Reply to PTTLNG Comments PTTLNG Transmittal No. PTTLNG Document No. Revision Title Pages and No. Rev. articles referring 1 R1 2 R1 3 R1 1 R1 : R-122018-SPCC-PTT-T-08826 : 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 : F1 : Specification for calculation bolt torque PTTLNG/PMC Comments Page 1 of 3 Date:24/12/2019 SPCC Reply Page 5 of CONTRACTOR is requested to clarify the basis to The basis to categorize as in this table had been added in Para.4 RISK ASSESSMENT AND 12 categorize as in this table (i.e. categorize the CLASSIFICATION, SPCC categorize the tightening tightening method by class/size/Bolt diameter) and method by past project experience. Page 6 of CONTRACTOR is requested to clarify if all of bolts in 12 this PORJECT will be lubricated or coated, even the Nut Factor K for "noncoated bolt" is shown in theTable B1 to B6, as calucation table adopts Nut Factor K of 0.16 for "new coated bolt". Page 6 of CONTRACTOR is requested to specify the 12 requirements and/or specifications for lubirication/coating materials to satisfy the nut factor K. Page 6 of Please describe as "Spiral Wound" instead of 12 "SP-DW". tables, with reference documents, if any. 3 R1 R1 PTTLNG/PMC Reply Noted. to clarify the reference, such as code, standard, etc., if any. SPCC confirmed all bolts will be lubricated only , no bolt will be coated as per PMS ,therefore SPCC will update nut factor K=0.2 Page 7 of CONTRACTOR is requested to describe piping 12 class to apply this table as specified in Section 5.1, in order to avoid any misunderstanding when this Noted. SPCC confirmed will be lubricated only ,but no bolt will Noted. be coated as per PMS ,therefore SPCC will update nut factor K=0.2 Noted. Noted & Revised as comment The formula had showed as below Page 7 of CONTRACTOR is requested to show the all 12 calculation formula, which are utilized in the torque ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K 2 122018 formula T=KDF D = nominal diameter of the bolt, mm (in.) F = target bolt load, N (lb) K = nut factor T =Target Torque, N·m (ft-lb) Noted & add piping class as comment Noted. Noted. Reply to PTTLNG Comments PTTLNG Transmittal No. PTTLNG Document No. Revision Title : R-122018-SPCC-PTT-T-08826 : 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 : F1 : Specification for calculation bolt torque Page 2 of 3 Date: 24/12/2019 table use individually. 4 R1 Page 7 of CONTRACTOR is requested to clarify the basis to A common range of Target Bolt Prestress that is often Noted. found acceptable is around 40% to 70% of the specified 12 set the Prestress % target as in this table. In minimum yield strength of the bolt material, SPCC set addition, CONTRACTOR is also clarify if this the % per past project construction experience , namely target Prestress % is "ultimate upper limit", namely no higher torque than this value will be applied, even in no higher torque than this value will be applied, case that leakage is observed during commissioning. even in case that leakage is observed during commissioning. 5 R1 Page 7 of Further, CONTRACTOR is requested to clarify 12 how to set the torque value for "double torque" procedure based on this table. After cooling down ,the procedure for double torque can refer to Att-01 ASME PCC-1-2013 Table 2 Step Round 5 , The double torque value shall be same as the Target Torque value Noted. Noted and revised. Noted. 6 R2 Page 3 of Please add more detail index name, such as 13 "TABLE-B1 CL150# A320-B8 CL2" or etc. 7 R2 Page 5 of Please add the definition of M Fluid. 13 Revised. It means the M fluid which specified by ASME B31.3 Noted. R2 Page 7 of How about torque values for dissimilar material 13 connection, such as CS and FRP (FW line)? The bolt torque for CS and FRP connection shall follow FRP vendor recommendation. Noted. 8 9 R2 Page 7 of Is this including EPDM / PTFE? 13 Revised. EPDM/PTFE is used in FRP and HDPE piping. Noted. Page 7 of How about torque values for FRP/GRE? If it need 13 to be provided by manufacturer, please add notes Noted and revised. Noted. Noted. The space will be checked in 3D model. Noted. 10 R2 11 R2 here to refer Vendor print. Page 7 of CONTRACTOR is requested to ensure that not 13 only the bolt torque, but also gasket surface Reply to PTTLNG Comments PTTLNG Transmittal No. PTTLNG Document No. Revision Title : R-122018-SPCC-PTT-T-08826 : 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 : F1 : Specification for calculation bolt torque Page 3 of 3 Date: 24/12/2019 pressure is secured. 