Surgical wound classification Definition Infection rate with prophylaxis Clean (No viscus opened) No inflammation is encountered during surgery 1-2 Infection rate without prophylaxis 1-2 3 6-9 6 13-20 7 40 No break in sterile technique Clean-contaminated (Open viscus with minimal spillage) Contaminated (Open viscus with spillage lr inflammatory disease) Dirty or infected (Pus, perforation or incision through an abscess) Respiratory, GIT, GUT not entered RT, GIT, GUT entered under controlled conditions (but no with contamination encountered) Major break in sterile technique Or gross spillage from GIT Or acute, non purulent inflammation is encountered (Open traumatic wounds that are more than 12 to 24 hours old also fall into this category.) Viscera are perforated Or when acute inflammation with pus is encountered (e.g. emergency surgery for fecal peritonitis) Or traumatic wounds if Rx is delayed If there is fecal contamination If devitalised tissue is. Present