Logo C:ompany C:i>nfidential INVESTIGATOR'S BROCHURE xx Sponsor: Substance: Product: Research Number: E<liticn Number: Releas..!D;tte: Replaces Previous Edition Number: 1h,:; Invest:.gator Brochure is the pr::;perty of XX. The Investigator Brochure must be kept in a confiuential 111an,1er a,1u may only be used in connectim; .vitr, clinical st.•Jdies on )(.X It m 1st be returned to XX 11pon request. No part of this b,·o , 11,1,re may be reproduced without written permission.ft-om XX 0 Prepared by: _ Approved by: _ Dat --------- D'lte --------- Jnvestigator signature page Investigr.tor signature :.:,a5e rl'lvestigators Brochure Te- 1plate version 1.0, 2014-0::.-11 ·,ersio:1 x.x, yeor 1(16) Logo Company Confidential Sponsor: XX Investigator Brocl1t11e Version No: DrngName. InYestigator,:; Inve:,tigators Narne: Clii-ic ...................................................................... <>1.d Addre)::i ....................................................... Statement: Investigator's Brochure is a confidential ducurr ent. :t must not be given to any third party with0ut written pennissi0n from foe XX. Any photocopying, canning or any other form ofreprol uction of thi:=: document is strirt:y prohibitec: witiout a written pennis ion from XX. I here0J acknowiedge the receipt of one copy of foe IB with foe above identification and will keep the document under lock. I will return the document immediately upon request from XX I also confirm that I have read it and that all my 4ueries have been answered to my satisfaction. Signature Date Clarification of s1g.nat tre Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 2(16) Logo Company 1 !NVF Confidential Table of Con..:ents TIGATC:R'S BxlC:CHU.i{.E ...................................................................... XX...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Investigator signature page.......................................................................... 1 ........... .................... 1 Tai:le of Contents .............................................................................. ........... ....................... 3 List of tables................................................................ ........... ..................................................... 5 List of figures ................................................................ ........... .............. ........... ....................... 5 List of Abbreviations................................................................. .............. ........... ........................ 5 2 Sunnnary ..................................................................... 3 Introduction....................................................................... .............. ........... 4 Physical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Properties and Formulation...... ........... ............... 8 4.1 ............. 5 ........... ......... 7 Dn1g substance ...................................................................................- ...........'"• ········ 8 4.1.1 v1anufacturer:................................................................ 4.2 ........... ........... ............... 6 ........... ........... .............. 8 Drug Product. ...................................................................................................................... 8 4.2.1 Dosage Form, Aoute of Administration and Dosing Regimen ................................ 8 4.2.2 Composition ................................................................................................................ 8 4.2.3 Manufacturer ............................................................................................................... 8 4.2.4 Container closure systems:......................................................................................... 8 4.2.5 Storage and handling .................................................................................................. 8 Non Clinical studies .................................................................................................................. 9 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Non Clinical Pharmacology ............................................................................................. 10 5.2.1 Brief Sununary .......................................................................................................... 10 5.2.2 Mechanism of Action ............................................................................................... 10 5.2.3 In vitro Effects .......................................................................................................... 10 5.2.4 In vivo Lffects ........................................................................................................... 10 5.2.5 Discussion of the Pharmacology Findings .............................................................. 10 5.3 SafetyPham1acology ....................................................................................................... l0 5.3.1 Cardiovascular Function........................................................................................... 10 5.3.2 CN3 Effects............................................................................................................... 10 5.3.3 Respiratory Function ................................................................................................ 10 5.3.4 Discussion of the .::iafety Pharmacology Findings................................................... 10 5.4 Phannacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Animals ................................................ 10 5.4.1 Breif .3ummary ......................................................................................................... 