12 R2 13 R3 14 R3 Page 13 of General comment for Torque Value: - Actually the Noted and revised. 13 calculation for Torque value shall not be only based SPCC already revised the torque valve per PTTLNG on ASME-PCC1, but also Fluid temperature needs formula to specify cryogenic service, K=0.15, Bolt to be considered in the calculation. - Below are the stress=300Mpa, Bolt area shall use nominal bolt example of Shell standard and PTTLNG standard. diameter to calculate. Page 5 of How about Gas Service Class 900? 15 Page 7 of Please advise for the Lubricant and provide as 15 attachment. Others non-cryogenic service, K=0.2, Bolt stress follow ASME B31.3, Bolt area follow B16.5 (boot root area) Revised. 900# will be consider as well. Exact type of lubricant is going to be subjected to PTTLNG/ PMC approval by official Material Approval issued by each Subcontractor. Noted. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : PE Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project Contractor Phase : EPCC Phase 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Page 2 of 15 Revision list: Rev. Nr Modifications: R1 First Issue R2 Revised as per R-122018-SPCC-PTT-T-01425 R3 Revised cryogenic torque valve as per PTTLNG formula F1 Issued for Final This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : PE Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project Contractor Phase : EPCC Phase 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Page 3 of 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................ 4 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION, DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATION........................................................... 4 3 REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 4 CODE AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................................. 4 RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................ 5 4.1 High-Risk: Joints for critical service lines ...................................................................................... 5 4.2 Medium-Risk: Joints for normal service lines................................................................................. 5 4.3 Low-Risk: Joints for utility service lines ......................................................................................... 6 5 5.1 6 6.1 CRITERIA FOR BOLT TORQUE............................................................................................................. 6 Tightening Method ........................................................................................................................... 6 BOLT TORQUE ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Bolt torque Table .............................................................................................................................. 7 TABLE-B1 (CRYOGENIC, 150#, SS FLANGE)................................................................................................ 8 TABLE-B2 (CRYOGENIC, 300#, SS FLANGE)................................................................................................ 9 TABLE-B3 (CRYOGENIC, 900#, SS FLANGE).............................................................................................. 10 TABLE-B4 (150#, SS FLANGE)..................................................................................................................... 11 TABLE-B5 (150#, CS FLANGE) .................................................................................................................... 12 TABLE-B6 (300#, CS FLANGE) .................................................................................................................... 13 TABLE-B7 (600#, CS FLANGE) .................................................................................................................... 14 TABLE-B8 (900#, CS FLANGE) .................................................................................................................... 15 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : 1 Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 4 of 15 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT This specification covers the metallic bolt torque requirement of piping systems for PTTLNG Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project hereinafter referred to as the “PROJECT”. Non-metallic Torque shall be applied per manufacturer’s recommendation. