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Reported Speech Grammar Worksheet: Intermediate ESL

BA GRAMMAR reported speech: sentences and questions
Read tl1e intervie\V. Then complete the journalist's report belo\v \Vith the bold verbs fron1 the
i11tervie\v in the correct tense.
Firstly Mike, thank you very much
for agreeing t o this interview. I know
you're a busy man. You have t he
leading role in the latest Kathryn
Bigelow fi lm. What is it like working
with her?
You 1can't begin to imagine what a
fantastic experience it 2is. In fact, it
has been an honour to work with
her. However, I have to say t hat it
wasn't easy at first, because filming
5 started at 7.00 a.m. every day
for the first three weeks. I'm not a
person who likes early starts!
Yes, I had heard t hat! What 6did you enjoy most about working with her?
I 7loved t he way t hat she 8 could get all t he actors, including me, to do exactly what she
wanted us to do.
Are you 9going t o be in any more of her films in t he near future?
It 10 depends on Kathryn, but I hope 111will be. I'm really sorry but we 12must stop t he
interview now as I have a photo shoot at Vogue magazine.
Mike told n1e that I 1 couldn't begin to imagine \vhat a fantastic experience \Vorking with Katl1ryn
3 had been
Bigelow 2 it was
• He also said that working \Vith her
an ho11our. Hov,rever,
it 4 hadn’t been
easy at first because filming 5 had started
every day at 7.00 a.m. for tl1e
first three weeks. When I asked him \vhat he 6 had enjoyed
most about vvorking \Vitl1 Kathry11
Bigelow, he told me that he 7 had loved
the way that she 8 had been able to
get the actors to do
what she wanted. Finally, I asked Mike if he 9 was going to be
in any more of her filn1s in the future.
He said that it 10 depended
on Kathryn, but he hoped he 11 would be
• We then finished
the interview because Mike said that he 12 had to
go to a photo shoo t at VoBue magazine.
Write the other questions jo urnalists asked Mike in reported speech.
What's the most interesting
role t hat you've played?
Is t here t oo much violence
in films?
Who's the most difficult actor
that you've ever worked with?
What should a young person
who wants to go into acting do?
I The BBC asked Mike \vhat the most interesting role
he had played was
there was
2 Fox asked him -if - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
the most
3 RTVEaskedhi111 _
_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __
do _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
4 RAI asked hin1 _what
_ ….
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 ITVaskedhim _when
When are you going t o ret ire?
Cover b and the journalist 's report in a. Look at tl1e interview in a and try to remember the
journalis t's repo rt.
English File 3rd edit ion Teacher's Book Intermediate Phot ocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013