FACULTY OF COMMERCE, HUMAN SCINCES AND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES BASIC ORGANISATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (BOP511S) GROUP ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 23 April 2023 LECTURERS: Mr Odilo Sikopo, Ms Martha Namutuwa and Mr Ehrenfried Ndjoonduezu • • • This is a group assignment; individual assignments will not be accepted. 5 members per group Each group member must contribute, and no individual should appear in two groups. Units covered for the assignment. • • • • • Unit 5: Frustration and Conflict Unit 9: Social perceptions Unit 10: Role theory Group 11: Group Dynamics Group 12: Group Process The learning outcomes for this specific assignment is: • Demonstrate an understanding of basic psychology and its application in the different areas of Human Resources Management; • Appreciate the social interaction of working in a group • Appreciate and understand the interdependence of group members in a team. • Analyse and appreciate the critical roles of working with members with diverse characteristics in a group. • Understand the group processes the makes a team work ASSIGNMENT 01 Formulate a task group of 5 members and identify a project suitable for your group related to the following sub themes. (a) Study manual for Basic Organisational Psychology Fictional (b) Gender Roles in society. (c) Mental Health (d) Academic performance (e) Peer pressure Address the assignment based on the following? 1 1. Introduction (Discuss the project, group task and formation, cohesion and project period) 5 Marks 2. Project goals. (Discuss what the project aims to achieve and how the group will achieve it) 5 marks 3. Individual roles in the group. (Identify and discuss the critical role that each member plays to the team to achieve the project goals) 10 Marks 4. Reporting structure. (Discuss the characteristics of the group reporting structure and how the group will adhere to the structure) 10 Marks 5. Conflict resolution and problem solving strategy. (Discuss how the group addresses conflict for effective operation) 10 Marks 6. Decision making for performance improvement plan. (Discuss member’s responsibilities in decision making to improve the group performance) 5 Marks 7. Conclusion 5. Marks NB: Assignment should have table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and references. Total 50 Marks 2