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION, DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATION General Project description are reported in “Project Description, Abbreviations and Definitions” (Doc. no. 122018-SPCC-C-PM-GE-0002) 3 REFERENCE 3.1 CODE AND STANDARDS The following documents of project specification, codes and standards which shall be adhered to: Wherever criteria in this specification are affected by Thailand Laws and Codes requirements, this specification shall be modified as necessary to ensure compliance. Except where otherwise stated, the applicable codes and standards shall be the latest edition. A. B. Project Specifications and Related Documents 122018-SPCC-C-PC-DWG-0100-0002 Process P&ID 122018-SPCC-C-PC-DWG-0100-0003 Utility P&ID 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0035 Specification for Piping Material 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0002 Specification for Field Fabrication and Installation 122018-SPCC-C-PE-RPT-0008 Design Criteria for Piping Design 122018-SPCC-C-PE-GE-0001 Aboveground Piping Standard ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings : NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 5 of 15 ASME B16.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard 4 ASME B31.3 Process Piping ASME PCC-1 Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLASSIFICATION All flanged joints shall be categorized and managed through the leakage risk assessment process. The risk assessment criteria shall be based on assessing media, temperature, and pressure etc. condition, and be rated according to the leak and loss potential, the risk of human injury, the environmental impact and system stabilization operating, among others. Each level of risk for the service condition of flanged joints is categorized as the following: 4.1 High-Risk: Joints for critical service lines Flanges determined to pose the greatest risk to personnel, environment, and plant in the event of the leak will be classified as the joints for critical service. Critical service lines are defined and identified as; a. Joints in Category M Fluid Service (ASME B31.3). b. Joints in cryogenic services. c. Joints the operating at temperatures 350°C and above. d. Joints subject to high pressure (Rating Classes 900# and bolt size 2” & larger ). e. All standard flanges inclusive of flanges with the size of NPS 60 above. f. Tie-in flange joints (that not subject to pressure test or leak test before). g. Joints with a history of frequent leaks (during pre-commissioning) based on Licensor and Operation’s recommendations. 4.2 Medium-Risk: Joints for normal service lines The term “fluid service” is defined as per the Chapter I para.300.2 and Appendix M of ASME B31.3 provides guidance in classifying the fluid service category. As paragraph 5.1 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 6 of 15 specified, some of the lines had classified as critical service lines. Therefore, the other lines are specified as the joint for normal fluid service, except Category D fluid service. 4.3 Low-Risk: Joints for utility service lines The lines are classified as Category D fluid service or nonflammable or nontoxic etc., are specified as the joints for utility service lines. 5 CRITERIA FOR BOLT TORQUE 5.1 Tightening Method a. For high-risk joints, the qualified technicians shall be sufficient, providing and using bolt torque in bolting might be required, and project inspection shall witness all joints of critical service lines. b. For medium risk joints, the qualified technicians shall be sufficient, providing and using manual torque wrench in bolting could be accepted. c. For low risk joints, using manual wrench, tight only. CRITERIA FOR BOLT TORQUE Service ASME Rating Classes Line Size Non-Cryogenic Service CL150~CL900 All Non-Cryogenic Service CL150~CL900 All Bolt Diameter up to 1-7/8" 2 Tightening Method “c” “a” “a” to be conducted in below 2 stage Cryogenic Service CL150~CL900 All up to 4" Double torque 1) before leak test 2) cooling down phase This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 7 of 15 6 BOLT TORQUE Bolt threads and each bearing surface of bolts and nuts shall be well lubricants. The lubricant chosen shall be suitable for the bolt and flange material and the service. The bolt torque specified herein is considered when bolting has been well lubricated. 