See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Socioeconomic Impact of Drought in Botswana Article in International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development · June 2014 CITATIONS READS 8 5,864 1 author: James Juana Botswana International University of Science and Technology 23 PUBLICATIONS 322 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Land Use Change, Climate Change Mitigation & Socioeconomic Analysis in Botswana View project All content following this page was uploaded by James Juana on 24 September 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. International Journal of Environment and Development Vol. 11, No. 1, June 2014, pp. 43-60 The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana J. S. JUANA1, P. M. MAKEPE2, K. T. MANGADI3 & N. NARAYANA4 Abstract: Drought has serious consequences onthe economy of a country as a whole and particularly the socio-economic lifeof agricultural communities. In addition to the economy and people, drought also affects the environment as plants and animals depend on water, just as people do. Understanding drought conditions, societal vulnerability and their related effects on one another provide us with lessons that can aid in dealing with recurrent drought conditions. Using a computable general equilibrium model, this study investigates the economy-wide impact of drought in Botswana. The simulation results show that periodic drought leads to a significant decline in sectoral output, factor remuneration and deterioration in households’ welfare. Shortrun policy interventions that dampen the adverse consequences of drought on households’ welfare include food stamp or food aid, which is equivalent to the loss in households’ income/ consumption. JEL: C68, D 60, E16, H31 Keywords: Computable general equilibrium, sectoral output, factor payments, households ’income/consumption, households’ welfare. 1. INTRODUCTION Drought is a serious socio-economic challenge to many countries in the world. Drought is the result of the deficiency in water supply, whether atmospheric, surface or ground water. A drought can occurs when a region receives consistently below average precipitation. It can have a substantial impact on the ecosystem and agriculture of the affected region. Although droughts can persist for several years, even a short, intense drought can cause significant damage and harm to theeconomy. Prolonged droughts have caused mass migrations and humanitarian crises. Agriculture is affected adversely 1 2 3 4 Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Botswana, P/Bag UB 705, Gaborone, Botswana, (corresponding author), E-mail: Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics, University of Botswana, P/Bag UB 705, Gaborone, Botswana, E-mail: Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Botswana, P/Bag UB 705, Gaborone, Botswana, E-mail: Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Botswana, Private Bag UB 705, Gaborone, Botswana, E-mail: 44 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana because of drought. However, the effects of drought can beminimised to a greater extentby extending irrigation facilities and adopting crop rotation methods. Failure to develop appropriate drought mitigation strategies results in loss of production and livelihood to people. Botswana is a semi-arid country in the centre of Southern Africa, with a total area of 58,173,000 hectares. The country is water stressed, with an average annual precipitation rate of 416 mm/year, which ranges from 650 mm/year in the northwest to 250 mm/year in the southwest. The country’s total internal renewable water is 2.4 km3/year. Of this total, surface water produced internally accounts for 0.8 km 3, while groundwater accounts for 1.7km3/year and an overlap of 0.1 km3/year (FAO, 2005). Apart from the perennial rivers and wetlands in the north, and the over utilized Limpopo River and its tributaries in the east, Botswana lacks enough surface water for both socio-economic and environmental sustainable development. The problem of water scarcity in Botswana is exacerbated by the persistent recurrence of drought. For the purpose of this study, drought is characterized by low precipitation compared to the normal amount, low humidity, high temperatures, and high wind velocity (Masike and Urich, 2008). When these conditions occur over an extended period, drought causes low water supplies that are inadequate to support economic activities. It has been established that ElNino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) modulates rainfall variability over southern Africa (Nicholson et al, 2001), and the effects have been adverse for Botswana, where research has shown that a high correlation exists between severe drought in the country and ENSO events (Nicholson and Kim, 1997). Specifically, in fifteen out of twenty ENSO events, rainfall (precipitation) has been below normal in Botswana (Nicholson et al, 2001). Studies have shown that drought-induced water deficiency affects production, sales and business operations in a variety of economic sectors (Dung et al, 2010). The effects of drought could be categorized into two; direct or primary, and indirect or secondary and tertiary effects. The direct effect is evidenced by crop failure, livestock death or weight reduction in agriculture and its related sectors, while the secondary effect is evidenced by the inter-sectoral linkages, value added at factor cost, and households’ income and general welfare. Mogotsi, et al (2010) and Masike andUrich (2008) have shown that drought in Botswana leads to livestock death, reduced crop yield and livestock weight, low pasture production and increased distances to water livestock. These studies also show that droughts in Botswana affect the livelihoods and revenues of the rural population who are the most vulnerable. However, these or other studies found in the available literature have not quantified the primary, secondary or tertiary effects of droughts in Botswana. Therefore, questions of research interest include; (i) What is the economy-wide impact of drought