Animal Reproduction & Classification Worksheet

Reproduction in Animals: Sexual Reproduction
Using teacher provided materials and your knowledge about reproduction, answer the following
questions about sexual reproduction.
1. List an advantage and disadvantage of sexual reproduction.
Match the following terms with their definitions by drawing a line from the term to the
definition and writing the letter of the definition next to the term.
2. ____ Internal Fertilization
A. Produces eggs and sperm.
B. A hole in a hollow ball of cells.
C. Process of two gametes fusing
together resulting in a zygote
D. A hollow ball of cells.
E. Fertilization occurs inside of the body.
F. The blastopore that will become the
G. Produces the sperm.
H. A fertilized egg.
I. Fertilization occurs outside of the
J. The blastopore that will become the
K. Produces the eggs.
3. ____ External Fertilization
4. ____ Female
5. ____ Male
6. ____ Hermaphrodite
7. ____ Fertilization
8. ____ Zygote
9. ____ Blastula
10. ____ Blastopore
11. ____Protosome
12. ____Deuterostome
In the chart below to describe the three types of chordate development after internal
fertilization by placing an “X” in the boxes that apply.
13. Oviparous
Develop inside of the body
Develop outside of the
Nutrients obtained from
yolk in an egg
Nutrients obtained directly
from mother
14. Ovoviviparous
15. Viviparous
Animalia Graphic Organizer
Using teacher presented lessons, books, or online resources fill out the graphic organizer with
the two characteristics already listed and three more additional characteristics.
1. Type of
2. Cell Walls
Body Plan and Symmetry Review
Using teacher provided materials and your knowledge about body plans and symmetry, label
each organism below with the type of symmetry it has.
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
Comparing Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Identify similarities and differences for vertebrates and invertebrates in the Venn Diagram
shown below.
Where there more similarities or differences? Explain.
Phylum Description Chart
Using knowledge obtained from teacher presented lessons, books, or internet research fill out
the phylum characteristics listed below.
Tissues &
Where Do I Belong? Animal Phyla Edition
Using your knowledge of animal phyla, use the clues to determine the appropriate phyla each
organism belongs to. Write the phylum’s name in the blank next to each clue.
1) I am a roundworm.___________________________________________________________
2) I have a notochord.___________________________________________________________
3) I am an insect._______________________________________________________________
4) I have a blind gut and radial symmetry.___________________________________________
5) I am a clam._________________________________________________________________
6) I have three tissue layers and a blind sac-like gut.___________________________________
7) I have a complete gut, a brain, segments, and a closed circulatory system._______________
8) I am a sponge._______________________________________________________________
9) I have a blind gut and bilateral symmetry._________________________________________
10) I am a starfish._______________________________________________________________
11) I am a “wheeled” animal.______________________________________________________
12) I am an earthworm.___________________________________________________________
13) I have three tissue layers and only small ganglia for a nervous system.__________________
14) I am a vertebrate.____________________________________________________________
15) I have a complete gut, a brain, and a radula. _______________________________________
16) I am a flatworm._____________________________________________________________
17) I have a complete gut, segments, and an open circulatory system._____________________
18) I am a jellyfish._______________________________________________________________
Vertebrata Class Description Chart
Using knowledge obtained from teacher presented lessons, books, or internet research fill out
the class characteristics listed below.
Known As
Description System & Heart
Endo- or
Where Do I Belong? Vertebrata Classes
Using your knowledge of Vertebrata classes, use the clues to determine the appropriate class
each organism belongs to. Write the class’s name in the blank next to each clue.
1) I am commonly referred to as a “jawless fish”. _____________________________________
2) I am a mockingbird. __________________________________________________________
3) I have fur or hair and mammary glands. __________________________________________
4) I am a shark. ________________________________________________________________
5) I have feathers. ______________________________________________________________
6) I am a turtle. ________________________________________________________________
7) I am commonly referred to as a “bony fish”. _______________________________________
8) I am cold blooded and live on land and in water. ___________________________________
9) I am a platapus.______________________________________________________________
10) I have a three chambered heart and use internal fertilization. _________________________
11) I have a skeleton made of cartilage and a jaw. _____________________________________
12) I am a frog. _________________________________________________________________
13) I have a four chambered heart and no fur. ________________________________________
14) I undergo metamorphosis. _____________________________________________________
15) I am a hagfish. _______________________________________________________________
Animal Symmetry and Phyla Chart
Nutrient Absorption In Animals Review
1. Intracellular digestion is digestion that takes place ___________________________ the cells.
2. Extracellular digestion is digestion that takes place ___________________________ the cells.
3. Blind guts consist of ___________________________ opening(s).
4. Cnidarians have a ___________________________ gut.
5. Platyhelminthes have a ___________________________ gut.
6. Nematodes have a ___________________________ gut.
7. Annelids have a ___________________________ gut.
8. Mollusks have a ___________________________ gut.
9. Arthropods have a ___________________________ gut.
10. Echinoderms have a ___________________________ gut.
Match the following terms to their definitions.