6.1 Bolt torque Table The required bolt torque shall comply with below table, except otherwise specified. Flange Rating Piping classes Type SS 150# 1FL2C, (Cryogenic) Bolting Gasket Type A320 GR.B8 CL.2 / A194 GR.8 RF Spiral Wound A320 GR.B8 CL.2 / A194 GR.8 RF Spiral Wound SS 300# (Cryogenic) 1FL1C TABLE-B2 A320 GR.B8 CL.2 / A194 GR.8 RF Spiral Wound SS 900# (Cryogenic) 9FL1C TABLE-B3 A320 GR.B8 CL.2 / A194 GR.8 RF Spiral Wound SS 150# 1FL1, TABLE-B4 A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 RF Spiral Wound CS 150# 1A1, TABLE-B5 A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 RF Spiral Wound CS 300# 3A1LC, TABLE-B6 A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 RF Spiral Wound CS 600# 6A1, 6A2, 6A1LC, TABLE-B7 A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 RF Spiral Wound CS 900# 9A1 TABLE-B8 CS 150# 1LA1, 1LAG1, 1LC1F Refer to Gasket vendor document (Note1) FRP 150# 1GR1, 1GR1F, 1GR1S Refer to FRP vendor document (Note1) HDPE 150# 1HPE1, 1HPE2, 1HPE3 Refer to HDPE vendor document (Note1) A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 FF (COMP. NONASB. SYNTHETIC FIBER) FF (EPDM W/ SS304 PERF SHT) A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 FF (EPDM W/ PTFE ENVE) A320 GR.L7 / A194 GR.7 Table TABLE-B1 Notes: 1.The bolt torque for non-metal/lined piping flanged joints refers to vendor’s recommendation. 2.Bolt torque tables provided in this specification are not valid for cryogenic supports This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 8 of 15 TABLE-B1 (CRYOGENIC, 150#, SS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B1 150#, Cryogenic, SS Piping Class: 1FL2C Nut Factor K: 0.15 for PTTLNG Practice Bolt Yielding Strength Sy: Sy=100 ksi for bolt size A320-B8-class 2 / SS Flange Sy= 80 ksi for bolt size Sy= 65 ksi for bolt size Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size Target Prestress : 300Mpa(43.512Ksi) for PTTLNG Practice Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 7/8" 1" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" Nut Factor set 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 28 28 28 32 32 32 36 36 40 40 K 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Nominal Bolt Diameter Bolt Area Bolt Yielding Strength (in) (in2) (ksi) D 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.875 1 1 1.125 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 A 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.44 0.44 0.60 0.60 0.79 0.79 0.99 0.99 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 Sy - 3/4" > 3/4", 1" > 1", 1-1/4" > 1-1/4", 1-1/2" > 1-5/8", 4" Target Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) - S 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 F 8544 8544 8544 8544 13349 13349 13349 19223 19223 26165 26165 34174 34174 43252 43252 53397 53397 53397 53397 76892 76892 76892 76892 76892 76892 76892 76892 T 53 53 53 53 104 104 104 180 180 286 286 427 427 608 608 834 834 834 834 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 T1 18 18 18 18 35 35 35 60 60 95 95 142 142 203 203 278 278 278 278 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 T1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 8 8 13 13 20 20 28 28 39 39 39 39 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 T2 36 36 36 36 70 70 70 120 120 191 191 285 285 405 405 556 556 556 556 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 961 T2 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 17 17 26 26 39 39 56 56 77 77 77 77 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 T3 53 53 53 53 104 104 104 180 180 286 286 427 427 608 608 834 834 834 834 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 1442 T3 7 7 7 7 14 14 14 25 25 40 40 59 59 84 84 116 116 116 116 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 T3 72 72 72 72 142 142 142 245 245 388 388 580 580 826 826 1132 1132 1132 1132 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 9 of 15 TABLE-B2 (CRYOGENIC, 300#, SS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B2 300#, Cryogenic, SS Piping Class: 1FL1C Nut Factor K: 0.15 for PTTLNG Practice Bolt Yielding Strength Sy:A320-B8-class 2 / SS Flange Sy=100 ksi for bolt size Sy= 80 ksi for bolt size Sy= 65 ksi for bolt size Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size Target Prestress : 300Mpa(43.512Ksi) for PTTLNG Practice Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Number Pipe Bolt Size of Bolts Size NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" 1 7/8" 1 7/8" 2" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" 1 7/8" Nut Factor set 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 32 32 32 32 32 28 K 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Nominal Bolt Bolt Area Diameter Bolt Yielding Strength (in) (in2) (ksi) D 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.625 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.875 1 1.125 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.625 1.625 1.75 1.875 1.875 2 1.5 1.625 1.625 1.75 1.875 A 0.20 0.31 0.31 0.44 0.31 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.60 0.79 0.99 0.99 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.77 2.07 2.07 2.41 2.76 2.76 3.14 1.77 2.07 2.07 2.41 2.76 Sy - 3/4" > 3/4", 1" > 1", 1-1/4" > 1-1/4", 1-1/2" > 1-5/8", 4" Target Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) - S 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 F 8544 13349 13349 19223 13349 19223 19223 19223 26165 34174 43252 43252 53397 53397 53397 76892 90241 90241 104659 120144 120144 136697 76892 90241 90241 104659 120144 T 53 104 104 180 104 180 180 180 286 427 608 608 834 834 834 1442 1833 1833 2289 2816 2816 3417 1442 1833 1833 2289 2816 T1 18 35 35 60 35 60 60 60 95 142 203 203 278 278 278 481 611 611 763 939 939 1139 481 611 611 763 939 T1 2 5 5 8 5 8 8 8 13 20 28 28 39 39 39 67 85 85 106 130 130 158 67 85 85 106 130 T2 36 70 70 120 70 120 120 120 191 285 405 405 556 556 556 961 1222 1222 1526 1877 1877 2278 961 1222 1222 1526 1877 T2 5 10 10 17 10 17 17 17 26 39 56 56 77 77 77 133 169 169 211 260 260 316 133 169 169 211 260 T3 53 104 104 180 104 180 180 180 286 427 608 608 834 834 834 1442 1833 1833 2289 2816 2816 3417 1442 1833 1833 2289 2816 T3 7 14 14 25 14 25 25 25 40 59 84 84 116 116 116 200 254 254 317 390 390 473 200 254 254 317 390 T3 72 142 142 245 142 245 245 245 388 580 826 826 1132 1132 1132 1957 2488 2488 3107 3822 3822 4638 1957 2488 2488 3107 3822 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 10 of 15 TABLE-B3 (CRYOGENIC, 900#, SS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B3 900#, Cryogenic, SS Piping Class: 9FL1C Nut Factor K: 0.15 for PTTLNG Practice Bolt Yielding Strength Sy:A320-B8-class 2 / SS Flange Sy=100 ksi for bolt size Sy= 80 ksi for bolt size Sy= 65 ksi for bolt size Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size Target Prestress : 300Mpa(43.512Ksi) for PTTLNG Practice Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 7/8" 7/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 3/8" 1 3/8" 1 3/8" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 7/8" 2" 2 1/2" 2 3/4" 3" 3" 3 1/4" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 4" Nut Factor set 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 24 24 K 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Nominal Bolt Bolt Area Diameter Bolt Yielding Strength (in) (in2) (ksi) D 0.75 0.75 0.875 1 0.875 0.875 1.125 1.125 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.5 1.625 1.875 2 2.5 2.75 3 3 3.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 A 0.44 0.44 0.60 0.79 0.60 0.60 0.99 0.99 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.77 2.07 2.76 3.14 4.91 5.94 7.07 7.07 8.30 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 12.57 Sy - 3/4" > 3/4", 1" > 1", 1-1/4" > 1-1/4", 1-1/2" > 1-5/8", 4" Target Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) - S 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 43.512 F 19223 19223 26165 34174 26165 26165 43252 43252 64611 64611 64611 76892 90241 120144 136697 213589 258443 307568 307568 360965 418634 418634 418634 418634 418634 418634 546788 T 180 180 286 427 286 286 608 608 1110 1110 1110 1442 1833 2816 3417 6675 8884 11534 11534 14664 18315 18315 18315 18315 18315 18315 27339 T1 60 60 95 142 95 95 203 203 370 370 370 481 611 939 1139 2225 2961 3845 3845 4888 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 9113 T1 8 8 13 20 13 13 28 28 51 51 51 67 85 130 158 308 410 532 532 677 846 846 846 846 846 846 1262 T2 120 120 191 285 191 191 405 405 740 740 740 961 1222 1877 2278 4450 5923 7689 7689 9776 12210 12210 12210 12210 12210 12210 18226 T2 17 17 26 39 26 26 56 56 103 103 103 133 169 260 316 616 820 1065 1065 1354 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 2524 T3 180 180 286 427 286 286 608 608 1110 1110 1110 1442 1833 2816 3417 6675 8884 11534 11534 14664 18315 18315 18315 18315 18315 18315 27339 T3 25 25 40 59 40 40 84 84 154 154 154 200 254 390 473 924 1230 1597 1597 2031 2537 2537 2537 2537 2537 2537 3787 T3 245 245 388 580 388 388 826 826 1507 1507 1507 1957 2488 3822 4638 9060 12058 15655 15655 19904 24859 24859 24859 24859 24859 24859 37108 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 11 of 15 TABLE-B4 (150#, SS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B4 