on sectoral output in Botswana? (ii) How does the impact of drought on sectoral output affect factor remunerations? The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 45 (iii) Which households are the most vulnerable to the impact of drought in the country? (iv) What is the drought-induced loss in households’ income and welfare? The answers to these questions necessitate an empirical inquiry into the socioeconomic impact of drought in Botswana, with the view to formulating and testing both short and long-term policy interventions that can help the vulnerable population to cope with or adapt to the adverse consequences of drought in the country. The specific objectives of the study are; (i) To quantify the economy-wide impact of drought on sectoral output in Botswana. (ii) To investigate which household categories are adversely impacted by drought in the country (iii) To analyse the income and welfare impacts of drought on the vulnerable households. (iv) The simulate the impact of short-term public policies implemented to dampen the potential impact of drought in Botswana 2. PREVIOUS STUDIES Many empirical studies have used different approaches to assess the impact of drought on state and national economies. Using the input-output model, Dirsen et al (2002) examined the economic impact of the 2002 drought in South Dakota, USA. The authors measured both the direct and indirect impacts of drought on crops and livestock production, as well as the secondary effects on the whole economy. The direct and indirect impacts were estimated at US$1.8 billion. In a related study, Dirsen and Taylor (2003) re-examined the drought impact in South Dakota. In this study, the authors considered the improved market conditions and the direct food commodity aid of US$100 million provided by the federal government of USA to the state. The re-assessed impact estimated a loss of US$1.4 billion. This shows that, with improvement in market conditions, the full potential impact of drought might be reduced, because some regions in the economy might benefit from the drought-induced supply shortages, which increases the price of basic food and non-food commodities. Most climate change studies have estimated the impact of drought, through its impact of water resources. Garcia-Vilanas (2006) used a stylized CGE approach to analyse the impact of water use restrictions and water quality reductions on consumer welfare during the drought period of the early 1990s in Spain. The empirical results show that the average welfare losses were €138.3 per water user. Bou-Zeid and El-Fadel (2002) used simulations of climate change predictions from several GCMs to investigate the potential impacts of climate change on water resources in the Middle-East Region in the 2020s, with Lebanon as a case study. The study found that as a result of drought, existing water shortages in the region would be further exacerbated. 46 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana Zhu and Ringler (2010) used a semi-distributed hydrological model and the Water Simulations Model of the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT-Water) to analyse the impact of climate change on the hydrological and water resource systems of the Limpopo River Basin, which covers the four Southern African nations of Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The findings of the study were that annual rainfall and water availability will be significantly reduced for all four countries by the year 2030. This will have implications for the supply and reliability of irrigation water within the basin and on agricultural planning, as this will require changes in crop varieties, planting dates and crop patterns. The study concluded that as a way to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, water infrastructure and management could be improved. Butt et al. (2005) investigated the economic and food security impacts of drought on agricultural sector in Mali. The study made use of a collection of biophysical and economic models. The analysis focused on crops, forages, livestock and the sectoral economics and risk of hunger. Butt et al. (2005) found that drought resulted in a reduction in crop yields; a decline in forage yields and livestock weights. There were also substantial economic losses, with producers gaining and consumers losing; and an increase in the percentage of population at the risk of hunger. The study recommended that there should be a promotion of heat resistant cultivars, migration of cropping patterns and an expansion of crop land in order to mitigate the negative effects of climate change in Mali. Winters et al. (1998) used a CGE model with a multi-market agricultural sector to analyse the impact of global climate change and extreme climate events on developing countries. This study was carried out for three poor cereal exporting nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The objective was to compare the effects of climate change on macroeconomic performance; sectoral resource allocation and household welfare across the continents. The main findings of the study were that climate change will lead to a substantial reduction in global incomes, which will in turn lead to global reduction in trade. There will also be a fall in agricultural production. Africa will be the most affected continent. This is because for the majority of countries in the, Agriculture is the largest contributor to GDP. Furthermore,it has the lowest substitution possibilities between imported and domestically produces cereals. Africa is also the only continent subjected to negative shocks in the price of its export crops, and has the lowest elasticities of supply response. Winters et al. (1998) therefore recommended that mitigation strategies should focus on the production of food crops in Africa, and the production of export crops in Asia and Latin America. Perez y Perez and Barreiro-Hurle (2009) used the Input-Output framework to assess the socio-economic impacts of the 2005 drought in the Ebro River Basin. The study examined both the direct impact of drought on