Budgeted Outlay INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE HUMAN PERSON SY 2022-2023 Content Code Most Essential Learning Competencies 1ST QUARTER Topics Class Introduction - Doing Philosophy PPT11/12-Ia1.1 1.1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view Definition of Philosophy Etymology Technical - 1.2 Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life As a Concept As a process Sapagkat ang Pilosopiya as ginagawa 1.3 Do a philosophical reflections on a concrete situations from a holistic perspective discuss philosophy as a science and its importance as a discipline and a means for understanding life. Identify the etymological and technical definition of philosophy through Word Web Map Identify philosophy as a concept and as a process using the compare and contrast chart Holistic Perspective and Partial point of View Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view with picture cards / text card. Doing Philosophy Types of questions: 1. Personal questions 2. Philosophical questions Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life by creating a graphics of philosophical questions. Philosophical Reflection 1. Primary Reflection 2. Secondary Reflection PPT11/12-Ib1.3 Create a productive and welcoming classroom environment What is Philosophy - PPT11/12-Ib1.2 Social Science Vs. Natural Science Philosophy as a Science Specific Objective Origin of Philosophy Philosophical Inquiry Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective through choice and consequence chart Realize the value of philosophical reflection by discussing wonder and doubt through role play 2 Identify the 3 levels of inquiry. 3 Discuss the beginnings of philosophical inquiry through a focus group. No. of Hours covered Target Date Remarks Content Methods of Philosophizi ng Code PPT11/12-Ic2.1 PPT11/12-Id2.2 PPT11/12-Id2.3 The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit PPT11/12-If3.1 Most Essential Learning Competencies 2.1 Distinguish opinion from truth Branches of Philosophy Specific Objective Identify the major branches of Philosophy 1. Metaphysics 2. Epistemology 3. Logic 4. Ethics facts and opinion Opinion and Truth distinguish opinion from truth 2.2. Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth Wisdom and Truth Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth 2.3. Evaluate truth from opinion in different situations using the method of Philosophizing Fallacies in arguments Evaluate truth from opinion in different situations using the methods of philosophizing 3.1 Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence What is the Human Person Recognize Traits of the human Person Limitations and Possibilities for Transcendence Identify limitations and possibilities for transcendence 3.2 Evaluate own limitations and possibilities for transcendence PPT11/12-Ig3.2 The Human person in their environment Topics PPT11/12-Ii4.1 PPT11/12-Ii4.2 PPT11/12-Ij4.3 4.1. Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way 4.2. Show that care for an environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable development 4.3. Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environments No. of Hours covered Target Date Remarks Content 2ND QUARTER Freedom of the Human Person Code PPT11/12-IIa5.1 PPT11/12-IIa5.2 PPT11/12-IIb5.3 Intersubjecti vity PPT11/12-IIc6.1 PPT11/12-IId6.2 5.1 Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices 5.2 Realize that: a. Choices have consequences b. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices 5.3 Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their choices 6.1 Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not to imposing on others 6.2. Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different from themselves PPT11/12-IIf7.1 6.3. Perform activities that demonstrate an appreciation for the talents of persons with disabilities and those from the underprivileged sectors of society 7.1 Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are transformed by societies PPT11/12-IIg7.2 7.2 Compare different forms of societies and individualities (eg. Agrarian, industrial and virtual) PPT11/12-IIg7.3 7.3 Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems PPT11/12-IId6.3 The Human Person in Society Most Essential Learning Competencies Topics Specific Objective No. of Target Hours Date covered Remarks Content Code PPT11/12-IIh8.1 Human persons as oriented towards their impending death PPT11/12-IIi8.2 Most Essential Learning Competencies Topics No. of Target Hours Date covered Specific Objective 8.1 Enumerate the objectives he/she really wants to achieve and to define the projects he/she reallywants to do in his/her life 8.2 Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life. Prepared by: ________________ Teacher Remarks