth era technologies that combine hardware, software, and biology (cyber-physical systems), and emphasizes advances in communication and connectivity. Schwab expects this era to be marked by breakthroughs in emerging technologies in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the internet of things, the industrial internet of things (IIoT), decentralized consensus, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), 3D printing and fully autonomous vehicles.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_revolution#Potential_future_technological_re volutions) Individual Activity: Read the Schwab article – link below - and watch the embedded video (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-itmeans-and-how-to-respond/) Identify a new technology that could be considered as being part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In your opinion – what will be the positive impacts on society of this development? What are the possible downsides? Be ready to feedback during the face to face teaching sessions ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry 3. Implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution “The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s technologies, such as artificial intelligence, genome editing, augmented reality, robotics, and 3-D printing, are rapidly changing the way humans create, exchange, and distribute value. As occurred in the previous revolutions, this will profoundly transform institutions, industries, and individuals. More importantly, this revolution will be guided by the choices that people make today: the world in 50 to 100 years from now will owe a lot of its character to how we think about, invest in, and deploy these powerful new technologies”. (https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Fourth-IndustrialRevolution-2119734) When thinking about the 4th industrial revolution, we look at the impact that digital technology and digitalisation can have, leading to new products and services. Any organisation or business needs to recognise the profound changes that the development of technology will have on its operating practice, even if the company is no de facto a technology company – artificial intelligence for example, will have profound effects all business sectors including law, education and medicine. 4. Digital Champions? For an organisation to succeed in a rapidly changing environment, it needs to be able to analyse the current state of paly regarding technology development, as well as try to forecast the future technology trends. A later learning pack will focus on technology forecasting, but for an organisation to successfully adopt new technologies in working practice the use of digital champions may be a benefit. There are different levels at which digital champions operate, we are most interested in those who are in a work-based context ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry (from https://onedigitaluk.com/knowledge-hub/developing-a-digital-championproject/digital-champion-models/ At one level digital champions have a role in promoting digital inclusion – it is important that all citizens are able to engage with new digital tools: for instance, claims for social security, applications for jobs. More specifically within a company or an organisation, digital champions have a role in developing the digital skills of colleagues. Ultimately, digital champions in a business can support the organisation as it goes through a process of digital transformation, and can contribute to helping shape that transformation. At a company level, then we can identify that some companies are “better” at engaging with the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution, and can tehmsleves be described as “dditigal champions”, based on their approach to technology and change. One analysis (https://www.strategy-business.com/feature/Digital-Champions) categorises companies by their digital maturity as follows: • • • • Digital Novices, employ isolated solutions and applications at the functional or department level only. Digital Followers - practice vertical integration, a hallmark of Industry 3.0, linking internal functions such as sales, manufacturing, sourcing, and engineering. Digital Innovators - connect their operations to those of external partners and customers, using integrated platforms for collaboration and information exchange. Digital Champions - future orientation in their product mix ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry The percentage of companies by industry sector and geography are in the diagram below; (fromhttps://www.strategy-business.com/feature/Digital-Champions) 5. Seminar Activity Consider the key transformations that might be brought about by the “4th Industrial Revolution”. In particular you many wish to think about artificial intelligence, robotics, remote sensing, artificial reality. Consider how these technologies (and other digital transformations) will affect the future of maritime freight. For each technology that you research you will need to identify: • • • • • The emerging technology Changes to current practice Benefits (financial, technical, societal, environmental) Drawbacks Be prepared to present your conclusions at the in-country teaching session in the form of a short PowerPoint presentation – no more than 5 slides ENG2060 Learning Pack 1 a The Development of Industry 6. References The four industrial revolutions https://www.sentryo.net/the-4-industrial-revolutions/ A Strategists Guide to Industry 4.0 https://www.strategy-business.com/article/A-Strategists-Guide-to-Industry-4.0 The fourth induistrial revolution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_revolution#Potential_future_technological_re volutions) The fourth industrial revolution what it means and how to respond (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-itmeans-and-how-to-respond/)