Exam preparation DETAILS Date: Time: Location: Weight: SUPPLIES REQUIRED CONTENT TO COVER STUDY SCHEDULE 4 weeks to go 3 weeks to go 2 weeks to go 1 week to go created by emmastudies.com @emmastudiess | #emmastudies Exam learning schedule INFORMATION Class: Weight: Date: Exam type: Location: Misc: 3 MONTHS AWAY 2 MONTHS AWAY 1 MONTH AWAY 3 WEEKS AWAY 2 WEEKS AWAY 1 WEEK AWAY WEEK OF EXAM DAY OF EXAM created by emmastudies.com @emmastudiess | #emmastudies Revision breakdown TOPIC #1: TOPIC #5: TOPIC #2: TOPIC #6: TOPIC #3: TOPIC #7: TOPIC #4: TOPIC #8: created by emmastudies.com @emmastudiess | #emmastudies Pomodoro & break tracker SUBJECT: Goal time: TIME PER BUBBLE: Actual time: SUBJECT: Goal time: TIME PER BUBBLE: Actual time: SUBJECT: Goal time: TIME PER BUBBLE: Actual time: SUBJECT: Goal time: TIME PER BUBBLE: Actual time: SUBJECT: Goal time: TIME PER BUBBLE: Actual time: SUBJECT: Goal time: created by emmastudies.com TIME PER BUBBLE: Actual time: @emmastudiess | #emmastudies