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NSC2100 Environmental Science Final Paper FALL 2021 - Copy

Northwood University – General Education
NSC2100 – Environmental Science
FALL 2021
Question and Answer Booklet
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Directions to Candidates
Answer All the questions and use a separate answer booklet.
Please write the question numbers accurately on the answer booklet
Tables and diagrams should be filled in question paper itself and attached with the answer
Section A
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NSC2100 Environmental Science Final Exam
Northwood University – FALL 2021
1. Define following terms
a. Carbon sequestration
b. Hydrologic Cycle
c. Proxy
d. Matter
e. Cell respiration (equation)
f. Second Law of Thermodynamics
g. Biogeochemical Cycles
h. Battery Cages
Natural Selection
Nuclear Fission
k. Nuclear Fallout
Pumped Storage Dam
m. Geothermal Energy
n. Biomass
o. Symbiosis
2. Explain how ice cores are used as proxies to measure temperature and greenhouse gas
3. How do photovoltaic cells work differently than parabolic solar collection?
4. How are biofuels generated? What is the downside of using biofuels over gasoline?
5. Describe the two main problems with relying on nonrenewable energy resources, like
fossil fuels.
6. Why is the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt important to Western Europe? How could it be
impacted by global warming?
7. What two aspects of the hydrologic cycle are impacted by global warming? How could
this affect weather patterns?
8. Give two examples of an agricultural release of greenhouse gas.
9. As energy moves through a food chain, about what percent actually transfers and is
incorporated into the next level up? What happens to the remaining energy? (Hint:
Second Law of Thermodynamics)
10. Give an example of a geoengineering strategy to combat climate change.
11. Give an example of a global warming prevention strategy.
12. What were the results of Jean Baptiste von Helmont’s willow tree experiment? What
hypothesis was rejected as a result of his experiment?
13. What three wavelengths of energy are found in sunlight? Specifically what wavelengths
can plants use for photosynthesis?
14. Using a tolerance graph like the one below, identify the optimal range, zone of
physiologic stress (x2), and zone of intolerance (x2)
15. The bacteria living in the stomach of ruminants have a mutualistic relationship with
cattle. Explain this relationship.
16. Label the following parts of a coal-fired power plant: boiler, cooling tower, generator,
precipitator, smokestack, transmission wires, turbine.
17. Describe what happens to cattle during each of these stages:
a. Backgrounding –
b. Finishing –
18. Why do some farmers use hormones when raising dairy cattle? What is a downside of
doing this?
19. Why are many farm animals given low amounts of antibiotics in their feed? What is a
negative consequence of this?
20. Why is Uranium-235 an ideal isotope to use for nuclear technology compared to
something like carbon-12?
21. Explain what is happening in each of the lettered steps
in the nuclear fission diagram shown to the right.
22. Describe the two main problems with relying on nonrenewable energy resources, like
fossil fuels.
23. Draw a typical logistic growth curve and indicate the carrying capacity level as ‘K’
24. Draw a typical exponential growth curve and identify the carrying capacity, overshoot,
and dieback.
25. How are biofuels generated? What is the downside of using biofuels over gasoline?
26. What are volatile organic compounds, and what is an example?
End of Examination