
Question 1
(5 pts, 45 secs) I Fill in the blank according to
John 1:1: In the _______________ was the ___________
and the _________ was with God and the
________was ______?
Answer 1
Answer :
beginning, word, word, word, God
Question 2
(1 pts, 25 secs) Finish the verse John 1:2 He was
in the beginning with _____?
Answer 2
Answer :
Question 3
(1 pts, 25 secs) Fill in the blank according to
John 1:3 All things were made through Him and
without Him __________ was made.
Answer 3
Answer :
Question 4
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:4 What was
in Him that became the light of men?
Answer 4
Answer :
Question 5
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:5 What
shines in darkness?
Answer 5
Answer :
Question 6
(1 pts, 25 secs) Fill in the blank according to
John 1:5 The Light shines in darkness and
_____________did not comprehend it.
Answer 6
Answer :
Question 7
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:6 Name the
man sent from God?
Answer 7
Answer :
Question 8
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:7 John came
for a witness and bear witness of the __________?
Answer 8
Answer :
Question 9
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:7-8 John
came for a witness and bear witness of the Light
that who through Him might believe?
Answer 9
Answer :
Question 10
(1 pts, 25 secs) True or False According to John
1:8 John was the Light?
Answer 10
Answer :
False, (he was sent bear witness of the light)
Question 11
(1 pts, 25 secs) True or False According to John
1:8 John was sent to bear witness of the Light?
Answer 11
Answer :
Question 12
(2 pts, 30 secs) Fill in the blank according to
John 1:9 That was the ________ ________ which gives
light to every man coming into the world.
Answer 12
Answer :
true Light
Question 13
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:9 The True
Light gives light to every man coming into what
Answer 13
Answer :
the world
Question 14
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:10 He
(Jesus) came into the world and the world was
made through Him and the world did not ____ Him?
Answer 14
Answer :
Question 15
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:11 He
(Jesus) came to His own how did they treat Him?
Answer 15
Answer :
did not receive Him
Question 16
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:12 Those
who received Him (Jesus), He gave the right to
become whose children?
Answer 16
Answer :
Question 17
(3 pts, 35 secs) According to John 1:12 & 13
Those who believed in His name were not born of
these 3 things but of God?
Answer 17
Answer :
Not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor the will of men
Question 18
(2 pts, 30 secs) According to John 1:14 The only
begotten of the Father is full of these 2 things?
Answer 18
Answer :
grace and truth
Question 19
(1 pts, 25 secs) True or False According to John
1:14 The word became flesh and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His glory.
Answer 19
Answer :
Question 20
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:15 What
reason did John gave why he said "He who comes
after me is preferred before me?
Answer 20
Answer :
He was before me
Question 21
(1 pts, 25 secs) Finish the verse John 1:16 And of
His fullness we have all received, and grace for
Answer 21
Answer :
Question 22
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:17 The law
came by this Old Testament person
Answer 22
Answer :
Question 23
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:17 The Law
was given through Moses but grace and truth
came through whom?
Answer 23
Answer :
Jesus Christ
Question 24
(2 pts, 30 secs) Fill in the blanks according to
John 1:18 No one has seen God at _________
Answer 24
Answer :
any time
Question 25
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:19 This
group of people sent priests and Levites to
question John. ?
Answer 25
Answer :
the Jews
Question 26
(2 pts, 30 secs) According to John 1:19 Name two
groups of people sent by the Jews to ask John
who he was?
Answer 26
Answer :
Priest and Levites
Question 27
(3 pts, 35 secs) According to John 1:20 & 21
Name three persons John say he was not?
Answer 27
Answer :
I am not the Christ, not Elijah and not a prophet
Question 28
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:22 What
reason did the priests and the Levites told John
why they are asking him questions?
Answer 28
Answer :
that they may give an answer to those who sent them
Question 29
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:23 John said
"I am the voice of one crying in the wildreness,
Make straight the way of the Lord", which prophet
also said these words
Answer 29
Answer :
Question 30
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:24 Who sent
those who asked John why He was baptizing?
Answer 30
Answer :
the Pharisees
Question 31
(3 pts, 35 secs) According to John 1:25 FTB, Why
then do you baptize if you are not the _____, nor
_____, nor the ______?
Answer 31
Answer :
Christ, Elijah, Prophet
Question 32
(1 pts, 25 secs) True or False According to John
1:26 John baptized with water.
