Uploaded by Jace Bell

Lastname TitleofActivity (1)

Thompson JR1
Anthony Thompson JR
Professor Ojeda
ENC 0027
22 March 2022
Chapter 5 Summary
In chapter 5 it explains how will power was once understood as skill but now it seems as
if willpower operates more as a muscle. Willpower is the most important keystone habit for
success. In chapter 5 the marshmallow experiment tested the will power of a class of
preschoolers. He put a marshmallow in front of them, if the marshmallow was still there after ten
minutes they would get another one. As it shows the kids who could resist the marshmallow
excelled in their life moving forward. Another experiment that was performed where students
were put in a small room and sat in front of a table with two bowls. One bowl had radishes in it,
the other had cookies in it. Each of the students were assigned to eat one of the bowls. The
students had to test their willpower and self control to resist eating the bowl of cookies. Another
example was Travis, an employee for starbucks, Travis had a problem with customers and how
they treated employees. Starbucks offered a training program which taught Travis the importance
of willpower.