10 5.4.2 Discussion of the Pharmacokinetics ......................................................................... 10 Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 3(16) Logo 5.5 6 7 Company Confidential Toxicology ........................................................................................................................ 10 5.5.1 Brief Sunm1ary of Toxicology.................................................................................. 10 5.5.2 Gentoxicity ................................................................................................................ 12 5.5.3 Toxicity to reproduction ........................................................................................... 12 5.5.4 Local tolerance .......................................................................................................... 12 5.5.5 Discussion of the Toxicology ................................................................................... 12 Effects in Hun1ans .................................................................................................................. 13 6.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 13 6.2 Phannacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Humans................................................. 13 6.3 Safety and Efficacy .......................................................................................................... 13 6.4 MARKETil-JG EXPERIENCE ........................................................................................ 13 Summary of data and guidance for investigators ................................................................... 14 7.1 Name of the developmental product ............................................................................... 15 7.2 Quantitative and qualitative composition ........................................................................ 15 7.3 Phannaceutical fom1 ........................................................................................................ 15 7.4 Clinical particulars............................................................................................................ 15 7.4.1 Therapeutic indications............................................................................................. 15 7.4.2 Posology and method of administration................................................................... 15 7.4.3 Contraindications ....................................................................................................15 7.4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use ............................................................... 15 7.4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other fom1s of interaction ............ 15 7.4.6 Pregnancy and lactation............................................................................................ 15 7.4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines ........................................................... 15 7.4.8 Undesirable effects ................................................................................................... 15 7.4.9 Overdose .................................................................................................................... 15 7.5 Phannacological properties .............................................................................................. 15 7.5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties ................................................................................... 15 7.5.2 Phannacokinetic properties ...................................................................................... 15 7.5.3 Nonclinical safety data ............................................................................................. 15 7.6 Clinical Studies................................................................................................................. 15 7.7 Pharmaceutical properties ................................................................................................ 15 7.7.1 List of excipients ....................................................................................................... 15 7.7.2 Incompatibilities ........................................................................................................ 15 7.7.3 Stability ..................................................................................................................... 15 7.7.4 Special precautions for storage ................................................................................ 15 7.7.5 Nature and contents of the container. ...................................................................... 15 Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 4(16) Logo 7.7.6 8 Company Confidential Special precautions for disposal .......................................................................... 15 References ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. List of tables List of figui·es List of Abb,:eviations Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 5(16) Logo Company 2 Confidential Summary Su111ma1y A briefsumma,y (preferably not exceeding two pages) should be given, highlighting the significant physical, chemical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, pharmacokinetic, metabolic, and clinical information available that is relevant to the stage of clinical develop111e11t of the investigational product. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 6(16) Logo 3 Company Confidential Introduction A brief introductor:y statement should be provided that contains the chemical name (and generic and trade name(s) when approved) of the investigational product(s), all active ingredients, the investigational product (s) pharmacological class and its expected position within this class (e.g. advantages), the rationaleforpe1fonning research with the investigational product(s), and the anticipated prophylactic, therapeutic, or diagnostic indication(!,). Finally, the introductory statement should provide the general approach to be followed in evaluating the investigational product. