2 of 32 Image Histograms Frequencies The histogram of an image shows us the distribution of grey levels in the image Massively useful in image processing, especially in segmentation Grey Levels Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 3 of 32 Histogram Examples Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 4 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 5 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 6 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 7 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 8 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 9 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 10 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 11 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 12 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 13 of 32 Histogram Examples (cont…) A selection of images and their histograms Notice the relationships between the images and their histograms Note that the high contrast image has the most evenly spaced histogram 14 of 32 Histogram Equalisation Spreading out the frequencies in an image (or equalising the image) is a simple way to improve dark or washed out images The formula for histogram sk T (rk ) equalisation is given where – – – – – rk: input intensity sk: processed intensity k: the intensity range nj: the frequency of intensity j n: the sum of all frequencies k pr ( r j ) j 1 k nj j 1 n Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 15 of 32 Equalisation Transformation Function Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 16 of 32 Equalisation Examples 1 Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 17 of 32 Equalisation Transformation Functions The functions used to equalise the images in the previous example Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 18 of 32 Equalisation Examples 2 Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 19 of 32 Equalisation Transformation Functions The functions used to equalise the images in the previous example Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 20 of 32 Equalisation Examples (cont…) 3 4 Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 21 of 32 Equalisation Examples (cont…) 3 4 Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002) 22 of 32 Equalisation Transformation Functions The functions used to equalise the images in the previous examples 23 of 32 Summary We have looked at: – Different kinds of image enhancement – Histograms – Histogram equalisation