MODEL Four Dimensional Model ISTO; Individual, Social, Technological and Organisational TITLE Four Dimensional Model: model: a literature review on reasons behind lurking behavior AUTHOR Nguyen, TM JOURNAL Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems DATE 2020 Is it DOABLE? COMPLICATED? Incorporating extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, as well as intracommunity factors. Extrinsic: Reputation & Reciprocity Intrinsic: Enjoyment in helping others & Knowledge Self-Efficacy Intra Community: Perceived Moderators Enthusiasm, Offline Activities and Enjoyability Pedagogical Lurking Knowledge sharing interest Knowledge sharing interest online communities: A comparison of posters and lurkers Hui-Min Lai Tsung Teng Chen Computers in Human Behavior 2014 Had written to HuiMin to seek permission to use his model. He has NO objection. MODEL LOOKS INTERESTING Pedagogical Lurking: Student engagement in non-posting discussion behavior Vanessa Paz Dennen Computers in Human Behavior 2007 TO CONSIDER Dennen had provided sample of her questionnaire administred Shedding light on lurkers in online communities Nonnecke and Preece Conference Proceedings 1999 UNDECIDED The top five reasons for lurking: improving community experiences for everyone Preece, Nonnecke, and Andrews Computers in Human Behavior 2004 UNDECIDED Temporary – situational Temporary – topical Temporary – peripheral Permanent Legitimate Peripheral Participation Study of 13 Factors narrowed to 5 broad categories: Personal and Emotional Perceived Value Community Privacy Security 5 Factors that impacted Lurking and Participation Software Usability The necessity of posting Being helpful by not posting Insufficient information about the group Group Dynamics/community fit for personal needs 4 categories Environmental Personal Individual-Group Relationships Privacy and Security Understanding lurkers in online communities: A literature review Sun, Rau, and Ma Computers in Human Behavior 2004 UNDECIDED