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Three Horizons of Growth: McKinsey Framework

McKinsey Quarterly
Enduring Ideas: The three horizons of growth
December 1, 2009 | Article
In this interactive presentation—one in a series of multimedia frameworks—Steve Coley, a
director emeritus in McKinsey’s Chicago office, describes the three horizons framework. Based
on research into how companies sustain growth, this approach illustrates how to manage for
current performance while maximizing future opportunities for growth.
As companies mature, they often face declining growth as innovation gives way to inertia. In
order to achieve consistent levels of growth throughout their corporate lifetimes, companies
must attend to existing businesses while still considering areas they can grow in the future. The
three horizons framework—featured in The Alchemy of Growth,1 —provides a structure for
companies to assess potential opportunities for growth without neglecting performance in the
Enduring Ideas: The three horizons of growth
Horizon one represents those core businesses most readily identified with the company name
and those that provide the greatest profits and cash flow. Here the focus is on improving
performance to maximize the remaining value. Horizon two encompasses emerging
opportunities, including rising entrepreneurial ventures likely to generate substantial profits in
the future but that could require considerable investment. Horizon three contains ideas for
profitable growth down the road—for instance, small ventures such as research projects, pilot
programs, or minority stakes in new businesses.
Time, as noted on the x-axis, should not be interpreted as a prompt for when to pay attention—
now, later, or much later. Companies must manage businesses along all three horizons
concurrently. Rather, it suggests the cycle by which businesses and ventures move, over time,
from horizon two to horizon one, or from horizon three to horizon two. The y-axis represents
the growth in value that companies may achieve by attending to all three horizons
Enduring ideas: The three horizons of growth
The three horizons framework offers a way to concurrently manage both current and future
opportunities for growth.
The framework continues to be useful, especially in uncertain times. The immediacy of
concerns around horizon-one businesses can easily overwhelm other efforts important to the
future of a company. C-suite leaders can use the three horizons model as a blueprint for
balancing attention to and investments in both current performance and opportunities for