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Semantic module 1. Differential diagnosis of the most common diseases of the respiratory
system in children. Emergency care.
Topic 1. Differential diagnosis of pneumonia in children. Complications of pneumonia.
Emergency care of acute respiratory failure in children.
Leading clinical symptoms and symptoms and syndromes of different clinical variants of pneumonia
in children, complications, diagnosis and treatment. Assessments of laboratory and instrumental tests,
which can be used for diagnosis of pneumonia and complications. Differential diagnosis of pneumonia
in children. Establishing a preliminary diagnosis. There are treatment and management of patients
with pneumonia and complications. Emergency care of acute respiratory failure that depends on
causes and severity. Prevention of pneumonia and its complications in children.
Topic 2. Differential diagnosis of bronchial obstruction syndrome in children. Emergency care of
status asthmaticus in children
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis and acute obstructive
bronchitis in children. Peculiarities of bronchial asthma in children that depends on causes and
severity. Assessments of laboratory and instrumental tests, which can be used for diagnosis of
bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis and complications. There is differential diagnosis of bronchial
obstruction syndrome in different ages children. Establishing a preliminary diagnosis. Treatment and
management of patients with bronchial asthma and complications. Emergency care of status
asthmaticus. Prevention of bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis in different ages children.
Medical follow-up.
Topic 3. Differential diagnosis of inherited, congenital and chronic diseases of respiratory tract in
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and congenital diseases
of respiratory tract (mucoviscidosis, idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis, Wilms-Campbell
syndrome, bronchomalacia, pulmonary aplasia, pulmonary hypoplasia, alpha-1-antitrypsin
deficiency, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary sequestration) in children. Assessments of
laboratory and instrumental tests of congenital and chronic diseases of respiratory tract and
complications in children. Differential diagnosis of inherited, congenital and chronic diseases of
respiratory tract in children. Treatment and management of patients with inherited, congenital, chronic
diseases of respiratory tract and complications in children. Prevention of inherited, congenital and
chronic diseases of respiratory tract in children. Medical follow-up.
Topic 4.( Independent students work) Methods of respiratory support in children (CPAP, oxygen
therapy).Non- invasive respiratory support in children. Indications and technics for respiratory
support in children. Prolonged non-invasive lung ventilation and oxygen therapy at
home in children.
Semantic module 2. Differential diagnosis of the most common diseases of cardiovascular
system in children. Emergency care of main of main urgent conditions.
Topic 5. Differential diagnosis of cyanosis, shortness of breath, cardiomegaly in heart disease in
children. Emergency care of acute heart failure in children.
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of cardiovascular diseases in children. Differential diagnosis
of cyanosis, shortness of breath, cardiomegaly in children. Assessments of laboratory and instrumental
tests, differential diagnosis in congenital and acquired heart defects, inflammatory and noninflammatory heart disease in children. Emergency care of acute heart failure in children. Treatment
and prevention of chronic heart failure. Secondary prevention of infectious endocarditis in children.
Medical follow-up.
Topic 6. Differential diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction in children. Emergency care
of paroxysmal arrhythmia and Adams-Stokes syndrome in children.
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction in children (ectopic
heartbeat, tachycardia paroxysmal, fibrillation, atrioventricular block). Variants of
clinical presentation course of paroxysmal tachycardia and atrial fibrillation in children. Assessments
of laboratory and instrumental tests of extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and
atrioventricular block. Treatment tactics in cardiac arrhythmias and conduction in children.
Emergency care of paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and Adams-Stokes syndrome in
children. Prevention cardiac arrhythmias in children.
Topic 7. Differential diagnosis of systemic connective tissue diseases and systemic vasculitis in
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus
erythematosus, acute rheumatic fever, juvenile dermatomyositis, scleroderma, nodular arteritis,
Kawasaki disease and other systemic vasculitis in children. Variants of clinical presentation course
and complications of systemic connective tissue diseases and systemic vasculitis in children.
Assessments of laboratory and instrumental tests of systemic connective tissue diseases and systemic
vasculitis in children. Differential diagnosis of systemic connective tissue diseases and systemic
vasculitis in children. Differential diagnosis of arthritis in children. Treatment tactics in systemic
connective tissue diseases and systemic vasculitis in children. Primary and secondary prevention of
acute rheumatic fever in children. Medical follow-up.