Answer 32
Answer :
Question 33
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:26 What did
John use to baptize people?
Answer 33
Answer :
Question 34
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:27 Which
part of the sandal of the One who is coming was
John not worthy to loose?
Answer 34
Answer :
the strap
Question 35
(2 pts, 30 secs) According to John 1:28 Where
was John baptizing?
Answer 35
Answer :
Bethabara beyond Jordan
Question 36
(2 pts, 30 secs) Fill in the blanks according to
John 1:29 Behold ! The ________ of God who takes
away the ___________ of the world?
Answer 36
Answer :
Lamb, sin
Question 37
( pts, 20 secs) According to John 1:30 Why did
John say that Jesus was preferred compared to
Answer 37
Answer :
He was before me
Question 38
( pts, 20 secs) According to John 1:31 To which
nation will Jesus be revealed to?
Answer 38
Answer :
Question 39
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:32 Who said
these words "I saw the Spirit descending from
heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him?
Answer 39
Answer :
Question 40
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:33 John said
he baptized with water what will He (Jesus)
baptized with?
Answer 40
Answer :
Holy Spirit
Question 41
( pts, 20 secs) According to John 1:34 Who said
these words, I have seen and testified that this is
the Son of God?
Answer 41
Answer :
Question 42
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:35 & 36 How
many of John's disciples were with him when he
saw Jesus the next day and said Behold the
Lamb of God"
Answer 42
Answer :
Question 43
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:37 After the
2 disciples heard John calling Jesus the Lamb of
God what did they do?
Answer 43
Answer :
followed Jesus
Question 44
(2 pts, 30 secs) According to John 1:38 Who
asked this question and to whom was it spoken,
What do you seek?"
Answer 44
Answer :
Jesus to John's 2 disciples
Question 45
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:38 What
does Rabbi mean/translated to?
Answer 45
Answer :
Question 46
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:38 What did
John's disciples asked Jesus?
Answer 46
Answer :
Where are You staying
Question 47
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:39 What was
Jesus reply when he was asked where he was
Answer 47
Answer :
Come and see
Question 48
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:39 John's
two disciples remained with Jesus that day
because it was already what time?
Answer 48
Answer :
10th hour
Question 49
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:40 Name one
of John's two disciples that followed Jesus?
Answer 49
Answer :
Question 50
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:41 Who did
Andrew find and tolld Him about the Messiah?
Answer 50
Answer :
Simon Peter
Question 51
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:41 What do
you mean/translation of Messiah?
Answer 51
Answer :
Question 52
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:42 Who is
the father of Simon and Andrew?
Answer 52
Answer :
Question 53
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:42 What did
Jesus call Simon son of Jonah?
Answer 53
Answer :
Question 54
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:42 What
does Cephas mean or translation?
Answer 54
Answer :
Question 55
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:43 Jesus
wanted to go to this place when he found Philip?
Answer 55
Answer :
Question 56
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:43 What
were the first words of Jesus when he found
Answer 56
Answer :
Follow me
Question 57
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:44 Name the
city where Philip is from?
Answer 57
Answer :
Question 58
( pts, 20 secs) According to John 1:44 Name 3 of
Jesus disciples from Bethsaida?
Answer 58
Answer :
Andrew, Peter, Philip
Question 59
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:45 Who
found Nathanael and told him about Jesus of
Answer 59
Answer :
Question 60
(2 pts, 30 secs) According to John 1:45 Who
wrote about Jesus of Nazareth?
Answer 60
Answer :
Moses and the prophets
Question 61
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:45 Who is
the father of Jesus?
Answer 61
Answer :
Question 62
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:46 Who said
these words, "Can anything good come out of
Answer 62
Answer :
Question 63
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:47 To whom
did Jesus say these words, "Behold an Israelite
indeed, in whom is no deceit!
Answer 63
Answer :
Question 64
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:48 Where
was Nathanael before Philip called him?
Answer 64
Answer :
Under a fig tree
Question 65
(3 pts, 35 secs) According to John 1:49 What 3
names did Nathanael called Jesus?
Answer 65
Answer :
Rabbi, Son of God, king of Israel
Question 66
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:50 T/F Jesus
told Nathaniel that he will see greater things than
Answer 66
Answer :
Question 67
(1 pts, 25 secs) According to John 1:51 Jesus
told Nathanael that he will see heaven open, who
will he see ascending and descending upon the
Son of Man?
Answer 67
Answer :