150#, Non-Cryogenic, SS Piping Class: 1FL1 Nut Factor K: 0.2 for noncoated bolt 0.16 for new coated bolt Bolt Yielding Strength Sy:A320-B8-class 2 / SS Flange Sy=100 ksi for bolt size 3/4" Sy= 80 ksi for bolt size > 3/4", 1" Sy= 65 ksi for bolt size > 1", 1-1/4" Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size > 1-1/4", 1-1/2" Sy= 50 ksi for bolt size > 1-5/8", 4" Target Prestress %: 50% Yielding Strength of A320-B8-Class 2 bolt (RF) Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 7/8" 1" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" Nut Factor set 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 28 28 28 32 32 32 36 36 40 40 K 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Target Bolt Yielding Target Target Bolt Prestress Strength Prestress Load % Nominal Bolt Diameter Bolt Root Area (in) (in2) (ksi) D 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.875 1 1 1.125 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 A 0.1257 0.1257 0.1257 0.1257 0.2017 0.2017 0.2017 0.3019 0.3019 0.4192 0.4192 0.5509 0.5509 0.7276 0.7276 0.9298 0.9298 0.9298 0.9298 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 Sy 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 80 80 80 65 65 65 65 65 65 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Target Torque Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Torque Final Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 50 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 40 44 40 40 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 F 6285 6285 6285 6285 10085 10085 10085 15095 16605 16768 18445 22036 22036 23647 23647 30219 30219 30219 30219 35125 35125 35125 35125 35125 35125 35125 35125 T 52 52 52 52 105 105 105 189 208 245 269 367 367 443 443 630 630 630 630 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 T1 17 17 17 17 35 35 35 63 69 82 90 122 122 148 148 210 210 210 210 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 T1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 9 10 11 12 17 17 20 20 29 29 29 29 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 T2 35 35 35 35 70 70 70 126 138 163 179 245 245 296 296 420 420 420 420 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 T2 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 17 19 23 25 34 34 41 41 58 58 58 58 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 T3 52 52 52 52 105 105 105 189 208 245 269 367 367 443 443 630 630 630 630 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 878 T3 7 7 7 7 15 15 15 26 29 34 37 51 51 61 61 87 87 87 87 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 T3 71 71 71 71 143 143 143 256 282 332 365 498 498 602 602 854 854 854 854 1192 1192 1192 1192 1192 1192 1192 1192 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 12 of 15 TABLE-B5 (150#, CS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B5 150#, Non-Cryogenic, CS Piping Class: 1FL1 Nut Factor K: 0.2 for noncoated bolt 0.16 for new coated bolt Bolt Yielding Strength Sy:A320-L7 / CS Flange Sy= 105 ksi for bolt size 2-1/2" Sy= 95 ksi for bolt size over 2.1/2" to 4" Target Prestress %: 50% Yielding Strength of A320-L7 bolt (RF &FF) Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in Nut Factor set 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 7/8" 1" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 28 28 28 32 32 32 36 36 40 40 K 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Bolt Yielding Strength Nominal Bolt Diameter Bolt Root Area (in) (in ) (ksi) D 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.875 1 1 1.125 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 A 0.1257 0.1257 0.1257 0.1257 0.2017 0.2017 0.2017 0.3019 0.3019 0.4192 0.4192 0.5509 0.5509 0.7276 0.7276 0.9298 0.9298 0.9298 0.9298 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 1.405 Sy 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 2 Target Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 F 6599 6599 6599 6599 10589 10589 10589 15850 15850 22008 22008 28922 28922 38199 38199 48815 48815 48815 48815 73763 73763 73763 73763 73763 73763 73763 73763 T 55 55 55 55 110 110 110 198 198 321 321 482 482 716 716 1017 1017 1017 1017 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 T1 18 18 18 18 37 37 37 66 66 107 107 161 161 239 239 339 339 339 339 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 T1 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 9 9 15 15 22 22 33 33 47 47 47 47 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 T2 