FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology Hamdard University NAME _______________________ ROLL NO. _____________________ Hamdard University, FEST Main Campus Midterm Examination, Fall- 2021 Subjective Discipline/s Semester Subject Instructor Date Time Allowed Total Marks B.E EEP V Introduction to Embedded Systems Farooq Zia 14-Dec21 2 hrs 30 Instructions: 1. The paper contains five questions. Attempt all questions. 2. Use of Calculator ALLOWED √ NOT ALLOWED 3. Cheating of any type will disqualify the candidate. 4. The work must be neat & clean. Over-writing, cutting will be considered as mistake. Page 1 of 4 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology Hamdard University (CLO_1): (Cognitive Level C2, i.e., Understanding) (PLO_1, i.e., Engineering Knowledge) Q-1: (4 Marks) a) A given USB Flash storage device can store 16 gigabytes of information. Assuming that each page of text has 25 rows and each row has 80 columns of ASCII characters (each character= 1 byte). Describe approximately how many pages of information can this device store? b) In a given byte-addressable computer, memory locations 10000 to 9FFFFH are available for user programs. The first location is 10000H and the last location is 9FFFFH. Calculate the following: 1) The total number of bytes available (in decimal) 2) The total number of kilobytes (in decimal) c) Calculate the total amount of memory, in the units requested, for each of the following CPUs, given the size of the address buses. 1) 16-bit address bus (in Kilobytes) 2) 24-bit address bus (in megbytes) 3) 32-bit address bus (in megabytes and gigabytes) 4) 48-bit address bus (in megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes) Q-2: (6 Marks) a) Explain major difference between RISC and CISC processors. b) Identify the following CPUs as having RISC or CISC based: 8051 ATmega 328 ARM Cortex-A710 Intel Core i9 c) With the help of suitable diagram illustrate the difference between Von Neumann and Harvard architecture. d) Which type of CPU (CISC or RISC) has the greater variety of instructions? Q-3: (6 Marks) a) Draw the block diagram of an 8086 processor. b) Explain the main functions of Execution Unit (EU) and list all general purpose, pointer and index registers in the EU along with their length. c) List three types of buses found in a computer and state briefly the purpose of each type of bus. d) What is Pipelining and how does it make the CPU execute faster? Explain the implementation of pipeline in 8086 processor? Page 2 of 4 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology Hamdard University Q-4: (6 Marks) a) With the help of a diagram show the bits of 80x86 Flag register. Why it is also called Status register? b) Show how the following bits of flag register are affected by the addition of 38H and 2FH. CF AF PF ZF SF c) Show how the flag register is affected after the execution of the following 8086 assembly code. MOV AX, 34F5H ADD AX, 95EB d) What is a stack, and why is it needed? How stacks are accessed? e) Assuming that SS= 1000H SP= 1236H, AX= 24B6H, DI= 85C2H, and DX= 5F93H, show the contents of the stack as each of the following instructions is executed: PUSH AX PUSH DI PUSH DX f) If CS= 24F6H and IP= 634AH, show: 1) The logical address 2) The offset address and calculate: 3) The physical address 4) The lower range 5) The upper range of the code segment Q-5: (8 Marks) Consider the following assembly language program procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 3 of 4 ;THE SAMPLE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM PROCEDURE .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 .DATA DATA1 DATA2 SUM DB DB DB 52H 29H ? FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology Hamdard University 8. .CODE 9. 10. 11. MAIN MOV MOV PROC FAR AX, @DATA DS, AX 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. MOV MOV ADD MOV MOV INT MAIN AL, DATA1 BL, DATA2 AL, BL SUM,AL AH, 4CH 21H ENDP Explain the action performed by code instructions at the following lines. a) Line 1 b) Line 2 c) Lines 3, 4 and 8 d) Lines 5, 6 and 7 e) Line 9 and what will happen if FAR is removed in line 9 f) Line 10. What will happen if @ is not included in line 10. g) Line 14 h) Line 16 and 17 i) Line 18 Page 4 of 4