1A_FINANCIAL ASSET AT FAIR VALUE Intermediate Accounting 2 Investments - Are assets held by an entity for the accretion of wealth through distribution such as interest, royalties, dividends and rentals, for capital appreciation or for other benefits to the investing entity such as those obtained through trading relationships - Not directly identified with the operating activities of an entity - Occupy only an auxiliary relationship to the central revenue producing activities of the entity o Can be current (held for not more than one year) or noncurrent (held for more than one year) Financial Instrument - Any contract that gives rise to financial asset off one entity and a financial liability or an equity instrument to another entity Characteristics: There must be a contract There are at least two parties to a contract The contract shall give rise to a financial asset of one party and financial liability or equity instrument to another party Financial Asset - any asset that is: Cash A contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity A contractual right to exchange financial instrument with another entity under conditions that are potentially favorable An equity instrument of another entity Not considered as financial asset: Intangible assets Gold bullion deposited in (commodity) Physical assets (PPE, Inventories) Prepaid expenses Leased assets bank Initial Measurement @ Fair Value + Transaction Costs (except FA @ FVPL) Transaction costs include o Fees and commissions paid to agents, advisers, brokers/dealers o Levies by regulatory agencies and securities exchanges o Transfer taxes and duties Transaction costs do not include debt premiums and discounts, financing costs, and internal administrative or holding costs Subsequent Measurement: a. Fair value through profit or loss (FVPL) b. Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) c. Amortized cost Financial Liability - a contractual obligation to deliver cash or other financial assets to another entity exchange financial instrument with another entity under PUC (potentially unfavorable condition) Not considered as financial liability: Deferred Revenues and Warranty Obligations (require delivery of goods and services rather than contractual obligation to pay cash or another financial asset) Income Tax Payable (created as a result of statutory requirements imposed by government Constructive Obligations (do not arise from contracts) Equity Instrument - Any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities Ordinary share capital Preference share capital Warrants or written call options Equity security - Any instrument representing ownership and right, warrants, or options to acquire or dispose of ownership shares at a fixed or determinable price - Represents an ownership interest in an entity (include OS,PS, and rights or options to acquire ownership shares) Not considered equity security: Redeemable preference shares Treasury shares Convertible debt Debt security - Represents a creditor relationship with an entity - Has a maturity date and a maturity value Examples: Corporate bonds, BSP treasury bills, Government securities, Commercial paper, Preference shares with mandatory redemption date or is redeemable at the holder’s option Summary of Measurement Rules EQUITY INVESTMENTS 1. Held for trading FVPL (by requirement) 2. Not held for trading 3. Not held for trading (irrevocable election) 4. All other investments in quoted equity instruments 5. Investments in unquoted equity instruments 6. Investments of 20% to 50% 7. Investments of more than 50% DEBT INVESTMENTS 1. Held for trading FVPL FVOCI (by option) FVPL (by consequence) Cost Equity Method Consolidation Method FVPL (by requirement) 2. Held for collection of contractual cash flows 3. Held for collection of contractual cash flows (irrevocable designation or fair value option) 4. Held for collection of contractual cash flows and for sale of the financial asset 5. Held for collection of contractual cash flows and for sale of the financial asset (irrevocable designation or fair value option) 6. All debt investments that do not satisfy the requirements for measurement at amortized cost and FVOCI Amortized cost Financial Asset Held for Trading PFRS 9 Appendix A: - Acquired principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near term - On initial recognition, it is part of a portfolio of identified FA evidenced by a recent actual pattern of short-term profit taking - It is a derivative (except for a derivative that is a financial guarantee contact or a designated and an effective hedging instrument) Equity Instrument held for Trading - The election to present gain and loss in OCI is not allowed - Subsequent changes in fair value are always included in profit or loss Equity Investment @ FVOCI - The amount recognized in OCI is not reclassified to P&L - However, on derecognition, the amount may be transferred to equity or retained earnings - The unrealized gain is presented as component of OCI in the Statement of Comprehensive Income - Normally classified as noncurrent asset - Only the increase/decrease in market value will be reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income - The total cumulative amount of UG or UL will appear in the statement of changes in equity - The unrealized