FTX3044F 2023 Course Outline 1. Introduction Finance IIA (FTX3044F) and IIB (FTX3045S) comprise a full third year course in Investment theory split between the first and second semesters, respectively. These two courses are designed to provide students with a solid grounding in the theory of investment decision-making. Finance IIA builds on the knowledge gained in Financial Management (FTX2024F/S) focusing on equity valuation, portfolio theory and investment ethics. 2. 3. Course Entry Requirements • Pre-requisites: Passes in FTX2024F/S, ACC1012S or ACC2011S, MAM1012S (or equivalent), ECO1010F/S or ECO1110F/S, and ECO1011F/S. • Co-requisites: STA2020F/S or an approved equivalent. Lecturing and Administrative Staff Role Course convenor and lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Head Tutor Programme Administrator 4. Details A/Prof Ailie Charteris A/Prof Phillip de Jager A/Prof Pradeep Brijlal Yakeen Uddin Thaania Lutta Email ailie.charteris@uct.ac.za phillip.dejager@uct.ac.za pradeep.brijlal@uct.ac.za uddyak001@uct.ac.za thaania.lutta@uct.ac.za Class Representative Students will be asked to elect a class representative in the first week of lectures. You are encouraged to raise issues that may affect you and other members of the class with the class representative who will then liaise with the department on your behalf. 5. Course Structure 5.1 Lectures Lectures will be held every day of the week except Thursday during the 4th period (11:00 – 11:45) in James LT3A OR the 5th period (12:00 – 12:45) in LS2B. Students must choose one period (either the 4th or the 5th) to attend, guided by your timetable. Students must remain consistent with the period chosen as consistency of pace between the two lectures cannot be guaranteed. Venues are subject to change, and any changes will be communicated to you via a Vula announcement. Both lecture venues have backup generators and so lectures should not be impacted by loadshedding. The lectures will be recorded and are accessible via the lecture video tab on Vula. However, it is strongly recommended that you attend the lectures and use the videos only as a back-up resource if you are unable to attend due to illness or wish to revisit a concept that was explained during that lecture. In the case of loadshedding, lecture videos may not be available as the switch over to backup power can disrupt a recording. We will, however, record both sessions to try to avoid this. 1 5.2 Tutorials Each student is required to attend a weekly tutorial (there are eight in total). The schedule for the tutorials is as follows: Tutorial Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7 Tutorial 8 • • • • • • Week 28 February – 3rd March 7th – 10th March 14th – 17th March 4th – 6th April 11th – 14th April 18th – 21st April th 2nd – 5th May 9th – 12th May Students must attend six of the eight tutorials although you are advised to attend all tutorials. To allow for illness etc., you are only required to attend six tutorials. It is not necessary to submit a medical note if you miss a tutorial, but please note that you cannot miss more than two tutorials (a medical note will not excuse you from attendance if you have already missed two tutorials). Tutorials will take place on campus. The duration of the tutorial will be a maximum of two periods (90 minutes). Sessions will be held at various times on Tuesdays to Fridays. You may only attend the tutorial slot for which you are registered, and an attendance register will be taken. Tutorial sessions that fall on public holidays will be re-scheduled. Your tutor will discuss this with you. The tutorial questions will be released in advance on the lessons page. You are advised to complete all tutorial questions prior to the session. The tutorial solutions will be loaded to the relevant lessons page following the completion of the tutorial sessions. Additional workshop questions to work through in your tutorial sessions may also be provided. Signing up for tutorials will open on Wednesday 15th February at 9:00am on Vula. Please sign-up by Friday 17th February at 9:00am. You may swap groups up until this deadline. If you cannot make any of the available tutorial sessions, please contact the head tutor urgently with a copy of your timetable from PeopleSoft. Please do not sign up for a tutorial slot that clashes with your lecture time for FTX3044F. You can see the available tutorial slots before the sign up opens by following the link on the first page of the Vula site. 5.3 Vula Vula is a critical part of this course. All resources will be uploaded to Vula and any announcements will be made via this site. For each section of the course, you will be provided with a lessons page outlining the learning objectives for the section, learning activities and resources (e.g. readings, relevant slides to work through to accompany the lectures, tutorials and solutions). This should help you to keep on track as to what needs to be done each week and be able to access all the resources easily from one location on Vula. The relevant content will be made available to you at the beginning of each week. Please note that all materials are effectively the copyright of the creators and UCT, so any unauthorised distribution thereof is illegal. Students may post questions regarding the lecture or tutorial content (after the completion of the tutorial) on the relevant Discussions page on Vula. The tutors and/or lecturers will respond to these within 24 2 hours Monday to Thursday. The questions and answers remain visible for all to see so you will be able to refer back to your questions and those of others at any point in time. 5.4 Contact with the Lecturers The lecturers can also be contacted directly via email. Lecturers will respond to emails as soon as possible. Lecturers will also communicate their consultation hours to you. 6. Assessment 6.1 Components The assessment for this course will comprise: Assessments Class Mark Final Examination Form Test 1 Test 2 Assignment TOTAL Weighting 20% 20% 10% 50% 100% Date 23 March 2023 26th April 2023 See below May/June rd Assessments will be invigilated on campus. The dates are subject to the availability of venues. Each test will be 90 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time. The pass mark for this course is 50%. Those intending to register for any fourth year finance course are required to pass both FTX3044F and FTX3045S and achieve a minimum average of 60% between FTX3044F and FTX3045S.*However, if you do not achieve a minimum average of 60% across these two courses but pass both of them, then you will be able to write an entrance exam in January 2024 for either FTX3044F or FTX3045S or both to improve your mark(s). If you qualify for a supplementary exam for either course, then the supplementary exam will be considered your entrance exam. 6.2 Assignment You will be required to complete a group assignment. This will be divided up into three parts (each part with its own due date). The content covered in the assignment forms a core part of the course and is examinable. The content of the assignment will also be covered in the tutorials. Further details about the assignment will be provided. One member of each group must submit the relevant assignment component via the Vula assignment tab. Project Component Part A Part B Part C Submission deadline 10th March by 16:00 14th April by 16:00 8th May by 16:00 6.3 DP Requirements In order to qualify to write the Final Examination in May/ June, you are required to fulfil all the DP requirements. Please ensure you fully understand the implications of these requirements, as no exceptions will be made. It is your responsibility to check with your tutor and to draw the head tutor’s attention to any discrepancies as soon as possible. The requirements are: • A minimum weighted average of 40% for the class mark. • A minimum of six out of eight tutorial attendances. 3 • • Attendance at both tests. Submission of group assignment (all three parts). Students who are unable to complete a scheduled class test must submit a medical certificate within 48 hours of the end of the test to the programme administrator via email. If the reasons for missing the scheduled test are deemed reasonable, the weighting of the missed class test will be added to the weighting of the final exam (i.e. if you miss test 1, test 2 will count 20%, the assignment will count 10% and the exam will count 70% or if you miss test 2, test 1 will count 20%, the assignment will count 10% and the exam will count 70%. Note: you cannot miss both class tests). 7. Prescribed Readings The prescribed textbook is: Bodie, Z., Kane, A. and Marcus A.J. (2021). Investments (12th Global edition), Irwin McGraw-Hill. The 11th edition can be utilised but please note that chapter references refer to the 12th edition. This textbook is also used for FTX3045S. In addition to the prescribed textbook, lecturers may provide supplementary material relating to their respective modules. This material forms part of the compulsory reading for the course and is examinable. The examinable material comprises the relevant textbook chapters, supplementary readings, lecture notes, tutorials and other hand-outs. Students may consult other texts to obtain an alternative presentation or a deeper understanding of certain concepts. In addition to textbooks, students are strongly advised to keep up to date with financial news and general affairs, as it will assist in understanding how the textbook theory relates to the real world of finance. The following are recommended reading: Business Day; The Financial Times (available in the library); The Financial Mail; The Economist; Forbes Magazine; Finance Week; Fortune Magazine. 