Semantic module 3. Differential diagnosis of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal
tract in children. Emergency care of main urgent conditions.
Topic 8. Differential diagnosis of functional and organic disorders of the stomach and intestine in
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of functional and organic disorders of stomach and intestine
in children, such as functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, functional constipation, reflux
esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, enteropathy, Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative
colitis. Examination and differential diagnosis of functional and organic disorders of stomach and
intestine in children. Treatment tactics with functional and organic disorders of stomach and
intestine. Emergency care of gastrointestinal bleeding in children. Prevention and Medical follow-up
of functional and organic disorders of stomach and intestine in children.
Topic 9. Differential diagnosis of disorders of hepatobiliary system and pancreas in children.
Emergency care of acute hepatic failure in children. Portal hypertension in children.
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of in functional and organic disorders of hepatobiliary system
and pancreas in children (gallbladder and Oddi sphincter dysfunction, acute and chronic cholecystitis,
acute and chronic pancreatitis and chronic hepatitis in children). Differential diagnosis of diseases
accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Examination and differential diagnosis in
functional and organic disorders of hepatobiliary system and pancreas in children. Variants of
clinical presentation course in functional and organic disorders of hepatobiliary system and pancreas
in children. Treatment tactics in functional and organic disorders of hepatobiliary system and pancreas
in children. Methods of correction of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in children. Emergency care
for acute liver failure and complications of portal hypertension syndrome. Prevention and Medical
follow-up in functional and organic disorders of hepatobiliary system and pancreas in children.
Semantic module 4. Differential diagnosis of the most common diseases of the urinary tract in
children. Emergency care of main of main urgent conditions.
Topic 10.
Differential diagnosis of inflammatory infection of urinary system in children. Differential
diagnosis of hereditary diseases of urinary system in children
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of infection of urinary system, cast nephropathy, hereditary
tubulopathies (phosphate diabetes, de Toni-Debre-Fanconi syndrome, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus,
renal tubular acidosis) in children. Variants of clinical presentation course in infection of urinary
system, cast nephropathy, hereditary tubulopathies in children. Assessments of laboratory and
instrumental tests in infection of urinary system, cast nephropathy, hereditary tubulopathies in
children. Differential diagnosis the most common infection of urinary system, cast nephropathy,
hereditary tubulopathies in children. Treatment tactics in infection of urinary system, cast
nephropathy, hereditary tubulopathies in children. Emergency care for acute urinary retention.
Prevention of urinary tract infections in children. Medical follow-up.
Topic 11. Differential diagnosis of glomerulonephritis in children. Emergency care of acute
kidney injury in children.
Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of glomerulonephritis in children. Variants of
clinical presentation course in glomerulonephritis in children. Assessments of laboratory and
instrumental tests of glomerulonephritis in children. Differential diagnosis of glomerulonephritis,
interstitial and hereditary nephritis in children. Treatment tactics of glomerulonephritis in children.
Emergency care for acute kidney injury in children. Medical follow-up.
Semantic module 5.
Medical follow-up of healthy children and outpatient care of sick children. Emergency care of main
of main urgent conditions.
Topic 12. Medical observation of children in the first three years of life on an outpatient stage.
Rules of regular medical check up of the children aged up to 3 years.
Feeding and nutrition for a child under three years of age. Assessment of physical and psycho-motor
development of a child up to three years. General practitioner tactics in violation of physical and
neuro-mental development of children of the first three years of life. Principles of effective
consultations. Differential diagnosis and prevention of the most common deficiency states (rickets,
iron deficiency anemia, protein-calorie deficiency) of young children. Preventive vaccination of
children under three years. First aid for anaphylactic reactions. Peculiarities of medical follow-up of
low weight children and preterm infants.
Topic 13. Differential diagnosis of jaundice of the newborn.
Variants of clinical presentation course of jaundice of the newborn. Assessments of laboratory and
instrumental tests parenchymatous, hemolytic, condensation, and active octopus in newborns.
Treatment tactics for newborns with jaundice at the site.