agriculture and energy production and the indirect impacts on wider economic activities within the river basin. The empirical results showed a direct impact of a loss of output of €482 million in the agriculture and energy sectors, and an induced production loss of €377 million in other The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 47 production sectors. The reduction in economic activity due to drought resulted in a reduction of over 11,000 jobs in the basin. In Botswana different studies have been undertaken to assess the impact of drought in the country. Masike and Urich (2008) assessed the vulnerability of the traditional beef sector to rainfall variability or failure in the Kgatleng District of Botswana. The empirical results show that the rainfall reliability index in the study district is 0.5 and the vulnerability index of cattle is 8000 cattle heads per year. However, the study did not attempt to investigate how this vulnerability leads to an induced-output loss in other sectors and loss in the incomes of the vulnerable households. Tsheko (2003) studied the patterns of rainfall reliability, drought and flood vulnerability in Botswana. using time series data, on drought, floods and rainfall patterns for 72 years, the study found that most of the study stations had a reliability index exceeding 0.5, but less than 0.7. The study also found out that while some stations experienced drought, other stations experienced floods. However, there is an insignificant difference between socio-economic impacts of droughts and floods. In a similar study, Parida and Moalafhi (2008) using time series data on rainfall (19612003) at 11 synoptic stations in Botswana found out that rainfall has been decreasing since 1981. These studies assessed the reliability of rainfall in Botswana, but did not assess how the low rainfall in the country affects production of crops and the rearing of animals, and the welfare effects of these losses in output. Holm and Cohen (1988) examined how equity could be established in the midst of drought in Botswana. The study looked at the impact of government’s drought relief programmes in the country, and found out that most of the relief items do not get to the targeted vulnerable households. While the above studies mainly focused on the direct and the induced impact of drought on sectoral output, the extent to which these impacts affect households’ incomes, prices and welfare have not been adequately considered. Juana et al. (2012) is among the few studies that have investigated the households’ welfare consequences of climate change. The study used a CGE model to analyse the socio-economic impact of climate change on water resources in South Africa. The study showed that water scarcity due to climate change or drought can lead to a significant decline in sectoral output, factor remuneration, and deterioration in the welfare of poor households in South Africa. The study also investigated the impact of both internal and external welfare policy interventions. All the above studies reviewed show that drought or water scarcity due to climate change has adverse consequences for output growth and households’ welfare. They used the direct impact of drought on crops and livestock production or the indirect impact through reduced water availability for economic activities. The current study adopts the modeling technique used in Juana et al (2012), to assess the socio-economic impact of drought on sectoral output, factor payments and households’ welfare. 48 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana 3. DATA, THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND MODELING PROCEDURE This section discusses the data used for the study, the aggregation method and the modeling techniques applied by the authors. Because the study uses the CGE model, particular attention is given to the standard CGE conditions and the specific model closures assumed for the study. Data The study uses the 2006/7 SAM for Botswana, developed by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Botswana. This highly disaggregated SAM was aggregated to 28 production sector accounts, which include agriculture sub-divided into traditional agriculture (livestock and crops), commercial agriculture (livestock and crops), hunting and fishing; mining, which is sub-divided into diamond mining and other mining; manufacturing, which is sub-divided into meet processing, dairy and other agricultural processing, beverages, textiles, chemicals, metal products, bakery, leather, wood and paper, village industries and other manufacturing; water; electricity, construction. The services sector sub-divided into trade, hotel and restaurants, transport, communications, financial, ownership of dwellings, government and miscellaneous services. The highly disaggregated SAM has nine labour categories, which have been aggregated into citizen professional employees, citizen administrative employees, citizen clerical employees, skilled citizen employees, unskilled employees and noncitizen employees. The capital account in the original SAM is maintained. More details are found on Table 1A in the appendix. The aggregated SAM has three household categories, which are urban households, rural households and non-citizen households. The other institution accounts include government, firms and the rest of the world. The aggregated SAM also has net trade, which subtracts, total imports from exports. Households receive income from wages and from both local sources (governmentand inter-personal transfers) andinternational transfers. Their disposable income isallocated to consumption and savings. Household consumption is divided into food andnon-food consumption. Food consumption is determined by household expenditure onmanufactured agricultural commodities and beverages and tobacco. Non-food consumptionexpenditures are those spent on the other sectors, which are further divided intodurables and non-durables. These divisions are the basis for welfare policy investigations. Sectoral output is sold to the production sectors as intermediate input, consumed