11. ____ Choanocytes
12. ____ Archaeocytes
13. ____ Gastroderm
14. ____ Pharynx
15. ____ Crop
16. ____ Gizzard
17. ____ Intestine
18. ____ Nephridia
19. ____ Stomach
20. ____ Malpighian Tubules
A. Grinds food into smaller pieces.
B. Lines the body cavity of sponges and pull in
water, oxygen, and food; engulfs the food.
C. Specialized organ in the digestive tract that
is used to absorb food and food nutrients.
D. Food is stored in this specialized section in
an earthworm as well as many other
E. Saclike organs that extract wastes from the
blood and adds them to feces that move
through the gut.
F. Specialized tube shaped organ that
eliminates cellular waste containing
nitrogen (found in annelids).
G. Food is stored in this specialized section in
mollusks as well as many other animals
and begins the digestion process.
H. Completes the digestion process and
transport digested food to the rest of the
I. In cnidarians as well as some other
animals, partially digested food is
absorbed by this.
J. Muscular tube that pumps food into the
digestive cavity.
Name_________________________________________ Period__________ Date__________________
Sponge Anatomy
Word Bank:
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Arthropod Coloring/Labeling Activity
The kingdom Animals include many phyla, one of which is Athropoda. Athropods are considered the
“segmented” animals with hard exoskeletons. Within the phylum Arthropoda, there are four main
classes: Crustacea (the crustaceans), Myriapoda (millipedes and centipedes), Arachnida (the arachnids),
and Insecta (the insects).
First, label each animal below with which class it belongs to. Next, complete the coloring instructions
listed as well. Note, each animal may not have all of the items listed to color as they belong to different
classes within the phylum Arthropoda.
Color all the legs blue.
Color all the antenna brown.
Color all wings grey.
Color all the mandibles purple.
Color all claws or pinchers purple.
Color the head red.
Color the thorax yellow.
Color the cephalothorax orange.
Color the abdomen green.
Class: _______________________________________
Class: _____________________________
Class: _____________________________
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Class: _____________________________
Class: _____________________________
Class: _____________________________
Class: _____________________________
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Body Plan Vocabulary Words
1) Asymmetrical – The lack or absence of symmetry.
2) Bilateral Symmetry - Arrangement of an organism or part of an organism along a central
axis, so that the organism or part can be divided into two equal halves.
3) Radial Symmetry - Arrangement of parts of an organism around a single main axis, so that
the organism can be divided into similar halves by any plane that contains the main axis.
4) Body Cavity - Any fluid-filled space in a multicellular organism other than those of vessels
(such as blood vessels and lymph vessels). The term usually refers to the space located
between an animal's outer covering (epidermis), and the outer lining of the gut cavity,
where internal organs develop.
5) Body Plan - A group of structural and developmental characteristics that can be used to
identify a group of animals, such as a phylum.
6) Cell - The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and
consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. Microscopic organisms
typically consist of a single cell, which is either eukaryotic or prokaryotic.
7) Organ - A part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital
function, such as the heart or liver in humans.
8) Organ System - A group of organs that work together to perform one or more functions.
Each does a particular job in the body, and is made up of certain tissues.
9) Tissue - Any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting
of specialized cells and their products.
10) Nervous System - The network of nerve cells and fibers that transmits nerve impulses
between parts of the body.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Body Plan Vocabulary Words
11) Asymmetrical –
12) Bilateral Symmetry -
13) Radial Symmetry -
14) Body Cavity -
15) Body Plan -
16) Cell -
17) Organ -
18) Organ System -
19) Tissue -
20) Nervous System -
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Body Plan Fill-In-The Blank
1) _____________________________________ -- The network of nerve cells and fibers that
transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body.
