Problem 1. Find out whether the input number is divisible by 2 , 3, 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 or 9. Sample Input : 156141618119181716 Sample Output: 2,4,8 Sample Input: 111222454545182790 Sample Output: 2,3,9 Problem 2. Write a C program to take 3 sides of a triangle and show the type of the triangle where it is Isosceles, equilateral, right-angled and scalene or not a triangle. Sample input Sample output 10 4 5 445 555 345 643 Not a triangle Isosceles Equilateral right-angle triangle Scalene Problem 3. Write a c program to find the 1st digit of a number. Sample Input 1010 5438 Sample Output 1 5 Problem 4. How many triplets (a,b,c) are there, where a+b+c=X and X is an integer and your input as well as a,b,c >= 0. Sample Input 10 15 Sample Output 66 136