sustainability Article The Impact of Road Geometric Formation on Traffic Crash and Its Severity Level Debela Jima 1, * and Tibor Sipos 2,3 1 2 3 * Citation: Jima, D.; Sipos, T. The Impact of Road Geometric Formation on Traffic Crash and Its Severity Level. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475. su14148475 Academic Editors: Marco Guerrieri and Matjaž Šraml Department of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem Rakpart 3, 1111 Budapest, Hungary Department of Transport Technology and Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem Rakpart 3, 1111 Budapest, Hungary; or KTI—Institute for Transport Sciences, Directorate for Strategic Research and Development, 1119 Budapest, Hungary Correspondence: Abstract: Road infrastructure has an impact on the occurrence of road traffic crashes. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of road geometric formation on road traffic crashes. Based on the nature, convenience, and availability of data, the study used Budapest city road traffic crash data from 2017 to 2021. For organizing, analysis, and modeling, the study used Microsoft-Excel, the Statistical Package for Social Science, and Quantum Geographic Information System. Relative frequency distribution, Multinomial Logistic Regression, Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, and Severity Index were used for the analysis. Both inferential and descriptive statistics are used to describe and summarize the study outcome. Multicollinearity tests, p-value, overdispersion, percent of incorrect error, and other statistical model testes were undertaken to analyze the significance of the data and variable for modeling and analysis. A large number of crashes were observed in straight and one-lane road geometric formationsr890. However, the severity level was high at the horizontal curve and in all three lanes of the road. The regression model indicated that light conditions, collision type, road geometry, and speed had a significant effect on traffic accidents at a p-value of 0.05. A collision between the vehicle (rear end collision), and a vehicle with a pedestrian was the probable cause of the crash. The Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network indicated that horizontally curved geometry has a positive and strong relationship with road traffic fatalities. The primary reasons for the occurrences of a road traffic crash at an intersection, horizontal curve, and straight road geometric formation were the improper use of road traffic signs, road pavement condition, and stopping sight distance problems, respectively. The hourly distribution showed that from 16:01 to 17:00 time interval was a peak hour for the occurrences of road traffic crashes. Whereas, driver plays vital role and responsible body for the occurrences of crashes at all geometric formations. Received: 13 May 2022 Accepted: 7 July 2022 Published: 11 July 2022 Keywords: multilayer perceptron artificial neural network; multinomial logistic regression; quantum geographic information system; road traffic crash; severity index Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/). 1. Introduction Unsafe and insufficient road infrastructure is a fundamental issue for the occurrence of road traffic crashes (RTC) and their outcome. RTC occurrences are significantly influenced by road geometric formation [1]. It can be fragmented into alignment, profile, and crosssection. Mostly, road width, cross slope, road margins, traffic separators, and curbs can be considered basic physical elements [2,3]. The intention of geometric design is to optimize efficiency and safety so that it minimizes cost and environmental damage. To analyze the impact of road geometric formation on traffic crashes and their severity levels, the study used recent 5-year Budapest city road traffic crash data that was collected from Hungary’s transport authority from 2017 to 2021. The study area was selected due to different factors such as the nature of the data, availability, and convenience of data. In Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 2 of 25 Budapest city, there was a high concentration of traffic crashes that were recorded yearly. In the past 5 years, around 17,006 road traffic crashes have been registered. The crash’s outcome has been classified as fatality (216), serious injury (3999), and minor injury (12,791). Different studies showed that road infrastructure, mostly geometry formation, had its own impacts on road traffic crashes. Pembuain et al. (2018) indicated that the elements in road infrastructure formation had a significant effect on the risk of road traffic accidents [4]. The report in Australia showed that the road is a causation factor in about 30% of all crashes [5]. A road defect directly triggers a crash, where some element of the road environment misleads a road user and thereby creates human errors [6]. The study showed that two-lane rural highways reduce crash rates by 44% versus high crash-rate infrastructure, at the 99% confidence level [7]. One of the important and cogent measures for reducing road crash fatalities is continuously improving and maintaining the good shape and condition of our roads [8]. Road safety can be improved by implementing principles of road safety infrastructure management (RIS) [9]. It showed that road geometry elements can mislead road users. Two-lane roads highly contribute to crashes; in this case, it is important to examine the impact of other lane formations on RTC and its severity level. A study in Texas indicated that severe crashes are likely to occur on horizontal curves with higher degrees of curvature compared to curves with smaller degrees of curvature [10–12]. Sarbaz Othman et al. (2009) stated that large-radius right-turn curves were more dangerous than left curves during lane-changing maneuvers. However, sharper curves are more dangerous in both left and right curves [13]. Overtaking on right curves was sensitive to the radius and the interaction of the radius with road conditions, while the left curves were more sensitive to super-elevation [14]. Even though the study shows that horizontal curves are a cause of severe road traffic crashes, it is better to analyze the overall impact of curved roads on RTC compared to other road geometric formations. On straight roads, speed and distance were influenced by road traffic accidents. The longest distance offered the highest risk of fatal injuries [15]. Willy et al. (2020) discovered a strong relationship between side freedom and accident number [16]. MBESSA Michel et al. (2020) stated that the reduction in road geometric formation has a significant impact on crash occurrence [17]. In Singapore, road crashes at intersections contribute around 35% of the reported accidents and show that vehicle type, road type, collision type, driver’s characteristics, and time of day are important determinants of the severity of crashes at intersections [18]. The study in the U.S. showed that the relative ratio analysis showed that intersection-related crashes were almost 335 times as likely to have “turned with an obstructed view” as the critical reason for non-intersection-related crashes [19]. So, road geometric formations, such as horizontal curves, side freedom, intersections, and straight roads have their own impact on the occurrences of road traffic crashes. It was better to visualize the interaction between stated variables and the number of lanes with intersection type. Abbasi et al. (2022) stated that developing artificial lighting at intersections and LEDraised pavement markers on two-lane rural roads could lead to enhanced road safety under dark LCs [20]. Mehdi Hosseinpour et al. (2013) study results of REGOPM on crash severity showed that horizontal curvature, paved shoulder width, terrain type, and side friction were associated with more severe crashes, whereas land use, access points, and the presence of a median reduced the probability of severe crashes [21,22]. In this case, further analysis was required to define the effect of natural light conditions on RTC. Different research on road geometric formation and its impact on road traffic crashes showed different attributes and their level of contribution. Most of the studies focused on a microscopic