Uploaded by Muhammad Sulaiman

Aviation Legislation Terms Mind Map

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): The FAA is the primary regulatory
1. authority for aviation in the United States, responsible for regulating the air
traffic control system, air traffic management, and air navigation.
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA): The CAA is the primary regulatory authority
for aviation in the United Kingdom, responsible for regulating air traffic
control, air navigation services, and licensing of pilots, engineers and other
aviation personnel.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): The ICAO is a specialized
3. agency of the United Nations, responsible for developing and maintaining
international standards and regulations for aviation.
Airworthiness Directives (ADs): ADs are regulatory requirements imposed by
the FAA to ensure that aircraft and aircraft systems are safe and fit for purpose.
Operating Procedures: Standard operating procedures (SOPs) outline the
5. methods and procedures used by flight crews to operate aircraft safely and
Aviation Legislation Terms
Airworthiness Standards: Airworthiness standards define the minimum
6. requirements for the design, construction, and maintenance of aircraft and
aircraft systems.
Airworthiness Certification: Airworthiness certification is the process by which
aircraft are approved for flight by the FAA or other national aviation authority.
Muhammad. Sulaiman,
(Engineering Instructor)
Flight Operations: Flight operations are governed by regulations, such as
8. minimum altitude requirements, minimum safe distances from other
aircraft, and maximum take-off weights.
Aircraft Maintenance: Aircraft maintenance is regulated by the FAA,
9. including procedures for maintenance, inspection, and repair of aircraft and
aircraft systems.
Airspace: Airspace is the area above the Earth’s surface that is used for
10. aviation activities, and it is regulated by the FAA and other national aviation
Air Traffic Control: Air traffic control is responsible for ensuring that
11. aircraft can fly safely and efficiently, and it is regulated by the FAA and
other national aviation authorities.
Aviation Safety: Aviation safety is governed by regulations, standards, and
12. procedures that are designed to minimize the risk of accidents and
incidents in aviation.