3/14/22, 11:49 AM Amino Acid Codon Wheel Type in Product Names, Product Numbers, or CAS Numbers to see suggestions. Amino Acid Codon Wheel Amino Acid Codon Wheel An amino acid codon wheel (also known as an amino acid color wheel) is a useful tool to find which amino acid is translated from your RNA sequence. Codon wheels are used by scientists, researchers and students during RNA translation to find the amino acids for that sequence as a quick, easy reference tool. HOW TO USE AN AMINO ACID WHEEL To use an amino acid codon wheel, start from the center and follow the RNA codons until you have the 3 nucleotide bases. Next, translate the three bases into an amino acid from the mRNA codons. The process is called RNA translation. Once established, follow the RNA sequence to find the amino acid that it translates to. The protein that mRNA translates to is made up of those amino acids. https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/technical-documents/technical-article/genomics/sequencing/amino-acid-codon-wheel 1/2