domestically, or exported. Government accounts, which were broken down into expenditure andincome accounts in the original SAM, are maintained. Theoretical Framework This study adopts the Computable General Equilibrium model in Juana et al (2012) to investigate the impact of drought on sectoral output,value added and households’ The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 49 welfare, using the semi-aggregated 2006/7 Botswana SAM described in the preceding sub-section. In Botswana drought could be categorized as mild, medium and extreme (Nicholson et al, 2001). As in Juana et al (2012)the framework uses theMathematical Programming System for General Equilibrium (MPSGE), a GAMS extensiondeveloped by Rutherford (1995), with the Mixed ComplementarityProgramming(MCP) GAMS solver. MPSGE is a library of functions and Jacobian evaluation routineswhich facilitate the formulation and analysis of applied general equilibrium (AGE)models. The MPSGE program provides a relatively simpler way to write down and analyzecomplicated systems of nonlinear inequalities.The language is based on nested constant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility and production functions. The data requirements for this type of model include share andelasticity parameters for all the consumers and production sectors included in the model.These may or may not be calibrated from a consistent benchmark equilibrium data-set(Rutherford 1995).The model uses multi-level nested production functions to determinethe level of production. Sectoral outputs are represented by a Leontief combination offixed intermediate consumption and value added. The model also specifies a CES functionto establish the relationship between inputs and output. However, the use of capital is modelledby a Leontief fixed proportions function, because the short-run use of capital is fixedand sector specific. Therefore, the use of capital can only be increased by increasing thenumber of hours of use. Conversely, the sixlabour categories are freely mobileacross sectors, except where specified; hence, the use of these inputs by the productionsectors is modelled by the CES function. This allows the functioning of a competitive marketto efficiently allocate the mobile factors(different labour categories). This implies that these mobile factors move fromsectors where factor returns are low to sectors where factor returns are highest. Similarly,the CES function allows the production sectors to substitute factors based on comparativefactor prices. The free movement of these factors of production enhances the adjustmentof wages (for each of the six labour categories) to achieve equilibriumin both the labour market. The adapted model uses a constant elasticity of transformation (CET) function to formulatethe imperfect substitution between domestic consumption of sectoral output and export, and between domesticallyproduced and imported goods. The imperfect substitutability modelled above enhances theimportation and exportation of the same goods. The capital and labour markets are closed by assuming that the demand foreach of these factors is equal to their supply. If they are not equal, then factor prices adjust until equilibrium is achieved in the factor markets. These assumptions imply full employment ofthe factors. The saving–investment closure assumes that savings equal investment and thatgovernment income (receipts) equals government spending (payments). This implies that government transfer payments and taxes are fixed and do not affect household incomes in the experimental simulations. 50 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana Drought, Agriculture Sector and the Economy Masike and Urich (2008) predict a reduction of about 11 per cent in precipitation by 2050. That is a decline of 1960-1990 average of 377 mm per annum to an average of 337 mm per annum in 2050. These averages are stated for normal years and do not include the impact of drought on water availability in Botswana. Masike and Urich (2008) also predict the return period of mild drought to be two years, and that drought intensity and frequency are projected to increase in the future. The empirical study of McDonalds (2000) suggests that during the drought of the 1980scrop production declinedby 35 per cent of the long-term mean in 1982 and 1983, and by 15 per cent in 1884 ( McDonalds, 2000). Drought has been persistent since the early 1980s (Government of Botswana, 1997). The empirical study of Chanda et al (1999) shows that drought years in Botswana have been 1959/60, 1961/62, 1963/64, 1964/65, 1969/70, 1972/73, 1978/79, 1981/82, 1982/83, 1983/84, 1984/85, 1985/86, 1991/92. Mogotsi, et al (2011) extends the drought years to include 1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96, 1997/98, 1998/99, 2001/02, 2004/5, 2005/ 06 and 2007/08. In addition to these, the year 2012 was declared as a drought year in Botswana. These figures show that the frequency of droughts in Botswana has increased over the years, with shorter returning periods. Drought generates severe problems for rural population of Botswana. There is the direct effect on both the livestock and crop production sub-sectors, and the indirect or induced effect on the other sectors of the economy that directly or indirectly depend on agriculture sector. The direct and indirect impacts have welfare consequences that have been understudied in Botswana. While the droughts of the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s led to a significant decrease in livestock and crop production, the country’s GDP has continued to significantly grow in these drought periods. This is because of agriculture’s minimal contribution to GDP and the upsurge of economic activities in the mining and manufacturing sectors. McDonalds (2000) states that although agriculture’s contribution to Botswana’s GDP, national accounts may tend to understate the true impact of drought on the economy of Botswana, because of the forward and backward linkages the sector has with other production sectors, and the role the agriculture sector plays in the