Energy Science, Principles, Technologies and Impacts: Second Edition, by John Andrews and Nick Jelley Scope: review. Level: general readership, undergraduate, early career researcher, teacher CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS DOI:10.1080/00107514.2014.948920 Ignazio Licataab* Author affiliations • • a ISEM, Institute for Scientific Methodology, Palermo, Italy School of Advanced International Studies on Theoretical and Non Linear Methodologies of Physics, Bari, Italy b In his novel ‘Solar’, Ian MacEwan narrates the extraordinary conversion of a ‘pure’ theoretical physicist to the study of alternative sources of energy. The British writer provides an effective image to the collective imaginary, thus suggesting that the question of energy is not ‘only’ a technological problem, incidentally vital for humanity, but also a territory of theoretical challenges for future physicists. The novel shows its author to be well informed on the research of the Tessa Calhoun group on quantum coherence in photosynthesis [1]. The welcome second edition of Andrews and Jelley’s Energy Science book gives an interdisciplinary, systemic view as well as an organic presentation of the basic principles of each energy cycle. It is difficult to find in a single book all the fundamental theoretical aspects, and the state of the art of technological implementation with the related economic scenarios. The book consists of 12 chapters where the topics introduced range from historically consolidated sources to which new technological possibilities promise significant innovations up to the frontiers in which the object of research is the source itself. Thus, thermal energy, energy from fossil fuels, wind power (with a theoretical survey on fluid mechanics and hydropower necessary for understanding and contextualising the strategies of use and stockage), solar energy and the scenarios opened up through development of photovoltaic technology, Biomass, right through to Energy from nuclear fission and fusion. The last two chapters focus upon the problem of energy storage in all its forms and social aspects (needs, safety and environmental impact). In each chapter, there are exercises, suggestions for further reading and a wide webliography. There is also a link to an online resource centre which provides details on the more technical aspects, thus using the book as a springboard. The expository slant chosen is clear and concise, and aims to provide a unitary and strongly interconnected vision on very different topics, in particular for those which have developed in different ways … For example, although the literature on hydraulic power networks is dispersed in a large number and variety of technical reports, the theoretical corpus on solar energy can be compared to that on nuclear energy [2]. The book uses a very pragmatic approach, which is remarkable for a text dealing with such a culturally and politically sensitive question as energy. In fact, the book provides references to possible lines of development, but only for already productive and economically consolidated technologies. The curious researcher in the above-mentioned fields of photosynthesis reproduction or those concerning nanotechnology and organic developments in photovoltaics (photovoltaic polymers), will have to look elsewhere. In this way, the content defines rather well the range of possible readers: physics, engineering, biology and geology students in their first year at university, but also the ‘neighbourhood’ researcher who wants a quick informational picture of a field where there is a wide range of possibilities. One such example is that of 18-year-old Eesha Kare who in her high school science project developed a super-capacitor for recharging batteries in only a few seconds. But beyond the figure of the extemporary inventor, the most promising perspectives in this field lie in the ability of new generations to face formidable interdisciplinary challenges. And it is precisely this accent on the multidimensional aspects of the problems, as well as exploding the myth of ‘one source’, which gives Andrews and Jelley’s book a cultural advantage with respect to other books on this theme. Amongst physicists: ‘fundamental problems’ do not exist, only difficult challenges waiting to be taken up. Ignazio Licata ISEM, Institute for Scientific Methodology, Palermo, Italy School of Advanced International Studies on Theoretical and non Linear Methodologies of Physics, Bari, Italy © 2014, Ignazio Licata References • • 1. T.R. Calhoun and G.R. Fleming, Quantum coherence in photosynthetic complexes, Phys. Stat. Sol. b 248 (2011), p. 833.10.1002/pssb.v248.4 [CrossRef] 2. S. Zekai, Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modeling Techniques, Springer, London, 2008.