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 7(16) Logo Company Confidential 4 Physical, Chemica:, and Pharmaceutical Properties and Formulation 4.1 Drug substance A descriptfon should be provided of the investigational product substance(s) (including the che111ical and/or structural fomntla(e)), and a b,.;ejsu1111nmy should be given of the relevant physical, chemical, and pharmaceutical properties. Any stmctural similarities to other known co111pounds should be mentioned. 4.1.1 Manufacturer: 4.2 Drug Product To permit appropriate safety measures to be taken in the course of the trial, a description of the fonnulation(s) to be used, including exdpients, should be provided and justified if chnica11y relevant. 4.2.1 Dosage Form, Route of Administration and Dosing Regimen 4.2.2 Compo:::.i1.ion 4.2.3 Manufacturer 4.2.4 Container-c!osu. e systems: 4.2.5 Sto• age and handling Instructions for the storage and handling of the dosagefonn(s) should also be given. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 8(16) Logo :; 5.1 Company Confidential Non Clinical studies Introduction The results of afl relevant nonclinical pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacokinehc, and investigational product metabo/;sm studies should be provided in sw1111w1y form. This sunm,aty should address the methodology used, the results, and a discussion of the relevance of the findings to the investigated therapeutic and the possible unfavourable and unintended effects in humans. The information provided may include thefolfowing, as appropriate, if known/available: • Species tested • Number and se, of animals in each group • Unit dose (e.g., mifligram/kilogram (mg/kg)) • Dose interval • Route of administration • Duration o/ dosil1g • Information o;; systemic distrib1.fion • Duration of post-exposurefolfow-up • Results, including the following aspects: . Nature and frequency of phannacological or toxic effects - Severity or intensity of pharmacological or toxic effects - Time to onset of effects - Reversibility of effects - Duration of effects - Dose response Tabular format//;stings should be used whenever possible to enhance the clarity of the presentation. The following sections should discuss the most important findings from the studies, including the dose response of observed effects, the relevance to humans, and any aspects to be studied in humans. If applicable, tile effective and nontoxic dose findings in the same animal species should be compared (i.e., the therapeutic index should be discussed). The relevance of this information to the proposed lnanan dosing should be addressed Whenever possible, comparisons should be made in terms of blood/tissue levels rather than on a mg/kg basis. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 9(16) Logo 5.2 Company Confidential Non Clinical Pharmacology A summmy of the pharmacological aspects of the investigational product and, where appropriate, its significant 111etabolites studied in ani111als, should be included Such a summmy should incorporate studies that assess potential therapeutic activity (e.g. efficacy models, receptor binding, and specificity) a.swell as those that assess safety (e.g., special studies to assess pharmacological actions other than the intended therapeutic effect(s)). 5.2.1 Brief Summary 5.2.2 Mechanism of Action 5.2.3 In vitro Effects s 2.4 In vivo Eftects 5.2.5 Discussion of the Pharmacology Findings 5.3 .3afety Pharmacology Cardiovascular, respirato1y function and potential CNS effects of calmangafodipir were assessed in the XX' toxici v studies. 5.3.1 Cardiovascular Function 5.3.2 CNS Effects 5.3.3 Respiratory Function 5.3.4 Discussion of the Safety Pharmacology Findings 5.4 Pharmacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Animals A s11111mmy of the phannacokinetics and biological transformation and disposition of the investigatfonal product in all species studied should be given. The discussion of the findings should address the abso,ption and the local and systemic bioavailability of the investigational product and its metabolites, and their relationship to the pharmacological and toxicological findings in animal species. 5.4.1 Breit Summary 5.4.2 Discussion of the Pharmacokinetics 5.5 5.5.1 7oxicology Srief Summary of Toxicology A su11m1my of the toxicological effects found in relevant studies conducted in different animal species should be described under the following headings where appropriate:. Single dose. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 10(16) Logo Company Confidential Repeated dose . Carcinogenicity . Special studies (e.g. hTifancy and sensitisation) . Reproductive toxicity. Genotoxicity (,nuragenicity) Table 3. Ournne uf rt'peat <1ose toxi Jty program with calwt1ngafodip.r Study Title (Number) and Gi.,P status Test System 1-vfethod and fi·equency of dosing Dose in umol/kg and mg/kg within parenthesis Testing Facility Repeat Dose Toxicity Studies iu Rats Tab -,,, 4. Dosing seized lie in the X-mont!t rat to:xici!y study Gr. No. Group Designation I Control 2 Low Dose 3 MrdDose 4 High Dose lJose Level (µmol/kg) Multiple of JvfR.HD* Dose volume (mL/kg) Number of animals Main Male Female Recove1y Male Female *MRHD = Maximal Recommended Human Dose Repeat Dose Toxicity Studies in Dogs Table 5 Dosing schedule in the X-month dog toxicity study Gr. No. Group Designation I Control 2 Low Dose 3 1vfid Dose 4 High Dose Dose Level (µmol/kg) Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Multiple of JvfRHD* Dose volume (mL/kg) Version x.x, year Number of animals Recove1y Main Male Female lvfale Female 11(16) Logo Company 5.5.2 Gentoxicity 5.5.3 Toxicity to reproduction 5.5.4 Local tolerance Confidential 5.5.5 Discussion of the roxicology Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 12(16) Logo 6 6.1 Company Confidential Effects in Humans Introduction A thorough discussion of the known effects of the investigational product(<;) in humans should be provided, including information on pharlllacokinetics, metabolism, pharmacodynamics, dose response, safety, efficacy, and other pharmacological activities. Where possible, a summary of each colllpleted clinical trial should be provided. Information should also be provided regarding results of any use of the investigational product(s) other than fi"om in clinical trials, such as from expehence during marketing. 