Assessment in Learning Questions with Answers

Assessment of Learning Questions with Answers
This quiz is based on Assessment of learning, so all the questions will be around that
topic only.
1. Examples of "assessment ___ learning" can include: tests and examinations, portfolios,
exhibitions, performances, presentations, simulations.
2. Assessment ___ Learning involves both teacher and student in the process of continual
reflection and review about progress.
3. In assessment ___ learning, teachers adjust their plans and engage in corrective
4. Assessment ___ learning guides students in setting goals and monitoring their progress
toward them
5. Assessment ___ learning is used to make judgments about students’ performance in
relation to provincial standards.
6. Overall curriculum expectations are assessed in assessment __ learning.
7. Assessment ___ learning provides the opportunity to respond to assessment feedback
for students to improve a project.
8. Examples of assessment ___ learning include: quizzes, conversations, learning logs,
and observations.
9. Assessment ___ learning uses a task or an activity for the purpose of determining
student progress during a unit or block of instruction.
10. Assessment ___ learning uses a task or an activity to allow students the opportunity to
use assessment to further their own learning.
11. Diagnostic assessment is?
12. Teachers use assessment ___ learning as an investigative tool to find out as much as
they can about what their students know and can do and what confusions,
preconceptions, or gaps they might have
13. Development of self-assessment and peer-assessment skills fall into which category?
14. Assessment ___ learning helps students learn to be critical assessors who make sense
of information, relate it to prior knowledge, and use it for new learning
15. Checklist is an example of what type of assessment?
Assessment "of" Learning
Assessment "as" Learning
Assessment "for" Learning
Assessment "as" Learning
Assessment "of" Learning
Assessment "of" Learning
Assessment "as" Learning
Assessment "for" Learning and Assessment "as" Learning
Assessment "for" Learning
Assessment "as" Learning
Assessment "for" Learning
12. Assessment "for" Learning
13. Assessment "as" Learning
14. Assessment "as" Learning
15. Assessment "for" Learning