2) _____________________________________ -- Arrangement of an organism or part of an
organism along a central axis, so that the organism or part can be divided into two equal
3) _____________________________________ -- The smallest structural and functional unit of an
organism, typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a
membrane. Microscopic organisms typically consist of a single cell, which is either
eukaryotic or prokaryotic.
4) _____________________________________ -- Any fluid-filled space in a multicellular organism
other than those of vessels (such as blood vessels and lymph vessels). The term usually
refers to the space located between an animal's outer covering (epidermis), and the outer
lining of the gut cavity, where internal organs develop.
5) _____________________________________ -- A group of organs that work together to
perform one or more functions. Each does a particular job in the body, and is made up of
certain tissues.
6) _____________________________________ -– The lack or absence of symmetry.
7) _____________________________________ -- Any of the distinct types of material of which
animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products.
8) _____________________________________ -- A group of structural and developmental
characteristics that can be used to identify a group of animals, such as a phylum.
9) _____________________________________ -- Arrangement of parts of an organism around a
single main axis, so that the organism can be divided into similar halves by any plane that
contains the main axis.
10) _____________________________________ -- A part of an organism that is typically selfcontained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Body Systems Vocabulary
1) Central Nervous System - The complex of nerve tissues that controls the activities of the
body, in vertebrates it comprises the brain and spinal cord.
2) Circulatory System - The system that circulates blood and lymph through the body,
consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic vessels and glands.
3) Closed Circulatory System - The blood is closed at all times within vessels of different sizes
and wall thicknesses. In this type of system, blood is pumped by a heart through vessels,
and does not normally fill body cavities.
4) Muscular System - Organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. It
permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates blood throughout the
5) Open Circulatory System - Blood is pumped by a heart into the body cavities, where tissues
are surrounded by the blood.
6) Reproductive System - The system of organs and parts which function in reproduction
consisting in the male especially of the testes, penis, seminal vesicles, prostate, and urethra
and in the female especially of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva.
7) Nervous Tissue – Main component of the nervous system.
8) Peripheral Nervous System – The nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.
9) Connective Tissue - Tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or
organs, typically having relatively few cells embedded in an amorphous matrix, often with
collagen or other fibers, and including cartilaginous, fatty, and elastic tissues.
10) Lymph - A colorless fluid containing white blood cells, that bathes the tissues and drains
through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Body Systems Vocabulary
1) Central Nervous System ‘
2) Circulatory System -
3) Closed Circulatory System -
4) Muscular System -
5) Open Circulatory System -
6) Reproductive System -
7) Nervous Tissue –
8) Peripheral Nervous System –
9) Connective Tissue -
10) Lymph -
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Body Systems Fill-In-The Blank
1) _____________________________________ - Blood is pumped by a heart into the body
cavities, where tissues are surrounded by the blood.
2) _____________________________________ – The nervous system outside the brain and
spinal cord.
3) _____________________________________ - The system of organs and parts which
function in reproduction consisting in the male especially of the testes, penis, seminal
vesicles, prostate, and urethra and in the female especially of the ovaries, fallopian tubes,
uterus, vagina, and vulva.
4) _____________________________________ - The blood is closed at all times within vessels
of different sizes and wall thicknesses. In this type of system, blood is pumped by a heart
through vessels, and does not normally fill body cavities.
5) _____________________________________ - The complex of nerve tissues that controls
the activities of the body, in vertebrates it comprises the brain and spinal cord.
6) _____________________________________ - The system that circulates blood and lymph
through the body, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic
vessels and glands.
7) _____________________________________ - Organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth
and cardiac muscles. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates
blood throughout the body.
8) _____________________________________ – Main component of the nervous system.
9) _____________________________________ - A colorless fluid containing white blood
cells, that bathes the tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.
10) _____________________________________ - Tissue that connects, supports, binds, or
separates other tissues or organs, typically having relatively few cells embedded in an
amorphous matrix, often with collagen or other fibers, and including cartilaginous, fatty,
and elastic tissues.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Embryology Vocabulary Words - Part I
1. Reproduction – The production of offspring by sexual or asexual processes.
2. Sexual Reproduction - The production of a new living thing by two parent organisms, with
each parent contributing half the material in the DNA of the offspring.
3. Asexual Reproduction - A type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single
organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it does not involve the fusion of
gametes and almost never changes the number of chromosomes.
