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SOS 320: Stress Management Course Materials & Assignments

SOS 320 The Mgt of Stress & Tension SOS 320
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sos 320 Discussion Forum 1,
Chapter 1 discusses several different contributing factors to stress. What
contributes to your stress level and how does your body respond? Support your
discussion with at least one citation from the textbook which may be supplemented
by a reputable outside source.
sos 320 Discussion Forum 2
Perception, a person’s cognitive interpretation of events, is perhaps the one most
critical aspect in preventing unnecessary and unhealthy stress. Scholars agree that
it is not the events in life that cause us stress, but rather our perception or
interpretation of the circumstances. Using one or two of the stressors you identified
in Exercise 2, would you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Support your
discussion with at least one citation from the textbook which may be supplemented
by a reputable outside source.
sos 320 Discussion Forum 3
Discuss how stress is related to insomnia and chronic illnesses such as depression,
coronary heart disease, and ulcers. Share, to the extent that you feel comfortable,
the results of the exercises you completed and discuss the relationship between
stress and both your physical health and emotions. Support your discussion with at
least one citation from the textbook which may be supplemented by a reputable
outside source
sos 320 Discussion Forum 4
“Ageless wisdom confirms the idea that negative thoughts tend to create and often
perpetuate negative circumstances. Likewise, positive thoughts do the same”
(Seaward, 2021, p. 120). Further, the author of the textbook introduces the concept
of “intention,” stating that research regarding the power of intention upholds the
quotation. Reflect on Seaward’s quotation and discuss whether you agree or
disagree based on your personal experience, providing examples. Research other
sources besides the textbook, regarding the power of negative and positive
thinking. Do they support or refute the claim made by the author? Support your
discussion with at least one citation from a reputable source in addition to the
sos 320 Discussion Forum 5,
Chapter 8 asserts that boundaries, self-esteem, and assertiveness are related.
Discuss areas in your life in which you have weak boundaries or no boundaries.
Examples may include finances, TV watching, inability to say no, and so forth.
How is this related to self-esteem and assertiveness? How could you develop
healthy boundaries in the areas you identified and how would making a change
impact your life? Support your discussion with at least one citation from the
textbook which may be supplemented by a reputable outside source.
sos 320 Discussion Forum 6
Reflect on your responses to Exercises 9.1, 9.3, and 12.1. How does money, time,
and tech communication contribute to your stress level? Other exercises in Chapter
9 may assist you with this as well. If money, time, and tech communication are not
stressors for you, identify a different problem and discuss how it contributes to
your stress level. Support your discussion with at least one citation from the
textbook which may be supplemented by a reputable outside source.
sos 320 Discussion Forum 7,
It is well known that lifestyle has an impact on one’s health. Chapters 22, 23, and
24 focus on nutrition, exercise, and nature as being related to stress. In terms of
holistic stress management (body, mind, emotions, and spirit), discuss how you
attend to or do not attend to these lifestyle aspects (nutrition, exercise, and nature)
in your life. What lifestyle changes would you like to make to improve your stress
resistance? Support your discussion with citations from the textbook which may be
supplemented by a reputable outside source.
sos 320 Discussion Forum 8
Please review the final project requirements. Oral presentations in an online course
are often very stressful for students, especially if they involve learning new
technology. Your final project involves creating an oral presentation in which you
will use either PowerPoint or Google Slides and Kaltura’s CaptureSpace. One or
both of these requirements may be new to you and create some stress. What are
your thoughts about creating a presentation using Kaltura? What strategies will you
use in order to work through any stress to complete this assignment? For example,
it may be anything from starting early to become familiar with the technology to
changing your thinking about it, such as considering it an opportunity to learn
something new.
sos 320 Discussion Forum 9
Discuss the single most important area or stressor in your personal life that you
would like to address now. How will addressing this stressor make a difference in
your life? What actions do you need to take to overcome any barriers to minimize
the impact of the stressor?
Written Assignment 1
You have read Part 1 of the textbook and completed a number of exercises related
to stress and its four aspects: body, emotions, mind, and spirituality. Now, write
750 to 1100 words (3 to 4 pages), double-spaced with 1-inch margins, addressing
the following questions, based on the results of your completed exercises and your
reflections on the reading from the textbook. Your paper should be formatted in
APA style with a title page, references page, citations, and headings, as identified
by each bold-faced point below. You are required to include citations from both
the textbook and at least one other reputable source.
Use the Template for Written Assignment 1 when writing your paper.
