Uploaded by Dharrshini M Yuva Raja

Renewable Energy in Malaysia: Hydro & Solar Power

Renewable Energy and Malaysia-Packia Dharrshini M Yuvaraja C
Malaysia is one of the most significant oil, Coal, and natural gas
manufacturers in Southeast Asia, in which Malaysia's energy industry is an
important sector of economic growth. The top two forms of energy production
that Malaysia uses to generate power would be Natural gas, with a
consumption of 39.7%, and Coal, with a consumption of 46.0%. Natural gas is
a crucial resource that Malaysia is dependent on for industrial and
transportation; it is a significant energy exporter. Coal and natural gas NRG
is a big issue because it causes global warming pollution. These types of
energy produce carbon dioxide when burned. Moreover, carbon emissions trap
heat, releasing greenhouse gasses and harmful particles into the atmosphere.
These types of energy can also lead to a different negative climate change.
They are also bad for the environment as they are a nonrenewable source, so
they naturally do not replenish fast enough for humans to use forever. Hydro
and solar energy would be renewable, which can be beneficial and suitable for
Malaysia in many different ways. Hydro energy benefits the generation by
providing satisfactory flood control, drinking water, and irrigation support. The
role of hydropower can meet the future demand of environmental challenges
and provide low-cost electricity permanence. Another reason hydro energy is
suitable for Malaysia is that it contributes to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and secures the supply of energy use. It requires a high investment
but lasts for an extended period and has low extra maintenance costs. Solar
energy is another renewable energy suitable for Malaysia Kini states that
Malaysia is a suitable country for solar water heating and solar electricity
generation. In addition, solar energy is cheap, so solar power wave is on the
cost of electricity while sourcing and consuming electricity on our own. There
can be other energies that can contribute and be suitable for helping our
country, Malaysia. Still, solar energy and hydro energy are crucial and helpful
in being an alternative energy source! Thanks.