level, such as selected road segments, rural road networks, intersections, specific numbers of lanes, small road networks, etc. According to my knowledge, there was a research gap on the impact of road geometric formation on road traffic crashes and their severity levels at a macroscopic level, such as at the country or city level. Budapest City was selected due to the fact that the area was urban, with highly networked roads, large territory, and has a high concentration of vehicles and a dense population. In fact, the Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 3 of 25 number of road traffic accidents recorded was also high, and the nature of the data and its accessibility encourages the choice of the city. Moreover, as per study review in Budapest city, the impact of road geometric formation on road traffic crashes at the macroscopic level and their severity rate was not taken into consideration. In spite of that, further investigation was needed to direct the impacts of road geometric formation on road traffic crashes and their severity levels. The main objective of this study was to analyze the impact of road geometric formation on road traffic crashes and their severity levels. For further analysis, the study emphasizes the road’s geometric formation (straight, intersection, horizontal curvature, number of lanes, etc.) and number of lanes. In addition to that, this study tried to highlight the probable causes of road traffic crashes and the relationship between variables. The study used relative frequency distribution for statistical analysis, multinomial logistic regression to analyze the main determinant factor of a road traffic crash, and multilayer perceptron artificial neural network (MLP-ANN) to demonstrate the influences and interaction of road geometric formation and the number of lanes on a road traffic crash and its outcome. In addition to that, it used the severity index (SI) to show the severity level of road geometric formation and the number of lanes that lead to a road traffic crash and its outcome. For explanation, description, and summarizing the output, the study used both inferential and descriptive statistics. 2. Material and Method 2.1. Data Type, Source and Method of Collection This study used road traffic crash data collected by the Hungary government’s Budapest Transportation Authorities as a secondary data source. As a result, Budapest city road traffic crash data was considered as an input for further analysis of the impacts of unsafe and insufficient road geometric formation on traffic crashes. The study area was selected because of the nature of the data, availability, and convenience of the data. In addition to that, there were high and dense traffic crashes registered yearly. To achieve significant results and fulfill the minimum requirement, the study used 5-year data from 2017 to 2021 [20]. For data management and analysis, the study used tools such as Ms. Excel for data organization, a statistical package for social science (SPSS-20) for data analysis and modeling, and Q-GIS for the analysis of location-related information, etc. Each variable and parameter were coded according to data type and priority. 2.2. Variable Definition Depending on the objective of the study and the type of data collected from the authorities, these studies consider variables as dependent and independent to facilitate the analysis. Accordingly, it considers road crashes (outcome) as dependent variables. Whereas the independent variable was described as hourly distribution, collision type, light condition, causes of a crash, geometric formation, pavement surface, number of lanes, speed, weather condition, alcohol consumption, responsible body, etc. 2.3. Method of Analysis The study used relative frequency distribution to further investigate the occurrences and rates of road traffic crashes [23,24]. This study also used multinomial logistic (MNL) regression to analyze the determinant factors of road traffic crashes. To analyze the severity level of road geometric formation and the number of lanes that cause road traffic crashes and their outcomes, the study used the Severity Index (SI). Furthermore, the Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN) was used to show the impacts of road geometric formation and their relationship with the severity level of road traffic crash outcomes. This study also used the Quantum Geographic Information System (Q-GIS) to enable the location of road traffic crashes and analyze spatial information [25]. It also used Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 4 of 25 combined geographical, statistical, and mapping data in the study [26,27]. That was used for mapping road traffic injuries, accident analysis, and the determination of hot spots [28,29]. For a detailed explanation and interpretation of the output, the study used inferential statistics. It also used descriptive statistics to summarize the characteristics of a sample or data set, such as frequency, since it helps us to understand the features of a specific data set by giving short summaries of the sample and measures of the data [30,31]. 2.3.1. Severity Index To analyze the severity level of road geometric formation that causes road traffic crashes and their outcomes, the study used the Severity Index (SI). Empirically, the crash severity index is expressed as shown in Equation (1) below [32]. Seveity Index (SI ) = Number o f Injuries Number o f Death or Total Number o f Crash Total Number o f Crash (1) 2.3.2. Multinomial Logistic Regression Based on the nature of the data, this study used Multinomial Logistic (MNL) Regression to analyze the determinant factor of road traffic crashes. It was an appealing statistical approach in modeling the severity of road traffic crashes because it allows for more than two categories of the dependent or outcome variable and does not require the assumption of normality, linearity, or homoscedasticity [23,24]. It is also used to investigate multi-vehicle collisions in different forms and is appropriate for both non-interstate and interstate crashes involved in [33,34]. The model assumes that there is a series of observations (dependent variable) Ai for i = 1, 2 . . . n. Along with each observation, Ai , there is a set of observed values X1 , . . . , Xn of explanatory variables. The output Ai is categorically distributed based on the outcome of the crash. So, this study categorized road traffic crashes and their outcomes as dependent variables and the others as independent variables. The outcomes of the crash were fatalities, serious injuries, and slight injuries [31]. Ai \ Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Xn , f or i = 1, 2, 3 . . . . . . .n (2) Multinomial Logistic Regression is often written in terms of a latent variable model as stated below. A1i ∗ = β 1∗ Xi + ε 1 A2i ∗ = β 2∗ Xi + ε 2 ........................... Ain∗ = β n∗ Xi + ε n where ε ∼ N 0, ∑ Based on the above relationships, the model that helps to predict road traffic accident can be defined as a predicting variable A. A = β + β 1 X1 + β 2 X2 + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + β n X n + ε (3) where: A = Dependent (predicted) variable; β = Constant; βi = Intercepts; for i = 1, 2, 3 . . . . . . . . . n; ε = Error term; X = independent variables. 2.3.3. Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN) The Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN) is a type of artificial neural network that is used to analyze and model complex patterns and prediction problems [21,22]. It is also used to show the impacts of road geometric formation and its Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 5 of 25 relationship with the severity level of road traffic crash outcomes. It consists of three types of layers: the input layer, output layer, and hidden layer. The input layer receives the input signal (data) to be processed [35]. It was applied in a multilayer feed-forward network to transmit information [36]. It is used to determine its suitability for traffic accident prediction and to analyze the increasing amounts of traffic accident data and road traffic accident causes using machine learning [37–39]. 