welfare of the most vulnerable population in the country. The Experimental Simulations The situation documented in the adjusted SAM is the base situation which reflects the2006/7economyof Botswana. All input and output prices are normalized at the base level. Drought scenario:The study assumes a mild drought situation in Botswana because this is the situation that is prevalent in drought literature in the country. The study simulatesthe impact of a 10 per cent, reduction in the outputs of all the agriculture sub-sectors. These are; traditional crop, traditional livestock, freehold crops and freehold livestock. These simulations are based on the findings of Masike and Urich (2008) and McDonalds (2000). The simulations are doneby reducing output of the affected subsectors recorded in the SAM by ten per cent and re-running the modelto equilibrium The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 51 levels.The percentage changes in sectoraloutput, value added, and household income/ consumption are compared to the base scenario. Also, using equation 1 in section 3.5, households’ welfare changes are computed. Policy simulations: The study investigates both short-term and medium term policies. While short-term policies focus on the immediate response to the adverse consequences of drought, these policies are not sustainable in the long-run. Conversely, medium to long-term policies do not immediately address the adverse consequences of drought, but focus on more sustainable ways of dealing with the drought impact. Short-term policies: In the drought scenario, households’ income; hence, their level of consumption is expected to decrease, because prices increase. However, some households (producers) income may increase, while the incomes of others (consumers) may decrease. Therefore, it is expected that while some households’ welfare may improve, the welfare of others may deteriorate. However, the net welfare effect is expected be negative. Therefore, this study estimates the welfare impacts on the different household categories, to determine which household categories are the most vulnerable to the consequences of drought. To form a hedge against these adverse consequences of drought, the experiments were re-run assumingthat food consumption for the vulnerable households is maintained atbase consumption levels. The two policy interventions used to maintain base food consumptionlevels for the vulnerable households are food stamps and food aid. The food stamp experiment includes the distribution of food vouchers, equivalent to the loss in welfare, among the affected households. This experiment is recorded as a government transfer to the targeted households. In this scenario, government’sinterdepartmental expenditure is reduced by an amount equivalent to the deterioration in the vulnerable households’ welfare, and distributed among the targeted household categories as food vouchers, or government uses its reserve to make transfer payments to affected households in terms of food vouchers. Conversely, food commodity aid is recorded as an externalshock to the model. That is, emergency food distribution,from external sources,among the affected households. However, from past history, Botswana has implemented the food stamp policy more frequently as compared to the food commodity aid. Welfare Analysis The study uses the concept of equivalent variation (EV) discussed in Chitiga and Mabugu(2006) to analyze the impact of droughts on household welfare in Botswana. EV compares thelevel of household income/consumption at the given price and income in the base scenario tothe levels of price and income/consumption in the drought scenarios. In principle, EV can be interpreted as the minimum amount of money that has to be given tohouseholds to renounce a utility-increasing change, or the maximum amount thathouseholds are willing to pay to prevent a utility-decreasing change. As used in 52 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana this study,EV is defined as the minimum amount that should be given to households to make them as well off as they were before the drought.Functionally, equivalent variation is formulated as: EV P11 (Y 1 P10 Y0) (1) Where P10 is the price index in the base model, P11 is the price index after the simulation, Y0 is the households’ income in the base model and Y1 is households’ income after the simulation A positive EV implies welfare improvement, while a negative EV implies welfare deterioration (loss). The first part of the equation shows the ratio of the price index in the drought period to the price index in the non-drought period. A ratio of 1 shows that there is no change in the prices of the two periods. A ratio of more than 1 shows that prices generally increased in the drought period. If less than 1, the opposite is the case. The second part of equation 1 shows whether or not incomes increased or decreased during the drought period. If incomes increased, the net effect is positive, implying welfare improvement, but if households’ incomes decreased, the net effect is negative, implying welfare deterioration (Chitiga and Mabugu, 2008). 4. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE SIMULATION RESULTS In this section, the results from the simulation on the impact of climate change on sectoral output, factor payments and household income and welfare are presented and discussed. The impact of drought on sectoral output, factor payments and households’ income/consumption is presented on Table 1. The Impact of Drought on Sectoral Output Table 1 presents the impact of drought on sectoral output in Botswana. Column two shows the base case output prior to the drought period. This is followed by column three which shows the impact of a 10 per cent decline in agricultural output due to drought in the different sectors. The 10 per cent decline in agricultural output (crops and livestock) is the direct impact of drought, while the absolute changes in the other sectors or sub-sectors are presented in column 2 of Table 1. Column three presents the percentage changes in the other sectors, and this shows