37 37 37 37 74 74 74 132 132 214 214 321 321 477 477 678 678 678 678 1229 1229 1229 1229 1229 1229 1229 1229 T2 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 18 18 30 30 45 45 66 66 94 94 94 94 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 T3 55 55 55 55 110 110 110 198 198 321 321 482 482 716 716 1017 1017 1017 1017 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 T3 8 8 8 8 15 15 15 27 27 44 44 67 67 99 99 141 141 141 141 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T3 75 75 75 75 150 150 150 269 269 436 436 654 654 972 972 1380 1380 1380 1380 2503 2503 2503 2503 2503 2503 2503 2503 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 13 of 15 TABLE-B6 (300#, CS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B5 300#, Non-Cryogenic, CS Piping Class: 3A1LC Nut Factor K: 0.2 for noncoated bolt 0.16 for new coated bolt Bolt Yielding Strength Sy:A320-L7 / CS Flange Sy= 105 ksi for bolt size 2-1/2" Sy= 95 ksi for bolt size over 2.1/2" to 4" Target Prestress %: 50% Yielding Strength of A320-L7 bolt (RF &FF) Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in Nut Factor set 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" 1 7/8" 1 7/8" 2" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" 1 7/8" 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 32 32 32 32 32 28 K 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Bolt Yielding Strength Nominal Bolt Diameter Bolt Root Area (in) (in ) (ksi) D 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.625 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.875 1 1.125 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.625 1.625 1.75 1.875 1.875 2 1.5 1.625 1.625 1.75 1.875 A 0.1257 0.2017 0.2017 0.3019 0.2017 0.3019 0.3019 0.3019 0.4192 0.5509 0.7276 0.7276 0.9298 0.9298 0.9298 1.405 1.680 1.680 1.979 2.303 2.303 2.652 1.405 1.680 1.680 1.979 2.303 Sy 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 2 Target Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 F 6599 10589 10589 15850 10589 15850 15850 15850 22008 28922 38199 38199 48815 48815 48815 73763 88200 88200 103898 120908 120908 139230 73763 88200 88200 103898 120908 T 55 110 110 198 110 198 198 198 321 482 716 716 1017 1017 1017 1844 2389 2389 3030 3778 3778 4641 1844 2389 2389 3030 3778 T1 18 37 37 66 37 66 66 66 107 161 239 239 339 339 339 615 796 796 1010 1259 1259 1547 615 796 796 1010 1259 T1 3 5 5 9 5 9 9 9 15 22 33 33 47 47 47 85 110 110 140 174 174 214 85 110 110 140 174 T2 37 74 74 132 74 132 132 132 214 321 477 477 678 678 678 1229 1593 1593 2020 2519 2519 3094 1229 1593 1593 2020 2519 T2 5 10 10 18 10 18 18 18 30 45 66 66 94 94 94 170 221 221 280 349 349 429 170 221 221 280 349 T3 55 110 110 198 110 198 198 198 321 482 716 716 1017 1017 1017 1844 2389 2389 3030 3778 3778 4641 1844 2389 2389 3030 3778 T3 8 15 15 27 15 27 27 27 44 67 99 99 141 141 141 255 331 331 420 523 523 643 255 331 331 420 523 T3 75 150 150 269 150 269 269 269 436 654 972 972 1380 1380 1380 2503 3242 3242 4113 5128 5128 6299 2503 3242 3242 4113 5128 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 14 of 15 TABLE-B7 (600#, CS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B5 600#, Non-Cryogenic, CS Piping Class: 6A1/ 6A2/ 6A1LC Nut Factor K: 0.2 for noncoated bolt 0.16 for new coated bolt Bolt Yielding Strength A320-L7 Sy: / CS Flange Sy= 105 ksi for bolt size 2-1/2" Sy= 95 ksi for bolt size over 2.1/2" to 4" Target Prestress %: 50% Yielding Strength of A320-L7 bolt (RF &FF) Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in Nut Factor set 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 1 3/8" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 5/8" 1 7/8" 1 7/8" 2" 2" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/2" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 16 20 20 20 20 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 32 28 32 32 K 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nominal Bolt Diameter Bolt Root Area (in) (in ) (ksi) D 0.5 0.625 0.625 0.75 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.375 1.5 1.625 1.625 1.875 1.875 2 2 2.25 2.25 2.5 2.25 2.25 2.5 2.5 2.5 A 0.1257 0.2017 0.2017 0.3019 0.2017 0.3019 0.4192 0.5509 0.7276 0.9298 0.9298 1.155 1.405 1.680 1.680 2.303 2.303 2.652 2.652 3.422 3.422 4.291 3.422 3.422 4.291 4.291 4.291 Sy 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 2 Target Bolt Yielding Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Strength Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 F 6599 10589 10589 15850 