1. Top Stressors: Identify the top two or three stressors in your life. Try to
include an acute one, as well as a more chronic stressor. Describe the
intensity and duration of the stressor to support whether it is acute or
2. Contributing Factors: What are the contributing factors to the stressors?
Provide context, such as cultural or sociological factors.
3. Health: Which aspect of your health do the stressors impact? Physical,
emotional, mental, and/or spiritual? Include any physical symptoms,
emotional responses, mental, and/or spiritual health issues.
4. Stress Theory: An acute stressor will trigger the stress response and chronic
stress may lead to disease. Describe how this happens using theory to
explain the stress response and the general adaptation syndrome. How might
this apply to the stressors you are experiencing and probable effects on your
7. Stress versus Post-Traumatic Stress: Describe the difference between the
stress response to stressors and post-traumatic stress response (disorder) to
trauma. What kind of stressors lead to the different kinds of responses
(flight, fight, freeze)?
8. Resilience: What does resilience mean? How would you describe your
resilience to stress? The textbook states that “relationship, values, and
purpose in life are the primary aspects of human spirituality. Most every
stressor involves one or more of these aspects” (Seaward, 2021, p. 98). What
are your thoughts about this? Is it congruent with your experience and, if so,
how? How might these aspects be related to resiliency or stress-resistant
9. Conclusion: Discuss one to three stressors and/or stress responses that you
would like to work on as a result of the work you have completed so far in
this course.
Written Assignment 2
Problem-solving skills and coping skills are critical in managing stress. The
purpose of this assignment is to explore these skills. Chapter 13 identifies several
additional coping skills, such as journaling, support groups, hobbies and outside
interests, dreams, and forgiveness.
1. Download the Exercise 11.5 “Creative Problem Solving” PDF from the
textbook’s companion site. Use money, time, or tech communication as the
stressor. If these are not stressors for you, use the problem from Discussion
Forum 6 to apply the creative problem-solving process. Fill in the document
with your responses and then upload it to Moodle, using the Written
Assignment 2 submission link.
2. Download one Chapter 13 exercise of your choice from the textbook’s
companion site. Fill in the document with your responses and then upload it
to Moodle, using the Written Assignment 2 submission link.
3. Write 250 to 400 words (1 to 2 pages) addressing the following questions.
Use the following questions as your headings. APA is required for the title
page, References page, and citations. Use your textbook and at least one
other reputable outside source to support your paper.
a. What did you learn about yourself from completing the exercises?
b. What is the evidence supported by the literature and personal
experience for why having good problem-solving skills is necessary to
manage stress?
c. What is the evidence supported by the literature and personal
experience for why having good coping skills is necessary to manage
SOS 320 The Mgt of Stress & Tension SOS 320
SOS 320: The Management of Stress and Tension is a course that is designed to
help students understand the effects of stress on the body and mind and to develop
strategies for managing stress and tension in their personal and professional lives.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of stress and its impact on
individuals, as well as exploring various stress-management techniques and coping
The course covers a variety of topics related to stress, including the physiological
and psychological effects of stress, sources of stress in everyday life, and the
relationship between stress and physical and mental health. Students also learn
about the role of stress in workplace and organizational settings, as well as the
impact of stress on personal relationships.
In addition to understanding the causes and effects of stress, students in SOS 320
also learn various techniques and strategies for managing stress and tension. These
techniques include cognitive-behavioral approaches, relaxation techniques, and
mindfulness practices. Students learn how to identify their own stress triggers and
develop personalized plans for managing stress in their lives.
SOS 320 is an important course for anyone who wants to learn how to manage
stress in their personal and professional lives. By gaining an understanding of the
causes and effects of stress, as well as developing personalized strategies for
managing stress, students are better equipped to deal with the challenges and
demands of daily life.
Moreover, the skills and knowledge learned in SOS 320 can be applied to a variety
of fields and professions, including healthcare, education, social work, and
business. Understanding how to manage stress is a valuable skill in any profession,
and can lead to improved performance and job satisfaction.
In conclusion, SOS 320: The Management of Stress and Tension is a course that
provides students with an understanding of the causes and effects of stress, as well
as the skills and techniques for managing stress in their personal and professional
lives. This course is valuable for anyone who wants to improve their overall wellbeing and performance, and is particularly relevant for those pursuing careers in
healthcare, education, social work, and business. By taking SOS 320, students can
develop the skills and knowledge necessary to manage stress and tension, and lead
healthier and more fulfilling lives.