4. Gestation Period - Fetal development period from the time of conception until birth.
5. Reproductive System - The organs and glands in the body that aid in the production of new
6. Haploid - (of a cell or nucleus) having a single set of unpaired chromosomes.
7. Diploid - (of a cell or nucleus) containing two complete sets of chromosomes, one from
each parent.
8. Fertilization - The action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving
the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
9. Internal Fertilization - In mammals, reptiles, birds, and some types of fish the gametes meet
inside of the female's body.
10. External Fertilization - A strategy of fertilization in which a sperm cell unites with an egg cell
in the open, rather than inside a specialized organ within the body of a parent.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Embryology Vocabulary Words - Part I
1. Reproduction –
2. Sexual Reproduction -
3. Asexual Reproduction -
4. Gestation Period -
5. Reproductive System -
6. Haploid –
7. Diploid -
8. Fertilization -
9. Internal Fertilization -
10. External Fertilization -
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Embryology Fill-In-The Blank - Part I
1) _____________________________________ - In mammals, reptiles, birds, and some types of
fish the gametes meet inside of the female's body.
2) _____________________________________ - (of a cell or nucleus) having a single set of
unpaired chromosomes.
3) _____________________________________ – The production of offspring by sexual or
asexual processes.
4) _____________________________________ - Fetal development period from the time of
conception until birth.
5) _____________________________________ - The action or process of fertilizing an egg,
female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
6) _____________________________________ - The production of a new living thing by two
parent organisms, with each parent contributing half the material in the DNA of the
7) _____________________________________ - A strategy of fertilization in which a sperm cell
unites with an egg cell in the open, rather than inside a specialized organ within the body of
a parent.
8) _____________________________________ - The organs and glands in the body that aid in the
production of new individuals.
9) _____________________________________ - (of a cell or nucleus) containing two complete
sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.
10) _____________________________________ - A type of reproduction by which offspring arise
from a single organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it does not involve the
fusion of gametes and almost never changes the number of chromosomes.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Embryology Vocabulary Words - Part II
Ovum - A mature female reproductive cell, especially of a human or other animal, that can
divide to give rise to an embryo usually only after fertilization by a male cell.
Gamete - A mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of
the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.
Blastula - An animal embryo at the early stage of development when it is a hollow ball of
Zygote - A diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum.
Embryo - An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.
Ectoderm -The outermost layer of cells or tissue of an embryo in early development, or the
parts derived from this, which include the epidermis and nerve tissue.
Endoderm - The innermost layer of cells or tissue of an embryo in early development, or
the parts derived from this, which include the lining of the gut and associated structures.
Mesoderm - The middle layer of an embryo in early development.
Placenta - A flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian mammals,
nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord.
10. Differentiation - The process by which cells or tissues change from relatively generalized to
specialized kinds, during development.
11. Hermaphrodite - An organism, as an earthworm or plant, having normally both the male
and female organs of generation.
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Embryology Vocabulary Words - Part II
1. Ovum -
2. Gamete -
3. Blastula -
4. Zygote -
5. Embryo –
6. Ectoderm –
7. Endoderm -
8. Mesoderm -
9. Placenta -
10. Differentiation -
11. Hermaphrodite -
Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:________________
Embryology Fill-In-The Blank - Part II
1) _____________________________________ - The innermost layer of cells or tissue of an
embryo in early development, or the parts derived from this, which include the lining of the
gut and associated structures.
2) _____________________________________ - An animal embryo at the early stage of
development when it is a hollow ball of cells.
3) _____________________________________ - A mature female reproductive cell,
especially of a human or other animal, that can divide to give rise to an embryo usually only
after fertilization by a male cell.
4) _____________________________________ - An organism, as an earthworm or plant,
having normally both the male and female organs of generation.
5) _____________________________________ - An unborn or unhatched offspring in the
process of development.
6) _____________________________________ -The outermost layer of cells or tissue of an
embryo in early development, or the parts derived from this, which include the epidermis
and nerve tissue.
7) _____________________________________ - A flattened circular organ in the uterus of
pregnant eutherian mammals, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical
8) _____________________________________ - A diploid cell resulting from the fusion of
two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum.
9) _____________________________________ - A mature haploid male or female germ cell
that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a
10) _____________________________________ - The middle layer of an embryo in early
11) _____________________________________ - The process by which cells or tissues change
from relatively generalized to specialized kinds, during development.