loss is reported as a deduction as component of OCI in the Statement of Comprehensive Income FVPL (by option) FVOCI FVPL (by option) FVPL (by default) in acc. With PFRS 9; parag 4.1.4 Debt Investment at Amortized Cost Both conditions must be met: a. The business model is to hold the financial asset in order to collect contractual cash flows on specified date b. The contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest Debt Investment at FVOCI Both conditions must be met: a. The business model is achieved both by collecting contractual cash flows and by selling the financial asset b. The contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding - Interest income is recognized using the effective interest method as in amortized cost measurement - On derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss recognized in OCI shall be reclassified to P&L Fair Value - Price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (PFRS 13) - Price agreed upon by a buyer and a seller in an arm’s length or orderly transaction Best evidence of FV (descending): Quoted price of 1. Identical asset in an active market 2. Similar asset in an active market 3. Identical and similar asset in an inactive market If the quoted price pertains to: Share or Equity Security - Quoted price means pesos per share Bond or Debt Security - Quoted price means % of the face value of bond Gains and Losses @ Fair Value @ Amortized Cost Unrealized Gains and Losses Unrealized gain or Unrealized gain and loss: reported in the loss: not recognized Income Statement This is because, such investments are not In determining fair measured at fair value, no deduction is value made for transaction costs that may be incurred on disposal of the financial statement FA @ FVPL (Trading Sec.): If FV > CV (unrealized gain) If FV < CV (unrealized loss) Realized Gains and Losses Realized gains and Recognized in P&L losses (FA @ FVPL) is when financial assets recognized in P&L – are derecognized, this result from impaired or actually selling the reclassified, and securities through amortization process Sale of Securities Trading Securities - On disposal of a TS, the difference between the consideration received and the carrying amount is recognized as gain or loss on disposal to be reported in the income statement FVOCI - Gain or loss on disposal of equity investment measured at FVOCI is recognized in Retained Earnings - The cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in OCI is also transferred to Retained Earnings - The amount recognized in OCI is not reclassified to P&L under any circumstance - The cumulative UG or UL is always the difference between the original cost and current market value Impairment of Financial Assets - It is not necessary to assess financial assets measured at FVPL and equity investments measured at FVOCI for impairment An entity shall recognize impairment loss on: a. Debt investment measured @AC b. Debt investment measured @FVOCI 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 (𝑃𝑉 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑠𝑡. 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒) 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 Loss Allowance - An entity shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit loss if the credit risk on that financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition Credit loss – the PV of all cash shortfalls Expected credit loss – an estimate of credit loss over the life of the financial instrument Pro-forma Journal Entries (FA@FV) Trading Securities FVOCI Acquisition Trading securities xx FA-FVOCI xx *Commission Exp. xx Cash xx Cash xx *any transaction cost expensed; not capitalized is Change in FV (gain) Trading securities xx If initial recog. UG – TS xx FA – FVOCI xx UG - OCI xx Note: The UG is classified in the income statement as other income If there was loss previously recognized FA-FVOCI xx *UL – OCI xx UG – OCI xx *close this first Change in FV (loss) UL – TS xx If initial recog. Trading securities xx UL - OCI xx FA - OCI xx Note: the UL is reported in the income statement as other expense If there was gain previously recognized *UG - OCI xx UL – OCI xx FA – FVOCI xx *close this first Sale (gain) Cash xx Cash xx Trading securities xx *Retained Earn. xx Gain on sale of TS xx FA – FVOCI xx To close cumulative UG UG – OCI xx *Ret. Earn. xx To close cumulative UL *Ret. Earn. xx UL-OCI xx *different amounts Sale (loss) Cash xx Cash Loss on sale of TS xx *Retained Trading securities xx xx FA – xx xx Earn. FVOCI To close cumulative UG UG – OCI xx *Ret. Earn. xx To close cumulative UL --------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Example of Potentially Favorable Condition: exchanges resulting to gain or additional cash inflow to the entity (i.e. option held by the holder to purchase shares of another entity at less than market price) Financial assets at fair value may be a debt security or an equity security Financial assets at amortized cost is always a debt security; it can never be an equity security Transaction costs are expensed outright if the financial asset is measured at FVPL; capitalized as cost if otherwise Transaction costs don’t result in increase in future economic benefits to the entity There are no noncurrent trading securities