the indirect or induced impact of drought. This is divided into the direct impact and the indirect impact. The direct impact is captured by the 10% decrease in agricultural output in Table 1, the figures in column 4shows that the value of sectoral output in Botswana declines by 2.44 because of 10 per cent decline in agricultural output as a result of drought. In monetary terms, this The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 53 translates into a loss of P514.77 million in sectoral output. This shows the total impact of drought, which divided into the direct impact of P64.27 decline in agricultural output and the induced impact of 386.23 million decline in the output of other sectors. Specifically, the 10 per cent reduction in agricultural sector’s output; due to drought induces a reduction of about 5.55 per cent, 9.32 per cent, 8.15 per cent, 6.12 per cent , 4.8 per cent, 4.99 per cent, 7.29 per cent , 5.57 per cent, 4.07 per cent, 4.38 per cent, 3.76 per cent, 11.08 and 3.79 per cent in the outputs of hunting, fishing and gathering; meat processing, dairy and other agriculture processing, beverages, Textiles, chemicals;bakery products, leather, wood and paper, village industries, electricity, Hotels and restaurants, communications, ownership of dwellings and miscellaneous services respectively. These are the most indirectly impact sectors in the economy of Botswana. The other sectors that are mildly impacted are the; other manufacturing, transport, and financial services. These secondary or indirect impact impacts are associated with the forward and backward linkages of the agriculture sector. For example, the livestock sector supplies the meat processing sector with meat. Similarly, the crop sector provides the primary inputs for dairy, other agro-processing sub sectors, bakery, beverages, and hotel and tourism sectors. These are the forward linkages between agriculture and the other sector. On the other hand, the agriculture sector (crops and livestock) receives inputs from chemicals, like fertilizers and veterinary medicines; transportation and financial services. Therefore, a decline in the output of the agriculture sector induces a decline in the demand for the output of the allied sectors. These forward and backward linkages are the invisible impact of drought. As expected, the traditional sector is more adversely affected than the commercial sector probably because the traditional sector relies more heavily on rainfed agriculture than its commercial or freehold counterpart, in which some method of irrigation is applied to compliment for the low rainfall. Furthermore, owing to their risk averseness, resource poorness and practice of low-input agriculture, it is not surprising that traditional farmers are more negatively affected by the effects of drought than their counterparts in the freehold sector who are more likely to adapt and invest in technologies that can help them better cope with the drought. As can be seen on Table 1, the impact of drought on the mining; metal products; and construction sectors are minimal and insignificant. This may be due to these sectors using less water than the highly impacted sectors or have poor inter-sectoral linkages with the agriculture sector. Hotels and restaurants, which are normally a proxy for the tourism sector, were also negatively affected by the drought, probably because tourism sector primarily depends on the renewable natural resource base of the country and requires water for survival. This finding does not support the country’s diversification efforts because as a shift from diamonds to tourism the demand for water significantly increases. Consequently, if investments are not made now to cope with the foreseeable water shortages because of drought and demand management improved, there will be a huge cost to pay in the future. 54 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana Table 1 Economy-wide Impact of Drought in Botswana Sector/Sub-sector (1) Traditional Agriculture - Cattle and other livestock - Crops Freehold farms - Cattle and other livestock - Crops Impact on Agriculture Hunting, fishing and gathering Mining - Diamonds - Other mining Meat processing Dairy and other agric. processing Beverages Textiles Chemicals Metal products Bakery & products Leather, wood and paper Village industries Other manufacturing Electricity Construction Hotels and restaurants (Tourism) Transport Communications Financial services Ownership of dwellings Miscellaneous services Indirect Impact Total Impact Base Figure (2) Change in Output (3) Percentage Change (4) 438.18 103.93 -43.8184 -10.3932 -10 -10 76.84 23.73 642.68 161.36 -7.6839 -2.3729 -64.2684 -8.956 -10 -10 -5.55 6675.53 1043.85 454.04 433.37 406.73 211.01 302.33 242.78 160.57 184.19 63.28 474.22 302.16 3228.44 475.79 1564.6 309.29 1788.02 315.13 1046.33 19843.02 21128.38 -0.1164 -0.4124 -42.22 -35.3011 -24.8807 -10.1322 -15.0834 -0.0527 -11.7064 -10.2603 -2.5741 -9.9436 -21.1854 -22.0578 -20.8456 -18.0184 -11.6321 -46.2675 -34.93 -39.6577 -386.2338 -514.7706 -0.0017 -0.04 -9.32 -8.15 -6.12 -4.80 -4.99 -0.02 -7.29 -5.57 -4.07 -2.10 -7.01 -0.68 -4.38 -1.15 -3.76 -2.59 -11.08 -3.79 -1.95 -2.44 Source: Extracted from authors’ simulations Changes in Factor Payments The impact of drought on factor payments is presented in Table 2.The percentage changes are presented in Column 3, while Column 4 presents the absolute changes in factor payments. When compared to the base case drought leads to an overall decline of 1.18 per cent in factor payments, which is equivalent to P196 million. Specifically, the most impacted factors are unskilled labour, which declines by about 7.48 per cent, and skilled manual labour, which declines byabout 5.88 per cent. The other factors are insignificantly affected. However, payments to capital insignificantly increased. The study assumes full employment of the factors of production, and that factor payments are determined by output. Therefore, when output falls because of drought, the affected sectors, lay off some factor. Because of the assumption of full employment of the