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Erikson's Stages of Development: AP Psychology Notes

AP Psychology
Essential Questions
Who was Erik Erikson and what were his 9 Stages
Birth to 1 and a half
Fastest growth period in life
Trust VS Mistrust
Developmental Tasks
1. Learn to eat solid food
2. Being to walk
3. Begin to talk
4. Developing trust
If they do not develop trust here they will have trouble trusting others
Stage 2-Early Childhood
Ages 2-3
Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt
Developmental Task
1. Walk and talk
2. Potty trained
3. Social Independance (Like following mom shopping)
4. Sense of autonomy-Needs to control
They will be clingy to their parents and doubting what they are doing
Stage 3-Childhood
4-5 years
Initiative vs Guilt
Developments Tasks
1. Inititate play themselves (Become more social)
2. Make Believe (Like imaginary)
3. Ask questions (why,why,why,why)
4. Learn initiative- The ability to start something themselves
If they are not successful in taking initiative they will feel guilty and that
will make them feel guilty about it
Stage 4-Late Childhood
6-11 years
Industry vs Inferiority
Developmental Tasks
1. Learn physical skills(Sports,Games,etc)
2. Intellectual(Learn to read,write,do math)
3. Learn Right from wrong (Think about Nice and bad )
4. Develop attitudes towards themselves and others (BIAS)
5. Industry (Want to make things )
If a child does not go through this and does not feel satisfaction in
making things (Industry) they will go through life feeling inferior
Stage 5-PubertyAdolescence
9-13 & 14-17
Identity vs Role confusion
Begins adolescence
Becoming capable of reproducing
Secondary sex characteristics begin to develop
Second fastest period of growth
Hormones increase and rapidly grow
Estrogen & Progesterone-Girls
Testosterone- Boys
Where everyone wants to find their authentic self they will go through life
being confused who they are
Stage 6-Young Adulthood
20-Early 30’s can start at 17
Intimacy vs Isolation
Financially independence from parents
Can deal with everyday life trials with maturity
At peak of physical abilities-Strenght,quickness,alertness
Crucial Life decisions made- marriage,career,children
We look for intimacy and if people dont find intimacy away from their
parents they will choose to go to isolation leading to less maturity and
leading to wanting ot stay away from people more often.
Stage 7-Middle Adulthood
35-65 years
Generativity vs Stagnation
Start thinking in terms of what to do with the rest of their lives
Feeling that time is running out
Start to face death of parents
Mid-life Crisis Common-Divorcemcareer change,remarriage
● Some have not accepted middle age, can lead to problems
Their children may be going through adolescence,during this
time which can add to conflict
If you dont develop a sense of generativity to represent yourself you will
feel you have a stagnant life and havent done anything and are running
out of time
Stage 8-Late Adulthood
65 and older
Integreity vs Despair
Retirement common
Senior citizen doesnt mean old anymore
Longer Life expectancy- 85 and older commonly
Better health practices than in the past
Measuring ages
1. Chronological-How old you actually are
2. Biological- How well your body is holding up influenced by
3. Social- A person’s lifestyle
Grandchildren become important for the idea they represent
Must face death and have a tendency to prepare for it
If you dont represent your integrity to overcome your challenges and
accept that everyone dies eventually then you will depair death until it
Stage 9- Death Stages of
Denial- Can’t accept news of death o
Anger- Why me? Stage of resentment,leads to isolation and feelings of
rejection and rejecting others
Bargaining- Begins to accept reality but bargains for more time
(Praying,other medical treatments )
Depression-Time of Greif, for what is lost and will lose, feel a great
sense of loss,
Acceptance- Allows for action and finally facing reality in a construtice
way, Clossure is important. Not a happy stage but not helpless either