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MBTI & Conversation Starters: Question List

[Question list that could help you to have a smoother conversation]
1. Share your MBTI result with your group members. Does your type describe your
personality well?
ISFJ Yes it is
2. Are you a fan of self-personality tests?
Yes now. I changed my mind
3. Is there any similar personality test that is popular in your country/culture?
I don’t know the name but regularly some types of personality test going
around(popular) in instagram
4. MBTI became a sudden craze in Korea within the COVID-19 situation. Is there
anything that went viral in your country during the pandemic?
(go viral : 입소문이 나다)
5. (E/I) How do you usually spend your weekends?
Saturday: project
Sunday : lying on the bed
6. (N/S) What would you do if a zombie rushes into your room right now?
I can’t do anything. I will just cry or maybe pee so scared
7. (T/F) What would be your first reaction to your friend when you hear that he/she had
a car accident?
Then I will call her or text her. And ask she is ok or how seriously she is hurt
8. (J/P) How do you usually prepare for your midterm or final exams?
I started at least 3 weeks ago. And I really hate to do cramming for exams. So I always
makes some nice plans but I don’t know why but it always ends with staying up all night
before the exam(cramming..)