2.3.4. Multicollinearity Test A multicollinearity test was conducted using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and, showed that the relationship between most of the variables is not significant; with a correlation coefficient less than 0.8 indicating the variables can be used for further analysis. Subjected to information from analysis, a relatively strong relationship was observed between light conditions and hourly distribution (0.289), alcohol consumption, and collision type (0.245). However, the ranges are still within the traditional tolerable limit and the variables can be used for analysis. For more information, see Table A6. 2.3.5. Latent Variable Dispersion A latent variable is a variable that cannot be observed. The presence of latent variables, however, can be detected by their effects on variables that are observable. So, checking overdispersion of both dependent and independent variables is used to select the proper model to analyze the determinant factor of road traffic crashes. The mean and variances of variables are used to define overdispersion. As shown in Table 1, below, the mean of dependent (crash outcome) is greater than the variance. Not only that, more than 80% of independent variables in this study indicated that their mean is greater than their variances. Table 1. Mean and Variance of Variables. Variable Number Valid Missed Mean Variances Dependent Crash Outcome 17,006 0 2.74 0.218 Independent Light Condition Collision Type Road Geometry Reason Pavement Surface Weather Condition Alcohol Consumption Speed Limit 17,006 17,006 17,006 17,006 17,006 17,006 17,006 17,006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.27 3.94 2.35 4.62 1.06 2.66 5.05 2.11 0.233 9.204 0.900 9.821 0.119 0.821 0.512 0.218 Table 1 shown above indicates that the rate of overdispersion is low. In addition to that, the nature of the data also defines model selection. Based on the above evidence, a multinomial logistic regression model was selected to analyze the determinant factor of road traffic crashes. 2.3.6. Data Processing Flow Scheme The general flow scheme of the research methodology for data processing was summarized below (Scheme 1). Sustainability 2022,REVIEW 14, 8475 ability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER 6 of 26 6 of 25 Scheme 1. DataScheme Collection, Management and Analysis Process. 1. Data Collection, Management and Analysis Process. 3. Result and Discussion 3. Result and Discussion of the study attempt identify the analysis output of thediscuss analysis and discuss These sectionsThese of thesections study attempt to identify theto output of the and the findings. It contains the road traffic crash distribution and its frequency the findings. It contains the road traffic crash distribution and its frequency in terms of in terms of independent and cross-tabulation betweenand dependent and independent variables independent variables, andvariables, cross-tabulation between dependent independent variato signify the impact of other variables on road traffic crashes and their outcome. Moreover, bles to signify the impact of other variables on road traffic crashes and their outcome. it cross-tabulates independent variables against each other. In general, Moreover, it cross-tabulates thethe independent variables against each other. In general, thisthis study tried bring reliable findings their implications define impact of road geometric study tried to to bring reliable findings andand their implications thatthat define the the impact of road formation traffic crashes andtheir theirseverity severitylevel. level. For For more more information, geometric formation on on traffic crashes and information, please see the study findings discussed below: please see the study findings discussed below: 3.1. Road Network and Traffic Crash Distribution 3.1. Road Network and Traffic Crash Distribution Figure 1 shown below indicates that since 2017, road traffic crashes in the past 5 years Figure 1 shown below indicates that since 2017, road traffic crashes in the past 5 years have been evenly distributed on the road network. It indicated that a high concentration have been evenly distributed on the road network. It indicated that a high concentration of road traffic crashes was recorded in the downtown (center) of the city. To locate the of road traffic crashes was recorded in the downtown (center) of the city. To locate the concentration of road traffic crashes, the study used Q-GIS. concentration of road traffic crashes, the study used Q-GIS. 2022, 14, xSustainability FOR PEER REVIEW 2022, 14, 8475 7 of 26 Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 25 7 of 26 Figure 1. Road Road Traffic Crash Crash Distribution of study area Figure 1. Road Traffic Crash Distribution of the study area from 2017–2021. Figure 1. Traffic Distribution of the the study areafrom from2017–2021. 2017–2021. 3.2. Traffic Crash Distribution and District DistrictLevel LevelofofConcentration Concentration 3.2. Road Road TrafficDistribution Crash Districtand Distribution and 3.2. Road Traffic Crash District District Level of Concentration The study site has 23 districts. The study tried to rate the level of a road road traffic traffic crash crash in The study site has 23 districts. The study tried to rate the level of a road traffic crash in percentage basedononitsitsconcentration. concentration. As As a result, into three; percentage based result, the thestudy studygrouped groupedthe thearea area into three; in percentage based on 3–6%, its concentration. As a result, the study the areaThe into three; 0–3%, and intermediate, and low, and 0–3%, 3–6%, and 6–9% 6–9% as as high, high, intermediate, andgrouped low,respectively. respectively. Themaximum maximum and 0–3%, 3–6%, andminimum 6–9% as road high,traffic intermediate, and low,were respectively. The maximum and crash XIV with 8.5% and minimum road traffic crashconcentrations concentrations wereobserved observedin inDistrict District XIV with 8.5% and minimum road traffic crash concentrations were observed in District XIV2 2below with 8.5% and 1.9%, respectively. information, see and XXIII with 1.9%, respectively. For Formore more information, seeFigure Figure below andTable TableA1. A1. XXIII with 1.9%, respectively. For more information, see Figure 2 below and Table A1. Figure2. 2. (a,b) (a,b) Road Road Traffic Crash District Figure District Distribution Distributionand andLevel LevelofofConcentration ConcentrationbybyPercent. Percent. Based on the theabove aboveFigure Figure color indicates a highly concentrated road Based on 2b,2b, thethe redred color indicates a highly concentrated road traftraffic crash was observed in districts XIII, and XIV. Relatively, greenand fic crash thatthat was observed in districts X, X, XI,XI, XIII, and XIV. Relatively, thethe greenand Figure 2. (a,b) Roadorange-colored Traffic Crash District Distribution and Level of Concentration by Percent. districts had a low and intermediate concentration of road traffic crashes Based on the above Figure 2b, the red color indicates a highly concentrated road traffic crash that was observed in districts X, XI, XIII, and XIV. Relatively, the green- and Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 8 of 25 orange-colored districts had a low and intermediate concentration of road traffic crashes and their outcomes. As a result, further investigation and remedial action were needed in those stated districts by the stakeholders to minimize road traffic crash severity in the study area. 3.3. Road Geometry Formation and Frequency of Road Traffic Crash This part of the study deals with the frequency of road traffic crashes in line with the geometric form of the road. Table 2 shown below indicates how road traffic crashes and their outcomes vary with road geometric formation. Table 2. Road Geometry Formation and Traffic Crash Frequency. Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others Total Frequency Percent 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 31.3 4.3 63.7 0.8 100.0 According to Table 2, approximately 63.7% and 31.3% of road traffic accidents occurred on straight and intersection sections of the road network, respectively. Even if a high number of road traffic crashes are observed on the straight road segments, the intersection part of the road also contributes to significant road traffic crashes. As a result, the stakeholders must identify causes and problems on the straight part of the road to minimize road traffic crashes in the study area. Crashes are not only high at the straight part of the road, in comparison with areal coverage, the rate of crashes at intersections is relatively high. Further investigation was also needed at the intersection part of the road. 3.4. Road Geometry Formation and Road Traffic Crash Outcome As shown in Table 3 below, a high number of fatalities and injuries were registered on the straight part of the road segment. A relatively significant number of fatalities and injuries are also registered at intersections. Even though the straight section of the road had a high number of accidents, in terms of areal coverage, the intersection part of the road also played a significant role in the occurrences of road traffic accidents. As a result, to minimize the number of deaths, further investigation was needed on both straight and intersection parts of the road. Table 3. Cross-tabulation of Crash Outcome and Road Geometric Formation. Crash Outcome Slight Injuries Serious Injuries Fatality Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others Total 4192 529 7989 81 12,791 1081 177 2693 48 3999 46 20 143 7 216 3.5. Road Geometric Formation and Severity Level of Traffic Crash Distinct from accident frequency, the crash severity index provides the severity of each crash outcome registered during a specific time. Based on Equation (1) above, this study tried to analyze the severity level of the road geometric formation based on the number of deaths and injuries. Table 4 shown above indicates that the number of road traffic crash outcomes varies in different parts of the road section. A high level of severity in terms of death, serious and slight injuries is observed at the horizontal curve, straight and intersection parts of the road, respectively. Even if the number of deaths is high on the straight part of the road, the level of severity in terms of deaths cannot indicate this part of the road. As a result, Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 9 of 25 in the specified study area, horizontally curved road geometry was the most severe. In order to reduce the severity level of the road in the study area, additional research into the horizontal curve of the road network was required. Table 4. Road Geometric Formation and Its Severity Level. Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others SI @ I SI @ HC SI @ SR 4192 529 7989 81 0.788 0.729 0.738 1081 177 2693 48 0.203 0.244 0.249 20 143 7 0.009 0.028 0.013 Slight Injuries Serious Injuries Fatality 46 Where; SI—Severity Index, I—Intersection, HC—Horizontal Curve, SR—Straight Road. 3.6. Multinomial Logistic (MNL) Regression On the basis of the nature of the data, this study categorized road traffic crashes and their outcomes as dependent and independent variables. The outcomes of the crash were fatalities, serious injuries, and slight injuries. The result of the analysis indicated that there was a relationship between road traffic accidents and their potential determinants. The results of the cause-effect analysis of the variables listed in Table 5 revealed that fatality is highly related to light conditions, collision type, alcohol consumption, and speed limit. Meanwhile, serious injuries are highly related to collision type, road geometric formation, and the reason for the occurrence of road traffic crashes. It considers slight injuries as the reference category. So, light condition, collision type, alcohol consumption, road geometry formation, speed limit, and reason for road traffic crashes were determinant factors and had a significant effect on the occurrences of road traffic accidents at a p-value of 0.05. Table 5. Determinant Factor of Road Traffic Crash and Its Outcome. Parameter Estimates Crash Outcome β Std. Error Wald df Sig. Exp(β) 95% Confidence Interval for Exp(β) Lower Bound Upper Bound Fatality Intercept WC LC CT RG AC R PS VL −14.340 0.169 0.505 0.118 −0.038 1.216 0.064 0.262 0.727 0.941 0.076 0.125 0.028 0.085 0.176 0.026 0.139 0.090 232.268 4.917 16.464 17.357 0.202 47.942 6.006 3.559 65.023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.653 0.000 0.014 0.059 0.000 1.184 1.657 1.125 0.963 3.374 1.066 1.299 2.069 1.020 1.298 1.064 0.816 2.391 1.013 0.990 1.734 1.375 2.115 1.189 1.136 4.760 1.122 1.705 2.469 Serious Injuries Intercept WC LC CT RG AC R PS VL −2.367 0.008 0.126 0.039 0.104 0.031 0.058 0.152 0.013 0.187 0.020 0.038 0.007 0.020 0.027 0.006 0.049 0.040 159.628 0.147 11.251 35.082 25.784 1.251 85.482 9.831 0.098 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.701 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.263 0.000 0.002 0.754 1.008 1.135 1.039 1.109 1.031 1.060 1.164 1.013 0.969 1.054 1.026 1.066 0.977 1.047 1.059 0.936 1.048 1.222 1.053 1.155 1.088 1.073 1.281 1.096 a. The reference category is: Slight Injuries. Where; WC—Weather Condition, LC—Light Condition, CT—Collision Type, RG—Road Geometry, AC—Alcohol Consumption, R—Reason, PS—Pavement Surface, VL—Speed Limit, β—Parameter estimate (Coefficient). Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 10 of 25 As a result, stakeholders must concentrate on those factors in order to reduce road traffic accidents. On the basis of the above findings, the model that helps to determine the significant level of road traffic accidents can be expressed using the following traffic accident (A) predicting equation. A = β + β 1 WC + β 2 LC + β 3 CT + β 4 RG + β 5 AC + β 6 R + β 7 PS + β 8 VL + ε(error ) 3.7. Collision Type and Road Traffic Crash Outcome A collision in transportation happens between a vehicle and an object, a vehicle and a pedestrian, etc., and that plays a significant role in the occurrences of a road traffic crash. As shown in Table 6 below, collisions of vehicles with pedestrians result in a high number of road traffic fatalities. Collisions with vehicles, particularly rear-end collisions, play a significant role. Not only were there fatalities, but there were also numerous injuries as a result of rear-end collisions, and vehicle collisions with pedestrians. Table 6. Cross Tabulation between Collusion Type and Road Traffic Crash Outcome. Crash Outcome Collusion Types Collision with Animals Collision with Pedestrian Pileup Collision Collision with Object Head on Collision Side Swipe Collision Side Impact Collision Rear End Collision Total Fatality Serious Injuries Slight Injuries Total 0 5 8 13 122 1394 2574 4090 6 7 27 1 4 49 177 114 427 12 302 1568 1456 291 1468 46 1164 5784 1639 412 1922 59 1470 7401 216 3999 12,791 17,006 As a result, a high number of road traffic deaths and injuries were registered due to collisions happening between vehicles and pedestrians, vehicles and vehicles (rear-end collision). Further investigation was needed to minimize pedestrian deaths and injuries. 3.8. Artificial Neural Network (ANN): Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) In this study, MLP-ANN was used to analyze and show the relationship between dependent and independent variables. To extract the output, the study used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS-20). It provides specific information on which variables have a significant impact on the occurrence and outcome of road traffic accidents. Figure 3 shown below indicates the impact of road geometric formation and the number of lanes on road traffic crashes and their outcome. The model attempted to understand the relationship between the training data and be evaluated on the test data. In this case, 70% of the data is used for training and 30% for testing. The output of the model summary between the input of road geometry and number of lanes and the output of road traffic accidents indicated that the percent of incorrect predictions for training was 25%. Table 7 below indicates that in both cases, the incorrect prediction for testing was less than 25%. So, the model was a good fit with a training and testing error of 25%. This shows that the model prediction level was correct and accurate above 75% [40]. Sustainability Sustainability2022, 2022,14, 14,8475 x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 11 ofof2625 Figure 3. Road