Topic 14. Perinatal disorders of the central nervous system in children. Medical follow-up of
children with perinatal pathology of central nervous system.
Main clinical symptoms and clinical variants with perinatal pathology of central nervous system in
children. Assessments of laboratory and instrumental tests of perinatal pathology of central nervous
system in children. Differential diagnosis of perinatal pathology of central nervous system of the
newborn. Treatment tactics for perinatal pathology of central nervous system in the clinic. Emergency
care in convulsions in children.
Topic 15. Cough in children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics.
Cough: a problem-oriented approach in pediatrics. The main types and causes of cough. Differential
diagnosis of diseases, the leading feature of which is cough. Laboratory - instrumental examinations
of children with cough. Differential use of cough medicines in children.
Topic 16. (Independent students work) Emergencies in pediatric allergology. Anaphylactic shock
in children.
Definition, causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, emergency care, prevention.
Acute urticaria and angioneurotic edema in children. Causes, classification, diagnosis,
differential diagnosis, treatment. Emergency care for angioneurotic edema in lifethreatening areas in children.
Topic 17. Abdominal pain syndrome in children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics.
Abdominal pain syndrome in children: a problem-oriented approach in pediatrics. Pathophysiology
of abdominal pain in children. The main causes of abdominal pain in children. Differential diagnosis
of diseases that are associated with abdominal pain syndrome in children. Laboratory and
instrumental examinations of children with abdominal pain syndrome. Indications for consultation
pediatric surgeon. Treatment of abdominal pain syndrome of different genesis in children.
Emergency care of urgent conditions accompanied by abdominal pain in children.
Topic 18. Paleness in children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics. Emergency care of
bleeding. Lymphadenopathy in children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics. Hepatomegaly in
children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics. Splenomegaly in children. Differential
diagnostics. Doctor's tactics.
Paleness in children: a problem-oriented approach in pediatrics. Differential diagnosis of diseases and
conditions associated with paleness in children. Treatment of diseases and conditions that are
accompanied by Paleness in children. Emergency care for acute bleeding. Lymphadenopathy in
children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics. Indications for consultation pediatric hematologist.
Hepatomegaly in children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics. Splenomegaly in children.
Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics.
Topic 19. Fever in children. Differential diagnostics. Doctor's tactics.
Children's fever: a problem-oriented approach in pediatrics. Causes and types of fever. Differential
diagnosis of diseases associated with fever in children. Therapeutic approaches to childhood fever.
Indications for the appointment of antipyretics in pediatrics. Emergency care of febrile seizures.
Topic 20. (Independent students work) Differential diagnosis of rash in children Differential
diagnosis of infectious and non- infectious exanthemas in children. Doctor's tactics.
Topic 21. Peculiarities of medical supervision of adolescent. Differential diagnosis of hypertension.
Emergency care of arterial hypertension and hypotension in adolescents.
Rules of regular medical checkup of the of adolescents. Rational nutrition: prevention of obesity,
diabetes. Assessment of puberty. Medical and psychological consultations. General practitioner
tactics for autonomic dysfunction and arterial hypertension. Differential diagnosis of primary and
secondary arterial hypertension in adolescent children. Tactics of management of the patient with
hypertension at the outpatient stage. Emergency care of hypertensive crisis. Prevention of autonomic
dysfunction and arterial hypertension in children. Medical follow-up.
Topic 22. Integrated management of childhood diseases (IMCI).
The strategy of integrated management of childhood diseases and its purpose. General signs of danger
to the child. Assessment, classification, treatment, consultation and follow-up of cough, shortness of
breath, diarrhea, ear problems, sore throat, fever, malnutrition and anemia, in the presence of HIV
infection in children from 2 months to 5 years. Assessment, classification, treatment, concultations
and follow-up in children under 2 months of age with jaundice, diarrhea, feeding problems and low
body weight, extremely serious illness and local bacterial infection.
Topic 23. ( Independent students work) Emergencies under the influence of external factors in
children. Clinical signs, diagnosis, emergency care in emergencies caused by external factors in
children (foreign body in the respiratory tract, insect bites, snakes, electric shocks, burns, poisoning
by drugs, household chemicals).