Uploaded by Michael Lambo

Michael Lambo Week 2 Feedback: Pitch & Timeline Analysis

Michael Lambo Week 2 Feedback
Once again, I'll be brief here because we've already discussed your pitch on Slack. It's excellent.
Well done!
Timeline/Evidence Map
Your timeline and evidence map are also great. The next step, of course, would be to go try to get
that evidence to help you tell your story. We'll go over this in class a little more on Thursday.
It's really a pleasure to read your work, Michael. I'm happy to have you in this class.
In 2011, a tsunami killed more than 18,000 people on Japan’s north shore – including 74
children at Okawa Elementary School. Parents expressed their outrage after learning that
Okawa was the only school where many children had been killed. With parents trying to unravel
the truth, the Ishinomaki city government opened a committee to investigate this case. The
parents would eventually win this case; however, the most controversial aspects of it were
never acknowledged. Why did the teachers who were involved fail to give out very important
details? Was it simply to protect their reputations? 60 Minutes investigates.