Geometric Formation and Number of Lane Impact on Road Traffic Crash Outcome. Figure 3. Road Geometric Formation and Number of Lane Impact on Road Traffic Crash Outcome. Where; RG—Road Geometric Formation, RG-1—Intersection, RG-2—Horizontal Curve, RG-3— Where; RG—Road Geometric Formation, RG-1—Intersection, RG-2—Horizontal Curve, RG-3— Straight Road, RG-5—Other (Unknown). NL—Number of Lane, NL-1—One Lane, NL-2—Two Straight Road, RG-5—Other (Unknown). NL—Number Lane, NL-1—One Lane, NL-2—TwoOutLane, Lane, NL-3—Three Lane, and Above, and NL-4—Otherof(Unknown). Whereas: CO-1—Crash NL-3—Three Lane, and Above, and NL-4—Other (Unknown). Whereas: CO-1—Crash Outcome come (Fatality), CO-2—Crash Outcome (Serious Injuries), and CO-3—Crash Outcome (Slight Inju(Fatality), CO-2—Crash Outcome (Serious Injuries), and CO-3—Crash Outcome (Slight Injuries). ries). Table The 7. Model Summary of Error Computations the Training and Testing and model attempted to understand theBoth relationship between the training be evaluated on the test data. In this case, 70% of the data is used for training and 30% for Road Geometry Number of Lane testing. The output of the model summary between the input of road geometry and numCrossof Entropy Error accidents indicated 7355.623 7287.471 ber Training of lanes and the output road traffic that the percent of incorrect Percent Incorrect Predictions 25.0% 25.0% predictions for training was 25%. Table 7 below indicates that in both cases, the incorrect Cross Entropy ErrorSo, the model 2993.791 prediction for testing was less than 25%. was a good fit with a3103.688 training and Testing Percent Incorrect Predictions 24.3% 24.2% testing error of 25%. This shows that the model prediction level was correct and accurate above 75% [40]. Dependent Variable: Crash Outcome Table 7. Model Summary of Error Computations Both the Training and Testing Samples. The blue and gray lines in Figure 3 show the positive and negative bond between the Roadweight Geometry of Lane In dependent and independent variables, whose synaptic is >0 andNumber <0, respectively. this diagram, road geometry, and the number of lanes were input (independent variables), Cross Entropy Error 7355.623 7287.471 Training and crash outcome (road Incorrect traffic accident) was output (dependent variable). 25.0% Percent Predictions 25.0% The intersectionCross part of the road has a strong and positive contribution to the ocEntropy Error 2993.791 3103.688 Testingof road traffic crashes that cause fatalities, whereas the horizontal curve of the currences Percent Incorrect Predictions 24.3% 24.2% road network has a strongDependent and positive impactCrash on the occurrence of slight injuries. The Variable: Outcome straight section of the road has a positive but relatively minor impact on the occurrence of trafficThe accidents. blue and gray lines in Figure 3 show the positive and negative bond between the In addition to that, one-lane and two-lane roads hadweight a strong positive contribution dependent and independent variables, whose synaptic is >and 0 and < 0, respectively. to of road traffic and injuries. Simultaneously, three-lane and above-average Inthe thisoccurrence diagram, road geometry, the number of lanes were input (independent variaroads have a significant positive and strong impact on the occurrences of minor injuries. bles), and crash outcome (road traffic accident) was output (dependent variable). It alsoThe hasintersection a relativelypart positive stronger oncontribution the occurrences death. of theand roadslightly has a strong andimpact positive to theofoccurSo, this indicates that road geometric formation has an impact on the occurrence of road rences of road traffic crashes that cause fatalities, whereas the horizontal curve of the road traffic injuries. network has a strong and positive impact on the occurrence of slight injuries. The straight section of the road has a positive but relatively minor impact on the occurrence of traffic 3.9. Road Traffic Crash Level of Severity and Road Geometric Formation accidents. The outcome of the crash analysis indicated that a highly severe accident was registered on a straight road. Based on Table 8 shown below, from total road traffic crash Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 12 of 25 outcomes, a high number of deaths and injuries were registered on the straight road sections. Relatively, in line with coverage, the level of accidents and injuries was also high at the intersection part of the road. Table 8. Cross Tabulation of Road Traffic Crash Outcome and Road Geometric Formation. Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others Total Fatality Serious Injuries Slight Injuries 46 1081 4192 20 177 529 143 2693 7989 7 48 81 216 3999 12,791 Total 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 As a result, further investigation was needed to minimize the number of deaths and injuries that happen at straight and intersection parts of the road network in the study area. 3.10. Road Geometric Formation and Related Causes of Road Traffic Crash As shown in Table A3, a high number of road traffic crashes was registered due to the improper use of traffic control devices such as traffic signs, signals, and marks. The causes and primary reason for the occurrences of a road traffic crash at an intersection, horizontal curve, and straight part of the road segment was improper use of road sign, road pavement condition, and stopping sight distance problem, respectively. So, improper use of road traffic control devices has a significant impact on the occurrences of a road traffic crash that causes enormous loss of life and physical damage. 3.11. Road Geometric Formation and Traffic Collision Type Road traffic collisions are a probable cause of road traffic crashes and accidents in the transportation system. Table 9 clearly defines the relationship between road geometric formation and road traffic collisions. Based on statistical data collected from secondary sources, collisions between vehicles(rear-end collisions) highly happen in all road geometric formations of the road network. In addition to that, the collision of vehicles with pedestrians plays a great role in the occurrence of road traffic crashes and accidents. Mostly, road traffic crashes happen on straight road segments that are the result of rear-end collisions. Table 9. Cross Tabulation of Collision Type and Road Geometric Formation. Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others Total Collision with Animals Collision with Pedestrian Pileup Collision Collision with Object Head on Collision Side Swipe Collision Side Impact Collision Rear End Collision 1 668 112 21 925 6 1011 2575 2 81 41 52 141 4 18 387 10 3258 1485 332 850 49 438 4403 0 83 1 7 6 0 3 36 13 4090 1639 412 1922 59 1470 7401 Total 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 As a result, a high number of road traffic crashes were registered due to collisions happening between vehicles, and vehicles with pedestrians on a stated road geometric formation. Mostly, vehicle collisions, such as rear-end collisions, play a significant role in the occurrences of road traffic crashes on straight and intersection segments of the road. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 13 of 25 3.12. Road Geometric Formation and Traffic Crash Hourly Distribution Table A2 indicated that in 1-hour distribution, a high number of road traffic crashes were registered from 16:01–17:00. Concomitantly, in the 3-hour distribution in Table 10 below, the maximum crash was registered at 15:01–18:00. As a result, this study considers 16:01–17:00 as a peak hour for road traffic crashes at all road geometric formations. Table 10. Cross Tabulation of Road Geometric Formation and 3-hour Distribution of Traffic Crash. Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others Total 0:00–3:00 3:01–6:00 6:01–9:00 9:01–12:00 12:01–15:00 15:01–18:00 18:01–21:00 21:01–24:00 88 126 874 982 993 1197 750 309 47 40 80 101 121 153 115 69 282 265 1625 1895 1925 2577 1576 680 9 1 12 15 24 37 24 14 426 432 2591 2993 3063 3964 2465 1072 Total 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 3.13. Road Traffic Crash Frequency and Number of Lane According to Table 11, a high number of road traffic crashes were observed at one-lane road geometric formations that accounted for more than 55.85%. Table 11. Number of lane and Road Traffic Crash Frequency. Frequency Percent 9483 4459 2791 273 17,006 55.8 26.2 16.4 1.6 100.0 One Lane Two Lane Three and Above Lane Others Total 3.14. Road Traffic Crash Outcome and Number of Lane Table 12 shows that one-lane road geometry formations had the highest number of road traffic deaths and injuries. It shows that as the number of lanes increased, there was a reduction in the number of crashes and their outcome. So, road with three lanes and above has minor role in the occurrence and outcome of the crash. Table 12. Cross Tabulation of Number of Lane and Road Traffic Crash outcome. Number of Lane Crash Outcome Fatality Serious Injuries Slight Injuries Total One Lane Two Lane Three and Above Lane Others Total 95 2281 7107 65 999 3395 48 624 2119 8 95 170 216 3999 12,791 9483 4459 2791 273 17,006 3.15. Interaction of Road Geometric Formation and Number of Lane on Traffic Crash Table 13 below shows that although the number of road traffic crashes on a one-lane road is high, in all lane formations, a high number of road crashes and their outcomes were registered at the straight and intersection parts of the road geometry formation. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 14 of 25 Table 13. Road Geometric Formation and Number of Lane for the Occurrence of Traffic Crash. One Lane Two Lane Three and Above Lane Others Total Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others 3374 451 5656 2 1284 181 2992 2 633 84 2072 2 28 10 105 130 5319 726 10,825 136 Total 9483 4459 2791 273 17,006 3.16. Number of Lane and Severity Level of Road Traffic Crash Based on equation 1 stated above, this study tried to analyze the severity level of the road lane number based on the number of road traffic fatalities and injuries registered. Table 14 shown above indicates that even if the number of road traffic crash outcomes varies according to the number of lanes, a high level of severity in terms of fatalities, serious injuries, and slight injuries was observed at three and above, one-, and two-lane roads, respectively. Even if the number of deaths and slight injuries is high on one-lane roads, the level of severity is high at three-lane and two-lane road geometry configurations. Table 14. Number of Lane and Severity Level of Road Geometric Formation. One Lane Two Lane Three Lane and Above Others SI @ OL SI @ TL SI @ >THL SI @ O Slight Injuries Serious Injuries Fatality 7107 2281 95 3395 999 65 2119 624 48 170 95 8 0.749 0.241 0.010 0.761 0.224 0.015 0.759 0.224 0.017 0.623 0.348 0.029 Total 9483 4459 2791 273 Where; SI—Severity Index, @-at, OL—One Lane, TL—Two Lane, THL—Three Lane and above, O—others (Unknowns). 3.17. Causes and Hourly Distribution of Road Traffic Crash As shown in Table A4 below, a high number of road traffic crashes were registered due to the improper use of traffic control devices such as traffic signs, signals, and marks. In the 3-hour distribution, a high road traffic crash happened at 15:01–18:00 due to the improper use of a road traffic control device. In addition to that, a high concentration of road traffic crashes was registered at 16:01–17:00 based on a 1-hour distribution, and the study considers this time as the peak hour for the occurrences of road traffic crashes. 3.18. Causes and Road Traffic Crash Outcome Road traffic accidents such as fatalities, serious injuries, and slight injuries are the outcomes of road traffic crashes that happen for different reasons. Based on Table A5 below, the study indicated that the maximum number of deaths and injuries registered were caused by the improper use of road traffic signs. 3.19. Frequency of Road Traffic Crash and Responsible Body As shown in Table 15, different participants contributed to the occurrences of the road traffic crash to varying degrees. This study indicated that drivers contributed more than 82.6% of the road traffic crash frequency in the study area. This shows the driver was responsible for the death and injuries of road users. Furthermore, pedestrians also play a significant role in the occurrence of road traffic accidents. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 15 of 25 Table 15. Road traffic Crash Frequency and Responsible Body. Frequency Percent Driver Passenger Pedestrian Failure of Traffic Control Devices Vehicular Failure Others 14,041 76 1803 10 1056 20 82.6 0.4 10.6 0.1 6.2 0.1 Total 17,006 100.0 As indicated above, most road traffic crashes happen due to the improper use of road traffic signs by drivers and pedestrians. As a result, it was advisable for the stakeholders to train road users, mostly drivers, how to properly use road traffic control devices and apply law enforcement that is used to minimize the occurrences of road traffic crashes and their outcomes in the study area. 3.20. Road Traffic Crash Outcome and Responsible Body Table 16, shown below, indicates that drivers can contribute to a huge loss of life and injuries. As a result, the driver bears a large portion of the blame for road traffic accidents that result in significant loss of life and physical harm to other road users. Table 16. Cross Tabulation of Responsible Body and Road Traffic Crash Outcome. Fatality Serious Injuries Slight Injuries Total 0 16 7 202 13 838 20 1056 Others Vehicular Failure Failure of Traffic Control Devices Pedestrian Passenger Driver 0 1 9 10 87 0 113 621 29 3139 1095 47 10,789 1803 76 14,041 Total 216 3999 12,791 17,006 3.21. Road Geometric Formation and Responsible Body in Traffic Crash Table 17, shown below, indicates that the driver was highly responsible for the occurrence of road traffic crashes on all parts of the road network. In addition to driver problems and errors, vehicular failure plays a vital role in the occurrence of road traffic crashes at the intersection parts of the road network. Pedestrians also play a significant role in the occurrence of road traffic crashes. So, drivers and pedestrians have a significant role in the occurrences of road traffic crashes at the stated road geometric formation. Table 17. Cross Tabulation of Road Geometric Formation and Responsible Body in Traffic Crash. Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others Total 1 740 4 11 15 304 0 1 20 1056 Others Vehicular Failure Failure of Traffic Control Devices Pedestrian Passenger Driver 3 2 4 1 10 169 3 4403 42 1 666 1556 71 8875 36 1 97 1803 76 14,041 Total 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 16 of 25 4. Conclusions and Recommendation Road geometric formation has an impact on the occurrences of road traffic crashes and their outcomes. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of road geometric formation on road traffic crashes and their outcome. For further analyze the impact of road geometric formation on road traffic crash and its outcome, the study used Budapest city road traffic crash data based on the nature, convenience, and availability. The study used tools such as Microsoft Excel, the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS-20), and Quantum Geographic Information System (Q-GIS) for data organization and analysis. Multinomial logistic (MNL) regression is used to identify determinants of road traffic crashes. The Severity Index (SI) is used to rate the level of severity of determinant factors. A Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN) is used to analyze the determinant factors and the impacts of road geometric formation. The study used both inferential and descriptive statistics. Multicollinearity tests, p-value, overdispersion, and other statistical model testing were undertaken to analyze the significance of the data and variable for modeling and analysis. This study considers a variable which had a correlation coefficient less than 80%. The maximum variable similarity was observed between light conditions and hourly distribution with a value of 28.9%. Alcohol consumption and collision type were also responsible for 24.5% of the similarities. As a result, all variables were used for analysis and modeling. Both dependent and independent variables for model selection were undertaken with an overdispersion test by comparing the mean and variance of the data. The