8. Course Content and Calendar This course comprises the following lectures and tutorials: Introduction (all) Equities Part I (PDJ) Equities Part II (PB) Portfolio Theory (AC) Ethics (AC) Revision (all) Dates 13 February th 14 February – 1st March 3rd - 20th March 22nd March – 3rd May 5th May – 17th May 19th May No. of tutorials th 2 2 4 The course calendar is as follows: 4 DAY SAT FEB MAR APR JUN MAY 1 SUN 2 MO N 3 PT AC TUES WED 1 1 4 5 PT AC PT AC THUR 2 2 FRI 3 3 SAT 4 4 SUN 5 5 MO N 6 6 TUES 7 7 WED 8 8 THUR 9 9 FRI 10 10 Tut 1 (Equitie s PDJ) Equitie s PDJ 6 Equitie s PB Tut 4 (Equitie s PB) 7 4 Good Friday 8 Tut 2 (Equitie s PDJ) 5 9 7 Equitie s PB 10 8 Equitie s PB 11 Equitie s PB 12 Equitie s PB Tut 7 (PT AC ) Worke r's Day PT AC PT AC Ethics AC 6 Family Day PT AC Tut 5 (PT AC ) PT AC 13 *Assigme nt A Due 1 2 3 9 10 11 14 *Assignme nt B Due PT AC 1 EXAM DAY 4 2 EXAM DAY 5 3 4 *Assignme nt C Due Tut 8 (PT AC ) 12 Ethics AC 5 EXAM DAY 6 Ethics AC 6 EXAM DAY 7 Ethics AC 7 EXAM DAY 8 Ethics AC 8 EXAM DAY 9 9 EXAM DAY 10 SAT 11 11 15 13 SUN 12 12 16 14 MO N 13 INTRO 13 Equitie s PB 17 PT AC 15 Ethics AC 12 EXAM DAY 11 TUES 14 Equitie s PDJ 14 Equitie s PB 18 PT AC 16 Ethics AC 13 EXAM DAY 12 Equitie s PDJ 15 Equitie s PB 19 PT AC 17 Ethics AC 14 EXAM DAY 13 15 EXAM DAY 14 16 Youth Day WED 15 THUR 16 FRI 17 SAT 18 16 Equitie s PDJ 17 Tut 3 (Equitie s PB) 20 Equitie s PB 18 21 Tut 6 (PT AC ) 11 18 PT AC 22 19 REVISIO N 20 SUN 19 20 Equitie s PDJ 20 Equitie s PB 24 PT AC 22 C onsolidation TUES 21 Equitie s PDJ PT AC 23 C onsolidation 20 22 Equitie s PDJ Human Rights PT AC 25 WED 21 22 26 TEST 2 24 C onsolidation 21 23 TEST 1 27 C onsolidation 22 24 PT AC 28 Fre e dom Day PT AC 25 Equitie s PDJ 26 C onsolidation 23 23 FRI 24 23 17 MO N THUR 19 10 21 18 19 SAT 25 25 29 27 SUN 26 26 30 28 MO N 27 Equitie s PDJ 27 Vacation 29 EXAM DAY 1 TUES 28 Equitie s PDJ 28 Vacation 30 EXAM DAY 2 27 29 Vacation 31 EXAM DAY 3 28 WED 24 25 26 THUR 30 Vacation 29 FRI 31 Vacation 30 *Note: PDJ refers to Phillip de Jager, PB refers to Pradeep Brijlal and AC refers to Ailie Charteris 5 9. Course Overview A brief outline of each section is given below: Module 1: Equities Purpose: This module aims to give students a practical understanding of issues in the valuation and trading of equities, and to enable the student to perform basic equity valuations and analysis. This module is closely modelled on parts of the CFA curriculum, and will therefore also be highly beneficial to students who are considering pursuing this qualification. Module Content and Structure: The module will cover the following: 1. 2. Equities in South Africa: This part of the course will briefly consider how equities are issued and how they are traded in South Africa. The valuation of equities from a fundamental perspective: We will investigate the analysis of financial statements, as well as methods for the absolute and relative valuations of equities. The Equities module relies in part on prior knowledge of basic accounting, as this is the basis of many forms of equity valuation. It is therefore assumed that the student has a basic understanding of Accounting 1, with specific reference to the basics of Income Statements, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements. Prescribed Reading: The above topics are covered in chapters 1 - 3, 11, & 17 – 19 of the prescribed textbook. A portion of the work discussed in class will not be based on the above textbook, and some additional readings may be introduced when appropriate. Module 2: Portfolio Theory (PT) Module Purpose: This module focuses on the investment decision-making framework and the notions of risk and return. The module presents an overview of the foundational theories of efficiency and equilibrium. Module Content and Structure: The module will cover the following: Capital allocation to risky assets, optimal risky portfolios, index models, asset pricing (the CAPM and APT), and market efficiency and behavioural finance. Prescribed Reading: The above topics are covered in chapters 6 – 12 of the prescribed textbook. Module 3: Ethics Purpose: The purpose of this module is to expose students to some of the ethical dilemmas of the investment profession, and to provide a set of investment ethics guidelines within which these ethical issues can be considered. Module Content and Structure: This module will be largely based on the CFA Institute’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and will draw extensively on mini-case studies to illustrate the application of the above code in real life situations. Prescribed Reading: Summary of CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice 6