10589 15850 22008 28922 38199 48815 48815 60638 73763 88200 88200 120908 120908 139230 139230 179655 179655 225278 179655 179655 225278 225278 225278 T 55 110 110 198 110 198 321 482 716 1017 1017 1390 1844 2389 2389 3778 3778 4641 4641 6737 6737 9387 6737 6737 9387 9387 9387 T1 18 37 37 66 37 66 107 161 239 339 339 463 615 796 796 1259 1259 1547 1547 2246 2246 3129 2246 2246 3129 3129 3129 T1 3 5 5 9 5 9 15 22 33 47 47 64 85 110 110 174 174 214 214 311 311 433 311 311 433 433 433 T2 37 74 74 132 74 132 214 321 477 678 678 926 1229 1593 1593 2519 2519 3094 3094 4491 4491 6258 4491 4491 6258 6258 6258 T2 5 10 10 18 10 18 30 45 66 94 94 128 170 221 221 349 349 429 429 622 622 867 622 622 867 867 867 T3 55 110 110 198 110 198 321 482 716 1017 1017 1390 1844 2389 2389 3778 3778 4641 4641 6737 6737 9387 6737 6737 9387 9387 9387 T3 8 15 15 27 15 27 44 67 99 141 141 192 255 331 331 523 523 643 643 933 933 1300 933 933 1300 1300 1300 T3 75 150 150 269 150 269 436 654 972 1380 1380 1886 2503 3242 3242 5128 5128 6299 6299 9144 9144 12740 9144 9144 12740 12740 12740 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. PTTLNG Doc. No.: 122018-SPCC-C-PE-SP-0033 Specification for calculation bolt torque Contractor Project : PTTLNG Contractor Discipline : SPCC Doc. No.: XG10-0000-036 Revision : F1 Status : IFF Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal Project PE Contractor Phase : EPCC Rev. Date : 24/12/2019 Phase Page 15 of 15 TABLE-B8 (900#, CS FLANGE) SPECIFICATION FOR BOLT TORQUE OF PIPING SYSTEMS TABLE- B5 900#, Non-Cryogenic, CS Piping Class: 9A1 Nut Factor K: 0.2 for noncoated bolt 0.16 for new coated bolt Bolt Yielding Strength Sy: A320-L7 / CS Flange Sy= 105 ksi for bolt size 2-1/2" Sy= 95 ksi for bolt size over 2.1/2" to 4" Target Prestress %: 50% Yielding Strength of A320-L7 bolt (RF &FF) Reference: ASME PCC-1-2013 Appendix-K (T=KDF) Nominal Pipe Number Bolt Size Size of Bolts NPS in 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" 38" 40" 42" 44" 46" in Nut Factor set 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 7/8" 7/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 3/8" 1 3/8" 1 3/8" 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 7/8" 2" 2 1/2" 2 3/4" 3" 3" 3 1/4" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 4" 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 24 24 K 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nominal Bolt Diameter Bolt Root Area (in) (in ) (ksi) D 0.75 0.75 0.875 1 0.875 0.875 1.125 1.125 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.5 1.625 1.875 2 2.5 2.75 3 3 3.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 A 0.3019 0.3019 0.4192 0.5509 0.4192 0.4192 0.7276 0.7276 1.155 1.155 1.155 1.405 1.680 2.303 2.652 4.291 5.258 6.324 6.324 7.487 8.748 8.748 8.748 8.748 8.748 8.748 11.57 Sy 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 2 Bolt Yielding Strength Target Target Target Bolt Target Prestress Prestress Load Torque % Torque 1st Torque 1st Torque 2nd Torque 2nd Torque Final Torque Final Torque Final (%) (Ksi) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) ft-lb (kg-m) (N-M) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 S 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 F 15850 15850 22008 28922 22008 22008 38199 38199 60638 60638 60638 73763 88200 120908 139230 225278 249755 300390 300390 355633 415530 415530 415530 415530 415530 415530 549575 T 198 198 321 482 321 321 716 716 1390 1390 1390 1844 2389 3778 4641 9387 11447 15020 15020 19263 24239 24239 24239 24239 24239 24239 36638 T1 66 66 107 161 107 107 239 239 463 463 463 615 796 1259 1547 3129 3816 5007 5007 6421 8080 8080 8080 8080 8080 8080 12213 T1 9 9 15 22 15 15 33 33 64 64 64 85 110 174 214 433 528 693 693 889 1119 1119 1119 1119 1119 1119 1691 T2 132 132 214 321 214 214 477 477 926 926 926 1229 1593 2519 3094 6258 7631 10013 10013 12842 16160 16160 16160 16160 16160 16160 24426 T2 18 18 30 45 30 30 66 66 128 128 128 170 221 349 429 867 1057 1387 1387 1779 2238 2238 2238 2238 2238 2238 3383 T3 198 198 321 482 321 321 716 716 1390 1390 1390 1844 2389 3778 4641 9387 11447 15020 15020 19263 24239 24239 24239 24239 24239 24239 36638 T3 27 27 44 67 44 44 99 99 192 192 192 255 331 523 643 1300 1585 2080 2080 2668 3357 3357 3357 3357 3357 3357 5074 T3 269 269 436 654 436 436 972 972 1886 1886 1886 2503 3242 5128 6299 12740 15537 20386 20386 26146 32900 32900 32900 32900 32900 32900 49729 This document is the property of SPCC who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law.