analysis indicated that more than 80% of the data was not overdispersed. As a result, multinomial logistic regression was selected for analysis determinant factor. In addition, the p-value was used to determine the level of accuracy. The variable used for model development was considered with a p-value of 0.05. This means the accuracy level of the analysis was more than 95%. In Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network analysis, the percentage of incorrect predictions both for testing and training was analyzed. The analysis indicated that the percentage of incorrect predictions was less than 25%, which shows the accuracy level of the model was 75% and above. So, the model was a good fit with some training and testing errors. The result of the study indicated that a high frequency of road traffic crashes and their outcomes are observed in straight road geometric formations that account for around 63.7%. The horizontal curve of the road is a severe road geometric. In addition to that, a high number of road traffic crashes and their outcomes were registered on one-lane roads. However, the severity level was high at three-lanes and above. The Multinomial Logistic (MNL) Regression Model output indicated that light conditions, collision type, alcohol consumption, speed limit, and road geometric formation have significant impacts on the occurrences of road traffic crashes and their outcomes. In terms of collisions, a high number of road traffic deaths and injuries were registered due to collisions happening between vehicles and vehicles with pedestrians. Vehicle collisions (especially rear-end collisions) play an important role in the occurrence of road traffic crashes at straight and intersection parts of the road geometry. According to the Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN), road horizontal curved geometry has a positive and significant relationship with road traffic fatalities. The intersection and horizontal curve had positive interactions and a strong impact on the occurrences of slight injuries. Concomitantly, the one-lane road has positive and strong interaction with road traffic and causes serious and slight injuries. Meanwhile, two-lane roads had a positive and strong interaction with road traffic and slight injuries. In this case, one-lane and three-lane roads have a positive impact on the number of fatalities on the road. While comparing the statistical analysis results of the models stated above, even if in MNL-regression model, road geometry was not a determinant factor for fatal road traffic Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 17 of 25 accidents, the MLP-ANN model indicates that intersection road geometric formation has a strong and positive impact on the occurrences of fatal road traffic accidents. While the severity index analysis indicated that the highest severity value was registered on the horizontal curvature of road geometry, in contrast, the MLP-ANN showed that the impact of horizontal curve road geometry has a strong and positive impact on the incidence of slight injuries. On three-lane and above roads, which are highly severe road networks in this study, the finding of the MLP-ANN model supports that three-lane above-roads had a slightly strong and positive impact on the occurrences of fatal road traffic accidents. A high number of road traffic crashes were registered due to the improper use of traffic control devices. The primary reasons for the occurrences of a road traffic crash at an intersection, horizontal curve, and straight road geometric formation were the improper use of road traffic signs; road pavement condition, and stopping sight distance problems, respectively. For the occurrences of road traffic crashes and their outcomes, 16:01–17:00 was a peak hour at all geometries of the road. In this study, the driver played a vital role in the occurrences of road traffic crashes and their outcomes accounted for more than 82.6%. This shows the driver was responsible for the occurrences of road traffic crashes and their outcomes in all of the road geometric formations. Since most road traffic crashes and their outcomes happen due to the improper use of road traffic signs, this study recommends and advises stakeholders to train road users, primarily drivers, on how to properly use road traffic control devices and respect rules and regulations to reduce the occurrences and outcomes of road traffic crashes. In addition to that, to overcome this problem, further investigation is needed to understand the reason behind why road users were not properly using traffic control devices, and detailed remedial action must be undertaken on traffic control device usage. In general, the stakeholders must emphasize the above-indicated determinant factors to mitigate the problem. Author Contributions: The first author (D.J.) of this study contribution was gap identification, literature review, data collection and organization, result analysis and preparation of draft paper. The co-author (T.S.) followed up over all activity of the research work, review and comments, participated in result analysis work, etc. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by the Tempus Public Foundation (Hungary) within the framework of Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship. Informed Consent Statement: Not Applicable. Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy. Acknowledgments: It gives us great pleasure to honor those who contributed their precious time in reviewing and commenting on the report while conducting this research article. The research was supported by OTKA-K20-134760—Heterogeneity in user preferences and its impact on transport project appraisal led by Adam TOROK and by OTKA-K21-138053—Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of road transport technologies and interventions by Mária Szalmáné Dr. Csete. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 18 of 25 Appendix A Table A1. Road Traffic Crash District Distribution. Budapest District Frequency Percent 435 819 903 592 553 578 583 987 861 1089 1312 401 1353 1442 694 456 669 701 516 581 583 434 329 135 17,006 2.6 4.8 5.3 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.4 5.8 5.1 6.4 7.7 2.4 8.0 8.5 4.1 2.7 3.9 4.1 3.0 3.4 3.4 2.6 1.9 0.8 100.0 District I District II District III District IV District V District VI District VII District VIII District IX District X District XI District XII District XIII District XIV District XV District XVI District XVII District XVIII District XIX District XX District XXI District XXII District XXIII Unknown Total Table A2. Cross Tabulation of Hourly Distribution of Road Traffic Crash and Geometric Formation. Road Geometry Formation Intersection Horizontal Curve 1-hour Distribution. 0:00–1:00 1:01–2:00 2:01–3:00 3:01–4:00 4:01–5:00 5:01–6:00 6:01–7:00 7:01–8:00 8:01–9:00 9:01–10:00 10:01–11:00 11:01–12:00 12:01–13:00 13:01–14:00 14:01–15:00 15:01–16:00 16:01–17:00 17:01–18:00 18:01–19:00 19:01–20:00 20:01–21:00 21:01–22:00 22:01–23:00 23:01–24:00 Total Straight Road Others Total 37 25 26 30 25 71 190 333 351 320 351 311 333 348 312 362 431 404 339 238 173 133 108 68 21 19 7 16 11 13 23 30 27 33 28 40 40 49 32 45 59 49 53 34 28 24 28 17 126 84 72 64 61 140 358 620 647 629 613 653 619 653 653 751 950 876 667 549 360 301 247 132 1 6 2 0 0 1 3 4 5 6 6 3 5 9 10 9 17 11 13 8 3 4 6 4 185 134 107 110 97 225 574 987 1030 988 998 1007 997 1059 1007 1167 1457 1340 1072 829 564 462 389 221 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 19 of 25 Table A3. Cross Tabulation of Primary Reason for Road Traffic Crash and Geometric Formation. Road Geometry Formation Primary Reason Failure of Brake Careless Driving Chassis Failure Disruption of Oncoming Vehicle Driver Distraction Road Crossing Disturbing Behaviors Early Starting of Vehicle Engine Failure Entering to the Market Failure to Illuminate Vehicle Glare with Reflector Animal Improper use of Road Sign Improper use of Lane In attention during Takeoff and Landing Invisibility at Bend and Bump Irregular Evasion Irregular Lane Change Irregular Reversal Irregular Transport of Passenger and Goods Irregular Turn Jumping in or out of the vehicle Lack of Side Spacing Leaving Child an attended Malaise Obstructing Straight line