6.2 Pharmacokinetics and Product Metabolism in Humans A swnmmy of information on the pharmacokinetics of the investigational product(<;) should be presented, including the following, if available:. Pharmacokinetics (including metabohslll, as appropriate, and absorption, plasma protein binding, distribution, and elimination) .. Bioavailability of the investigational product (absolute, where possible, and/or relative) using a reference dosagefon11.. Population subgroups (e.g., gender, age, and impaired organ function).. Interactions (e.g., product-product interactions and effects of food).. Other pharmacokinetic data (e.g., results of population studies pe1fon11ed within clinical trial(s). 6.3 Safety and Efficacy A swnlllmy of information should be provided about the investigational product's/products' (including llletabolites, where appropriate) safety, phan11acodynamics, efficacy, and dose response that were obtained fi"om preceding trials in humans (healthy volunteers and/or patients). The implications of this information should be discussed In cases where a number of clinical trials have been completed, the use of summaries of safety and efficacy across multiple trials by indications in subgroups may provide a clear presentation of the data. Tabular swmnaries of adverse drug reactions for all the clinical trial<; (including those for all the studied indications) would be useful. Important differences in adverse drug reaction patterns/incidences across indications or subgroups should be discussed. nie IB should provide a description of the possible risks and adverse drug reactions to be anticipated on the basis of prior experiences with the product under investigation and with related products. A description should also be provided of the precautions or special monitoring to be done as part of the investigational use of the product(s). 6.4 MARKETING EXPERIENCE n1e IB should identify countries where the investigational product has been marketed or approved. Any significant information arising from the marketed use should be sunm1arised (e.g., formulations, dosages, routes of administration, and adverse product reactions). n1e IB should also identify all the countries where the investigational product did not receive approval/registration for marketing or was withdrawn from marketing/registration. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 13(16) Logo 7 Company Confidential Summary of data and guidance for investigators This section should provide an overall discussion of the nonclinical and clinical data, and should su111marise the information from various sources on different aspects oftl,e investigational product(s), wherever possible. In this way, the investigator can be provided with the most informative interpretation of the available data and wit!, an assessment of the i111plications of the informationforfllture clinical trials. Where appropriate, the published reports on related products should be discussed This could help the investigator to anticipate adverse drug reactions or otlzerproblems in clinical trials. Tile overall ai111 oftlzis section is to provide the investigator with a clear understanding of the possible risks and adverse reactions, and of the specific tests, observations, and precautions that may be needed for a clinical trial. This understanding should be based on the available physical, chemical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, and clinical information on the investigational product(s). Guidance should also be provided to the clinical investigator on the recognition and treatlllent of possible overdose and adverse drug reactions that is based on previous hu111an experience and on the pharll/acology of the investigahonal product. Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 14(16) Logo Company 7.1 Name of the deve/0 1mental product 7.2 'Quantitative and qualitafJVe composition 7.3 eharmaceui'ical form 7.4 Clinical particulars Confidential 7.4.1 Thera,>eutic indications 7.4.2 Posology and method of administration 7.4.3 Contraindications 7.4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use 7.4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction 7.4.6 Pregnancy and lactation 7.4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines 7.4.8 Undesirable effects 7.4.'..:J Overdose 7.5 Pharmacological properties 7.5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties 7.5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties 7.5.3 Nonclinical safety data Clinical tudies 7.7 Pharmaceutical properties 7.7.1 List of excipients 7.7.2 Incompatibilities 7.7.3 Stability 7.7.4 Special precautions for storage 7.7.5 Nature and contents of the container 7.7.6 Special precautions for disposal Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x,x, year 15(16) Logo 8 Company Confidential References NB: References on: 1. Publications 2. Reports-These references should be found at the end of each chapter Investigators Brochure Template version 1.0, 2014-02-11 Version x.x, year 16(16)