CBAP PROJECT FOR BUSINESS ANALYSIS PROGRAM By Pravin Yadav ❖ STAKEHOLDERS: Doctor Senior Management Nurses Administrative Staff ❖ SCOPE: Doctor: a) If doctor needs to prescribe any test, he will enter the same in HMS. b) Patients reports can easily be viewed once it enters its login information. Senior Management : Reports are easily made availabe to the management hence, information life hospitals revenue, expenses and other details can easily be made availabe. Nurses: They have to simply look into the system to understand which medicine and what treatment the pateint needs. Administrative Staff: a) It will reduce their documentation process. b) can easily keep track on the bed occupancy. ❖ PROPOSED SYSTEM WROKFLOW: ❖ USE CASE DIAGRAM (UML): ❖ IN-SCOPE: 1) Self-Registration: Patient can easily book their appointment. The administration don’t have to bother about the documentation as it will be automatically generated in HMS. Hence, no documentation needed. 2) Patient ID: All the details about the patient will be incorporated moreover he’s insurance if any will also be generated. 3) Treatment: doctors will prescribe any medicine, tests in the system hence, past records of the medicine will be available and the nurses simply have to log in and give the treatment. 4) Reports: as every detail will be included in the system the management will get daily reports from the system like, revenue , expenses, bed occupancy, no. of patients etc. which will be indirectly useful to take managerial decision. ❖ OUT-SCOPE: Timely Data: if the data’s regarding the bed occupancy which needs to be updated every 6hrs Is not done then this system will prove inefficient. ❖ ER-DIAGRAM: Mayo clinic Governs ❖ DATA FLOW-DIAGRAM: Nurse ❖ FLOWCHART FOR PATIENT ADMISSION: ❖ FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS & NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Functional Requirement 1) HMS is designed store patients records, show availability of beds, manage patients’ billing, scheduling a doctor’s appointment. Non-Functional Requirement 1) Patients will register their appointment by visiting the website. After consulting doctor will record by entering the patient ID. 2) Adding Patients: The Hospital Management enables the staff at the front desk to include new patients in the system. 2) Logon ID: Any users who make use of the system need to hold a Logon ID and password. 3) Assigning an ID to the patients: The HMS enables the staff at the front desk to provide a unique ID for each patient 3) Modifications: Any modifications like insert, delete, update, etc. for the database can be synchronized quickly and executed only by the ward administrator. 4) Deleting Patient ID: The staff in the administration section of the ward can delete the patient ID from the system when the patient checkout from the hospital. 5) dding to the beds available list: The Staff in the administration section of the ward can put the bed empty in the list of beds available. 6) Information of the Patient: The Hospital Management System generates a report on every patient regarding various information like patients name, Phone number, bed number, the doctor's name whom its assigns, ward name, and more. 7) Updating information of the Patient: The hospital management system enables users to update the information of the patient as described in the mandatory information included. 4) Response Time: The system provides acknowledgment in just one second once the 'patient's information is checked 5) Capacity: The system needs to support at least 1000 people at once. 6) User-Interface: The user interface acknowledges within five seconds. 7) Availability: The system is available all the time. Errors: The system will track every mistake as well as keep a log of it. ❖ SYSTEM REQUIREMENT: • Database: MySQL Database to be used since it is open source and f ree. • Operating System: Shall be Windows 2016 • Web-Based: The system shall be a web-based application • Response Time: The system shall give responses in 1 second • Capacity: The System must support 500 people using it at a time • Errors: The system shall keep a log of all the errors • Availability: The system shall be available all the time. ❖ USABILITY The screens should be self -explanatory and very user f riendly. Management would not want employees not ordering f rom the system as they cannot understand the screens and data f ields on screen. The users should not f ind the system cumbersome. ❖ SCREEN WIRE FRAMES: Fig 1: Home Page Fig 2:Registration Page Fig 3: Log in Page Fig 4: Patient account home page Fig 5: Doctors detail and appointment details