factors, The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 55 factor prices adjust to clear the factor market. This leads to an overall decline in factor payment. Capital is assumed to be fixed in the short-run; hence, payment to capital is unaffected. Similar results are recorded in Juana et al (2008, 2012). Agricultural production in Botswana is labour intensive; hence, for a decline in the sector’s output due to extreme climatic events, the unskilled labourers become are the most vulnerable factor. Table 2 Impact on Factor Payments Section 2. Impact of factor paymentsor payments Factor Base payment % Change Absolute Change 479.30 99.96 291.14 1513.17 762.35 1336.40 12146.90 16629.22 -0.2462 -0.0515 -0.8496 -5.8772 -0.5214 -7.4765 0.0013 -1.1819 -1.18004 -0.05148 -2.47353 -88.932 -3.97489 -99.9159 0.15791 -196.3699 Prof. & technical employees – citizens Admin & mgt. employees – citizens Clerical employees – citizens Skilled manual – citizens Non – citizens Unskilled employees Capital Total Source: extracted from authors’ simulation results Households’ Income/consumption and Welfare Analysis In this sub-section, the welfare effects of drought on households are discussed. Table 3 below shows the impact of drought on households’ income and welfare. Table 3 Households’Income and Welfare Section 3. Households’ Income and Welfare Household Category Urban households Rural households Non-citizen households Total Base Income % Change Absolute Change Welfare Change 2797.40 2383.47 923.98 6104.85 -2.3022 -3.1379 -0.5473 1.8539 -64.4017 -74.7909 -5.05694 -144.25153 -3.4264 -5.1209 -0.0567 -3.7040 Source: Extracted from authors’ simulation results There are three household categories; urban, rural and non-citizen households. The percentage change in households’ consumption/consumption, the absolute change in income/consumption and the associated welfare changes are presented in columns 3, 4 and 5 respectively. In percentage terms, rural households are the most affected household category. In analysing the welfare effects, we compared both the change in income/consumption, which shows direction of welfare. Consumption/incomedeclines by 3.14 per cent. This translates into 5.12 per cent deterioration in welfare. This implies that, generally, as the price index increases, households’ consumption/income declines, leading to general deterioration in welfare. The income of urban households also decreases by 2.23 per cent leading to 3.45 per cent deterioration in welfare.According 56 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana to the simulation results, the non-citizen households are the least affected by drought. This is because a significant percentage of non-citizens are either technical or professional employees. Conversely, the majority of the unskilled and skilled manual employees are urban and rural households and are employed in the agriculture sector. Therefore, a decline in the payments of these labour categories is directly transmitted to the urban and rural households. Secondly, rural households depend more on the environment or the natural resources in which they live in. In particular, they tend to be more reliant on agriculture and its associated industries, and other livelihoods that are adversely impacted by extreme climatic events.. Consequently, they are more affected by drought than their counterparts who live and work in the urban areas. Food Stamp Policy Analysis There are two short-run policy simulations; food stamp and food commodity aid. As discussed earlier, the distribution of food stamp among the vulnerable households is a short-run public policy, and the government of Botswana has always implemented this policy during drought periods in the country. Table 2 Welfare Analysis of Short-run Policy Interventions Household Category (1) Urban Rural Non-citizen Total Base Income (2) 2797.4 2383.47 923.98 6104.85 A: Food Stamp % Absolute Change Change (3) (4) Welfare change (5) B: Food Aid % Absolute Change Change (6) (7) 2.3022 3.1379 -1.1667 2.1035 1.6597 2.5575 -2.2490 1.2673 2.3022 3.1379 0.0000 2.2939 64.4017 74.7909 -10.7813 128.4131 64.4017 74.7909 0.0000 139.1926 Welfare Change (8) 2.8384 3.7672 0.0000 2.5257 This section investigates the distribution of food among both the rural and urban vulnerable population. While rural food distribution is quite easy, it is difficult to identify highly drought impacted households among the urban population. The approach therefore is to select unskilled and skilled manual labourers in urban cities, because the empirical results show that these are the vulnerable working population. The results of these policy simulations are presented in part A of Table 2. Column 4 of Table 2 shows that, generally, households’ income/consumption increase by P128.413 million. That is urban and rural households’ incomes/consumption increase by about P64 million and P75 million respectively. However, the income of non-citizen households income/consumption decline by about P11 million. In percentage terms, there is an overall increase in income/consumption by 2.1 per cent, with urban and rural households’ income/consumption increasing by 2.3 and 3.1 per cent respectively. On the contrary, non-citizen households’ income/consumption declines y 1.17 per cent. The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 57 The above results have welfare implications. Generally, the policy of food stamps leads to an overall improvement in households’ welfare by 1.27 per cent. Specifically, urban and rural households’ welfare improves by 2.56 and 1.66 per cent respectively. Nonetheless, the welfare of non-citizen households’ welfare deteriorates by about 2.25 per cent. The possible economic reason for these results is price changes. When food stamps are distributed among the vulnerable households, the demand for food increases, but the short-run supply remains unchanged. Therefore, to clear the market, food prices increase, but the urban and rural households are unaffected by these price increase. The non-citizen households, income/consumption decline by 1.17 per cent, because their