Traffic Overloading Overtaking another Vehicle Passing in front of Stationery Object Passing through Prohibited Place Non-Priority for Electric Vehicle Non-priority for Pedestrian Road Pavement Condition Rubber Defect Traffic Signal Failure Traffic Signal Negligence Sleeping Slipperiness Over speed Steering Failure Stopping Sight Distance Vehicle Technical Problem Traffic Condition Vehicle using Distractive Sign Violation of Left Turn Rule Violation of Right Turn Rule Weather and Visibility Others Total Total Intersection Horizontal Curve Straight Road Others 2 84 1 4 0 2 5 0 40 0 0 1 1974 10 0 0 2 49 11 1 18 0 2 1 4 124 61 0 4 20 37 437 103 0 2 734 1 2 7 0 123 3 41 18 757 550 9 75 2 31 0 3 0 0 2 0 7 0 1 2 27 8 0 4 1 23 3 0 3 0 7 0 4 23 26 0 4 10 0 32 350 0 1 7 6 1 4 0 33 2 9 0 22 4 37 27 1 788 2 18 3 49 26 2 384 1 0 9 771 44 13 0 31 644 243 3 143 2 104 11 32 326 388 2 188 256 37 1126 1428 7 6 253 36 3 17 4 1712 17 314 23 522 162 134 540 0 23 0 0 0 2 3 0 11 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 1 8 0 2 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 21 5 926 3 25 3 53 36 2 442 1 1 12 2776 62 13 4 34 717 274 4 164 2 113 12 40 475 486 2 197 294 74 1597 1906 7 9 994 43 6 28 4 1869 24 365 41 1301 717 180 663 5319 726 10,825 136 17,006 Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 20 of 25 Table A4. Cross Tabulation of Primary Reason for Road Traffic Crash and 3-hour Distributions. 3-Hour Dist. Primary Reason Total 0:00–3:00 3:01–6:00 6:01–9:00 9:01–12:00 12:01–15:00 15:01–18:00 18:01–21:00 21:01–24:00 Failure of Brake 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 5 Careless Driving 25 13 134 147 166 200 169 72 926 Chassis Failure 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 Disruption of Oncoming Vehicle 1 1 6 1 3 3 7 3 25 Driver Distraction 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 Road Crossing Disturbing Behaviors 4 3 6 5 7 6 15 7 53 Early Starting of Vehicle 1 0 6 5 7 13 2 2 36 Engine Failure 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 Entering to the Market 3 7 80 78 92 113 54 15 442 Failure to Illuminate Vehicle 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Glare with Reflector 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Animal 1 0 3 2 3 1 1 1 12 Improper use of Road Sign 56 73 448 467 529 634 381 188 2776 Improper use of Lane 2 2 9 5 13 16 14 1 62 In attention during Takeoff and Landing 1 0 1 1 0 7 3 0 13 Invisibility at Bend and Bump 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 4 Irregular Evasion 0 0 11 7 5 7 3 1 34 Irregular Lane Change 9 12 135 139 154 142 96 30 717 Irregular Reversal 2 2 30 85 65 59 26 5 274 Irregular Transport of Passenger and Goods 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 4 Irregular Turn 2 4 30 30 27 41 21 9 164 Jumping in or out of the vehicle 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Lack of Side Spacing 2 2 16 16 25 27 17 8 113 Leaving Child an attended 0 0 1 2 2 7 0 0 12 Malaise 0 0 5 18 10 5 0 2 40 Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 21 of 25 Table A4. Cont. 3-Hour Dist. 0:00–3:00 3:01–6:00 6:01–9:00 Obstructing Straight line Traffic 6 3 72 Overloading 10 8 55 Overtaking another Vehicle 0 0 0 0 1 Passing in front of Stationery Object 6 1 41 27 33 Passing through Prohibited Place 5 8 52 44 43 Non-Priority for Electric Vehicle 1 0 10 17 15 Non-priority for Pedestrian 18 35 299 274 Road Pavement Condition 172 113 208 0 0 1 Rubber Defect Total 9:01–12:00 Total 12:01–15:00 15:01–18:00 18:01–21:00 21:01–24:00 87 96 124 62 25 475 102 100 121 59 31 486 0 0 1 2 53 33 3 197 59 57 26 294 16 10 5 74 195 436 268 72 1597 233 302 353 297 228 1906 0 3 2 1 0 7 Traffic Signal Failure 0 0 0 2 4 1 1 1 9 Traffic Signal Negligence 26 43 135 166 181 212 158 73 994 Sleeping 6 11 4 3 3 11 5 0 43 Slipperiness 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 6 Over speed 2 0 4 4 5 8 1 4 28 Steering Failure 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 Stopping Sight Distance 14 24 262 404 363 506 227 69 1869 Vehicle Technical Problem 0 1 2 4 10 5 2 0 24 Traffic Condition 6 12 41 82 71 95 44 14 365 Vehicle using Distractive Sign 0 1 3 11 10 8 4 4 41 Violation of Left Turn Rule 6 22 208 257 228 308 204 68 1301 Violation of Right Turn Rule 4 7 142 133 142 167 99 23 717 Weather and Visibility 8 9 35 24 25 27 26 26 180 Others 27 15 88 106 119 166 92 50 663 426 432 2591 2993 3063 3964 2465 1072 17,006 Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 22 of 25 Table A5. Cross Tabulation of Road Traffic Crash Outcome and Its Primary Reason. Crash Outcome Primary Reason Failure of Brake Careless Driving Chassis Failure Disruption of Oncoming Vehicle Driver Distraction Road Crossing Disturbing Behaviors Early Starting of Vehicle Engine Failure Entering to the Market Failure to Illuminate Vehicle Glare with Reflector Animal Improper use of Road Sign Improper use of Lane In attention during Takeoff and Landing Invisibility at Bend and Bump Irregular Evasion Irregular Lane Change Irregular Reversal Irregular Transport of Passenger and Goods Irregular Turn Jumping in or out of the vehicle Lack of Side Spacing Leaving Child an attended Malaise Obstructing Straight line Traffic Overloading Overtaking another Vehicle Passing in front of Stationery Object Passing through Prohibited Place Non-Priority for Electric Vehicle Non-priority for Pedestrian Road Pavement Condition Rubber Defect Traffic Signal Failure Traffic Signal Negligence Sleeping Slipperiness Over speed Steering Failure Stopping Sight Distance Vehicle Technical Problem Traffic Condition Vehicle using Distractive Sign Violation of Left Turn Rule Violation of Right Turn Rule Weather and Visibility Others Total Fatality Serious Injuries Slight Injuries Total 0 26 0 2 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 1 6 4 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 17 0 23 20 0 0 16 0 0 5 0 6 0 2 0 11 2 1 17 3 298 0 8 3 17 6 0 95 0 0 5 589 20 2 2 5 141 79 1 48 1 30 0 6 118 145 0 62 102 19 529 550 2 0 194 8 1 6 0 188 9 85 6 286 116 31 183 2 602 3 15 0 33 30 2 342 1 1 7 2149 42 11 2 28 570 191 3 113 1 83 12 31 354 341 2 133 175 55 1045 1336 5 9 784 35 5 17 4 1675 15 278 35 1004 599 148 463 5 926 3 25 3 53 36 2 442 1 1 12 2776 62 13 4 34 717 274 4 164 2 113 12 40 475 486 2 197 294 74 1597 1906 7 9 994 43 6 28 4 1869 24 365 41 1301 717 180 663 216 3999 12,791 17,006 Sustainability 2022, 14, 8475 23 of 25 Table A6. Pearson Correlation Coefficient (Matrix). Correlation 3-Hour Distribution Budapest District Crash Outcome Weather Condition Light Condition Collusion Types Primary Reason Road Geometry Alcohol Consumption Specific Reason Pavement Surface Number of Lane Speed Limit 3-hour Dist. Budapest District Crash Outcome Weather Condition Light Condition Collusion Types Primary Reason Road Geometry Alcohol Consumption Specific Reason Pavement Surface Number of Lane Speed limit 1 −0.008 −0.003 −0.031 ** 0.289 ** 0.027 ** −0.006 0.013 0.031 ** 0.023 ** 0.014 0.014 −0.017 * −0.008 1 −0.003 −0.008 −0.015 −0.024 ** 0.001 −0.073 ** −0.040 ** −0.064 ** −0.003 −0.131 ** 0.142 ** −0.003 −0.003 1 −0.003 −0.050 ** −0.105 ** 0.054 ** −0.060 ** −0.071 ** −0.057 ** −0.034 ** −0.011 −0.017 * −0.031 ** −0.008 −0.003 1 −0.140 ** −0.009 0.018 * 0.004 0.023 ** 0.002 0.009 0.003 0.012 0.289 ** −0.015 −0.050 ** −0.140 ** 1 0.069 ** −0.001 0.036 ** −0.081 ** 0.050 ** 0.014 0.042 ** 0.012 0.027 ** −0.024 ** −0.105 ** −0.009 0.069 ** 1 0.004 0.242 ** 0.245 ** 0.150 ** −0.005 0.039 ** −0.026 ** −0.006 0.001 0.054 ** 0.018 * −0.001 0.004 1 0.026 ** −0.177 ** −0.088 ** 0.002 0.054 ** 0.055 ** 0.013 −0.073 ** −0.060 ** 0.004 0.036 ** 0.242 ** 0.026 ** 1 0.053 ** −0.077 ** 0.073 ** 0.171 ** 0.080 ** 0.031 ** −0.040 ** −0.071 ** 0.023 ** −0.081 ** 0.245 ** −0.177 ** 0.053 ** 1 0.218 ** −0.006 0.045 ** −0.017 * 0.023 ** −0.064 ** −0.057 ** 0.002 0.050 ** 0.150 ** −0.088 ** −0.077 ** 0.218 ** 1 0.001 0.164 ** −0.039 ** 0.014 −0.003 −0.034 ** 0.009 0.014 −0.005 0.002 0.073 ** −0.006 0.001 1 0.085 ** −0.040 ** 0.014 −0.131 ** −0.011 0.003 0.042 ** 0.039 ** 0.054 ** 0.171 ** 0.045 ** 0.164 ** 0.085 ** 1 0.243 ** −0.017 * 0.142 ** −0.017 * 0.012 0.012 −0.026 ** 0.055 ** 0.080 ** −0.017 * −0.039 ** −0.040 ** 0.243 ** 1 Where, **. 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