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All About Me Worksheet: Identity & Family History

My full name is_________________________________.
I am ________________ years old.
My birthday is_________________________________.
I was born in __________________________________.
I have _______________ hair and _____________eyes.
I have ______________ people in my family. They
I live in ________________________________________.
People can recognize us by what we look like.
Our appearance is an important part of our
identity. Draw your own self portrait:
Now create another type of self-portrait. This
is called a “favourite things” self-portrait. Look
through magazines, newspapers, and catalogues
to find things that you like. Cut them out and
arrange them in a way that looks like you! For
example, maybe you could use baseballs for eyes
if you really like baseball, or yarn for hair if you
like crafts. Be as creative as you can be!
Brainstorm a list below of things you really like
for ideas on what to use in your portrait.
I really like:
Our families are an important part of who we
are. They teach us important values and
traditions. They also provide us with safety
and support. Draw a picture of your family in
the heart below.
Names of people in my family:
What makes my family special:
Why my family is important to me:
Many of our parents, grandparents, or greatgrandparents come from different countries.
Talk with your parents and find out where your
family is from. Make a list below.
My family is from:
Choose one of the countries that your family is
from to learn more about. Find a book to help
you with your learning. Make K/W/L chart and
then complete a report on the country.
What I know
What I would
like to know
What I learned
The country I chose:_________________________
My ________________________ is from this
Where it is in the world:
What the weather is like there:
Something interesting I learned:
Each of us goes through different experiences in our lives.
Some of us travel to many different places and meet many
different people. Others may move to new houses or learn
to play different sports. Think of some important
experiences you have had in your life. Fill them in below.
I have traveled to:________________________________________
I have met: _______________________________________________
Sports I have played:______________________________________
Houses I have lived in:____________________________________
Other important experiences:_____________________________
Choose one important experience in your life.
Draw a picture of it below.
A timeline is a series of events in your life
displayed over a straight line. Make a timeline
of your life below by turning the following page
sideways. Start by marking the left end of the
line with your birth date and the right end of
your line with todays date. Mark the rest of
the years along the line, leaving even space
between each one. Think of important things
that have happened in your life (for example:
first steps, first words, learning to read,
moving, starting school) and mark them on the
Most families have their own traditions and celebrations.
Traditions are things that you do over and over again. For example,
maybe on everyone’s birthday your family gives them “birthday
bumps”! Celebrations are events that we celebrate. Traditions and
celebrations may be different based on where you live, what you
believe in, and what your family chooses.
Think of traditions and celebrations your family does. List them in
the chart below.
Learn about a tradition or celebration from a different
country. Explain what it is, where it is from, and how it is
celebrated. Draw a picture at the bottom.
Name of the tradition/celebration: ______________________
What country it is from:_____________________________
How it is celebrated:_____________________________________
It reminds me of:_________________________________________
A haiku poem is a short Japanese poem that follows a
specific pattern. Write a haiku poem on who you are.
Include some of the things we have talked about. Follow
the pattern of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables.
I’m Sam and I’m 6
My family is special
I like who I am
Use this sheet for your ideas. Copy your good copy
onto the next page. Don’t forget to give your poem a titile!-
_________________________________(5 syllables)
__________________________________________(7 syllables)
___________________________________(5 syllables)
Being unique means that we are each special.
No two people are exactly alike. The world
would be a very boring place if we were all the
same! Write 3 or 4 sentences explaining why you
are special and unique.
Choose a friend in your classroom. Talk to them about
things they like to do, their families, and how they are
unique. Use the Venn diagram below to compare things
that are the same about the two of you and things that are