expenditure on food increases, leaving them with less income to purchase other goods. The price increase, coupled with the decline in income makes the deterioration in welfare to be more than the percentage decline in come. The analytical results for the urban and rural households are different. The general increase in prices counters the income/consumption gains from the welfare programme; hence, the percentage improvement in welfare of these two household categories is less than the percentage increase in their income/consumption. Food Aid Policy Unlike the food stamp policy, food aid is treated as an external shock to the model. An amount equivalent to the income/consumption loss (in the form of food aid) is distributed among the vulnerable households (Urban and rural households). As in the case of food stamp, the non-citizen households are exempted from this welfare programme. Columns 6, 7 and 8 of Table 2 present the income/consumption and welfare changes of food aid policy. From column 1, it is show that urban and rural households’ incomes increase by 2.3 and 3.13 per cent respectively. The income/consumption and welfare of non-citizen households are unaffected. Generally, households’ income/consumption increase by 2.29 per cent. This is translated to a general improvement of households’ welfare by 2.53 per cent. The percentage improvement in welfare is more than the percentage increase in income/consumption. This is due to the price effects. Food aid increases the supply of food. Food prices fall to clear the market. A decrease in the price leads to an increase in the demand for food, hence improvement in the general welfare of the households. 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RESEARCH GAPS This section is sub-divided into summary and conclusions, and research gaps. Summary and Conclusions This study used the computable general equilibrium approach to analyse the socioeconomic impact of drought in Botswana. The results suggest that the impact of drought on the agriculture sector has induced impacts on sectoral output, factor remuneration and general households’ welfare. Specifically, the impact of drought leads to a decline 58 • J. S. Juana, P. M. Makepe, K. T. Mangadi and N. Narayana in agricultural output (primary impact) and those sectors that have forward (recipients of inputs from agriculture sector) and backward (suppliers of inputs to the agriculture sector) linkages. These have consequences for factor payments. The empirical results show that unskilled labour and skilled manual labour are the most impacted factors. This is transmitted to different household categories. Those households who receive a significant proportion of their income from unskilled and skilled manual labour services are the most vulnerable households todrought in the country. Furthermore, rural and urban households are also found to be vulnerable to the impact of drought.. The noncitizen households are insignificantly affected. However, the implementation of domestic policies aimed at dampening the adverse drought consequences; improve the welfare of both rural and urban households, while leading to decline in the consumption/income of non-citizen households. Conversely, the implementation of external food aid policy improves the welfare of the vulnerable households, while maintaining the welfare of the unaffected households. The above findings suggest that while food distribution policies can dampen the potential impact of drought in the country, the food aid policy has more desirable effect. Therefore, it is more effective to pursue both policies at the same time to address the adverse consequences of especially prolonged droughts in the country. Limitations and Research Gaps The study estimates the impact of drought on gross output and general welfare at national level. However, the socio-economic consequences of drought differ from one agro-ecological zone to the other. Botswana has three agro-ecological zones and five basins. The impact of drought in each zone or basin may be different. While zones known for pastoral/livestock farming experience more livestock losses, zones that practice arable farming are likely to experiences more crop failures. Therefore, a national level study may not reflect the situation in different basins or zones. There is the need to develop an integrated socio-economic and drought model that considers zone or basin specific drought impacts. Also, farmers’ immediate reaction to drought differs for both arable and pastoral farming in the country. While pastoral farmers can easily reduce their livestock by selling more during the drought period and restocking after the drought, arable farmers cannot easily switch to drought resilient crops during the drought period. Therefore, considering a concurrent empirical estimation of drought for both sub-sectors during a single study may understate or overstate the true impact. There is a need to look at the livestock and arable sectors separately. Furthermore, there is the need to develop livelihood typologies at basin or zonal level and assess the extent to which drought will affect these livelihoods. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the African Economics Research Consortium (AERC) and the United Nations University-World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) for The Socio-economic Impact of Drought in Botswana • 59 funding the study and providing the technical experts on climate change and CGE modelling. We would also like to thank our research assistants Samuel Chingoiro and Njoku Chidozie for collecting and helping to analyse data. References Bosell, F. Roson, R. & Tol, R. S. J. (2007), Economy-wide Estimate of the Impact of Climate Change: Sea Level Rise. Environmental and Resource Economics, 37, pp. 549-571. Bou-Zeid, E. and El-Fadel, M. (2002), Climate Change and Water Resources in Lebanon and the Middle East. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 128(5), pp. 343-355. Butt, T.A., McCarl, B.A, Angerer, J., Dyke, P.T. and Struth, J.W. 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